if clauses alıştırma exercise quantifiers exercises present continuous tense simple present tense articles are to be am grammar adjectives simple present tense exercises stative verbs emir cümleleri imperatives those this that these demonstratives hours times saatler konu anlatımı an possessive pronouns keep remain look like turn sound like feel like taste like smell like grow between among other conditionals implied conditions omitting if mixed time if clauses other tense combinations in if third conditional type 3 type 2 type 1 conditional sentences apostrophe s ( 's ) a good number of a great deal a good many every each one neither either both all qauntifiers none half whole enough several most plenty of question words simple present tense alıştırma present simple tense kullanımları usages od present simple tense frequency adverbs / sıklık zarfları simple present tense -s yazım kuralları / usages geniş zaman konu anlatımı there is there are exercises there is there are alıştırma there is-there are lecturing there is there are konu anlatımı imperatives konu anlatımı belirteçler işaret zamirleri işaret sıfatları plurals exercises plurals çoğullar vucudumuz body parts parts body çoğul isim plural nouns çoğul plural days günler seasons mevsim season mevsimler clours colour renkler kişi zamirleri subject pronouns test pronoun sahiplik zamirleri zamirler alıştıma number sayılar numbers have got / has got
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