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Modernizing Your Database
with SQL Server 2019
Dec 17, 2019
Athens, Greece
Antonios Chatzipavlis
Data Solutions Consultant & Trainer
SQL Server
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Slide TitleSQLServer1.0-Filipi
SQL Server Evolution
My experience with SQL Server
This is not your Grandpa’s
SQL Server
(by Travis Wright)
This is not your Grandpa’s
SQL Server
(by Travis Wright)
Slide Title
• Database Engine
• Analysis Services
• Reporting Services
• Integration Services
• Master Data Services
• Data Quality Services
• Machine Learning Services (In-database)
• Machine Learning Services (Standalone)
SQL Server 2019 Components
Slide TitleSQL Server Editions Overview
Edition Overview
Enterprise Fully featured edition of SQL Server for Enterprise systems and critical apps
Standard Core database and BI functionality, aimed at departmental level systems and noncritical apps
Web Is only available for service providers hosting public web sites that use SQL Server
A fully featured edition, to the level of Enterprise edition, but meant for development use
and not allowed for use on production systems
A free, entry-level version of SQL Server geared toward small applications with local data
Slide Title
• Database Engine
• Analysis Services
• Reporting Services
• Integration Services
• Master Data Services and Data Quality Services
Editions and supported features
Slide TitleEditions and License Models
Edition License Models Comments
Enterprise Per-core
Server + CAL
Web Third-part hosting only
Developer Free for noncommercial use
Express Free edition of SQL Server Limited functionality and small capacity limits
Slide Title
• CPU types
• Memory
• Storage
Hardware Considerations
Slide Title
• Setting the Power Plan
• Optimizing for Background Services
• Disk Block Size
• Locking Page in Memory
• SQL Audit the Event Log
Operating System Considerations
Slide Title
• Windows
- Windows Server 2016 or greater
- Windows Server Core support
• Linux
- Red Hat Enterprise 7.3-7.6
- SUSE Enterprise Server V12 SP2
- Ubuntu 16.4
• Docker Container
- Kubernetes Support
Installation on Heterogeneous OS
Installation process
On Windows OS
Slide Title
• SQL Server 2019 introduces the Hybrid Buffer Pool, offering support for PMEM
(persistent memory)
• PMEM devices are supported by Windows Server 2016 and higher
• Persistent memory is in fact memory and SQL Server can access any data stored on a
persistent memory device like it is really memory.
• If you place your database data files on a persistent memory device, SQL Server can
simply access pages on the data file from this device without having to copy data from
the data file into a buffer pool page.
• Performance results vary on the benefits of using hybrid buffer pool, but you can
typically expect some boost from this technology, especially on read-heavy workloads.
Hybrid Buffer Pool
Slide Title
• Consider the number of files that you will require
• The current, general recommendation is that you should have one
TempDB file for every core available to the instance, with a minimum of
two files and a maximum of eight files.
• You should only add more than eight files if you specifically witness
GAM/SGAM contention.
• This will manifest itself as PAGELATCH waits occurring against TempDB.
Optimizing TempDB database
Slide Title
• Tempdb metadata does not use memory-optimized tables by default when you install SQL Server
• What is the catch?
- Error 41317 “A user transaction that accesses memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules cannot access more than
one user database or databases model and msdb, and it cannot write to master” when you have transactions that involve in-
memory tables in user databases
- Columnstore indexes are not supported on #temp tables when this feature is enabled (error 11442).
- A related issue is that sys.sp_estimate_data_compression_savings can't be used to estimate COLUMNSTORE or
- Locking hints against any system views that reference these system tables will be ignored; effectively, they will use READ
- This feature requires a service restart to take effect; you can't just decide in the middle of a business cycle that you're going to turn
it on (or off).
Memory-Optimized TempDB Metadata in SQL 2019
Memory-Optimized TempDB
Slide TitleSQL Server 2019 Intelligent Performance
Adaptive QP
Adaptive Joins
Batch Mode
Batch Mode Row Mode
Table Variable
Batch Mode
on Row store
Scalar UDF
Count Distinct
• You can enable the capabilities of Intelligent Query Processing by changing the database compatibility level of the database to 150.
