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8 Weeks to Wellness
A Step by Step Guide on How to Create
Effortless Healthy Habits
and Unstoppable Motivation
by Tatiana Kaletsch
Certified Health Coach & Corporate Wellness Specialist
Copyright and Legal Notice
This E-book may NOT be modified in any way. Reproduction or translation of any part of this
work by any means, electronic, mechanical or photocopying, beyond that permitted by the
Copyright Law, without the permission of the publisher, is unlawful. Please refer interested
parties to for their own personal copies.
This material is protected under international copyright law, and is Copyright 2016 by
BodyVision Positive Lifestyles LLC and Tatiana Kaletsch.
This material is provided for informational purposes only. We make no guarantee as to the
results you’ll get from using the information provided in this report. You assume all risk and
responsibility for the results that you get from using this program. We make no claims or
guarantees, and assume none of the risk inherent in your using this information.
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Foreword Page 3
Introduction Page 4
Getting Started on Your Comprehensive Healthy Habits Plan Page 5
The Second Level of Your Foundation Page 8
Setting Your Personal Healthy Habits Goals Page 11
Your First Goal Review and Two Exercises Page 14
Details, Details Page 18
Overcoming Obstacles Page 20
The Top 10 Strategies for Success Page 23
Congratulations! Page 25
About Tatiana Page 26
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We all have a natural propensity to be well, to feel well, and to live a healthy life. Yet the
‘disconnect’ between what we should be doing for our health and the current reality of what
we are doing for our health can take its toll over time.
Trying to adapt ourselves to a healthy habits program or weight loss product from one day
to the next in an effort to ‘do something’ is an action plan based on a weak foundation.
Extensive studies on human behavior have shown that self-discipline alone is a poor
indicator of success. The good news is that we can use this information to our advantage!
Follow the 8 Week to Wellness Plan to design your own program based on your pace,
preferences and priorities. Take your time to complete each step before taking the next one
and you will find that all the solutions you’d ever need are inside of you already, that
success is a matter of arranging it, and that your path is one of perfection and joy.
Let’s get started!
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BodyVision LLC was started from a passion to help busy adults improve their lives with the
fundamental tools of lasting well-being. More than a comprehensive list of tips and tricks, a
healthy lifestyle is truly achieved when you learn empowering methods that you can
customize and use again and again. A sense of personal responsibility, self-love, and simply
‘getting out there’ will form your foundation to living a life of design, purpose, and joy!
So who am I to be able to guide you on this journey? Well, here is my story.
Way back in the winter of 1985, as an ivy league college Senior with exams, my thesis
deadline and Graduation just a few months away, I had reached a point so frustrated with
my excessive eating, weekend parties, overweight and out-of-shape body, that I knew I just
HAD to do something. Walking into a local diet center, I signed up for their program. It was
the first time I had done anything of the sort in my whole life, but it was as though my feet
had brought me there and my hand signed the welcome kit for me.
I was fortunately assigned the most wonderful counselor in the world. She looked after me,
the whole way down the rocky road to 25 pounds lighter body. We conquered obstacles
such as plateaus, nutrition re-education, learning how to say ‘no’, how to get through
cafeteria life, party life, holidays at home, simple cooking, dorm snacks, setbacks and so
much more. I can still picture myself huffing and puffing as a newbie at the college aerobics
class thinking how great it will be when each one of my legs is a couple of pounds lighter…..
More than graduating that May at my goal weight of 135 pounds, I had learned the most
valuable lessons of my whole life. I learned how to tap into an inner fighting spirit when you
need to, how to live in alignment with your deepest values by creating a life around what
matters most, and how to overcome obstacles and setbacks. I learned that health is just as
much mental and emotional as it is physical. This is not like any course you learn at school!
Through my own continuing life as business executive, mother of 3, country and city
dweller, traveler, mom-preneur, consultant and eternal student – I kept the weight down,
dieting now and again when necessary, but knowing I had the power to overcome a lot
more than just a ‘diet’ in life. I became a better person in the process.
Now, as a certified and broadly experienced Health Coach and Health Educator, I transform
my life lessons and my training into helping you create YOUR story, your unique version of
health success, the deep and solid foundation of everything that underlies the ‘greater you’.
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As we know, it makes no sense to start on a journey if you do not have a destination in
mind. The same is true for your health!
Simply starting a diet or program will soon fail if all the
elements you need are not in place. Where you start and
where you end, and the path taken in between, will be
different for everybody!
Your health coach helps you design your own ‘Foundation
of Wellness’. The foundation looks more like a pyramid and
will stand quite strong for many years.
Further actions and activities are built upon the base that
you have created and will be much easier to select. You will
build your wellness plan much in the way you would build a
pyramid, starting on the bottom, adding layers one after
the other.
To get started, it is very helpful to do some exercises that do not involve action but involve
planning. This first exercise is to help you define your own, personal Health Vision. This will
help you when you have gone off your chosen path so that you can begin to see problems
as only setbacks and not failures.
A Health Vision is a compelling statement of who you are and what health promoting,
life-giving behaviors you want to do consistently. It will include your most important values.
Before you start, remember that we shall always concentrate on specific behaviors and not
on wishes or results that are subjective or cannot be measured. An example of a poor
health vision statement might be: “I would like to have more energy” or, “I will try to drink
more water this week.”
Even if we really want to feel more attractive, have more energy, or eat more responsibly,
we have to start with our behavior and our actions, only then is it much more likely that we
will indeed have what we want. If we select a health goal such as ‘going to the gym three
times a week’, it is much more likely that we will get to our goal of ‘feeling attractive’. But it
is the behavior that we want to select, refine, and pursue in a way that is sustainable for
our lifestyle.
But let us start at the beginning. This week, find some time to sit quietly and think about
your ideal future in terms of your health. Write down some sentences describing your ideal
‘self’, for example, “I would like to weigh ... pounds consistently and be exercising ... times
per week. I have discovered the best relaxation technique for my lifestyle. I have my pantry
and kitchen set up in a way that I can quickly cook healthy meals for myself and those
around me.”
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If you find that this is difficult, try this exercise: Write down what it is that you DO NOT
WANT for your health in the future. Write everything you can think of. When you are
finished, next to each negative statement, write down the OPPOSITE of that! How does it
look? Discard the negative statements, refine the new positive list, and use it for your
personal mission statement.
Now, spend time to get to the details of your health statement. What would you look and
feel like at your ideal level of wellness? What kind of person do you want to be when it
comes to your health, fitness, and wellness? Write this down until it is really clear to you.
Next, identify what are the most important elements in your vision. If you keep these in
mind, will they power you forward and help you stay on track? What makes this vision really
important to you? Why do you really want to reach this vision? What good will come from
your doing so?
The answers to these questions are the ‘roots’ of your motivation and will give you strength.
Look at what you have written and re-write your health vision. It will look like this: “My
Health Vision is........” and “My motivators are......” Because this is just for you, make sure
the words are powerful and have meaning to you, and change your statement around until
it is ‘just right’.
