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Aashish Parihar 
Nursing Tutor 
College of Nursing 
AIIMS, Jodhpur
Fluid, electrolyte and 
acid base balances 
 Distribution and composition of body fluids. 
 Movements and regulation of body fluid and electrolytes 
 Regulation of acid-base balance & type of acid-base imbalance 
 Type of intravenous fluid 
 Measuring fluid intake and output and maintaining intake-output 
 Initiating intravenous therapy. 
 Regulating intravenous flow rate 
 Maintenance of intravenous system 
 Changing a peripheral intravenous dressing. 
 Blood transfusion. 
 Conditions need fluid restriction.
distribution and composition oF 
body Fluids
distribution and composition oF 
body Fluids 
 2/3 (65%) of TBW is intracellular (ICF) 
 1/3 extracellular water 
25 % interstitial fluid (ISF) 
 5- 8 % in plasma (IVF intravascular fluid) 
1- 2 % in transcellular fluids – CSF, intraocular fluids, 
serous membranes.
distribution and composition oF 
body Fluids 
 Body fluids are: 
 Electrically neutral 
 Osmotically maintained 
 Osmolality-It is a measure of the number of particles per 
kilogram of water. ( m osmoles/kg) 
 Osmotic pressure is the amount of hydrostatic pressure 
needed to stop the flow of water by osmosis. It is primarily 
determined by the concentration of solutes.
distribution and composition oF 
body Fluids 
Fluid in the body compartments contains mineral 
salts known as electrolytes. 
An electrolyte is a compound that separates into 
ions (charged particles) when it dissolves in water. 
Ions that are positively charged are called cations; 
ions that are negatively charged are called anions.
distribution and composition oF 
body Fluids 
Solutes and dissolved particles- 
 Electrolytes –Are compounds having charged particles 
Cations – positively charged ions 
○ Na+, K+ , Ca++, H+ 
Anions – negatively charged ions 
○ Cl-, HCO3 
- , PO4 
 Non-electrolytes – Uncharged compounds. 
○ Proteins, urea, glucose, O2, CO2
distribution and composition oF 
body Fluids
movements and regulation oF 
body Fluid and electrolytes 
 Active transport, diffusion, osmosis, and filtration are 
processes that move water and electrolytes between body 
 Active transport –Active transport is the movement of all 
types of molecules across a cell membrane against 
its concentration gradient (from low to high concentration). 
 Eg concentration of Na is high in ECF as compared to 
ICF. This is done by active transport- sodium 
potassium pump, keeping ICF lower in Na and higher 
in ECF, otherwise sodium can easily enter ICF through 
 It requires energy in the form of ATP
movements and regulation oF 
body Fluid and electrolytes 
 Diffusion –passive movement of particles down a 
concentration gradient (i.e from an area of higher 
concentration to lower concentration. 
 Osmosis – Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement 
of water molecules through a 
partially permeable membrane into a region of 
higher solute concentration, in the direction that tends 
to equalize the solute concentrations on the two sides.
movements and regulation oF 
body Fluid and electrolytes 
 Fluid compartments are separated by membranes that 
are freely permeable to water. 
 Movement of fluids due to: 
 hydrostatic pressure 
 osmotic pressure 
 Capillary filtration (hydrostatic) pressure 
 Capillary colloid osmotic pressure 
 Interstitial hydrostatic pressure 
 Tissue colloid osmotic pressure
movements and regulation oF 
body Fluid and electrolytes
regulation oF acid-base balance 
 For normal function of body and normal enzyme 
activity a normal hydrogen ion concentration is 
 pH is the negative log of hydrogen ion concentration. 
 A hydrogen ion is the single free proton release from 
hydrogen atom. 
 Normal Hydrogen ion of arterial blood is = 
0.00004meq/l which is equal to pH 7.4.
regulation oF acid-base balance 
 pH of arterial blood is 7.4 
 pH of venous blood 7.35 
 Intracellular pH is slightly lower than plasma pH 
 pH of urine is 4.5-8.0 
 Acidosis is the pH of body fluid is less than normal pH 
 Alkalosis is the pH of the body fluid more than the 
regulation oF acid-base balance 
 Acids are molecules that release hydrogen ion in 
 Strong acids dissociates rapidly and release large 
amount of hydrogen ion . 
 Weak acids have less tendency to dissociate and release 
less amount of hydrogen ion
regulation oF acid-base balance 
Defence against change in pH 
 Buffer system of our body 
 Respiratory system of our body 
 Renal control of our body
regulation oF acid-base balance 
Defence against change in pH 
 Buffer system of our body 
Buffers are pairs of chemicals that work together to 
maintain normal pH of body fluids 
Important buffers include bicarbonate buffer, hemoglobin, 
protein buffer, phosphate buffer, cellular and bone 
Buffer normally keep the blood from becoming too acid 
when acids that are produced by cells circulate to the 
lungs and kidneys for excretion
regulation oF acid-base balance 
Defence against change in pH 
 Respiratory system of our body 
Act with in few min (3-12 min.) 
Control pH by altering co2 elimination from body by 
Increased blood PCO2 and hydrogen ion stimulates 
respiratory center so increase the rate and depth of 
regulation oF acid-base balance 
Defence against change in pH 
 Renal control of our body 
By excreting acidic and basic urine 
Relatively slow to response 
Most powerful acid/base regulation system
type oF intravenous Fluid 
 Following are the criteria for categorizing the IV 
1. Molecular size and weight 
2. Tonicity
Type of inTravenous fluid 
 Tonicity-Tonicity is the effective osmolality and is 
equal to the sum of the concentrations of the solutes 
which have the capacity to exert an osmotic force 
across the membrane. 
