powershell azure automation devops using powershell advance functions in powershell functions in powershell infrastructure as code windows remoting in powershell debug scripting cmdlets iac azure resource manager template azuredevopspro powershell development powershell module powershellmodule powershell basics .net dotnet powershell classes powershell object demo cicd github vsts #azurepipelines #azuredevops ieautomation new-object comobject arm arm template quick start faas caas saas iaas paas vmware google cloud aws cloud infrastructure alm release management continuous deliver continuous integration register-wmievent register-cimindicationevent remove-ciminstance remove-wmiobject get-cimclass get-ciminstance get-wmiobject wmi cim $? $lastexitcode $error try catch finnaly breakpoints debuging and error handling in powershell export-pssession import-pssession new-pssession implicit remoting persistent remoting enter-pssesion enable-psremoting interactive remoting adhoc remoting winrm ws-man outvariable outburffer confirm whatif warningvariable warningaction errorvariable erroraction verbose common parameters in powershell providers and drives in powershell advance functions demo in powershell end block begin block parameters attributes in advance functions parameters in powershell cmdletbinding where foreach do-while while if-else contional execution hashtable arrays operators in powershell variables alias pipelines object oops format-output get-command get-help execution policy işe
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