• Approximate Count Distinct is a T-SQL function that is new to SQL Server 2019 and does not require a database compatibility level of 150.
Slide Title
• What is a memory grant?
• Two types of problems can occur:
- The memory grant can be too small for what is really needed, resulting in the infamous
and painful “tempdb spill.”
- The memory grant is too large for what is really needed, resulting a wait type
• Memory grant feedback solves this problem by storing information in the
cached query plan for what the correct memory grant should be for
future executions.
Memory Grant Feedback Row Mode
Memory Grant Feedback
Row Mode
Slide Title
• The famous problem of cardinality estimation for table variables, that the
cardinality estimation by the SQL Server optimizer is always one row, no
matter how many rows are populated into the table variable.
• Table variable deferred compilation improves plan quality and overall
performance for queries referencing table variables because during
optimization and initial plan compilation, this feature will propagate
cardinality estimates that are based on actual table variable row counts
Table Variable Deferred Compilation
Table Variable Deferred
Slide Title
• Any table or index that is not organized with a
columnstore index is a rowstore.
• A batch is a structure of 64 KBs, allocated for a bunch of
rows, that contains column vectors and qualifying rows
• Depending on the number of columns it may contain
from 64 to 900 rows.
• The main advantages of Batch Mode are:
- Algorithms optimized for the multi-core modern CPUs;
- Better CPU cache utilization and increased memory throughput;
- Reduced number of CPU instructions per processed row.
Batch Mode on Rowstore
Batch Mode on Rowstore
Slide Title
• Scalar UDF inlining automatically transforms scalar UDFs into relational
• It embeds them in the calling SQL query.
• This transformation improves the performance of workloads that take
advantage of scalar UDFs.
• Scalar UDF inlining facilitates cost-based optimization of operations
inside UDFs.
• The results are efficient, set-oriented, and parallel instead of inefficient,
iterative, serial execution plans.
• This feature is enabled by default under database compatibility level 150.
Scalar UDF Inlining
Scalar UDF Inlining
Slide Title
• There are scenarios where you need to count the number of rows in any table.
- SELECT COUNT(∗) FROM <table>
• But there are also situations where you need to know the number of distinct values of
a column across all rows of a table.
• The only problem is how the query processor must do work to figure out what are all
the distinct values.
- This often requires the use of a Hash Match operator.
• APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() uses a concept called HyperLogLog
- Using an approximation of the count of distinct values comes with a 2% error rate on a 97% probability.
Approximate Count Distinct
Approximate Count Distinct
Slide Title
• To solve a complex performance problem, you need details of the query plan.
• What is the problem?
You can see what is running, but you can’t dive deep into a query plan for an active query.
• Lightweight profiling is enabled by default on SQL Server 2019
• Lightweight profiling can be disabled at the database level using the
• A new DMF sys.dm_exec_query_plan_stats is introduced to return the equivalent of the last
known actual execution plan for most queries, and is called last query plan statistics.
• The last query plan statistics can be enabled at the database level using the
Lightweight Query Profiling
Lightweight Query Profiling
Slide Title
• It improves throughput for high-concurrency inserts into an ascending
clustered index.
• By adding OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY option to your index or
primary key constraint, you are telling SQL Server to enable new code to
try and avoid the convoy problem.
• This option doesn’t eliminate latches or prevent a latch contention
problem. What it does is try to avoid the dreaded convoy problem so
that your workload throughput is consistent.
Last-Page Insert Contention
Slide Title
Do you know what one of the most voted customer
feedback requests of all time with SQL Server is?
String or binary data would be truncated
Verbose truncation warnings
Verbose truncation warnings
Slide TitleAlways Encrypted in SQL Server 2016
Slide TitleAlways Encrypted with Secure Enclaves
Slide TitleData Classification
Prior SQL Server 2019 SQL Server 2019
The idea of the tool was to analyze column names in your database
and make recommendations on how to classify columns via
a label and an information_type.
The information_type used to tell you what kind of data exists in the
column (e.g., Contact Info, Name, Financial)
The label could be used to classify the sensitivity of the data stored
in that column (Confidential, Confidential-GDPR, HIPAA, etc.).
