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1 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. How to insure our children and future generations  inherit a strong and vibrant nation.   presenter:  Don Magyar-------------
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. There is nothing for you to purchase. I will not ask you for a donation. 2
3 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. There is nothing for you to purchase. I will not ask you for a donation.
4 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. There is nothing for you to purchase. I will not ask you for a donation.
5 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. The image you are about to see portrays who we are as a people and nation. Metaphor and simile help create an analogy that depicts the goals and character of America and its citizens.
6 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. The image you are about to see portrays who we are as a people and nation. Metaphor and simile help create an analogy that depicts the goals and character of America and its citizens.
7 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. The image you are about to see portrays who we are as a people and nation. Metaphor and simile help create an analogy that depicts the goals and character of America and its citizens. America is a locomotive… We are riding on the train…
8 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. The image you are about to see portrays who we are as a people and nation. Metaphor and simile help create an analogy that depicts the goals and character of America and its citizens. America is a locomotive… We are riding on the train…
9 Like a locomotive barreling down the track,  America and its citizens are heading for a destination..
10 The destination is not prescribed in the Constitution… nor has it been decreed by Congress.
11 The destination is not prescribed in the Constitution… nor has it been decreed by Congress.
12 Still, our destination is certain and unmistakable.
13 It was established by the framers whose aspirations  were noted in our nation’s founding documents....  EQUALITY HARMONY OPPORTUNITY DIGNITY
14 From the beginning, Congress has been working to form an idealistic society..  EQUALITY DIGNITY HARMONY OPPORTUNITY
15 Notice the sign in the distance.  We can zoom in for a better view.
16 Notice the sign in the distance.  We can zoom in for a better view.
18 “Utopia” is a metaphor that suggests the ultimate  socio-political solution. That we are heading for “Utopia” suggests we are working to form an idealistic society.
19 For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
20 With the stock market crash of 1929, millions of Americans became destitute from having lost everything. At the time, there was no help from government.  To insure citizens would never again experience such hardship, Congress became active. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
21 With the stock market crash of 1929, millions of Americans became destitute from having lost everything.  At the time, there was no help from government.  To insure citizens would never again experience such hardship, Congress became active. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
22 With the stock market crash of 1929, millions of Americans became destitute from having lost everything.  At the time, there was no help from government.  To insure citizens would never again experience such hardship, Congress became active. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
23 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare/Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing/SSC/MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance/SSC /MW (Truman) Works Project Administration/Humanities (Roosevelt)  Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
24 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare/Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing/SSC/MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance/SSC /MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt)  Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
25 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare/Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing/SSC/MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance / SSC / MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt)  Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
26 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare/Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing / SSC / MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance / SSC / MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt)  Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
27 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare / Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing / SSC / MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance / SSC / MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt)  Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
28 HUD / Head Start / Job Core (Johnson) Medicare / Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing / SSC / MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance / SSC / MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt)  Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
29 The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
30 Congress made the assumption that citizens would achieve a level in society befitting a human being if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, social hindrances such as poverty, bigotry, bad parenting, deficient education, drugs, prostitution, pornography, guns, violence on television and (now) video games, a shortage of positive role models and wayward friends weigh on us. Like heavy baggage, social hindrances counteract the springlike quality of human nature that would otherwise propel us upward.  They compress the “spring,” pushing us downward, causing us to perform poorly. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
31 Congress made the assumption that citizens would achieve a level in society befitting a human being if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, social hindrances such as poverty, bigotry, bad parenting, deficient education, drugs, prostitution, pornography, guns, violence on television and (now) video games, a shortage of positive role models and wayward friends weigh on us. Like heavy baggage, social hindrances counteract the springlike quality of human nature that would otherwise propel us upward.  They compress the “spring,” pushing us downward, causing us to perform poorly. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
32 Congress made the assumption that citizens would achieve a level in society befitting a human being if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, social hindrances such as poverty, bigotry, bad parenting, deficient education, drugs, prostitution, pornography, guns, violence on television and (now) video games, a shortage of positive role models and wayward friends weigh on us. Like heavy baggage, social hindrances counteract the springlike quality of human nature that would otherwise propel us upward.  They compress the “spring,” pushing us downward, causing us to perform poorly. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
33 Congress made the assumption that citizens would achieve a level in society befitting a human being if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, social hindrances such as poverty, bigotry, bad parenting, deficient education, drugs, prostitution, pornography, guns, violence on television and (now) video games, a shortage of positive role models and wayward friends weigh on us. Like heavy baggage, social hindrances counteract the springlike quality of human nature that would otherwise propel us upward.     They compress the “spring,” pushing us downward, causing us to behave badly. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
34 Removing the ills  of society will free citizens, enabling them to achieve their potential. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
35 Once citizens are freed from the burdens cast upon them by society,  together we can build a strong America. Removing the ills  of society will free citizens, enabling them to achieve their potential. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
36 Achievements in Technology Information is widespread and immediate The infrastructure is fully developed Our military is unmatched The quality of air, water and food is great Education is accessible at all levels Transportation is safe and inexpensive Our health and longevity have increased Citizens enjoy modern conveniences Sports and art are at the highest level Entertainment options are vast
37 Achievements in Technology Information is widespread and immediate The infrastructure is fully developed Our military is unmatched The quality of air, water and food is great Education is accessible at all levels Transportation is safe and inexpensive Our health and longevity have increased Citizens enjoy modern conveniences Sports and art are at the highest level Entertainment options are vast Even the poorest enjoy:   * plenty of food, including dining out   * the best healthcare in the world   * cable TV with premium channels   * cell phones with texting and data plans   * video games and movie rentals   * high-end electronics Technologically, we have created an idealistic (utopian-like) society... founded upon the aspirations of Equality, Harmony, Opportunity and Dignity.
38 Unfortunately, enhancing the quality of life has come at a price. If we elevate our perspective and look into the distance…
39 Unfortunately, enhancing the quality of life has come at a price. If we elevate our perspective and look into the distance…
41 14,473,472,440,323
42 14,473,472,440,323 The reason why Congress keeps propping up the system with trillions of dollars is that the alternative is unthinkable.
43 14,473,472,440,323 When the dollar collapses, the banks will close, citizens will take to the streets and every city will burn.
45 14,473,472,440,323 When the system fails, America will become one giant Katrina as looters will raid the stores.
When the system fails, America will become one giant Katrina as looters will raid the stores. 46
In the process, the stores will be trashed. 47
48 In the process, the stores will be trashed.
49 With the storefronts broken, there will no resupply.
50 What will you and your family eat? What will you do?
51 What will you and your family eat? What will you do?
52 What good is being successful and accomplished in a Mad Max future?
53 When the dollar collapses (causing society to implode), what will happen to your investments?
54 When the dollar collapses (causing society to implode), what will happen to your investments?
55 Your financial holdings will become worthless.
56 Your financial holdings will become worthless.
57 You will lose everything.
58 What if there were an effort underway to turn America from the cliff? If you knew the plan was sound and may actually work,  would you look at it?
59 What if there were an effort underway to turn America from the cliff? If the plan could actually work, would you look at it?