 The particles which does not move across the cell 
membranes easily determines the tonicity of a 
Type of inTravenous fluid 
 On the basis of tonicity there are three types of IV 
 Isotonic- A fluid with same concentration of 
particles as normal blood is called isotonic. 
 Hypertonic – more concentrated than blood 
 Hypotonic- less concentrated than blood.
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Isotonic fluid 
 Solution has the same solute concentration (or 
osmolality) as normal blood plasma (290mOsm) 
and other body fluids 
 Solution stays where it is infused, inside the blood 
 Expands the intravascular compartment 
 Does not affect the size of the cells 
 Solution maintains body fluid balance
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Isotonic fluid
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Isotonic fluid
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Isotonic fluid 
 These fluids remain intravascular momentarily, thus 
expanding the volume. 
 Helpful with patients who are hypotensive or 
 Risk of fluid overloading exists. 
 Therefore, be careful in patients with left 
ventricular dysfunction, history of CHF or 
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Hypotonic fluid 
 Less osmolarity than serum (meaning: less sodium ion 
concentration than serum) 
 These fluids DILUTE serum thus decreasing 
 Water moves from the vascular compartment into the 
interstitial fluid compartment  interstitial fluid 
becomes diluted osmolarity decreases  water is 
drawn into adjacent cells. 
 Less than 10% remain intravascular, inadequate for 
fluid resuscitation 
 Caution with use because sudden fluid shifts from the 
intravascular space to cells can cause cardiovascular 
collapse and increased ICP in certain patients.
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Hypotonic fluid
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Hypotonic fluid 
 Solution has a lower osmolarity than serum (less 
than 240 mOsm/L) 
 Solution causes a fluid shift out of the blood vessels 
into the cells and interstitial spaces 
Solution hydrates cells while reducing fluid in the 
circulatory system 
 Ex.: ½ NSS (0.45% NaCl)
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Hypotonic fluid 
 Administer cautiously 
 Solution can lower blood pressure 
 Do not give if these solutions if the patient is at risk 
 ICP from cerebro-vascular accident 
 Head trauma 
 Neurosurgery
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Hypertonic fluid 
 Solution has an osmolarity higher than 
 Causes the solute concentration of the serum to 
increase pulling fluid from the cells and the 
interstitial compartment into the blood vessels 
 Reduces the risk of edema, stabilizes blood 
pressure, and regulates urine output
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Hypertonic fluid
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Hypertonic fluid 
 Monitor patient for circulatory overload 
 Solution can be irritating to the vein 
 Useful for stabilizing blood pressure, increasing 
urine output, correcting hypotonic hyponatremia 
and decreasing edema. 
 These can be dangerous in the setting of cell 
Type of inTravenous fluid
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Types of IV fluid on the basis of molecular size and 
 Crystalloid 
 colloid
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Crystalloid fluid 
 Clear solutions –fluids- made up of water & electrolyte 
solutions; small molecules. 
 These fluids are good for volume expansion. 
 However, both water & electrolytes will cross a semi-permeable 
membrane into the interstitial space and 
achieve equilibrium in 2-3 hours. 
 Remember: 3mL of isotonic crystalloid solution are 
needed to replace 1mL of patient blood. 
 This is because approximately 2/3rds of the solution 
will leave the vascular space in approx. 1 hour.
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Crystalloid fluid 
 Advantages: 
Easy to store with long shelf life 
Readily available with a very low incidence of 
adverse reactions 
Variety of formulations available that are effective 
for use as replacement fluids or maintenance fluids 
 A major disadvantage is that it takes approximately 2-3 
x volume of a crystalloid to cause the same 
intravascular expansion as a single volume of colloid.
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Colloid fluid 
 Colloids are large molecular weight solutions (nominally 
MW > 30,000 Daltons) 
 Macromolecular substances made of gelatinous solutions 
which have particles suspended in solution and do NOT 
readily cross semi-permeable membranes or form sediments. 
 Their high osmolarity, are important in capillary fluid 
dynamics because they are the only constituents which are 
effective at exerting an osmotic force across the wall of the 
 These work well in reducing edema  draw fluid from the 
interstitial and intracellular compartments into the vascular 
 Initially these fluids stay almost entirely in the intravascular 
space for a prolonged period of time compared to 
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Colloid fluid 
The general problems with colloid solutions are: 
 Much higher cost than crystalloid solutions 
 Small but significant incidence of adverse reactions 
 Gelatinous properties  cause platelet dysfunction and 
interfere with fibrinolysis and coagulation factors thus 
possibly causing Coagulopathy in large volumes. 
 These fluids can cause dramatic fluid shifts which can 
be dangerous if they are not administered in a 
controlled setting.
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Colloid fluid 
The general problems with colloid solutions are: 
 Much higher cost than crystalloid solutions 
 Small but significant incidence of adverse reactions 
 Gelatinous properties  cause platelet dysfunction and 
interfere with fibrinolysis and coagulation factors thus 
possibly causing Coagulopathy in large volumes. 
 These fluids can cause dramatic fluid shifts which can 
be dangerous if they are not administered in a 
controlled setting.
