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For my ASLevel MediaStudiescoursework,Ihad to create my own,exclusive musicmagazine.In
orderto provide evidence of the researchandplanningthatIcarriedout, I wasto make a blog,and
alsouse Adobe Photoshoptoproduce my ownfrontcover,contentspage and double page spread.
As I have finallyfinishedthe taskthatwas setfor me,I am now able to evaluate the effectivenessof
my workand reflectonhowmuchI have developedmymediaskillsandunderstanding.
In what ways doesyou media product use,developor challenge formsand conventionsof real
At the beginningof thiscoursework,Idecidedtoproduce three piecesthatcelebratesthe genre
‘pop’. Pophas manyobviousandrecognisable conventionsthat are lovedandvaluedbyfansof this
genre.AsI have beena popfan myself inthe past,Iam alreadyaware of these conventions,butI
carriedout an additional researchtoimprove anddevelopmyknowledge of popmagazinesandto
explore howexistingpop mediatextsreflectthe genre throughdifferentaspectslike content,
featuredarticlesandmode of address.
My frontcover,contentspage anddouble page spreadall follow the typical conventionsof existing
popmagazines,whichisanimportantfactor to be able to attract the appropriate targetaudience.I
decidedtocall my magazine ‘Non-StopPop’whichiseffective andunique.Ineachof my three
pieces,theyfeature brightcolourswhichisusedtoentice the readersandtoreveal the bright,fun
and upbeatidentityof pop.The colourscheme of mythree pieces ismainlypink withpurple and
yellow, whichare all feminine andexcitingcolours, appealingandattractingthe teenage readership
of mymagazine.Furthermore,these coloursare alsousedin the twowell-knownpopmagazines,
‘We Love Pop’and ‘Top of the Pops’.The imagesbelow isevidence thatthese magazinesuse the
same coloursintheirmagazines.
As a whole,eachof the imagesusedinmymagazine follow the conventionsof imagesusedinpop
magazines,aswell asthe use of typical popiconography.The modelsinmymagazine make itaware
of whomytarget audience isandthat the magazine isa popmagazine.The mainimagesin‘Non-
StopPop’are of a young,girl bandwhichwill make the audience aware thattheyare a close,happy
groupas theyhave a close proximity,directaddressandpositive andhappyfacial expressions.By
the girl band havingdirectaddress,itwill make the targetaudience think theyare lookingand
talkingtothem. The two existinggirl bandswhomItookinspirationfromwasLittle Mix andThe
Saturdays.Bothof these girl groupscome across as sophisticated,funandfeminine.There werea
varietyof imagesthatI was inspiredbyfrombothgroups,whichmade me aware of how I wanted
my girl bandto come across as: fun,bubblyandstylish.Furthermore,the facial expressionsof the
girlsmakesthe readeraware that Lovestruckhave somethingtotell,whichisconvincingthe reader
to purchase the magazine.Thisalsomakesthemlookfriendly,bubblyandnotintimidating
whatsoever,justhowpop girl bandscome acrossas.
I have alsofollowedthe general layoutconventionsof amagazine frontcover,byputtingthe
mastheadonthe top of the frame of the frontcover,whichmakesitstand outand catch the
audience’sattention.Ihave alsoputthe price and barcode at the bottomright handcorner of the
frontcover,whichiswhere the Westerneye goeslast.Moreover,onmyfrontcover ismanysell
linesandimagestoattract the audience andlure the intoreadingthe magazine.My frontcover
looks‘busy’butthisisa common conventioninpopmagazines,asitindicatesfunandexcitement,
whichlinkstothe typical personalityof apopfan.I have useda puff on the frontcover as another
wayof capturingthe readershipsattention,andpersuadingthemtoreadthe magazine.
My contentspage alsofollowsthe keyconventionsof apopmagazine.My contentspage alsouses
brightcolourslike pinkandbabyblue whichare bothfeminine andgirlycolours,appealingtothe
readerand luringherin.The mainimage shownonmy contentspage alsoshowsthe girlsare fun,
feminineandbubbygirls,whichismakingthe image standoutandmaking girlslookupto
‘Lovestruck’asrole modelsandfeelingasif theyare the readerfriend.Itisimportantforpop
artists/bandstobe representedascalmandpositive people asitiswelcomingandbeingfriendly
towardsyoungteenage girls,makingthemreadthe magazine.
Overthe three piecesIcreated,I have useda symbioticlinkbyusingthe same glamorousgirl band
whoare young,aroundthe same age, andbeautiful girls.Thisisawayof grabbingthe attentionof
the readershipandluringthemintobuyingthe magazine.Ihave alsousedthe same colourscheme
throughall three pieces, whichispinkandthisrepresentsfeminine,funandexcitement.Bycreating
thissymbioticlink,Ihave accomplishedastrongbrandidentitywhichwillhave aresultof the
readershipbeingabletonotice andrecognise ‘Non-StopPop’immediately,andmake a purchase of
Anotherway I will be able toentice the youthful readership,ineachof mythree piecesisthrough
informal anddirectmode of address.Itis importanttobuilda relationshipandspecial bond
betweenthe magazineandreaderandalso,byusingslangand informal language it will make the
readersfeel thatthe magazine isafriend,whocompletelyunderstandsthem. Wordslike ‘hottie’‘lol’
and ‘woops’ are usedthroughoutmythree piecesandthe targetaudience willbe able torecognise
these wordsastheyuse themto speak whencommunicatingwiththeir friends.Thisisaway of
attractingthe audience andconvincingthemtomake apurchase of the magazine,asI have followed
the conventionsof apop magazine byusingthislanguage.Moreover, similarmode of addressif
foundonthe frontcoverand inside the magazine of ‘Non-StopPop’,suchas‘hotties’and‘lush ‘.
The imagesshownbeloware all three of mypieces,andyouwill be able torecognise how Ihave
followedthe conventionsof apopmagazine.
Add imagesof three pieces!
How does your mediaproduct representparticular social groups?
As youwill be able tosee frommy three pieces, theyall show the representationof differentsocial
groups.It doesstereotype the typicalyoungfemale astheycome acrossas lovingthe colourpink,
and enjoyingmainlythe genre pop.As‘Non-StopPop’ispredominantly featuredonpopartistsand
bands,thisisthe type of target audience Iwantto attract. A lotof feminine andbrightcoloursare
usedto showthissuchas: pink,yellow,purple andskyblue,whichexaggeratesthe type of magazine
and targetaudience Iwouldlike toachieve.Artiststhat fill inthese aspectsare people like:Taylor
SwiftandKaty Perry.
The female artistsusedina popmagazine are shownas successful,stylishandgorgeousyoung
women,whothe readershipwill lookuptoasa role model. Iwill be usingartists/bandslikeTaylor
SwiftandKaty Perryto showyoungteenage girlsthattheycanalsobe successful andbeautiful,just
like the artistsshownin‘Non-StopPop’. The personalityof the readershipare justlike the artists
showninmy magazine:girly, bubblyandfun.Thishelpsthe readershiptobelievethattheycanbe
justlike theirrole models.
