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Media Studies: Research and planning Moving image. 
Q1) what research did you carry out into similar products? 
In your answer you need to refer to aspects of your case studies 
that were useful as research for your own production. 
 For my case studies in AS, I searched into well-known 
music magazines such as, Billboard, vibe and Q on 
Google. This was useful for me developing ideas for 
my film cover in A2. It was also useful in me 
distinguishing the differences between a music 
magazine and a film cover since additional content 
such as, age restrictions and the duration of the film 
are needed for a film cover. 
 For my case studies in AS, I also did research into 
various camera angles and shots to figure out the 
appropriate angles and shots for my music magazine. 
Searching up camera angles and shots were 
significantly useful in a2 as I was able to memorise 
them more and also apply some new camera 
techniques towards my storyboard. Such new camera 
techniques I learned include: A tilt shot, a Dutch tilt, 
pan shot, dolly zoom over the shoulder shot and a 
worm’s eye view shot.
 As I was producing my case studies in AS, I searched 
into different technologies such as, Prezi, Stupeflix, Go 
animate and Slideshare to find a creative technology 
to use so that my ideas can be conveyed more 
effectively. This was beneficial for me in A2 because I 
could express my film ideas more imaginatively so that 
my audience can gain a greater understanding towards 
my narrative. 
 During my case studies in AS, I additionally did some 
research into the genres of R&B and Hip Hop as I was 
interested in using applying those genres for my 
magazine. As I was researching into those genres, I 
was able to learn the way in which R&B and Hip Hop 
artists such as, Alicia Keys and Missy Elliot dress. This 
was useful for me in A2 as I was inspired to search into 
my genre of horror to gain a wider knowledge into this 
particular genre as it is what my final film will be 
based on. 
 How have your skills in researching real media 
products improved since the AS course? Give specific 
examples from your case study short films. 
 I’m doing more broaden research into my genre which is 
developing my understanding skills and my interpretation skills. 
This is emphasized through my detailed analysation of the 
horror movie of ‘The Ring’ in my 3rd case study. 
According to the 
Verge, a good jump 
scare is needed to 
make a good horror 
movie. In a jump scare, 
a dangerous situation 
is introduced to be 
solved; when the 
situation is solved 
everything runs 
smoothly for the 
meantime till an 
unexpected shock 
 My decisive skills in researching real media products have 
improved since the AS course since I was able to take the 
leadership role in being the producer and the director in my 
Evidence of me taking the role as the producer 
through, editing in the Mac Studio.
Q2) What research have you carried out into your target audience? 
I have produced a YouTube video which consists of the audience 
feedback of my treatment. (Click for Youtube video) 
1) People thought that our idea was creative particularly the 
texting amongst Diana and Priscilla interested the audience in a 
humorous way. 
2) In response to the idea of Priscilla's best friend texting, a 
male suggested that we should keep our original idea since the 
genre of our film is horror and therefore, ‘unrealistic’ or 
‘supernatural’ elements are expected. 
1) People thought that the idea of the hand at the end of the 
scene was too complicated. 
2) People thought that the ideas were too much so we should 
therefore cut out some scenes including the hand scene. 
3) People thought our plan was unrealistic because the actors 
appear to look like characters off American drama. 
4) People were confused with the narrative. 
5) An individual thought that it should be Priscilla's best friend 
texting as opposed to Priscilla herself texting. 
6) The idea of the film being in a non-linear order is too 
7) People thought that dialogue was needed to make the 
storyline easier to understand however, we still kept the idea
of having no dialogue as we thought that it would be more 
effective in relating to our genre of horror. 
Use of the audience feedback from target audience: 
From the feedback I’ve learned that both genders are 
interested in my horror movie as a mixture of boys and girls 
responded enthusiastically to my horror movie. Additionally, 
judging from the feedback I realised that my target audience of 
young adults were very interested in the mobile technology we 
were intending to use for Priscilla to communicate to Diana. 