The tool was nice, but there were two limitations:
1. The tool used a concept in SQL Server called extended
2. There is no built-in auditing for access to the columns that are
marked for classification.
New set of T-SQL statements, catalog views, and auditing.
These T-SQL statements result in metadata stored directly into
system tables (exposed by catalog views) that are specific to labels
and information_types associated with columns in a table.
A new catalog view is supported to view this metadata
called sys.sensitivity_classifications
Furthermore, SQL Server Auditing now supports a new property
called data_sensitivity_information which can be used to audit
who, what, and when users are trying to view classified data.
Data Classification
Slide Title
• Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is all about data encryption at rest.
• Available at Enterprise and now in Standard edition
• SQL Server 2019 introduces the concept of pause and resume for TDE encryptions.
• sys.dm_database_encryption_keys has three new columns to see the state of the TDE scan:
- encryption_scan_state – A number indicating if the TDE scan is in progress, suspended, or completed
- encryption_scan_state_desc – A string description of the scan state such as RUNNING, SUSPENDED, COMPLETE
- encryption_scan_modify_date – A date/time for the last time the scan state changed
TDE Pause and Resume
Slide TitleCertificate Management
Slide Title
SQL Server 2017 introduces the concept of resumable index rebuild
SQL Server 2019 introduces the concepts
• of resumable indexes when creating the index with CREATE INDEX.
• of a default database scoped setting for online and resumable index
These new options are called ELEVATE_ONLINE and ELEVATE_RESUMABLE.
Resumable Index Operations
Resumable Index Operations
Slide Title
• SQL Server 2017 introduced the ability to build and rebuild nonclustered
columnstore indexes online.
• SQL Server 2019, clustered columnstore indexes can now be built and
rebuilt online.
• The syntax to rebuild a clustered columnstore index online will be the
same as with a standard index using the ALTER INDEX syntax
• Resumable indexes are not yet supported for online clustered or
nonclustered columnstore indexes.
Online Index Maintenance for Columnstore
Slide Title
• Support for More Synchronous Replicas
- Support up to five synchronous replicas in an Availability Group, and a total of nine
overall replicas.
• Secondary to Primary Replica Read/Write Connection Redirection
- A new capability to solve the challenge for your application to always be directed to the
primary replica no matter what SQL instance is hosting the primary replica for the
Availability Group.
Enhancing Always On Availability Groups
Slide Title
Phase 1: Analysis Determines the state of each transaction in the
system at the time SQL Server stopped.
Phase 2: Redo
Returns the database to the state it was in at the
time the SQL Server stopped.
Phase 3: Undo
Rolls back any uncommitted transaction(s)
uncommitted Tx
(or oldest dirty page LSN)
Recovery Phase / Transaction Log
[DB is PARTIALLY available after Redo]
[DB is FULLY available after Undo]
Current SQL Server Database Recovery process
Slide Title
(or oldest dirty page LSN)
Phase 1: Analysis
Regular Analysis + Reconstructs sLog
Phase 2b: Redo Phase 1: Redo from sLog
Phase 2: Redo from Transaction Log
Phase 2a: Redo from sLog
Phase 3: Undo from sLog Instant Undo by using sLog instead of Transaction
Transaction Log
sLog (in memory)
Log Record for non-versioned operation
Database Recovery (with ADR)
sLog Records
[DB is FULLY available]
uncommitted Tx
Recovery Phase / Transaction Log / sLog
Accelerated Database Recovery
Accelerated Database
Slide TitleLanguages and Drivers
Slide Title
• Traversing a graph path using the new SHORTEST_PATH() syntax
• Support for derived tables and views in a graph database
• Edge constraints to enforce proper graph relationships
• Using the T-SQL MERGE statement with edge tables
- In SQL Server 2017, you can use the MERGE statement to consolidate DML operations on
node tables, but not on edge tables.
Graph Enhancements for SQL Server 2019
Slide Title
• Platform and deployment enhancements
• I/O Accelerated Performance with Persistent Memory Support
• SQL Server Replication
• Change Data Capture (CDC)
• Distributed Transactions are supported
• Simplified Active Directory deployment using OpenLDAP providers.
• Support SQL Server Machine Learning Services and Extensibility
• Bring Data Virtualization to SQL Server on Linux by supporting Polybase queries to external data sources,
with no data movement, such as Hadoop, SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata, and MongoDB.