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. 60
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. A discovery has been made  that will enable us to turn America from the cliff. 61
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Before you scowl,  thinking such is not possible, consider how previous discoveries have sprung up suddenly. 62
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Before you scowl,  thinking such is not possible, consider how previous discoveries have sprung up suddenly. 63
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Consider how these discoveries were unexpected. 64
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Consider how these discoveries changed the world. 65
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Round Earth Consider how these discoveries changed the world. 66
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Round Earth Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 67
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Round Earth Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 68
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Penicillin Round Earth Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 69
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Penicillin Round Earth The Atom Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 70
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Penicillin Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 71
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Plate Tectonics Penicillin Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 72
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Plate Tectonics Penicillin Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System Integrated Circuit 73
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Plate Tectonics Penicillin The discovery that will enable us to save America from “running off the cliff” is also one of science. Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System Integrated Circuit 74
How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Plate Tectonics Penicillin The discovery that will enable us to save America from “running off the cliff” is also one of science. The next part of the presentation will explain what “The Discovery” is and how it will change your life, society, America and the world. Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System Integrated Circuit 75
Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 76
Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 77 “The Discovery” is analogous to “E = MC2”
Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 78 “The Discovery” has been reduced to a succinct equation. The equation changes our view of the world. “The Discovery” is analogous to “E = MC2”
Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 79 “The Discovery” has been reduced to a succinct equation. The equation changes our view of the world. “The Discovery” is analogous to “E = MC2”
Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 80 “The Discovery” has been reduced to a succinct equation. The equation changes our view of the world. The discovery reduced to an equation is: HN = GT “The Discovery” is analogous to “E = MC2”
Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 81 “The Discovery” can be expressed as a succinct equation. The equation changes our view of the world. “HN = GT” is analogous to “E = MC2”
82 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition Contrasting the two equations is instructive.
83 E = MC2_____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition
84 E = MC2_____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition pertains to the
85 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition pertains to the
86 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition it affects things such as
87 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (Satellite Positioning) Nuclear Energy (Reactors and Weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
88 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (Reactors and Weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
89 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (Reactors and Weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
90 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
91 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
92 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. it affects things such as
93 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. it affects things such as
94 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. it affects things such as
95 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government.
96 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. pertains to the
97 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. pertains to the
98 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government.
99 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology.
100 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. pertains to the
101 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. pertains to the
102 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
103 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we select partners in  business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
104 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
105 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
106 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
107 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology.
108 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. pertains to the
109 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. pertains to the
110 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology.
111 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature.
112 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. pertains to the
113 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. pertains to the
114 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature.
115 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature.
116 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. pertains to the
117 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. pertains to the
118 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature.
119 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell,  hire, train, manage and motivate  How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. Naturally, you are wondering how “the Discovery” HN = GT will change things. HN = GT
120 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered.  For example… What is the source of our “good” and “evil” inspirations? What exactly is the emotional component of addiction? Why do people respond differently to the same stimuli? What causes people to lean left or right politically? What will it take to fix the education system? What is the best way to help the poor? Why does America have the highest per capita prison population in the world?
121 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered.  For example… Why are we attracted only to certain people and only some of the time? What causes the attraction in a relationship to wane and how can we preserve it? How many kinds of love are there? What is the point and purpose of marriage? What causes some people to be more sexual than others? Why have the experts not been able to answer the “Pleasure versus Pain” controversy?
122 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered.  For example… What is the secret to success in romance?   What is the formula for fulfillment in marriage? Why do our children make so many mistakes despite  having been given the answers beforehand.  Why do our representatives continually make the wrong decisions? Why is it that public programs exacerbate social problems? How do we take the big money out of politics? How do we fix the political system so it empowers America?
123 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered.  For example… What is the secret to success in romance?   What is the formula for fulfillment in marriage? Why do our children make so many mistakes despite  having been given the answers beforehand.  Why do our representatives continually make the wrong decisions? Why is it that public programs exacerbate social problems? How do we take the big money out of politics? How do we fix the political system so it empowers America? Over 40 unanswered questions regarding human nature are listed on the back cover of  “The Essence of Man”.
124 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered.  For example… What is the secret to success in romance?   What is the formula for fulfillment in marriage? Why do our children make so many mistakes despite  having been given the answers beforehand.  Why do our representatives continually make the wrong decisions? Why is it that public programs exacerbate social problems? How do we take the big money out of politics? How do we fix the political system so it empowers America? Scoreboard Every important question regarding human nature has yet to be answered. Questions  Answered? 0 Unanswered? All of them
125 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered.  For example… What is the secret to success in romance?   What is the formula for fulfillment in marriage? Why do our children make so many mistakes despite  having been given the answers beforehand.  Why do our representatives continually make the wrong decisions? Why is it that public programs exacerbate social problems? How do we take the big money out of politics? How do we fix the political system so it empowers America? Questions regarding human nature have yet to be answered because a theory (reduced to an equation) has been missing.
Sigmund Freud 126
Sex and Aggression 127
Alfred Adler
Inferiority Avoidance 129
Erich Fromm 130
Escape from Freedom 131
Erik Erikson 132
“Fixation” “Identity Crisis” 133
Karen Horney 134
Womb Envy 135
Carl Jung 136
Collective Unconscious 137
Carl Rogers 138
Get in Touch with Feelings 139
Abraham Maslow 140
Hierarchy  of Needs 141
B.F.  Skinner 142
Environmental Impact 143
Harry Stack Sullivan 144
Developmental Epochs 145
The experts have failed to discover the missing theory  (reduced to an equation) that explains human nature. 147
The experts have failed to discover the missing theory  (reduced to an equation) that explains human nature. 148
The experts have failed to discover the missing theory  (reduced to an equation) that explains human nature. 149
The absence of an official theory  that explains human nature has opened the door for society to adopt its own theory when attempting to explain the nature of human beings. Theory (human nature) = Solution (program) Problem (in society) + 150
Naturally, society has adopted a theory of human nature that is complimentary and makes us feel special.  151
The theory that society has adopted to explain human nature (reduced to an equation) is as follows: HN = ST 152
The theory that society has adopted to explain human nature (reduced to an equation) is as follows: HN = ST 153
The theory that society has adopted to explain human nature (reduced to an equation) is as follows: HN = ST The correct equation is HN = GT 154
The theory of human nature that society has adopted is wrong,  and the experts have had no way to correct the record.  155
Conclusion: Society has been applying the wrong theory of human nature to America’s social problems for almost 80 years. 156
14,473,472,440,323 157
14,473,472,440,323 a consequence  of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST 158
14,473,472,440,323 159 Single-parent households are the norm.
160 Single-parent households are the norm.  14,473,472,440,323 a consequence  of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST
161 Our inner  cities are dangerous. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
162 Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
163 Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 consequences  of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST
164 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
165 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
166 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 consequences  of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST
167 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Students are taught to despise their country.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
168 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Over half the public is dependent.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Students are taught to despise their country.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
169 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Over half the public is dependent.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Students are taught to despise their country.  Immigration is still out of  control.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
170 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Over half the public is dependent.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Students are taught to despise their country.  America is becoming divided.  Immigration is still out of  control.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
171 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Over half the public is dependent.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Students are taught to despise their country.  America is becoming divided.  Immigration is still out of  control.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 all are consequences  of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST
172 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Over half the public is dependent.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Students are taught to despise their country.  America is becoming divided.  Immigration is still out of  control.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 Our many social problems  shroud our otherwise idealistic society.