Type of inTravenous fluid 
Colloid fluid 
 Dextran 
-Polysaccharide fluid 
 Albumin 
-Natural plasma protein from donor plasma 
 Mannitol 
-Sugar alcohol substance 
 Hetastarch 
-Synthetic colloid made from starch
CCoommmmoonn ppaarreenntteerraall fflluuiidd tthheerraappyy 
SSoolluuttiioonnss VVoolluummeess NNaa++ KK++ CCaa22++ MMgg22++ CCll-- HHCCOO33 
-- DDeexxttrroossee mmOOssmm//LL 
EECCFF 142 4 5 103 27 280-310 
RRiinnggeerr’’ss 130 4 3 109 28 273 
00..99%% NNaaCCll 154 154 308 
NNaaCCll 77 77 154 
DD55WW 50 
NNaaCCll 77 77 50 406 
33%% NNaaCCll 513 513 1026 
HHeettaassttaarrcchh 500 154 154 310 
AAllbbuummiinn 250,500 130- 
160 <2.5 130- 
160 330 
AAllbbuummiinn 20,50,100 130- 
160 <2.5 130- 
160 330
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
 Fluid and electrolyte homeostasis is maintained in 
the body 
 Neutral balance: input = output 
 Positive balance: input > output 
 Negative balance: input < output
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
Intake and Output 
 Defines as the measurement and recording of all fluid 
intake and output during a 24 – hour period provides 
important data about the client's fluid and electrolyte 
 Unit of measurement of intake and output is mL 
 To measure fluid intake, nurses convert household 
measures such as glass, cup, or soup bowl to metric 
 Gauge fluid balance and give valuable information 
about your patient's condition.
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
Need – 
 It helps us determine the patient’s fluid status: 
 1. Are they Hydrated? 
 2. Are they Dehydrated? 
 3. Are they in Fluid Overload? 
 4. Is there an obstruction?
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
1. Oral Fluids: Water, Ice, Beverages 
2. Semi-Liquid Foods: Pudding, Jell-O, Custards, 
3. Parenteral Fluids: IV Fluid, Medications, Blood 
4. Any Food Liquid at Room Temperature: 
Popsicles, ice cream, and frozen yogurt 
8. Tube feedings 
9. Catheter or tube irrigants
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
 Urine 
 Vomitus and liquid feces 
 Tube drainage 
 Wound drainage and draining fistulas
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
Measurement of Volume 
 1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 15 milliliters(ml) 
 3 teaspoons(tsp) = 15 milliliters(ml) 
 1 cup(C) = 240 milliliters(ml) 
 8 ounces(oz) = 240 milliliters(ml) 
 1 teaspoon(tsp) = 5 milliliters(ml) 
 1 cup(C) = 8 ounces(oz) 
 16 ounces(oz) = 1 pound(lb) 
 1 ounce (oz) = 30milliliters(ml)
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
 Identify whether your patient has undergone 
surgery or if he has a medical condition or takes 
medication that can affect fluid intake or loss. 
 Measure and record all intake and output. If you 
delegate this task, make sure you know the totals 
and the fluid sources. 
 At least every 8 hours, record the type and amount 
of all fluids he's received and describe the route as 
oral, parenteral, rectal, or by enteric tube.
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
 Record ice chips as fluid at approximately half their 
 Record the type and amount of all fluids the patient 
has lost and the route. 
 Describe them as urine, liquid stool, vomitus, tube 
drainage and any fluid aspirated from a body cavity. 
 If irrigating a nasogastric or another tube or the 
bladder, measure the amount instilled and subtract it 
from total output.
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
 For an accurate measurement, keep toilet paper out 
of your patient's urine. 
 Measure drainage in a calibrated container. 
 Observe it eye level and take the reading at the 
bottom of the meniscus. 
 Evaluate patterns and values outside the normal 
range, keeping in mind the typical 24 – hour intake 
and output.
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
 When looking at 8 – hour urine output, ask how 
many times the patient voided, to identify 
 Regard intake and output holistically because age, 
diagnosis, medical problem, and type of surgical 
procedure can affect the amounts. Evaluate trends 
over 24 to 48 hours.
Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT 
 Don't delegate the task of recording intake and 
output until you're sure the person who's going to 
do it understands its importance. 
 Don't assess output by amount only. Consider color, 
color changes, and odor too. 
 Don't use the same graduated container for more 
than one patient.
MainTaining inTake-ouTpuT charTs
MainTaining inTake-ouTpuT charTs
inTravenous Therapy 
(inTravenous infusion) 
Introduction of large amount of fluid into body 
via veins is termed as intravenous infusion.
inTravenous Therapy 
(inTravenous infusion) 
 To restore the fluid volume that is lost from the 
body due to hemorrhage, vomiting, diarrhea, 
drainage etc. 
 To meet the patient’s basic requirement for calories, 
minerals, water and vitamins. 
 To prevent and treat shock and collapse. 
 To administer medicines. 
 To supply adequate amount of fluid, electrolytes 
and nutrients when patient is unable to take orally 
or when contraindicated orally.
inTravenous Therapy 
(inTravenous infusion) 
 Hemorrhage, shock, extensive burns etc. 
 Prolonged nausea, vomiting, peritonitis, paralytic 
ileus, fistulas etc. 
 Toxemias and septicemias 
 When intestinal tract is not intact 
 To administer medications which can be destroyed 
by the gastric juices.
inTravenous Therapy 
(inTravenous infusion) 
Solutions used 
 Nutrient solutions 
 Electrolyte solutions 
 Plasma expanders 
 Acidifying or alkalinizing solutions
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
General instructions for IV infusion 
 Follow strict aseptic technique 
 Fluid should be administered only with clearly 
written order. The order should include type of 
solution, concentration, amount to be administered 
and total time of infusion. 
 Maintain the specified rate of flow to prevent the 
circulatory overload. 
 During infusion observe the patient for any 
unfavorable symptoms and if found report 
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
General instructions for IV infusion 
 Following observations should be made throughout the 
 Flow rate, dislodgment of needle 
 Signs of circulatory overload 
 Urine out put 
 Infusion site for infiltration and thrombophlebitis 
 Fluid level in the bottle 
 Patency of the IV tubing 
 Intake and output chart 
 Regular estimation of electrolytes in blood.
