.net framework agile .net c# javascript performance best practices code architecture code quality optimization microsoft visual studio microsoft agile software development scrum web performance wpo load testing design patterns unit testing database web applications angularjs fun team building games mvc web design and development communication xp programming reactive systems roslyn reliability oss tfs rest messaging asp.net tdd unit test graphics microsoft sql server lean startup practice teamwork trust api concurrency xamarin mobile wcf mono kanban xunit storage azure cloud scenarios design use cases categories outlook email saml authentication openid wif token sso security devops environment container virtualization docker schema script sql table migration dependency graph code complexity trend monitoring code diagram code metrics ndepend dependency matrix leadership management 3.0 robust loose coupling rabbitmq software development mvp lean cost of delay feedback loop visual studio 2015 core clr nuget betclicshorttraining project k asp.net 5 asp.net vnext asynchronous task await synchronous parallel async tpl .net 4.5 trends ux user interface mvvmcross xaml mvvm wpf recommendations engine collaborative filtering recommender personalization distributed version control system github git creativity compiler robustness monkeys netflix simian army resilience configuration file windows communication foundation behavioral structural creational shichuan jeff atwood jerry weinberg attitude programming redis high scalability pubsub nosql naming convention topic user story feature merge backward compatibility v2 productivity organization to do time tips passion busy factory polymorphism builder facade singleton typescript transcript marshmallow challenge http cache browser appfabric local cache cache html distributed cache grunt iisnode npm nodejs soap web api representational state transfer restfull push meetup event-driven paris tech talk design by contract code contract nfluent message brokers mom service broker iis owin katana dataviz data-driven documents d3.js data test driven development 2d 3d kineticsjs svg canvas three.js html5 root cause analysis problem solving problem management ado.net entity framework orm edmx entity framework monitoring metrics framework query ms sql server databases linq ado samples cpu memory profiler executive benchmark standish group values windows phone phonegap android ios get better continuous learning retrospective learn jeffrey palermo alt.net portable areas clean architecture onion architecture seo speed yslow pagespeed windows lego game change management organizational culture adoption
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