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Global CMO™
The Magazine May 2013 | 1
Bridging The Gap
Andrew Vesey ggmn
Currencies Of Change
David Mattin
Marketing Leaders
Of Tomorrow
Get Published - And WIN!!
Issue 3 | Volume 1
May 2013
Michael Solomon:
From Pawns
To Partners
Turning Customers
Into Co-Designers
Improving The
Industry Through
Global Accreditation
Darrell Kofkin fgmn
A Model Approach To
Wine Marketing
James MacAskill fgmn
Global CMO is the Official Magazine of Global Marketing Network, the
Global Body for Marketing Professionals.
What The Hell Is
A Marketer?
David Hood pgmn
Global CMO™
The Magazine April 2013 | 1
Implement Or Die
Andrew Vesey ggmn
The Chairman’s Report
Ian Derbyshire fgmn
Three Requirements
For CMO Longevity
Laura Patterson
Issue 2 | Volume 1
April 2013
Markus Pfeiffer:
Are You Ready
For A Digital-First
50 Marketing Leaders
Over 50
Alan See
Trend Report:
Clean Slate Brands
Global CMO™
is the Official Magazine of Global Marketing Network, the
Global Body for Marketing Professionals.
Meet GMN’s
‘Digital Doctor’
50 Marketing Leaders
Over 50 You Should Know
You’re Never Too Young
Or Too Old If You’ve Got Talent
By Alan See
Featured In
Leaders Over 50
You Should Know
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latest research and practices and improve your marketing capabilities
Global CMO™
The Magazine	 REPRINT | 3
Making The List
1.	 How and where do you find innovative ideas?
2.	 What’s the best way to keep your eye on the future?
50 Marketing Leaders Over 50 You Should Know
You’re Never Too Young Or Too Old If You’ve Got Talent
Alan See
Let’s recognise that age has little to do with ability. You’re
never too young or too old if you’ve got talent. In the
marketing world, Advertising Age and Direct Marketing
News have their 40 under 40 lists. Forbes has their 30
under 30. This blog post counterbalances with 50 who are
over 50 because to my knowledge a list of this nature has
never been published.
details and key learning’s. Yes, in case you are wondering,
I am over 50, and this group was mainly pulled together
through my personal Twitter followers. I’m currently ranked
as the 3rd most followed Chief Marketing Officer on Twitter
by Social Media Marketing Magazine. Since I have nearly
60 thousand followers I was confident there would be at
least 50 profiles representing marketing leaders over 50
years of age that are street smart, innovative and doing
remarkable work. I just needed to identify them, and hope
they would admit to being over 50! I also wanted to ask
them two questions:
It has been an interesting and fun process to assemble
this list because I’ve learned some things about my Twitter
connections that I didn’t know, and I’ll be a better marketer
for it. I’ve also gained a greater appreciation for my
network in the 40-50 age range who reached out to help
me with profile suggestions. They are not yet old enough
to make my list and they are too old for the others, but
they were still ready to help. Isn’t it annoying when your
demographic is ignored? We’ll have to fix that in the future!
This project has taken longer than I expected. What you
have to consider is that this group is very busy as many of
them run their own companies. That means their focus is
on growing their business and not on wasteful distractions
like lists! I also confirmed that some were not eager to
anticipate follow-up tweets and contact from the AARP! OK,
what I really mean is that they didn’t want to be branded
as old. During my correspondences it was not uncommon
for a candidate to say “I love the idea behind your list, but
hesitate to participate because I don’t want to be thought of
as old.” Age is a funny thing. We think about it differently
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The Magazine	
at various points in time as it relates to our career.
Wouldn’t it be great if we truly recognized that you’re never
too young or too old if you’ve got talent? In the meantime,
in no particular order, here is my list of 50 senior marketing
connections on Twitter you should know:
John Caldwell
Twitter Followers: 1,812
Red Pill Email
1.	 I try to pay attention to the world around me. My
oldest son at 27 is an Internet native, and a lot of
ideas come from he and his friends. My youngest
son at 2 provides inspiration as he adapts his world
to his special needs. One of my best resources
is my wife, the consummate (an over-used but
appropriate word) shopper; what she buys, what
she doesn’t, and why is always an enigma. Oh, and
reality TV...
2.	 By understanding the past and the present; learning
from our own and other’s mistakes; and not
being distracted by the little things that are easily
distracting. Watching and listening to people of all
ages while keeping watch for innovative ideas that
improve people’s quality of life at different stages
throughout life.
Adrea Rubin
Twitter Followers: 1,707
Adrea Rubin Media, Inc.
1.	 I consume a variety of content (industry events/
trade shows, industry newsletters, social media
feeds, etc.) to learn about current issues/
challenges facing my current and prospective
clients. I tie that information back to my nearly 40
years of experience in insurance/financial services
marketing and, from that, generate ideas.
2.	 Embracing technology and its influence on industry
trends. Also, by staying current with legislative
changes that impact how insurance/financial
services marketers acquire new customers,
especially in the boomers/age 50+ space.
Scott Doniger
Twitter Followers: 333
Senior VP, Strategy and Services
1.	 Create mindspace (for me, it’s working out and/
or listening to music) so that my unconscious mind
is free to solve problems while my conscious mind
recharges and regenerates the unconscious with
stimulating life.
a.	 Voraciously snack on great “content”
i.e. read a lot
b.	 Ask tough questions of really smart people
i.	 My social community
(mostly smart, snarky people)
ii.	 Diverse connections -- young, old, and
mostly not in my industry
2.	 Make sense of the past in the proper context of
what I’m trying to do in the future.
a.	 Ask great questions / interrogate the world
b.	 Create a list of signposts and signals that might
be indicators of true future vs. flashes -- being
active in this way typically enables me to filter
signal from noise.
Christopher Donald
Twitter Followers: 993
Inbox Group - Indiemark
1.	 I listen! To most everyone I can in my industry
(Email Marketing) and read a lot. I read blog posts,
whitepapers, listen on twitter and books. I also
talk a lot to those much younger that me that might
have a better pulse on “what’s new” and what the
cool kids are doing.
2.	 Again I listen! There always seems to be new
companies coming up with new tools or integration
that give benefit to the email marketing industry.
I try to be open about new options to be more
effective with data, testing, and creative. Again I
keep the younger crowd close. It seems as we get
older we get a little set in our ways, we become
less open to outside influence, I try to be open as
possible to hearing about and understanding how
people connect with businesses. Whether it be with
email, social, mobile, etc. I’m open to learning from
Global CMO™
The Magazine	 REPRINT | 5
Bill McCloskey
Twitter Followers: 1,392
Only Influencers, LLC
1.	 Innovative ideas come to me most often when I’m
doing something not related to business. Soaking
in a tub, driving, walking. It could be anywhere,
anytime but it is important to be open to ideas
when they come. Another great source of ideas is
listening to your customers. I had one company that
I started in 2000 and one of my clients mentioned
that they were looking for a technology that didn’t
exist. I listened to what they were looking for, and
created a new product to fit their needs. As a result,
I launched a new company based on that one
conversation in 2003:
2.	 Every morning I read a series of newspapers, blogs,
and journals to keep up on what is going on but my
best source of information is my network of peers
that I communicate with on a daily basis. Being
part of a community that is focused on my industry
has been the greatest, easiest, and most dynamic
method of staying in touch with issues that affect
the digital marketing industry.
Jim Lyons
Twitter Followers: 2,871
JLA (formerly HP, Lyra Research)
1.	 I have always been a big consumer of news -
national, world, local, sports, entertainment,
business, technology - and now find Social Media,
especially Twitter, to be a great source of inspiration
(to where it leads me, actually). Recently, I heard
Ira Glass talk, and directed advice to aspiring
journalists and writers, but it holds for all of us, at
any stage. He said, you need to spend half your
time poking around (“turning over rocks” is my
favourite way to put it) so the other half of the time
you have something to write about!
2.	 I have always been an early adopter (at least
in many categories) - nothing like hands-on
experiences to ascertain something’s impact on the
Jay Deragon
Twitter Followers: 8,897
Title: Digital Strategist
Company: The Relationship
1.	 I find innovative ideas in the bits of information
gathered from collaborating with many on and off
line then creating a new mental model with meaning
from all the ideas.
2.	 The best way to keep your eye on the future
is to study the disruptive forces that lie at the
intersection of technology with the human network.
Terry Brock
Twitter Followers: 5,224
Title: CEO and President
Company: Achievement
Systems, Inc.
1.	 Reading Feedly feeds regularly, producing my
podcast, blog & videos, Attending classes at
Harvard Business School, Speaking at Air Force
Academy and hanging with cool, brilliant people!
2.	 Learn from the past, but look to the future.
Constantly disrupt your staid thinking with fresh,
innovative ideas from different sources, new
materials and new ideas. Live! Life is just beginning
every day!
