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A Creation
   Seminar by
  Mark Woodson
      Mark Woodson
       P.O. Box 226
   Terra Ceia, FL. 34520

What is the Geologic Column?
  Among the earliest contributions to
   historical geology came from the
 Italian scientist & artist Leonardo da
Vinci (1452-1519), who speculated that
   fossils might have come from the
     remains of long-dead animals.
The geologic column is the supposed
 arrangement of sedimentary layers
    called strata. These strata are
   theoretically arranged in various
 configurations based as much upon
 what geologists and paleontologists
    say should be there as what is
         actually found there.
What is strata?
The field of science dedicated to the
  study of these strata is called
 stratigraphy. Specifically its the
study of rock strata, especially the
distribution and {presumed} age of
         sedimentary rocks.
Stratigraphy itself had its
 beginnings when the Danish
   geologist Nicolaus Steno
   (1638-1687) studied the
{supposed} age of rock strata.
Steno formulated what came to be known
  as the law of superposition, or the idea
 that strata are deposited in a successive
 manner so that the deeper the layer, the
               older the rock.
  This, of course, assumes that the rock
has been undisturbed, and it is applicable
  only for one of the three major types of
     rock, sedimentary (as opposed to
         igneous or metamorphic).
Steno was a Biblical literalist, meaning
that he believed that the Biblical account
      of earth’s history as beginning
   approximately 4390 B.C. was literal
               and accurate.
  Steno, was the man who founded the
   science of earth history. His success
  earned him the title of "founder" of the
sciences of crystallography, paleontology,
 stratigraphy, and earth history, if not the
          father of geology itself.
Steno grew up in northern Europe during
 the Protestant Reformation but made his
  mark in geology while in northern Italy,
 where he followed on the heels of Galileo.
    Steno was first and foremost a Flood
 geologist, who saw the earth as having a
  finite history dominated by creation, the
flood, and coming judgment. For him there
  were no "prehistoric ages," for earth and
man were both created during the same six-
 day span only a few thousand years ago.
Although it may come as a surprise to geology
  students, Flood geology gave to scientists
what they didn't have before -- a linear view of
 Earth history. Steno's geology was politically
incorrect for another reason -- he incorporated
     intelligent design into his reasoning.
    He observed the remarkable similarity
   between the natural (inorganic) growth of
crystals in the laboratory and the growth of the
   mineral that composes the shells of living
Shell growth is controlled by an ordering
principle, a teleonomy, by which the calcium
carbonate conforms exactly to the form of the
soft-bodied creature it contains; i.e., a clam
shell grows in such a way as to perfectly
enclose the creature inside. No such ordering
principle is found in inorganically formed
crystals, only repetition. When he
demonstrated apparent design and purpose
in fossil shells, Steno demonstrated (contrary
to Aristotle) that fossils are the
remains of once living organisms.
[The interesting thing is] . . .

           He used intelligent design to do it.

 How odd that Steno is universally praised
 today for his accomplishments in geology,
yet spurned (on two counts) for his methods
             of arriving at them.
            Steno believed a literal Genesis.

 *William A. Hoesch, M.S. geology, is research assistant in Geology.
Later, the German geologist
 Johann Gottlob Lehmann (1719-1767)
   put forward the theory that certain
 groups of rocks tend to be associated
 with each other and that each layer of
rock is a sort of chapter in the history of
Thus, along with Steno, Lehmann helped
    pioneer the idea of the stratigraphic
   column . . . The man credited as the
"father of stratigraphy," however, was the
      English engineer and geologist
        William Smith (1769-1839).
 In 1815 Smith produced the first modern
     geologic map, showing rock strata
          in England and Wales.
Smith's achievement, . . . influenced all
   of geology to the present day by
 introducing the idea of geologic, as
  opposed to geographic, mapping.
  Furthermore, by linking stratigraphy
  with paleontology, a new division of
  stratigraphy, was created known as
The ten strata systems that
          Geologists use

  (Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian,
  Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic,
          Cretaceous, and Tertiary)

  compose the "standard geologic
column" and are claimed by many to
      contain the major proof
      of evolutionary theory.
Several erroneous notions have been
  attached to the geologic column.