This may well be because young adults are more familiar with 
mobile technology as it is becoming increasingly popular in the 
modern society. Moreover I’ve learned that my short film may 
well appeal to American young adults as a student quoted that 
the characters of Diana, Priscilla and Rachel were 
representative of how American people look. However, as the 
short film will be set in London it would be relevant for the 
short film to attract Londoners; this will be achieved because 
our actors are representative of typical British youths through 
the way they dress and speak. 
Q) How does this initial audience research compare to the 
research you carried out for your music magazine last year?
Locations: Very well- Me, Geneva and Asmaa as a team managed to 
contact the owners of each location we chose. We contacted them 
through emailing which shows that we have proficient organisation 
skills as a team. 
Screenshot of the interaction 
towards the Hackney council 
Moreover, I would say that we organised our locations very well as 
we managed to take pictures of all the locations we will be using. 
This is emphasized through my Reeces amongst my blog. Through 
us taking pictures we were able to visually view our locations and 
visualize the scene within each location. Moreover, through us 
taking pictures of our locations our certainty towards our chosen 
locations is portrayed. Additionally, we organised our locations 
very effectively as we managed to evaluate each location in our risk 
assessment which enables us as a team to assess the effectiveness
of each location. Through the evaluation, we were more aware of 
the risks behind each of our chosen location which further makes 
us more attentive towards health and safety issues such as, slippery 
grounds, confined spaces and dirty surroundings. 
Minor improvements that could be made 
We used a spare white 
cover to put on top of the 
duvet so that, there is 
less chance of the blood 
spilling onto the actual 
duvet. This was another 
risk in which we carefully 
-Asking to use camera equipment to test scenes beforehand so that 
we do not intervene with busy schedules.
-Being more specific about the area of the park we will use so that 
we assure that this is a definite location. 
How well did I organise my costumes? 
*Satisfactory- We managed to plan the types of attire each 
character will wear however, we could have been more detailed 
about these choices. For instance, we decided that Diana should 
wear an ‘all black outfit’ however we have not made the decision 
into whether Diana should wear a dress or trousers and a T-shirt. 
Additionally, I would say that my costume choice for Priscilla (the 
ghost) should be more realistic as we agreed that Priscilla should 
wear a white gown but, we are unaware of the retails that the 
actor can purchase the white gown from. 
As a result of me 
not being specific 
enough about the 
‘all black outfit’ I 
have updated my 
blog and applied a 
picture of the type 
of clothing needed: 
a blazer/jacket, 
tight jeans and flat 
How well did I organise my props? 
I would say that we organised our props quite well as on the 
morning of 18th of October, Saturday we as a team went shopping 
to buy the properties of fake blood, red lipstick and a rope. As a 
result of this, we were already prepared in terms of equipment for 
our short film. Additionally, within our treatment we planned our 
properties beforehand which emphasizes our commitment and 
shows that we are aware of the properties we need for our film. 
Other properties such as, a phone, a rope and make-up were easily 
attainable as me and Asmaa already had these properties. 
Improvements to be made: 
*To reduce our pay towards such properties e.g. the red lipstick 
was £3.50 in Claire when we could have purchased it at a much 
cheaper price in Primark.
Class votes: Me and our group asked the class to vote between 3 of 
our drafts of our film posters. . 
This was useful in me 
getting knowledge into 
what people think about 
my film poster ideas. 
Therefore, I can 
effectively apply the 
chosen idea to my real 
film production. 
Q3) How does this initial POPULAR-- 
audience research compare to the 
research you carried out for your music magazine last year? 
Similar to the feedback I carried out on my film posters, I also 
carried out feedback into the conventions of my music magazine 
and people such as, Josephine Gyamfi and Stephanie Amaoko 
responded positively to the colour scheme and the layout of my 
music magazine. Stephanie Amoako quoted how she ‘liked’ the
colour scheme because it suited the R&B genre; Josephine quoted 
how she “really liked” the red layout of my boxes because it made 
my magazine look professional and stand out. This was useful as I 
was able to assess the standard of my music magazine. 