173 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Over half the public is dependent.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Students are taught to despise their country.  America is becoming divided.  Immigration is still out of  control.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
174 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Over half the public is dependent.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Students are taught to despise their country.  America is becoming divided.  Immigration is still out of  control.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 Every social problem  is a consequence of applying the wrong equation: HN = ST
175 The political process is broken.  Our inner  cities are dangerous.  Over half the public is dependent.  Prisons are unruly and crowded.  Students are taught to despise their country.  America is becoming divided.  Scoreboard Immigration is still out of  control.  Public Education is ineffective.  Single-parent households are the norm. We have not been able to resolve even one social problem. 14,473,472,440,323 Social Problems  Answered? 0 Every social problem  is a consequence of applying the wrong equation:  HN = ST Unanswered? All of them
The following analogy demonstrates how important it is to use the correct equation when resolving problems. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… 176
Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… 177
You go to every class. You take notes.  You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class.  Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well so you apply yourself as best you can.  178
You go to every class. You take notes.  You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class.  Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can.  179
You go to every class. You take notes.  You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class.  Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can.  180
You go to every class. You take notes.  You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class.  Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can.  181
You go to every class. You take notes.  You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class.  Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can.  182
You go to every class. You take notes.  You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class.  Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study for a test until  you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can.  183
You go to every class. You take notes.  You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class.  Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study for a test until you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can.  184
The ability to answer questions necessitates that we use the correct equation. 191
We cannot expect to answer questions correctly if the equation (theory of human nature) we are using is wrong. 192
“HN = ST”  must be wrong because: 193 1)	We cannot answer any questions  	 that pertain to human nature 2)	We cannot resolve any of our 	 nation’s social problems.
Applying “HN = ST” (the wrong theory of human nature reduced to an equation)  is why we are beset by  personal problems. 194
Applying “HN = ST” (the wrong theory of human nature reduced to an equation)  is why we cannot resolve our social problems. 195
Applying “HN = ST” (the wrong theory of human nature reduced to anequation)  is why we are beset by  personal problems. The correct equation is HN = GT 196
Practical Application 197 HN = GT
198 Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery
199 Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery HN = GT
Practical Application 200 HN = GT
201 □ HN = GT Personally Professional National Global □ □ □ Become master of our emotions 	●	Understand why we have emotions, how they work,		 and how best to manage them.  Stronger relationships ●	Discover the secret to success in romance and the 		 formula for fulfillment in marriage. ●	Discover the laws of compatibility and harmony. Maximize health, vitality and sexual performance
202 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Hire, train, manage and motivate with precision.  ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		marketplace.  ●	Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell 		with purpose, focus and confidence. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
203 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Hire, train, manage and motivate with precision.  ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		marketplace.  ●	Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell 		with purpose, focus and confidence. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ You have 3 small squares of paper and a pen. You will use one piece for this demonstration. Please fold your answer when you are done. 204
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ You have 3 small squares of paper and a pen. You will use one square for this demonstration. Please fold your answer when you are done. 205
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ You have 3 small squares of paper and a pen. You will use one square for this demonstration. You will be asked to answer one question. 206
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Your answer will be anonymous. 207
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Your answer will be anonymous. Write your answer on the paper square.  208
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Your answer will be anonymous. Write your answer on the paper square.  Fold your answer when you are done. 209
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Place your answer in the hat. The answers will be tallied and the totals Announced as a group at the conclusion of this demonstration. Please answer the following question… 210
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Place your answer in the hat. The answers will be tallied and the totals announced as a group at the conclusion of this demonstration. Please answer the following question… 211
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Place your answer in the hat. The answers will be tallied and the totals announced as a group at the conclusion of this demonstration. Please answer the following question… 212
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ What is the primary motivation of human beings?  Seek pleasure  Avoid pain  A little of both  ___________ Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… 213
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ An Uncomfortable Truth 214
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ An Uncomfortable Truth What we believe to be the primary motivation of human beings influences how we govern, legislate, educate, punish and motivate. Yet surveys reveal that the most intelligent, educated and accomplished are divided over the answer to  the question, with only a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right.  215
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ An Uncomfortable Truth What we believe to be the primary motivation of human beings influences how we govern, legislate, educate, punish and motivate. Yet surveys reveal that the most intelligent, educated and accomplished are divided over the answer to  the question, with only a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right.  Because a definitive answer has remained elusive, the question “What is the primary motivation of human beings?” has become rhetorical. Today the question is posed with no answer expected. The risk of being wrong causes most people (including those in the human sciences) to skirt the question.   216
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  217
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  218
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  219
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  220
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can we expect to be successful in rehabilitating criminals while encouraging citizens to respect the law if we are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  221
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can we expect to be successful in rehabilitating criminals while encouraging citizens to respect the law if we are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?  How can we write, teach, promote and advertise with precision if we are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? 222
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Analysis Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we educate, motivate, legislate and govern, how we advertise, sell and promote, who we hire, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings. If we hope to be effective consistently, we must be sure that we understand the primary motivation of human beings.   Unfortunately, most people are forced to guess the primary motivation of human beings because the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy have yet to answer the question officially and absolutely.  223
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Analysis Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we educate, motivate, legislate and govern, how we advertise, sell and promote, who we hire, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings. If we hope to be effective consistently, we must be sure that we understand the primary motivation of human beings.   Unfortunately, most people are forced to guess the primary motivation of human beings because the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy have yet to answer the question officially and absolutely.  224
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Analysis Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we educate, motivate, legislate and govern, how we advertise, sell and promote, who we hire, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings. If we hope to be effective consistently, we must be sure that we understand the primary motivation of human beings.   Unfortunately, most people are forced to guess the primary motivation of human beings because the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy have yet to answer the question officially and absolutely.  225
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ Analysis Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we educate, motivate, legislate and govern, how we advertise, sell and promote, who we hire, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings. If we hope to be effective consistently, we must be sure that we understand the primary motivation of human beings.   Unfortunately, even the smartest people are forced to guess the primary motivation of human beings because the fields of science known as psychology, sociology and anthropology have yet to answer the question officially and absolutely.  226
□ Personally Professionally National Global □ 227 What is the primary motivation of human beings?  Seek pleasure  Avoid pain  A little of both  ___________
228 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Hire, train, manage and motivate with precision.  ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		marketplace.  ●	Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell 		with purpose, focus and confidence. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
229 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell 		with purpose, focus and confidence. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
230 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell 		with purpose, focus and confidence. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. DiTech Lenders (Direct Technology) Progressive (Annoying unattractive woman) GIECO (Caveman) Capital One (Barbarians)
231 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		marketplace.  ●	Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell 		with purpose, focus and confidence. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. DiTech Lenders (Direct Technology) GIECO (Caveman) Capital One (Barbarians) Progressive (Annoying unattractive woman)
232 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell 		with purpose, focus and confidence. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. DiTech Lenders (Direct Technology) GIECO (Caveman) Capital One (Barbarians) Progressive (Annoying unattractive woman)
233 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell 		with purpose, focus and confidence. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. DiTech Lenders (Direct Technology) GIECO (Caveman) Capital One (Barbarians) Progressive (Annoying unattractive woman)
234 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
235 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. There’s an old saying by those  who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted.  The trick is to know which  50% not to spend.”
236 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. There’s an old saying by those  who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted.  The trick is to know which  50% not to spend.”
237 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. There’s an old saying by those  who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted.  The trick is to know which  50% not to spend.”
238 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Advertisers don’t know which 50%  of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not  understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because  ad people do not understand human nature.  There’s an old saying by those  who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted.  The trick is to know which  50% not to spend.”
239 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Advertisers don’t know which 50%  of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not  understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because  ad people do not understand human nature.  There’s an old saying by those  who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted.  The trick is to know which  50% not to spend.”
240 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Once you understand the primary motivation of human beings, advertising will no longer be a form of “art.” It will become a science. Think of the money you will save for companies you advise. Advertisers don’t know which 50%  of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not  understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because  ad people do not understand human nature.  There’s an old saying by those  who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted.  The trick is to know which  50% not to spend.”