     The following are the ten
   most common misconceptions.
                 On the following slides
         the 10 misconceptions are taken from:

                     IMPACT No. 137
              By Steven A. Austin, Ph.D.
              ICR , PO Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021
             Voice: (619) 448-0900 FAX: (619) 448-3469

                            November 1984
                  Copyright © 1984 All Rights Reserved
Misconception No. 1.

    The geologic column was
 constructed by geologists who,
   because of the weight of the
  evidence that they had found,
      were convinced of the
uniformitarian theory and organic
It may sound surprising, but the standard
geologic column was devised before 1860
by catastrophists who were creationists.
Adam Sedgewick, Roderick Murchison,
William Coneybeare, and others affirmed
that the earth was formed largely by
catastrophic processes, and that the
earth and life were created.
These men stood for careful empirical
science and were not compelled to believe
evolutionary speculation or side with
uniformitarian theory.
Although most would be called progressive
creationists" in today's
terminology, they would not be
pleased to see all the
evolutionary baggage that has
been loaded onto their
classification of strata.
Misconception No. 2.
   Geologists composed the
geologic column by assembling
   the "periods" and "eras"
  which they had recognized.
The geologic column was not composed by
assembling a chronology of "periods“      or
"eras" or other supposed measures of time,
but by superposition of objectively defined
sequences of sedimentary strata called
"systems." The "periods" and "eras" were
later appended to the system classification
of the "geologic Column"
transforming it into a
"geologic time scale."
Misconception No. 3
      The strata systems
    of the geologic column
     are worldwide in their
  occurrence with each strata
  system being present below
any point on the earth's surface.
The notion that the earth's crust
        has an "onion skin" structure
with successive layers containing all
           strata systems distributed
          on a global scale is not an
             accurate representation
                      of what actually
                             is found.
                   Its claims are not
               according to the facts.
Data from continents and ocean basins
show that the ten systems are poorly
represented on a global scale:
approximately 77% of the earth's
surface area on land and
under the sea has
seven or more
(70% or more) of the
strata systems
missing beneath;
94% of the earth's surface
  has three or more systems
         missing beneath;
    and an estimated 99.6%
has at least one missing system.
 Only a few locations on earth
     (about 0.4% of its area)
      have been described
      with the succession of
    the ten systems beneath
  (west Nepal, west Bolivia, and central Poland).
Even where the ten systems
are present, geologists recognize
individual systems to be incomplete.

The entire geologic column, composed
of complete strata systems, exists only
in the diagrams!
Misconception No. 4
Strata systems always occur
    in the order required
  by the geologic column.
Locations are known where the order of the
 systems identified by geologists does not
  match the order of the geologic column.
Strata systems are believed in some places
to be inverted, repeated, or inserted where
            they do not belong.
     Overturning, overthrust faulting, or
   landsliding are frequently maintained
          as disrupting the order.
In some locations
          such structural changes
  can be supported by physical evidence
    while elsewhere physical evidence
     of the disruption may be lacking
and special pleading may be required using
       fossils or radiometric dating.
Misconception No. 5
  Because each strata system
     has distinctive lithologic
composition, a newly discovered
 stratum can be assigned easily
       to its correct position
     in the geologic column.
Sandstone, limestone, dolomite, shale,
 chert, salt, conglomerate, coal and
 other rock types are not diagnostic
     of specific strata systems.
      Therefore, a rock's physical
  appearance cannot, with certainty,
distinguish the system or strata level to
       which a rock may belong.
Misconception No. 6
 Fossils, especially the species
 distinctive of specific systems,
provide the most reliable method
 of assigning strata to their level
     in the geologic column.
Bed-to-bed comparison of strata to their
  "system type" area is the most reliable
 method of assigning strata to a system.
The visual information from oil well drilling,
  seismic surveys, and surface geologic
 mapping is of such character that visual
          subsurface comparisons
   of stratigraphic units of the thickness
            of systems is possible
           on a continental scale.
Although some fossils appear to be
       distinctive of certain systems
       (most fossil taxa range through a few to several systems),

 care must be exercised in comparison by

 First, the range of location of a fossil type
within the layers of strata is always open to
being extended beyond its current limits as
new fossils are discovered in those layers.
Second, when an extension
     of a fossil's range may be required,
geologists may call upon erosion (reworking
fossils into younger strata or leaking fossils
   into older strata) and structural events
  (overturning or faulting strata & fossils).
An example of the first problem
     is the monoplacophoran
   mollusk Pilina, which might
    otherwise be considered
          diagnostic of the
 Silurian System, except for the
      startling discovery that
   Neopilina lives today, and,
therefore, would be expected in
    any system overlying the