‘Non-StopPop’showsdifferentbandswhoare a girlybandandhandsome groupwhichiswhat my
target audience are attractedto. The representationwithinmymagazine showsBritishnessaseach
of the artistsare British.Thislinkstothe readershipaseachreaderismostlikelytobe British. These
bandsthat are shownare both male andfemale,thoughthere hasnotbeenagroup in10 years,
since S Club7, whohas a mixture of male andfemalesintheirband.The articlesandfashionspages
within‘Non-StopPop’willbe basedonthe female artists/band,butthe postersthatare inmy
magazine will containnotjustgirl artistsbutmale artists too,as the readershipwouldliketo
decorate theirroomwiththeirsecretcrush,or goodlooking,toplessmaleartists. Throughthe use of
bands,‘Non-StopPop’representdifferentethnicitygroupsandgendersasbandslike JLSandLittle
Mix have multipleof differentethnicitieswithintheirgirl/boyband.Popbandsthatare features
withinmymagazine are groupssuchas Little Mix,JLSand One Direction.
The reasonsas to whyI chose to representthese specificsocial groupsisbecause theyare the type
of people andcelebritiesthatare featuredinapopmusic magazine, like‘We Love Pop’and‘Topof
the Pops’. The target audience would typicallysee thesecelebritiesdressinpink,stylishandgirly
costumesthroughoutthe magazine,whichwill be show inmymagazine.Thesecelebritiesalso
reflectthe type of fashionsense the readershipare fondof,andthe qualitiestheylikeandare
attractedto. The artistsshownbelow are the artiststhatgave me inspirationonwhatartiststouse
inmy magazine,andthe featuresandcostume theywear.
How did you attract/address you audience?
As youwill be able tonotice,mycontentspage issimilartothe
contentspage inside the popmagazine ‘Topof the Pops’.Though,
insteadof usinganimage of the frontcover,I usedan image of the
girl band,to create a linkbetweeneachof mythree pieces.Ithought
thiswouldbe more creative andeffective.Furthermore,youwill be
aware that the layoutof mycontentspage is the alike tothe
contentspage that appearin‘Top of the Pops’.Ibelievemycontents
page is straightto the pointandeasyfor the readershiptonavigate,
whichisnot puttingthemoff byconfusion.A commonfeature Ihave
usedon myfrontcover isthe use of puffs.Ihave alsoincludes the
price of magazine aswell asthe barcode that isplacedat the bottom
righthand corner.The price andbarcode are not as important onthe front coverwhichiswhy thisis
ina smallerfont. Ihadmany differentdecisionswithwhatfontIwas goingto use as I wanted
somethingthatmatchedthe personalityof mymagazine:funandbubbly.Atthe endI decidedtouse
the font‘Jokerman’asit isfun,quirkyandmakesthe mastheadstandout and capture the
I have alsofollowedthe keyconventionsof adouble page spreadsuchas a dominantimage,pages
numbers,textandusinga pull quote toconvince the targetaudience toreadthe article aboutthe
girl band. Pull quotesare oftenseenindouble page spreadsasthisisa quote usedfroman article to
entice the readership.
My musicmagazine will alsomeetthe needsof eachreaderasitwill include the latestinformation
aboutcelebritybreakups,make upsandall the exclusive gossiponthe reader’s favourite
artist/band.Moreover,‘Non-StopPop’ will alsoinclude real life storiesbasedonyoung,teenage girls
as thisis a wayof enticingthe targetaudience,asthe article will alsoinclude informationonhow to
stay safe andsecure.For instance, Iwill includeareal life article a15 yearoldgirl whowas receiving
inappropriate emailsandmessagesfromaman whowas 38, actingas if he was16 yearsof age.
Beingsafe isextremelyimportantforayounggirl,andMaslow’s
hierarchyof needsshowsthis inhistheory.The image onthe right
Self-actualisationisimperative toateenage girl because she seeks
approval fromherpeersand lookstoinspirational figuresinmusic
and celebritiestohelp‘better’ herselfphysicallyaswell as
emotionally.In mymagazine,Iwill also provideyoungteenage girls
withtipson how theyare able tobe the besttheycan towards
friendships,boysandtheirappearance asawhole. Consequently,this
part of the magazine will allowthe readershiptofeel goodaswell as
lookgoodas the magazine will givereadersinformationaboutthe dosanddon’ts.Forexample,
whatcoloursdon’tgo well togetherinanoutfit.Thisisrelevanttothe readershipasitmeetstheir
self-esteemneeds,andhasa resultof developingtheirconfidentandself-esteem.Whenthe target
audience readmymagazine,theywillescape fromrealityandbusinessandenterafun,entertaining
world. Whenreading‘Non-StopPop’the targetaudience will create a bondwiththe magazine,
makingthemenjoyandbecome excitedwhenreadingthe magazine,havingaresultof thinkingthat
my musicmagazine isa friendtothem. Furthermore,itmeetsthe targetaudience’slove and
belongingnessneedsasthe magazine will becomelikeafriendtoeachreader,makingthemfeel
appreciatedandloved. The firstthingthatattracts the readerwhentheysee the frontcoveristhe
dominantimage.The image shownis bold,attractive andcapturingthe audience’sattention.The
use of facial expressionsluresthe readership,andmakingthemwanttofindout more aboutwhat
the article isabout. Having a dominantimage onthe frontcoveris a general conventiononthe front
coverof magazines.
What wouldbe the audience foryour mediaproduct?
The target audience of ‘Non-StopPop’isaimedat12-16 year oldteenage,feminine girls.The
readersof my magazine will be young,freshandfunyounggirls,wholove togooutwiththeir
friends,use social networks,anddotheirhairandmakeup.Theyalsoenjoyreadingaboutthe latest
gossipinvolvingcelebrities,fashiontipsonhow tobe more like theirrole models,andhow toaspire
to be more like them.Asa whole,musicisanimportantaspectinthe readership’slifestyle.Theylike
to constantlylistentomusiceitherontheiriPod,iPhone orthe radio.Youngteenage popfanslisten
to radiostationslike Capital FMand Kiss100. Theylistentothese radiostationstofindoutthe latest
hits,andwhethertheirfavourite artist/bandhave hitnumber1 inthe charts. Theywouldlike to
meettheirartistcrushin reality,insteadof justdreamingit.The targetaudience whoread‘Non-Stop
Pop’woulduse mymagazine fora numberof reasons,andthis can involve addingacollectionof
postersto theirbedroomwall,asthe younggirlslove todecorate theirroomwithinspirationsand
boyscrushes. I hadexploredteenagemusicmagazineslike‘We Love Pop’and‘Topof the Pops’,and
I foundthat itwas obvious the contentof the magazine is relevanttoyoung,teenagefemales. From
the primaryresearchI completed,Ibelievethatthisisthe correct targetaudience forpopmagazines
including‘Non-StopPop’.Forexample,the people whoansweredmyquestionnaire formyresearch,
were all teenagers.