Adrian Ott
Twitter Followers: 48,288
Title: CEO & Founder
Company: Exponential Edge Inc.
1.	 Collaborating with my clients in Silicon Valley who
have innovative new technology and are willing to
apply new management approaches, lecturing at top
business schools, my twitter community.
2.	 Build a diverse set of information sources and pay
attention to new technology or trends that could
provide new business models or approaches.
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The Magazine	
Karen Shields
Twitter Followers: 33
Public Information Officer/
Communications Manager
Gwinnett, Newton & Rockdale
County Health Departments
1.	 I find innovative ideas by doing things that help stop
and empty my mind. If my mind is busy and filled,
there is no time or room for innovation. Walking
outside, meditating, playing the piano, reading - all
of those give me pause and help my mind make
room for innovation. Where is in nature, music and
2.	 The best way to keep your eye on the future is
to engage it. Talk to the future - the younger
generation. “Kids” in their 20s are bright. They
are tech savvy. They totally embrace new. Always
wonder . . . always learn . . . and always - as a
three-year old would do - ask WHY?
Gary Schirr
Twitter Followers: 77,000
Title: Assistant Professor,
Marketing, Radford University
1.	 I find that the key is to stay current in your main
area of interest and probe into some entirely
different areas. I think creativity is often at the
intersection of two ways of looking at things. For
example my interests in product innovation and
social media have provided some insights and ideas
on co-creation. Over in Finance and Economics
the trailblazing innovations and new ideas of the
last 15 years is to bring knowledge of biases from
psychology into their areas: behavioral finance and
behavioral economics. Stretch yourself!
2.	 Stay current and watch the cutting edge. I scan
marketing journals, but I also scan Scientific
American, Wired, and Fast Company... and go to
entrepreneur meetings to see what wild ideas are
being talked about.
Rick Segal
Twitter Followers: 1070
Title: President Worldwide &
Chief Practice Officer
Company: gyro
1.	 I don’t find the best innovative ideas, they find me.
The secret is to cultivate copiousness. Be very
deliberate in filling your mind with the widest variety
of sensations, information and stimuluae. Ideas will
then sprout like wildflowers.
2.	 Read science fiction and speculative fiction, and pay
real close attention to toddlers and teenagers.
Eric Fletcher
Twitter Followers: 9,500
Title: Chief Marketing Officer
Company: McGlinchey Stafford
1.	 Read until my eyes give out -- HBR, McKinsey
Quarterly, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine,
selected blogs.
2.	 Talk less, listen more -- to leaders in and out of my
industry, to social and market researchers, to a
philosopher or two along the way, to bright young
minds that surround me.
Kent Huffman
Twitter Followers: 32,019
Title: CMO
Company: BearCom Wireless
1.	 Most of my innovative ideas originate during formal
brainstorming sessions and casual discussions
with other creative marketers, not just those who
are over 50, but those who are under 50 as well. I
also get inspiration and interesting ideas from my
company’s customers.
2.	 For me, the best way to keep an eye on the future is
to regularly read (or at least scan) the leading print
publications and content websites written about
the wireless industry and the marketing profession.
Also, listening to other innovative marketers and
participating in social media helps keep me current.
Global CMO™
The Magazine	 REPRINT | 7
Mark Burgess
Twitter Followers: 4,735
Title: President and Founder
Company: Blue Focus Marketing
1.	 Create and conduct lectures and workshops for
leading universities and marketing organizations.
2.	 Stay active in social media. Tweet and view learning
as a continuous process. Author a new book. Push
ahead. Re-imagine. Write content that energizes.
Cheryl Burgess
Twitter Followers: 13,520
Title: CEO and CMO
Company: Blue Focus Marketing
1.	 Vibrant Twitter community, interviews with the
brightest minds on social business and social
branding for upcoming new book, The Social
Employee (McGraw-Hill, summer 2013) (@
SocialEmployee) – Success lessons from big
brands, IBM, AT&T, Dell, Cisco, Southwest, Adobe,
Acxiom and Domo.
2.	 Listen and engage both online and offline with
disruptive innovative thinkers!
Bob Thompson
Twitter Followers: 4.815
Title: CEO
Company: CustomerThink Corp
1.	 I’m fortunate to manage, which
features some of the smartest people on the planet
in marketing and many other disciplines. So there’s
no lack of innovative ideas. The trick is figuring out
which ones to use.
2.	 I like to watch the intersection of customer trends
and technology trends. Solve interesting problems
there and you’ll invent the future you want to see.
Saul J Berman
Twitter Followers: 459
Title: Partner & Vice President
Company: IBM Global Business
1.	 On the beach free thinking or traveling cities
around the world. Or being inspired by elementary
school, high school and college kids. Hanging out
with the leading academic thinkers and technical
researchers. Connecting dots in new ways! Dare to
be extreme and disruptive!
2.	 Read and travel 300k miles a year. Always find
and challenge the underlying assumptions and
the norms. Ask why but also why not? Diversify
your perspective and inputs. Experience what’s
new yourself. Hire the best and brightest but
nontraditional as well. Set an environment and
expect out of the box thinking. Start with envisioning
the future!
Tony Zambito
Twitter Followers: 1,812
Title: Founder
Company: TonyZambito.Com
1.	 I get my best innovative ideas through direct
qualitative research with customers/buyers for
clients and combining this work with curiosity.
Meaning, you need to be able to connect the dots
to reveal insight and understanding, which leads to
new ideas. Ideas which helps us to see the world
2.	 Keeping your eye on the future requires a new
capability as a result of our hyper-connected society.
The capability of assimilating information and
translating it into meaning is going to become a
much needed skill in the future. My advice to the
younger generation in their 30’s for example is to
focus in on developing this skill. Our future leaders
will be called upon to be forward thinking.
8 | REPRINT	 Global CMO™
The Magazine	
Brian Kardon
Twitter followers: 11,450
Title: Chief Marketing Officer
Company: Lattice Engines
1.	 I play the piano almost every night, even when
I travel (you can often find me in empty hotel
ballrooms playing the piano late at night). Music
uses completely different parts of your brain, and
I find it very stimulating. You gotta get out of the
hood to find new ideas.
2.	 I rely on many sources, but I particularly like TED
talks and conversations with academics. These
take me out of my comfort zone and talk to ideas
and possibilities that are often very new to me.
Shaun Smith
Twitter Followers: 1,292
Title: Founder and Author
Company: Smith+co
1.	 I study and write about BOLD brands and
their inspiring leaders to find out how they are
transforming their markets.
2.	 Look at the failures of the past; they are often a
guide to the successes of the future.
Linda Ireland
Twitter Followers: 1,716
Title: Partner
Company: Aveus
1.	 Voracious listening. Voracious reading. Voracious
travel. All the better when either takes me
someplace I didn’t expect, or pushes my point of
2.	 I stay focused on what customer’s value (and will
pay for), not just what they’ll accept. What’s the
unmet need? Who will solve it?
Gary Katz
Twitter Followers: 866
Title: Chairman of Marketing
Operations Partners and
Marketing Operations Future
1.	 Innovative ideas are in rich supply. I find
them through researching, exploring, sharing,
brainstorming, facilitating and generally being a
continuous learner. An idea is only as good as your
ability to effectively synthesize and apply it to solve
a problem or envision a new opportunity.
2.	 Look for gaps in the interfaces, longer-term
implications and yet-to-be articulated opportunities
that when addressed have potential to leapfrog
current practice.
Paul Greenberg
Twitter Followers: 12,540
Title: Managing Principal
Company: The 56 Group, LLC
(coming Q3 2013)
1.	 I have two go-to areas for innovation - an extensive
network of innovative people who I can brainstorm
with - this ranges from CRM and technology industry
veterans to extremely bright kids who are new
and fresh to the industry. The second area for
inspiration and innovation in business is music,
literature and other cultural arenas. In particular,
comedy, especially satire sharpens and hones me
for thinking in an innovative way. Long live Woody
Allen, S.J. Perelman and Saturday Night Live! Among
many others.
2.	 The best way to keep your eye on the future is
to pay attention to anomalies that you see. For
example, in 2009, a couple of studies appeared
that said for the first time in history, more people
were communicating via social networks than email.
That would be two studies of, let’s say, a thousand.
But the fact that those two anomalous studies
existed at all, indicated the beginnings of a truly
seismic shift that is ongoing (not there yet) where
that is going to become generally true, no longer
an anomaly. In 2007, for example, NONE of those
studies would appear. So find the anomalies, and
keep your eyes on them.
Global CMO™
The Magazine	 REPRINT | 9
Lisa Radin
Twitter followers: 1,562
Title: Strategist
Company: Independent
1.	 To keep my creative juices flowing, I need to
consume information – written and from people
aka insights. Every part of my being is about info
consumption – finding casual, ethnic and exotic
treats to feed my brain. I don’t know how the human
body works, but ‘this food’ creates an energy that
ignites new thinking and always leads to innovation.