     Wikipedia still has this animal classified as
                    early Cambrian to Devonian.
For these reasons
correlation by fossils must always remain
 tentative awaiting further confirmatory
     evidence from lithostratigraphy.
    We should look very skeptically
    at strata correlations which rely
            solely on fossils.
Misconception No. 7
  Sedimentary evidence proves
 that periods of millions of years
duration were required to deposit
    individual strata systems.
Before radiometric dating was devised,
   uniformitarian geologists postulated
 "periods" of millions of years duration to
    slowly deposit the strata systems.

A single sedimentary lamina, or bed, was
supposed by uniformitarian geologists to
 represent typically a year or many years
It was concluded, therefore, that multiplied
      thousands of lamina and beds
 superimposed required millions of years.
   Recently, however, geologists have
  discovered that lamina and beds form
      quickly on floodplains of rivers
  during floods, in shallow marine areas
     during storms, and in deep water
            by turbidity currents.
The evidence of rapid sedimentation
is now so easily recognized that geologists
observing a strata system these days often
  ask where to insert the "missing time" of
       which the strata do not show
          sedimentary evidence.
      Catastrophism, quite naturally,
         is making a come-back.
There is good reason to believe
        that entire strata systems,
      and even groups of systems,
were accumulated in a hydraulic cataclysm
 matching the description of Noah's Flood
               in the Bible.
Misconception No. 8
Radiometric dating can supply
 "absolute ages" in millions of
years with certainty to systems
    of the geologic column.
Geologists and geochronologists assert that
  radiometric dating verifies that individual
strata systems and their strata are millions
                 of years old.
When asked to document the most reliable
 radiometric age dates, geologists usually
   point to isochronal and concordia plots
 which employ multiple isotopic analyses,
 which they claim will remove the effects of
   original "contaminants," and display the
      "age" of a rock in graphical form.
However, we find geologists
      often reporting isochronal plots
  which are discordant with the accepted
         "ages" of strata systems.

  Frequently, these discordant isochronal
plots "date" strata systems much older than
  even the accepted old ages customarily
          assigned to the systems
           of the geologic column.
Geologists should be asking which,
if any, of the isochronal plots should be accepted
  as "absolute ages," and if the discordances do
      not falsify the assumptions upon which
             radiometric dating is based.

Geologists need to consider radiometric methods
 which indicate ages of thousands of years for
  strata systems, as well as general indicators
             supporting young age.
Misconception No. 9
  The environmental "pictures"
 assigned to certain portions of
the geologic column allow us to
  accurately visualize what its
   "geologic ages" were like.
Books, films and museum displays contain
   illustrations asking us to visualize what
  earlier "geologic ages" were like. These
 "pictures" show supposed primitive earth
    conditions, specific environments with
sediments being slowly deposited, inferred
  "transitional organisms" evolving toward
 familiar forms, and whole communities of
organisms "at home" with other organisms
Perhaps the most blatant environmental
      picture" has been assigned to lower
       Precambrian strata, formed when
     the earth supposedly had a reducing
atmosphere and an "organic soup" in which
life evolved. Yet, geologists have yet to find
    sedimentary evidence for the reducing
            atmosphere and the soup.
         This reminds us that accepting
  an environmental "picture" requires much
           imagination from a meager
                 supply of facts.
Misconception No. 10
 The geologic column and the
  positions of fossils within the
geologic column provide proof of
   amoeba-to-man evolution.
All the animal phyla,
         including chordate fish,
        are now known as fossils
        in the Cambrian System.
      No ancestral forms can be found
for the protozoa, arthropods, brachiopods,
    mollusks, bryozoans, coelenterates,
    sponges, annelids, echinoderms or
These phyla appear in the fossil record
          fully formed and distinct,
   in better agreement with the concept
of "multiple, abrupt beginnings" (creation)
 than with the notion of "descent from a
      common ancestor" (evolution).
1. R. Ritiand, "Historical development of the current understanding of
       the geologic column: part II," Origins, Vol. 9, 1982, pp. 28-47.
2. Estimated by the author using data from J. Woodmorappe, "The
       essential nonexistence of the evolutionary-uniformitarian
       geologic column: a quantitative assessment," Creation Res.
Soc. Quarterly, Vol. 18, 1981, pp. 46-71.
3. D.V. Ager, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, 2nd ed. (New
       York: John Wiley, 1981), P. 11.
4. C. Brooks, D.E. James and S.R. Hart, "Ancient lithosphere: its role
       in young continental volcanism," Science, Vol. 193, 1976, pp.
5. R.V. Gentry, et al., "Radiohalos in coalified wood: new evidence
       relating to the time of uranium introduction and coalification,"
       Science, Vol. 194, 1976, pp. 315-318.
6. S.A. Austin, "Did the early earth have a reducing atmosphere?"
ICR Impact 109, July 1982, 4 pp.
From where did the Earth’s strata
      and fossils come?
What are fossils?