The target audience of mymusicmagazine representsyoung,teenage femalesandyouwill be able
to recognise thisthrougheachof my three pieces. Asyouwill be able tonotice ineachof the images
of the girl band,theyare all at ease and comfortable witheachother,asthisis shownthroughtheir
bodylanguage andfacial expressions.Forthe frontcover,Iuseda medium, longshot withdirect
address sothat the readershipare able tosee the girl’sbodylanguage,femininefigures,and
costume. The costume will make the readerrealise thatwhenyouare inyour pyjamas,youare still
able to lookstylishandglamorous,justlikeLovestruck. The mediumshotof the girlsonthe contents
page shows an image of the girlshuggingand smilingwhichindicatesthattheyare a close and
trustworthygirl group,makingthe readerlookupto the girl band as role models.Lastly,Iincluded
manyimagesof the girl bandon the double page spread,thoughthe dominant,mediumlongshotof
the girlsisan image of the girlshavinga piggyback,showingtheyare a fun,bubblyband.All the girls
are usinghappyfacial expressions like smilingandlaughing,andafeminine bodylanguage,showing
that the band iscontent and livinglife tothe full!Bydoingthis, itiswelcomingthe readerand
makingthemfeel comfortable,insteadof intimidatedandscaredtopurchase the magazine.Through
each of the images,the girlslooklike confidentandasif theyhave a positive self-esteem.This
provesto the popfans that the girlsare successful,beautifulandpopular.Ihave pickedupthe
stereotypical view of youngteenage girls inmythree pieces byaddinginformationaboutboys,
fashion,makeup,gossipandromance.Bydoingthis,itisencouragingyounggirlstomake a purchase
of the magazine asit will meetthe needsandwantsof feminine,teenage girls.
My double page
spreadhighlightsthe factthat ‘Lovestruck’are at a sleepovertogether. The article isaninterview
withthe girl band,and askingquestionswhich will have aresultonthe readergettingtoknow more
abouteach individualmemberof the group.Althoughthe girlsare still veryyoung,theyare aware of
whattheywant to do inthe future, andare believingthattheirhopesanddreamswill come true.
Lovestruckisa fun,bubblyandambitiousgroupwhoare justlike the targetaudience.Ihave used
redlove heartson the double page spreadtomake the page stand out more and become more
appealing.Thisisrelatabletothe readersastheyare likelytoscribble love heartsastheyare young,
vulnerable girls. Asyoucansee on the double page spreadIcreated,the girlsall look confidence,
happyand bubbly,whichlinkstothe personalityof the readership.
What kind ofmedia institutionmightdistribute your media product and why?
The mediainstitutionIhave decided touse toown as well asdistribute mymagazine isBauer.Bauer
Mediais a part of the BauerMedia Group,whichisEurope’slargestprivatelyownedpublishing
group. Thisgroup isa worldwidemediaempire whichoffersover300 magazinesin15 different
countries,aswell ason the television,online andradio.The institutionownsavarietyof different,
successful magazinessuchas:‘Heat’,‘Kerrang’ and‘Mojo’. I believethatthe companyissuccessful,
whichiswhyit islikelytohave the capital to launchmymagazine as well aspromote it.Iwill have
the abilitytoshowcase ‘Non-StopPop’ byholdingeventslikealaunchparty andhopefullywill
Bauerhave excellentexperience inmanyareaswhichwill have aresultof mymagazine becoming
successful andup-and-coming.They have the knowledge andexperienceonhow torun a magazine
effectivelyandhowtoactuallylaunchit correctly. Furthermore,the institutionhasabrilliant
reputation andI am hopingthiswill be carriedthroughout my popmagazine. Due toBauer’s
excellence of theirbrandandworldclassstatus,I alsohope thiswill extendmymagazine andmake
the target audience aware thatthe magazine istrustworthyandreliable.
The company distributesandownsmagazinestowardsafemale target audience.Thismeansthat
theyunderstandandknowhowto appeal andattract females.Theydothisthroughthe use of
fashion, tips,beauty,makeupandreal life stories.Thiswill benefitmyself asmymagazine istargeted
at a female readership,andBauer are aware of the needsthatmust be metin orderfor readersto
developapositive self-esteemandself-confidence.
As a whole,Bauerisa successful institutionwhichwill helpmymagazine tosurvive inthistough
climate.Forinstance,printmagazinesare currentlystrugglingthoughbymymagazine beingowned
by an experience,successful institutuion,itwill help‘Non-StopPop’tosurvive andsucceedasBauer
knowthe tactics, methodsandtechniquesthatcan be usedinorderto make thishappen. For
example, in2012 the magazine ‘Heat’hada readershipof 1,320,000 people,whichprovestheir
success. The organisationknowshowtolaunchand promote new publicationandsendthem
successfullytotheirway.Theyare knowntobe skilledinworking acrossmulti-platforms,whichwill
come in handyintermsof the future of my magazine,especiallyasmytargetaudience isyoung,
teenage girls. Bauerowns60%of the most popularmagazine brandsinthe UK whichbreeds
audience trustandloyalty.
What have you learntabout technologiesfromthe process of constructingthis product?
Throughthe processof creatingeachof my three pieces,Ihave developedmyskills,knowledgeand
understanding. Ilearnthowtocreate my ownblogas well asuploadimages,textsanddocuments.
At the beginning,Ididfinditdifficultandconfusingasitwas completelynew tome, thoughIhad got
usedto it,and gainedmore of an understandingof myblog.Myfriendsandmediateacherhelped
me whenuploadingdocuments,whichallowedme tonavigate the site independently.Ibelievethat
there are a numberof benefitswhenusingablog asit allowsyoutokeepyourwork organisedand
structuredto showwhatI have beencompletingasamediastudent.Byhavinga blog,ithas also
allowedme tobe more creative andimaginative withmywork asI am able touse multimedialike
videos;havingaresultof mywork beingpresentedwell andeffectively.Iwasalsoable toupdate
and editmyblogto try make my workup to a good quality.Asawhole,Iam gladI have learnt how
to worka blogeffectivelyasthiscouldhelpme infuture cases. Itwasimportantfor me to use
software thatinvolvesbloggingratherthangivinginhandwrittencourseworkasthisismore
professional,andIwasable to showoff my IT skills.Bymyworkbeingona blog,itisalsopresented
ina more effectiveand interestingway.