2.	 I keep my eye on the future by tracking over 50
trends from social media to nanotechnology. You
would be surprised what you learn by opening your
mind to new categories/industries/interests. Twitter
is great for tracking business / market intelligence.
Christine Moorman
Twitter Followers: 908
Title: Professor and Founder
Company: Duke University,
Fuqua School of Business and
The CMO Survey
1.	 Teaching my smart MBA students. I read broadly
and think deeply about marketing issues to
create class sessions to improve their thinking.
Interactions with my students in and outside of
class, in turn, improve my thinking. Every class is a
great inspiration to me.
2.	 I started The CMO Survey to collect forward-looking
measures of marketing. These indicators offer
insight. In addition, my focus is on customers and
what they want and need. When we follow this lead,
it is hard to miss the mark.
Chris Williams
Twitter Followers: 43
Acting President NJ Chapter
The CMO Club
1.	 I have found that innovation occurs thought-
out the organisation and not just in a top down
hierarchical manner thus as CMO my role was
to spin a web across employees, partners and
customers both in and out of my industry to find
examples of innovation that could be adopted in
whole or radically modified to meet a different set
of challenges. The key is to keep an open mind
and align with those not afraid of change especially
those out of your normal ecosystems. In my ‘blue
ocean’ strategic workshops I encouraged my team
at Avaya who were tasked with supporting third party
consultants to hold briefings where the agenda
was NOT on solving a current problems (those
were addressed separately) buy to look at where
technology has gone and to imagine the art of the
possible. By proactively approaching clients with
solutions to problem they did not know they had
we thus established a more strategic relationship
with them. I also believe Innovation can be both
incremental and radical. It’s not always about
inventing the new but reinventing the old.
2.	 What’s the best way to keep your eye on the future?
In my case it was about staying on top of business
challenges that our clients and markets struggled
with, learning from the past but being open to chart
a new course. It may involve redefining a market or
a new set of non-traditional competitors. A great
example of what is happening today is the product
development that is originating in emerging markets
and being brought back to address the long tail of
our mature markets versus the traditional approach
to innovating centrally and pushing to out across
the globe irrespective of local market needs.
New advances in collabouration technologies has
fundamentally changed the way groups innovate
around the world.
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Jill Konrath
Twitter Followers: 12,893
President and Founder
Jill Konrath
1.	 I’m an idea junkie. I love learning about fresh
strategies both inside & outside my profession and
industry. The best ideas come from the mash-ups.
2.	 Look to the younger people! Their perspectives and
approaches help me see things differently. And,
when combined with your hard-earned wisdom, it
virtually assures that you stay a game-changer.
Joan Schneider
Twitter Followers: 2,206
President and Founder
Schneider Associates
1.	 Go to museums, lectures at Harvard Business
School and travel the US and the world—preferably
on a motorcycle.
2.	 Don’t sit in your office, get out and talk to people
of all different stripes, stay up on the news (TV,
newspapers, online, Twitter), take a university class
and hire lots of interns.
Michael Libbie
Twitter Followers: 2,858
Insight Cubed
1.	 I watch consumers and pay close attention to their
buying habits and then match those needs/wants/
desires to our client’s products or services; creating
visuals and text that matches the consumer.
2.	 Read... nearly everything. We also use Twitter to
scan various key-words, Facebook to catch a sense,
YouTube to see what’s hot and follow other leaders
in the industries we touch.
Jay Brokamp
Twitter Followers: 227
President and Founder
1.	 I’ve become a student of understanding how the
idea in the corner will impact the trends in the big
booth. I look toward people and companies trying to
leverage converging rails of technology. I’ve applied
what I see to our business model and software
2.	 I listen to and try to understand the challenges
businesses are confronted with and why. I find
that by tacking the technologies corporations
are investing in and understanding why they are
successful or perhaps more importantly, not as
successful as hoped, gives me a window into the
talent and services which will be in demand.
Mark Shevitz
Twitter Followers: 221
SJI, Inc
1.	 In this business of developing ideas and campaigns,
finding places where my mind is open to create and
observe is important. Driving is one of them. The
other is at retail - among products and purchasers
(malls, grocery, etc.). And, of course, being aware of
what’s trending on relevant social platforms.
2.	 I speak regularly at universities, so being around
a younger generation is key. College students
and 20-somethings have their own ideas about
purchasing and are just coming into their own as
influencers. To me, these are the thought leaders
of the future, so it’s worth keeping an eye on who
/ what they perceive as the trends, brands and
innovators of tomorrow.
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Jeffrey Peel
Twitter Followers: 2,812
Managing Director
Quadriga Consulting Ltd
1.	 I firmly believe the best way to get ideas is to go out
and chat with people. I recommend just ‘getting
out’ to my client and organise ‘meet and drinks’
chats with customers, partners and start-ups.
2.	 It’s impossible to predict the future. Trying is
pointless. But meet people who might just create
the products of the future is a great way to get a
sense of what’s possible.
Jim Ducharme
Twitter Followers: 1,141
Community Director
GetResponse Email Marketing
1.	 Everyone has their own social media poison I think.
Some folks are naturals for Facebook, others are
more visual and prefer Pinterest and some like me,
are Twitter oriented. Twitter reminds me of my old
days with CB Radio, but it has the added advantage
of allowing for better filtering and curating of
content. As well, it’s a great “now” surveillance
medium just like CB was. It begs the question: What
are you thinking or doing right now?
2.	 Boomers have an advantage when it comes to
“seeing the future” because (to paraphrase Tom
Chapin) we can see where we are and we know
where we’ve been. Having perspective gives you
foresight. If you are over 50 and you can put digital
into an analog frame of reference, you are ahead
of the game. If you realize that people make the
digital word and not the other way around then you
are miles ahead. We aren’t so much exploring new
territory as we are exploring old territory (ourselves)
in new ways. So, knowing where we’ve been gives
one an advantage in being able to see where we are
going. Because social is not about the technology,
but about how we use it and human nature doesn’t
change as fast as technology does.
Doug Mow
Twitter Followers: 1,431
Chief Marketing Officer
Courion Corporation
1.	 Innovation is a state of mind, not a place or a
process. I find innovative ideas all around me by
observing life and imagining the art of the possible.
2.	 It sounds trite, but the best way to keep your eye
on the future is by imagining it, looking through the
windshield and not the rear view mirror.
Jeff Ogden
Twitter Followers: 4,985
Find New Customers
1.	 That’s a slam dunk, Alan. I created and host the
popular show Marketing Made Simple TV, so I find
the most interesting guests. Case in point, when I
was offered a chance to present a TED-like talk to
a big meeting, I used the ideas I learned from the
lady on my show Robbin Phillips, Courageous CEO of
Brains on Fire.
2.	 Network like crazy, Meet cool people, like you, Alan.
Read a lot. Write blog posts. Go to meetings. Social
media opens a huge world of contacts.
Steve Kirstein
Twitter Followers: 394
Director of Marketing
OnProcess Technology
1.	 Depends on what kinds of ideas you’re referring
to - marketing technology/tools/processes – blogs,
twitter, inbound emails from vendors, etc. For
creative concepts – everywhere!
2.	 Keep both eyes open – don’t depend on any one
source, medium, channel, process, concept – and
always be willing to challenge your own beliefs,
preconceptions, SOPs.
12 | REPRINT	 Global CMO™
The Magazine	
Emily R. Coleman
Twitter Followers: 771
CAM, Inc.
1.	 I find ideas all over the place. I think the key is
to keep your mind open and not be overawed by
the common wisdom. Basically, it is not that hard
to innovate if you don’t feel a need to follow the
crowd. The purpose of marketing, after all, is to
get your company/product/service/ideas noticed.
You can’t do that if you stand firmly in the middle
of what everyone else is doing. And the purpose of
innovating is to increase revenues, let’s not forget
2.	 Trends are the consequence of millions of
people making personal decisions for their own
reasons. The key to understanding the future
is to understand why people are acting the way
they do. Marketers can influence fads, but they
have to follow and anticipate - and understand the
underlying reasons for - trends.
Brad Shorr
Twitter Followers: 9,117
Director of B2B Marketing
Straight North
1.	 I don’t consider myself especially creative, but I’m
good at recognizing great ideas in conversation or
through reading (blog posts mainly, these days), and
then adapting them to my business. It takes a fair
amount of work though. In order to appreciate great
ideas, you have to sift through all of the many bad
ones as well.
2.	 Same answer as number 1: talk to people and read.
The struggle I have is getting out of my comfort zone
and talking to people who are younger, older, and
who have radically different outlooks from mine.
This is where blogs have been so helpful. Engaging
with bloggers has connected me with very smart
people I never would have interacted with otherwise.
Ken Rutsky
Twitter Followers: 600
Go to Market Thought Leader
KJR Associates, Inc
1.	 Insight from and through my clients and their
2.	 Always think how you can make your customer’s
lives and businesses better.
