problem solving problems and solutions berry body systems solving real world problems pro and con debate claims and evidence logical fallacies pro and con problem solving strategies health healthy living persuasion american history arguments and evidence real world problems persuasive arguments debate debate pro and con arguments evaluating solutions democracy critical thinking skills propaganda techniques critical thinking human body decision making argument healthy diet government nutrition history us history longevity success student project global warming persuade human organs pollution climate change evaluating claims and evidence arguments human anatomy world history traits poverty deadly diseases civil rights writing skills achievement fake news common core curriculum cuban missile crisis nuclear war logical thinking economics u.s. history u. s. history inheritance genetics life on other planets careers endocrine system constitutional government denial rationalization fallacies communication skills credibility of sources westward movement ela lessons sensory system influence cold war cancer privacy poor equality inequality 1940's 1930's 1920's germs world war ll endangered species diseases matter sugar issue sugary drinks assisted suicide constitutional rights evaluating careers close reading skills digestive system auditory system equal rights glandular system hormones scams respiratory system motivation goal setting terrorism water droughts water conservation empathy ela thematic unit anthropology engaging lessons murder mysteries cyber bullying fear of terrorism project cost of college suicide goals racism choosing a college protection from fraud leadership religions of the world world religions american economy lungs nervous system exercise political systems carbon emissions biology heart disease circulatory system killer germs solar system the universe basic chemistry hunger in america malnutrition plastic in the oceans minimum wage laws loss of privacy food deprivation challenges of technology nuclear power plants nuclear energy life in the universe totolatarian discrimination living longer 1960's molecules chemistry world war i homelessness drunk driving liability gay rights questioning information overload freedom supporting evidence conspiracy theories credible sources ad hominem begging the question career training evaluating claims evaluation of claims urinary system vision taste and smell hearing inquiry lessons on civil rights eating healthy foods nuclear proliferation red herring band wagon appeal to ignorance slippery slope fraud flawed decision making false dichotomy team building body organs touch skin influencing others war in afghanistan war in iraq 1800's athens ancient civilizations ancient rome ancient greece neanderthals neandertals evolution of humans human evolution ancient humans ancient river valley civilizations cradle of civilization mesopotamia ancient egypt israelites babylonians sumerians river valley civilizations mixed economy capitalism command economic system market economy supply and demand tariffs global trade trade economics lesson coping with reality loss of freedom common core unit rights and responsibilities ela ubit ela unit songs in literature the family social roles individualism conformity individual versus society fear of powerful fear of abuse fear of others authoritarianism fear and power inquiry lessons writing models documentary films science mysteries company liability carcinogen chemicals bullying parent bullying religion or medicine medical help religious freedom host liability drunk drivers forgetful parents hot cars kids die kids left in car animal cruelty vicious dogs stand your ground law accidentaln shooting self defense? halloween driving under the influence law suits baby safety death in the crib product liability real life problem solving history of civil rights wars modern american history iraq war korean war vietnam war values religious beliefs inventions industrial revolution 19th century basic economics terrorists narrow minded project management extinction population ocean pollution dying oceans jobs low income healthcare job loss xenophobia immigration equality for women unequal pay sedentary living style analyzing problems solutions violence in video games video games meat eating vegetarian social networking gun violence gun regulations ecigs drones green planet planet earth polluting genetically modified foods gmos argument and evidence torture opinions trump totolitarian sugar ban opinion editorial eyes visual system glands coronary disease heart attacks blood diet straw man overgeneralizing brown v board of education lbgt rights women's rights unhealthy diet diabetes elements atoms circulatory systems deadly germs wwii kennedy watergate great depression training programs selecting a college swindles access to information research salesmanship water shortage earth science religion economic systems the environment environmentalism ecology saving the planet spinal cord brain governments successful failure just do it procrastination grit dictators monarchy life science proteins carbs and fats digestion life style diseases arteries heart future jobs 1929's 1980's twentieth century history super bugs anatomy life beyond earth life span food shortages world hunger hunger damaging the earth rain forests save the trees natural resources killing our oceans marine life saving the earth dead zones in our oceans oceans health care low wages income inequality worker's pay trees and plants nature reasoning extending life fountain of youth 1st amendment invasion of privacy technology save the planet environmental problems endangered planet dangers of radiation radiation dangers ufo's search for life aliens extraterestial life community health chromosomes genes inequalitry justice for all segregation potential energy chemical energy kinetic energy energy better diet eating right projects conspiracy logic 1950's 1970's antibiotics viruses bacteria pearl harbor war world war l american democracy man in conflict with nature saving money money personal economics purchasing power consumers consumerism genetic diseases 20th century politics world war ii russian aggression mental telepathy psychic phenomena gay issues humans evolve evolution identifying claims human brain ufos universe credible information human rights human behavior evaluating information sources college selection choosing a career cell phone use violence torture for confessions vaccines clarifying summarizing skills student learning activities asking questions inquiry process questing skills energy sources greenhouse emissions renewable energy organs of the body healthy eating healthy foods eating for health tornadoes hurricanes earthquakes natural disasters life style validity analyzing data research results correlations nuclear weapons democratic institutions generalizations terrorist attacks evidence unsolved mysteries tweeting fake news war in afhanistan us history powerpoint history powerpoint
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