Furthermore,Ialsolearnthowto use a website called‘Slideshare’formycoursework.Thiswebsite
was helpful towardsmyworkasitallowedme touploadmywork ontomy bloginan easierand
more effectiveformat. So,whenuploadingmyresearch andplanning,IusedSlideshare.However,I
wasn’tparticularlyhappywiththe presentationasIfeel itmade myworklookweird,andhard to
readas the textwaspresentedinasmall font.
Whencreatingmy three pieces,thisalsohadaresultof improving myskillsonhow touse Adobe
Photoshop.Ihave previouslyusedAdobePhotoshopwhencreatingmyGCSE fragrance ads,so I was
aware of some of the toolslike howtoadd textontoa layer,and how to change the background
colour.AsI usedAdobe Photoshopforthispiece of coursework,Igainedalotof skills.Forinstance,I
am aware on howto use the magicwant tool as thishelpedme toremove partsof an image that I
didn’twanton mypiece, like the background. IbelievethatIhave come far withmy Photoshopskills
since the beginningof thiscoursework,asIwas onlyaware of the basictools. Comparingabouthow
I feltusingAdobe PhotoshootduringGCSE,Ihave noticedthatI have become a lotmore confident
and toomore risks usingthe software.Thishashada resultof allowingme touse the software more
effectivelyandsuccessfully. Asawhole,IthinkIam more confidentandabettermediastudies
studentnowthatI have learntthe software more.
I have alsonoticedthatmy photographyskillshave improvedanddevelopedwhencarryingouthis
projectas I have learnthowto take photosinan effective way.Thisisanotherwaymyconfidence
has developedwithinthiscoursework.Forinstance,ineachof the images,Itookthe photoat the
level asthe artists/bandasthisdonot make the pop singerslookvulnerableordefenceless.Thishas
made me aware that I am able toproduce shotsthat keepinwiththe brand identityof my
magazine,aswell asthe fun,bubblypersonalityof the popgenre. Ithinkthe imagesare an
extremelyimportantaspectwithinmypopmagazine,whichiswhy Iwasto make sure that I had
enoughimagesformythree pieces,andtomake sure the imagesare effective andappealing.When
it came to the stage of me takingthe shotsof the band,I hada clearideaof what I wantedtocreate
and the atmosphere Iwantedineachof the images. Overall,Ibelieve thatthe imagescame outina
goodqualityandeffectivelytobe able toattract the readership.Moreover,Ilearntthatwhentaking
images,there are a numberof differentfactorsthatyouhave to take intoconsiderationlike the
location,costumesandmise-en-scene elements.Luckily,Iwasaware of all of these elementsbefore
I shotall of the images,whichiswhyI believe thatthe imagescame outsuccessfully.Ihadto make
sure that there were noobjectswithinthe images,aswell asmake sure the pillowsdidnotlook
scruffyor uninviting.
For thistask,I didtake a lotof imagesasmany of the imagescame outblurrydue to the focus of the
camera.Though,I was extremelydedicatedinmakingsure Igetgoodqualityandappealingimages
for the magazine.Ihad manyimagestochoose fromwhichI was veryhappyaboutas I did not
struggle todecide onwhichimagesIthoughtwere mosteffective.WhenI wasdecidedonwhich
imagestouse for my three pieces,Iwentwiththe onesI thoughtwouldattractyoungteenage girls,
and the imagesthatfeaturedposesthatreflectfemininity,asthiswouldtocreate a fun,youthful
feel towards‘Non-StopPop’. Shownbelow are some of the imagesthatIdidnot use withinmythree
Looking back at you preliminarytask, what do you feel youhave learnt inthe progressionfrom it
to the full product?
My preliminarytask wastocreate a sixthformmagazine withinDouay
Martyrs School.Lookingback, I greatly believe thatIhave gainedmany
skills,learntalot,aswell asachievedalot. The image onthe leftshowsthe
preliminary taskIcompleted. Ihave gotto know more in depthinformation
aboutthe targetaudience of mymusicmagazine andfollowedthe general
conventionstoensure thatmymagazine will be appealingandattractive
towardsmy readership. Comparingthe preliminarytasktomy maintask,
there are elements youwillbe able tonotice thatI usedsuchas costume,
sell lines andmise-en-sceneelements.Forinstance,inthe maintaskIhad a
lotof my focuson the costume of the band as thisisan importantfactor
whencreatinga musicmagazine. Ihave learnttoadd a lotof different
featuresonthe frontcoverto attract the target audience. Furthermore,the
costume of a bandshowsof theirfigure,personalityandstarimage.
I alsomade improvementsonthe lightingof the maintask;as youcan see
inthe preliminarytask,the lightingisquite dark,whichcreatesadull feel
towardsthe magazine. Researchintoexistingimageshave me become
aware that the lightingof imagesshouldbe bright,asthisrepresentsinnocence,funandpurity.
Furthermore,asyouwill be able tosee thatmy preliminarytasklooksbare andemptythatin
comparisonwithmy final product.Ihave establishedandresearchedmore intothe codesand
conventionsof general magazines,whichhashelpedme make improvementsinonlyacouple of
months.Fromstart to finish,Ibelieve the journeyforthisportfoliowasextremelylong! However,I
believeitwas worthitas I have gaineda betterknowledgeandunderstandingonmagazines,aswell
as developedmyskillsindifferentsoftware’slike PhotoshopandBlogging. The researchand
planningpreparedme forthe final productdevelopmentasthe researchdevelopedmyknowledge
inpop magazines,andmagazinesingeneral.Itmade me aware of what popfans expectinapop
magazine,whatattractsthemand howto grab theirattention.Iestablishedthe codesand
conventionsof popmagazines, whichmade me take themintoconsiderationwhendevelopingmy
three pieces. Analysingthe conventionshelpedme finishthe projectinaneffectivemannerasit
made me aware of what to putin mymagazine,andhow to attract the audience.Forinstance,the
use of mode addressmustbe informal sothe readerfeelslike the magazine isafriendtothem,
whichispersuadingthemtopurchase the magazine.
Learningthe theorieshelpedme alotto developthe finishedprojectasitmade me aware of the
needsthatshouldbe metof my readership.Forexample,self-actualisationandself-esteemisan
importantneedtobe metin popmagazines, asit isimportantforyoungteenage girlstobecome the
besttheycan be and to developapositive self-esteem.
