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A. MySQL Mater-Slave and Master-Master Replication; Step by Step configuration
B. Setting up MySQL Master-Slave Replication
C. Second Method to implementation for master-slave replication on
D. MySQL Master- Master Replication
(A)MySQL master-slave and master-master replication. Step by step
If you are looking for the options to scale your MySQL installation you may be also
interested in MySQL partitioning and sub partitioning. It may improve each node speed
and capacity parameters.
One may say that there are a lot of MySQL replication manuals, but latest versions of
MySQL server have changed the way how configuration should be applied. Most of the
manuals do not reflect these changes.
Just want to mention that this technique is usually used for load balancing on database
servers. If you have a lot of read requests (most common for web applications) master-
slave replication should suit your needs well.
In this case you will do write transactions on master host and read requests on slave
hosts, because data is populated from master to slave much faster than from slaves to
master and to other slaves.
But sometimes you might have more write requests or may have other (application
related) reasons to start another type of replication. You can see it on the next figure and
that is so called master-master replication.
In this article I will describe simple master-slave architecture with 2 hosts and simple
master-master replication with the same 2 hosts. Our final goal is to configure master-
master replication, what includes several sub-steps, so let’s start. Sure you should
configure network services on both systems.
(B) Setting up MySQL Master-Slave Replication :
This article is about setting up MySQL Master-Slave replication between two Cloud
Setup Outline:
For the purpose of this scenario, we will have two Servers, named INVIRH54DB3
and INVIRH54DB2. These Servers have two IP addresses. For the duration of the
scenario INVIRH54DB3 ( is considered master MySQL server
(running in read-write mode), and INVIRH54DB2 ( is considered the
slave (running in read-only mode).
If you already have a MySQL database running on the master node, a dump and
restore into the slave would be required into the slave node before configuring
replication between them. We will be using the mysqldumpcommand to dump a
database into a file, transferring it and restoring it to the slave. Once the necessary
configuration has been carried out, replication will be in effect from that point
Step: 1 Install MySQL in two machines.
Step: 2 Configuration of master server
Configure your Servers:
Master: (INVIRH54DB3)
You'll need to edit the my.cnf file on the Master server to enable binary logging and set
the server's id.
Like: Add these lines under the [mysqld] section:
This will enable binary logging and set the Master's server-id to '1'. Restart MySQL for the
changes to take effect. Then we restart MySQL.
Master my.cnf configuration done.
Slave (INVIRH54DB2)
You'll need to edit the my.cnf file on the Slave server to set the server's id to something
different than the master.
Add these lines under the [mysqld] section.This assign the Slave a unique server-id. Now
let’s restart MySQL so these changes take effect.
Slave my.cnf configuration done.
Step: 3 Taking Backup on Mater Server
In Master side we have following databases:
In Slave side we have following databases:
Next apply READ LOCK to databases to export all the database and master database
information with mysqldump command.
Grab the Master Information:
On the Master server, we'll need to find out the binary log it is currently using and the
position it is at in that binary log. If you haven't logged out of MySQL from creating that
replication user, you should be at the MySQL prompt already. Go ahead and lock the
tables so we can safely grab that data.
Log into the master server.
After giving “FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK” Command on master server, we need to
take full back up on master server by using following command.
# mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases --master-data > /root/dbdump.db
# mysqldump -u root -p --databases sample1 sample2 sample3 > /tmp/masterdata.sql
Once you’ve dump all the databases, now again connect to mysql as root user and unlcok
mysql> quit;
Step: 4 Creating a Replication User (In Master Server)
The Slave server will connect to the Master via a standard MySQL user and password.
This user will need to have been granted the 'REPLICATION SLAVE' privilege. Let's create
that user on the Master server now.
You should be at the mysql prompt on the Master server. Once there, let's create a new
user and grant him the proper privilege.
This statement is basically saying grant the ‘replication’ user replication slave access to
any database/table on this host from the Slave server's private IP. Now tell the server to
reload the grant tables with the statement 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES'.