    A fossil is a remnant of a biological or
botanical organism (skeleton, leaf, even the
     skin of an animal) which has been
     preserved by immediate burial with
  sediment at the time of “death” or as the
 cause of “death” with extreme amounts of
   pressure applied to the organism being
A Creation
   Seminar by
  Mark Woodson
      Mark Woodson
       P.O. Box 226
   Terra Ceia, FL. 34520

Claims of the Evolutionary
1. The strata of the earth were laid down layer upon
      layer over billions of years.
2. Each stratum contains fossils indigenous to that era
     because each sedimentary layer caused the
     fossilization of the creatures it contains and each
     new layer contains more advanced life forms than
     the last.
3. Radiometric & other forms of dating prove an old age
     for earth’s strata.
4. Uniformitarianism accounts for all geologic
      formations & fossils.
Claims of the Evolutionary

1. The strata of the earth
     were laid down layer
     upon layer over
     billions of years.
Claims of the Evolutionary

Evolutionary geologists claim that these laminat lines are the
result of yearly deposits of debris building up over billions of
years. Each of these lines are part of a group of lines within
                      a certain stratum.
As mentioned earlier, while discussing geo-
chronometers - about 3,650,000 tons of meteoric
dust accumulates on the earth every year.
Scientists claim that this is one of the sources of
the debris which formed Earth’s strata. Other
sources are recycled matter from seismic events,
such as volcanoes,
plate tectonics and
localized floods.
These events laid
sedimentary layers
which hardened over
time and formed our
The biggest issues evolutionists must address by
adopting this belief of stratum formation are:
1. Would it take billions of years of volcanoes,
plate tectonics and localized floods, to form the
layers of sediments into the strata we have
2. Are there valid
offering justification
for their “billions of
years” hypothesis?
1. Why would it take billions of years of
volcanoes, plate tectonics and localized floods, to
form the layers of sediments into the stratum we
have today?
Truth is, many geologists know it would NOT take
billions of years to form these geologic
formations. Geologists developed the geologic
column as an arrangement of the Earth’s strata,
according to the various fossils which they
contained. Because of this, these
strata are represented as forming
over the billions of years to
agre with biological evolution.
Geologist take
dates for their
                        From the fossils
strata . . .              they contain

                    from the strata
                  they are found in.
                                           take dates for
                                           their fossils . . .
Geologist take
dates for their
                        From the fossils
strata . . .              they contain

                    from the strata
                  they are found in.
                                           take dates for
                                           their fossils.
Geologists take
dates for their
                        From the fossils
strata . . .              they contain

                  So let’s look

                    from the strata
                  they are found in.
                                           take dates for
                                           their fossils.
Geologic dates
are obtained . . .
                              from fossils

                                             And, fossil dates
                     from geologic dates.    are obtained . . .
2. Geo-Chronometers offering proof of billions of

This will be discussed later . . .
Claims of the Evolutionary
2. Each stratum contains fossils
    indigenous to that era because
    each sedimentary layer caused
    the fossilization of the creatures
    it contains and each new layer
    contains more advanced life
    forms than the last.
1. A smooth transition from simple to
     advanced life forms is not found in the
     geological column.