Next week’s activities will build the next level of your pyramid. And remember to enjoy the
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My ideal Level of Wellness is defined by the following characteristics:
My strongest Motivators for being my Best Self are:
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Once a health vision is prepared and put down in
writing, we can begin to think of the next step in
health planning. An individual with medical clearance
and a positive attitude towards progression will see
the value in adding details to a basic personal
healthy lifestyle ideal.
This week, the exercises are still within the
‘planning’ phase and represent the basis for the
actions to come. Designing your program yourself
with proper guidance is more meaningful and
individualized than a standardized set of rules. Remember, the focus is on a learning-based,
results-based and sustainable healthy habits program.
With a health vision and a list of powerful motivators already worked out, your next step is
to identify the gap between where you are and where you want to be. It is as if you are
building a bridge between one area and another and need to define how the bridge needs to
be built, or as if you were planning a journey and decided the way you’d like to travel.
This week, the first exercise is to write down your impression of how large the gap is
between where you are today and your wellness vision. To do this, make sure once again
that point A (starting point) and point B (your dream, your vision) are as clearly defined as
possible. Make some notes.
When you are finished, ask yourself honestly, on a scale of 1-10, how confident are you
that you can build this bridge and realize your vision? If confidence levels are low, part of
your action plan would include preliminary exercises in self-esteem and self-confidence.
Your action program may start with smaller steps.
In any new set of habits, we know we will face challenges along the way. What significant
events do you see that might stand in your way on the road to reaching your vision? What
concerns you the most? Challenges can include any number of topics. If we can predict our
challenges or see repeat ‘problems’ from the outset, we’ll be more relaxed, more ready to
form our strategies to work around these problems in the next phase of your program.
Write down everything you can think of.
Let us not forget to look at the positive. We all have strengths! What strengths can you
draw on to help you realize your vision and meet your challenges? You may know how to
play an instrument, make people laugh, or have great talents as a hobby gardener. How can
the lessons from your successes in life carry you over to your current challenges?
Last of all in this lesson, we need to spend a moment looking at our support system.
Individuals with support from friends, family, an online forum, a help group, the local
church, a coach, etc. report a 90% satisfaction with their program! What people, resources,
systems and environments can you draw on to help you realize your vision and meet your
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We shall sum up the above and add this to last week’s homework page. Your next
assignment, when finished, will look like this:
The gap between where I am and where I want to be is......
My confidence level is....
I can foresee the following challenges....
I have these strengths...
I have this support........
I’m going to need help filling in these gaps…….
This exercise, if done properly, will build the next level of your wellness foundation/pyramid
because we are looking at your surroundings and the global plan, not just ‘self-discipline.’
We are also looking at both the past and future. Being conscientious and honest about the
elements above will help when we get to the next part of the program: specific goals and
your action plan.
Don’t hesitate to re-write this list until it is all-inclusive and feels just right to you. Any of
the points below may be answered using practical manifestations (an obstacle being sweets
at work, for example), or emotional (an obstacle being a lack of ‘I can do it’ attitude).
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Where I am now is defined as this:
My most important Healthy Habits Goals:
Obstacles that I can foresee in implementing my Healthy Habits lifestyle:
My natural strengths that help me (persistence, humor, creativity, love of learning...):
My Support system (Accountability Partners or Tools, such as a wii fit):
My general confidence level:
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This week is the time to set some specific actions based on
the preparation work completed up until now. Looking at
the personal ideal health vision (week 1) and elements
about that vision that are important to you (week 2), we
should be noticing that you have most probably three to
four health goals in mind.
This week’s activity is to identify goals that you would like
to see for yourself three months from now. These are
behavioral goals incorporating healthy habits into your
lifestyle in a way that is sustainable to you.
Behaviors are measurable and we do so for two reasons,
one is to be able to evaluate your success and re-adjust if necessary, and the other is to
measure your progress against your initial starting point. Based on your goals for three
months from now, write weekly goals next to these that are the steps to take you forward
towards the three month goals.
Goals in health coaching are what you do and not the outcome or the motivator. An
example of a poorly stated goal is: “increase cardiovascular health (outcome) so that I don’t
die prematurely (motivator)”. Linking these elements to your behavior for a well stated goal
is: “I will do three sessions of walking each week at an intensity level to improve my
cardiovascular health.”
An example of a poorly stated goal is: “lose weight (outcome) so that I have more energy
(motivator).” Re-stating this for your healthy lifestyle is: “I will exercise five days a week for
30-40 minutes in order to lose weight and look vibrant.”
A final example: “increase bone density (outcome) so that I reduce my risk of osteoporosis
(motivator)” can be re-phrased as: “I will do two 20 minute strength training sessions per
week to help increase my bone density.”
You may find that you are more advanced in some of your goals than in others and this is
important to recognize. If your fitness goal is just a reminder to get to the gym four times a
week instead of two times a week and you see no real obstacles here, you are free to go
ahead and write this down and get to the gym more often. If, for example, you have never
practiced stress reducing activities, a goal may be to try three activities this month to get to
know the best one for the circumstances.
A cognitive goal might look like this: “I will clarify my priorities for the next three months’ or
‘I will think about how my top life values are linked to my health.”
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A beginning exercise might look like this: ‘I will shop online this week at for a
good exercise video to do at home.’ or ‘I will research a cookbook and pantry list for easy,
healthy meals at home.’
An experienced exerciser might write: ‘I will hike for four hours with friends on Saturday’.
A stress management goal might look like this: ‘I will take a relaxing bubble bath two
times this week before going to bed.’
A weight management goal could be: ‘I will weigh myself each Monday morning’.
A nutrition goal could be: ‘I will buy healthful snacks from my list and include daily.’
Goal setting is an important part of your health program because, as stated in the
beginning, only you know where you are, where you want to be and what is the correct next
step for you. Setting the best goals for you is designing your program around success. Most
diets fail because this work has not been included in the program.
If you imagine you are on an island and you want to travel to another island, where are the
islands in between where you’ll stop and refuel (reaching intermediate goals) and what kind
of a boat are you building?
In conclusion, this week you are building the next level up on your pyramid that is your
‘Foundation of Wellness’. This level is the action plan. Your actions will require excellent goal
setting based on the outline above and will require you to identify effective strategies, self-
awareness, and self-discovery.
What happens if you do not complete the goals of the week? Don’t worry, just ask yourself
what you have learned and be prepared to adjust your goals for the following week.
Make sure to congratulate yourself every step of the way!
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My Healthy Habits Goal Number 1:
Three small steps that I can implement right away:
My Healthy Habits Goal Number 2:
Three small steps that I can implement right away:
My Healthy Habits Goal Number 3:
Three small steps that I can implement right away:
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At this point, if the work has been completed until now,
you have identified all the main elements of your larger
health vision as well as your three month goals and your
week’s goals. How did it go?