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
General instructions for IV infusion 
 When electrolytes are used, flow rate should be slow. 
 Always check the expiry date before opening the IV bottle 
 Any suspended articles in IV bottles, discolored or cloudy 
fluid should not be used for infusion. 
 Make sure that drip set is sterile and in good working 
 Select a proper site for IV infusion 
 Never allow the bottle to get empty completely to prevent the 
entry of the air into tissues. 
 Fluid should always be administered at body temperature. 
 Monitor the vital sign at regular intervals
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Circulatory overload 
 Infiltration 
 Damage to the walls of blood vessels and extravasation of blood 
 Thrombophlebitis 
 Pyrogenic reactions 
 Air embolism 
 Infection at the needle site 
 Allergic reaction 
 Serum hepatitis 
 Osmotic diuresis 
 Nerve damage
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Circulatory overload 
 Circulatory overload means that the intravascular fluid 
compartment contains more fluid than the normal. 
 It occurs due to rapid administration of fluid or the fluid 
administered is more than requirement. 
 Circulatory overload results in cardiac failure and 
pulmonary edema 
 Signs of pulmonary edema include dyspnoea, cough, red 
frothy sputum, gurgling sounds on respiration etc. 
 Puffiness of the face, generalized edema and engorged neck 
veins indicate the cardiac failure.
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Circulatory overload 
 Circulatory overload can be prevented by carefully 
regulating the flow rate over 24 hours. 
 Flow rate can be calculated with the following formula- 
Flow rate= total volume infused (ml)×drops/ml 
total time of the infusion in minutes
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Infiltration 
 Infiltration is the escape of fluid into the subcutaneous tissues due to 
dislodgment of needle. 
 Following sign and symptoms indicate the infiltration- 
 Infusion rate slows or stops completely 
 Development of swelling, hardness, and pain around the injection 
 Feeling of numbness and coolness around the injection site 
 Failure of blood to return to the tubing when the bottle is lowered
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Infiltration 
 When infiltration has taken place, stop the infusion 
immediately and apply warm compress over the side of 
infusion and restart the infusion at another site
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Damage to the walls of the blood vessels and extravasation of 
blood (hematoma) 
 Walls of the blood vessels may be damaged due to careless 
introduction of the needle into body. 
 The needle may puncture the blood vessels in more than one place 
and the blood may flow into the tissues 
 It causes the hematoma (swelling) formation at the site of the 
 To treat the hematoma withdraw the needle immediately and apply 
pressure to the control bleeding 
 Apply cold compress over the injured site
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Thrombophlebitis 
 Thrombophlebitis is caused by mechanical 
trauma to the vein or the chemical irritations of 
some substances introduced into the veins such 
as KCl. 
 With thrombophlebitis patient may complaints of 
burning pain along the vein 
 Nurse may observe the redness, swelling, and 
increased skin temperature over the vein 
 General symptoms such as fever, rapid pulse 
malaise etc. may occur 
 Treatment includes- stop IV fluid, restart at 
another site, apply warm moist compress, do not 
massage or rub the area because it may dislodge 
the clot and may lead to pulmonary embolism.
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Pyrogenic reaction 
 It occurs in 30 minutes after the infusion. 
 Characterized by fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, and 
circulatory collapse in severe cases. 
 Pyrogenic reactions usually caused by pyrogens present in the 
IV fluids or due to the contaminated IV tubing and needles used 
for infusion. 
 Prevention of pyrogenic reaction- 
 Check the IV fluids in good light before they are infused 
 Any solution that is cloudy or containing suspended particles or 
with a color change should not be used 
 Use sterile needle and tubing for infusion
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Pyrogenic reaction 
 Treatment of pyrogenic reaction- 
 Stop the infusion immediately 
 Change the IV fluid and tubing 
 Administer anti-allergic drugs 
 Apply cold therapy to lower the body temperature 
 Restart the IV infusion
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Air embolism 
 An air embolism is an air bubble trapped in a blood vessel. 
 As a result tissues will not receive adequate oxygen. 
 Pulmonary embolism characterized by- 
 Dyspnoea 
 Cyanosis 
 Low blood pressure 
 Shock 
 Tachycardia 
 Unconsciousness
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Air embolism 
 Prevention of air embolism- 
 Expelled air completely from the tubing and the needle 
before introducing the needle into the vein. 
 Do not elevate the arm or leg receiving the infusion above 
the level of heart. 
 Never allow the IV drip to run dry 
 There should be a little fluid left in the tubing when the 
infusion is discontinued.
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Air embolism 
 Management of air embolism- 
 Pulmonary embolism is a life threatening condition which 
should be treated intensively 
 Monitor the vital signs regularly 
 Stop the fluid
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Infection at the needle site- 
 The needle may become contaminated during insertion or 
infection may occur at the needle site when it is left 
exposed for a long period 
 Prevention of infection- 
 Follow strict aseptic technique during procedure 
 Cover the needle with sterile dressing.
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Allergic reaction- 
 This may be due certain type of medications administered 
with IV fluids. 