Judgingasa whole,Ihave learntanddevelopedonhow tooperate effectivelyasamedia
7practitioner.Ihave gainedfurtherknowledgeona numberof factorslike codesandconventions,
Adobe Photoshopandhowto take effective shotsaswell astakingintoconsiderationimportant
aspects. Asa whole,Ihave generallyenjoyingmakingmyownfrontcover,contentspage anddouble
page spreadbasedon a pop magazine.Withinthe coursework,Ihave experiencedanumberof
differentemotionslikeexcitement, stressand irritation,butputtingasidethe negativity,Ihave
enjoyedcreating‘Non-StopPop’.Ihave comprehensively improvedmyknowledge and
understandingaboutthe genre pop,itsconventionsandthe targetaudience.Ihave foundthatmy
understandingof usingfactorslike mode of address,iconography andcostume hasalsoimproved

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Evaluation new

  • 1. For my ASLevel MediaStudiescoursework,Ihad to create my own,exclusive musicmagazine.In orderto provide evidence of the researchandplanningthatIcarriedout, I wasto make a blog,and alsouse Adobe Photoshoptoproduce my ownfrontcover,contentspage and double page spread. As I have finallyfinishedthe taskthatwas setfor me,I am now able to evaluate the effectivenessof my workand reflectonhowmuchI have developedmymediaskillsandunderstanding. In what ways doesyou media product use,developor challenge formsand conventionsof real mediaproducts? At the beginningof thiscoursework,Idecidedtoproduce three piecesthatcelebratesthe genre ‘pop’. Pophas manyobviousandrecognisable conventionsthat are lovedandvaluedbyfansof this genre.AsI have beena popfan myself inthe past,Iam alreadyaware of these conventions,butI carriedout an additional researchtoimprove anddevelopmyknowledge of popmagazinesandto explore howexistingpop mediatextsreflectthe genre throughdifferentaspectslike content, featuredarticlesandmode of address. My frontcover,contentspage anddouble page spreadall follow the typical conventionsof existing popmagazines,whichisanimportantfactor to be able to attract the appropriate targetaudience.I decidedtocall my magazine ‘Non-StopPop’whichiseffective andunique.Ineachof my three pieces,theyfeature brightcolourswhichisusedtoentice the readersandtoreveal the bright,fun and upbeatidentityof pop.The colourscheme of mythree pieces ismainlypink withpurple and yellow, whichare all feminine andexcitingcolours, appealingandattractingthe teenage readership of mymagazine.Furthermore,these coloursare alsousedin the twowell-knownpopmagazines, ‘We Love Pop’and ‘Top of the Pops’.The imagesbelow isevidence thatthese magazinesuse the same coloursintheirmagazines. As a whole,eachof the imagesusedinmymagazine follow the conventionsof imagesusedinpop magazines,aswell asthe use of typical popiconography.The modelsinmymagazine make itaware of whomytarget audience isandthat the magazine isa popmagazine.The mainimagesin‘Non- StopPop’are of a young,girl bandwhichwill make the audience aware thattheyare a close,happy groupas theyhave a close proximity,directaddressandpositive andhappyfacial expressions.By the girl band havingdirectaddress,itwill make the targetaudience think theyare lookingand Evaluation
  • 2. talkingtothem. The two existinggirl bandswhomItookinspirationfromwasLittle Mix andThe Saturdays.Bothof these girl groupscome across as sophisticated,funandfeminine.There werea varietyof imagesthatI was inspiredbyfrombothgroups,whichmade me aware of how I wanted my girl bandto come across as: fun,bubblyandstylish.Furthermore,the facial expressionsof the girlsmakesthe readeraware that Lovestruckhave somethingtotell,whichisconvincingthe reader to purchase the magazine.Thisalsomakesthemlookfriendly,bubblyandnotintimidating whatsoever,justhowpop girl bandscome acrossas. I have alsofollowedthe general layoutconventionsof amagazine frontcover,byputtingthe mastheadonthe top of the frame of the frontcover,whichmakesitstand outand catch the audience’sattention.Ihave alsoputthe price and barcode at the bottomright handcorner of the frontcover,whichiswhere the Westerneye goeslast.Moreover,onmyfrontcover ismanysell linesandimagestoattract the audience andlure the intoreadingthe magazine.My frontcover looks‘busy’butthisisa common conventioninpopmagazines,asitindicatesfunandexcitement, whichlinkstothe typical personalityof apopfan.I have useda puff on the frontcover as another wayof capturingthe readershipsattention,andpersuadingthemtoreadthe magazine. My contentspage alsofollowsthe keyconventionsof apopmagazine.My contentspage alsouses brightcolourslike pinkandbabyblue whichare bothfeminine andgirlycolours,appealingtothe readerand luringherin.The mainimage shownonmy contentspage alsoshowsthe girlsare fun, feminineandbubbygirls,whichismakingthe image standoutandmaking girlslookupto ‘Lovestruck’asrole modelsandfeelingasif theyare the readerfriend.Itisimportantforpop artists/bandstobe representedascalmandpositive people asitiswelcomingandbeingfriendly towardsyoungteenage girls,makingthemreadthe magazine. Overthe three piecesIcreated,I have useda symbioticlinkbyusingthe same glamorousgirl band whoare young,aroundthe same age, andbeautiful girls.Thisisawayof grabbingthe attentionof the readershipandluringthemintobuyingthe magazine.Ihave alsousedthe same colourscheme throughall three pieces, whichispinkandthisrepresentsfeminine,funandexcitement.Bycreating thissymbioticlink,Ihave accomplishedastrongbrandidentitywhichwillhave aresultof the readershipbeingabletonotice andrecognise ‘Non-StopPop’immediately,andmake a purchase of it. Anotherway I will be able toentice the youthful readership,ineachof mythree piecesisthrough informal anddirectmode of address.Itis importanttobuilda relationshipandspecial bond betweenthe magazineandreaderandalso,byusingslangand informal language it will make the readersfeel thatthe magazine isafriend,whocompletelyunderstandsthem. Wordslike ‘hottie’‘lol’ and ‘woops’ are usedthroughoutmythree piecesandthe targetaudience willbe able torecognise these wordsastheyuse themto speak whencommunicatingwiththeir friends.Thisisaway of attractingthe audience andconvincingthemtomake apurchase of the magazine,asI have followed
  • 3. the conventionsof apop magazine byusingthislanguage.Moreover, similarmode of addressif foundonthe frontcoverand inside the magazine of ‘Non-StopPop’,suchas‘hotties’and‘lush ‘. The imagesshownbeloware all three of mypieces,andyouwill be able torecognise how Ihave followedthe conventionsof apopmagazine. Add imagesof three pieces! How does your mediaproduct representparticular social groups? As youwill be able tosee frommy three pieces, theyall show the representationof differentsocial groups.It doesstereotype the typicalyoungfemale astheycome acrossas lovingthe colourpink, and enjoyingmainlythe genre pop.As‘Non-StopPop’ispredominantly featuredonpopartistsand bands,thisisthe type of target audience Iwantto attract. A lotof feminine andbrightcoloursare usedto showthissuchas: pink,yellow,purple andskyblue,whichexaggeratesthe type of magazine and targetaudience Iwouldlike toachieve.Artiststhat fill inthese aspectsare people like:Taylor SwiftandKaty Perry. The female artistsusedina popmagazine are shownas successful,stylishandgorgeousyoung women,whothe readershipwill lookuptoasa role model. Iwill be usingartists/bandslikeTaylor SwiftandKaty Perryto showyoungteenage girlsthattheycanalsobe successful andbeautiful,just like the artistsshownin‘Non-StopPop’. The personalityof the readershipare justlike the artists showninmy magazine:girly, bubblyandfun.Thishelpsthe readershiptobelievethattheycanbe justlike theirrole models. ‘Non-StopPop’showsdifferentbandswhoare a girlybandandhandsome groupwhichiswhat my target audience are attractedto. The representationwithinmymagazine showsBritishnessaseach of the artistsare British.Thislinkstothe readershipaseachreaderismostlikelytobe British. These bandsthat are shownare both male andfemale,thoughthere hasnotbeenagroup in10 years, since S Club7, whohas a mixture of male andfemalesintheirband.The articlesandfashionspages within‘Non-StopPop’willbe basedonthe female artists/band,butthe postersthatare inmy magazine will containnotjustgirl artistsbutmale artists too,as the readershipwouldliketo decorate theirroomwiththeirsecretcrush,or goodlooking,toplessmaleartists. Throughthe use of bands,‘Non-StopPop’representdifferentethnicitygroupsandgendersasbandslike JLSandLittle Mix have multipleof differentethnicitieswithintheirgirl/boyband.Popbandsthatare features withinmymagazine are groupssuchas Little Mix,JLSand One Direction.