What Is New for SQL Server 2019 on Linux
Slide Title
• A distributed computing engine
• Query data where it lives with T-
• Distributed, scalable query
• Manual/deploy with SQL Server
• Auto deploy/optimize with Big
Data Clusters
Data Virtualization / SQL Server Polybase
Slide TitleHow Polybase Works
Slide TitleBig Data Cluster Architecture
Slide Title
• Reduced compilations for temporary tables
• Indirect checkpoint scalability
• Concurrent PFS updates
• Worker stealing
• Diagnostics on statistics
• Query Store enhancements
• Plan cache granular control
Performance Enhancements
Slide Title
• Calculation groups in tabular models
• Query interleaving
• Many-to-many relationships in tabular models
• Property settings for resource governance
• Governance setting for Power BI cache refreshes
New features - SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services
Slide Title
• Flexible file task
• Flexible file source and destination
New features - SQL Server Integration Services
Slide Title
• Azure SQL Managed Instance support
• Power BI Premium dataset support
• AltText (alternative text) support for report elements
• Azure Active Directory Application Proxy support
• Custom headers
• Transparent Database Encryption
• Microsoft Report Builder update
New features - SQL Server 2019 Reporting Services
Slide Title
• Support for Azure SQL Database managed instance databases
• New HTML controls
New features - SQL Server Master Data Services
Slide Title
• In-place upgrade
• Restore a database
• SSIS - Bulk Import/Export
• Live Migration
- Rolling upgrade
- Log Shipping
- Replication
Upgrading to SQL Server 2019
Slide TitleMigration Tools
Data Migration
Readiness assessment: blocking
issues breaking changes, behavior
Moves schema, data and
uncontained objects (like logins) To
Azure SQL Database
Backup / Restore to another SQL
Server (Keeps source DB
Compatibility Level)
New feature recommendation
A/B Testing
Capture and Replay workload for
performance testing and reporting
Also reports on migration blockers
because of failed T-SQL syntax
Query Tuning
Upgrade Database Compatibility
Model to desired state
Detects workload regressions, and
tests CE model variations (subsets)
Provides tangible
recommendations for tuning
queries without reverting DB
Slide Title
• Database Compatibility Level sets certain database
behaviors to be compatible with the specified version of
SQL Server.
• Compatibility level affects behaviors only for the
specified database, not for the entire server.
• Deprecated functionality is protected by database
compatibility level.
• Discontinued functionality means we have removed a
feature or behavior from a release of SQL Server, so
database compatibility will not help.
• Breaking changes is defined as behavior changes that
can result in a different outcome.
- In some cases, a breaking change is protected by using a
database compatibility level on a new version of SQL Server.
- In other cases, a breaking change is not protected by database
compatibility level.
Database Compatibility
SQL Server 2019 150 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100
SQL Server 2017 140 140, 130, 120, 110, 100
Azure SQL
130 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100
SQL Server 2016 130 130, 120, 110, 100
SQL Server 2014 120 120, 110, 100
SQL Server 2012 110 110, 100, 90
SQL Server 2008
100 100, 90, 80
SQL Server 2008 100 100, 90, 80
SQL Server 2005 90 90, 80
SQL Server 2000 80 80
Thank you!
@antoniosch - @sqlschool
./sqlschoolgr - ./groups/sqlschool
yt/c/SqlschoolGr Group
Antonios Chatzipavlis
Data Solutions Consultant & Trainer
A community for Greek professionals who use the Microsoft Data Platform

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Modernizing your database with SQL Server 2019

  • 1. Modernizing Your Database with SQL Server 2019 Dec 17, 2019 Athens, Greece
  • 2.