241 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Once you understand the primary motivation of human beings, advertising will no longer be a form of “art.” It will become a science. Think of the money you will save for companies you advise. Advertisers don’t know which 50%  of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not  understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because  ad people do not understand human nature.  There’s an old saying by those  who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted.  The trick is to know which  50% not to spend.”
242 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Once you understand the primary motivation of human beings, advertising will no longer be a form of “art.” It will become a science. Think of the money you will save for companies you lead and advise. Advertisers don’t know which 50%  of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not  understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because  ad people do not understand human nature.  There’s an old saying by those  who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted.  The trick is to know which  50% not to spend.”
243 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
244 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 		 marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. ●	Hire, train and motivate with confidence.
245 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 			 marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. ●	Hire, train and motivate with confidence. ●	Assurance that your entire team is on the same page. ●	Insure you are a giant step ahead of the competition.
246 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ●	Identify the most enviable defendable position in the 			 marketplace.  ●	Advertise and promote with precision. ●	Make your products and services virtually unassailable. ●	Hire, train and motivate with confidence. ●	Assurance that your entire team is on the same page. ●	Insure you remain a giant step ahead of the competition.
247 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Save America From Self-Destruction Every social problem will be resolved. The enormous deficits will decrease accordingly. The political process will be changed so it  empowers America.
248 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Save America From Self-Destruction Every social problem will be resolved. The enormous deficits will decrease accordingly. The political process will be changed so it  empowers America.
249 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Save America From Self-Destruction Every social problem will be resolved. The enormous deficits will decrease accordingly. The political process will be changed so it  empowers America.
250 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Save America From Self-Destruction Every social problem will be resolved. The enormous deficits will decrease accordingly. The political process will be changed so that it  empowers citizens and America.
251 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide This knowledge will enable nations to resolve their social problems. Doing so will improve the lives of millions while insuring that nations are solvent and assets to the global community. This knowledge leads to a new political system that empowers human beings and nation-states.
252 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide Applying the correct equation (theory) will enable every country to resolve its social problems.  Besides governments becoming solvent, the quality of life will be enhanced for billions of citizens. “HN = GT” also leads to modifications in the political process that empowers citizens and nation-states.
253 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide Applying the correct equation (theory) will enable every country to resolve its social problems.  Besides governments becoming solvent, the quality of life will be enhanced for billions of citizens. “HN = GT” also leads to modifications in the political process that empowers citizens and nation-states.
254 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide Applying the correct equation (theory) will enable every country to resolve its social problems.  Besides governments becoming solvent, the quality of life will be enhanced for billions of citizens. “HN = GT” also leads to modifications in the political process that empowers citizens and nation-states.
255 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide Applying the correct equation (theory) will enable every country to resolve its social problems.  Besides governments becoming solvent, the quality of life will be enhanced for billions of citizens. “HN = GT” also leads to modifications in the political process that empowers citizens and nation-states.  What is being described…
256 HN = GT
257 A succinct yet comprehensive plan has been developed. How are we to proceed now that:  (1) We can restore, fortify and preserve America for our children and future generations? It is surefire and ready for implementation. (2) We can improve the quality of life for billions of people around the world? All that is missing are the resources to put it into action.
258 At the beginning of the presentation,  I promised that I would not ask you fora donation.  Those with the mindset to help save America and change the world will offer to join the task force.  We are assembling a task force of executive managers and members of the board. They will do what they can to assist us according to their industry.
259 We will consult with those who join the task force. Whether or not you join the task force, you can help in two important ways: We will advise you on name branding, company position, and review your advertisement campaigns, ad copy and promotional efforts. (1) You can give us critical feedback. (2) You can invite us to your next board meeting.

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How Congress Works to Build an Ideal America

  • 1. 1 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. How to insure our children and future generations inherit a strong and vibrant nation. presenter: Don Magyar-------------
  • 2. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. There is nothing for you to purchase. I will not ask you for a donation. 2
  • 3. 3 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. There is nothing for you to purchase. I will not ask you for a donation.
  • 4. 4 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. There is nothing for you to purchase. I will not ask you for a donation.
  • 5. 5 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. The image you are about to see portrays who we are as a people and nation. Metaphor and simile help create an analogy that depicts the goals and character of America and its citizens.
  • 6. 6 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. The image you are about to see portrays who we are as a people and nation. Metaphor and simile help create an analogy that depicts the goals and character of America and its citizens.
  • 7. 7 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. The image you are about to see portrays who we are as a people and nation. Metaphor and simile help create an analogy that depicts the goals and character of America and its citizens. America is a locomotive… We are riding on the train…
  • 8. 8 How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. The image you are about to see portrays who we are as a people and nation. Metaphor and simile help create an analogy that depicts the goals and character of America and its citizens. America is a locomotive… We are riding on the train…
  • 9. 9 Like a locomotive barreling down the track, America and its citizens are heading for a destination..
  • 10. 10 The destination is not prescribed in the Constitution… nor has it been decreed by Congress.
  • 11. 11 The destination is not prescribed in the Constitution… nor has it been decreed by Congress.
  • 12. 12 Still, our destination is certain and unmistakable.
  • 13. 13 It was established by the framers whose aspirations were noted in our nation’s founding documents.... EQUALITY HARMONY OPPORTUNITY DIGNITY
  • 14. 14 From the beginning, Congress has been working to form an idealistic society.. EQUALITY DIGNITY HARMONY OPPORTUNITY
  • 15. 15 Notice the sign in the distance. We can zoom in for a better view.
  • 16. 16 Notice the sign in the distance. We can zoom in for a better view.
  • 17. 17
  • 18. 18 “Utopia” is a metaphor that suggests the ultimate socio-political solution. That we are heading for “Utopia” suggests we are working to form an idealistic society.