At this point, it's a good idea to make sure you're able to access the Master from the
Slave using the credentials you just created. Alright, now back to the Slave server.
Here password is replication
Be sure to use your private IP for your Master server. In this example, mine is Do you get a MySQL prompt? If so, you're successfully logged into your
Master server using the new 'replication' user you just created. Alright, we're about half
way there.
Upload the database dump file from master server to Slave Server ( using
SCP command.
Command: scp /tmp/masterdata.sqlteradata@
Now we need to check that file copied or not on slave side
Step: 5 Import to the Databases on slave side
Now import the dump file that we exported in earlier command and restart the MySQL
Before importing DB’s on slave server :
Commandis : (For importing)
[root@INVIRH54DB2 ~]# mysql -u root -p < /tmp/masterdata.sql
Enter password:
Here password is mysql
This time to check all databases are imported or not in slave server
Earlier we have only 4 databases in slave server, after importing DB’s from dump file we
get 7 databases.
Step: 6 Check the Mater Status (On Master Server)
Note the current binary log and position. In our example, the Master server is currently
on the mysql-bin.00002 binary log and is at position 347.
Now we'll use the 'SHOW MASTER STATUS' command to get all the data we need.
Step: 7Final Slave Config: (In Slave server)
Changing the Master Information on the Slave:
Up to this point, you should have collected the following information:
Private IPs
replication username and password
Master server binary log and position.
Now it's time to use this information to connect the Slave server to the Master server.
Let's start configuring the Slave.
Restart the MySQL service. (Slave Server)
# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Once at the mysql prompt, we're going to change the Master information with the
'CHANGE MASTER TO' statement (so the Slave server knows where/how it's connecting).
Note the values for each field. The MASTER_HOST is the private IP of the Master server,
MASTER_USER is the user we created for replication, MASTER_PASSWORD is the
password for the replication user, MASTER_LOG_FILE is the binary log that we recorded
from the Master server status earlier, and MASTER_LOG_POS is the position the Master
was in that we recorded.
Step: 8Start the Slave Thread (In Slave Server)
Ok, now start the slave thread on the Slave server.
Let’s make sure that replication is working with the 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS' statement.
(In Slave Server)
If you see that Slave_IO_State is 'Waiting for master to send event' and
Seconds_Behind_Master isn't 'NULL', your replication is working! If it does show NULL,
go back and double check your 'CHANGE MASTER TO'statement to make sure all data is
correct. That's it...
Step: 9Testing scenarios
For the purpose of testing our replication setup, we can create a new database
(SAMPLE4) and associated table (EMP3) on INVIRH54DB3 (Master), inserting data to
confirm that the changes are mirrored on INVIRH54DB2. Here is an example:
In Mater server:
The changes should be visible on INVIRH54DB2 immediately.
In Slave server:
In Case if the master is go down stage :
In Slave need to check whether database and tables are accessible or not?
The slave server is never down.
To see the server_ids on the mysql prompt type this command :
Mysql> show variables like '%server%id';
(C)This is the Second way to implementation on master-slave replication
Database replication is possible under MySQL via binary logging. This is a log over all
changes that are done to a particular database configured in/etc/mysql/my.cnf.
This "change log" is then shared with another MySQL server (the slave) which is the kept
in a synchronous state. First we need to install bothon MySQL servers.
In my Scenario,
Let us assume: INVIRH54DB3 - ------ MasterAnd
INVIRH54DB2 – ----- Slave
Step: 1 Configuration of master server
On the master:Edit vi /etc/my.cnf
#bind-address =
Server-id = 1
Log-bin = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-bin.log
Expire-logs-days = 20
max_binlog_size = 104857600
Binlog-do-db = testdatabase
Binlog-ignore-db = MySQL, test,sample4
We need to disable bind-address (slave needs to talk to master via the interface).
Furthermore we tell the master that it is server 1 and that we want replication of
database testdatabase, but not mysql and test.