  • 4. The reasonsas to whyI chose to representthese specificsocial groupsisbecause theyare the type of people andcelebritiesthatare featuredinapopmusic magazine, like‘We Love Pop’and‘Topof the Pops’. The target audience would typicallysee thesecelebritiesdressinpink,stylishandgirly costumesthroughoutthe magazine,whichwill be show inmymagazine.Thesecelebritiesalso reflectthe type of fashionsense the readershipare fondof,andthe qualitiestheylikeandare attractedto. The artistsshownbelow are the artiststhatgave me inspirationonwhatartiststouse inmy magazine,andthe featuresandcostume theywear. How did you attract/address you audience? As youwill be able tonotice,mycontentspage issimilartothe contentspage inside the popmagazine ‘Topof the Pops’.Though, insteadof usinganimage of the frontcover,I usedan image of the girl band,to create a linkbetweeneachof mythree pieces.Ithought thiswouldbe more creative andeffective.Furthermore,youwill be aware that the layoutof mycontentspage is the alike tothe contentspage that appearin‘Top of the Pops’.Ibelievemycontents page is straightto the pointandeasyfor the readershiptonavigate, whichisnot puttingthemoff byconfusion.A commonfeature Ihave usedon myfrontcover isthe use of puffs.Ihave alsoincludes the price of magazine aswell asthe barcode that isplacedat the bottom righthand corner.The price andbarcode are not as important onthe front coverwhichiswhy thisis ina smallerfont. Ihadmany differentdecisionswithwhatfontIwas goingto use as I wanted somethingthatmatchedthe personalityof mymagazine:funandbubbly.Atthe endI decidedtouse the font‘Jokerman’asit isfun,quirkyandmakesthe mastheadstandout and capture the readershipseye. I have alsofollowedthe keyconventionsof adouble page spreadsuchas a dominantimage,pages numbers,textandusinga pull quote toconvince the targetaudience toreadthe article aboutthe girl band. Pull quotesare oftenseenindouble page spreadsasthisisa quote usedfroman article to entice the readership.
  • 5. My musicmagazine will alsomeetthe needsof eachreaderasitwill include the latestinformation aboutcelebritybreakups,make upsandall the exclusive gossiponthe reader’s favourite artist/band.Moreover,‘Non-StopPop’ will alsoinclude real life storiesbasedonyoung,teenage girls as thisis a wayof enticingthe targetaudience,asthe article will alsoinclude informationonhow to stay safe andsecure.For instance, Iwill includeareal life article a15 yearoldgirl whowas receiving inappropriate emailsandmessagesfromaman whowas 38, actingas if he was16 yearsof age. Beingsafe isextremelyimportantforayounggirl,andMaslow’s hierarchyof needsshowsthis inhistheory.The image onthe right showsMaslow’shierarchy,showingself-actualisationasanimportant aspect. Self-actualisationisimperative toateenage girl because she seeks approval fromherpeersand lookstoinspirational figuresinmusic and celebritiestohelp‘better’ herselfphysicallyaswell as emotionally.In mymagazine,Iwill also provideyoungteenage girls withtipson how theyare able tobe the besttheycan towards friendships,boysandtheirappearance asawhole. Consequently,this part of the magazine will allowthe readershiptofeel goodaswell as lookgoodas the magazine will givereadersinformationaboutthe dosanddon’ts.Forexample, whatcoloursdon’tgo well togetherinanoutfit.Thisisrelevanttothe readershipasitmeetstheir self-esteemneeds,andhasa resultof developingtheirconfidentandself-esteem.Whenthe target audience readmymagazine,theywillescape fromrealityandbusinessandenterafun,entertaining world. Whenreading‘Non-StopPop’the targetaudience will create a bondwiththe magazine, makingthemenjoyandbecome excitedwhenreadingthe magazine,havingaresultof thinkingthat my musicmagazine isa friendtothem. Furthermore,itmeetsthe targetaudience’slove and belongingnessneedsasthe magazine will becomelikeafriendtoeachreader,makingthemfeel appreciatedandloved. The firstthingthatattracts the readerwhentheysee the frontcoveristhe dominantimage.The image shownis bold,attractive andcapturingthe audience’sattention.The use of facial expressionsluresthe readership,andmakingthemwanttofindout more aboutwhat the article isabout. Having a dominantimage onthe frontcoveris a general conventiononthe front coverof magazines. What wouldbe the audience foryour mediaproduct? The target audience of ‘Non-StopPop’isaimedat12-16 year oldteenage,feminine girls.The readersof my magazine will be young,freshandfunyounggirls,wholove togooutwiththeir friends,use social networks,anddotheirhairandmakeup.Theyalsoenjoyreadingaboutthe latest gossipinvolvingcelebrities,fashiontipsonhow tobe more like theirrole models,andhow toaspire to be more like them.Asa whole,musicisanimportantaspectinthe readership’slifestyle.Theylike to constantlylistentomusiceitherontheiriPod,iPhone orthe radio.Youngteenage popfanslisten to radiostationslike Capital FMand Kiss100. Theylistentothese radiostationstofindoutthe latest hits,andwhethertheirfavourite artist/bandhave hitnumber1 inthe charts. Theywouldlike to meettheirartistcrushin reality,insteadof justdreamingit.The targetaudience whoread‘Non-Stop Pop’woulduse mymagazine fora numberof reasons,andthis can involve addingacollectionof postersto theirbedroomwall,asthe younggirlslove todecorate theirroomwithinspirationsand boyscrushes. I hadexploredteenagemusicmagazineslike‘We Love Pop’and‘Topof the Pops’,and I foundthat itwas obvious the contentof the magazine is relevanttoyoung,teenagefemales. From the primaryresearchI completed,Ibelievethatthisisthe correct targetaudience forpopmagazines