  • 19. 19 For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 20. 20 With the stock market crash of 1929, millions of Americans became destitute from having lost everything. At the time, there was no help from government. To insure citizens would never again experience such hardship, Congress became active. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 21. 21 With the stock market crash of 1929, millions of Americans became destitute from having lost everything. At the time, there was no help from government. To insure citizens would never again experience such hardship, Congress became active. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 22. 22 With the stock market crash of 1929, millions of Americans became destitute from having lost everything. At the time, there was no help from government. To insure citizens would never again experience such hardship, Congress became active. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 23. 23 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare/Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing/SSC/MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance/SSC /MW (Truman) Works Project Administration/Humanities (Roosevelt) Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 24. 24 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare/Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing/SSC/MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance/SSC /MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt) Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 25. 25 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare/Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing/SSC/MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance / SSC / MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt) Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 26. 26 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare/Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing / SSC / MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance / SSC / MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt) Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 27. 27 HUD/Head Start/Job Core (Johnson) Medicare / Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing / SSC / MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance / SSC / MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt) Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 28. 28 HUD / Head Start / Job Core (Johnson) Medicare / Medicaid (Kennedy) Pubic Housing / SSC / MW (Eisenhower) National Health Insurance / SSC / MW (Truman) Works Project Administration / Humanities (Roosevelt) Social Security / Wagner Act / Wealth Tax (Roosevelt) For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 29. 29 The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 30. 30 Congress made the assumption that citizens would achieve a level in society befitting a human being if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, social hindrances such as poverty, bigotry, bad parenting, deficient education, drugs, prostitution, pornography, guns, violence on television and (now) video games, a shortage of positive role models and wayward friends weigh on us. Like heavy baggage, social hindrances counteract the springlike quality of human nature that would otherwise propel us upward. They compress the “spring,” pushing us downward, causing us to perform poorly. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 31. 31 Congress made the assumption that citizens would achieve a level in society befitting a human being if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, social hindrances such as poverty, bigotry, bad parenting, deficient education, drugs, prostitution, pornography, guns, violence on television and (now) video games, a shortage of positive role models and wayward friends weigh on us. Like heavy baggage, social hindrances counteract the springlike quality of human nature that would otherwise propel us upward. They compress the “spring,” pushing us downward, causing us to perform poorly. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 32. 32 Congress made the assumption that citizens would achieve a level in society befitting a human being if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, social hindrances such as poverty, bigotry, bad parenting, deficient education, drugs, prostitution, pornography, guns, violence on television and (now) video games, a shortage of positive role models and wayward friends weigh on us. Like heavy baggage, social hindrances counteract the springlike quality of human nature that would otherwise propel us upward. They compress the “spring,” pushing us downward, causing us to perform poorly. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 33. 33 Congress made the assumption that citizens would achieve a level in society befitting a human being if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, social hindrances such as poverty, bigotry, bad parenting, deficient education, drugs, prostitution, pornography, guns, violence on television and (now) video games, a shortage of positive role models and wayward friends weigh on us. Like heavy baggage, social hindrances counteract the springlike quality of human nature that would otherwise propel us upward. They compress the “spring,” pushing us downward, causing us to behave badly. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 34. 34 Removing the ills of society will free citizens, enabling them to achieve their potential. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 35. 35 Once citizens are freed from the burdens cast upon them by society, together we can build a strong America. Removing the ills of society will free citizens, enabling them to achieve their potential. The philosophy that Congress adopted is straight forward. For almost 80 years, Congress has worked to insure no citizen is left behind.
  • 36. 36 Achievements in Technology Information is widespread and immediate The infrastructure is fully developed Our military is unmatched The quality of air, water and food is great Education is accessible at all levels Transportation is safe and inexpensive Our health and longevity have increased Citizens enjoy modern conveniences Sports and art are at the highest level Entertainment options are vast
  • 37. 37 Achievements in Technology Information is widespread and immediate The infrastructure is fully developed Our military is unmatched The quality of air, water and food is great Education is accessible at all levels Transportation is safe and inexpensive Our health and longevity have increased Citizens enjoy modern conveniences Sports and art are at the highest level Entertainment options are vast Even the poorest enjoy: * plenty of food, including dining out * the best healthcare in the world * cable TV with premium channels * cell phones with texting and data plans * video games and movie rentals * high-end electronics Technologically, we have created an idealistic (utopian-like) society... founded upon the aspirations of Equality, Harmony, Opportunity and Dignity.
  • 38. 38 Unfortunately, enhancing the quality of life has come at a price. If we elevate our perspective and look into the distance…
  • 39. 39 Unfortunately, enhancing the quality of life has come at a price. If we elevate our perspective and look into the distance…
  • 40. 40
  • 42. 42 14,473,472,440,323 The reason why Congress keeps propping up the system with trillions of dollars is that the alternative is unthinkable.
  • 43. 43 14,473,472,440,323 When the dollar collapses, the banks will close, citizens will take to the streets and every city will burn.
  • 44. 44
  • 45. 45 14,473,472,440,323 When the system fails, America will become one giant Katrina as looters will raid the stores.
  • 46. When the system fails, America will become one giant Katrina as looters will raid the stores. 46
  • 47. In the process, the stores will be trashed. 47
  • 48. 48 In the process, the stores will be trashed.
  • 49. 49 With the storefronts broken, there will no resupply.
  • 50. 50 What will you and your family eat? What will you do?
  • 51. 51 What will you and your family eat? What will you do?
  • 52. 52 What good is being successful and accomplished in a Mad Max future?
  • 53. 53 When the dollar collapses (causing society to implode), what will happen to your investments?
  • 54. 54 When the dollar collapses (causing society to implode), what will happen to your investments?
  • 55. 55 Your financial holdings will become worthless.
  • 56. 56 Your financial holdings will become worthless.
  • 57. 57 You will lose everything.
  • 58. 58 What if there were an effort underway to turn America from the cliff? If you knew the plan was sound and may actually work, would you look at it?
  • 59. 59 What if there were an effort underway to turn America from the cliff? If the plan could actually work, would you look at it?
  • 60. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. 60
  • 61. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. A discovery has been made that will enable us to turn America from the cliff. 61
  • 62. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Before you scowl, thinking such is not possible, consider how previous discoveries have sprung up suddenly. 62
  • 63. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Before you scowl, thinking such is not possible, consider how previous discoveries have sprung up suddenly. 63
  • 64. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Consider how these discoveries were unexpected. 64
  • 65. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Consider how these discoveries changed the world. 65
  • 66. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Round Earth Consider how these discoveries changed the world. 66
  • 67. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Round Earth Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 67
  • 68. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Round Earth Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 68
  • 69. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Penicillin Round Earth Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 69
  • 70. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Penicillin Round Earth The Atom Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 70
  • 71. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Penicillin Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 71
  • 72. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Plate Tectonics Penicillin Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System 72
  • 73. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Plate Tectonics Penicillin Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System Integrated Circuit 73
  • 74. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Plate Tectonics Penicillin The discovery that will enable us to save America from “running off the cliff” is also one of science. Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System Integrated Circuit 74
  • 75. How to Save America From Self-Destruction a.k.a. Natural Selection Plate Tectonics Penicillin The discovery that will enable us to save America from “running off the cliff” is also one of science. The next part of the presentation will explain what “The Discovery” is and how it will change your life, society, America and the world. Round Earth The Atom DNA Consider how these discoveries changed the world. Sun-centered Solar System Integrated Circuit 75
  • 76. Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 76
  • 77. Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 77 “The Discovery” is analogous to “E = MC2”
  • 78. Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 78 “The Discovery” has been reduced to a succinct equation. The equation changes our view of the world. “The Discovery” is analogous to “E = MC2”
  • 79. Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 79 “The Discovery” has been reduced to a succinct equation. The equation changes our view of the world. “The Discovery” is analogous to “E = MC2”
  • 80. Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 80 “The Discovery” has been reduced to a succinct equation. The equation changes our view of the world. The discovery reduced to an equation is: HN = GT “The Discovery” is analogous to “E = MC2”
  • 81. Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery 81 “The Discovery” can be expressed as a succinct equation. The equation changes our view of the world. “HN = GT” is analogous to “E = MC2”
  • 82. 82 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition Contrasting the two equations is instructive.
  • 83. 83 E = MC2_____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition
  • 84. 84 E = MC2_____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition pertains to the
  • 85. 85 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition pertains to the
  • 86. 86 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Technology Communications Energy Weapons Space Travel HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market and manage How we hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy How we construct social programs How to resolve social, financial and political problems How to elevate the human condition it affects things such as
  • 87. 87 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (Satellite Positioning) Nuclear Energy (Reactors and Weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
  • 88. 88 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (Reactors and Weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
  • 89. 89 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (Reactors and Weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
  • 90. 90 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
  • 91. 91 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel How the universe works (Cosmology & Astronomy) Theoretical Physics _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. it affects things such as
  • 92. 92 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. it affects things such as
  • 93. 93 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. it affects things such as
  • 94. 94 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. it affects things such as
  • 95. 95 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government.
  • 96. 96 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. pertains to the
  • 97. 97 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. pertains to the
  • 98. 98 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government.