Then we restart MySQL:/etc/init.d/mysql restart
Then we log into the MySQL database as root and create a user with replication
Step: 2 Configuration of slave server
mysql> create database testdatabase;
Now we have to tell MySQL on the slave that it is the slave, that the master is, and that the master database to watch is testdatabase. Therefore we add
the following lines to /etc/mysql/my.cnf:
Then we restart MySQL.
/etc/init.d/mysql restart
From MySQL on the slave the master must be configured as well. Here the
MASTER_LOG_FILE value of mysql-bin.000004 and the MASTER_LOG_POS value
of 197 are the values acquired from the SHOW MASTER STATUS on the master.
If you are facing any issue like this
ERROR 1200(HY00) :The server is not configured as slave ;fix in config file or with
So, you have restarted mysqld, and the slave did not start. You issue SHOW SLAVE
STATUSG and notice that everything is fine but “Slave_IO_Running” and
“Slave_SQL_Running” both say “No” .
This has happened to me numerous throughout my time administering mysql servers.
The variable server_id always need to be set to something when running replication.
Check if server_id is set by using “SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘server_id;”.
The value should be “0” or “1”.”1” is normally set by default.Also,the master’s server_id
and the slave’s server_id should not be the same. You can set server id by using “SET
GLOBAL server_id=;” then issue a START SLAVE;we should be fine now…
Step: 3 Testing the setup
Table creation
On Master
CREATE TABLE example (id INT, dataVARCHAR (100));
On slave: Check,
--Write test:On Master
On Slave:Before inserting rows.
After inserting rows from master to slave:
In Case of Master is down:
On Slave:
(D) MySQL Master- Master Replication:
This tutorial describes how to set up MySQL master-master replication. We need to
replicate MySQL servers to achieve high-availability (HA). In my case I need two masters
that are synchronized with each other so that if one of them drops down, other could
take over and no data is lost. Similarly when the first one goes up again, it will still be
used as slave for the live one.
Here is a basic step by step tutorial that will cover the MySQL master and master
We will call system 1 as master1 and slave2 and system2 as master2 and slave 1.
Step 1:
Install MySQL on master 1 and slave 1. Configure network services on both systems, like
Master 1/Slave 2 ip: (INVIRH54DB3)
Master 2/Slave 1 ip : (INVIRH54DB2)
Step 2:
On Master 1, make changes in my.cnf:
binlog-do-db=<database name> # input the database which should be replicated
binlog-ignore-db=mysql # input the database that should be ignored for replication
Step 3:
On master 1, create a replication slave account in MySQL.
MySQL> grant replication slave on *.* to ‘replication’@ identified by
And restart the MySQL master1.
Step 4:
Now edit my.cnf on Slave1 or Master2:
master-host =
master-user = replication
master-password = slave
master-port = 3306
Step 5:
Restart MySQL slave 1 and at
MySQL> start slave;
MySQL> show slave statusG;
Above highlighted rows must be indicating related log files and Slave_IO_Running and
Slave_SQL_Running: must be to YES.
Step 6:
On master 1:
MySQL> show master status;
The above scenario is for master-slave, now we will create a slave master scenario for
the same systems and it will work as master-master.
Step : 7
On Master2/Slave 1, edit my.cnf and master entries into it: (
# Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x
# clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package).
master-host =
master-user = replication
master-password = slave
master-port = 3306
log-bin #information for becoming master added
Step 8:
Create a replication slave account on master2 for master1:
MySQL> grant replication slave on *.* to 'replication'@ identified by
Step 9:
Edit my.cnf on master1 for information of its master. (INVIRH54DB3)
# Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x
# clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package).
server-id=1#information for becoming slave.
master-host =
master-user = replication
master-password = slave2
master-port = 3306
Step 10:
Restart both MySQL master1 and master2.