2. Fossilization does not happen over
     long periods of time – that would be decay.
This smooth
transition from
“simple” (by which
they could only mean
        to more
advanced horses
is NOT found
in this order
in the fossil



The previous method of
fossilizaton works for creatures
 who have a hard exoskeleton,
    for soft bodied organisms
  immediate burial is required.
A fossil . . . has been preserved
by immediate burial of sediment
 at the time of death or as the
  cause of death with extreme
amounts of pressure applied to
   the organism being buried.
Bones of soft-bodied organisms
  may survive a slow burial and
 fossilization, but that is because
   bones and teeth are already
  partially mineralized while the
creature was alive. However, this
  method tells us little about the
 organism and usually the bones
   are scattered by scavengers.
There are over 20 differing versions
         of the geologic column.
   None of which can actually be found
           anywhere on Earth.
     These columns differ in stratum
arrangements as well as fossil placement.
Ager stated that,

 “We are only kidding ourselves if we think that
we have anything like a complete succession for
any part of the strati graphical column in any one
In, Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 1, June 1981, pp. 46-71.
Claims of the Evolutionary

3. Radiometric & other
   forms of dating prove an
   old age for earth’s strata.
What is Radiometric Dating?
                       Radiometric dating is a
                       term used for a grouping of
                       tests, utilized by
                       evolutionary scientists, in
an attempt to establish a likely date of death,
burial, petrifaction, stratification and/or
fossilization for                           either
organic or inorganic
The following list is of the more well-
known radiometric dating methods:

1. Carbon14 or C14 dating.

2. Uranium - Lead,
   Potassium - Argon,
   Rubidium - Strontium,
   Thorium - Protactinium
   Lead - Lead . . .etc.
1.   C 14 dating
               created by W.F.
     Libby is based on
     evolutionary assumptions
     which cause miscalculations.
Libby’s formula was based on the
presupposition that the atmosphere
  had already reached a state of
     complete C  14 saturation.

Meaning that the earth was losing
 as much C14 due to radioactive
decay as it was gaining new C  14

    in the upper atmosphere.
Libby had calculated that the earth
should reach the state of C14 saturation
  30-50 thousand years following it’s
 natural production in our atmosphere.

 Since he also “knew” the earth to be
  much older than this, he created a
  formula which conformed to those
Now, Carbon-14, is a radioactive
    isotope of carbon discovered
        February 27, 1940, by
 Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben.
  Its Nucleus contains 6 protons
          and 8 neutrons.
Its presence in organic materials
   is used in radiocarbon dating.
It occurs naturally and has a relative
abundance up to 0.00000000012%.
       That is approximately 1
  atmospheric atom of Carbon 14 to
  every 1 trillion atmospheric atoms.
     The half-life of carbon-14
          is 5,730 years.
     It decays into nitrogen-14
         through beta-decay.
Carbon-14 is produced in the upper
    layers of the troposphere and
the stratosphere by thermal neutrons
     absorbed by nitrogen atoms.
The only things
 which can be carbon 14 dated
are biological or botanical matter
  or things formed by these –
 such as coal, which is formed
         by plant matter.
This is because carbon 14 is a
gas and is literally “breathed-in”
by plants, animals and humans.
       Rocks don’t breath
and liquids do not retain gasses
    for long periods of time
 so C14 dating does not work
         for these items.
The only way this could be
 measured in order to obtain a
  date is to have a constant.

