radiography computed tomography radiology medical imaging mri icrp ct radiation dose bir hospital nams mdct medical imaging technologist radiology technologist iom institute of medicine nm cardinal principle aapm radiation hazard radiation protection mri phantoms phantoms acceptance testing quality control quality assurance qa qc radiation in pregnancy public dose occupational dose aerb icru ncrp radiation dose limit dose units pancreatic protocol ct hepatobiliary computed tomography cell proliferation cell radiosensitivity reoxygenation bystander effect redistribution repopopulation repair bergonie and tribondeau hormesis linear energy transfer oxygen enhancement ratio four r's oer rbe let radiobiology contrast media multiphase ct triple phase ct pancreas ct liver ct mre mr elastography diffusion weighted imaging dwi diffusion ultrafast mri fast mri echo planar imaging epi dose optimization in ct radiation dose from ct ct dose exposure radiation beam hardening metal artifact mdct artifacts computed tomography artifacts computed tomography image quality artifacts image quality ct image quality ct artifacts deep learning based image reconstruction dlr dose reduction ir fbp image reconstruction ct reconstruction multidetector row ct multidetector ct nepal nuclear medicine magnetic resonance imaging magnetic resonance imaging perfusion computed tomography perfusion nuclear medicine perfusion mr perfusion mri perfusion ct perfusion perfusion imaging portal venography hepatic venography renal venography central venography peripheral venography phlebogram venography angiography ct technician ct neck computed tomography of neck ct neck procedure cect neck ct imaging of neck ct neck protocol superoinferior view of shoulder anatomy of shoulder shoulder radiography shoulder ap projection x ray glenohumeral joint shoulder joint xray radiography of shoulder x ray shoulder x-ray shoulder lat shoulder ap ct ivu eu intravenous urography ivp ivu avinesh excretion urography special procedure urography intravenous pyelography radiographic photography intensifying screen photoluminescence digital radiography radiographic technologist psp imaging plate flat panel detector computed and digital radiography
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