On MySQL master1:
mysql> start slave;
On mysql master2:
mysql> show master status;
On mysql master 1:
mysql> show slave statusG;
To setup Master and Slave Replication:
Master to Slave Replication:
In Master Server
1. After installing mysql in master server. below are the steps to do
cd /etc/mysql/
cpmy.cnf my.cnf_bkf_`date +%F`
vim my.cnf
uncommentlog_bin variable(To enable Binary logs)
setserver_id = 1 ---- should be unique
uncommentbind_address variable
Save changes and restart the mysql service (/etc/init.d/mysql restart)
In Slave Server
2. After installing mysql in slave server. below are the steps to do
cd /etc/mysql/
cpmy.cnf my.cnf_bkf_`date +%F`
vim my.cnf
setserver_id = 2 ---- should be unique
Save changes and restart the mysql service (/etc/init.d/mysql restart)
In Master Server
3. Full Backup Process
Open one terminal and
Flush tables with read lock; (Do not quit the server until the full backup process(Step
4) completes )
show master status; (Copy log file name and position)
4. Open another terminal and login to master (Do not exit the previous terminal)
mysqldump -u root -ppadnet --all-databases >fullbackup_`date +%F`.sql
5. Now go to 1st terminal and
unlock tables;
6. Move the full backup to slave using scp command
scp -Pportno(ifany) filename username@ip:/path
7. In Master
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO repuser@'slaveip' identified by 'password';
8.Login to slave
mysql -u root -ppadnet<filename.sql
master_log_file='log file name',master_log_pos=pos;
start slave;
show slave statusG
mysql> insert into user(host,user,password,select_priv) values
ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'ssl_cipher' doesn't have a default value
mysql> insert into user(host,user,password,select_priv) values
Query OK, 1 row affected, 3 warnings (0.00 sec)

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Mater,slave on mysql

  • 1. INDEX A. MySQL Mater-Slave and Master-Master Replication; Step by Step configuration instructions B. Setting up MySQL Master-Slave Replication C. Second Method to implementation for master-slave replication on MySQL D. MySQL Master- Master Replication
  • 2. (A)MySQL master-slave and master-master replication. Step by step configurationinstructions: If you are looking for the options to scale your MySQL installation you may be also interested in MySQL partitioning and sub partitioning. It may improve each node speed and capacity parameters. One may say that there are a lot of MySQL replication manuals, but latest versions of MySQL server have changed the way how configuration should be applied. Most of the manuals do not reflect these changes. Just want to mention that this technique is usually used for load balancing on database servers. If you have a lot of read requests (most common for web applications) master- slave replication should suit your needs well. In this case you will do write transactions on master host and read requests on slave hosts, because data is populated from master to slave much faster than from slaves to master and to other slaves. But sometimes you might have more write requests or may have other (application related) reasons to start another type of replication. You can see it on the next figure and that is so called master-master replication.
  • 3. In this article I will describe simple master-slave architecture with 2 hosts and simple master-master replication with the same 2 hosts. Our final goal is to configure master- master replication, what includes several sub-steps, so let’s start. Sure you should configure network services on both systems. (B) Setting up MySQL Master-Slave Replication : This article is about setting up MySQL Master-Slave replication between two Cloud Servers. Setup Outline: For the purpose of this scenario, we will have two Servers, named INVIRH54DB3 and INVIRH54DB2. These Servers have two IP addresses. For the duration of the scenario INVIRH54DB3 ( is considered master MySQL server (running in read-write mode), and INVIRH54DB2 ( is considered the slave (running in read-only mode). If you already have a MySQL database running on the master node, a dump and restore into the slave would be required into the slave node before configuring replication between them. We will be using the mysqldumpcommand to dump a database into a file, transferring it and restoring it to the slave. Once the necessary configuration has been carried out, replication will be in effect from that point onwards. Step: 1 Install MySQL in two machines. Step: 2 Configuration of master server Configure your Servers: Master: (INVIRH54DB3) You'll need to edit the my.cnf file on the Master server to enable binary logging and set the server's id. Like: Add these lines under the [mysqld] section:
  • 4. This will enable binary logging and set the Master's server-id to '1'. Restart MySQL for the changes to take effect. Then we restart MySQL. Master my.cnf configuration done. Slave (INVIRH54DB2) You'll need to edit the my.cnf file on the Slave server to set the server's id to something different than the master.