 Serum hepatitis- 
 Infectious hepatitis have been attributed to improperly 
disinfected syringes and needles. 
 inoculation of .0004 ml of infected blood may transmit the 
serum hepatitis.
intravenous therapy 
(intravenous infusion) 
Complication of IV infusion 
 Osmotic diuresis- 
 If dextrose solution is administered too rapidly the patient may 
develop glucose overload and as a result excessive diuresis will 
take place 
 If diuresis remains unchecked extreme dehydration followed by 
shock and collapse will ensure 
 To prevent osmotic diuresis- 
 Observe vital sign frequently 
 Monitor urine out put 
 Assess the body weight 
 Frequently monitor the urine for acetone and sugar 
 Nerve damage- 
 Nerve damage may occur from tying the arm too tight with the 

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fluid and electrolytes and acidosis and alkalosis

  • 1. Aashish Parihar Nursing Tutor College of Nursing AIIMS, Jodhpur
  • 2. Fluid, electrolyte and acid base balances Content-  Distribution and composition of body fluids.  Movements and regulation of body fluid and electrolytes  Regulation of acid-base balance & type of acid-base imbalance  Type of intravenous fluid  Measuring fluid intake and output and maintaining intake-output charts.  Initiating intravenous therapy.  Regulating intravenous flow rate  Maintenance of intravenous system  Changing a peripheral intravenous dressing.  Blood transfusion.  Conditions need fluid restriction.
  • 4. distribution and composition oF body Fluids  2/3 (65%) of TBW is intracellular (ICF)  1/3 extracellular water 25 % interstitial fluid (ISF)  5- 8 % in plasma (IVF intravascular fluid) 1- 2 % in transcellular fluids – CSF, intraocular fluids, serous membranes.
  • 5. distribution and composition oF body Fluids  Body fluids are:  Electrically neutral  Osmotically maintained  Osmolality-It is a measure of the number of particles per kilogram of water. ( m osmoles/kg)  Osmotic pressure is the amount of hydrostatic pressure needed to stop the flow of water by osmosis. It is primarily determined by the concentration of solutes.
  • 6. distribution and composition oF body Fluids Fluid in the body compartments contains mineral salts known as electrolytes. An electrolyte is a compound that separates into ions (charged particles) when it dissolves in water. Ions that are positively charged are called cations; ions that are negatively charged are called anions.
  • 7. distribution and composition oF body Fluids Solutes and dissolved particles-  Electrolytes –Are compounds having charged particles Cations – positively charged ions ○ Na+, K+ , Ca++, H+ Anions – negatively charged ions ○ Cl-, HCO3 - , PO4 3-  Non-electrolytes – Uncharged compounds. ○ Proteins, urea, glucose, O2, CO2
  • 9. movements and regulation oF body Fluid and electrolytes  Active transport, diffusion, osmosis, and filtration are processes that move water and electrolytes between body compartments.  Active transport –Active transport is the movement of all types of molecules across a cell membrane against its concentration gradient (from low to high concentration).  Eg concentration of Na is high in ECF as compared to ICF. This is done by active transport- sodium potassium pump, keeping ICF lower in Na and higher in ECF, otherwise sodium can easily enter ICF through diffusion.  It requires energy in the form of ATP
  • 10. movements and regulation oF body Fluid and electrolytes  Diffusion –passive movement of particles down a concentration gradient (i.e from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration.  Osmosis – Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of water molecules through a partially permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration, in the direction that tends to equalize the solute concentrations on the two sides.
  • 11. movements and regulation oF body Fluid and electrolytes  Fluid compartments are separated by membranes that are freely permeable to water.  Movement of fluids due to:  hydrostatic pressure  osmotic pressure  Capillary filtration (hydrostatic) pressure  Capillary colloid osmotic pressure  Interstitial hydrostatic pressure  Tissue colloid osmotic pressure
  • 12. movements and regulation oF body Fluid and electrolytes
  • 13. regulation oF acid-base balance  For normal function of body and normal enzyme activity a normal hydrogen ion concentration is essential.  pH is the negative log of hydrogen ion concentration.  A hydrogen ion is the single free proton release from hydrogen atom.  Normal Hydrogen ion of arterial blood is = 0.00004meq/l which is equal to pH 7.4.
  • 14. regulation oF acid-base balance  pH of arterial blood is 7.4  pH of venous blood 7.35  Intracellular pH is slightly lower than plasma pH  pH of urine is 4.5-8.0  Acidosis is the pH of body fluid is less than normal pH  Alkalosis is the pH of the body fluid more than the normal.
  • 15. regulation oF acid-base balance  Acids are molecules that release hydrogen ion in solution.  Strong acids dissociates rapidly and release large amount of hydrogen ion .  Weak acids have less tendency to dissociate and release less amount of hydrogen ion
  • 16. regulation oF acid-base balance Defence against change in pH  Buffer system of our body  Respiratory system of our body  Renal control of our body
  • 17. regulation oF acid-base balance Defence against change in pH  Buffer system of our body Buffers are pairs of chemicals that work together to maintain normal pH of body fluids Important buffers include bicarbonate buffer, hemoglobin, protein buffer, phosphate buffer, cellular and bone buffer. Buffer normally keep the blood from becoming too acid when acids that are produced by cells circulate to the lungs and kidneys for excretion
  • 18. regulation oF acid-base balance Defence against change in pH  Respiratory system of our body Act with in few min (3-12 min.) Control pH by altering co2 elimination from body by lungs Increased blood PCO2 and hydrogen ion stimulates respiratory center so increase the rate and depth of respiration
  • 19. regulation oF acid-base balance Defence against change in pH  Renal control of our body By excreting acidic and basic urine Relatively slow to response Most powerful acid/base regulation system
  • 20. type oF intravenous Fluid  Following are the criteria for categorizing the IV Fluids- 1. Molecular size and weight 2. Tonicity
  • 21. Type of inTravenous fluid  Tonicity-Tonicity is the effective osmolality and is equal to the sum of the concentrations of the solutes which have the capacity to exert an osmotic force across the membrane.  The particles which does not move across the cell membranes easily determines the tonicity of a fluid.