  • 3. Antonios Chatzipavlis Data Solutions Consultant & Trainer 60+Certifications 6.0 SQL Server Since 1999 30+Years in a Field Founder
  • 4. A community for Greek professionals who use the Microsoft Data Platform Connect / Explore / Learn @antoniosch - @sqlschool ./sqlschoolgr - ./groups/sqlschool yt/c/SqlschoolGr Group Join us Articles SQL Server in Greek SQL Nights Webcasts SQL Server News Resources
  • 5. Explore everything PASS has to offer Get involved Free online webinar events Local user groups around the world Free 1-day local training events Online special interest user groups Business analytics training
  • 7. This is not your Grandpa’s SQL Server (by Travis Wright)
  • 8. This is not your Grandpa’s SQL Server (by Travis Wright)
  • 9. Slide Title • Database Engine • Analysis Services • Reporting Services • Integration Services • Master Data Services • Data Quality Services • Machine Learning Services (In-database) • Machine Learning Services (Standalone) SQL Server 2019 Components
  • 10. Slide TitleSQL Server Editions Overview Edition Overview Enterprise Fully featured edition of SQL Server for Enterprise systems and critical apps Standard Core database and BI functionality, aimed at departmental level systems and noncritical apps Web Is only available for service providers hosting public web sites that use SQL Server Developer A fully featured edition, to the level of Enterprise edition, but meant for development use and not allowed for use on production systems Express A free, entry-level version of SQL Server geared toward small applications with local data requirements
  • 11. Slide Title • Database Engine • Analysis Services • Reporting Services • Integration Services • Master Data Services and Data Quality Services Editions and supported features
  • 12. Slide TitleEditions and License Models Edition License Models Comments Enterprise Per-core Standard Per-core Server + CAL Web Third-part hosting only Developer Free for noncommercial use Express Free edition of SQL Server Limited functionality and small capacity limits
  • 13. Slide Title • CPU types • Memory • Storage Hardware Considerations
  • 14. Slide Title • Setting the Power Plan • Optimizing for Background Services • Disk Block Size • Locking Page in Memory • SQL Audit the Event Log Operating System Considerations
  • 15. Slide Title • Windows - Windows Server 2016 or greater - Windows Server Core support • Linux - Red Hat Enterprise 7.3-7.6 - SUSE Enterprise Server V12 SP2 - Ubuntu 16.4 • Docker Container - Kubernetes Support Installation on Heterogeneous OS
  • 17. Slide Title • SQL Server 2019 introduces the Hybrid Buffer Pool, offering support for PMEM (persistent memory) • PMEM devices are supported by Windows Server 2016 and higher • Persistent memory is in fact memory and SQL Server can access any data stored on a persistent memory device like it is really memory. • If you place your database data files on a persistent memory device, SQL Server can simply access pages on the data file from this device without having to copy data from the data file into a buffer pool page. • Performance results vary on the benefits of using hybrid buffer pool, but you can typically expect some boost from this technology, especially on read-heavy workloads. Hybrid Buffer Pool ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET MEMORY_OPTIMIZED HYBRID_BUFFER_POOL = ON; ALTER DATABASE <dbname> SET MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON;
  • 18. Slide Title • Consider the number of files that you will require • The current, general recommendation is that you should have one TempDB file for every core available to the instance, with a minimum of two files and a maximum of eight files. • You should only add more than eight files if you specifically witness GAM/SGAM contention. • This will manifest itself as PAGELATCH waits occurring against TempDB. Optimizing TempDB database
  • 19. Slide Title • Tempdb metadata does not use memory-optimized tables by default when you install SQL Server • What is the catch? - Error 41317 “A user transaction that accesses memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules cannot access more than one user database or databases model and msdb, and it cannot write to master” when you have transactions that involve in- memory tables in user databases - Columnstore indexes are not supported on #temp tables when this feature is enabled (error 11442). - CREATE TABLE #t (c1 int, INDEX CCI_T CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE ); - A related issue is that sys.sp_estimate_data_compression_savings can't be used to estimate COLUMNSTORE or COLUMNSTORE_ARCHIVE - Locking hints against any system views that reference these system tables will be ignored; effectively, they will use READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT. - This feature requires a service restart to take effect; you can't just decide in the middle of a business cycle that you're going to turn it on (or off). Memory-Optimized TempDB Metadata in SQL 2019 ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET MEMORY_OPTIMIZED TEMPDB_METADATA = ON
  • 21. Slide TitleSQL Server 2019 Intelligent Performance Adaptive QP Adaptive Joins Batch Mode Interleaved Execution Memory Grant Feedback Batch Mode Row Mode Table Variable Deferred Compilation Batch Mode on Row store Scalar UDF Inlining Approximate QP Approximate Count Distinct • You can enable the capabilities of Intelligent Query Processing by changing the database compatibility level of the database to 150. • Approximate Count Distinct is a T-SQL function that is new to SQL Server 2019 and does not require a database compatibility level of 150.