  • 5. Add these lines under the [mysqld] section.This assign the Slave a unique server-id. Now let’s restart MySQL so these changes take effect. Slave my.cnf configuration done.
  • 6. Step: 3 Taking Backup on Mater Server In Master side we have following databases: In Slave side we have following databases: Next apply READ LOCK to databases to export all the database and master database information with mysqldump command. Grab the Master Information: On the Master server, we'll need to find out the binary log it is currently using and the position it is at in that binary log. If you haven't logged out of MySQL from creating that replication user, you should be at the MySQL prompt already. Go ahead and lock the tables so we can safely grab that data. Log into the master server.
  • 7. Command :FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; After giving “FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK” Command on master server, we need to take full back up on master server by using following command. # mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases --master-data > /root/dbdump.db Or # mysqldump -u root -p --databases sample1 sample2 sample3 > /tmp/masterdata.sql Once you’ve dump all the databases, now again connect to mysql as root user and unlcok tables. mysql> UNLOCK TABLES; mysql> quit;
  • 8. Step: 4 Creating a Replication User (In Master Server) The Slave server will connect to the Master via a standard MySQL user and password. This user will need to have been granted the 'REPLICATION SLAVE' privilege. Let's create that user on the Master server now. You should be at the mysql prompt on the Master server. Once there, let's create a new user and grant him the proper privilege. This statement is basically saying grant the ‘replication’ user replication slave access to any database/table on this host from the Slave server's private IP. Now tell the server to reload the grant tables with the statement 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES'.
  • 9. At this point, it's a good idea to make sure you're able to access the Master from the Slave using the credentials you just created. Alright, now back to the Slave server. Here password is replication Be sure to use your private IP for your Master server. In this example, mine is Do you get a MySQL prompt? If so, you're successfully logged into your Master server using the new 'replication' user you just created. Alright, we're about half way there. Upload the database dump file from master server to Slave Server ( using SCP command. Command: scp /tmp/masterdata.sqlteradata@
  • 10. Now we need to check that file copied or not on slave side Step: 5 Import to the Databases on slave side Now import the dump file that we exported in earlier command and restart the MySQL service. Before importing DB’s on slave server : Commandis : (For importing) [root@INVIRH54DB2 ~]# mysql -u root -p < /tmp/masterdata.sql Enter password: Here password is mysql
  • 11. This time to check all databases are imported or not in slave server Earlier we have only 4 databases in slave server, after importing DB’s from dump file we get 7 databases. Step: 6 Check the Mater Status (On Master Server) Note the current binary log and position. In our example, the Master server is currently on the mysql-bin.00002 binary log and is at position 347. Now we'll use the 'SHOW MASTER STATUS' command to get all the data we need.
  • 12. Step: 7Final Slave Config: (In Slave server) Changing the Master Information on the Slave: Up to this point, you should have collected the following information: Private IPs replication username and password Master server binary log and position. Now it's time to use this information to connect the Slave server to the Master server. Let's start configuring the Slave. Restart the MySQL service. (Slave Server) # /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
  • 13. Once at the mysql prompt, we're going to change the Master information with the 'CHANGE MASTER TO' statement (so the Slave server knows where/how it's connecting). Note the values for each field. The MASTER_HOST is the private IP of the Master server, MASTER_USER is the user we created for replication, MASTER_PASSWORD is the password for the replication user, MASTER_LOG_FILE is the binary log that we recorded from the Master server status earlier, and MASTER_LOG_POS is the position the Master was in that we recorded. Step: 8Start the Slave Thread (In Slave Server) Ok, now start the slave thread on the Slave server. Let’s make sure that replication is working with the 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS' statement. (In Slave Server)
  • 14. If you see that Slave_IO_State is 'Waiting for master to send event' and Seconds_Behind_Master isn't 'NULL', your replication is working! If it does show NULL, go back and double check your 'CHANGE MASTER TO'statement to make sure all data is correct. That's it...