In this case, the constant MUST
  be a constant amount of C  14

        in the atmosphere
   which does not increase or
This would allow us to measure
 the amount of C14 still present
  in remains against that in the
Using this figure against
      the decay rate of C14
offers a reliable date of death –
   but only if the atmosphere
     has reached a state of
   equilibrium concerning C14
For evolutionists there is
  a perceived second problem -
the organism tested has to have
   died no more than 100,000
   years ago, because current
instruments cannot detect C     14

    in very low concentrations,
  which is what you would have
  IF the remains were that old.
This presents a genuine problem for
     evolutionists because C14
  is measurable and in the same
concentration throughout the entire
  coal seam dated by geology as
     30-300 million years ago!
Diamonds are usually said to be the
   oldest of formations on earth.
          Yet they contain
measurable amounts of Carbon 14!
Now, due to the density and hardness
of diamonds, they are nearly impossible
 to contaminate with outside elements

      meaning that these “oldest”
   of precious stones, are younger
     than 100,000 years at most!
Lee, Robert E., in an article called,
         “Radiocarbon, Ages in Error”

 “The troubles of the radiocarbon dating
method are undeniably deep and serious.
      Despite 35 years of technological
   refinement and better understanding,
  the underlying assumptions have been
strongly challenged, and warnings are out
    that radiocarbon may soon find itself
             in a crisis situation.”
“Continuing use of the method depends on
  a “fix-it-as-we-go” approach, allowing for
  contamination here, fractionation there,
     and calibration whenever possible.
         It should be no surprise, then,
   that fully half of the dates are rejected.
            The wonder is, surely, that
 the remaining half come to be accepted.”
The following are some
 examples of Carbon 14 dating
which are FAR MORE common
  than evolutionary geologists
     would like you to think.
1) Coal from Russia was said to be 300
    million years old, however, tests
    yielded a date of 1,680 years old.
    A mere 299,998,320 year difference.

2) Natural gas from Alabama, supposedly
    from the Cretaceous Period (50 million
    years old), when C14 dated, showed an
    age of 30,000 years.
3) Another natural gas sample from
    Mississippi, dated by geologists as
    being from the Eocene period 135
    million years old, dated as only 34,000
    years by C14 dating.

4) A Sabre-toothed tiger from the La Brea
     tar pits geologically dated @ 100,000
     million years old and by C14 dating
     gave an age of only 28,000 years.
5) A freshly killed seal showed that it had
     died 1,300 years ago.
6) Living mollusk shells were dated at
     2,300 years.

7) Living snails showed death dates of
     27,000 years ago.
“No matter how ‘useful’ it is, though,
        the radiocarbon method
     is still not capable of yielding
     accurate and reliable results.
    There are gross discrepancies,
the chronology is uneven and relative,
        and the accepted dates
     are actually selected dates.”
            Lee, Robert E., in an article called, “Radiocarbon, Ages in Error”
    Anthropological Journal of Canada, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1981, pp. 9, 29 (Assistant Editor)
2. Uranium - Lead
   Potassium - Argon,
   Rubidium - Strontium,
   Thorium - Protactinium . . . etc.

     All of these have severe
  mathematical errors and reflect
         evolutionary bias.
What are Potassium Argon
     & Uranium Lead dating?
Both are quite similar to the C14 dating
method, only they utilize some different
     elements to do the same thing.
  These other methods are important
because C14 dating only works on once
  living biological or botanical matter,
       or trapped natural gasses,
     where as Potassium-Argon and
    Uranium-Lead methods are used
        for dating rock sediments.
Assumptions of Radiometric Dating
1. It’s a Closed System.
2. No original “daughter” atoms were
    In the case of Potassium-Argon dating
    it is important than no original Argon-40
    was in the sedimentary rock previous
    to the decay of Potassium-40.

    This would cause much older dates to
    be detected than actually occurred.
3. No Laboratory errors.

4. No variations from the same sample.

5. Results have not been altered due to the
         presence of pressure or heat.
What’s Wrong with These
          Forms of Dating?
      Potassium-Argon dating relies
   upon the presence of igneous rocks
  (cooled, molten rock) or volcanic ash
in the stratum directly above the fossils.
    This is interesting in that scientists
 admit that the presence of intense heat
   during the fossilization process will
       cause major miscalculations
              in the fossil date.
Some of Potassium-Argon and Uranium-Lead
embarrassing dates.