Kay Ross
Twitter Followers: 3,800
Marketing consultant & coach,
editor and copywriter.
Kay Ross Marketing
1.	 I read voraciously about a wide variety of topics:
marketing, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience,
design, social media, theatre, healing, language,
travel, fiction, trends in business and society...
And I perform comedy improvisation, which builds
my skill at spotting unlikely connections between
unexpected things.
2.	 There is no future; there’s only NOW. Keep your eye
on what’s happening now.
Dyan Bryson
Twitter Followers: 534
Managing Director
Inspired Health Strategies, LLC
1.	 I get my innovative ideas through much research,
participating in conversations and discussions on
LinkedIn and Twitter as well as face-to-face meetings
and events. I match this input with my personal
experience- basically understanding the problems I
have identified and developing solutions based on
what I have learned.
2.	 The best way to keep my eye on the future is the
same use of social media and networking but
also watching industries other than mine to see
what is working there and anticipating the use of
process and systems in my industry. So, a lot of
benchmarking through every way possible!
Image Not
Global CMO™
The Magazine	 REPRINT | 13
Barbara Fowler
Twitter Followers: 611
Northeast Managing Partner,
Chief Outsiders
1.	 I get up early every day-up by 5-and for 2 hours or
so, I read. I have the best blogs in my google reader
and get so many innovative ideas there. From
Strategy-Business, to SEOMoz to Kissmetrics, Fast
Company to the HBR, reading gives me the most
insight into new and different ideas. (If you need
links, I have them)
2.	 Be open to it. I hate it when people say that as you
get older, you get more set in your ways. I think you
can, but do not have to. I like to explore new ideas,
listen to people who are completely opposed to how
I think and imagine, “What life experiences, what
teaching, what made them have those opinions?
I believe in “Assume the best intentions of other,
Seek first to understand their point of view “ and
that keeps my eye on the future.
David Newberry
Twitter Followers: 168
Group Marketing Officer
Pitney Bowes Software
1.	 Innovation is supported by diversity and
collaboration. A few tips:
•• Give vendors 5 minutes of your time. It is likely
that their company has a number of innovative
ideas which underpin their value proposition.
•• Encourage your teams to focus on outcomes
rather than activities and therefore provide them
with an environment where they can think out of
the box.
•• Collaborate across departments and
geographies so many more diverse viewpoints
are captured and considered.
2.	 Spend more time with clients on better
understanding what is keeping them up at night.
Form strong relationships with a small number of
the peer companies who are conveying leading-edge
thinking and best practice. Network and network,
you can never listen enough or have too many
viewpoints or ideas.
Donald Lambert
Twitter Followers: 69
Management, Marketing, Media
1.	 Observation, Listening, Brainstorming: Taking
a careful, thoughtful and active interest in the
question that needs to be answered. Learning:
After 25 years in broadcast communications
management, I decided to return to university and
complete the degree uncompleted years earlier. I
found it invigorating being surrounded by many
bright young people who were eager to tell me that
this or that is not how things are looked at today. I
have tried to glean the best of the best from the
experience. Read and watch movies for knowledge,
stimulation and inspiration.
2.	 Nurture Optimism: Always believe there are hope
and a future that can be better than today or
yesterday. Embrace Discontentment: Revel in
successes briefly and move on knowing today’s
innovation can be improved. Foster an environment
of forgiveness: Innovation can only occur where
stumbling, falling and periodic misdirection is
accepted as part and parcel to trying new things.
Keep trying. Refer back to the 1st point.
Ari Sherman
Twitter Followers: 451
Creative Director, copywriter
Ari Sherman, advertising,
formerly of Frankfurt Gips
1.	 My favourite ideas come from letting the problem
solving process play out. Quickly eliminating the
obvious solutions allows real fresh thinking to
percolate into ideas. The ones that excite me are
the ones I run with.
2.	 I think an eye to the future means realizing it’s
already here. So engage voraciously with the now.
Look at what’s out there that’s cutting edge, figure
out what makes it distinct, and always remember
you’re as much a part of it as anyone.
14 | REPRINT	 Global CMO™
The Magazine	
Ardath Albee
Twitter followers: 10,199
CEO and B2B Marketing
Marketing Interactions, Inc.
1.	 In my opinion, 1 & 2 go together: Brainstorming
calls with peers, an annual retreat I attend, looking
outside my network, reading/absorbing a variety of
different perspectives to look for unique crossovers
and pushing my work farther with each new project.
Feedback from speaking and publishing that makes
me think differently about my work.
Andrew (Andy) Rudin
Twitter Followers: 1,774
Managing Principal
Outside Technologies, Inc.
1.	 I find innovation by questioning the status quo.
When I hear “that’s the way it’s always been done,”
or “here are the rules for X, Y, or Z,” I get hot and
2.	 Be constantly curious. Focus on lifelong learning.
Read. Seek the company of people who are smart,
worldly and talented. Take online courses. Go back
to school. Write about something you want to know
more about. Become fluent in another language.
Drew Neisser
Twitter Followers: 6,196
CEO and Founder
Renegade, LLC
1.	 How and where do you find innovative ideas? For
me, it starts with a voracious curiosity about
random facts, relevant trends and personal
passions pursued via all available media. From
there, it’s a matter of tricking the brain to connect
seemingly disparate dots into something fresh.
2.	 What’s the best way to keep your eye on the future?
Talking with forward-thinking people and then forcing
you to turn these conversations into cogent if not
prescient articles.
Laura Patterson
Twitter Followers: 1010
President and Founder
VisionEdge Marketing, Inc.
1.	 Ideas are everywhere! I spend a great deal of time
on the road and often use this time to meet with
and list to people both inside and outside the
discipline, people in the trenches and on the front
line and people who have a view at 50,000 feet.
I’m especially interested in learning about their
current challenges, where they see the bright spots,
what trends they are noticing, what they are reading
and why, and what is something they recently
learned or wish they knew. A good glass of wine
during these conversations can be very helpful. I
try to make it a point to monitor major publications
both industry and academic to look for trends and
see what people are talking and thinking about. If
it resonates with me perhaps it will with others. And
I find mental energy and ideas come more easily
when my mind is free to roam, like during a long run,
or lap after lap in the pool, or working in the garden.
And the author …
Alan See
Twitter Followers: 56,400
Chief Marketing Officer
Alan See CMO Temps, LLC
1.	 How and where do you find innovative ideas?
Answer: I can express my personal story on
this topic in six words: “Old dog, new tricks, no
problem!” I love the idea of lifelong learning, so I
read and network to tease out new ideas wherever
I can.
2.	 What’s the best way to keep your eye on the future?
Answer: To remember this formula; Legacy Mindset
= Creativity Killer.
Alan See
Chief Marketing Officer, CMO Temps LLP
Alan See is a senior marketing executive and ranked the 3rd
most followed CMO on Twitter. Alan has over 30 years of
industry experience helping organizations develop marketing
strategies and sales initiatives that power profitable growth.
His rare ability to speak Web 2.0 and Sales 101 in the same
sentence makes him a popular blogger and conference speaker.
He has also served as an
associate faculty member
at the University of Phoenix
where he facilitated courses
in Marketing and Management
Alan holds BBA and MBA
degrees from Abilene Christian
University and currently serves
as Interim CMO at DocuStar
( ).
Are You Compiling A List?
Are You on One?
If you’d like to share it with
the Marketing world,
we’d love to hear from you.
Global CMO™
The Magazine Sample | 1
Markus Pfeiffer
We profile one of our industry leading
GMN Fellows
CMO Masterclass
A major forward step for the
marketing profession in Brazil
Go Team!
Why do sports fans buy tickets?
What drives people to purchase?
Sample Issue
December 2013
Industry Icon
Kevin Lane Keller:
Navigating the future of Brand Management
Marketers: Welcome
To The Boardroom
The changing role of today’s CMO
50 Shades of CMO
One title, many job descriptions
Global CMO™
is the Official Magazine of Global Marketing
Network, the Global Body for Marketing Professionals.
Global CMO™
The Magazine
The official Magazine of Global
Marketing Network, the Global Body
for Marketing Professionals.