  • 22. Type of inTravenous fluid  On the basis of tonicity there are three types of IV fluids-  Isotonic- A fluid with same concentration of particles as normal blood is called isotonic.  Hypertonic – more concentrated than blood  Hypotonic- less concentrated than blood.
  • 23. Type of inTravenous fluid Isotonic fluid  Solution has the same solute concentration (or osmolality) as normal blood plasma (290mOsm) and other body fluids  Solution stays where it is infused, inside the blood vessel  Expands the intravascular compartment  Does not affect the size of the cells  Solution maintains body fluid balance
  • 24. Type of inTravenous fluid Isotonic fluid
  • 25. Type of inTravenous fluid Isotonic fluid
  • 26. Type of inTravenous fluid Isotonic fluid  These fluids remain intravascular momentarily, thus expanding the volume.  Helpful with patients who are hypotensive or hypovolemic.  Risk of fluid overloading exists.  Therefore, be careful in patients with left ventricular dysfunction, history of CHF or hypertension.
  • 27. Type of inTravenous fluid Hypotonic fluid  Less osmolarity than serum (meaning: less sodium ion concentration than serum)  These fluids DILUTE serum thus decreasing osmolarity.  Water moves from the vascular compartment into the interstitial fluid compartment  interstitial fluid becomes diluted osmolarity decreases  water is drawn into adjacent cells.  Less than 10% remain intravascular, inadequate for fluid resuscitation  Caution with use because sudden fluid shifts from the intravascular space to cells can cause cardiovascular collapse and increased ICP in certain patients.
  • 28. Type of inTravenous fluid Hypotonic fluid
  • 29. Type of inTravenous fluid Hypotonic fluid  Solution has a lower osmolarity than serum (less than 240 mOsm/L)  Solution causes a fluid shift out of the blood vessels into the cells and interstitial spaces Solution hydrates cells while reducing fluid in the circulatory system  Ex.: ½ NSS (0.45% NaCl)
  • 30. Type of inTravenous fluid Hypotonic fluid  Administer cautiously  Solution can lower blood pressure  Do not give if these solutions if the patient is at risk for:  ICP from cerebro-vascular accident  Head trauma  Neurosurgery
  • 31. Type of inTravenous fluid Hypertonic fluid  Solution has an osmolarity higher than serum(>340mOsm/L)  Causes the solute concentration of the serum to increase pulling fluid from the cells and the interstitial compartment into the blood vessels  Reduces the risk of edema, stabilizes blood pressure, and regulates urine output
  • 32. Type of inTravenous fluid Hypertonic fluid
  • 33. Type of inTravenous fluid Hypertonic fluid  Monitor patient for circulatory overload  Solution can be irritating to the vein  Useful for stabilizing blood pressure, increasing urine output, correcting hypotonic hyponatremia and decreasing edema.  These can be dangerous in the setting of cell dehydration.
  • 35. Type of inTravenous fluid Types of IV fluid on the basis of molecular size and weight-  Crystalloid  colloid
  • 36. Type of inTravenous fluid Crystalloid fluid  Clear solutions –fluids- made up of water & electrolyte solutions; small molecules.  These fluids are good for volume expansion.  However, both water & electrolytes will cross a semi-permeable membrane into the interstitial space and achieve equilibrium in 2-3 hours.  Remember: 3mL of isotonic crystalloid solution are needed to replace 1mL of patient blood.  This is because approximately 2/3rds of the solution will leave the vascular space in approx. 1 hour.
  • 37. Type of inTravenous fluid Crystalloid fluid  Advantages: Inexpensive Easy to store with long shelf life Readily available with a very low incidence of adverse reactions Variety of formulations available that are effective for use as replacement fluids or maintenance fluids  A major disadvantage is that it takes approximately 2-3 x volume of a crystalloid to cause the same intravascular expansion as a single volume of colloid.
  • 38. Type of inTravenous fluid Colloid fluid  Colloids are large molecular weight solutions (nominally MW > 30,000 Daltons)  Macromolecular substances made of gelatinous solutions which have particles suspended in solution and do NOT readily cross semi-permeable membranes or form sediments.  Their high osmolarity, are important in capillary fluid dynamics because they are the only constituents which are effective at exerting an osmotic force across the wall of the capillaries.  These work well in reducing edema  draw fluid from the interstitial and intracellular compartments into the vascular compartments.  Initially these fluids stay almost entirely in the intravascular space for a prolonged period of time compared to crystalloids.
  • 39. Type of inTravenous fluid Colloid fluid The general problems with colloid solutions are:  Much higher cost than crystalloid solutions  Small but significant incidence of adverse reactions  Gelatinous properties  cause platelet dysfunction and interfere with fibrinolysis and coagulation factors thus possibly causing Coagulopathy in large volumes.  These fluids can cause dramatic fluid shifts which can be dangerous if they are not administered in a controlled setting.
  • 40. Type of inTravenous fluid Colloid fluid The general problems with colloid solutions are:  Much higher cost than crystalloid solutions  Small but significant incidence of adverse reactions  Gelatinous properties  cause platelet dysfunction and interfere with fibrinolysis and coagulation factors thus possibly causing Coagulopathy in large volumes.  These fluids can cause dramatic fluid shifts which can be dangerous if they are not administered in a controlled setting.
