animals zoology reproduction biology animal diversity bs zoology bs students fertilization development shell locomotion digestion class caudofoveata class scaphopoda class polyplacophora bivalve diversity class bivalvia feeding shell coiling torsion class gastropoda phylum mollusca college university college course university course phylum marine animals xenacoelomorpha university ppt biolecture softbodies mollusca phylogenetic considerations class solenogastres class monoplacophora colege universeity presentation cosmetic dentistry courses loligo squid octopus maintenance of functions feeding and digestion class cephalopoda studebts locomtion reproduction and development maintenance functions filter feeding gas exchange shell and associated structure limpets slugs snail gastrodod diversity nervous system sensory system mantle detorsion softbodied fetilization how to study phyla xenoturbella diversity of animals phylum xenoturbellida life science description spadella arrow worms phylum chaetognatha university students university courses arthorpoda peripatus phylum onychophora musa moosa dr fertization phylum orthonectida phylum rhombozoa phylum mesozoa how reproduction occurs lopgotrochozoa brachiopods horseshoe worm phylum phoronida zoids marine urnatella ectoprocta phylum entprocta cnida a coral reefss jelly fish aurella zoid obelia medusa polyp nematocyst alternation of generation cindocyte hydra class hydrozoa coelenterata phylum cnidaria applied zoology hyderbabad gc university sir moosa dr. muhammad moosa mmusa kingdom animalia nerve net comb rows colloblast pleurobranchia basal phyla comb jellies phylum ctenophora endoparasites parasites digenetic monogetic beef tape worm broad fishtapeworm tapeworms blod flukes schistosomes life cycle of fluke chinese liver flukes nutrition sheep liver fluke planaria turbellaria trematoda flatworms phylum platyhelminth ascon hexactinellida leucosolena sessile taxonomy classification water current body forms gemmule skeleton spicules body wall cell types features of sponge sponge phylum porifera phyla phylum placozoa trichoplax adhaerens lesser known phyla statocysts dr muhammad moosa abro mmusa ppt waminoa phylum acoelomorpha vertebrates miller and harley gcuh science specialization branches fishes cichlids ichthyology introduction zooology
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