  • 15. Step: 9Testing scenarios For the purpose of testing our replication setup, we can create a new database (SAMPLE4) and associated table (EMP3) on INVIRH54DB3 (Master), inserting data to confirm that the changes are mirrored on INVIRH54DB2. Here is an example: In Mater server: The changes should be visible on INVIRH54DB2 immediately.
  • 16. In Slave server: In Case if the master is go down stage : In Slave need to check whether database and tables are accessible or not?
  • 17. The slave server is never down. To see the server_ids on the mysql prompt type this command : Mysql> show variables like '%server%id';
  • 18. (C)This is the Second way to implementation on master-slave replication onmysql: Database replication is possible under MySQL via binary logging. This is a log over all changes that are done to a particular database configured in/etc/mysql/my.cnf. This "change log" is then shared with another MySQL server (the slave) which is the kept in a synchronous state. First we need to install bothon MySQL servers. In my Scenario, Let us assume: INVIRH54DB3 - ------ MasterAnd INVIRH54DB2 – ----- Slave INVIRH54DB3 (MASTER) INVIRH54DB2 (SLAVE)
  • 19. Step: 1 Configuration of master server On the master:Edit vi /etc/my.cnf #bind-address = Server-id = 1 Log-bin = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-bin.log Expire-logs-days = 20 max_binlog_size = 104857600 Binlog-do-db = testdatabase Binlog-ignore-db = MySQL, test,sample4 We need to disable bind-address (slave needs to talk to master via the interface). Furthermore we tell the master that it is server 1 and that we want replication of database testdatabase, but not mysql and test. Then we restart MySQL:/etc/init.d/mysql restart
  • 20. Then we log into the MySQL database as root and create a user with replication privileges:
  • 21. Step: 2 Configuration of slave server mysql> create database testdatabase; Now we have to tell MySQL on the slave that it is the slave, that the master is, and that the master database to watch is testdatabase. Therefore we add the following lines to /etc/mysql/my.cnf: Then we restart MySQL. /etc/init.d/mysql restart
  • 22. From MySQL on the slave the master must be configured as well. Here the MASTER_LOG_FILE value of mysql-bin.000004 and the MASTER_LOG_POS value of 197 are the values acquired from the SHOW MASTER STATUS on the master. If you are facing any issue like this Solution: ERROR 1200(HY00) :The server is not configured as slave ;fix in config file or with CHANGES MASTER TO So, you have restarted mysqld, and the slave did not start. You issue SHOW SLAVE STATUSG and notice that everything is fine but “Slave_IO_Running” and “Slave_SQL_Running” both say “No” . This has happened to me numerous throughout my time administering mysql servers. The variable server_id always need to be set to something when running replication. Check if server_id is set by using “SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘server_id;”. The value should be “0” or “1”.”1” is normally set by default.Also,the master’s server_id and the slave’s server_id should not be the same. You can set server id by using “SET GLOBAL server_id=;” then issue a START SLAVE;we should be fine now…
  • 23. Step: 3 Testing the setup Table creation On Master CREATE TABLE example (id INT, dataVARCHAR (100)); On slave: Check, MySQL>SHOW TABLES;
  • 24. --Write test:On Master On Slave:Before inserting rows. After inserting rows from master to slave:
  • 25. In Case of Master is down: On Slave: (D) MySQL Master- Master Replication: This tutorial describes how to set up MySQL master-master replication. We need to replicate MySQL servers to achieve high-availability (HA). In my case I need two masters that are synchronized with each other so that if one of them drops down, other could take over and no data is lost. Similarly when the first one goes up again, it will still be used as slave for the live one. Here is a basic step by step tutorial that will cover the MySQL master and master replication. Note: We will call system 1 as master1 and slave2 and system2 as master2 and slave 1.