1)Tree roots in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada,
     were fossilized in seconds in 1973 when a
     high voltage power line fell to the ground.
     When scientists where asked what the
     result of Potassium-Argon testing these
     roots would be, they said, the tests would
     show them to be millions of years old, due
     to the intense heat involved in their
     petrification process.11
2) Hawaiian Lava flows, known to be less than
     200 years old, were dated at 3 billion years
     old by Potassium-Argon dating!12

3) The famous Australopithecus found in
     Ethiopia, Potassium-Argon dated at
     approximately 2 million years old.
     When mammal bones where C14 tested
     within the same deposit, instead of
     acquiring a date of 50,000 yrs.,
     which is the top end of the C14 method,
     it offered a date of 15,500 years.13
Claims of the Evolutionary
        Geologic Column

4. Uniformitarianism
   accounts for all geologic
   formations & fossils.
Modern seismic events
fail to demonstrate that long
      periods of time are
      necessary to form:
• Fossils
• Large geologic formations
• Stratification
• Petrification
• . . . or any other major geologic changes.
A Creation
   Seminar by
  Mark Woodson
      Mark Woodson
       P.O. Box 226
   Terra Ceia, FL. 34520

Claims of Flood Geology
1. The strata of the earth were laid down quickly
      during the global flood mentioned in the

2. Flood geology explains why we find what we
      actually find in the geologic column.

3. Young earth known by presence of Pleochroic
     halos in the granites of the Earth.

4. Catastrophism explains the creation of geological
Claims of the Flood Geology

1. The strata of the earth were laid
    down quickly during the global
    flood mentioned in the Bible.

4. Catastrophism explains the
    creation of geological
Mt. Saint Helens offered us a unique chance
       to test flood geology in action
Among the last pictures ever taken of Mt. Saint
   Helens – the morning of May 18, 1980
Steam blast March 1980.
Subsequent volcanic ash eruptions
      in March and April.
Northern Slope Undulating & Swelling
This photograph shows the directions of
geological shifting, plus the conditions just prior to
Landslide material stripped these trees and
   washed them down into Spirit Lake
Landslide into Spirit Lake
An entire forest of trees like toothpicks all
  over the lake and surrounding area.
Spirit Lake after the landslide
These are some of the trees washed
        out into Spirit Lake
Many, many trees were washed out
        into Spirit Lake.
. . . and more trees!
Production of a Log Mat
Movement of Log Mat

In the Morning   Two hours later
Examination of the progression of
       the catastrophe.
This is stage 1

One or two seconds into the landslide event.
Landslide and beginning of the steam blast
This is a
 of the 3
stages of
A few seconds later onto stage two.
Still less than a minute later it is onto the 3rd stage.
Above 3rd stage.
This is just the first few seconds of the eruption.
This is an aerial shot of the eruption,
     during its first few seconds.
This is an Satellite shot 43 minutes
         after the eruption.
In the afternoon.
A City in Washington
This is an outline of the original summit.
This is close-up of the outline the summit.
Overview of the altered terrain.
The Day After
Harry Trueman
Car Damage
Bow Your heavens, O LORD, and come down: touch the
    mountains, and they will smoke. Psalm 144:5
After 9 hours of seismic events Mt. Saint Helens resembles a
          1/40th scale model of the Grand Canyon!
Following the May 18th eruption of 1980, there were
  five subsequent eruptions that year plus a large
 seismic event worthy of note on March 19th 1982.
            Each was preceded by distinct
     bursts of seismic activity (harmonic tremor).
                       May 25th
                       June 12th
                       July 22nd
                       August 7th
                      October 16th
                     March 19th 1982
For our purposes we will only be looking closely at three of
  them. Those of May 18th & June 12th 1980, and that of
                    March 19th 1982.
The following are just a few of the astounding geological
alterations which were made by there separate seismic events
 all of which when added together took less than a few days.
Some Before and After Pictures of the Forests.
Complete Destruction of Forests.
Complete Destruction of Forests.
In ascending order there were
  three separate flows which
      left these deposits.
The first is the air fall deposit
from the May 18th eruption of
The second, is the Pyroclastic
or Pumice flow deposit from
     the June 12th, 1980
 The third, is the Mudflow
deposit of March 19th, 1982.
May 18th 1980