  • 6. including‘Non-StopPop’.Forexample,the people whoansweredmyquestionnaire formyresearch, were all teenagers. The target audience of mymusicmagazine representsyoung,teenage femalesandyouwill be able to recognise thisthrougheachof my three pieces. Asyouwill be able tonotice ineachof the images of the girl band,theyare all at ease and comfortable witheachother,asthisis shownthroughtheir bodylanguage andfacial expressions.Forthe frontcover,Iuseda medium, longshot withdirect address sothat the readershipare able tosee the girl’sbodylanguage,femininefigures,and costume. The costume will make the readerrealise thatwhenyouare inyour pyjamas,youare still able to lookstylishandglamorous,justlikeLovestruck. The mediumshotof the girlsonthe contents page shows an image of the girlshuggingand smilingwhichindicatesthattheyare a close and trustworthygirl group,makingthe readerlookupto the girl band as role models.Lastly,Iincluded manyimagesof the girl bandon the double page spread,thoughthe dominant,mediumlongshotof the girlsisan image of the girlshavinga piggyback,showingtheyare a fun,bubblyband.All the girls are usinghappyfacial expressions like smilingandlaughing,andafeminine bodylanguage,showing that the band iscontent and livinglife tothe full!Bydoingthis, itiswelcomingthe readerand makingthemfeel comfortable,insteadof intimidatedandscaredtopurchase the magazine.Through each of the images,the girlslooklike confidentandasif theyhave a positive self-esteem.This provesto the popfans that the girlsare successful,beautifulandpopular.Ihave pickedupthe stereotypical view of youngteenage girls inmythree pieces byaddinginformationaboutboys, fashion,makeup,gossipandromance.Bydoingthis,itisencouragingyounggirlstomake a purchase of the magazine asit will meetthe needsandwantsof feminine,teenage girls. My double page spreadhighlightsthe factthat ‘Lovestruck’are at a sleepovertogether. The article isaninterview withthe girl band,and askingquestionswhich will have aresultonthe readergettingtoknow more abouteach individualmemberof the group.Althoughthe girlsare still veryyoung,theyare aware of whattheywant to do inthe future, andare believingthattheirhopesanddreamswill come true. Lovestruckisa fun,bubblyandambitiousgroupwhoare justlike the targetaudience.Ihave used redlove heartson the double page spreadtomake the page stand out more and become more appealing.Thisisrelatabletothe readersastheyare likelytoscribble love heartsastheyare young, vulnerable girls. Asyoucansee on the double page spreadIcreated,the girlsall look confidence, happyand bubbly,whichlinkstothe personalityof the readership.
  • 7. What kind ofmedia institutionmightdistribute your media product and why? The mediainstitutionIhave decided touse toown as well asdistribute mymagazine isBauer.Bauer Mediais a part of the BauerMedia Group,whichisEurope’slargestprivatelyownedpublishing group. Thisgroup isa worldwidemediaempire whichoffersover300 magazinesin15 different countries,aswell ason the television,online andradio.The institutionownsavarietyof different, successful magazinessuchas:‘Heat’,‘Kerrang’ and‘Mojo’. I believethatthe companyissuccessful, whichiswhyit islikelytohave the capital to launchmymagazine as well aspromote it.Iwill have the abilitytoshowcase ‘Non-StopPop’ byholdingeventslikealaunchparty andhopefullywill eventuallyholdanawardsceremony. Bauerhave excellentexperience inmanyareaswhichwill have aresultof mymagazine becoming successful andup-and-coming.They have the knowledge andexperienceonhow torun a magazine effectivelyandhowtoactuallylaunchit correctly. Furthermore,the institutionhasabrilliant reputation andI am hopingthiswill be carriedthroughout my popmagazine. Due toBauer’s excellence of theirbrandandworldclassstatus,I alsohope thiswill extendmymagazine andmake the target audience aware thatthe magazine istrustworthyandreliable. The company distributesandownsmagazinestowardsafemale target audience.Thismeansthat theyunderstandandknowhowto appeal andattract females.Theydothisthroughthe use of fashion, tips,beauty,makeupandreal life stories.Thiswill benefitmyself asmymagazine istargeted at a female readership,andBauer are aware of the needsthatmust be metin orderfor readersto developapositive self-esteemandself-confidence. As a whole,Bauerisa successful institutionwhichwill helpmymagazine tosurvive inthistough climate.Forinstance,printmagazinesare currentlystrugglingthoughbymymagazine beingowned by an experience,successful institutuion,itwill help‘Non-StopPop’tosurvive andsucceedasBauer knowthe tactics, methodsandtechniquesthatcan be usedinorderto make thishappen. For example, in2012 the magazine ‘Heat’hada readershipof 1,320,000 people,whichprovestheir success. The organisationknowshowtolaunchand promote new publicationandsendthem successfullytotheirway.Theyare knowntobe skilledinworking acrossmulti-platforms,whichwill come in handyintermsof the future of my magazine,especiallyasmytargetaudience isyoung, teenage girls. Bauerowns60%of the most popularmagazine brandsinthe UK whichbreeds audience trustandloyalty.