Advertising and Sponsorship:
Editorial Board:
Editor-in-Chief | Fiona Vesey
GMN CPD Director | David Hood
GMN Global Faculty | Professor Greg Marshall
GMN South Africa | Dr Anthony Michail
GMN Global Advisory Council | MaryLee Sachs
GMN Global Faculty | Professor Michael Solomon
GMN Brand Guardian | Andrew Vesey
GMN Membership Committee | Dr Kellie Vincent
Published in collaboration by:
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UK +44 131 208 2285
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The Global Chief Marketing Officer

  • 1. Global CMO™ The Magazine May 2013 | 1 Bridging The Gap Andrew Vesey ggmn Currencies Of Change David Mattin Marketing Leaders Of Tomorrow Get Published - And WIN!! Issue 3 | Volume 1 May 2013 Michael Solomon: From Pawns To Partners Turning Customers Into Co-Designers Improving The Industry Through Global Accreditation Darrell Kofkin fgmn A Model Approach To Wine Marketing James MacAskill fgmn Global CMO is the Official Magazine of Global Marketing Network, the Global Body for Marketing Professionals. What The Hell Is A Marketer? David Hood pgmn Global CMO™ The Magazine April 2013 | 1 Implement Or Die Andrew Vesey ggmn The Chairman’s Report Ian Derbyshire fgmn Three Requirements For CMO Longevity Laura Patterson Issue 2 | Volume 1 April 2013 Markus Pfeiffer: Are You Ready For A Digital-First Future? 50 Marketing Leaders Over 50 Alan See Trend Report: Clean Slate Brands Global CMO™ is the Official Magazine of Global Marketing Network, the Global Body for Marketing Professionals. Meet GMN’s ‘Digital Doctor’ 50 Marketing Leaders Over 50 You Should Know You’re Never Too Young Or Too Old If You’ve Got Talent By Alan See Featured In 50Marketing Leaders Over 50 You Should Know
  • 2. 2 | REPRINT Global CMO™ The Magazine Be Part of the Future of Marketing Join GMN and become more than just a number • Be awarded GMN letters and Certificate to demonstrate that you have been recognised as a leading Marketing Professional • Receive a Seal for use on your website and promotional materials once you become accredited • Get profiled on the GMN website and in the Online Members Directory • Receive invitations to special networking events, book launches and selected conferences • Qualify for substantial savings on future GMN Certification, Executive Education and Conferences • 25% discount on all Kogan Page books and publications • Access to premium Members only content on Global CMO The Community • Access to the full Global CMO The Magazine back catalogue • 20% discount on advertising in Global CMO The Magazine • Premium Members Only offers in Global CMO The Magazine and Global CMO The Community Discover your Membership Options and Apply Here Now GMN Academic Partner GMN Corporate Partner GMN Membership Association Partner GMN Global Strategic Partner Wanting More? Talk to us regarding Partnership Opportunities We enjoy the collabouration and support of a great many long established, highly successful and world-class individuals and organisations from both academia and business. So when you join GMN you become part of a network containing some of the world’s leading marketing experts. Assuring you that you are in good company, and part of growing global network of Marketing Professionals where standards are high… and rising. Connecting you with thought- leaders, so you can network with senior decision-makers, access the very latest research and practices and improve your marketing capabilities
  • 3. Global CMO™ The Magazine REPRINT | 3 Making The List 1. How and where do you find innovative ideas? 2. What’s the best way to keep your eye on the future? 50 Marketing Leaders Over 50 You Should Know You’re Never Too Young Or Too Old If You’ve Got Talent Alan See Let’s recognise that age has little to do with ability. You’re never too young or too old if you’ve got talent. In the marketing world, Advertising Age and Direct Marketing News have their 40 under 40 lists. Forbes has their 30 under 30. This blog post counterbalances with 50 who are over 50 because to my knowledge a list of this nature has never been published. Now,beforeIpresentmylistletmeprovidesomebackground details and key learning’s. Yes, in case you are wondering, I am over 50, and this group was mainly pulled together through my personal Twitter followers. I’m currently ranked as the 3rd most followed Chief Marketing Officer on Twitter by Social Media Marketing Magazine. Since I have nearly 60 thousand followers I was confident there would be at least 50 profiles representing marketing leaders over 50 years of age that are street smart, innovative and doing remarkable work. I just needed to identify them, and hope they would admit to being over 50! I also wanted to ask them two questions: It has been an interesting and fun process to assemble this list because I’ve learned some things about my Twitter connections that I didn’t know, and I’ll be a better marketer for it. I’ve also gained a greater appreciation for my network in the 40-50 age range who reached out to help me with profile suggestions. They are not yet old enough to make my list and they are too old for the others, but they were still ready to help. Isn’t it annoying when your demographic is ignored? We’ll have to fix that in the future! This project has taken longer than I expected. What you have to consider is that this group is very busy as many of them run their own companies. That means their focus is on growing their business and not on wasteful distractions like lists! I also confirmed that some were not eager to anticipate follow-up tweets and contact from the AARP! OK, what I really mean is that they didn’t want to be branded as old. During my correspondences it was not uncommon for a candidate to say “I love the idea behind your list, but hesitate to participate because I don’t want to be thought of as old.” Age is a funny thing. We think about it differently
  • 4. 4 | REPRINT Global CMO™ The Magazine at various points in time as it relates to our career. Wouldn’t it be great if we truly recognized that you’re never too young or too old if you’ve got talent? In the meantime, in no particular order, here is my list of 50 senior marketing connections on Twitter you should know: John Caldwell @jacaldwell Twitter Followers: 1,812 Principal Red Pill Email 1. I try to pay attention to the world around me. My oldest son at 27 is an Internet native, and a lot of ideas come from he and his friends. My youngest son at 2 provides inspiration as he adapts his world to his special needs. One of my best resources is my wife, the consummate (an over-used but appropriate word) shopper; what she buys, what she doesn’t, and why is always an enigma. Oh, and reality TV... 2. By understanding the past and the present; learning from our own and other’s mistakes; and not being distracted by the little things that are easily distracting. Watching and listening to people of all ages while keeping watch for innovative ideas that improve people’s quality of life at different stages throughout life. Adrea Rubin @adrearubin Twitter Followers: 1,707 CEO Adrea Rubin Media, Inc. 1. I consume a variety of content (industry events/ trade shows, industry newsletters, social media feeds, etc.) to learn about current issues/ challenges facing my current and prospective clients. I tie that information back to my nearly 40 years of experience in insurance/financial services marketing and, from that, generate ideas. 2. Embracing technology and its influence on industry trends. Also, by staying current with legislative changes that impact how insurance/financial services marketers acquire new customers, especially in the boomers/age 50+ space. Scott Doniger @scottd44 Twitter Followers: 333 Senior VP, Strategy and Services Sprinklr 1. Create mindspace (for me, it’s working out and/ or listening to music) so that my unconscious mind is free to solve problems while my conscious mind recharges and regenerates the unconscious with stimulating life. a. Voraciously snack on great “content” i.e. read a lot b. Ask tough questions of really smart people where: i. My social community (mostly smart, snarky people) ii. Diverse connections -- young, old, and mostly not in my industry 2. Make sense of the past in the proper context of what I’m trying to do in the future. a. Ask great questions / interrogate the world b. Create a list of signposts and signals that might be indicators of true future vs. flashes -- being active in this way typically enables me to filter signal from noise. Christopher Donald @EmailMadMan Twitter Followers: 993 Strategist Inbox Group - Indiemark 1. I listen! To most everyone I can in my industry (Email Marketing) and read a lot. I read blog posts, whitepapers, listen on twitter and books. I also talk a lot to those much younger that me that might have a better pulse on “what’s new” and what the cool kids are doing. 2. Again I listen! There always seems to be new companies coming up with new tools or integration that give benefit to the email marketing industry. I try to be open about new options to be more effective with data, testing, and creative. Again I keep the younger crowd close. It seems as we get older we get a little set in our ways, we become less open to outside influence, I try to be open as possible to hearing about and understanding how people connect with businesses. Whether it be with email, social, mobile, etc. I’m open to learning from others.
  • 5. Global CMO™ The Magazine REPRINT | 5 Bill McCloskey @billmccloskey Twitter Followers: 1,392 Founder Only Influencers, LLC 1. Innovative ideas come to me most often when I’m doing something not related to business. Soaking in a tub, driving, walking. It could be anywhere, anytime but it is important to be open to ideas when they come. Another great source of ideas is listening to your customers. I had one company that I started in 2000 and one of my clients mentioned that they were looking for a technology that didn’t exist. I listened to what they were looking for, and created a new product to fit their needs. As a result, I launched a new company based on that one conversation in 2003: 2. Every morning I read a series of newspapers, blogs, and journals to keep up on what is going on but my best source of information is my network of peers that I communicate with on a daily basis. Being part of a community that is focused on my industry has been the greatest, easiest, and most dynamic method of staying in touch with issues that affect the digital marketing industry. Jim Lyons @jflyons Twitter Followers: 2,871 Writer/Analyst/Blogger JLA (formerly HP, Lyra Research) 1. I have always been a big consumer of news - national, world, local, sports, entertainment, business, technology - and now find Social Media, especially Twitter, to be a great source of inspiration (to where it leads me, actually). Recently, I heard Ira Glass talk, and directed advice to aspiring journalists and writers, but it holds for all of us, at any stage. He said, you need to spend half your time poking around (“turning over rocks” is my favourite way to put it) so the other half of the time you have something to write about! 2. I have always been an early adopter (at least in many categories) - nothing like hands-on experiences to ascertain something’s impact on the future. Jay Deragon @JDeragon Twitter Followers: 8,897 Title: Digital Strategist Company: The Relationship Economy 1. I find innovative ideas in the bits of information gathered from collaborating with many on and off line then creating a new mental model with meaning from all the ideas. 2. The best way to keep your eye on the future is to study the disruptive forces that lie at the intersection of technology with the human network. Terry Brock @TerryBrock Twitter Followers: 5,224 Title: CEO and President Company: Achievement Systems, Inc. 1. Reading Feedly feeds regularly, producing my podcast, blog & videos, Attending classes at Harvard Business School, Speaking at Air Force Academy and hanging with cool, brilliant people! 2. Learn from the past, but look to the future. Constantly disrupt your staid thinking with fresh, innovative ideas from different sources, new materials and new ideas. Live! Life is just beginning every day! Adrian Ott @ExponentialEdge Twitter Followers: 48,288 Title: CEO & Founder Company: Exponential Edge Inc. 1. Collaborating with my clients in Silicon Valley who have innovative new technology and are willing to apply new management approaches, lecturing at top business schools, my twitter community. 2. Build a diverse set of information sources and pay attention to new technology or trends that could provide new business models or approaches.