  • 99. 99 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology.
  • 100. 100 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. pertains to the
  • 101. 101 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. pertains to the
  • 102. 102 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we sell, market, manage hire, train and motivate How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
  • 103. 103 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we select partners in business and marriage How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
  • 104. 104 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we govern, legislate, teach, punish, and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
  • 105. 105 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
  • 106. 106 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. it affects things such as
  • 107. 107 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology.
  • 108. 108 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. pertains to the
  • 109. 109 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions pertaining to society and government. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. pertains to the
  • 110. 110 HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology.
  • 111. 111 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature.
  • 112. 112 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. pertains to the
  • 113. 113 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. pertains to the
  • 114. 114 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature.
  • 115. 115 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature.
  • 116. 116 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. pertains to the
  • 117. 117 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. pertains to the
  • 118. 118 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature.
  • 119. 119 E = MC2 _____________________________ Physical Sciences _____________________________ Communications & GPS (satellite positioning) Nuclear Energy (reactors and weapons) Space Travel Theoretical Physics How the Universe Works (Cosmology & Astronomy) _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to technology. HN = GT _____________________________ Social Sciences _____________________________ How we interact with family, friends and associates How we market, advertise, sell, hire, train, manage and motivate How we legislate, govern, teach, punish and rehabilitate How we fashion public policy and construct social programs _____________________________ Answers questions relevant to human nature. Naturally, you are wondering how “the Discovery” HN = GT will change things. HN = GT
  • 120. 120 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered. For example… What is the source of our “good” and “evil” inspirations? What exactly is the emotional component of addiction? Why do people respond differently to the same stimuli? What causes people to lean left or right politically? What will it take to fix the education system? What is the best way to help the poor? Why does America have the highest per capita prison population in the world?
  • 121. 121 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered. For example… Why are we attracted only to certain people and only some of the time? What causes the attraction in a relationship to wane and how can we preserve it? How many kinds of love are there? What is the point and purpose of marriage? What causes some people to be more sexual than others? Why have the experts not been able to answer the “Pleasure versus Pain” controversy?
  • 122. 122 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered. For example… What is the secret to success in romance? What is the formula for fulfillment in marriage? Why do our children make so many mistakes despite having been given the answers beforehand. Why do our representatives continually make the wrong decisions? Why is it that public programs exacerbate social problems? How do we take the big money out of politics? How do we fix the political system so it empowers America?
  • 123. 123 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered. For example… What is the secret to success in romance? What is the formula for fulfillment in marriage? Why do our children make so many mistakes despite having been given the answers beforehand. Why do our representatives continually make the wrong decisions? Why is it that public programs exacerbate social problems? How do we take the big money out of politics? How do we fix the political system so it empowers America? Over 40 unanswered questions regarding human nature are listed on the back cover of “The Essence of Man”.
  • 124. 124 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered. For example… What is the secret to success in romance? What is the formula for fulfillment in marriage? Why do our children make so many mistakes despite having been given the answers beforehand. Why do our representatives continually make the wrong decisions? Why is it that public programs exacerbate social problems? How do we take the big money out of politics? How do we fix the political system so it empowers America? Scoreboard Every important question regarding human nature has yet to be answered. Questions Answered? 0 Unanswered? All of them
  • 125. 125 Every question relevant to human nature remains unanswered. For example… What is the secret to success in romance? What is the formula for fulfillment in marriage? Why do our children make so many mistakes despite having been given the answers beforehand. Why do our representatives continually make the wrong decisions? Why is it that public programs exacerbate social problems? How do we take the big money out of politics? How do we fix the political system so it empowers America? Questions regarding human nature have yet to be answered because a theory (reduced to an equation) has been missing.
  • 139. Get in Touch with Feelings 139
  • 141. Hierarchy of Needs 141
  • 142. B.F. Skinner 142
  • 146. 146
  • 147. The experts have failed to discover the missing theory (reduced to an equation) that explains human nature. 147
  • 148. The experts have failed to discover the missing theory (reduced to an equation) that explains human nature. 148
  • 149. The experts have failed to discover the missing theory (reduced to an equation) that explains human nature. 149
  • 150. The absence of an official theory that explains human nature has opened the door for society to adopt its own theory when attempting to explain the nature of human beings. Theory (human nature) = Solution (program) Problem (in society) + 150
  • 151. Naturally, society has adopted a theory of human nature that is complimentary and makes us feel special. 151
  • 152. The theory that society has adopted to explain human nature (reduced to an equation) is as follows: HN = ST 152
  • 153. The theory that society has adopted to explain human nature (reduced to an equation) is as follows: HN = ST 153
  • 154. The theory that society has adopted to explain human nature (reduced to an equation) is as follows: HN = ST The correct equation is HN = GT 154
  • 155. The theory of human nature that society has adopted is wrong, and the experts have had no way to correct the record. 155
  • 156. Conclusion: Society has been applying the wrong theory of human nature to America’s social problems for almost 80 years. 156
  • 158. 14,473,472,440,323 a consequence of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST 158
  • 159. 14,473,472,440,323 159 Single-parent households are the norm.
  • 160. 160 Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 a consequence of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST
  • 161. 161 Our inner cities are dangerous. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
  • 162. 162 Our inner cities are dangerous. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
  • 163. 163 Our inner cities are dangerous. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 consequences of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST
  • 164. 164 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
  • 165. 165 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
  • 166. 166 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 consequences of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST
  • 167. 167 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Students are taught to despise their country. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
  • 168. 168 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Over half the public is dependent. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Students are taught to despise their country. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
  • 169. 169 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Over half the public is dependent. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Students are taught to despise their country. Immigration is still out of control. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
  • 170. 170 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Over half the public is dependent. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Students are taught to despise their country. America is becoming divided. Immigration is still out of control. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
  • 171. 171 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Over half the public is dependent. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Students are taught to despise their country. America is becoming divided. Immigration is still out of control. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 all are consequences of applying the wrong theory of human nature HN = ST
  • 172. 172 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Over half the public is dependent. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Students are taught to despise their country. America is becoming divided. Immigration is still out of control. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 Our many social problems shroud our otherwise idealistic society.
  • 173. 173 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Over half the public is dependent. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Students are taught to despise their country. America is becoming divided. Immigration is still out of control. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323
  • 174. 174 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Over half the public is dependent. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Students are taught to despise their country. America is becoming divided. Immigration is still out of control. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. 14,473,472,440,323 Every social problem is a consequence of applying the wrong equation: HN = ST
  • 175. 175 The political process is broken. Our inner cities are dangerous. Over half the public is dependent. Prisons are unruly and crowded. Students are taught to despise their country. America is becoming divided. Scoreboard Immigration is still out of control. Public Education is ineffective. Single-parent households are the norm. We have not been able to resolve even one social problem. 14,473,472,440,323 Social Problems Answered? 0 Every social problem is a consequence of applying the wrong equation: HN = ST Unanswered? All of them
  • 176. The following analogy demonstrates how important it is to use the correct equation when resolving problems. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… 176
  • 177. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… 177
  • 178. You go to every class. You take notes. You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well so you apply yourself as best you can. 178
  • 179. You go to every class. You take notes. You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can. 179
  • 180. You go to every class. You take notes. You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can. 180
  • 181. You go to every class. You take notes. You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can. 181
  • 182. You go to every class. You take notes. You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study until you are sure you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can. 182
  • 183. You go to every class. You take notes. You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study for a test until you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can. 183
  • 184. You go to every class. You take notes. You review your notes on a regular basis. Suppose you are one of the smartest kids in the class. Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… You study for a test until you know the material. You sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and arrive early. You want to do well, so you apply yourself as best you can. 184
  • 185. 185
  • 186. 186
  • 187. 187
  • 188. 188
  • 189. 189
  • 190. 190
  • 191. The ability to answer questions necessitates that we use the correct equation. 191
  • 192. We cannot expect to answer questions correctly if the equation (theory of human nature) we are using is wrong. 192
  • 193. “HN = ST” must be wrong because: 193 1) We cannot answer any questions that pertain to human nature 2) We cannot resolve any of our nation’s social problems.
