open data open government canada critical data studies programmable city nuim big data nirsa open access carleton university european research council homelessness school of journalism and communication infrastructure open science technological citizenship smart city data census smart cities osi ordnance survey ireland gcrc ogp donnes ouvertes research data opendata open smart cities precision agriculture civil society iot data infrastructure data sharing data studies indicators housing data activism cartography atlas of canada cippic tracey p. lauriault ccsd cybercartography open government partnership community data program ottawa data access long-form census tracing covid-19 data logiciel libre open smart city opennorth gouvernment ouvert open north digital strategy ethics data sovereignty faculty of public affairs data power credit scoring data science institute data models object oriented database translations pass gsdi science sdi evidence informed decision making benchmarks dasboards squatting eviction dublin grangegorman nama ireland crowdsourcing hal tracey.p.lauriault hickling arthur and low preservation data policy mapping census of canada ian hacking geographical imaginations libraries creative commons city of ottawa dli 2011 community based research fcm geomatics and cartographic research centre community data consortium statistics canada wendy watkins cities olip covid-19 libre acces gouvernement ouvert access libre communication and media studies cds institute on governence iog gender data feminism california consumer privacy act pipeda eu gdpr uk ico privacy international crackedlabs opcc ftc piac mergent online proactive disclosure gsin naics data brokers culture change institutional change data governance aviation centre for ethics c4e data colonialism digital humanitarinism big data & society carleton coms2200 coms4407 ireland maynooth university carletion university germany guelph ontario montreal edmonton cottbus kitchin lauriault automating homelessness socio-technological assemblage automation hud hmis hifis homelssness open smart cities guide v1.0 bespatial18 urisa nord ourvert ville intelligente villes intelligentes ouvertes open source urbanism spatial data infrastructure new brunswick govmaker principles smart agriculture governance policy law data analytics socio-technological transformation ontology data portability right to access right to explanation algorithm right to know right to repair data subject directives data assemblage data diversity data culture open by default statistics civic technology engagement data smart city data poverty casrai data-based citizenship data-based activism agency dublin city council risk of homelessness data cultures university calgary calgary homeless foundation dhre homelessness executive predictive policing standardization philanthropy ontologies data day post colonial indigenous knowledge canada's north place naming logainm linked data database gazetteer national mapping organization prime2 ordnance survey real-world database data model placenames branch of the department of arts geographical names board of canada naming insight galway heritage and the gaeltacht fiontar national library of ireland digital repository of ireland linked logainm place names brian friel madgic macodrum library communication studies political platforms bloc ndp right to know week liberal open access week evidence-informed decision making green party transparency conservative 2015 elections control rooms the programmable city european r geomaticians platform european research counci genealogy small data environment public sector public policy knowledge management record-management dashboards democratic deliberation licence dper ncg iqda airo dublin dashboard evidence-based decision-making femicide data-based actiivism charity activist scholardship production of knowledge classification rob kitchin citizen science oxford internet institute epa government geoconnections participatory mapping vgi politiques opérationnelles cgdi geospatial data canadian geospatial data infrastructure operational politics archiving archives archivage préservation achives infrastructure canadienne de données géospatiale icdg géoconnexions deepak chopra canada post conference board of canada droit clts savoir traditionnel social work muzzling code of conduct. lac odx13 2013 calendar judo takahashi dojo policies unbsj archiving cartography geospatial data interpares 2 geography openresearch openaccess fis information studies d. r. fraser taylor margaret haines carleton university library ernie boyko oecd ccsd canada e-science gis canadian council on social development equal right to be counted champ&associates census2011 data libraries map libraries mckellar park transportation study halifax geographic imagination census 2011 history cla data liberation initiative opengovernment idd initiative de dmocratisation des donnes short-form census 2011 mandatory short form short-form 2011 census canada atlas of the risk of homelessness neighbourhood donnees communautaires canada accescivique civicaccess government transparent canada loves data ffunction valentine valentine card civicaccessca open govvernment disaster statistical society of ottawa montral ouvert qubec donnes publiques gouvernement transparent neighbourhood analysis community mapping gisday csds small geographies cswa opendata opengovernment civicacess
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