If you found yourself now beginning some of your
chosen activities, congratulations!
Even just a small step such as phoning a friend to ask if
you could borrow her stationary bicycle, buying a new
pair of sports shoes, or cleaning out the refrigerator is
putting you on your path forward.
Next to each written goal from last week, it is helpful to note on a level of 1 to 10, how
successful you believe you have been. A number ten would mean complete and one would
signify that you have not managed to do your chosen activity.
Each step of the way, we always ask ourselves what we have learned, and therefore no
effort ever goes to waste. In setting new goals, we already become better at choosing what
is realistic for ourselves while still creating a distinct step forward. In this lesson we shall
briefly look at two common challenges to meet our goals.
Frequently, putting a new priority into an already busy lifestyle means we do not easily find
the time to undertake our chosen activity. Finding the time means to intentionally set aside
dedicated time to really focus on activities that matter to you. To make the changes that
you need to make, we recommend the following exercise:
Divide your time into four to five categories based on the kind of things that you do (work,
personal, household, errands, etc.). Now, keep a LOG for at least five days this week. Color
code it if you like and be brutally honest with yourself. How does the week look? How can
you change things around to accommodate time for your healthy goals?
You may see, for example, that folding laundry or answering your personal emails could be
done at a different time in order to accommodate the morning walk that you promised
It helps to keep the following thought in mind; When you go to the gym and observe the
other members, or see a jogger on the road, or watch a businessman bicycle to work,
remember that this person most probably had to make the time available for this activity
and yes, on a constant basis. You can, too!
A second common general obstacle is the feeling of a lack of energy to put into the
chosen activity. A busy day can leave even the most energetic people feeling
unmotivated! Again, all the tips in the world will not really get to the root of the issue if
you have not had a good look at yourself and your situation.
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Many times we are mentally and emotionally tired rather than physically tired, yet find the
same level of difficulty in getting to the gym or cooking a healthy meal that evening.
A helpful exercise is to visualize your everyday energy as a large pitcher of water.
Everything that gives you energy is like water filling the pitcher, and everything that drains
your energy is like water emptying out of the pitcher. An energy giving activity might be
playing with your dog or laughing with your best friend. An energy draining factor might me
an annoying boss, a chore you truly dislike, or a person that complains a lot.
Take the time to write two lists next to each other on a piece of paper, one representing
little things that give you energy and one that represents the drain on your physical,
emotional and mental energy. The list is just for you, so do not be afraid to be honest! How
does your list look? You are meant to see nothing more than a mirror of your situation and
more clear ideas of where work needs to be done. It is about self-awareness just as much
as awareness of surroundings that influence the individual.
Having the courage to complete the exercises honestly will reveal what is holding you back
in important areas. Setting empowering limits will create space for personal growth! The
objective of the exercises in today’s lesson is to increase your self-esteem by breaking down
big issues into smaller, manageable ones. Your progress will be as much in learning as in
It helps to remember the saying; ‘How do you eat an elephant’? Well, of course, one bite at
time! Until next week...
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Morning Midday Evening
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Things I do that give me energy and where I feel strong:
Things I do that drain my energy and inspiration:
Three Things I can do to shift this balance in a positive way:
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Building on the work you have done so far in this course, week 5 is designed to refine your
health and wellness program by constructing another level up on your pyramid-shaped
personal ‘Foundation of Wellness’. This represents the level where your specific schedule is
defined, refined and put into place.
Remember, the long-term goal here is creating a plan
that leaves you freed up, relieved, and with energy to
concentrate on other areas of your life. Many clients
enjoy the results of their program by simply not having
to think about their healthy habits (or lack of them) all
the time!
This is not an easy task and it will take several tries to
secure your sustainable program. It is helpful to think of
the following example: If a man wants to quit smoking
all at once and forever, and he has just finished putting out his last cigarette, he most
probably won’t say, ‘well, I have just quit smoking and that’s that!’ The man has chosen a
path of action based on his motivation, knowledge and desire to quit smoking, but once in
‘action’ regarding this goal, it is to be expected that there will be difficulties until this new
goal is secure and sustainable for him.
This is the same with any new path. What is to be avoided is completely giving up the goal
that is truly desired. What is perfectly normal is a process, something like a rough road to
follow, that still resembles progress. New habits put you into new ‘territory’ and you may
feel quite different than you did before!
Re-read your Health Vision and three month goals, as well as the first week’s goals that
represented a move forward in your health program. How do they look? Would you like to
make some changes? What small goals would you like to pursue this week? It is common to
have three to four small goals each week in different areas of your wellness.
Whatever you have accomplished that was a goal for you, congratulations! Many clients
have a small reward in mind - do you have one, too?
Topics that often come up for improvement are: meal planning, going out to eat or social
events on weekends, time for physical exercise, remembering to drink enough glasses of
water, questions about grocery shopping and cooking, and all other details that make it
seem hard to ‘put it all together.’
Make a list of the questions you still have, what might be missing, where you need to find a
solution. You may find you need to start in a new place, for example, taking yoga and
meditation classes to tune in to yourself before the difficult path of smoking cessation, or
reduce alcohol intake before embarking on a nutrition and exercise plan.
Week 5 is all about behavior steps, rewards, and problem solving, but also to remember the
positive side of your efforts as you move along into making them easy habits.
Plan your next week carefully, you are getting better all the time!
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Feedback on Healthy Habits Goal Number 1 from last week:
What I will do more of/differently/same for this coming week:
Feedback on Healthy Habits Goal Number 2 from last week:
What I will do more of/differently/same for the coming week:
Feedback on Healthy Habits Goal Number 3 from last week:
What I will do more of/differently/same for the coming week:
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Congratulations on your work so far! Your ‘Foundation of
Wellness’ pyramid has two more levels to build and to
start out this week’s lesson it is important to remember
not to try to do too much at once.
As you introduce new habits and continue to plan
adequate goals for yourself, you know you are learning
valuable lessons that you will take with you as you move
There are two areas of concentration this week. One is
remembering always to look for changes that are
sustainable for you. Only this way will they be lasting changes and soon feel more natural.
It is a matter of getting yourself (and the people in your environment!) used to these
The second key to your success is relapse prevention. One can plan to prevent relapses,
such as not walking down the street knowing your favorite pastry shop is located there. This
week, look at where your weak spots are and create specific ways to keep yourself on track.
If you have a hard time going to the gym, you might find a friend to go with you. If you eat
sweets at home, it might be time to buy healthy snacks instead.
Most of us experience a day or a time when, for one reason or other, it is not possible to
stay with our goals. Instead of saying ‘I failed’, one can look at the situation as a temporary
setback. Just knowing that setbacks are a part of your progress will prepare you to handle
them and will help you be more concentrated to go back to your program without delay.
For example, if you have had several months of good progress and then Christmas holidays
come along with all the usual temptations, festivities and traditional big meals, one can be
sure to start the New Year with a setback concerning your Healthy Habits goals. But this
does not mean you would completely give up all that you have achieved so far!