Likewise to the audience research I did in a2, I received open 
responses for my music magazine in AS; this was useful as through 
open responses I was able to gather up more information towards 
my audience feedback since the answers can be extensive and do 
not require a tick box. 
Alternatively, different to my A2 audience research feedback in my 
AS I only used the technology of the Blogger text b this had a 
negative impact on my creativity skills. Moreover, due to this my 
responses from my audience were unreliable as there was no 
source to back up the information. However, in a way the
acknowledgement of this mistake has improved the quality of my 
work for a2 as I was able to upload a video of my audience 
feedback as evidence; also apply the responses on the Blogger text 
box. (Upload YouTube video of short film treatment and evidence 
of Microsoft word responses) 
Q4) Logistics planning: How well did you organise your actors, 
locations, costumes and props. 
I would say that I organised my actors quite well as we managed to 
check up on our actors regularly and arrange dates with them to 
meet up. We arranged rehearsal dates with our actors through 
email and how sociable and attentive of our actors we are as we 
were able to keep in touch with them. Through our detailed 
description of the actors of Diana, Priscilla and Rachel our interest 
in the way our actors come across to the audience is expressed. 
(Get images). Moreover, the fact that we were able to get 
characters that look alike to the characters we produced counts as 
a bonus as it makes our ideas more realistic. Furthermore, we also 
hosted auditions for our actors on the 2nd of October, 2014, 
beforehand to assess their performance. Through these auditions 
we were able to keep in touch with our actors through Facebook, 
hotmail and Whatsapp. (Get Whatsapp text) On the date of 
16/10/2014 we as a team arranged to meet up with the main actor 
at college to give her the details on our first shooting which will be 
on the 18th of October 2014. 
How does this compare to the logistics planning you did for the 
music magazine?
In AS, I did not use any pictures to give a visual image of the 
clothing, props and make-ups I chose. As a result of this, my 
logistics ideas came across as less realistic as I was unable to display 
my ideas. 
Printscreen of my logistics in AS. 
Different to A2, in AS I barely kept in contact with my actors; 
because of this I had little updates on them. Furthermore, due to 
this I was unable to book the dates in which they were all available 
which led to disaster as on the day one of our actors was unable to 
show up. My organisation of actors improved tremendously in A2 
as, I produced a Whatsapp chat to keep in contact with my actors 
regularly. Additionally, we also took pictures as a team and 
frequently uploaded them on Blogger.
Print screens of conversations with actors/A2
Narrative planning: Evaluation of Story Board 
Whilst producing our story board we divided our roles amongst each 
person. For instance, I was the person who distinguished the camera shots 
whereas, Asmaa was the drawer and Geneva was liable for editing 
techniques. However, Asmaa had the least time on her hands as she had to 
spend the most time on the story board so therefore we could have at least 
equally shared the responsibility of drawing the scenes. Moreover, we were 
in a rush at first which had a negative impact on the quality of our story 
board since we had to produce a new storyboard on top of our previous 
story board. Therefore, we should have arranged an available time to finish 
the story board so that we do not have to rush because of busy schedules. 
What made our second story board more effective was because we were 
able to identify the mistakes we did in our first story board to avoid 
repeating it for our new storyboard. For instance, in our old storyboard we 
made the mistake of not putting enough detail on camera angles and shots 
in each scene but, in our new story board we managed to put every detail 
on camera angles and shots for each scene. Even though this took us hours 
of our time, we were able to secure a good grade after which rewards our 
effort and commitment towards producing our storyboard. Moreover, due 
to misreading the instructions we did not notice that we had to add a script 
on our story board. Without a script to on our story board, the audience will 
be unaware of the message behind every scene so we therefore informed 
by our peers and later produced a script later on. As a result of this, I would 
say that our time management and negotiation skills as a group would need 
to be improved so that we can get work done before deadlines. In 
comparison to my time management in AS, A2 was better as I was able to 
get the work done more quickly than working by myself. 