  • 22. Slide Title • What is a memory grant? • Two types of problems can occur: - The memory grant can be too small for what is really needed, resulting in the infamous and painful “tempdb spill.” - The memory grant is too large for what is really needed, resulting a wait type called RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE. • Memory grant feedback solves this problem by storing information in the cached query plan for what the correct memory grant should be for future executions. Memory Grant Feedback Row Mode
  • 24. Slide Title • The famous problem of cardinality estimation for table variables, that the cardinality estimation by the SQL Server optimizer is always one row, no matter how many rows are populated into the table variable. • Table variable deferred compilation improves plan quality and overall performance for queries referencing table variables because during optimization and initial plan compilation, this feature will propagate cardinality estimates that are based on actual table variable row counts Table Variable Deferred Compilation
  • 26. Slide Title • Any table or index that is not organized with a columnstore index is a rowstore. • A batch is a structure of 64 KBs, allocated for a bunch of rows, that contains column vectors and qualifying rows vector. • Depending on the number of columns it may contain from 64 to 900 rows. • The main advantages of Batch Mode are: - Algorithms optimized for the multi-core modern CPUs; - Better CPU cache utilization and increased memory throughput; - Reduced number of CPU instructions per processed row. Batch Mode on Rowstore
  • 27. Demo Batch Mode on Rowstore
  • 28. Slide Title • Scalar UDF inlining automatically transforms scalar UDFs into relational expressions. • It embeds them in the calling SQL query. • This transformation improves the performance of workloads that take advantage of scalar UDFs. • Scalar UDF inlining facilitates cost-based optimization of operations inside UDFs. • The results are efficient, set-oriented, and parallel instead of inefficient, iterative, serial execution plans. • This feature is enabled by default under database compatibility level 150. Scalar UDF Inlining
  • 30. Slide Title • There are scenarios where you need to count the number of rows in any table. - SELECT COUNT(∗) FROM <table> • But there are also situations where you need to know the number of distinct values of a column across all rows of a table. - SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT <col>) FROM <table>. • The only problem is how the query processor must do work to figure out what are all the distinct values. - This often requires the use of a Hash Match operator. • APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() uses a concept called HyperLogLog ( - Using an approximation of the count of distinct values comes with a 2% error rate on a 97% probability. Approximate Count Distinct
  • 32. Slide Title • To solve a complex performance problem, you need details of the query plan. • What is the problem? You can see what is running, but you can’t dive deep into a query plan for an active query. • Lightweight profiling is enabled by default on SQL Server 2019 • Lightweight profiling can be disabled at the database level using the - ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION SET LIGHTWEIGHT_QUERY_PROFILING = OFF;. • A new DMF sys.dm_exec_query_plan_stats is introduced to return the equivalent of the last known actual execution plan for most queries, and is called last query plan statistics. • The last query plan statistics can be enabled at the database level using the - ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION SET LAST_QUERY_PLAN_STATS = ON; Lightweight Query Profiling
  • 34. Slide Title • It improves throughput for high-concurrency inserts into an ascending clustered index. • By adding OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY option to your index or primary key constraint, you are telling SQL Server to enable new code to try and avoid the convoy problem. • This option doesn’t eliminate latches or prevent a latch contention problem. What it does is try to avoid the dreaded convoy problem so that your workload throughput is consistent. Last-Page Insert Contention
  • 35. Slide Title Do you know what one of the most voted customer feedback requests of all time with SQL Server is? String or binary data would be truncated Verbose truncation warnings
  • 37. Slide TitleAlways Encrypted in SQL Server 2016
  • 38. Slide TitleAlways Encrypted with Secure Enclaves
  • 39. Slide TitleData Classification Prior SQL Server 2019 SQL Server 2019 The idea of the tool was to analyze column names in your database and make recommendations on how to classify columns via a label and an information_type. The information_type used to tell you what kind of data exists in the column (e.g., Contact Info, Name, Financial) The label could be used to classify the sensitivity of the data stored in that column (Confidential, Confidential-GDPR, HIPAA, etc.). The tool was nice, but there were two limitations: 1. The tool used a concept in SQL Server called extended properties. 2. There is no built-in auditing for access to the columns that are marked for classification. New set of T-SQL statements, catalog views, and auditing. ADD SENSITIVITY CLASSIFICATION DROP SENSITIVITY CLASSIFICATION These T-SQL statements result in metadata stored directly into system tables (exposed by catalog views) that are specific to labels and information_types associated with columns in a table. A new catalog view is supported to view this metadata called sys.sensitivity_classifications Furthermore, SQL Server Auditing now supports a new property called data_sensitivity_information which can be used to audit who, what, and when users are trying to view classified data.