If you still are facing larger obstacles such as an unsupportive partner or long hours at
work, it may seem difficult to see past these problems. In dealing with these problems, we
need to maintain healthy self-esteem, design creative solutions and take very small steps.
Self-esteem is important to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Ask yourself in what other areas are
you successful in your life? Are you thankful that you don’t have certain problems? How
valuable are the results you have obtained so far? Looking at the positive will empower you
to get back on track and resolve larger issues.
Finding creative solutions will ensure that you are attending to your healthy goals in spite of
the obstacles that you have. For example, you might look at strategies for avoiding pastries
at work. Or, you might have ideas to get your spouse to support you better. You might even
find 10 or 15 minutes in your workday break to fit in some exercise.
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Taking small steps, as has been suggested throughout the course, helps you gain ground
where you may have attempted and failed in the past. We must acknowledge our feelings of
past failure or insecurity but in order to get past obstacles one must focus on the present
and on the future. Figuring out strategies helps you move on and take control of your
lifestyle. You will see that you have the power to control and take charge of aspects of your
life, even if you start out in a very small way. Success will come naturally and feel authentic
to you.
Although it may seem uncomfortable to you, it helps to understand that setbacks and
obstacles are opportunities to learn more about what works, what doesn’t work, and how
difficult these new steps are. Setbacks are part of being human and of changing ingrained
habits. Make a list of your obstacles and ways to overcome them this week.
It helps to read the following quotation: ‘You can have the results you say you want or you
can have the reasons why you can’t have them. You can’t have both. The choice is yours.’
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Obstacles to my Healthy Habits Program that repeat during the week:
What I need to do to get on track / stay on track:
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These tips shall give you continuing support for weeks to come.
Before you begin, remember to review your health vision, your
three month goals and your weekly goals. Acknowledge the work
you have achieved thus far and really see the ups and downs of
your health program as a ‘mirror’ of your situation, not an
evaluation if you are good or bad, right or wrong. The mirror you
hold up only serves to show you the best next steps to take in
your thoughts and actions.
Make some notes and plan your next week’s goals in alignment
with the new health path you are taking. With time, you will find you have covered a lot of
1. Start Small. Quite possibly the biggest mistake is going straight into action, trying to
make too many changes at once. You can’t lose 20 pounds in a week. But you can lose one.
Taking bites and chewing slowly in life, as in actually eating your dinner, is a great way to
digest everything properly!
2. Get it On Paper. Whether setting your first goals, tracking daily progress, or sharing your
deepest thoughts with a journal, writing things down crystallizes your ideas, exposes
underlying fears, and paints an accurate picture of real life.
3. Focus on Everyday Habits. The building blocks of a healthy lifestyle are created in the
smallest of actions you take every day and every week. Healthy choices can become as
natural as brushing your teeth or locking the front door. Build one habit, one action at a
4. Your Goals need attention. They need to be seen and heard and thought of often if they
ever hope to come true. So surround yourself with as many reminders as possible.
5. Be Consistent. Imagine a plane taking off. In the beginning, a lot of energy is spent to
simply get moving down the runway. But as speed and momentum take over, the plane
is pulled forward and up into the sky, faster and further by the second. Consistent action,
no matter how small, has more power than you ever imagined.
6. Never Stop Learning. A healthy lifestyle is a process - a journey more than a destination.
You can always learn more about nutrition, fitness, and even yourself which can help you be
just a little bit better tomorrow.
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7. Come out of Seclusion. Has anyone ever achieved anything of real value all alone?
Probably, not many. Most receive some form of help from other people. Support,
information, a sense of shared experience, encouragement, advice, and a motivating
conversation are all invaluable as you set off on your adventure.
8. Allow for Setbacks. Accept the fact right now that you will make mistakes and that it can
be a positive thing. Be your own #1 fan. That means being supportive to yourself, even
when you have a setback, and enjoying your wins when you succeed.
9. Trust Your Plan. You’ll have up weeks and down weeks and frustrating weeks that make
no sense at all. The tools and strategies you are learning will help you build a plan that
makes a healthier lifestyle almost inevitable. If you consistently make the right choices and
build healthy habits, weight loss is literally just a matter of time.
10. Have Fun!! Who says getting healthy has to be a chore, a burden to be endured or an
act of suffering. Probably a very unhappy person, that’s who. This course is an exciting
adventure of self-discovery and building a meaningful relationship to your own inner values.
And the winner in the end is you!
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You have reached the final week of the BodyVision Health
Coaching 8 Week home study course in creating your
Health and Wellness Foundation.
You have created your own daily routine and have spent
several weeks refining the program. You understand basic
concepts underlying health planning. You’ve taken a good
look at your everyday. Now you can celebrate a wonderful
accomplishment known as ‘my best self!’
The purpose of a good health program is the feeling of
relief and freedom that allows you to go ahead and pursue other life dreams and goals.
Successful clients typically report how nice it is to not have to constantly think about their
healthy habits anymore because their program feels natural and automatic to them.
Becoming a ‘Master of Personal Health’ is a valuable path in today’s busy lifestyle.
There are no less than 4,000 nutrition companies in the world and if you type ‘weight loss’
into the google internet search engine, you are presented with over 1.5 million sites to look
at! The capacity to select what is right for you is important in order to avoid feeling
overwhelmed at the abundance of experts, products, and programs which unconsciously
take your power away from you.
This week’s assignment is to review all of the material you have compiled during the
program. BodyVision invites you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call to tidy up any
loose ends and answer your questions.
Looking forward to your email. See you on the call!
Tatiana Kaletsch, CWWS, CWWPM, BCC
- 25 -
Tatiana is the creator of ‘The 3 Step Mind, Body, and Self Care Transformational System’ for
professionals who want to feel confident, look great, and live a custom designed healthy
habits lifestyle.
She brings 10 years of health coaching experience to her programs designed for busy adults
and professionals. Her dynamic approach brings out individual strengths to looking, feeling,
and living one’s best self.
Additionally, Tatiana co-hosted ‘The Wellness Coaches’ radio show, facilitated Vtrim courses
at the University of Vermont, lends her expertise as an independent contractor for
Corporate Wellness health strategies, is an Executive Committee Member at the IAC, and is
a writer and speaker on the topic of designing personalized healthy habits systems that
become the foundation for a happier life.
Her unique background includes health coaching and related training from eight institutions.