  • 41. Type of inTravenous fluid Colloid fluid  Dextran -Polysaccharide fluid  Albumin -Natural plasma protein from donor plasma  Mannitol -Sugar alcohol substance  Hetastarch -Synthetic colloid made from starch
  • 42. CCoommmmoonn ppaarreenntteerraall fflluuiidd tthheerraappyy SSoolluuttiioonnss VVoolluummeess NNaa++ KK++ CCaa22++ MMgg22++ CCll-- HHCCOO33 -- DDeexxttrroossee mmOOssmm//LL EECCFF 142 4 5 103 27 280-310 LLaaccttaatteedd RRiinnggeerr’’ss 130 4 3 109 28 273 00..99%% NNaaCCll 154 154 308 00..4455%% NNaaCCll 77 77 154 DD55WW 50 DD55//00..4455%% NNaaCCll 77 77 50 406 33%% NNaaCCll 513 513 1026 66%% HHeettaassttaarrcchh 500 154 154 310 55%% AAllbbuummiinn 250,500 130- 160 <2.5 130- 160 330 2255%% AAllbbuummiinn 20,50,100 130- 160 <2.5 130- 160 330
  • 43. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT  Fluid and electrolyte homeostasis is maintained in the body  Neutral balance: input = output  Positive balance: input > output  Negative balance: input < output
  • 45. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT Intake and Output  Defines as the measurement and recording of all fluid intake and output during a 24 – hour period provides important data about the client's fluid and electrolyte balance.  Unit of measurement of intake and output is mL (milliliter).  To measure fluid intake, nurses convert household measures such as glass, cup, or soup bowl to metric units.  Gauge fluid balance and give valuable information about your patient's condition.
  • 46. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT Need –  It helps us determine the patient’s fluid status:  1. Are they Hydrated?  2. Are they Dehydrated?  3. Are they in Fluid Overload?  4. Is there an obstruction?
  • 47. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT Intake 1. Oral Fluids: Water, Ice, Beverages 2. Semi-Liquid Foods: Pudding, Jell-O, Custards, Yogurt 3. Parenteral Fluids: IV Fluid, Medications, Blood Products 4. Any Food Liquid at Room Temperature: Popsicles, ice cream, and frozen yogurt 8. Tube feedings 9. Catheter or tube irrigants
  • 48. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT Output  Urine  Vomitus and liquid feces  Tube drainage  Wound drainage and draining fistulas
  • 49. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT Measurement of Volume  1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 15 milliliters(ml)  3 teaspoons(tsp) = 15 milliliters(ml)  1 cup(C) = 240 milliliters(ml)  8 ounces(oz) = 240 milliliters(ml)  1 teaspoon(tsp) = 5 milliliters(ml)  1 cup(C) = 8 ounces(oz)  16 ounces(oz) = 1 pound(lb)  1 ounce (oz) = 30milliliters(ml)
  • 50. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT DOs  Identify whether your patient has undergone surgery or if he has a medical condition or takes medication that can affect fluid intake or loss.  Measure and record all intake and output. If you delegate this task, make sure you know the totals and the fluid sources.  At least every 8 hours, record the type and amount of all fluids he's received and describe the route as oral, parenteral, rectal, or by enteric tube.
  • 51. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT DOs  Record ice chips as fluid at approximately half their volume.  Record the type and amount of all fluids the patient has lost and the route.  Describe them as urine, liquid stool, vomitus, tube drainage and any fluid aspirated from a body cavity.  If irrigating a nasogastric or another tube or the bladder, measure the amount instilled and subtract it from total output.
  • 52. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT DOs  For an accurate measurement, keep toilet paper out of your patient's urine.  Measure drainage in a calibrated container.  Observe it eye level and take the reading at the bottom of the meniscus.  Evaluate patterns and values outside the normal range, keeping in mind the typical 24 – hour intake and output.
  • 53. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT DOs  When looking at 8 – hour urine output, ask how many times the patient voided, to identify problems.  Regard intake and output holistically because age, diagnosis, medical problem, and type of surgical procedure can affect the amounts. Evaluate trends over 24 to 48 hours.
  • 54. Measuring fluid inTake and ouTpuT DONTs  Don't delegate the task of recording intake and output until you're sure the person who's going to do it understands its importance.  Don't assess output by amount only. Consider color, color changes, and odor too.  Don't use the same graduated container for more than one patient.
  • 57. inTravenous Therapy (inTravenous infusion) Definition Introduction of large amount of fluid into body via veins is termed as intravenous infusion.
  • 58. inTravenous Therapy (inTravenous infusion) Purposes  To restore the fluid volume that is lost from the body due to hemorrhage, vomiting, diarrhea, drainage etc.  To meet the patient’s basic requirement for calories, minerals, water and vitamins.  To prevent and treat shock and collapse.  To administer medicines.  To supply adequate amount of fluid, electrolytes and nutrients when patient is unable to take orally or when contraindicated orally.
  • 59. inTravenous Therapy (inTravenous infusion) Indications  Hemorrhage, shock, extensive burns etc.  Prolonged nausea, vomiting, peritonitis, paralytic ileus, fistulas etc.  Toxemias and septicemias  When intestinal tract is not intact  To administer medications which can be destroyed by the gastric juices.
  • 60. inTravenous Therapy (inTravenous infusion) Solutions used  Nutrient solutions  Electrolyte solutions  Plasma expanders  Acidifying or alkalinizing solutions
  • 61. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) General instructions for IV infusion  Follow strict aseptic technique  Fluid should be administered only with clearly written order. The order should include type of solution, concentration, amount to be administered and total time of infusion.  Maintain the specified rate of flow to prevent the circulatory overload.  During infusion observe the patient for any unfavorable symptoms and if found report immediately.