  • 26. Step 1: Install MySQL on master 1 and slave 1. Configure network services on both systems, like Master 1/Slave 2 ip: (INVIRH54DB3) Master 2/Slave 1 ip : (INVIRH54DB2) Step 2: On Master 1, make changes in my.cnf: [mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock old_passwords=1 log-bin binlog-do-db=<database name> # input the database which should be replicated binlog-ignore-db=mysql # input the database that should be ignored for replication binlog-ignore-db=test server-id=1 [mysqld_safe] err-log=/var/log/mysqld.log pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/
  • 27. Step 3: On master 1, create a replication slave account in MySQL. MySQL> grant replication slave on *.* to ‘replication’@ identified by 'replication'; And restart the MySQL master1.
  • 28. Step 4: Now edit my.cnf on Slave1 or Master2: [mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock old_passwords=1 Server-id=2 master-host = master-user = replication master-password = slave master-port = 3306 [mysqld_safe] err-log=/var/log/mysqld.log pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ Step 5: Restart MySQL slave 1 and at MySQL> start slave; MySQL> show slave statusG;
  • 29.
  • 30. Above highlighted rows must be indicating related log files and Slave_IO_Running and Slave_SQL_Running: must be to YES.
  • 31. Step 6: On master 1: MySQL> show master status; The above scenario is for master-slave, now we will create a slave master scenario for the same systems and it will work as master-master. Step : 7 On Master2/Slave 1, edit my.cnf and master entries into it: ( [mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock # Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x # clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package). old_passwords=1 server-id=2 master-host = master-user = replication master-password = slave master-port = 3306 log-bin #information for becoming master added binlog-do-db=mysql
  • 32. [mysqld_safe] err-log=/var/log/mysqld.log pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ Step 8: Create a replication slave account on master2 for master1: MySQL> grant replication slave on *.* to 'replication'@ identified by 'slave2'; Step 9: Edit my.cnf on master1 for information of its master. (INVIRH54DB3) [mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock # Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x # clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package). old_passwords=1 log-bin binlog-do-db=mysql server-id=1#information for becoming slave. master-host = master-user = replication master-password = slave2 master-port = 3306
  • 33. Step 10: Restart both MySQL master1 and master2. On MySQL master1: mysql> start slave;
  • 34. On mysql master2: mysql> show master status; On mysql master 1: mysql> show slave statusG; @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To setup Master and Slave Replication: Master to Slave Replication: In Master Server 1. After installing mysql in master server. below are the steps to do cd /etc/mysql/ cpmy.cnf my.cnf_bkf_`date +%F` vim my.cnf uncommentlog_bin variable(To enable Binary logs) setserver_id = 1 ---- should be unique uncommentbind_address variable Save changes and restart the mysql service (/etc/init.d/mysql restart) In Slave Server 2. After installing mysql in slave server. below are the steps to do cd /etc/mysql/ cpmy.cnf my.cnf_bkf_`date +%F` vim my.cnf setserver_id = 2 ---- should be unique Save changes and restart the mysql service (/etc/init.d/mysql restart) In Master Server
  • 35. 3. Full Backup Process Open one terminal and Flush tables with read lock; (Do not quit the server until the full backup process(Step 4) completes ) show master status; (Copy log file name and position) 4. Open another terminal and login to master (Do not exit the previous terminal) mysqldump -u root -ppadnet --all-databases >fullbackup_`date +%F`.sql 5. Now go to 1st terminal and unlock tables; exit; 6. Move the full backup to slave using scp command scp -Pportno(ifany) filename username@ip:/path 7. In Master GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO repuser@'slaveip' identified by 'password'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 8.Login to slave mysql -u root -ppadnet<filename.sql
  • 36. CHANGE MASTER TO master_host='master_ip_addresss',master_password='password',master_user='repuser', master_log_file='log file name',master_log_pos=pos; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; start slave; show slave statusG @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ DB3 mysql> insert into user(host,user,password,select_priv) values ('%','root',password('mysql'),'Y'); ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'ssl_cipher' doesn't have a default value Db2 mysql> insert into user(host,user,password,select_priv) values ('%','root',password('mysql'),'Y'); Query OK, 1 row affected, 3 warnings (0.00 sec)