She has a former career in executive sales, is an active mom of three children, and leads a
life traveling and living in countries all over the world. She currently resides in New York
‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’
- 26 -

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Eight Weeks to Wellness

  • 1. 8 Weeks to Wellness A Step by Step Guide on How to Create Effortless Healthy Habits and Unstoppable Motivation by Tatiana Kaletsch Certified Health Coach & Corporate Wellness Specialist
  • 2. Copyright and Legal Notice This E-book may NOT be modified in any way. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work by any means, electronic, mechanical or photocopying, beyond that permitted by the Copyright Law, without the permission of the publisher, is unlawful. Please refer interested parties to for their own personal copies. This material is protected under international copyright law, and is Copyright 2016 by BodyVision Positive Lifestyles LLC and Tatiana Kaletsch. This material is provided for informational purposes only. We make no guarantee as to the results you’ll get from using the information provided in this report. You assume all risk and responsibility for the results that you get from using this program. We make no claims or guarantees, and assume none of the risk inherent in your using this information. - 1 -
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Page 3 Introduction Page 4 Getting Started on Your Comprehensive Healthy Habits Plan Page 5 The Second Level of Your Foundation Page 8 Setting Your Personal Healthy Habits Goals Page 11 Your First Goal Review and Two Exercises Page 14 Details, Details Page 18 Overcoming Obstacles Page 20 The Top 10 Strategies for Success Page 23 Congratulations! Page 25 About Tatiana Page 26 - 2 -
  • 4. FOREWORD We all have a natural propensity to be well, to feel well, and to live a healthy life. Yet the ‘disconnect’ between what we should be doing for our health and the current reality of what we are doing for our health can take its toll over time. Trying to adapt ourselves to a healthy habits program or weight loss product from one day to the next in an effort to ‘do something’ is an action plan based on a weak foundation. Extensive studies on human behavior have shown that self-discipline alone is a poor indicator of success. The good news is that we can use this information to our advantage! Follow the 8 Week to Wellness Plan to design your own program based on your pace, preferences and priorities. Take your time to complete each step before taking the next one and you will find that all the solutions you’d ever need are inside of you already, that success is a matter of arranging it, and that your path is one of perfection and joy. Let’s get started! - 3 -
  • 5. INTRODUCTION BodyVision LLC was started from a passion to help busy adults improve their lives with the fundamental tools of lasting well-being. More than a comprehensive list of tips and tricks, a healthy lifestyle is truly achieved when you learn empowering methods that you can customize and use again and again. A sense of personal responsibility, self-love, and simply ‘getting out there’ will form your foundation to living a life of design, purpose, and joy! So who am I to be able to guide you on this journey? Well, here is my story. Way back in the winter of 1985, as an ivy league college Senior with exams, my thesis deadline and Graduation just a few months away, I had reached a point so frustrated with my excessive eating, weekend parties, overweight and out-of-shape body, that I knew I just HAD to do something. Walking into a local diet center, I signed up for their program. It was the first time I had done anything of the sort in my whole life, but it was as though my feet had brought me there and my hand signed the welcome kit for me. I was fortunately assigned the most wonderful counselor in the world. She looked after me, the whole way down the rocky road to 25 pounds lighter body. We conquered obstacles such as plateaus, nutrition re-education, learning how to say ‘no’, how to get through cafeteria life, party life, holidays at home, simple cooking, dorm snacks, setbacks and so much more. I can still picture myself huffing and puffing as a newbie at the college aerobics class thinking how great it will be when each one of my legs is a couple of pounds lighter….. More than graduating that May at my goal weight of 135 pounds, I had learned the most valuable lessons of my whole life. I learned how to tap into an inner fighting spirit when you need to, how to live in alignment with your deepest values by creating a life around what matters most, and how to overcome obstacles and setbacks. I learned that health is just as much mental and emotional as it is physical. This is not like any course you learn at school! Through my own continuing life as business executive, mother of 3, country and city dweller, traveler, mom-preneur, consultant and eternal student – I kept the weight down, dieting now and again when necessary, but knowing I had the power to overcome a lot more than just a ‘diet’ in life. I became a better person in the process. Now, as a certified and broadly experienced Health Coach and Health Educator, I transform my life lessons and my training into helping you create YOUR story, your unique version of health success, the deep and solid foundation of everything that underlies the ‘greater you’. - 4 –
  • 6. WEEK 1: GETTING STARTED ON YOUR HEALTHY HABITS PLAN As we know, it makes no sense to start on a journey if you do not have a destination in mind. The same is true for your health! Simply starting a diet or program will soon fail if all the elements you need are not in place. Where you start and where you end, and the path taken in between, will be different for everybody! Your health coach helps you design your own ‘Foundation of Wellness’. The foundation looks more like a pyramid and will stand quite strong for many years. Further actions and activities are built upon the base that you have created and will be much easier to select. You will build your wellness plan much in the way you would build a pyramid, starting on the bottom, adding layers one after the other. To get started, it is very helpful to do some exercises that do not involve action but involve planning. This first exercise is to help you define your own, personal Health Vision. This will help you when you have gone off your chosen path so that you can begin to see problems as only setbacks and not failures. A Health Vision is a compelling statement of who you are and what health promoting, life-giving behaviors you want to do consistently. It will include your most important values. Before you start, remember that we shall always concentrate on specific behaviors and not on wishes or results that are subjective or cannot be measured. An example of a poor health vision statement might be: “I would like to have more energy” or, “I will try to drink more water this week.” Even if we really want to feel more attractive, have more energy, or eat more responsibly, we have to start with our behavior and our actions, only then is it much more likely that we will indeed have what we want. If we select a health goal such as ‘going to the gym three times a week’, it is much more likely that we will get to our goal of ‘feeling attractive’. But it is the behavior that we want to select, refine, and pursue in a way that is sustainable for our lifestyle. But let us start at the beginning. This week, find some time to sit quietly and think about your ideal future in terms of your health. Write down some sentences describing your ideal ‘self’, for example, “I would like to weigh ... pounds consistently and be exercising ... times per week. I have discovered the best relaxation technique for my lifestyle. I have my pantry and kitchen set up in a way that I can quickly cook healthy meals for myself and those around me.” - 5 -
  • 7. If you find that this is difficult, try this exercise: Write down what it is that you DO NOT WANT for your health in the future. Write everything you can think of. When you are finished, next to each negative statement, write down the OPPOSITE of that! How does it look? Discard the negative statements, refine the new positive list, and use it for your personal mission statement. Now, spend time to get to the details of your health statement. What would you look and feel like at your ideal level of wellness? What kind of person do you want to be when it comes to your health, fitness, and wellness? Write this down until it is really clear to you. Next, identify what are the most important elements in your vision. If you keep these in mind, will they power you forward and help you stay on track? What makes this vision really important to you? Why do you really want to reach this vision? What good will come from your doing so? The answers to these questions are the ‘roots’ of your motivation and will give you strength. Look at what you have written and re-write your health vision. It will look like this: “My Health Vision is........” and “My motivators are......” Because this is just for you, make sure the words are powerful and have meaning to you, and change your statement around until it is ‘just right’. Next week’s activities will build the next level of your pyramid. And remember to enjoy the journey! - 6 -
  • 8. WORKSHEET FOR WEEK 1: My ideal Level of Wellness is defined by the following characteristics: My strongest Motivators for being my Best Self are: - 7 -
  • 9. WEEK 2: THE SECOND LEVEL OF YOUR FOUNDATION Once a health vision is prepared and put down in writing, we can begin to think of the next step in health planning. An individual with medical clearance and a positive attitude towards progression will see the value in adding details to a basic personal healthy lifestyle ideal. This week, the exercises are still within the ‘planning’ phase and represent the basis for the actions to come. Designing your program yourself with proper guidance is more meaningful and individualized than a standardized set of rules. Remember, the focus is on a learning-based, results-based and sustainable healthy habits program. With a health vision and a list of powerful motivators already worked out, your next step is to identify the gap between where you are and where you want to be. It is as if you are building a bridge between one area and another and need to define how the bridge needs to be built, or as if you were planning a journey and decided the way you’d like to travel. This week, the first exercise is to write down your impression of how large the gap is between where you are today and your wellness vision. To do this, make sure once again that point A (starting point) and point B (your dream, your vision) are as clearly defined as possible. Make some notes. When you are finished, ask yourself honestly, on a scale of 1-10, how confident are you that you can build this bridge and realize your vision? If confidence levels are low, part of your action plan would include preliminary exercises in self-esteem and self-confidence. Your action program may start with smaller steps. In any new set of habits, we know we will face challenges along the way. What significant events do you see that might stand in your way on the road to reaching your vision? What concerns you the most? Challenges can include any number of topics. If we can predict our challenges or see repeat ‘problems’ from the outset, we’ll be more relaxed, more ready to form our strategies to work around these problems in the next phase of your program. Write down everything you can think of. Let us not forget to look at the positive. We all have strengths! What strengths can you draw on to help you realize your vision and meet your challenges? You may know how to play an instrument, make people laugh, or have great talents as a hobby gardener. How can the lessons from your successes in life carry you over to your current challenges? Last of all in this lesson, we need to spend a moment looking at our support system. Individuals with support from friends, family, an online forum, a help group, the local church, a coach, etc. report a 90% satisfaction with their program! What people, resources, systems and environments can you draw on to help you realize your vision and meet your challenges? - 8 -
  • 10. We shall sum up the above and add this to last week’s homework page. Your next assignment, when finished, will look like this: The gap between where I am and where I want to be is...... My confidence level is.... I can foresee the following challenges.... I have these strengths... I have this support........ I’m going to need help filling in these gaps……. This exercise, if done properly, will build the next level of your wellness foundation/pyramid because we are looking at your surroundings and the global plan, not just ‘self-discipline.’ We are also looking at both the past and future. Being conscientious and honest about the elements above will help when we get to the next part of the program: specific goals and your action plan. Don’t hesitate to re-write this list until it is all-inclusive and feels just right to you. Any of the points below may be answered using practical manifestations (an obstacle being sweets at work, for example), or emotional (an obstacle being a lack of ‘I can do it’ attitude). - 9 -
  • 11. WORKSHEET FOR WEEK 2: Where I am now is defined as this: My most important Healthy Habits Goals: Obstacles that I can foresee in implementing my Healthy Habits lifestyle: My natural strengths that help me (persistence, humor, creativity, love of learning...): My Support system (Accountability Partners or Tools, such as a wii fit): My general confidence level: - 10 -
  • 12. WEEK 3: SETTING YOUR PERSONAL HEALTHY HABITS GOALS This week is the time to set some specific actions based on the preparation work completed up until now. Looking at the personal ideal health vision (week 1) and elements about that vision that are important to you (week 2), we should be noticing that you have most probably three to four health goals in mind. This week’s activity is to identify goals that you would like to see for yourself three months from now. These are behavioral goals incorporating healthy habits into your lifestyle in a way that is sustainable to you. Behaviors are measurable and we do so for two reasons, one is to be able to evaluate your success and re-adjust if necessary, and the other is to measure your progress against your initial starting point. Based on your goals for three months from now, write weekly goals next to these that are the steps to take you forward towards the three month goals. Goals in health coaching are what you do and not the outcome or the motivator. An example of a poorly stated goal is: “increase cardiovascular health (outcome) so that I don’t die prematurely (motivator)”. Linking these elements to your behavior for a well stated goal is: “I will do three sessions of walking each week at an intensity level to improve my cardiovascular health.” An example of a poorly stated goal is: “lose weight (outcome) so that I have more energy (motivator).” Re-stating this for your healthy lifestyle is: “I will exercise five days a week for 30-40 minutes in order to lose weight and look vibrant.” A final example: “increase bone density (outcome) so that I reduce my risk of osteoporosis (motivator)” can be re-phrased as: “I will do two 20 minute strength training sessions per week to help increase my bone density.” You may find that you are more advanced in some of your goals than in others and this is important to recognize. If your fitness goal is just a reminder to get to the gym four times a week instead of two times a week and you see no real obstacles here, you are free to go ahead and write this down and get to the gym more often. If, for example, you have never practiced stress reducing activities, a goal may be to try three activities this month to get to know the best one for the circumstances. A cognitive goal might look like this: “I will clarify my priorities for the next three months’ or ‘I will think about how my top life values are linked to my health.” - 11 -
  • 13. A beginning exercise might look like this: ‘I will shop online this week at for a good exercise video to do at home.’ or ‘I will research a cookbook and pantry list for easy, healthy meals at home.’ An experienced exerciser might write: ‘I will hike for four hours with friends on Saturday’. A stress management goal might look like this: ‘I will take a relaxing bubble bath two times this week before going to bed.’ A weight management goal could be: ‘I will weigh myself each Monday morning’. A nutrition goal could be: ‘I will buy healthful snacks from my list and include daily.’ Goal setting is an important part of your health program because, as stated in the beginning, only you know where you are, where you want to be and what is the correct next step for you. Setting the best goals for you is designing your program around success. Most diets fail because this work has not been included in the program. If you imagine you are on an island and you want to travel to another island, where are the islands in between where you’ll stop and refuel (reaching intermediate goals) and what kind of a boat are you building? In conclusion, this week you are building the next level up on your pyramid that is your ‘Foundation of Wellness’. This level is the action plan. Your actions will require excellent goal setting based on the outline above and will require you to identify effective strategies, self- awareness, and self-discovery. What happens if you do not complete the goals of the week? Don’t worry, just ask yourself what you have learned and be prepared to adjust your goals for the following week. Make sure to congratulate yourself every step of the way! - 12 -
  • 14. WORKSHEET FOR WEEK 3: My Healthy Habits Goal Number 1: Three small steps that I can implement right away: My Healthy Habits Goal Number 2: Three small steps that I can implement right away: My Healthy Habits Goal Number 3: Three small steps that I can implement right away: - 13 -