  • 6. 6 | REPRINT Global CMO™ The Magazine Karen Shields @MarComMgr Twitter Followers: 33 Public Information Officer/ Communications Manager Gwinnett, Newton & Rockdale County Health Departments 1. I find innovative ideas by doing things that help stop and empty my mind. If my mind is busy and filled, there is no time or room for innovation. Walking outside, meditating, playing the piano, reading - all of those give me pause and help my mind make room for innovation. Where is in nature, music and solitude. 2. The best way to keep your eye on the future is to engage it. Talk to the future - the younger generation. “Kids” in their 20s are bright. They are tech savvy. They totally embrace new. Always wonder . . . always learn . . . and always - as a three-year old would do - ask WHY? Gary Schirr @ProfessorGary Twitter Followers: 77,000 Title: Assistant Professor, Marketing, Radford University 1. I find that the key is to stay current in your main area of interest and probe into some entirely different areas. I think creativity is often at the intersection of two ways of looking at things. For example my interests in product innovation and social media have provided some insights and ideas on co-creation. Over in Finance and Economics the trailblazing innovations and new ideas of the last 15 years is to bring knowledge of biases from psychology into their areas: behavioral finance and behavioral economics. Stretch yourself! 2. Stay current and watch the cutting edge. I scan marketing journals, but I also scan Scientific American, Wired, and Fast Company... and go to entrepreneur meetings to see what wild ideas are being talked about. Rick Segal @MrBtoB Twitter Followers: 1070 Title: President Worldwide & Chief Practice Officer Company: gyro 1. I don’t find the best innovative ideas, they find me. The secret is to cultivate copiousness. Be very deliberate in filling your mind with the widest variety of sensations, information and stimuluae. Ideas will then sprout like wildflowers. 2. Read science fiction and speculative fiction, and pay real close attention to toddlers and teenagers. Eric Fletcher @EricFletcher Twitter Followers: 9,500 Title: Chief Marketing Officer Company: McGlinchey Stafford 1. Read until my eyes give out -- HBR, McKinsey Quarterly, Fast Company, Entrepreneur Magazine, selected blogs. 2. Talk less, listen more -- to leaders in and out of my industry, to social and market researchers, to a philosopher or two along the way, to bright young minds that surround me. Kent Huffman @KentHuffman Twitter Followers: 32,019 Title: CMO Company: BearCom Wireless 1. Most of my innovative ideas originate during formal brainstorming sessions and casual discussions with other creative marketers, not just those who are over 50, but those who are under 50 as well. I also get inspiration and interesting ideas from my company’s customers. 2. For me, the best way to keep an eye on the future is to regularly read (or at least scan) the leading print publications and content websites written about the wireless industry and the marketing profession. Also, listening to other innovative marketers and participating in social media helps keep me current.
  • 7. Global CMO™ The Magazine REPRINT | 7 Mark Burgess @mnburgess Twitter Followers: 4,735 Title: President and Founder Company: Blue Focus Marketing blog 1. Create and conduct lectures and workshops for leading universities and marketing organizations. 2. Stay active in social media. Tweet and view learning as a continuous process. Author a new book. Push ahead. Re-imagine. Write content that energizes. Cheryl Burgess @ckburgess Twitter Followers: 13,520 Title: CEO and CMO Company: Blue Focus Marketing blog 1. Vibrant Twitter community, interviews with the brightest minds on social business and social branding for upcoming new book, The Social Employee (McGraw-Hill, summer 2013) (@ SocialEmployee) – Success lessons from big brands, IBM, AT&T, Dell, Cisco, Southwest, Adobe, Acxiom and Domo. 2. Listen and engage both online and offline with disruptive innovative thinkers! Bob Thompson @Bob_Thompson Twitter Followers: 4.815 Title: CEO Company: CustomerThink Corp 1. I’m fortunate to manage, which features some of the smartest people on the planet in marketing and many other disciplines. So there’s no lack of innovative ideas. The trick is figuring out which ones to use. 2. I like to watch the intersection of customer trends and technology trends. Solve interesting problems there and you’ll invent the future you want to see. Saul J Berman @thnqtnq Twitter Followers: 459 Title: Partner & Vice President Company: IBM Global Business Services us/gbs/consulting/ 1. On the beach free thinking or traveling cities around the world. Or being inspired by elementary school, high school and college kids. Hanging out with the leading academic thinkers and technical researchers. Connecting dots in new ways! Dare to be extreme and disruptive! 2. Read and travel 300k miles a year. Always find and challenge the underlying assumptions and the norms. Ask why but also why not? Diversify your perspective and inputs. Experience what’s new yourself. Hire the best and brightest but nontraditional as well. Set an environment and expect out of the box thinking. Start with envisioning the future! Tony Zambito @tonyzambito Twitter Followers: 1,812 Title: Founder Company: TonyZambito.Com 1. I get my best innovative ideas through direct qualitative research with customers/buyers for clients and combining this work with curiosity. Meaning, you need to be able to connect the dots to reveal insight and understanding, which leads to new ideas. Ideas which helps us to see the world differently. 2. Keeping your eye on the future requires a new capability as a result of our hyper-connected society. The capability of assimilating information and translating it into meaning is going to become a much needed skill in the future. My advice to the younger generation in their 30’s for example is to focus in on developing this skill. Our future leaders will be called upon to be forward thinking.
  • 8. 8 | REPRINT Global CMO™ The Magazine Brian Kardon @bkardon Twitter followers: 11,450 Title: Chief Marketing Officer Company: Lattice Engines 1. I play the piano almost every night, even when I travel (you can often find me in empty hotel ballrooms playing the piano late at night). Music uses completely different parts of your brain, and I find it very stimulating. You gotta get out of the hood to find new ideas. 2. I rely on many sources, but I particularly like TED talks and conversations with academics. These take me out of my comfort zone and talk to ideas and possibilities that are often very new to me. Shaun Smith @ShaunSmith_CEM Twitter Followers: 1,292 Title: Founder and Author Company: Smith+co 1. I study and write about BOLD brands and their inspiring leaders to find out how they are transforming their markets. 2. Look at the failures of the past; they are often a guide to the successes of the future. Linda Ireland @lindaireland Twitter Followers: 1,716 Title: Partner Company: Aveus 1. Voracious listening. Voracious reading. Voracious travel. All the better when either takes me someplace I didn’t expect, or pushes my point of view. 2. I stay focused on what customer’s value (and will pay for), not just what they’ll accept. What’s the unmet need? Who will solve it? Gary Katz @garymkatz Twitter Followers: 866 Title: Chairman of Marketing Operations Partners and Marketing Operations Future Forum www.marketingoperations 1. Innovative ideas are in rich supply. I find them through researching, exploring, sharing, brainstorming, facilitating and generally being a continuous learner. An idea is only as good as your ability to effectively synthesize and apply it to solve a problem or envision a new opportunity. 2. Look for gaps in the interfaces, longer-term implications and yet-to-be articulated opportunities that when addressed have potential to leapfrog current practice. Paul Greenberg @pgreenbe Twitter Followers: 12,540 Title: Managing Principal Company: The 56 Group, LLC (coming Q3 2013) 1. I have two go-to areas for innovation - an extensive network of innovative people who I can brainstorm with - this ranges from CRM and technology industry veterans to extremely bright kids who are new and fresh to the industry. The second area for inspiration and innovation in business is music, literature and other cultural arenas. In particular, comedy, especially satire sharpens and hones me for thinking in an innovative way. Long live Woody Allen, S.J. Perelman and Saturday Night Live! Among many others. 2. The best way to keep your eye on the future is to pay attention to anomalies that you see. For example, in 2009, a couple of studies appeared that said for the first time in history, more people were communicating via social networks than email. That would be two studies of, let’s say, a thousand. But the fact that those two anomalous studies existed at all, indicated the beginnings of a truly seismic shift that is ongoing (not there yet) where that is going to become generally true, no longer an anomaly. In 2007, for example, NONE of those studies would appear. So find the anomalies, and keep your eyes on them.