  • 41. Slide Title • Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is all about data encryption at rest. • Available at Enterprise and now in Standard edition • SQL Server 2019 introduces the concept of pause and resume for TDE encryptions. • sys.dm_database_encryption_keys has three new columns to see the state of the TDE scan: - encryption_scan_state – A number indicating if the TDE scan is in progress, suspended, or completed - encryption_scan_state_desc – A string description of the scan state such as RUNNING, SUSPENDED, COMPLETE - encryption_scan_modify_date – A date/time for the last time the scan state changed TDE Pause and Resume ALTER DATABASE <db_name> SET ENCRYPTION SUSPEND/RESUME
  • 43. Slide Title SQL Server 2017 introduces the concept of resumable index rebuild operation. SQL Server 2019 introduces the concepts • of resumable indexes when creating the index with CREATE INDEX. • of a default database scoped setting for online and resumable index operations. These new options are called ELEVATE_ONLINE and ELEVATE_RESUMABLE. Resumable Index Operations
  • 45. Slide Title • SQL Server 2017 introduced the ability to build and rebuild nonclustered columnstore indexes online. • SQL Server 2019, clustered columnstore indexes can now be built and rebuilt online. • The syntax to rebuild a clustered columnstore index online will be the same as with a standard index using the ALTER INDEX syntax • Resumable indexes are not yet supported for online clustered or nonclustered columnstore indexes. Online Index Maintenance for Columnstore
  • 46. Slide Title • Support for More Synchronous Replicas - Support up to five synchronous replicas in an Availability Group, and a total of nine overall replicas. • Secondary to Primary Replica Read/Write Connection Redirection - A new capability to solve the challenge for your application to always be directed to the primary replica no matter what SQL instance is hosting the primary replica for the Availability Group. Enhancing Always On Availability Groups
  • 47. Slide Title Phase 1: Analysis Determines the state of each transaction in the system at the time SQL Server stopped. Phase 2: Redo Returns the database to the state it was in at the time the SQL Server stopped. Phase 3: Undo Rolls back any uncommitted transaction(s) individually. Log Start Oldest uncommitted Tx (XACT_BEGIN_LSN) Checkpoint (or oldest dirty page LSN) Log End Recovery Phase / Transaction Log [DB is PARTIALLY available after Redo] [DB is FULLY available after Undo] Current SQL Server Database Recovery process
  • 48. Slide Title Checkpoint (or oldest dirty page LSN) Log End Phase 1: Analysis Regular Analysis + Reconstructs sLog Phase 2b: Redo Phase 1: Redo from sLog Phase 2: Redo from Transaction Log Phase 2a: Redo from sLog Phase 3: Undo from sLog Instant Undo by using sLog instead of Transaction Log Transaction Log sLog (in memory) Log Record for non-versioned operation Database Recovery (with ADR) sLog Records [DB is FULLY available] Log Start Oldest uncommitted Tx (XACT_BEGIN_LSN) Recovery Phase / Transaction Log / sLog Accelerated Database Recovery
  • 50. Slide TitleLanguages and Drivers
  • 51. Slide Title • Traversing a graph path using the new SHORTEST_PATH() syntax • Support for derived tables and views in a graph database • Edge constraints to enforce proper graph relationships • Using the T-SQL MERGE statement with edge tables - In SQL Server 2017, you can use the MERGE statement to consolidate DML operations on node tables, but not on edge tables. Graph Enhancements for SQL Server 2019
  • 52. Slide Title • Platform and deployment enhancements • I/O Accelerated Performance with Persistent Memory Support • SQL Server Replication • Change Data Capture (CDC) • Distributed Transactions are supported • Simplified Active Directory deployment using OpenLDAP providers. • Support SQL Server Machine Learning Services and Extensibility • Bring Data Virtualization to SQL Server on Linux by supporting Polybase queries to external data sources, with no data movement, such as Hadoop, SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata, and MongoDB. What Is New for SQL Server 2019 on Linux