  • 8. What have you learntabout technologiesfromthe process of constructingthis product? Throughthe processof creatingeachof my three pieces,Ihave developedmyskills,knowledgeand understanding. Ilearnthowtocreate my ownblogas well asuploadimages,textsanddocuments. At the beginning,Ididfinditdifficultandconfusingasitwas completelynew tome, thoughIhad got usedto it,and gainedmore of an understandingof myblog.Myfriendsandmediateacherhelped me whenuploadingdocuments,whichallowedme tonavigate the site independently.Ibelievethat there are a numberof benefitswhenusingablog asit allowsyoutokeepyourwork organisedand structuredto showwhatI have beencompletingasamediastudent.Byhavinga blog,ithas also allowedme tobe more creative andimaginative withmywork asI am able touse multimedialike videos;havingaresultof mywork beingpresentedwell andeffectively.Iwasalsoable toupdate and editmyblogto try make my workup to a good quality.Asawhole,Iam gladI have learnt how to worka blogeffectivelyasthiscouldhelpme infuture cases. Itwasimportantfor me to use software thatinvolvesbloggingratherthangivinginhandwrittencourseworkasthisismore professional,andIwasable to showoff my IT skills.Bymyworkbeingona blog,itisalsopresented ina more effectiveand interestingway. Furthermore,Ialsolearnthowto use a website called‘Slideshare’formycoursework.Thiswebsite was helpful towardsmyworkasitallowedme touploadmywork ontomy bloginan easierand more effectiveformat. So,whenuploadingmyresearch andplanning,IusedSlideshare.However,I wasn’tparticularlyhappywiththe presentationasIfeel itmade myworklookweird,andhard to readas the textwaspresentedinasmall font. Whencreatingmy three pieces,thisalsohadaresultof improving myskillsonhow touse Adobe Photoshop.Ihave previouslyusedAdobePhotoshopwhencreatingmyGCSE fragrance ads,so I was aware of some of the toolslike howtoadd textontoa layer,and how to change the background colour.AsI usedAdobe Photoshopforthispiece of coursework,Igainedalotof skills.Forinstance,I am aware on howto use the magicwant tool as thishelpedme toremove partsof an image that I didn’twanton mypiece, like the background. IbelievethatIhave come far withmy Photoshopskills since the beginningof thiscoursework,asIwas onlyaware of the basictools. Comparingabouthow I feltusingAdobe PhotoshootduringGCSE,Ihave noticedthatI have become a lotmore confident and toomore risks usingthe software.Thishashada resultof allowingme touse the software more effectivelyandsuccessfully. Asawhole,IthinkIam more confidentandabettermediastudies studentnowthatI have learntthe software more. I have alsonoticedthatmy photographyskillshave improvedanddevelopedwhencarryingouthis projectas I have learnthowto take photosinan effective way.Thisisanotherwaymyconfidence has developedwithinthiscoursework.Forinstance,ineachof the images,Itookthe photoat the level asthe artists/bandasthisdonot make the pop singerslookvulnerableordefenceless.Thishas made me aware that I am able toproduce shotsthat keepinwiththe brand identityof my magazine,aswell asthe fun,bubblypersonalityof the popgenre. Ithinkthe imagesare an extremelyimportantaspectwithinmypopmagazine,whichiswhy Iwasto make sure that I had enoughimagesformythree pieces,andtomake sure the imagesare effective andappealing.When it came to the stage of me takingthe shotsof the band,I hada clearideaof what I wantedtocreate and the atmosphere Iwantedineachof the images. Overall,Ibelieve thatthe imagescame outina goodqualityandeffectivelytobe able toattract the readership.Moreover,Ilearntthatwhentaking images,there are a numberof differentfactorsthatyouhave to take intoconsiderationlike the location,costumesandmise-en-scene elements.Luckily,Iwasaware of all of these elementsbefore I shotall of the images,whichiswhyI believe thatthe imagescame outsuccessfully.Ihadto make
  • 9. sure that there were noobjectswithinthe images,aswell asmake sure the pillowsdidnotlook scruffyor uninviting. For thistask,I didtake a lotof imagesasmany of the imagescame outblurrydue to the focus of the camera.Though,I was extremelydedicatedinmakingsure Igetgoodqualityandappealingimages for the magazine.Ihad manyimagestochoose fromwhichI was veryhappyaboutas I did not struggle todecide onwhichimagesIthoughtwere mosteffective.WhenI wasdecidedonwhich imagestouse for my three pieces,Iwentwiththe onesI thoughtwouldattractyoungteenage girls, and the imagesthatfeaturedposesthatreflectfemininity,asthiswouldtocreate a fun,youthful feel towards‘Non-StopPop’. Shownbelow are some of the imagesthatIdidnot use withinmythree pieces. Looking back at you preliminarytask, what do you feel youhave learnt inthe progressionfrom it to the full product? My preliminarytask wastocreate a sixthformmagazine withinDouay Martyrs School.Lookingback, I greatly believe thatIhave gainedmany skills,learntalot,aswell asachievedalot. The image onthe leftshowsthe preliminary taskIcompleted. Ihave gotto know more in depthinformation aboutthe targetaudience of mymusicmagazine andfollowedthe general conventionstoensure thatmymagazine will be appealingandattractive towardsmy readership. Comparingthe preliminarytasktomy maintask, there are elements youwillbe able tonotice thatI usedsuchas costume, sell lines andmise-en-sceneelements.Forinstance,inthe maintaskIhad a lotof my focuson the costume of the band as thisisan importantfactor whencreatinga musicmagazine. Ihave learnttoadd a lotof different featuresonthe frontcoverto attract the target audience. Furthermore,the costume of a bandshowsof theirfigure,personalityandstarimage. I alsomade improvementsonthe lightingof the maintask;as youcan see inthe preliminarytask,the lightingisquite dark,whichcreatesadull feel towardsthe magazine. Researchintoexistingimageshave me become aware that the lightingof imagesshouldbe bright,asthisrepresentsinnocence,funandpurity. Furthermore,asyouwill be able tosee thatmy preliminarytasklooksbare andemptythatin comparisonwithmy final product.Ihave establishedandresearchedmore intothe codesand conventionsof general magazines,whichhashelpedme make improvementsinonlyacouple of months.Fromstart to finish,Ibelieve the journeyforthisportfoliowasextremelylong! However,I believeitwas worthitas I have gaineda betterknowledgeandunderstandingonmagazines,aswell as developedmyskillsindifferentsoftware’slike PhotoshopandBlogging. The researchand
  • 10. planningpreparedme forthe final productdevelopmentasthe researchdevelopedmyknowledge inpop magazines,andmagazinesingeneral.Itmade me aware of what popfans expectinapop magazine,whatattractsthemand howto grab theirattention.Iestablishedthe codesand conventionsof popmagazines, whichmade me take themintoconsiderationwhendevelopingmy three pieces. Analysingthe conventionshelpedme finishthe projectinaneffectivemannerasit made me aware of what to putin mymagazine,andhow to attract the audience.Forinstance,the use of mode addressmustbe informal sothe readerfeelslike the magazine isafriendtothem, whichispersuadingthemtopurchase the magazine. Learningthe theorieshelpedme alotto developthe finishedprojectasitmade me aware of the needsthatshouldbe metof my readership.Forexample,self-actualisationandself-esteemisan importantneedtobe metin popmagazines, asit isimportantforyoungteenage girlstobecome the besttheycan be and to developapositive self-esteem. Judgingasa whole,Ihave learntanddevelopedonhow tooperate effectivelyasamedia 7practitioner.Ihave gainedfurtherknowledgeona numberof factorslike codesandconventions, Adobe Photoshopandhowto take effective shotsaswell astakingintoconsiderationimportant aspects. Asa whole,Ihave generallyenjoyingmakingmyownfrontcover,contentspage anddouble page spreadbasedon a pop magazine.Withinthe coursework,Ihave experiencedanumberof differentemotionslikeexcitement, stressand irritation,butputtingasidethe negativity,Ihave enjoyedcreating‘Non-StopPop’.Ihave comprehensively improvedmyknowledge and understandingaboutthe genre pop,itsconventionsandthe targetaudience.Ihave foundthatmy understandingof usingfactorslike mode of address,iconography andcostume hasalsoimproved withinthisproject.