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Everyday People Making A DifferenceEveryday People Making A Difference
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Wishing you and your family a
Happy Thanksgiving
Faith On Every Corner
By Karen Ruhl
While out walking around this beautiful lake in Blowing
Rock, NC, I found myself reflecting on my life. Places I have
been in - not physical places like this - but where I have al-
lowed myself to be deceived. Making choices that were the
wrong choices. I reflected on how I was able to change my
life after I realized what I was doing. I was trying to conform
to the world, to make people “like” me. But in Romans 12:2,
we are told this, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you
may discern what is the will of God, what is good and accept-
able and perfect.”
The good and perfect will of God. Not one of us can be per-
fect, only Jesus was perfect and free of sin. He had to be that
way so that He could take take our sins away.
I was reflecting on how much better my life is since I gave
my life to Christ. I still make mistakes, I still sin, we all do,
but I repent of those sins and hear God’s words as I talk to
Him about my choices. God listens, He wants us in a relation-
ship with Him. Reflect on that - God WANTS YOU!
Reflection - serious thought or consideration. Contempla-
tion, deliberation, pondering, meditation, musing. Taking the
time to reflect on scripture will help you deepen and grow
your spirital understanding of scripture. Take time every day
to read a verse or chapter and then ponder on what you have
read and how you can apply it in your life.
How to reflect on scripture:
1. Read the Scriptures
2. Pray the Scriptures
3. Obey the Scriptures
Matthew 7:7 reminds us of the path we can take when there are
changes in life; “Ask and it will be given to you seek and you
will find; knock and the door will be open to you.”
While reflecting on scripture, take the time to think about what
each word means. Sit quietly and listen for God’s voice. Invite
Him into your heart, open the door and receive the best gift you
will ever get in your life.
One way that I believe we can also reflect on scripture is to share
the word of God. You never know who you may touch by shar-
ing His love. May God bless you and keep you. Amen
Faith On Every Corner
Reflections	 	 	 	 	                                   	 Page 1
Karen Ruhl
Letter From Editor	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 Page 3
Holiday Dollars & Dynamic                        	 	   	 Page 5
Suzettte Humphreys,
The Marriage Warrior	
Missionary Update - The Vickers	 	 	 	 	 Page 7	 	
If Only...		 	 	 	 	 	    	 	       	 	 Page 9
Cheryl Stevenson	 	 	 	 	 	     
Dear Carl	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 Page 10
Anna Friend	 	
Seasons	 	 	 	                                           	 	 Page 11
Leaves, Change, Opposite	 	 	 	 	 	 	 Page 12
Pam McCormick
A New Start	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 Page 14
Jessica Teeters
Sycamore Hole
Lynn Downham	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 Page 15
Reflections on a Song	 	 	 	                         	 Page 17
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Randi McNiel		 	 	 	
Road Trippin’ with Karen and Craig  	 	 	 	 Page 19
West Virginia
A Veteran’s Faith		 	 	 	 	 	 	         Page 21
Craig Ruhl
Letter from the Editor
The past couple of months have been busy around our house. We
have had the roof and gutters replaced, had repairs done on the
garage and the hall ceiling, and have had cabinets moved so we
could have two rooms painted. What a blessing to be able to bring
this sweet home to life under our care. We are quickly coming up
on our second year here and could not be happier. We have made
new friends, we love our neighbors, and most of all, we love our
community. We have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
I would like to welcome our newest Contributiong Writer,
Lynn Downham to our magazine. You may have read the in-
terview I had with her for the last issue. Lynn is such a warm-
hearted person and is the fifth generation artist in her family. This
month, Lynn writes about The Sycamore Hole. You will find her
article on Page 15.
I had a God appointment this past week at a new Christian Book-
store in the town of Granite Falls, NC. I went to welcome them
and to see what goodies they had to sell. I was welcomed by
the owner, Steven Boyles and a few men who were also visiting
Steven. One of the young gentlemen was Chandler Cornell, he is
a senior in high school and President of The Young Replublicans
Club here in Caldwell County. Chandler contacted me after I left
and is going to be a Contributing Writer in the December Holiday
Issue. It was a great visit to Little Light Christian Books and Gifts
and I hope those of you in the area will visit and support this new
Craig and I have been so blessed to be able to take drives on The
Blue Ridge Parkway and see the fall colors. I have several photos
in this issue and only wish they did God’s beauty justice. I cannot
help but praise Him and thank Him while we are on our trips and
drives. Can you even imagine how beautiful Heaven is going to
be? I cannot, but I know it will be amazing.
If you have not given your life to Christ and want to know more
about Him. Please email me or call me. My life has been trans-
formed in ways that you cannot even imagine.
We are grateful for each of you.
Thank you and God Bless,
Karen Ruhl, Publisher and Editor In Chief
3Faith On Every Corner
Faith On Every Corner
Publisher & Editor in Chief: Karen Ruhl
Senior Editor & Business Manager: Craig Ruhl
Photography: Karen Ruhl
Writers: Craig Ruhl, Karen Ruhl
Submit Articles For Consideration to:
Phone: 828-305-8571
©Copyright Faith On Every Corner 2018, 2019
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Faith On Every Corner
As the cool nights and fall breeze make themselves
known, they bring with them a special energy and
excitement. As we gather the pumpkins and poinset-
tias, we look forward to the celebrations to come.
However, the emotions of reuniting with loved ones
can range from a nostalgic sense of love and belong-
ing to an uncertainty and anxiety. Although facing
the unknown and unexpected can offer a thrilling
sensation, it also can create an unsettledness when
reconnecting to family of origin members.
Life’s journey brings us through a plethora of experi-
ences; some positive, some negative. However, no
matter how far the journey has brought an individual,
the family of origin dynamic has a unique power
to place us in the original state of family dynamics.
Sibling rivalry and childhood positioning somehow
make an unexpected arrival at the thanksgiving table,
as if we were still children. For example, the young-
est male of the family can currently own a fortune
500 company, yet when he enters the family Christ-
mas celebration, he is still known as the “baby boy”
and treated as such. In the same way, the sister who
has experienced 20 years of drug addiction sobriety
will be reminded of her rebellion and family shame
as the childhood story telling time occurs.
Family of origin issues are commonly found within
the marital dynamic. From wounds and coping
mechanism to power and enmeshment, the marriage
suffers the residue of unresolved past family dynam-
ics. Unfortunately, the family of origin carries a sol-
id infrastructure that is not easily altered, no matter
where life’s course has taken its members. Although
family of origin issues are found within marital
cycles the couple can disarm the past by focusing on
healthy marital functioning in order to create present
and future marital security. The health driven couple
will need to prepare for the rush of the season and
guard from the family of origin subtle surprises and
Presented by:
Among marital stressors, money is often at the top
of the list, especially during the holidays. How-
ever, money is also related to dysfunctional family
dynamics as the anxious drive system leads to over
spending, to gain family acceptance within the dys-
functional system. Perfection becomes the order of
the day as we over-dress the holidays, fill the table
with too much food, and over-exceed the holiday
gift budget. The intent may not be to “show-off”, but
rather to “show-up” as the new and improved “you”,
all wrapped up in the need for family of origin accep-
tance and affirmation. Although we are not typically
consciously aware of such needs, they are there,
looming beneath the surface. As a result, the mount-
ing pressure is placed upon the union in the form of
mood swings, anxiety and over-spending. At the end
of the season, the marriage will bear the burden of
exhaustion, strife and unexpected credit card bills.
As the healthy couple becomes aware of these nu-
ances, together they will be able to resist the tempt-
ers that lurk. The couple can continue emotional
connection by having a loving, watchful eye on their
partner, being alert, just incase an emotional rescue
mission needs to take place. Supporting the marital
partnership with kind gestors, during the occasion, is
always appreciated, as well. Committing to a previ-
ously discussed budget will sustain healthy couple
balance, long after the holiday season. Lastly, updat-
ing your family perspective of old judgements and
stale positioning, can bring a fresh approach to fam-
ily relationship building and in the long run, save the
marriage stress and money.
For more information, visit
5Faith On Every Corner
1.	 Welcome a fresh perspective and change the
dynamic by accepting others as they are now,
looking at their positives, without including the
2.	 Protect the marriage by getting on the same
page regarding a holiday budget and plan a
3.	 Prior to the celebration, acknowledge and ad-
dress past heart offenses and distancing walls.
4.	 Recognize how you negatively contribute to
the tensions and heal within.
5.	 Judgment is always destructive. Exchange it
with forgiveness.
6.	 Confront the family past with the sentiments of
Jesus “father forgive for they know not what
they do”, understanding that people do better,
when they know better.
7.	 Recognize that life is a journey, filled with
many twists and turns, for both you and your
family members. Honor the changes.
8.	 Trade pride of boastful accomplishments with
inward security in who you have become.
9.	 Be emotionally present during conversations,
extending love, acceptance and blessings, rather
than watching others, as they watch you.
10.	Enjoy your family…they won’t be around
Faith On Every Corner6
Faith On Every Corner
As you may remember, when we committed to living
in Thailand, that commitment was set for a two year
period. Now, over a year and half in, we’ve spent a lot
of time in thought and prayer as to whether we wanted
to extend our commitment or pursue new opportuni-
ties. It wasn’t an easy decision, but we’ve decided to
move back to the United States after our commitment
ends in January.
We’re so incredibly grateful for all the support, both
financial and prayerful, that has gotten us to where
we are and has impacted the lives of many here in
Thailand and the World Racers who have continued to
various places all over the world.
This is a bittersweet decision for sure as we say good-
bye to friends and the country we’ve called home for
almost two years now, but we’re also excited for what
the Lord has in store for the season to come in Geor-
In light of our new plans for the future, we have been
100% present, soaking up every moment we have
here in Thailand. We finally visited Sticky Falls,
where the rocks are literally sticky enough so you
can climb right up the waterfall! It’s something we
always wanted to do, but never seemed to make the
couple hour drive for.
We’ve also been enjoying the sunrises and sunsets
God has been painting outside our house; learning
even more about the culture and Buddhist tradition
as they dedicated the land beside our home before
construction; and laughing over simple moments as
our Thai friend, Jaiko, lent Danielle her apron be-
cause she said she’s a messy eater!
Wesley and Danielle Vickers
Missionaaries in Thailand
Zion is still undergoing renovations, and this place
is looking seriously amazing thanks in part to Wes-
ley’s creativity and craftsman skills. Wesley has been
busy making new, statement light fixtures around
the hostel and building bar tops, pallet couches and
coffee tables for our rooftop lounge... And they look
so good!
He also served as the ministry host for the Gap Year
guys’ team as they helped with some projects around
the hostel and shared testimonies of God’s good-
ness in their lives with one another and some of the
monks at a local temple.
It’s been go, go, go lately and it’s catching
up with us. Please pray we would continue
to work from rest and not for it, overflowing
from our relationships with the Lord before
anything else.
At this time, we are a little behind on funding
and we are currently seeking new, monthly fi-
nancial partners to help us finish out our time
here in Thailand and set us up for our return
to the US. If you or someone you know is
interested in joining our support team, please
let us know! We would love to chat with you
about how you can partner with us!
At the start of September, World Race Gap Year Y
squad arrived at our base. This group of fifty 18-20
year olds are in their very first month on the World
Race. For many, this is there first time living away
from their parents. They are funny and spiritu-
ally hungry to learn all about the Lord and what it
means to live for Him.
Right now, we’re learning a lot about how “minis-
try” is not a place, but a lifestyle, and loving people
starts with those right beside you.
We’re learning about vulnerability and how,
when used appropriately, it can be a powerful
tool for connection and overcoming shame. We’re
also learning how to share our scars and not our
wounds (unless we’re processing with close friends
and mentors), so we can share from a place of heal-
ing rather than hurting. Because hurt people may
hurt people, but free people free people. And these
World Racers have so much freedom in Christ to
9Faith On Every Corner
If Only.....
By Cheryl Stevenson
My brain worked liked most people my age.
I wasn’t diagnosed with a memory impairment at age 47.
I could remember more of my cherished memories.
People close to me understood what it is really like for me.
I didn’t struggle to find the right words in my brain when I want to say something to someone.
My brain didn’t get foggy and make it difficult for me to function.
There was a cure for all memory impairments.
I could always remember & recognize people who I have known for a long time.
There was something that I could do to make my brain work better.
My life was less challenging for me to deal with.
I wouldn’t struggle to figure out someone’s name even though in my heart I am sure that I know them.
Completing simple tasks weren’t sometimes so difficult for me to do.
It was easy to educate people about what it is like living with a memory impairment.
This memory impairment wouldn’t keep taking things from me.
The thick fog wasn’t so scary for me to deal with.
I had someone in my life to help me when things become difficult.
Cheryl has Mild Cognitive Impairment, she likes to write while she can and has a very positive attitude.
We are honored to be able to share Cheryl’s poems. Enjoy!
10Faith On Every Corner
Dear Carl,
The wind has whipped through the cottages this week. Leaves are scattered in the yard like wounded souls -
fluttering but never leaving the ground. Not much color this fall. The leaves have gone from green to scorched
brown. The weather here has been fickle. I like to rake leaves. I wanted to get out this morning, however
while sharing my coffee with no name cat, I heard that terrible sound. Mr. Sanchez was in the yard blowing
the leaves to the curb. For 30 minutes or more, he was blowing and making all kinds of racket. Later this
afternoon, he told me to get rid of my rake, “I care for your leaves, Senora.” I am not getting rid of my rake. I
am tired of him calling me names too. Shirley said Senora doesn’t sound like a bad name. Well enough about
the weather. I have become one of these old people here, always talking about weather and temperatures.
The Fall Festival at church is this weekend. The men cook meat and the women all bring dishes of food. The
kids play games and the old people play Bingo. Pastor Larry dresses like a scarecrow and hands out candy.
Everyone can do the cake walk. This year they asked me to bake a cake for it. I haven’t baked one in years,
but I am looking forward to it. Shirley got her feelings hurt because they didn’t ask her. I told her to bring one
anyways. I am going to bake a pumpkin shaped one. I found a design in a magazine. They charge a $1 for
each try to win a cake. I think it’s too much, but the church is putting the money toward mission projects. I
am going to take extra one-dollar bills for the children.
When we talked Sunday night, I enjoyed you sharing about the boys and their kids. I know you are a proud
dad. You have been a good example to them. I see kids at church without dads and some without moms.
The parents have it rough or the grandparents. Friends of mine are raising their granddaughters. Sometimes
Shirley and I go sit with their granddaughters so they can go out to a movie or dinner. They are almost teen-
agers. They like to put make up on us and paint our nails. We come home looking like clowns with thick eye-
brows, spider leg eyelashes, and glitter on our fingernails. I can’t do much, son, to help at church but I do little
things I can. God wants us to help one another and give to people in need. It’s doesn’t have to be money.
Time is good. Preacher Larry tells us the Bible says we shouldn’t just think of ourselves all the time but think
of others more.
I must fix me some supper now. Tonight, I will fry a pork chop and boil some cabbage. I bought a cabbage
bigger than a man’s head. The boy who bagged my groceries laughed at it. You tell Donna hello for me. I
hope she is feeling better. I never imagined that an ingrown toenail would lay up a person for days. Take care
of yourself son. Call me again soon.
Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Romans 12:13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
Anna Friend
(Carl’s mom writes him letters occasionally. Carl is her only child.
Carl’s father died when he was in college. Living in the Arizona,
Carl calls his Mom in the Carolinas as often as he can on
Sundays. Carl’s mom is in her 80s. She lives in a contemporary
world with old fashioned values.)
11Faith On Every Corner
by Pamela McCormicK
In the spring, the tree was full of life; its branches reaching up to the sky, awaiting the sunshine and rain,
which would cause it to have new growth. Summer came and went. The tree’s leaves began to wilt knowing
that soon, all of its branches would be empty and bare, because fall was coming. The tree awaited each season
patiently not fearing the results, because it knew that spring would once again return and its branches would
be full of life again. Even though some of its limbs fell to the ground and the tree lost some of its beauty, it
still waited knowing new growth would appear. It knew that life would return again to its bare limbs. Had it
really lost its beauty? It never was more beautiful, trusting, knowing that this was just a moment in time.
Do we go through periods or seasons of stagnation and no growth? Do we need to wait patiently like the tree
to see color and life returning to us too? Do others see life in us or death? How often, when things are not
green around us, do we show death, when we are really alive? How often do we lose pieces of ourselves, like
limbs off a tree, and forget that springtime is coming again? If we would wait and have faith, we too would
show growth and have new life restored to us, but instead a lot of times, we forget and see the dead limbs, the
pieces of us that were broken. We droop and sag and appear lifeless to those around us. Real beauty is stand-
ing firm, no matter the season, knowing that we do have hope and we will be restored.
We have to ask ourselves, “Do we believe that spring is coming? Do we realize that seasons offer us a chance
to see ourselves inwardly, if we take a moment to look? Are we willing to wait, knowing that each season of
life will bring change? It is the beauty of the seasons, the hope that causes us to hold on, to persevere when
hard times surround. We need to remember that even in the dryness and appearance of death in the fall and
winter, spring will return, and with it, color and the sounds of baby birds chirping in the limbs. The birds will
make their homes all nestled in the leaves that protect them from the heat of the noonday sun. Even with the
heat of the sun, they are safe. The birds trust. What about us?
Yes, there is hope. Hope is holding on, patiently expecting. We know we will show signs of life again. We
know we will live. We know that time will move slowly, but that it will move, and if we wait expectantly, as if
for a newborn child, new life to hold onto, peace will be restored and life will overflow in us, as we gain new
insight into what it means to die and yet live again.
If we see only brokenness and death and pieces of us strewn about, needing to be gathered, then we need to
know that is normal. What is important is that we get past that and cling to the opportunity that is waiting, to
be alive again. We wait. We have hope. We know life will return again.
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1
“For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will they do when the tree is dry?” Luke 23:31
“And we know that all things work together for good, for those who are in Christ Jesus and are called ac-
cording to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
What a blessed peace, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms. What have I to fear, what have I to
dread, leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning… Leaning…safe and secure from all alarms; leaning…lean-
ing… I’m leaning on the everlasting arms. Words of song written by Elisha A. Hoffman, 1839-1929
12 Faith On Every Corner
“Leaves, Change, Opposite”
by Pamela McCormicK
Her garment clung loosely to her body as she ran from her accusers. Trickles of sweat beaded her face. Her breath
almost gone, she ran not knowing where she would go and when she would fall from the heaviness of the world that
consumed her heart and her soul. Her life had been covered with shame. Like a cut out paper doll, she was lifeless to all
those around her, even to those who handled her.
“What will I do next” was her only concern, her only fear. She knew what she had done was for survival, but were there
not opportunities for hope, to start over and begin again? Was all hope lost? She knew the townspeople desired only
one thing…to condemn her, kill her and rid themselves of her wicked ways. She was alone in the midst of many, so she
kept running.
When she had no more breath left to breathe and her legs would not propel her forward any longer, she fell to her knees
and buried her head in the sand and rubble that was a road and cried inside, her heart breaking. No one was listening;
she was alone.
Then, a gentle man named Jesus knelt down next to her and with a slight touch, He lifted her head, so her eyes could
see His eyes. This gentleness was new. She had always been treated rough and knew only abuse in her relationships.
Her life’s work had but one purpose. It was to please others with no regard for herself or for her feelings of it being
right or wrong.
Now, here was a different man. She didn’t understand Him. He did not look for what she could do for Him, but instead
what He could do for her. His ways were different from everything she had known. How could she understand someone
so different from all the others?
If we could look inside her heart, we would see mistrust, anger, uncertainty and an attitude that held her in bondage.
She had never experienced happiness. It was always her meeting the needs of others, even if it meant she lost who she
was, in the process. Was that not who she was? Like a tattered and used garment, she believed that she was not one that
deserved the niceties of life. All she knew was mockery and gossip in the streets, so it was best for her to come out at
night, for to her, the days’ light was far fairer than she could ever hope to be.
Jesus only wanted one thing; He wanted her to see His love and compassion for her, when nothing in her life had ever
pointed to those words about her. She had lost the ability to feel. She had no name, but what she heard….and the names
others had given her, had defined her. Her identity was hidden in the opinions of others.
Was there a part of her that was still alive? Could the little girl inside leave behind all the pain, the scars, the names, and
be beautiful? Could the shame she had held onto for years be erased? Could she begin anew? Could she receive real
love, in spite of her past? Could she forgive and love others, even those who had hurt her?
Jesus drew a line in the sand. He was on the other side. Although speechless, she desired to be there too. All she knew
was that He cared about her. He never mentioned His Name. He just loved her, right where she was at, because the
world had tossed her away, left for dead. She didn’t matter, but to Jesus, she did. Jesus knelt before a woman who
needed to know what true freedom was; He offered her a new beginning.
Like fetters falling to the ground, she dropped all the ugliness and self hatred and stepped across the line into a new,
changed life, promising mercies and an unfailing Love…a new life that asked of her only one question…”Do you want
to leave the old behind? Will you trust Me? Do you want to walk out of the darkness and into the light? Are you willing
to leave behind the pain and grab hold of what can be?”
Her answer was yes. She kissed His feet, and as her tears poured out of her wounded, weary body, she was restored by
a merciful, gracious God, Who loved her, just the way she was. No more guilt, no more fear, no more slavery to a life
that had held her in bondage.
Jesus gave her the one gift she desired most….a chance to start over and someone that would help her believe, one
step of faith at a time that she could. Leave behind the past and the pain and the hurt. Embrace the One Who makes all
change possible. Her life would now be the opposite of what it had been, because she chose to believe.
“O, afflicted city, lashed by stones and not comforted, I will build you with stones of turquoise, your foundations
with sapphires. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of
precious stones. Isaiah 54:11-12
14 Faith On Every Corner
A New Start…
by Jessica Teeters
Life is fragile. We come into this world as a gift from God, a breath from Him. We grow,
we learn, we teach, and sometimes our students become our teachers.
On a cold foggy day while driving to the mountains, I saw my
mother’s face. She was excited and happy because it was her
first time in the mountains. It was her first time seeing the
change of colors in the trees. She kept repeating how beautiful
everything was over and over. The reality is that it wasn’t her
first time. We have been there multiple times actually. We re-
cently did a family photoshoot there a month prior. I couldn’t
help but feel happiness because she was so happy but at the
same time I felt sad because I know that she is forgetting things
fast. I wasn’t ready for this stage in her life. I remember lots of
things I learned with her. It was only two years ago when I in-
troduced her to a pool for the first time and she enjoyed it, she
was 78 years old. At one moment in my life she was by my side
making sure that I didn’t fall. This time it was me holding her making sure she didn’t fall.
When God gave me the blessing to become a mom, I had no idea what I was doing some-
times but I wanted to do it right. With my mom’s condition I feel the same way. Sometimes
I don’t know what I’m doing but I want to do it right. Something I know for a fact is that
I will be forever grateful for all the things I discovered in this world with her! Every day
God allows me to be by her side is going to be a blessing while she discovers the world. She
is my amazing fragile breath of heaven.
			 “She kept repeating how beautiful
			 everything was over and over.”
Faith On Every Corner
The Sycamore Hole
By Lynn Downham
For a couple of years I have felt an urgency about
completing the art projects or works that God has
given me to do, but once again I’ve been reminded
that everything happens in HIS time. I just have to
do the best I can every day to make time “to get to”
those projects.
Case in point; A year ago, our family took a vacation
to a beautiful trout stream that a friend had recom-
mended on Elk Creek in the mountains of North Car-
olina. When we arrived with our 12 year old and my
mother we found both cabins and the hot tub in need
of cleaning, so we spent the first 48 hours cleaning
and having the hot tub cleaned. Not how we had en-
visioned this much needed vacation starting, but on
the second day, Mom and I did make it down to the
water to begin painting. We were painting a unique
scene where two creeks merge together under a huge
tree with it’s roots running down into the water.
At the end of the second day, after I had this paint-
ing almost completed, I realized that once again God
was showing me something I needed for the Revela-
tion 22 picture. For several years I have been do-
ing sketches and small paintings of the Tree of Life
in Revelation 22; “And in the MIDST of the street
of it, there was the Tree of Life”, (the “street of it”
being the river that proceeds from the foot of the
throne). In all these sketches, I kept putting the tree
over the river with the roots on either side, but noth-
ing supporting the tree! What this was like for me
was God saying, “It’s OK to put a little land under
the tree to support it” and I realized that, oh my gosh,
I was SUPPOSED to be here at Elk Creek seeing this
scene right now. The vacation is now looking up.
The next day I went into the bathroom my husband
and I were sharing and noticed there were two medi-
cine cabinets, not just one, and I thought, “Oh wow,
there’s one for me too!” When I opened it I found a
little plastic cross shaped like the North Star from off
a bookmark. I knew who it was from. I had always
wanted a North Star necklace after seeing the movie
“The Patriot”. So when I left, a week later, I left a
tiny painting of the scene I had been painting for the
next guest.
Flash forward a year and three months; I am
at our daughter’s Awana club meeting and a
leader notices the three necklaces I have on. I
explained, “This is the best one. Jesus gave it to
me”. She wanted to know the story, so I recount-
ed what I have just told you about the vacation.
She listens and then says, “Elk Creek?” and I
respond, “Yes, Elk Creek”. She said, “I grew up
on Elk Creek. Are you talking about Sycamore
Hole?” I don’t know what she’s talking about.
I respond, “Sycamore Hole? I don’t know any
Sycamore Hole.” She says, “Yeah, Sycamore
Hole, that’s where they used to baptize people.”
Speechless, for a moment, I get it. Oh, did I for-
get to mention that the tree over the creek was a
large Sycamore? This is just like the story about
the “Rabbit Tree”, but that’s a story for another
I look so forward to sharing all of these stories
with you. I’ve been walking with the Lord now
for over 25 years and all these stories are mostly
bottled up inside me. I’ve told them here and
there and I’ve certainly told the story of the Tree
of Life print or Jesus Tree hundreds of times, but
I am happy to share them here. All the glory is
His, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and
I’m grateful beyond measure to serve Him. He
is the reason I’m alive today and He is the reason
I’m an artist.
“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom
and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are
His judgments and His ways past finding out!”
Romans 11:33
In Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As a
Woman of Faith, Janet Thompson explores the
extraordinary bravery of fifty ordinary women in
the Bible. Twenty-eight women of today also give
testimonies of realizing their strength and
courage through God’s love. As Janet shares the
stories of these women, she reminds us that the
real heart and substance of bravery comes from
unconditionally placing our hope in the only One
who can give us the courage to stay the course.
This is a great book for group study. There are
discussion questions at the end of each chapter
for group study.
Everyday Brave is available at stores and all online
17Faith On Every Corner
by Randi McNiel
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Martin Luther was a German theology professor and monk who began
the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, becoming one of the most
influential and controversial figures in Christian history. He called into
question some of the basic tenets of the Roman Catholic Church,
particularly their view on indulgences – good works that popes could
grant to the people to cancel out penance for sins. On October 31, 1517, Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the
University of Wittenberg’s chapel door, intending them to be discussion points and calling on the end of the
sale of indulgences. Aided by the printing press, copies of these 95 Theses spread throughout Germany within
two weeks and throughout Europe within two months.
In October 1518, at a meeting with Cardinal Thomas Cajetan in Augsburg, Martin Luther was ordered to
recant his 95 Theses by authority of the pope. Luther said he would not recant unless scripture proved him
wrong, further stating he didn’t consider that the papacy had the authority to interpret scripture. The meeting
initiated Luther’s ultimate excommunication from the Church.
Luther had struggled to find religious enlightenment, driven by fears
of hell and God’s wrath. Through his studies of scripture, and while
preparing a lecture on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, he read, “The
just will live by faith.” (Romans 1:17) He dwelled on this statement,
finally realizing the key to spiritual salvation was not to fear God or
be enslaved by religious dogma but to believe that faith alone would
bring salvation. This marked a major change in his life and set in
motion the Reformation. “For it is by grace you have been saved,
through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.”
(Ephesians 2:8)
Martin Luther was also a great composer, having written some 36 hymns. The best loved hymn of the Lu-
theran tradition and among Protestants in general, is “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” often called the “Battle
Hymn of the Reformation.” Based on Psalm 46, the hymn is a celebration of the sovereign power of God over
all earthly and spiritual forces, and of the sure hope we have in God because of Christ.
			 A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing;
			 Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing:
			 For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;
			 His craft and pow’r are great, and armed with cruel hate,
			 On earth is not his equal.
Martin Luther begins this powerful hymn with, “A mighty fortress, a bulwark, our helper. Webster’s dictionary
describes fortress as “a stronghold;” and a bulwark as “a solid wall-like structure raised for defense; a strong
support or protection.” I picture a lighthouse standing strong against massive, surging waves crashing against
it. By the third line in this stanza Luther describes “our ancient foe (Satan)” who seeks our destruction. “His
craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate” – and nothing on earth can outsmart him. Already you
see that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, against the powers
of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil . . .” (Ephesians 6:12)
It sounds as if we are doomed, and standing in our own strength we surely are. But in the second stanza, Lu-
ther brings in the One who fought and conquered this powerful foe – Christ Jesus, who suffered tremendous
humiliation, the pain and anguish of a cruel death on a cross, taking on the sins of the world with a death that
should have been ours . . . and in so doing won the battle for us!
			 Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing,
			 Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing:
			 Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He;
			 Lord Sabaoth, His Name, from age to age the same,
			 And He must win the battle.
While the ultimate battle has been won, we aren’t in heaven yet. We still live in a fallen world where Satan
still tries to undo us, and the daily battles are relentless. We must heed the words of Ephesians 6:11 to “put on
the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” I love how Luther says,
“one little word shall fell him.” As powerful and scheming as Satan is, the name of Jesus is more powerful
still. Over and over again in scripture we are told that “in the name of Jesus” the devils were powerless (Luke
10:17), demons were cast out (Mark 16:17-18), healing occurred (Acts 3:6, 3:16, 4:10), salvation comes (Acts
4:12, Romans 10:13), we are justified (1 Corinthians 6:11). Therefore, “we will not fear for God’s truth will
triumph through us.”
			 And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us,
			 We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us;
			 The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him;
			 His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure,
			 One little word shall fell him.
Most often we stand to sing this great hymn, much like standing for the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s
“Messiah.” But occasionally our church will remain seated for the first three stanzas, then stand for the final,
victorious stanza, recognizing the power of that “one little word.” When we have given our lives over to Jesus
and He lives within us, then we are no longer tied to the things of this world – goods and kindred, and our
mortal life – for we are assured that we will live with Him in His kingdom . . . forever. (John 3:16; Romans
			 That word above all earthly pow’rs, no thanks to them, abideth;
			 The Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him Who with us sideth;
			 Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also;
			 The body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still,
			 His kingdom is forever.
Listen to this powerful hymn, standing with raised arms as you affirm the truth of the final line – “His king-
dom is forever.” (I chose Sheila Walsh’s version because of how she builds up the last stanza. Enjoy!) –
19Faith On Every Corner
Fall Road Trippin’
With Karen & Craig
Photography by Karen Ruhl
What a blessing! As you probably know, we are now residents of the beautiful state of North Carolina. We
bought a home that is in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and we can be on the parkway in about 40
minutes. Craig and I love driving up the mountain and looking out over the views as we drive up through
Blowing Rock and on into Boone. But once on the parkway, the sites are even more incredible.
On this trip, we headed South and were rewarded with bright fall colors and a lovely Carolina blue sky. We
love driving on the viaduct. It is an amazing marvel that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had constructed.
Here is a link to the history of the viaduct
The viaduct is a 1,243-ft. concrete segmental bridge on the Blue Ridge Parkway that snakes around the slopes
of Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. It was completed in 1987 at a cost of $10 million and was the last
section of the Blue Ridge Parkway to be finished. I cannot even guess what the cost would be to build this
viaduct today. Of course, the views are absolutely amazing.
The next stop was to visit Moses Cone Manor. It houses an art gallery today. The mansion is set on 3,496
acres. You can hike the trails and it is great scenery for photography or sightseeing.
Psalm 96
Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day. De-
clare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
For great is the Lord and most worthy of
praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
For all the gods of the nations are idols,
but the Lord made the heavens.
Splendor and majesty are before him;
strength and glory are in his sanctuary.
Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of
nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and
strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due
his name; bring an offering and come into
his courts. Worship the Lord in the splendor
of his holiness; tremble before him, all the
earth. Say among the nations, “The Lord
reigns.” The world is firmly established, it
cannot be moved;
he will judge the peoples with equity.
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be
glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in
them; let all the trees of the forest sing for
joy. Let all creation
rejoice before the Lord, for he comes,
he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples in his faithfulness.
Julian Price Memorial Park is a park of 4,200 acres at the foot
of Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina, named in honor of
Julian Price. It is at milepost 297 on the Blue Ridge Parkway and
directly adjacent to the Moses H. Cone Memorial Park.
Craig and I are so happy to call North Carolina home. We have
loved every state and city we have lived in, but we know God
brought us here to make this our forever home. We hope you
enjoy the photos from our photo drives and pray that you can
get out and take drives around your state. Blessings and Happy
Faith On Every Corner
Built in 1901, the mansion was constructed in the Colonial Revival style,
and it was inspired by the architecture of the 1893 World’s Columbian
Exposition in Chicago. At the turn of the twentieth century, building the
mansion with gaslights, a telephone, and central heating system was not an
easy task. Building materials were hauled by horse-drawn wagons from the
railhead in Lenoir, North Carolina, a distance of over 20 miles (32 km).
It is not uncommon for one of us to
call out and thank God for the amazing
beauty we see when we are out on our
drives. God created the world, and He
said it is good. Amen
A Veteran’s Faith
by Craig Ruhl
November 11, 2019. On this date, in the United
States of America, we celebrated Veterans Day.
Throughout the land, there are parades, speeches,
cheers, and sometimes tears as we honor those who
served in the various branches of our armed forces.
It is time to be proud and yet humble. We live in a
country that is a beacon of freedom for the world.
Many people from around the world suffer unimagi-
nable tribulations to come to the United States and to
experience true freedom for themselves. Sometimes,
those of us who were born as citizens in the United
States take our blessings for granted, not having had
to work and struggle to become an American. I be-
lieve that the most sacred of our freedoms is the right
and ability to exercise our faith in God.
Upon entering one of the armed services, each non-
commissioned serviceperson makes an oath of enlist-
ment. A commissioned officer makes a differently
worded oath. Since not everyone is called to service
for their country, I think it appropriate to share the
oath that I took in 1967 upon enlisting in the United
States Navy Reserve: “I, Craig Ruhl, do solemnly
swear that I will support and defend the Constitution
of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance
to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the
President of the United States and the orders of the
officers appointed over me, according to regulations
and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help
me God.”
It is important to note that there is not an expira-
tion date on this oath. Upon release from active duty
and my return to active reserve, I was debriefed on
a few issues that pertained to my duties while on
duty. I was asked (okay, required) to sign declara-
tions of non-disclosure of sensitive or confidential
information that I might have been privy to. I think
that it was important that I was not released from
the oath that I had taken upon enlistment. Six years
after entering the Navy, I was honorably discharged,
again without being released from the oath I had
taken. My faithful service to my country and my
fellow citizens has always been a source of pride
for me. Throughout my life, I have understood that I
owe my allegiance to God, Country, and Family. My
military service included the oath to bear true faith in
the United States and the Constitution. I have always
tried to be faithful to my family. There is another
faith that I hold even dearer; my faith in Jesus Christ,
my Savior.
Growing up, my parents raised us kids in the Chris-
tian faith that they were brought up in and continued
to follow. We were members of a local church in
each town we lived in and participated in church pro-
grams such as Sunday school, youth groups, Bible
study groups, and numerous community-related ser-
vices. During this time, I came to know and accept
Jesus Christ as my Savior and learned about my re-
lationship with God and how that should and would
direct my life. As an adult my faith walk became a
little more of a stumbling path. While I was on active
duty with the Navy, there were regular religious ser-
vices conducted on the bases or on the ship where I
was assigned. Most often on a ship, a chaplain would
preside over a service open to all personnel whereas,
on a base, there would often be separate services for
those of Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish faith. I don’t
remember attending too many of these services and I
drifted away from my Bible reading and prayer life.
For many years, I was what has been called a “holi-
day” Christian. I still believed in God and that Jesus
Christ was my savior, but I often only went to church
on those Sundays when my mother would require at-
tending with the family, usually followed by a family
lunch or brunch. Christmas and Easter services were
mandatory and non-negotiable.
Faith On Every Corner
Faith On Every Corner
Twenty-one years ago, Karen, Chris, and I became
a family. We agreed that we needed and desired a
closer faith walk with God, as a family. Since then
we have grown in our understanding of our relation-
ship with Jesus and continue to practice our faith
through church attendance, Bible study, and commu-
nity involvement. In 2017, we started a home-based
business called Faith On Every Corner and began to
write, edit, and publish a free digital magazine by the
same name. Through the articles, stories, and pho-
tography included in each issue, we strive to share
our faith with others. Many of our readers are strong
in their Christian faith and even contribute content
to the magazine. Others reading the magazine may
be seeking more information or support in forming
their faith. In the first case, those already of faith can
strengthen and grow by interaction with people with
similar values. Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us “Though
one may be overpowered, two can defend them-
selves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
(NIV) Those who are new in their faith need to be
mentored, taught, encouraged, and loved. We strive
to provide that support through our publication and
our activities. We are a work in progress and as we
share, we also grow ourselves.
Acceptance of and submission to Jesus Christ as my
Savior was the most defining commitment in my life.
When I was in school, we recited the pledge of alle-
giance daily and it included the words, “Under God.”
As a young guy, I swore the Boy Scout Oath and
later, as a serviceman, I swore an oath of enlist-
ment. Karen and I faithfully exchanged our mar-
riage vows. Each time a pledge was given, it was
done faithfully and without reservation.
Later this month we will celebrate Thanksgiving.
On this day, it is traditional to give thanks to our
Creator for all that we have and enjoy. As Ameri-
cans, we have been blessed far beyond most of
the world. Although our Constitution and Bill of
Rights define much of the freedom we enjoy, they
also give proper credit to God as the true grantor
of all that have. When we gather around our din-
ner tables this Thanksgiving Day lets remember
to give proper thanks to God. Lets also teach our
children and their children the true meaning and
value of our faith.
I think Ephesians 2:8-9 says it best, “For it is by
grace you have been saved, through faith—and
this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--
not by works, so that no one can boast.” (NIV)
If you would like to share a story about your own
faith walk, please let us know at faithonevery-
Faith On Every Corner, LLC
is a consulting company offering the following services.
	 • Marketing Consultation
....Small and home-based businesses and non-profits	
	 • Coaching for writers and authors
	 • Photography
	 • Graphic Design
	 • Video Biographies
	 • Social Media Design and Consultation
Karen and Craig are published authors and writers
and are available to fulfill your writing needs.
Karen Ruhl is a Christian Public Speaker
Book her for your next event.
Contact us today.

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Faith On Every Corner - November 2019

  • 1. Everyday People Making A DifferenceEveryday People Making A Difference Visit Our Website at for previous issues and information on our contributors. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving
  • 2. Faith On Every Corner Reflections By Karen Ruhl While out walking around this beautiful lake in Blowing Rock, NC, I found myself reflecting on my life. Places I have been in - not physical places like this - but where I have al- lowed myself to be deceived. Making choices that were the wrong choices. I reflected on how I was able to change my life after I realized what I was doing. I was trying to conform to the world, to make people “like” me. But in Romans 12:2, we are told this, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and accept- able and perfect.” The good and perfect will of God. Not one of us can be per- fect, only Jesus was perfect and free of sin. He had to be that way so that He could take take our sins away. I was reflecting on how much better my life is since I gave my life to Christ. I still make mistakes, I still sin, we all do, but I repent of those sins and hear God’s words as I talk to Him about my choices. God listens, He wants us in a relation- ship with Him. Reflect on that - God WANTS YOU! Reflection - serious thought or consideration. Contempla- tion, deliberation, pondering, meditation, musing. Taking the time to reflect on scripture will help you deepen and grow your spirital understanding of scripture. Take time every day to read a verse or chapter and then ponder on what you have read and how you can apply it in your life. How to reflect on scripture: 1. Read the Scriptures 2. Pray the Scriptures 3. Obey the Scriptures Matthew 7:7 reminds us of the path we can take when there are changes in life; “Ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you.” While reflecting on scripture, take the time to think about what each word means. Sit quietly and listen for God’s voice. Invite Him into your heart, open the door and receive the best gift you will ever get in your life. One way that I believe we can also reflect on scripture is to share the word of God. You never know who you may touch by shar- ing His love. May God bless you and keep you. Amen
  • 3. Faith On Every Corner Contents Reflections Page 1 Karen Ruhl Letter From Editor Page 3 Holiday Dollars & Dynamic Page 5 Suzettte Humphreys, The Marriage Warrior Missionary Update - The Vickers Page 7 If Only... Page 9 Cheryl Stevenson Dear Carl Page 10 Anna Friend Seasons Page 11 Leaves, Change, Opposite Page 12 Pam McCormick A New Start Page 14 Jessica Teeters Sycamore Hole Lynn Downham Page 15 Reflections on a Song Page 17 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Randi McNiel Road Trippin’ with Karen and Craig Page 19 West Virginia A Veteran’s Faith Page 21 Craig Ruhl 2
  • 4. Letter from the Editor The past couple of months have been busy around our house. We have had the roof and gutters replaced, had repairs done on the garage and the hall ceiling, and have had cabinets moved so we could have two rooms painted. What a blessing to be able to bring this sweet home to life under our care. We are quickly coming up on our second year here and could not be happier. We have made new friends, we love our neighbors, and most of all, we love our community. We have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I would like to welcome our newest Contributiong Writer, Lynn Downham to our magazine. You may have read the in- terview I had with her for the last issue. Lynn is such a warm- hearted person and is the fifth generation artist in her family. This month, Lynn writes about The Sycamore Hole. You will find her article on Page 15. I had a God appointment this past week at a new Christian Book- store in the town of Granite Falls, NC. I went to welcome them and to see what goodies they had to sell. I was welcomed by the owner, Steven Boyles and a few men who were also visiting Steven. One of the young gentlemen was Chandler Cornell, he is a senior in high school and President of The Young Replublicans Club here in Caldwell County. Chandler contacted me after I left and is going to be a Contributing Writer in the December Holiday Issue. It was a great visit to Little Light Christian Books and Gifts and I hope those of you in the area will visit and support this new store. Craig and I have been so blessed to be able to take drives on The Blue Ridge Parkway and see the fall colors. I have several photos in this issue and only wish they did God’s beauty justice. I cannot help but praise Him and thank Him while we are on our trips and drives. Can you even imagine how beautiful Heaven is going to be? I cannot, but I know it will be amazing. If you have not given your life to Christ and want to know more about Him. Please email me or call me. My life has been trans- formed in ways that you cannot even imagine. We are grateful for each of you. Thank you and God Bless, Karen Ruhl, Publisher and Editor In Chief 3Faith On Every Corner
  • 5. Faith On Every Corner Publisher & Editor in Chief: Karen Ruhl Senior Editor & Business Manager: Craig Ruhl Photography: Karen Ruhl Writers: Craig Ruhl, Karen Ruhl Submit Articles For Consideration to: Phone: 828-305-8571 ©Copyright Faith On Every Corner 2018, 2019 4 Disclaimer and Copyright Notification The Information contained in the published works of Faith On Every Corner LLC has been received from sources that we believe to be reliable. However, neither Faith On Every Corner LLC nor its authors, writers, editors, or publisher can guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published. Faith On Every Corner LLC, its authors, writers, editors, and publishers are not responsible for any errors or omissions in our published works. All Faith On Every Corner© publications, websites, blogs, and other media are copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Faith On Every Corner© published works may be reproduced, shared, copied, or transmitted as long as the published work is unaltered and contains proper attribution to Faith On Every Corner©. Contributing writers to Faith On Every Corner© retain full rights to their articles. Faith On Every Corner
  • 6. As the cool nights and fall breeze make themselves known, they bring with them a special energy and excitement. As we gather the pumpkins and poinset- tias, we look forward to the celebrations to come. However, the emotions of reuniting with loved ones can range from a nostalgic sense of love and belong- ing to an uncertainty and anxiety. Although facing the unknown and unexpected can offer a thrilling sensation, it also can create an unsettledness when reconnecting to family of origin members. Life’s journey brings us through a plethora of experi- ences; some positive, some negative. However, no matter how far the journey has brought an individual, the family of origin dynamic has a unique power to place us in the original state of family dynamics. Sibling rivalry and childhood positioning somehow make an unexpected arrival at the thanksgiving table, as if we were still children. For example, the young- est male of the family can currently own a fortune 500 company, yet when he enters the family Christ- mas celebration, he is still known as the “baby boy” and treated as such. In the same way, the sister who has experienced 20 years of drug addiction sobriety will be reminded of her rebellion and family shame as the childhood story telling time occurs. Family of origin issues are commonly found within the marital dynamic. From wounds and coping mechanism to power and enmeshment, the marriage suffers the residue of unresolved past family dynam- ics. Unfortunately, the family of origin carries a sol- id infrastructure that is not easily altered, no matter where life’s course has taken its members. Although family of origin issues are found within marital cycles the couple can disarm the past by focusing on healthy marital functioning in order to create present and future marital security. The health driven couple will need to prepare for the rush of the season and guard from the family of origin subtle surprises and HOLIDAY DOLLARS AND DYNAMIC Presented by: SUZETTE THE MARRIAGE WARRIOR Among marital stressors, money is often at the top of the list, especially during the holidays. How- ever, money is also related to dysfunctional family dynamics as the anxious drive system leads to over spending, to gain family acceptance within the dys- functional system. Perfection becomes the order of the day as we over-dress the holidays, fill the table with too much food, and over-exceed the holiday gift budget. The intent may not be to “show-off”, but rather to “show-up” as the new and improved “you”, all wrapped up in the need for family of origin accep- tance and affirmation. Although we are not typically consciously aware of such needs, they are there, looming beneath the surface. As a result, the mount- ing pressure is placed upon the union in the form of mood swings, anxiety and over-spending. At the end of the season, the marriage will bear the burden of exhaustion, strife and unexpected credit card bills. As the healthy couple becomes aware of these nu- ances, together they will be able to resist the tempt- ers that lurk. The couple can continue emotional connection by having a loving, watchful eye on their partner, being alert, just incase an emotional rescue mission needs to take place. Supporting the marital partnership with kind gestors, during the occasion, is always appreciated, as well. Committing to a previ- ously discussed budget will sustain healthy couple balance, long after the holiday season. Lastly, updat- ing your family perspective of old judgements and stale positioning, can bring a fresh approach to fam- ily relationship building and in the long run, save the marriage stress and money. For more information, visit 5Faith On Every Corner
  • 7. WARRIORS WISDOM: 1. Welcome a fresh perspective and change the dynamic by accepting others as they are now, looking at their positives, without including the negative 2. Protect the marriage by getting on the same page regarding a holiday budget and plan a schedule. 3. Prior to the celebration, acknowledge and ad- dress past heart offenses and distancing walls. 4. Recognize how you negatively contribute to the tensions and heal within. 5. Judgment is always destructive. Exchange it with forgiveness. 6. Confront the family past with the sentiments of Jesus “father forgive for they know not what they do”, understanding that people do better, when they know better. 7. Recognize that life is a journey, filled with many twists and turns, for both you and your family members. Honor the changes. 8. Trade pride of boastful accomplishments with inward security in who you have become. 9. Be emotionally present during conversations, extending love, acceptance and blessings, rather than watching others, as they watch you. 10. Enjoy your family…they won’t be around forever. Faith On Every Corner6
  • 8. Faith On Every Corner OUR TWO YEAR COMMITMENT As you may remember, when we committed to living in Thailand, that commitment was set for a two year period. Now, over a year and half in, we’ve spent a lot of time in thought and prayer as to whether we wanted to extend our commitment or pursue new opportuni- ties. It wasn’t an easy decision, but we’ve decided to move back to the United States after our commitment ends in January. We’re so incredibly grateful for all the support, both financial and prayerful, that has gotten us to where we are and has impacted the lives of many here in Thailand and the World Racers who have continued to various places all over the world. This is a bittersweet decision for sure as we say good- bye to friends and the country we’ve called home for almost two years now, but we’re also excited for what the Lord has in store for the season to come in Geor- gia! LOCAL LIFE In light of our new plans for the future, we have been 100% present, soaking up every moment we have here in Thailand. We finally visited Sticky Falls, where the rocks are literally sticky enough so you can climb right up the waterfall! It’s something we always wanted to do, but never seemed to make the couple hour drive for. We’ve also been enjoying the sunrises and sunsets God has been painting outside our house; learning even more about the culture and Buddhist tradition as they dedicated the land beside our home before construction; and laughing over simple moments as our Thai friend, Jaiko, lent Danielle her apron be- cause she said she’s a messy eater! Wesley and Danielle Vickers Missionaaries in Thailand Email:
  • 9. 8 ZION HOSTEL RENOVATIONS Zion is still undergoing renovations, and this place is looking seriously amazing thanks in part to Wes- ley’s creativity and craftsman skills. Wesley has been busy making new, statement light fixtures around the hostel and building bar tops, pallet couches and coffee tables for our rooftop lounge... And they look so good! He also served as the ministry host for the Gap Year guys’ team as they helped with some projects around the hostel and shared testimonies of God’s good- ness in their lives with one another and some of the monks at a local temple. PRAYER REQUESTS REST It’s been go, go, go lately and it’s catching up with us. Please pray we would continue to work from rest and not for it, overflowing from our relationships with the Lord before anything else. FINANCIAL SUPPORT At this time, we are a little behind on funding and we are currently seeking new, monthly fi- nancial partners to help us finish out our time here in Thailand and set us up for our return to the US. If you or someone you know is interested in joining our support team, please let us know! We would love to chat with you about how you can partner with us! WORLD RACE GAP YEAR Y SQUAD At the start of September, World Race Gap Year Y squad arrived at our base. This group of fifty 18-20 year olds are in their very first month on the World Race. For many, this is there first time living away from their parents. They are funny and spiritu- ally hungry to learn all about the Lord and what it means to live for Him. Right now, we’re learning a lot about how “minis- try” is not a place, but a lifestyle, and loving people starts with those right beside you. We’re learning about vulnerability and how, when used appropriately, it can be a powerful tool for connection and overcoming shame. We’re also learning how to share our scars and not our wounds (unless we’re processing with close friends and mentors), so we can share from a place of heal- ing rather than hurting. Because hurt people may hurt people, but free people free people. And these World Racers have so much freedom in Christ to share!
  • 10. 9Faith On Every Corner If Only..... By Cheryl Stevenson My brain worked liked most people my age. I wasn’t diagnosed with a memory impairment at age 47. I could remember more of my cherished memories. People close to me understood what it is really like for me. I didn’t struggle to find the right words in my brain when I want to say something to someone. My brain didn’t get foggy and make it difficult for me to function. There was a cure for all memory impairments. I could always remember & recognize people who I have known for a long time. There was something that I could do to make my brain work better. My life was less challenging for me to deal with. I wouldn’t struggle to figure out someone’s name even though in my heart I am sure that I know them. Completing simple tasks weren’t sometimes so difficult for me to do. It was easy to educate people about what it is like living with a memory impairment. This memory impairment wouldn’t keep taking things from me. The thick fog wasn’t so scary for me to deal with. I had someone in my life to help me when things become difficult. Cheryl has Mild Cognitive Impairment, she likes to write while she can and has a very positive attitude. We are honored to be able to share Cheryl’s poems. Enjoy!
  • 11. 10Faith On Every Corner Dear Carl, The wind has whipped through the cottages this week. Leaves are scattered in the yard like wounded souls - fluttering but never leaving the ground. Not much color this fall. The leaves have gone from green to scorched brown. The weather here has been fickle. I like to rake leaves. I wanted to get out this morning, however while sharing my coffee with no name cat, I heard that terrible sound. Mr. Sanchez was in the yard blowing the leaves to the curb. For 30 minutes or more, he was blowing and making all kinds of racket. Later this afternoon, he told me to get rid of my rake, “I care for your leaves, Senora.” I am not getting rid of my rake. I am tired of him calling me names too. Shirley said Senora doesn’t sound like a bad name. Well enough about the weather. I have become one of these old people here, always talking about weather and temperatures. The Fall Festival at church is this weekend. The men cook meat and the women all bring dishes of food. The kids play games and the old people play Bingo. Pastor Larry dresses like a scarecrow and hands out candy. Everyone can do the cake walk. This year they asked me to bake a cake for it. I haven’t baked one in years, but I am looking forward to it. Shirley got her feelings hurt because they didn’t ask her. I told her to bring one anyways. I am going to bake a pumpkin shaped one. I found a design in a magazine. They charge a $1 for each try to win a cake. I think it’s too much, but the church is putting the money toward mission projects. I am going to take extra one-dollar bills for the children. When we talked Sunday night, I enjoyed you sharing about the boys and their kids. I know you are a proud dad. You have been a good example to them. I see kids at church without dads and some without moms. The parents have it rough or the grandparents. Friends of mine are raising their granddaughters. Sometimes Shirley and I go sit with their granddaughters so they can go out to a movie or dinner. They are almost teen- agers. They like to put make up on us and paint our nails. We come home looking like clowns with thick eye- brows, spider leg eyelashes, and glitter on our fingernails. I can’t do much, son, to help at church but I do little things I can. God wants us to help one another and give to people in need. It’s doesn’t have to be money. Time is good. Preacher Larry tells us the Bible says we shouldn’t just think of ourselves all the time but think of others more. I must fix me some supper now. Tonight, I will fry a pork chop and boil some cabbage. I bought a cabbage bigger than a man’s head. The boy who bagged my groceries laughed at it. You tell Donna hello for me. I hope she is feeling better. I never imagined that an ingrown toenail would lay up a person for days. Take care of yourself son. Call me again soon. Mom Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Romans 12:13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. Anna Friend (Carl’s mom writes him letters occasionally. Carl is her only child. Carl’s father died when he was in college. Living in the Arizona, Carl calls his Mom in the Carolinas as often as he can on Sundays. Carl’s mom is in her 80s. She lives in a contemporary world with old fashioned values.)
  • 12. 11Faith On Every Corner “Seasons” by Pamela McCormicK In the spring, the tree was full of life; its branches reaching up to the sky, awaiting the sunshine and rain, which would cause it to have new growth. Summer came and went. The tree’s leaves began to wilt knowing that soon, all of its branches would be empty and bare, because fall was coming. The tree awaited each season patiently not fearing the results, because it knew that spring would once again return and its branches would be full of life again. Even though some of its limbs fell to the ground and the tree lost some of its beauty, it still waited knowing new growth would appear. It knew that life would return again to its bare limbs. Had it really lost its beauty? It never was more beautiful, trusting, knowing that this was just a moment in time. Do we go through periods or seasons of stagnation and no growth? Do we need to wait patiently like the tree to see color and life returning to us too? Do others see life in us or death? How often, when things are not green around us, do we show death, when we are really alive? How often do we lose pieces of ourselves, like limbs off a tree, and forget that springtime is coming again? If we would wait and have faith, we too would show growth and have new life restored to us, but instead a lot of times, we forget and see the dead limbs, the pieces of us that were broken. We droop and sag and appear lifeless to those around us. Real beauty is stand- ing firm, no matter the season, knowing that we do have hope and we will be restored. We have to ask ourselves, “Do we believe that spring is coming? Do we realize that seasons offer us a chance to see ourselves inwardly, if we take a moment to look? Are we willing to wait, knowing that each season of life will bring change? It is the beauty of the seasons, the hope that causes us to hold on, to persevere when hard times surround. We need to remember that even in the dryness and appearance of death in the fall and winter, spring will return, and with it, color and the sounds of baby birds chirping in the limbs. The birds will make their homes all nestled in the leaves that protect them from the heat of the noonday sun. Even with the heat of the sun, they are safe. The birds trust. What about us? Yes, there is hope. Hope is holding on, patiently expecting. We know we will show signs of life again. We know we will live. We know that time will move slowly, but that it will move, and if we wait expectantly, as if for a newborn child, new life to hold onto, peace will be restored and life will overflow in us, as we gain new insight into what it means to die and yet live again. If we see only brokenness and death and pieces of us strewn about, needing to be gathered, then we need to know that is normal. What is important is that we get past that and cling to the opportunity that is waiting, to be alive again. We wait. We have hope. We know life will return again. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 “For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will they do when the tree is dry?” Luke 23:31 “And we know that all things work together for good, for those who are in Christ Jesus and are called ac- cording to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 What a blessed peace, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms. What have I to fear, what have I to dread, leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning… Leaning…safe and secure from all alarms; leaning…lean- ing… I’m leaning on the everlasting arms. Words of song written by Elisha A. Hoffman, 1839-1929
  • 13. 12 Faith On Every Corner “Leaves, Change, Opposite” by Pamela McCormicK Her garment clung loosely to her body as she ran from her accusers. Trickles of sweat beaded her face. Her breath almost gone, she ran not knowing where she would go and when she would fall from the heaviness of the world that consumed her heart and her soul. Her life had been covered with shame. Like a cut out paper doll, she was lifeless to all those around her, even to those who handled her. “What will I do next” was her only concern, her only fear. She knew what she had done was for survival, but were there not opportunities for hope, to start over and begin again? Was all hope lost? She knew the townspeople desired only one thing…to condemn her, kill her and rid themselves of her wicked ways. She was alone in the midst of many, so she kept running. When she had no more breath left to breathe and her legs would not propel her forward any longer, she fell to her knees and buried her head in the sand and rubble that was a road and cried inside, her heart breaking. No one was listening; she was alone. Then, a gentle man named Jesus knelt down next to her and with a slight touch, He lifted her head, so her eyes could see His eyes. This gentleness was new. She had always been treated rough and knew only abuse in her relationships. Her life’s work had but one purpose. It was to please others with no regard for herself or for her feelings of it being right or wrong. Now, here was a different man. She didn’t understand Him. He did not look for what she could do for Him, but instead what He could do for her. His ways were different from everything she had known. How could she understand someone so different from all the others? If we could look inside her heart, we would see mistrust, anger, uncertainty and an attitude that held her in bondage. She had never experienced happiness. It was always her meeting the needs of others, even if it meant she lost who she was, in the process. Was that not who she was? Like a tattered and used garment, she believed that she was not one that deserved the niceties of life. All she knew was mockery and gossip in the streets, so it was best for her to come out at night, for to her, the days’ light was far fairer than she could ever hope to be. Jesus only wanted one thing; He wanted her to see His love and compassion for her, when nothing in her life had ever pointed to those words about her. She had lost the ability to feel. She had no name, but what she heard….and the names others had given her, had defined her. Her identity was hidden in the opinions of others. Was there a part of her that was still alive? Could the little girl inside leave behind all the pain, the scars, the names, and be beautiful? Could the shame she had held onto for years be erased? Could she begin anew? Could she receive real love, in spite of her past? Could she forgive and love others, even those who had hurt her? Jesus drew a line in the sand. He was on the other side. Although speechless, she desired to be there too. All she knew was that He cared about her. He never mentioned His Name. He just loved her, right where she was at, because the world had tossed her away, left for dead. She didn’t matter, but to Jesus, she did. Jesus knelt before a woman who needed to know what true freedom was; He offered her a new beginning. Like fetters falling to the ground, she dropped all the ugliness and self hatred and stepped across the line into a new, changed life, promising mercies and an unfailing Love…a new life that asked of her only one question…”Do you want to leave the old behind? Will you trust Me? Do you want to walk out of the darkness and into the light? Are you willing to leave behind the pain and grab hold of what can be?” Her answer was yes. She kissed His feet, and as her tears poured out of her wounded, weary body, she was restored by a merciful, gracious God, Who loved her, just the way she was. No more guilt, no more fear, no more slavery to a life that had held her in bondage. Jesus gave her the one gift she desired most….a chance to start over and someone that would help her believe, one step of faith at a time that she could. Leave behind the past and the pain and the hurt. Embrace the One Who makes all change possible. Her life would now be the opposite of what it had been, because she chose to believe. “O, afflicted city, lashed by stones and not comforted, I will build you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with sapphires. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones. Isaiah 54:11-12
  • 14.
  • 15. 14 Faith On Every Corner A New Start… by Jessica Teeters Life is fragile. We come into this world as a gift from God, a breath from Him. We grow, we learn, we teach, and sometimes our students become our teachers. On a cold foggy day while driving to the mountains, I saw my mother’s face. She was excited and happy because it was her first time in the mountains. It was her first time seeing the change of colors in the trees. She kept repeating how beautiful everything was over and over. The reality is that it wasn’t her first time. We have been there multiple times actually. We re- cently did a family photoshoot there a month prior. I couldn’t help but feel happiness because she was so happy but at the same time I felt sad because I know that she is forgetting things fast. I wasn’t ready for this stage in her life. I remember lots of things I learned with her. It was only two years ago when I in- troduced her to a pool for the first time and she enjoyed it, she was 78 years old. At one moment in my life she was by my side making sure that I didn’t fall. This time it was me holding her making sure she didn’t fall. When God gave me the blessing to become a mom, I had no idea what I was doing some- times but I wanted to do it right. With my mom’s condition I feel the same way. Sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing but I want to do it right. Something I know for a fact is that I will be forever grateful for all the things I discovered in this world with her! Every day God allows me to be by her side is going to be a blessing while she discovers the world. She is my amazing fragile breath of heaven. “She kept repeating how beautiful everything was over and over.”
  • 16. Faith On Every Corner The Sycamore Hole By Lynn Downham For a couple of years I have felt an urgency about completing the art projects or works that God has given me to do, but once again I’ve been reminded that everything happens in HIS time. I just have to do the best I can every day to make time “to get to” those projects. Case in point; A year ago, our family took a vacation to a beautiful trout stream that a friend had recom- mended on Elk Creek in the mountains of North Car- olina. When we arrived with our 12 year old and my mother we found both cabins and the hot tub in need of cleaning, so we spent the first 48 hours cleaning and having the hot tub cleaned. Not how we had en- visioned this much needed vacation starting, but on the second day, Mom and I did make it down to the water to begin painting. We were painting a unique scene where two creeks merge together under a huge tree with it’s roots running down into the water. At the end of the second day, after I had this paint- ing almost completed, I realized that once again God was showing me something I needed for the Revela- tion 22 picture. For several years I have been do- ing sketches and small paintings of the Tree of Life in Revelation 22; “And in the MIDST of the street of it, there was the Tree of Life”, (the “street of it” being the river that proceeds from the foot of the throne). In all these sketches, I kept putting the tree over the river with the roots on either side, but noth- ing supporting the tree! What this was like for me was God saying, “It’s OK to put a little land under the tree to support it” and I realized that, oh my gosh, I was SUPPOSED to be here at Elk Creek seeing this scene right now. The vacation is now looking up. The next day I went into the bathroom my husband and I were sharing and noticed there were two medi- cine cabinets, not just one, and I thought, “Oh wow, there’s one for me too!” When I opened it I found a little plastic cross shaped like the North Star from off a bookmark. I knew who it was from. I had always wanted a North Star necklace after seeing the movie “The Patriot”. So when I left, a week later, I left a tiny painting of the scene I had been painting for the next guest. Flash forward a year and three months; I am at our daughter’s Awana club meeting and a leader notices the three necklaces I have on. I explained, “This is the best one. Jesus gave it to me”. She wanted to know the story, so I recount- ed what I have just told you about the vacation. She listens and then says, “Elk Creek?” and I respond, “Yes, Elk Creek”. She said, “I grew up on Elk Creek. Are you talking about Sycamore Hole?” I don’t know what she’s talking about. I respond, “Sycamore Hole? I don’t know any Sycamore Hole.” She says, “Yeah, Sycamore Hole, that’s where they used to baptize people.” Speechless, for a moment, I get it. Oh, did I for- get to mention that the tree over the creek was a large Sycamore? This is just like the story about the “Rabbit Tree”, but that’s a story for another article. I look so forward to sharing all of these stories with you. I’ve been walking with the Lord now for over 25 years and all these stories are mostly bottled up inside me. I’ve told them here and there and I’ve certainly told the story of the Tree of Life print or Jesus Tree hundreds of times, but I am happy to share them here. All the glory is His, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and I’m grateful beyond measure to serve Him. He is the reason I’m alive today and He is the reason I’m an artist. “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!” Romans 11:33
  • 17. In Everyday Brave: Living Courageously As a Woman of Faith, Janet Thompson explores the extraordinary bravery of fifty ordinary women in the Bible. Twenty-eight women of today also give testimonies of realizing their strength and courage through God’s love. As Janet shares the stories of these women, she reminds us that the real heart and substance of bravery comes from unconditionally placing our hope in the only One who can give us the courage to stay the course. This is a great book for group study. There are discussion questions at the end of each chapter for group study. Everyday Brave is available at stores and all online stores,
  • 18. 17Faith On Every Corner REFLECTIONS ON A SONG by Randi McNiel A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Martin Luther (1483-1546) Martin Luther was a German theology professor and monk who began the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, becoming one of the most influential and controversial figures in Christian history. He called into question some of the basic tenets of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly their view on indulgences – good works that popes could grant to the people to cancel out penance for sins. On October 31, 1517, Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the University of Wittenberg’s chapel door, intending them to be discussion points and calling on the end of the sale of indulgences. Aided by the printing press, copies of these 95 Theses spread throughout Germany within two weeks and throughout Europe within two months. In October 1518, at a meeting with Cardinal Thomas Cajetan in Augsburg, Martin Luther was ordered to recant his 95 Theses by authority of the pope. Luther said he would not recant unless scripture proved him wrong, further stating he didn’t consider that the papacy had the authority to interpret scripture. The meeting initiated Luther’s ultimate excommunication from the Church. Luther had struggled to find religious enlightenment, driven by fears of hell and God’s wrath. Through his studies of scripture, and while preparing a lecture on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, he read, “The just will live by faith.” (Romans 1:17) He dwelled on this statement, finally realizing the key to spiritual salvation was not to fear God or be enslaved by religious dogma but to believe that faith alone would bring salvation. This marked a major change in his life and set in motion the Reformation. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8) Martin Luther was also a great composer, having written some 36 hymns. The best loved hymn of the Lu- theran tradition and among Protestants in general, is “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” often called the “Battle Hymn of the Reformation.” Based on Psalm 46, the hymn is a celebration of the sovereign power of God over all earthly and spiritual forces, and of the sure hope we have in God because of Christ. A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing: For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe; His craft and pow’r are great, and armed with cruel hate, On earth is not his equal.
  • 19. Martin Luther begins this powerful hymn with, “A mighty fortress, a bulwark, our helper. Webster’s dictionary describes fortress as “a stronghold;” and a bulwark as “a solid wall-like structure raised for defense; a strong support or protection.” I picture a lighthouse standing strong against massive, surging waves crashing against it. By the third line in this stanza Luther describes “our ancient foe (Satan)” who seeks our destruction. “His craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate” – and nothing on earth can outsmart him. Already you see that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil . . .” (Ephesians 6:12) It sounds as if we are doomed, and standing in our own strength we surely are. But in the second stanza, Lu- ther brings in the One who fought and conquered this powerful foe – Christ Jesus, who suffered tremendous humiliation, the pain and anguish of a cruel death on a cross, taking on the sins of the world with a death that should have been ours . . . and in so doing won the battle for us! Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing, Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing: Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth, His Name, from age to age the same, And He must win the battle. While the ultimate battle has been won, we aren’t in heaven yet. We still live in a fallen world where Satan still tries to undo us, and the daily battles are relentless. We must heed the words of Ephesians 6:11 to “put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” I love how Luther says, “one little word shall fell him.” As powerful and scheming as Satan is, the name of Jesus is more powerful still. Over and over again in scripture we are told that “in the name of Jesus” the devils were powerless (Luke 10:17), demons were cast out (Mark 16:17-18), healing occurred (Acts 3:6, 3:16, 4:10), salvation comes (Acts 4:12, Romans 10:13), we are justified (1 Corinthians 6:11). Therefore, “we will not fear for God’s truth will triumph through us.” And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us; The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him; His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure, One little word shall fell him. Most often we stand to sing this great hymn, much like standing for the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s “Messiah.” But occasionally our church will remain seated for the first three stanzas, then stand for the final, victorious stanza, recognizing the power of that “one little word.” When we have given our lives over to Jesus and He lives within us, then we are no longer tied to the things of this world – goods and kindred, and our mortal life – for we are assured that we will live with Him in His kingdom . . . forever. (John 3:16; Romans 6:23) That word above all earthly pow’rs, no thanks to them, abideth; The Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him Who with us sideth; Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also; The body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still, His kingdom is forever. Listen to this powerful hymn, standing with raised arms as you affirm the truth of the final line – “His king- dom is forever.” (I chose Sheila Walsh’s version because of how she builds up the last stanza. Enjoy!) –
  • 20. 19Faith On Every Corner Fall Road Trippin’ With Karen & Craig Photography by Karen Ruhl What a blessing! As you probably know, we are now residents of the beautiful state of North Carolina. We bought a home that is in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and we can be on the parkway in about 40 minutes. Craig and I love driving up the mountain and looking out over the views as we drive up through Blowing Rock and on into Boone. But once on the parkway, the sites are even more incredible. On this trip, we headed South and were rewarded with bright fall colors and a lovely Carolina blue sky. We love driving on the viaduct. It is an amazing marvel that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had constructed. Here is a link to the history of the viaduct The viaduct is a 1,243-ft. concrete segmental bridge on the Blue Ridge Parkway that snakes around the slopes of Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. It was completed in 1987 at a cost of $10 million and was the last section of the Blue Ridge Parkway to be finished. I cannot even guess what the cost would be to build this viaduct today. Of course, the views are absolutely amazing. The next stop was to visit Moses Cone Manor. It houses an art gallery today. The mansion is set on 3,496 acres. You can hike the trails and it is great scenery for photography or sightseeing.
  • 21. 20 Psalm 96 Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. De- clare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary. Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth. Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns.” The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness. Julian Price Memorial Park is a park of 4,200 acres at the foot of Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina, named in honor of Julian Price. It is at milepost 297 on the Blue Ridge Parkway and directly adjacent to the Moses H. Cone Memorial Park. Craig and I are so happy to call North Carolina home. We have loved every state and city we have lived in, but we know God brought us here to make this our forever home. We hope you enjoy the photos from our photo drives and pray that you can get out and take drives around your state. Blessings and Happy Travels. Faith On Every Corner Built in 1901, the mansion was constructed in the Colonial Revival style, and it was inspired by the architecture of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. At the turn of the twentieth century, building the mansion with gaslights, a telephone, and central heating system was not an easy task. Building materials were hauled by horse-drawn wagons from the railhead in Lenoir, North Carolina, a distance of over 20 miles (32 km). It is not uncommon for one of us to call out and thank God for the amazing beauty we see when we are out on our drives. God created the world, and He said it is good. Amen
  • 22. 21 A Veteran’s Faith by Craig Ruhl November 11, 2019. On this date, in the United States of America, we celebrated Veterans Day. Throughout the land, there are parades, speeches, cheers, and sometimes tears as we honor those who served in the various branches of our armed forces. It is time to be proud and yet humble. We live in a country that is a beacon of freedom for the world. Many people from around the world suffer unimagi- nable tribulations to come to the United States and to experience true freedom for themselves. Sometimes, those of us who were born as citizens in the United States take our blessings for granted, not having had to work and struggle to become an American. I be- lieve that the most sacred of our freedoms is the right and ability to exercise our faith in God. Upon entering one of the armed services, each non- commissioned serviceperson makes an oath of enlist- ment. A commissioned officer makes a differently worded oath. Since not everyone is called to service for their country, I think it appropriate to share the oath that I took in 1967 upon enlisting in the United States Navy Reserve: “I, Craig Ruhl, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” It is important to note that there is not an expira- tion date on this oath. Upon release from active duty and my return to active reserve, I was debriefed on a few issues that pertained to my duties while on duty. I was asked (okay, required) to sign declara- tions of non-disclosure of sensitive or confidential information that I might have been privy to. I think that it was important that I was not released from the oath that I had taken upon enlistment. Six years after entering the Navy, I was honorably discharged, again without being released from the oath I had taken. My faithful service to my country and my fellow citizens has always been a source of pride for me. Throughout my life, I have understood that I owe my allegiance to God, Country, and Family. My military service included the oath to bear true faith in the United States and the Constitution. I have always tried to be faithful to my family. There is another faith that I hold even dearer; my faith in Jesus Christ, my Savior. Growing up, my parents raised us kids in the Chris- tian faith that they were brought up in and continued to follow. We were members of a local church in each town we lived in and participated in church pro- grams such as Sunday school, youth groups, Bible study groups, and numerous community-related ser- vices. During this time, I came to know and accept Jesus Christ as my Savior and learned about my re- lationship with God and how that should and would direct my life. As an adult my faith walk became a little more of a stumbling path. While I was on active duty with the Navy, there were regular religious ser- vices conducted on the bases or on the ship where I was assigned. Most often on a ship, a chaplain would preside over a service open to all personnel whereas, on a base, there would often be separate services for those of Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish faith. I don’t remember attending too many of these services and I drifted away from my Bible reading and prayer life. For many years, I was what has been called a “holi- day” Christian. I still believed in God and that Jesus Christ was my savior, but I often only went to church on those Sundays when my mother would require at- tending with the family, usually followed by a family lunch or brunch. Christmas and Easter services were mandatory and non-negotiable. Faith On Every Corner
  • 23. 22 Faith On Every Corner Twenty-one years ago, Karen, Chris, and I became a family. We agreed that we needed and desired a closer faith walk with God, as a family. Since then we have grown in our understanding of our relation- ship with Jesus and continue to practice our faith through church attendance, Bible study, and commu- nity involvement. In 2017, we started a home-based business called Faith On Every Corner and began to write, edit, and publish a free digital magazine by the same name. Through the articles, stories, and pho- tography included in each issue, we strive to share our faith with others. Many of our readers are strong in their Christian faith and even contribute content to the magazine. Others reading the magazine may be seeking more information or support in forming their faith. In the first case, those already of faith can strengthen and grow by interaction with people with similar values. Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend them- selves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (NIV) Those who are new in their faith need to be mentored, taught, encouraged, and loved. We strive to provide that support through our publication and our activities. We are a work in progress and as we share, we also grow ourselves. Acceptance of and submission to Jesus Christ as my Savior was the most defining commitment in my life. When I was in school, we recited the pledge of alle- giance daily and it included the words, “Under God.” As a young guy, I swore the Boy Scout Oath and later, as a serviceman, I swore an oath of enlist- ment. Karen and I faithfully exchanged our mar- riage vows. Each time a pledge was given, it was done faithfully and without reservation. Later this month we will celebrate Thanksgiving. On this day, it is traditional to give thanks to our Creator for all that we have and enjoy. As Ameri- cans, we have been blessed far beyond most of the world. Although our Constitution and Bill of Rights define much of the freedom we enjoy, they also give proper credit to God as the true grantor of all that have. When we gather around our din- ner tables this Thanksgiving Day lets remember to give proper thanks to God. Lets also teach our children and their children the true meaning and value of our faith. I think Ephesians 2:8-9 says it best, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.” (NIV) If you would like to share a story about your own faith walk, please let us know at faithonevery-
  • 24. Faith On Every Corner, LLC is a consulting company offering the following services. • Marketing Consultation ....Small and home-based businesses and non-profits • Coaching for writers and authors • Photography • Graphic Design • Video Biographies • Social Media Design and Consultation Karen and Craig are published authors and writers and are available to fulfill your writing needs. Karen Ruhl is a Christian Public Speaker Book her for your next event. Contact us today.