  • 53. Slide Title • A distributed computing engine • Query data where it lives with T- SQL • Distributed, scalable query performance • Manual/deploy with SQL Server • Auto deploy/optimize with Big Data Clusters Data Virtualization / SQL Server Polybase
  • 55. Slide TitleBig Data Cluster Architecture
  • 56. Slide Title • Reduced compilations for temporary tables • Indirect checkpoint scalability • Concurrent PFS updates • Worker stealing • Diagnostics on statistics • Query Store enhancements • Plan cache granular control • DBCC CLONEDATABASE enhancements Performance Enhancements
  • 57. Slide Title • Calculation groups in tabular models • Query interleaving • Many-to-many relationships in tabular models • Property settings for resource governance • Governance setting for Power BI cache refreshes New features - SQL Server 2019 Analysis Services
  • 58. Slide Title • Flexible file task • Flexible file source and destination New features - SQL Server Integration Services
  • 59. Slide Title • Azure SQL Managed Instance support • Power BI Premium dataset support • AltText (alternative text) support for report elements • Azure Active Directory Application Proxy support • Custom headers • Transparent Database Encryption • Microsoft Report Builder update New features - SQL Server 2019 Reporting Services
  • 60. Slide Title • Support for Azure SQL Database managed instance databases • New HTML controls New features - SQL Server Master Data Services
  • 61. Slide Title • In-place upgrade • Restore a database • SSIS - Bulk Import/Export • Live Migration - Rolling upgrade - Log Shipping - Replication Upgrading to SQL Server 2019
  • 62. Slide TitleMigration Tools Data Migration Assistant Readiness assessment: blocking issues breaking changes, behavior changes Moves schema, data and uncontained objects (like logins) To Azure SQL Database Backup / Restore to another SQL Server (Keeps source DB Compatibility Level) New feature recommendation Database Experimentation Assistant A/B Testing Capture and Replay workload for performance testing and reporting Also reports on migration blockers because of failed T-SQL syntax Query Tuning Assistant Upgrade Database Compatibility Model to desired state Detects workload regressions, and tests CE model variations (subsets) Provides tangible recommendations for tuning queries without reverting DB compat
  • 63. Slide Title • Database Compatibility Level sets certain database behaviors to be compatible with the specified version of SQL Server. • Compatibility level affects behaviors only for the specified database, not for the entire server. • Deprecated functionality is protected by database compatibility level. • Discontinued functionality means we have removed a feature or behavior from a release of SQL Server, so database compatibility will not help. • Breaking changes is defined as behavior changes that can result in a different outcome. - In some cases, a breaking change is protected by using a database compatibility level on a new version of SQL Server. - In other cases, a breaking change is not protected by database compatibility level. Database Compatibility Product Compatibility Level Supported Compatibility SQL Server 2019 150 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100 SQL Server 2017 140 140, 130, 120, 110, 100 Azure SQL Database 130 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100 SQL Server 2016 130 130, 120, 110, 100 SQL Server 2014 120 120, 110, 100 SQL Server 2012 110 110, 100, 90 SQL Server 2008 R2 100 100, 90, 80 SQL Server 2008 100 100, 90, 80 SQL Server 2005 90 90, 80 SQL Server 2000 80 80
  • 64. Thank you! @antoniosch - @sqlschool ./sqlschoolgr - ./groups/sqlschool yt/c/SqlschoolGr Group Antonios Chatzipavlis Data Solutions Consultant & Trainer
  • 65. A community for Greek professionals who use the Microsoft Data Platform Copyright © 2019 All right reserved. PRESENTER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS