תגית כלימור tagit klimor sustainable arc תגית כלימור tagit klimor קיימות ב bridging ecology and technology sustainability tagit klimor תגית כלימור קיימות ב klimor kkarc tagit haifa student studio בחינת הצורך ושיטות היישום ש resilience heat islands vertical gardens mixed use mix use guerrila gardening sustainable architecture tk tech-green-main-10-11 tk tech-green-biblio-10-11 urban culture as a vehicle for a public realm jo rotem seri & aya rozenveld urban acupuncture. yair meler mix use planning as a generator to sustainable dev implementation of solar energy in building sharon future use of urban transportation corridors as a aesthetics of green high rise buildings - gal ring morphological nets for resilience and sustainable water resources planning and management in urban r
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