  • 9. Global CMO™ The Magazine REPRINT | 9 Lisa Radin @milguy23 Twitter followers: 1,562 Title: Strategist Company: Independent lisaradinbrandstrategist 1. To keep my creative juices flowing, I need to consume information – written and from people aka insights. Every part of my being is about info consumption – finding casual, ethnic and exotic treats to feed my brain. I don’t know how the human body works, but ‘this food’ creates an energy that ignites new thinking and always leads to innovation. 2. I keep my eye on the future by tracking over 50 trends from social media to nanotechnology. You would be surprised what you learn by opening your mind to new categories/industries/interests. Twitter is great for tracking business / market intelligence. Christine Moorman @chrismoorman Twitter Followers: 908 Title: Professor and Founder Company: Duke University, Fuqua School of Business and The CMO Survey 1. Teaching my smart MBA students. I read broadly and think deeply about marketing issues to create class sessions to improve their thinking. Interactions with my students in and outside of class, in turn, improve my thinking. Every class is a great inspiration to me. 2. I started The CMO Survey to collect forward-looking measures of marketing. These indicators offer insight. In addition, my focus is on customers and what they want and need. When we follow this lead, it is hard to miss the mark. Chris Williams @chriw Twitter Followers: 43 Acting President NJ Chapter The CMO Club 1. I have found that innovation occurs thought- out the organisation and not just in a top down hierarchical manner thus as CMO my role was to spin a web across employees, partners and customers both in and out of my industry to find examples of innovation that could be adopted in whole or radically modified to meet a different set of challenges. The key is to keep an open mind and align with those not afraid of change especially those out of your normal ecosystems. In my ‘blue ocean’ strategic workshops I encouraged my team at Avaya who were tasked with supporting third party consultants to hold briefings where the agenda was NOT on solving a current problems (those were addressed separately) buy to look at where technology has gone and to imagine the art of the possible. By proactively approaching clients with solutions to problem they did not know they had we thus established a more strategic relationship with them. I also believe Innovation can be both incremental and radical. It’s not always about inventing the new but reinventing the old. 2. What’s the best way to keep your eye on the future? In my case it was about staying on top of business challenges that our clients and markets struggled with, learning from the past but being open to chart a new course. It may involve redefining a market or a new set of non-traditional competitors. A great example of what is happening today is the product development that is originating in emerging markets and being brought back to address the long tail of our mature markets versus the traditional approach to innovating centrally and pushing to out across the globe irrespective of local market needs. New advances in collabouration technologies has fundamentally changed the way groups innovate around the world.
  • 10. 10 | REPRINT Global CMO™ The Magazine Jill Konrath @jillkonrath Twitter Followers: 12,893 President and Founder Jill Konrath 1. I’m an idea junkie. I love learning about fresh strategies both inside & outside my profession and industry. The best ideas come from the mash-ups. 2. Look to the younger people! Their perspectives and approaches help me see things differently. And, when combined with your hard-earned wisdom, it virtually assures that you stay a game-changer. Joan Schneider @schneiderpr Twitter Followers: 2,206 President and Founder Schneider Associates 1. Go to museums, lectures at Harvard Business School and travel the US and the world—preferably on a motorcycle. 2. Don’t sit in your office, get out and talk to people of all different stripes, stay up on the news (TV, newspapers, online, Twitter), take a university class and hire lots of interns. Michael Libbie @MichaelLibbie Twitter Followers: 2,858 Owner Insight Cubed 1. I watch consumers and pay close attention to their buying habits and then match those needs/wants/ desires to our client’s products or services; creating visuals and text that matches the consumer. 2. Read... nearly everything. We also use Twitter to scan various key-words, Facebook to catch a sense, YouTube to see what’s hot and follow other leaders in the industries we touch. Jay Brokamp @JayBrokamp Twitter Followers: 227 President and Founder Docustar 1. I’ve become a student of understanding how the idea in the corner will impact the trends in the big booth. I look toward people and companies trying to leverage converging rails of technology. I’ve applied what I see to our business model and software development. 2. I listen to and try to understand the challenges businesses are confronted with and why. I find that by tacking the technologies corporations are investing in and understanding why they are successful or perhaps more importantly, not as successful as hoped, gives me a window into the talent and services which will be in demand. Mark Shevitz @SJI_Inc Twitter Followers: 221 President SJI, Inc 1. In this business of developing ideas and campaigns, finding places where my mind is open to create and observe is important. Driving is one of them. The other is at retail - among products and purchasers (malls, grocery, etc.). And, of course, being aware of what’s trending on relevant social platforms. 2. I speak regularly at universities, so being around a younger generation is key. College students and 20-somethings have their own ideas about purchasing and are just coming into their own as influencers. To me, these are the thought leaders of the future, so it’s worth keeping an eye on who / what they perceive as the trends, brands and innovators of tomorrow.
  • 11. Global CMO™ The Magazine REPRINT | 11 Jeffrey Peel @JeffreyPeel Twitter Followers: 2,812 Managing Director Quadriga Consulting Ltd 1. I firmly believe the best way to get ideas is to go out and chat with people. I recommend just ‘getting out’ to my client and organise ‘meet and drinks’ chats with customers, partners and start-ups. 2. It’s impossible to predict the future. Trying is pointless. But meet people who might just create the products of the future is a great way to get a sense of what’s possible. Jim Ducharme @hugeheadca Twitter Followers: 1,141 Community Director GetResponse Email Marketing 1. Everyone has their own social media poison I think. Some folks are naturals for Facebook, others are more visual and prefer Pinterest and some like me, are Twitter oriented. Twitter reminds me of my old days with CB Radio, but it has the added advantage of allowing for better filtering and curating of content. As well, it’s a great “now” surveillance medium just like CB was. It begs the question: What are you thinking or doing right now? 2. Boomers have an advantage when it comes to “seeing the future” because (to paraphrase Tom Chapin) we can see where we are and we know where we’ve been. Having perspective gives you foresight. If you are over 50 and you can put digital into an analog frame of reference, you are ahead of the game. If you realize that people make the digital word and not the other way around then you are miles ahead. We aren’t so much exploring new territory as we are exploring old territory (ourselves) in new ways. So, knowing where we’ve been gives one an advantage in being able to see where we are going. Because social is not about the technology, but about how we use it and human nature doesn’t change as fast as technology does. Doug Mow @DougMow Twitter Followers: 1,431 Chief Marketing Officer Courion Corporation 1. Innovation is a state of mind, not a place or a process. I find innovative ideas all around me by observing life and imagining the art of the possible. 2. It sounds trite, but the best way to keep your eye on the future is by imagining it, looking through the windshield and not the rear view mirror. Jeff Ogden @fearlesscomp Twitter Followers: 4,985 President Find New Customers 1. That’s a slam dunk, Alan. I created and host the popular show Marketing Made Simple TV, so I find the most interesting guests. Case in point, when I was offered a chance to present a TED-like talk to a big meeting, I used the ideas I learned from the lady on my show Robbin Phillips, Courageous CEO of Brains on Fire. 2. Network like crazy, Meet cool people, like you, Alan. Read a lot. Write blog posts. Go to meetings. Social media opens a huge world of contacts. Steve Kirstein @steveonprocess Twitter Followers: 394 Director of Marketing OnProcess Technology 1. Depends on what kinds of ideas you’re referring to - marketing technology/tools/processes – blogs, twitter, inbound emails from vendors, etc. For creative concepts – everywhere! 2. Keep both eyes open – don’t depend on any one source, medium, channel, process, concept – and always be willing to challenge your own beliefs, preconceptions, SOPs.