In terms of organisation skills in producing our script, I would say that they 
are quite effective as we managed to regularly keep in contact; share work 
through Facebook. Through that way, members of the group can voice out 
about what needs to be improved about our script and how our script could 
be improved.
Evidence of the script work me and 
my team produced. 
Evidence of the 
conversation we made 
about the production of 
our script work.
1st story board which was 
had less context. 
2ND Story board which has much more 
detail and colouring.
How well have I presented my research 
and planning? 
Quite well, I was able to use creative features on Microsoft word to make 
my treatment stand out. Such creative features I used on Microsoft word 
included: soft edges on the picture effects, picture contrasts and 
brightness, page colour on page layout, shape effects and captions added 
to pictures. Moreover, in my Case studies I was able to use a variety of 
layouts on Prezi which relate to my aspiring genres. For instance, for my 
genre of horror I used a black and blue layout to symbolise something 
sinister and mysterious. Whereas for my Shrek analysation I used the 
background image of an audience watching a show to, relate to the film’s 
genre of being a comedy. Furthermore, my research was quite effective as 
different to AS I managed to produce V logs on YouTube so that my 
audience can visualise the activities we do as a team. Through this way, 
examiners are also aware that our team meetings are valid. 
In terms of planning, I would say that my planning was quite well as I 
managed to keep in contact with my team members through a range of 
social networking apps such as, Facebook, Hotmail and Whatsapp. Through 
the use of these social networking sites, I was also able to frequently blog 
any team meetings during the process of producing the short film as 
evidence of me and my team operating together. 
Is this an improvement on last year’s blog? 
Yes- In AS, I barely kept in contact with actors hence the reason why, one of my 
actors did not show up on the day however, within A2 I kept in touch with actors 
more regularly through Facebook, Hotmail and Whatsapp. Moreover, in terms of 
planning the layout for my Blogger in AS was disorganised as my teacher struggled 
to mark all of the work. Alternatively, in A2 I improved significantly as I managed to 
chose a simple layout and add suitable titles to my posts. Furthermore, in terms of 
research for AS I did not frequently blog posts which were relevant to my chosen 
genre. However, now in A2 I managed to regularly blog posts which are relevant to 
my genre of horror such as, fake blood equipments, ghost costumes and horror films 
e.g. One Missed Call.
Conversations I and my team have. 
Evidence of some creative features on 
Microsoft word 
I decreased the 
contrast of the 
image to make 
the image 
appear bolder. 
Soft edges effect 
which makes my 
image look more 
appealing as greater 
focus is added onto 
the image. 
Shape effects of stars added to 
make the title look distinctive. 
Click to view Vlogs

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Part 1) Research and Planning

  • 1. Media Studies: Research and planning Moving image. Q1) what research did you carry out into similar products? In your answer you need to refer to aspects of your case studies that were useful as research for your own production.  For my case studies in AS, I searched into well-known music magazines such as, Billboard, vibe and Q on Google. This was useful for me developing ideas for my film cover in A2. It was also useful in me distinguishing the differences between a music magazine and a film cover since additional content such as, age restrictions and the duration of the film are needed for a film cover.  
  • 2.  For my case studies in AS, I also did research into various camera angles and shots to figure out the appropriate angles and shots for my music magazine. Searching up camera angles and shots were significantly useful in a2 as I was able to memorise them more and also apply some new camera techniques towards my storyboard. Such new camera techniques I learned include: A tilt shot, a Dutch tilt, pan shot, dolly zoom over the shoulder shot and a worm’s eye view shot.
  • 3.  As I was producing my case studies in AS, I searched into different technologies such as, Prezi, Stupeflix, Go animate and Slideshare to find a creative technology to use so that my ideas can be conveyed more effectively. This was beneficial for me in A2 because I could express my film ideas more imaginatively so that my audience can gain a greater understanding towards my narrative.  During my case studies in AS, I additionally did some research into the genres of R&B and Hip Hop as I was interested in using applying those genres for my magazine. As I was researching into those genres, I was able to learn the way in which R&B and Hip Hop artists such as, Alicia Keys and Missy Elliot dress. This was useful for me in A2 as I was inspired to search into my genre of horror to gain a wider knowledge into this particular genre as it is what my final film will be based on. 