  • 15. WEEK 4: YOUR FIRST GOAL REVIEW AND 2 EXERCISES At this point, if the work has been completed until now, you have identified all the main elements of your larger health vision as well as your three month goals and your week’s goals. How did it go? If you found yourself now beginning some of your chosen activities, congratulations! Even just a small step such as phoning a friend to ask if you could borrow her stationary bicycle, buying a new pair of sports shoes, or cleaning out the refrigerator is putting you on your path forward. Next to each written goal from last week, it is helpful to note on a level of 1 to 10, how successful you believe you have been. A number ten would mean complete and one would signify that you have not managed to do your chosen activity. Each step of the way, we always ask ourselves what we have learned, and therefore no effort ever goes to waste. In setting new goals, we already become better at choosing what is realistic for ourselves while still creating a distinct step forward. In this lesson we shall briefly look at two common challenges to meet our goals. Frequently, putting a new priority into an already busy lifestyle means we do not easily find the time to undertake our chosen activity. Finding the time means to intentionally set aside dedicated time to really focus on activities that matter to you. To make the changes that you need to make, we recommend the following exercise: Divide your time into four to five categories based on the kind of things that you do (work, personal, household, errands, etc.). Now, keep a LOG for at least five days this week. Color code it if you like and be brutally honest with yourself. How does the week look? How can you change things around to accommodate time for your healthy goals? You may see, for example, that folding laundry or answering your personal emails could be done at a different time in order to accommodate the morning walk that you promised yourself. It helps to keep the following thought in mind; When you go to the gym and observe the other members, or see a jogger on the road, or watch a businessman bicycle to work, remember that this person most probably had to make the time available for this activity and yes, on a constant basis. You can, too! A second common general obstacle is the feeling of a lack of energy to put into the chosen activity. A busy day can leave even the most energetic people feeling unmotivated! Again, all the tips in the world will not really get to the root of the issue if you have not had a good look at yourself and your situation. - 14 -
  • 16. Many times we are mentally and emotionally tired rather than physically tired, yet find the same level of difficulty in getting to the gym or cooking a healthy meal that evening. A helpful exercise is to visualize your everyday energy as a large pitcher of water. Everything that gives you energy is like water filling the pitcher, and everything that drains your energy is like water emptying out of the pitcher. An energy giving activity might be playing with your dog or laughing with your best friend. An energy draining factor might me an annoying boss, a chore you truly dislike, or a person that complains a lot. Take the time to write two lists next to each other on a piece of paper, one representing little things that give you energy and one that represents the drain on your physical, emotional and mental energy. The list is just for you, so do not be afraid to be honest! How does your list look? You are meant to see nothing more than a mirror of your situation and more clear ideas of where work needs to be done. It is about self-awareness just as much as awareness of surroundings that influence the individual. Having the courage to complete the exercises honestly will reveal what is holding you back in important areas. Setting empowering limits will create space for personal growth! The objective of the exercises in today’s lesson is to increase your self-esteem by breaking down big issues into smaller, manageable ones. Your progress will be as much in learning as in doing. It helps to remember the saying; ‘How do you eat an elephant’? Well, of course, one bite at time! Until next week... - 15 -
  • 17. WORKSHEET 1 FOR WEEK 4: HOW DO I DIVIDE MY TIME DURING THE WEEK? Morning Midday Evening Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday - 16 -
  • 18. WORKSHEET 2 FOR WEEK 4: ENERGY IN/ENERGY OUT Things I do that give me energy and where I feel strong: Things I do that drain my energy and inspiration: Three Things I can do to shift this balance in a positive way: - 17 -
  • 19. WEEK 5 - DETAILS, DETAILS...... Building on the work you have done so far in this course, week 5 is designed to refine your health and wellness program by constructing another level up on your pyramid-shaped personal ‘Foundation of Wellness’. This represents the level where your specific schedule is defined, refined and put into place. Remember, the long-term goal here is creating a plan that leaves you freed up, relieved, and with energy to concentrate on other areas of your life. Many clients enjoy the results of their program by simply not having to think about their healthy habits (or lack of them) all the time! This is not an easy task and it will take several tries to secure your sustainable program. It is helpful to think of the following example: If a man wants to quit smoking all at once and forever, and he has just finished putting out his last cigarette, he most probably won’t say, ‘well, I have just quit smoking and that’s that!’ The man has chosen a path of action based on his motivation, knowledge and desire to quit smoking, but once in ‘action’ regarding this goal, it is to be expected that there will be difficulties until this new goal is secure and sustainable for him. This is the same with any new path. What is to be avoided is completely giving up the goal that is truly desired. What is perfectly normal is a process, something like a rough road to follow, that still resembles progress. New habits put you into new ‘territory’ and you may feel quite different than you did before! Re-read your Health Vision and three month goals, as well as the first week’s goals that represented a move forward in your health program. How do they look? Would you like to make some changes? What small goals would you like to pursue this week? It is common to have three to four small goals each week in different areas of your wellness. Whatever you have accomplished that was a goal for you, congratulations! Many clients have a small reward in mind - do you have one, too? Topics that often come up for improvement are: meal planning, going out to eat or social events on weekends, time for physical exercise, remembering to drink enough glasses of water, questions about grocery shopping and cooking, and all other details that make it seem hard to ‘put it all together.’ Make a list of the questions you still have, what might be missing, where you need to find a solution. You may find you need to start in a new place, for example, taking yoga and meditation classes to tune in to yourself before the difficult path of smoking cessation, or reduce alcohol intake before embarking on a nutrition and exercise plan. Week 5 is all about behavior steps, rewards, and problem solving, but also to remember the positive side of your efforts as you move along into making them easy habits. Plan your next week carefully, you are getting better all the time! - 18 -
  • 20. WORKSHEET FOR WEEK 5: Feedback on Healthy Habits Goal Number 1 from last week: What I will do more of/differently/same for this coming week: Feedback on Healthy Habits Goal Number 2 from last week: What I will do more of/differently/same for the coming week: Feedback on Healthy Habits Goal Number 3 from last week: What I will do more of/differently/same for the coming week: - 19 -