  • 12. 12 | REPRINT Global CMO™ The Magazine Emily R. Coleman @e_r_coleman Twitter Followers: 771 President CAM, Inc. 1. I find ideas all over the place. I think the key is to keep your mind open and not be overawed by the common wisdom. Basically, it is not that hard to innovate if you don’t feel a need to follow the crowd. The purpose of marketing, after all, is to get your company/product/service/ideas noticed. You can’t do that if you stand firmly in the middle of what everyone else is doing. And the purpose of innovating is to increase revenues, let’s not forget that. 2. Trends are the consequence of millions of people making personal decisions for their own reasons. The key to understanding the future is to understand why people are acting the way they do. Marketers can influence fads, but they have to follow and anticipate - and understand the underlying reasons for - trends. Brad Shorr @BradShorr Twitter Followers: 9,117 Director of B2B Marketing Straight North 1. I don’t consider myself especially creative, but I’m good at recognizing great ideas in conversation or through reading (blog posts mainly, these days), and then adapting them to my business. It takes a fair amount of work though. In order to appreciate great ideas, you have to sift through all of the many bad ones as well. 2. Same answer as number 1: talk to people and read. The struggle I have is getting out of my comfort zone and talking to people who are younger, older, and who have radically different outlooks from mine. This is where blogs have been so helpful. Engaging with bloggers has connected me with very smart people I never would have interacted with otherwise. Ken Rutsky @Jayrutz Twitter Followers: 600 Go to Market Thought Leader KJR Associates, Inc 1. Insight from and through my clients and their challenges. 2. Always think how you can make your customer’s lives and businesses better. Kay Ross @KayRoss Twitter Followers: 3,800 Marketing consultant & coach, editor and copywriter. Kay Ross Marketing 1. I read voraciously about a wide variety of topics: marketing, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, design, social media, theatre, healing, language, travel, fiction, trends in business and society... And I perform comedy improvisation, which builds my skill at spotting unlikely connections between unexpected things. 2. There is no future; there’s only NOW. Keep your eye on what’s happening now. Dyan Bryson @InspiredHealth_ Twitter Followers: 534 Managing Director Inspired Health Strategies, LLC 1. I get my innovative ideas through much research, participating in conversations and discussions on LinkedIn and Twitter as well as face-to-face meetings and events. I match this input with my personal experience- basically understanding the problems I have identified and developing solutions based on what I have learned. 2. The best way to keep my eye on the future is the same use of social media and networking but also watching industries other than mine to see what is working there and anticipating the use of process and systems in my industry. So, a lot of benchmarking through every way possible! Image Not Available
  • 13. Global CMO™ The Magazine REPRINT | 13 Barbara Fowler @BarbFow50 Twitter Followers: 611 Northeast Managing Partner, CMO Chief Outsiders 1. I get up early every day-up by 5-and for 2 hours or so, I read. I have the best blogs in my google reader and get so many innovative ideas there. From Strategy-Business, to SEOMoz to Kissmetrics, Fast Company to the HBR, reading gives me the most insight into new and different ideas. (If you need links, I have them) 2. Be open to it. I hate it when people say that as you get older, you get more set in your ways. I think you can, but do not have to. I like to explore new ideas, listen to people who are completely opposed to how I think and imagine, “What life experiences, what teaching, what made them have those opinions? I believe in “Assume the best intentions of other, Seek first to understand their point of view “ and that keeps my eye on the future. David Newberry @davidnewbs Twitter Followers: 168 Group Marketing Officer Pitney Bowes Software 1. Innovation is supported by diversity and collaboration. A few tips: •• Give vendors 5 minutes of your time. It is likely that their company has a number of innovative ideas which underpin their value proposition. •• Encourage your teams to focus on outcomes rather than activities and therefore provide them with an environment where they can think out of the box. •• Collaborate across departments and geographies so many more diverse viewpoints are captured and considered. 2. Spend more time with clients on better understanding what is keeping them up at night. Form strong relationships with a small number of the peer companies who are conveying leading-edge thinking and best practice. Network and network, you can never listen enough or have too many viewpoints or ideas. Donald Lambert @3msage Twitter Followers: 69 Consultant Management, Marketing, Media 1. Observation, Listening, Brainstorming: Taking a careful, thoughtful and active interest in the question that needs to be answered. Learning: After 25 years in broadcast communications management, I decided to return to university and complete the degree uncompleted years earlier. I found it invigorating being surrounded by many bright young people who were eager to tell me that this or that is not how things are looked at today. I have tried to glean the best of the best from the experience. Read and watch movies for knowledge, stimulation and inspiration. 2. Nurture Optimism: Always believe there are hope and a future that can be better than today or yesterday. Embrace Discontentment: Revel in successes briefly and move on knowing today’s innovation can be improved. Foster an environment of forgiveness: Innovation can only occur where stumbling, falling and periodic misdirection is accepted as part and parcel to trying new things. Keep trying. Refer back to the 1st point. Ari Sherman @ariwrite Twitter Followers: 451 Creative Director, copywriter Ari Sherman, advertising, formerly of Frankfurt Gips Balkind 1. My favourite ideas come from letting the problem solving process play out. Quickly eliminating the obvious solutions allows real fresh thinking to percolate into ideas. The ones that excite me are the ones I run with. 2. I think an eye to the future means realizing it’s already here. So engage voraciously with the now. Look at what’s out there that’s cutting edge, figure out what makes it distinct, and always remember you’re as much a part of it as anyone.
  • 14. 14 | REPRINT Global CMO™ The Magazine Ardath Albee @ardath421 Twitter followers: 10,199 CEO and B2B Marketing Strategist Marketing Interactions, Inc. 1. In my opinion, 1 & 2 go together: Brainstorming calls with peers, an annual retreat I attend, looking outside my network, reading/absorbing a variety of different perspectives to look for unique crossovers and pushing my work farther with each new project. Feedback from speaking and publishing that makes me think differently about my work. Andrew (Andy) Rudin @andy_rudin Twitter Followers: 1,774 Managing Principal Outside Technologies, Inc. 1. I find innovation by questioning the status quo. When I hear “that’s the way it’s always been done,” or “here are the rules for X, Y, or Z,” I get hot and bothered. 2. Be constantly curious. Focus on lifelong learning. Read. Seek the company of people who are smart, worldly and talented. Take online courses. Go back to school. Write about something you want to know more about. Become fluent in another language. Travel. Drew Neisser @DrewNeisser Twitter Followers: 6,196 CEO and Founder Renegade, LLC 1. How and where do you find innovative ideas? For me, it starts with a voracious curiosity about random facts, relevant trends and personal passions pursued via all available media. From there, it’s a matter of tricking the brain to connect seemingly disparate dots into something fresh. 2. What’s the best way to keep your eye on the future? Talking with forward-thinking people and then forcing you to turn these conversations into cogent if not prescient articles. Laura Patterson @lauravem Twitter Followers: 1010 President and Founder VisionEdge Marketing, Inc. 1. Ideas are everywhere! I spend a great deal of time on the road and often use this time to meet with and list to people both inside and outside the discipline, people in the trenches and on the front line and people who have a view at 50,000 feet. I’m especially interested in learning about their current challenges, where they see the bright spots, what trends they are noticing, what they are reading and why, and what is something they recently learned or wish they knew. A good glass of wine during these conversations can be very helpful. I try to make it a point to monitor major publications both industry and academic to look for trends and see what people are talking and thinking about. If it resonates with me perhaps it will with others. And I find mental energy and ideas come more easily when my mind is free to roam, like during a long run, or lap after lap in the pool, or working in the garden. And the author … Alan See @AlanSee Twitter Followers: 56,400 Chief Marketing Officer Alan See CMO Temps, LLC 1. How and where do you find innovative ideas? Answer: I can express my personal story on this topic in six words: “Old dog, new tricks, no problem!” I love the idea of lifelong learning, so I read and network to tease out new ideas wherever I can. 2. What’s the best way to keep your eye on the future? Answer: To remember this formula; Legacy Mindset = Creativity Killer.
  • 15. Alan See Chief Marketing Officer, CMO Temps LLP Alan See is a senior marketing executive and ranked the 3rd most followed CMO on Twitter. Alan has over 30 years of industry experience helping organizations develop marketing strategies and sales initiatives that power profitable growth. His rare ability to speak Web 2.0 and Sales 101 in the same sentence makes him a popular blogger and conference speaker. He has also served as an associate faculty member at the University of Phoenix where he facilitated courses in Marketing and Management Theory. Alan holds BBA and MBA degrees from Abilene Christian University and currently serves as Interim CMO at DocuStar ( ). TM Are You Compiling A List? Are You on One? If you’d like to share it with the Marketing world, we’d love to hear from you. Email
  • 16. Global CMO™ The Magazine Sample | 1 Markus Pfeiffer We profile one of our industry leading GMN Fellows CMO Masterclass Brazil A major forward step for the marketing profession in Brazil Go Team! Why do sports fans buy tickets? What drives people to purchase? Sample Issue December 2013 Industry Icon Kevin Lane Keller: Brand Transcendence Navigating the future of Brand Management Marketers: Welcome To The Boardroom The changing role of today’s CMO 50 Shades of CMO One title, many job descriptions Global CMO™ is the Official Magazine of Global Marketing Network, the Global Body for Marketing Professionals. Global CMO™ The Magazine The official Magazine of Global Marketing Network, the Global Body for Marketing Professionals. Advertising and Sponsorship: Production: Editorial: Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief | Fiona Vesey GMN CPD Director | David Hood GMN Global Faculty | Professor Greg Marshall GMN South Africa | Dr Anthony Michail GMN Global Advisory Council | MaryLee Sachs GMN Global Faculty | Professor Michael Solomon GMN Brand Guardian | Andrew Vesey GMN Membership Committee | Dr Kellie Vincent Published in collaboration by: Vesey Creative Ltd UK +44 131 208 2285 NZ +64 9 889 0013 Global Marketing Network © Copyright in all content and designs retained by the publishers