  • 4.  How have your skills in researching real media products improved since the AS course? Give specific examples from your case study short films.  I’m doing more broaden research into my genre which is developing my understanding skills and my interpretation skills. This is emphasized through my detailed analysation of the horror movie of ‘The Ring’ in my 3rd case study. According to the Verge, a good jump scare is needed to make a good horror movie. In a jump scare, a dangerous situation is introduced to be solved; when the situation is solved everything runs smoothly for the meantime till an unexpected shock occurs.
  • 5.  My decisive skills in researching real media products have improved since the AS course since I was able to take the leadership role in being the producer and the director in my group.  Evidence of me taking the role as the producer through, editing in the Mac Studio.
  • 6. Q2) What research have you carried out into your target audience? I have produced a YouTube video which consists of the audience feedback of my treatment. (Click for Youtube video) 1) People thought that our idea was creative particularly the texting amongst Diana and Priscilla interested the audience in a humorous way. 2) In response to the idea of Priscilla's best friend texting, a male suggested that we should keep our original idea since the genre of our film is horror and therefore, ‘unrealistic’ or ‘supernatural’ elements are expected. Weaknesses 1) People thought that the idea of the hand at the end of the scene was too complicated. 2) People thought that the ideas were too much so we should therefore cut out some scenes including the hand scene. 3) People thought our plan was unrealistic because the actors appear to look like characters off American drama. 4) People were confused with the narrative. 5) An individual thought that it should be Priscilla's best friend texting as opposed to Priscilla herself texting. 6) The idea of the film being in a non-linear order is too complicated. 7) People thought that dialogue was needed to make the storyline easier to understand however, we still kept the idea
  • 7. of having no dialogue as we thought that it would be more effective in relating to our genre of horror. Use of the audience feedback from target audience: From the feedback I’ve learned that both genders are interested in my horror movie as a mixture of boys and girls responded enthusiastically to my horror movie. Additionally, judging from the feedback I realised that my target audience of young adults were very interested in the mobile technology we were intending to use for Priscilla to communicate to Diana. This may well be because young adults are more familiar with mobile technology as it is becoming increasingly popular in the modern society. Moreover I’ve learned that my short film may well appeal to American young adults as a student quoted that the characters of Diana, Priscilla and Rachel were representative of how American people look. However, as the short film will be set in London it would be relevant for the short film to attract Londoners; this will be achieved because our actors are representative of typical British youths through the way they dress and speak. Q) How does this initial audience research compare to the research you carried out for your music magazine last year?
  • 8. Locations: Very well- Me, Geneva and Asmaa as a team managed to contact the owners of each location we chose. We contacted them through emailing which shows that we have proficient organisation skills as a team. Screenshot of the interaction towards the Hackney council Moreover, I would say that we organised our locations very well as we managed to take pictures of all the locations we will be using. This is emphasized through my Reeces amongst my blog. Through us taking pictures we were able to visually view our locations and visualize the scene within each location. Moreover, through us taking pictures of our locations our certainty towards our chosen locations is portrayed. Additionally, we organised our locations very effectively as we managed to evaluate each location in our risk assessment which enables us as a team to assess the effectiveness
  • 9. of each location. Through the evaluation, we were more aware of the risks behind each of our chosen location which further makes us more attentive towards health and safety issues such as, slippery grounds, confined spaces and dirty surroundings. Minor improvements that could be made We used a spare white cover to put on top of the duvet so that, there is less chance of the blood spilling onto the actual duvet. This was another risk in which we carefully considered. -Asking to use camera equipment to test scenes beforehand so that we do not intervene with busy schedules.