  • 194. Applying “HN = ST” (the wrong theory of human nature reduced to an equation) is why we are beset by personal problems. 194
  • 195. Applying “HN = ST” (the wrong theory of human nature reduced to an equation) is why we cannot resolve our social problems. 195
  • 196. Applying “HN = ST” (the wrong theory of human nature reduced to anequation) is why we are beset by personal problems. The correct equation is HN = GT 196
  • 198. 198 Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery
  • 199. 199 Personal, Professional and Social Empowerment through discovery HN = GT
  • 201. 201 □ HN = GT Personally Professional National Global □ □ □ Become master of our emotions ● Understand why we have emotions, how they work, and how best to manage them. Stronger relationships ● Discover the secret to success in romance and the formula for fulfillment in marriage. ● Discover the laws of compatibility and harmony. Maximize health, vitality and sexual performance
  • 202. 202 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Hire, train, manage and motivate with precision. ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell with purpose, focus and confidence. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
  • 203. 203 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Hire, train, manage and motivate with precision. ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell with purpose, focus and confidence. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
  • 204. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ You have 3 small squares of paper and a pen. You will use one piece for this demonstration. Please fold your answer when you are done. 204
  • 205. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ You have 3 small squares of paper and a pen. You will use one square for this demonstration. Please fold your answer when you are done. 205
  • 206. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ You have 3 small squares of paper and a pen. You will use one square for this demonstration. You will be asked to answer one question. 206
  • 207. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Your answer will be anonymous. 207
  • 208. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Your answer will be anonymous. Write your answer on the paper square. 208
  • 209. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Your answer will be anonymous. Write your answer on the paper square. Fold your answer when you are done. 209
  • 210. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Place your answer in the hat. The answers will be tallied and the totals Announced as a group at the conclusion of this demonstration. Please answer the following question… 210
  • 211. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Place your answer in the hat. The answers will be tallied and the totals announced as a group at the conclusion of this demonstration. Please answer the following question… 211
  • 212. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Place your answer in the hat. The answers will be tallied and the totals announced as a group at the conclusion of this demonstration. Please answer the following question… 212
  • 213. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ What is the primary motivation of human beings? Seek pleasure Avoid pain A little of both ___________ Imagine you are back in high school taking Algebra 101… 213
  • 214. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ An Uncomfortable Truth 214
  • 215. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ An Uncomfortable Truth What we believe to be the primary motivation of human beings influences how we govern, legislate, educate, punish and motivate. Yet surveys reveal that the most intelligent, educated and accomplished are divided over the answer to the question, with only a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right. 215
  • 216. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ An Uncomfortable Truth What we believe to be the primary motivation of human beings influences how we govern, legislate, educate, punish and motivate. Yet surveys reveal that the most intelligent, educated and accomplished are divided over the answer to the question, with only a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right. Because a definitive answer has remained elusive, the question “What is the primary motivation of human beings?” has become rhetorical. Today the question is posed with no answer expected. The risk of being wrong causes most people (including those in the human sciences) to skirt the question. 216
  • 217. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? 217
  • 218. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? 218
  • 219. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? 219
  • 220. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? 220
  • 221. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can we expect to be successful in rehabilitating criminals while encouraging citizens to respect the law if we are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? 221
  • 222. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ These questions deserve an answer How can those who lead expect to inspire others if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can those who legislate expect to fashion public policy and social programs that resolve problems if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can we expect to be successful in rehabilitating criminals while encouraging citizens to respect the law if we are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? How can we write, teach, promote and advertise with precision if we are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings? 222
  • 223. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Analysis Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we educate, motivate, legislate and govern, how we advertise, sell and promote, who we hire, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings. If we hope to be effective consistently, we must be sure that we understand the primary motivation of human beings. Unfortunately, most people are forced to guess the primary motivation of human beings because the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy have yet to answer the question officially and absolutely. 223
  • 224. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Analysis Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we educate, motivate, legislate and govern, how we advertise, sell and promote, who we hire, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings. If we hope to be effective consistently, we must be sure that we understand the primary motivation of human beings. Unfortunately, most people are forced to guess the primary motivation of human beings because the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy have yet to answer the question officially and absolutely. 224
  • 225. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Analysis Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we educate, motivate, legislate and govern, how we advertise, sell and promote, who we hire, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings. If we hope to be effective consistently, we must be sure that we understand the primary motivation of human beings. Unfortunately, most people are forced to guess the primary motivation of human beings because the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy have yet to answer the question officially and absolutely. 225
  • 226. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ Analysis Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we educate, motivate, legislate and govern, how we advertise, sell and promote, who we hire, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings. If we hope to be effective consistently, we must be sure that we understand the primary motivation of human beings. Unfortunately, even the smartest people are forced to guess the primary motivation of human beings because the fields of science known as psychology, sociology and anthropology have yet to answer the question officially and absolutely. 226
  • 227. □ Personally Professionally National Global □ 227 What is the primary motivation of human beings? Seek pleasure Avoid pain A little of both ___________
  • 228. 228 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Hire, train, manage and motivate with precision. ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell with purpose, focus and confidence. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
  • 229. 229 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell with purpose, focus and confidence. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
  • 230. 230 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell with purpose, focus and confidence. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. DiTech Lenders (Direct Technology) Progressive (Annoying unattractive woman) GIECO (Caveman) Capital One (Barbarians)
  • 231. 231 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell with purpose, focus and confidence. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. DiTech Lenders (Direct Technology) GIECO (Caveman) Capital One (Barbarians) Progressive (Annoying unattractive woman)
  • 232. 232 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell with purpose, focus and confidence. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. DiTech Lenders (Direct Technology) GIECO (Caveman) Capital One (Barbarians) Progressive (Annoying unattractive woman)
  • 233. 233 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Target, position, package, advertise, promote and sell with purpose, focus and confidence. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. DiTech Lenders (Direct Technology) GIECO (Caveman) Capital One (Barbarians) Progressive (Annoying unattractive woman)
  • 234. 234 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
  • 235. 235 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. There’s an old saying by those who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted. The trick is to know which 50% not to spend.”
  • 236. 236 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. There’s an old saying by those who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted. The trick is to know which 50% not to spend.”
  • 237. 237 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. There’s an old saying by those who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted. The trick is to know which 50% not to spend.”
  • 238. 238 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Advertisers don’t know which 50% of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because ad people do not understand human nature. There’s an old saying by those who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted. The trick is to know which 50% not to spend.”
  • 239. 239 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Advertisers don’t know which 50% of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because ad people do not understand human nature. There’s an old saying by those who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted. The trick is to know which 50% not to spend.”
  • 240. 240 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Once you understand the primary motivation of human beings, advertising will no longer be a form of “art.” It will become a science. Think of the money you will save for companies you advise. Advertisers don’t know which 50% of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because ad people do not understand human nature. There’s an old saying by those who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted. The trick is to know which 50% not to spend.”