  • 21. WEEK 6: OVERCOMING OBSTACLES Congratulations on your work so far! Your ‘Foundation of Wellness’ pyramid has two more levels to build and to start out this week’s lesson it is important to remember not to try to do too much at once. As you introduce new habits and continue to plan adequate goals for yourself, you know you are learning valuable lessons that you will take with you as you move forward. There are two areas of concentration this week. One is remembering always to look for changes that are sustainable for you. Only this way will they be lasting changes and soon feel more natural. It is a matter of getting yourself (and the people in your environment!) used to these changes. The second key to your success is relapse prevention. One can plan to prevent relapses, such as not walking down the street knowing your favorite pastry shop is located there. This week, look at where your weak spots are and create specific ways to keep yourself on track. If you have a hard time going to the gym, you might find a friend to go with you. If you eat sweets at home, it might be time to buy healthy snacks instead. Most of us experience a day or a time when, for one reason or other, it is not possible to stay with our goals. Instead of saying ‘I failed’, one can look at the situation as a temporary setback. Just knowing that setbacks are a part of your progress will prepare you to handle them and will help you be more concentrated to go back to your program without delay. For example, if you have had several months of good progress and then Christmas holidays come along with all the usual temptations, festivities and traditional big meals, one can be sure to start the New Year with a setback concerning your Healthy Habits goals. But this does not mean you would completely give up all that you have achieved so far! If you still are facing larger obstacles such as an unsupportive partner or long hours at work, it may seem difficult to see past these problems. In dealing with these problems, we need to maintain healthy self-esteem, design creative solutions and take very small steps. Self-esteem is important to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Ask yourself in what other areas are you successful in your life? Are you thankful that you don’t have certain problems? How valuable are the results you have obtained so far? Looking at the positive will empower you to get back on track and resolve larger issues. Finding creative solutions will ensure that you are attending to your healthy goals in spite of the obstacles that you have. For example, you might look at strategies for avoiding pastries at work. Or, you might have ideas to get your spouse to support you better. You might even find 10 or 15 minutes in your workday break to fit in some exercise. - 20 -
  • 22. Taking small steps, as has been suggested throughout the course, helps you gain ground where you may have attempted and failed in the past. We must acknowledge our feelings of past failure or insecurity but in order to get past obstacles one must focus on the present and on the future. Figuring out strategies helps you move on and take control of your lifestyle. You will see that you have the power to control and take charge of aspects of your life, even if you start out in a very small way. Success will come naturally and feel authentic to you. Although it may seem uncomfortable to you, it helps to understand that setbacks and obstacles are opportunities to learn more about what works, what doesn’t work, and how difficult these new steps are. Setbacks are part of being human and of changing ingrained habits. Make a list of your obstacles and ways to overcome them this week. It helps to read the following quotation: ‘You can have the results you say you want or you can have the reasons why you can’t have them. You can’t have both. The choice is yours.’ - 21 -
  • 23. WORKSHEET FOR WEEK 6: Obstacles to my Healthy Habits Program that repeat during the week: What I need to do to get on track / stay on track: - 22 -
  • 24. WEEK 7: THE TOP 10 STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS These tips shall give you continuing support for weeks to come. Before you begin, remember to review your health vision, your three month goals and your weekly goals. Acknowledge the work you have achieved thus far and really see the ups and downs of your health program as a ‘mirror’ of your situation, not an evaluation if you are good or bad, right or wrong. The mirror you hold up only serves to show you the best next steps to take in your thoughts and actions. Make some notes and plan your next week’s goals in alignment with the new health path you are taking. With time, you will find you have covered a lot of ground. TOP 10 STRATEGIES TO MEET YOUR GOALS: 1. Start Small. Quite possibly the biggest mistake is going straight into action, trying to make too many changes at once. You can’t lose 20 pounds in a week. But you can lose one. Taking bites and chewing slowly in life, as in actually eating your dinner, is a great way to digest everything properly! 2. Get it On Paper. Whether setting your first goals, tracking daily progress, or sharing your deepest thoughts with a journal, writing things down crystallizes your ideas, exposes underlying fears, and paints an accurate picture of real life. 3. Focus on Everyday Habits. The building blocks of a healthy lifestyle are created in the smallest of actions you take every day and every week. Healthy choices can become as natural as brushing your teeth or locking the front door. Build one habit, one action at a time. 4. Your Goals need attention. They need to be seen and heard and thought of often if they ever hope to come true. So surround yourself with as many reminders as possible. 5. Be Consistent. Imagine a plane taking off. In the beginning, a lot of energy is spent to simply get moving down the runway. But as speed and momentum take over, the plane is pulled forward and up into the sky, faster and further by the second. Consistent action, no matter how small, has more power than you ever imagined. 6. Never Stop Learning. A healthy lifestyle is a process - a journey more than a destination. You can always learn more about nutrition, fitness, and even yourself which can help you be just a little bit better tomorrow. - 23 -
  • 25. 7. Come out of Seclusion. Has anyone ever achieved anything of real value all alone? Probably, not many. Most receive some form of help from other people. Support, information, a sense of shared experience, encouragement, advice, and a motivating conversation are all invaluable as you set off on your adventure. 8. Allow for Setbacks. Accept the fact right now that you will make mistakes and that it can be a positive thing. Be your own #1 fan. That means being supportive to yourself, even when you have a setback, and enjoying your wins when you succeed. 9. Trust Your Plan. You’ll have up weeks and down weeks and frustrating weeks that make no sense at all. The tools and strategies you are learning will help you build a plan that makes a healthier lifestyle almost inevitable. If you consistently make the right choices and build healthy habits, weight loss is literally just a matter of time. 10. Have Fun!! Who says getting healthy has to be a chore, a burden to be endured or an act of suffering. Probably a very unhappy person, that’s who. This course is an exciting adventure of self-discovery and building a meaningful relationship to your own inner values. And the winner in the end is you! - 24 -
  • 26. WEEK 8: CONGRATULATIONS! You have reached the final week of the BodyVision Health Coaching 8 Week home study course in creating your Health and Wellness Foundation. You have created your own daily routine and have spent several weeks refining the program. You understand basic concepts underlying health planning. You’ve taken a good look at your everyday. Now you can celebrate a wonderful accomplishment known as ‘my best self!’ The purpose of a good health program is the feeling of relief and freedom that allows you to go ahead and pursue other life dreams and goals. Successful clients typically report how nice it is to not have to constantly think about their healthy habits anymore because their program feels natural and automatic to them. Becoming a ‘Master of Personal Health’ is a valuable path in today’s busy lifestyle. There are no less than 4,000 nutrition companies in the world and if you type ‘weight loss’ into the google internet search engine, you are presented with over 1.5 million sites to look at! The capacity to select what is right for you is important in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed at the abundance of experts, products, and programs which unconsciously take your power away from you. This week’s assignment is to review all of the material you have compiled during the program. BodyVision invites you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call to tidy up any loose ends and answer your questions. Looking forward to your email. See you on the call! Tatiana Kaletsch, CWWS, CWWPM, BCC - 25 -
  • 27. ABOUT TATIANA Tatiana is the creator of ‘The 3 Step Mind, Body, and Self Care Transformational System’ for professionals who want to feel confident, look great, and live a custom designed healthy habits lifestyle. She brings 10 years of health coaching experience to her programs designed for busy adults and professionals. Her dynamic approach brings out individual strengths to looking, feeling, and living one’s best self. Additionally, Tatiana co-hosted ‘The Wellness Coaches’ radio show, facilitated Vtrim courses at the University of Vermont, lends her expertise as an independent contractor for Corporate Wellness health strategies, is an Executive Committee Member at the IAC, and is a writer and speaker on the topic of designing personalized healthy habits systems that become the foundation for a happier life. Her unique background includes health coaching and related training from eight institutions. She has a former career in executive sales, is an active mom of three children, and leads a life traveling and living in countries all over the world. She currently resides in New York City. ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’ Aristotle - 26 -