  • 10. -Being more specific about the area of the park we will use so that we assure that this is a definite location. How well did I organise my costumes? *Satisfactory- We managed to plan the types of attire each character will wear however, we could have been more detailed about these choices. For instance, we decided that Diana should wear an ‘all black outfit’ however we have not made the decision into whether Diana should wear a dress or trousers and a T-shirt. Additionally, I would say that my costume choice for Priscilla (the ghost) should be more realistic as we agreed that Priscilla should wear a white gown but, we are unaware of the retails that the actor can purchase the white gown from. As a result of me not being specific enough about the ‘all black outfit’ I have updated my blog and applied a picture of the type of clothing needed: a blazer/jacket, tight jeans and flat shoes.
  • 11. How well did I organise my props? I would say that we organised our props quite well as on the morning of 18th of October, Saturday we as a team went shopping to buy the properties of fake blood, red lipstick and a rope. As a result of this, we were already prepared in terms of equipment for our short film. Additionally, within our treatment we planned our properties beforehand which emphasizes our commitment and shows that we are aware of the properties we need for our film. Other properties such as, a phone, a rope and make-up were easily attainable as me and Asmaa already had these properties. Improvements to be made: *To reduce our pay towards such properties e.g. the red lipstick was £3.50 in Claire when we could have purchased it at a much cheaper price in Primark.
  • 12. Class votes: Me and our group asked the class to vote between 3 of our drafts of our film posters. . MOST This was useful in me getting knowledge into what people think about my film poster ideas. Therefore, I can effectively apply the chosen idea to my real film production. Q3) How does this initial POPULAR-- audience research compare to the research you carried out for your music magazine last year? Similar to the feedback I carried out on my film posters, I also carried out feedback into the conventions of my music magazine and people such as, Josephine Gyamfi and Stephanie Amaoko responded positively to the colour scheme and the layout of my music magazine. Stephanie Amoako quoted how she ‘liked’ the
  • 13. colour scheme because it suited the R&B genre; Josephine quoted how she “really liked” the red layout of my boxes because it made my magazine look professional and stand out. This was useful as I was able to assess the standard of my music magazine. Likewise to the audience research I did in a2, I received open responses for my music magazine in AS; this was useful as through open responses I was able to gather up more information towards my audience feedback since the answers can be extensive and do not require a tick box. Alternatively, different to my A2 audience research feedback in my AS I only used the technology of the Blogger text b this had a negative impact on my creativity skills. Moreover, due to this my responses from my audience were unreliable as there was no source to back up the information. However, in a way the
  • 14. acknowledgement of this mistake has improved the quality of my work for a2 as I was able to upload a video of my audience feedback as evidence; also apply the responses on the Blogger text box. (Upload YouTube video of short film treatment and evidence of Microsoft word responses) Q4) Logistics planning: How well did you organise your actors, locations, costumes and props. Actors I would say that I organised my actors quite well as we managed to check up on our actors regularly and arrange dates with them to meet up. We arranged rehearsal dates with our actors through email and how sociable and attentive of our actors we are as we were able to keep in touch with them. Through our detailed description of the actors of Diana, Priscilla and Rachel our interest in the way our actors come across to the audience is expressed. (Get images). Moreover, the fact that we were able to get characters that look alike to the characters we produced counts as a bonus as it makes our ideas more realistic. Furthermore, we also hosted auditions for our actors on the 2nd of October, 2014, beforehand to assess their performance. Through these auditions we were able to keep in touch with our actors through Facebook, hotmail and Whatsapp. (Get Whatsapp text) On the date of 16/10/2014 we as a team arranged to meet up with the main actor at college to give her the details on our first shooting which will be on the 18th of October 2014. How does this compare to the logistics planning you did for the music magazine?
  • 15. In AS, I did not use any pictures to give a visual image of the clothing, props and make-ups I chose. As a result of this, my logistics ideas came across as less realistic as I was unable to display my ideas. Printscreen of my logistics in AS. Different to A2, in AS I barely kept in contact with my actors; because of this I had little updates on them. Furthermore, due to this I was unable to book the dates in which they were all available which led to disaster as on the day one of our actors was unable to show up. My organisation of actors improved tremendously in A2 as, I produced a Whatsapp chat to keep in contact with my actors regularly. Additionally, we also took pictures as a team and frequently uploaded them on Blogger.