  • 241. 241 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Once you understand the primary motivation of human beings, advertising will no longer be a form of “art.” It will become a science. Think of the money you will save for companies you advise. Advertisers don’t know which 50% of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because ad people do not understand human nature. There’s an old saying by those who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted. The trick is to know which 50% not to spend.”
  • 242. 242 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. Once you understand the primary motivation of human beings, advertising will no longer be a form of “art.” It will become a science. Think of the money you will save for companies you lead and advise. Advertisers don’t know which 50% of YOUR dollars not to spend because they do not understand the primary motivation of human beings. Advertising is regarded as an “art” only because ad people do not understand human nature. There’s an old saying by those who sell advertisement: “Fifty percent of your advertisement dollar is wasted. The trick is to know which 50% not to spend.”
  • 243. 243 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable.
  • 244. 244 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. ● Hire, train and motivate with confidence.
  • 245. 245 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. ● Hire, train and motivate with confidence. ● Assurance that your entire team is on the same page. ● Insure you are a giant step ahead of the competition.
  • 246. 246 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally National Global □ □ □ Discover the primary motivation of human beings ● Identify the most enviable defendable position in the marketplace. ● Advertise and promote with precision. ● Make your products and services virtually unassailable. ● Hire, train and motivate with confidence. ● Assurance that your entire team is on the same page. ● Insure you remain a giant step ahead of the competition.
  • 247. 247 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Save America From Self-Destruction Every social problem will be resolved. The enormous deficits will decrease accordingly. The political process will be changed so it empowers America.
  • 248. 248 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Save America From Self-Destruction Every social problem will be resolved. The enormous deficits will decrease accordingly. The political process will be changed so it empowers America.
  • 249. 249 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Save America From Self-Destruction Every social problem will be resolved. The enormous deficits will decrease accordingly. The political process will be changed so it empowers America.
  • 250. 250 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Save America From Self-Destruction Every social problem will be resolved. The enormous deficits will decrease accordingly. The political process will be changed so that it empowers citizens and America.
  • 251. 251 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide This knowledge will enable nations to resolve their social problems. Doing so will improve the lives of millions while insuring that nations are solvent and assets to the global community. This knowledge leads to a new political system that empowers human beings and nation-states.
  • 252. 252 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide Applying the correct equation (theory) will enable every country to resolve its social problems. Besides governments becoming solvent, the quality of life will be enhanced for billions of citizens. “HN = GT” also leads to modifications in the political process that empowers citizens and nation-states.
  • 253. 253 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide Applying the correct equation (theory) will enable every country to resolve its social problems. Besides governments becoming solvent, the quality of life will be enhanced for billions of citizens. “HN = GT” also leads to modifications in the political process that empowers citizens and nation-states.
  • 254. 254 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide Applying the correct equation (theory) will enable every country to resolve its social problems. Besides governments becoming solvent, the quality of life will be enhanced for billions of citizens. “HN = GT” also leads to modifications in the political process that empowers citizens and nation-states.
  • 255. 255 □ HN = GT Personally Professionally Socially Global □ □ □ Elevate the Human Condition Worldwide Applying the correct equation (theory) will enable every country to resolve its social problems. Besides governments becoming solvent, the quality of life will be enhanced for billions of citizens. “HN = GT” also leads to modifications in the political process that empowers citizens and nation-states. What is being described…
  • 256. 256 HN = GT
  • 257. 257 A succinct yet comprehensive plan has been developed. How are we to proceed now that: (1) We can restore, fortify and preserve America for our children and future generations? It is surefire and ready for implementation. (2) We can improve the quality of life for billions of people around the world? All that is missing are the resources to put it into action.
  • 258. 258 At the beginning of the presentation, I promised that I would not ask you fora donation. Those with the mindset to help save America and change the world will offer to join the task force. We are assembling a task force of executive managers and members of the board. They will do what they can to assist us according to their industry.
  • 259. 259 We will consult with those who join the task force. Whether or not you join the task force, you can help in two important ways: We will advise you on name branding, company position, and review your advertisement campaigns, ad copy and promotional efforts. (1) You can give us critical feedback. (2) You can invite us to your next board meeting.
  • 260. 260
  • 261. 261

Notas del editor

  1. (Give the attendees an opportunity to read the question and the possible answers. After about 10 to 15 seconds, read the question and the answers.)What is the primary motivation of human beings? Is it to (a) Seek pleasure, (b) Avoid pain, (c) A little of both, or (d) something else. If you select answer (d), please indicate specifically what you think is the primary motivation of human beings. For example, Sigmund Freud believed that “Sex and Aggression” are the primary motivations of human beings. Other notable theories of personality claim that “Anxiety Avoidance,” “Superiority Achieving” or “Gain Approval” is the primary motivation of human beings. (When most attendees are finished folding their paper square, the assistant should pass the hat. Let the attendees pass the hat to one another. After all answers appear to be deposited in the hat, check that everyone is finished and proceed.)
  2. An uncomfortable truth
  3. What we believe to be the primary motivation of human beings influences how we govern, legislate, educate, punish and motivate. Yet surveys reveal that the most intelligent, educated and accomplished are divided over the answer to the question, with only a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right.
  4. Because a definitive answer has remained elusive, the question “What is the primary motivation of human beings?” has become rhetorical. Today the question is posed with no answer expected. The risk of being wrong causes most people (including those in the human sciences) to skirt the question.
  5. How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?
  6. How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?
  7. How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?
  8. How can counselors and psychologists help people if they are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?
  9. How can we expect to be successful in rehabilitating criminals while encouraging citizens to respect the law if we are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?
  10. How can we write, teach, promote and advertise with precision if we are wrong about the primary motivation of human beings?
  11. Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we advertise, sell and promote; how we hire, the way we motivate, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings.
  12. Understanding the primary motivation of human beings is central to everything we think, say and do. The way we advertise, sell and promote; how we hire, the way we motivate, the products we manufacture and the best way to package them is determined by what we think is the primary motivation of human beings.
  13. If we hope to be effective consistently, we must be sure that we understand the primary motivation of human beings.
  14. Unfortunately, even the smartest people are forced to guess the primary motivation of human beings because the fields of science known as psychology, sociology and anthropology have yet to answerthe question officially and absolutely. This concludes the 5-minute demonstration. I promised the name of person who granted the meeting that I would not continue unless everyone in attendance was eager to see the rest of the presentation. Actually, the presentation is comprised of 3 parts. Part 1 runs approximately 20 minutes. If you opt to see Part 1, you will discover “the primary motivation of human beings” and all of its ramifications. This knowledge will change your life. It will giveyou an advantage in perspective over the competition. In addition, you will be certain of the decisions you make because they will be based on science. Do you want to see Part 1? (Pause… If the answer is yes,) Great!
  15. (Give the attendees an opportunity to read the question and the possible answers. After about 10 to 15 seconds, read the question and the answers.)What is the primary motivation of human beings? Is it to (a) Seek pleasure, (b) Avoid pain, (c) A little of both, or (d) something else. If you select answer (d), please indicate specifically what you think is the primary motivation of human beings. For example, Sigmund Freud believed that “Sex and Aggression” are the primary motivations of human beings. Other notable theories of personality claim that “Anxiety Avoidance,” “Superiority Achieving” or “Gain Approval” is the primary motivation of human beings. (When most attendees are finished folding their paper square, the assistant should pass the hat. Let the attendees pass the hat to one another. After all answers appear to be deposited in the hat, check that everyone is finished and proceed.)