  • 62. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) General instructions for IV infusion  Following observations should be made throughout the infusion-  Flow rate, dislodgment of needle  Signs of circulatory overload  Urine out put  Infusion site for infiltration and thrombophlebitis  Fluid level in the bottle  Patency of the IV tubing  Intake and output chart  Regular estimation of electrolytes in blood.
  • 63. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) General instructions for IV infusion  When electrolytes are used, flow rate should be slow.  Always check the expiry date before opening the IV bottle  Any suspended articles in IV bottles, discolored or cloudy fluid should not be used for infusion.  Make sure that drip set is sterile and in good working condition  Select a proper site for IV infusion  Never allow the bottle to get empty completely to prevent the entry of the air into tissues.  Fluid should always be administered at body temperature.  Monitor the vital sign at regular intervals
  • 64. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Circulatory overload  Infiltration  Damage to the walls of blood vessels and extravasation of blood (hematoma)  Thrombophlebitis  Pyrogenic reactions  Air embolism  Infection at the needle site  Allergic reaction  Serum hepatitis  Osmotic diuresis  Nerve damage
  • 65. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Circulatory overload  Circulatory overload means that the intravascular fluid compartment contains more fluid than the normal.  It occurs due to rapid administration of fluid or the fluid administered is more than requirement.  Circulatory overload results in cardiac failure and pulmonary edema  Signs of pulmonary edema include dyspnoea, cough, red frothy sputum, gurgling sounds on respiration etc.  Puffiness of the face, generalized edema and engorged neck veins indicate the cardiac failure.
  • 66. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Circulatory overload  Circulatory overload can be prevented by carefully regulating the flow rate over 24 hours.  Flow rate can be calculated with the following formula- Flow rate= total volume infused (ml)×drops/ml total time of the infusion in minutes
  • 67. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Infiltration  Infiltration is the escape of fluid into the subcutaneous tissues due to dislodgment of needle.  Following sign and symptoms indicate the infiltration-  Infusion rate slows or stops completely  Development of swelling, hardness, and pain around the injection site  Feeling of numbness and coolness around the injection site  Failure of blood to return to the tubing when the bottle is lowered
  • 68. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Infiltration  When infiltration has taken place, stop the infusion immediately and apply warm compress over the side of infusion and restart the infusion at another site
  • 69. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Damage to the walls of the blood vessels and extravasation of blood (hematoma)  Walls of the blood vessels may be damaged due to careless introduction of the needle into body.  The needle may puncture the blood vessels in more than one place and the blood may flow into the tissues  It causes the hematoma (swelling) formation at the site of the puncture  To treat the hematoma withdraw the needle immediately and apply pressure to the control bleeding  Apply cold compress over the injured site
  • 70. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Thrombophlebitis  Thrombophlebitis is caused by mechanical trauma to the vein or the chemical irritations of some substances introduced into the veins such as KCl.  With thrombophlebitis patient may complaints of burning pain along the vein  Nurse may observe the redness, swelling, and increased skin temperature over the vein  General symptoms such as fever, rapid pulse malaise etc. may occur  Treatment includes- stop IV fluid, restart at another site, apply warm moist compress, do not massage or rub the area because it may dislodge the clot and may lead to pulmonary embolism.
  • 71. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Pyrogenic reaction  It occurs in 30 minutes after the infusion.  Characterized by fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, and circulatory collapse in severe cases.  Pyrogenic reactions usually caused by pyrogens present in the IV fluids or due to the contaminated IV tubing and needles used for infusion.  Prevention of pyrogenic reaction-  Check the IV fluids in good light before they are infused  Any solution that is cloudy or containing suspended particles or with a color change should not be used  Use sterile needle and tubing for infusion
  • 72. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Pyrogenic reaction  Treatment of pyrogenic reaction-  Stop the infusion immediately  Change the IV fluid and tubing  Administer anti-allergic drugs  Apply cold therapy to lower the body temperature  Restart the IV infusion
  • 73. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Air embolism  An air embolism is an air bubble trapped in a blood vessel.  As a result tissues will not receive adequate oxygen.  Pulmonary embolism characterized by-  Dyspnoea  Cyanosis  Low blood pressure  Shock  Tachycardia  Unconsciousness
  • 74. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Air embolism  Prevention of air embolism-  Expelled air completely from the tubing and the needle before introducing the needle into the vein.  Do not elevate the arm or leg receiving the infusion above the level of heart.  Never allow the IV drip to run dry  There should be a little fluid left in the tubing when the infusion is discontinued.
  • 75. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Air embolism  Management of air embolism-  Pulmonary embolism is a life threatening condition which should be treated intensively  Monitor the vital signs regularly  Stop the fluid
  • 76. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Infection at the needle site-  The needle may become contaminated during insertion or infection may occur at the needle site when it is left exposed for a long period  Prevention of infection-  Follow strict aseptic technique during procedure  Cover the needle with sterile dressing.
  • 77. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Allergic reaction-  This may be due certain type of medications administered with IV fluids.  Serum hepatitis-  Infectious hepatitis have been attributed to improperly disinfected syringes and needles.  inoculation of .0004 ml of infected blood may transmit the serum hepatitis.
  • 78. intravenous therapy (intravenous infusion) Complication of IV infusion  Osmotic diuresis-  If dextrose solution is administered too rapidly the patient may develop glucose overload and as a result excessive diuresis will take place  If diuresis remains unchecked extreme dehydration followed by shock and collapse will ensure  To prevent osmotic diuresis-  Observe vital sign frequently  Monitor urine out put  Assess the body weight  Frequently monitor the urine for acetone and sugar  Nerve damage-  Nerve damage may occur from tying the arm too tight with the splint.