  • 16. Print screens of conversations with actors/A2
  • 17. Narrative planning: Evaluation of Story Board Whilst producing our story board we divided our roles amongst each person. For instance, I was the person who distinguished the camera shots whereas, Asmaa was the drawer and Geneva was liable for editing techniques. However, Asmaa had the least time on her hands as she had to spend the most time on the story board so therefore we could have at least equally shared the responsibility of drawing the scenes. Moreover, we were in a rush at first which had a negative impact on the quality of our story board since we had to produce a new storyboard on top of our previous story board. Therefore, we should have arranged an available time to finish the story board so that we do not have to rush because of busy schedules. What made our second story board more effective was because we were able to identify the mistakes we did in our first story board to avoid repeating it for our new storyboard. For instance, in our old storyboard we made the mistake of not putting enough detail on camera angles and shots in each scene but, in our new story board we managed to put every detail on camera angles and shots for each scene. Even though this took us hours of our time, we were able to secure a good grade after which rewards our effort and commitment towards producing our storyboard. Moreover, due to misreading the instructions we did not notice that we had to add a script on our story board. Without a script to on our story board, the audience will be unaware of the message behind every scene so we therefore informed by our peers and later produced a script later on. As a result of this, I would say that our time management and negotiation skills as a group would need to be improved so that we can get work done before deadlines. In comparison to my time management in AS, A2 was better as I was able to get the work done more quickly than working by myself. In terms of organisation skills in producing our script, I would say that they are quite effective as we managed to regularly keep in contact; share work through Facebook. Through that way, members of the group can voice out about what needs to be improved about our script and how our script could be improved.
  • 18. Evidence Evidence of the script work me and my team produced. Evidence of the conversation we made about the production of our script work.
  • 19. 1st story board which was had less context. 2ND Story board which has much more detail and colouring.
  • 20. How well have I presented my research and planning? Quite well, I was able to use creative features on Microsoft word to make my treatment stand out. Such creative features I used on Microsoft word included: soft edges on the picture effects, picture contrasts and brightness, page colour on page layout, shape effects and captions added to pictures. Moreover, in my Case studies I was able to use a variety of layouts on Prezi which relate to my aspiring genres. For instance, for my genre of horror I used a black and blue layout to symbolise something sinister and mysterious. Whereas for my Shrek analysation I used the background image of an audience watching a show to, relate to the film’s genre of being a comedy. Furthermore, my research was quite effective as different to AS I managed to produce V logs on YouTube so that my audience can visualise the activities we do as a team. Through this way, examiners are also aware that our team meetings are valid. In terms of planning, I would say that my planning was quite well as I managed to keep in contact with my team members through a range of social networking apps such as, Facebook, Hotmail and Whatsapp. Through the use of these social networking sites, I was also able to frequently blog any team meetings during the process of producing the short film as evidence of me and my team operating together. Is this an improvement on last year’s blog? Yes- In AS, I barely kept in contact with actors hence the reason why, one of my actors did not show up on the day however, within A2 I kept in touch with actors more regularly through Facebook, Hotmail and Whatsapp. Moreover, in terms of planning the layout for my Blogger in AS was disorganised as my teacher struggled to mark all of the work. Alternatively, in A2 I improved significantly as I managed to chose a simple layout and add suitable titles to my posts. Furthermore, in terms of research for AS I did not frequently blog posts which were relevant to my chosen genre. However, now in A2 I managed to regularly blog posts which are relevant to my genre of horror such as, fake blood equipments, ghost costumes and horror films e.g. One Missed Call.
  • 21. Evidence Conversations I and my team have. Evidence of some creative features on Microsoft word I decreased the contrast of the image to make the image appear bolder. Soft edges effect which makes my image look more appealing as greater focus is added onto the image. Shape effects of stars added to make the title look distinctive. JUTshGr0 Click to view Vlogs