  The air fall deposit of May
 18th,1980 was laid down as a
result of the major eruption of
         volcanic ash.
The ash spewed from the
  mountain for 9 hours in a
   huge ongoing eruption
depositing, in some areas up
to 100’ of air fall material in
  layered strata formation.
As these photos graphically
demonstrate, there were some
 areas close to the mountain
 where the landslide material
covered the terrain in 100’ of
 dirt and ash first, only to be
covered by an additional 100’
of air fall ash, leaving a total
 of 200’ of deposit just from
  the eruption of May 18th.
Steam Explosion Pit
  There were secondary steam explosions
caused by the glacier summit ice cap being
 immediately buried under 550 degrees of
volcanic ash. It actually took 5 days for this
   ice to escape as steam which formed
  enormous steam explosion pits near the
     south west corner of Spirit Lake.
 Some of the fantastic aspects of this event
 was the rapid formation of reel and gully
  These pits are125’ deep, 2,300’ long and
 1,000’ wide. After settling, the pit is now
 100’ deep with 25’ of ash deposits filling
                 the bottom.
Steam Explosion Pit
 This reverse angled picture was taken in
 June after cooling and shows the pit now
        containing 25’ of deposit.
  This topography has many features in
  common with the badlands of South
 Dakota or the desert terrain in the South
           West United States.
   Evolutionary Geology teaches that only
 hundreds of thousands of years of reel and
gully erosion can form this topography. Yet
it happened before our eyes quickly (within
  5 days) by steam pressure opening a hole
     into which deposits fell by gravity.
The June 12th eruption (which was the third eruption)
     was almost entirely a magmatic eruption.

Now Magmatic eruptions are lacking in high silica and
  water content and are not explosive. This eruption
 flowed out onto the earth’s surface as a lava flow at
              about 140 miles per hour.
Pumice is a unique product of
    magmatic eruptions. It is a
  frothy volcanic rock formed by
the expansion of gases such as
      steam in erupting lava.
      Because it is laced with
bubbles, it can be very light and
even float on water. It can have
so many bubbles, it will be mere
froth. It’s heat, density and force
 driving the eruption can cause
     many different degrees of
   destruction from very little to
On June 12th, 1980, hurricane
 velocity (2x’s highway speed)
   surging pryoclastic flows
deposited 25’ of minutely layered
         strata in hours.
It was thought that such a flow
     would leave behind a
homogenized mess of hardened
   material, but instead thinly
 layered strata were laid down!
Over the years, several lava domes have       Arial Views

formed on Mt. Saint Helens. These lava
domes were formed by lava being forced
up the neck of the volcano like toothpaste
from a tube. As it oozed out and was
exposed to the atmosphere, it cooled,
cracked and settled into previous cracks in
the surface forming this dome.
October 10th 1980

Steam and ash plume rises
over Mount St. Helens' east
crater rim. This is the calm
before the storm. The
eruption occurred 6 days
USGS Photograph taken on October 10, 1980, by Lyn Topinka.
October 18th 1980

On October 18, 1980 following the eruption of the 16th, a
new dome started growing. This dome was 112 feet high and
985 feet wide, making it taller than a nine-story building and
wider than the length of three football fields.
This aerial view is from the north. This dome was not the first
dome to grow in the crater. In June and August 1980, two
domes formed, only to be blasted away by the explosive
events of July 22 and October 16.
USGS Photograph taken on October 24, 1980, by Terry Leighley, Scandia Labs.
The lava dome is 1,000’ high and a few thousand feet in
       diameter (taller than a 30 story building).
It acts like a liquid cork which solidifies, and thus bottles
                  up the neck of the volcano.
   There have been 6 lava domes which have built up
                      since 1980.
For two years the whole upper drainage basin of the Toutle
River remained blocked by 3/8ths of a cubic mile of landslide
  material from the initial moments of May 18th effectively
  damming it up and cutting it off from the Pacific Ocean.
The blockage was then removed by a subsequent mud flow on
                    March 19th 1982.
An explosive eruption on March 19, 1982, sent pumice and
  ash 9 miles into the air, and resulted in a lahar (the dark
deposit on the snow) flowing from the crater into the North
                  Fork Toutle River valley.
 Part of the lahar entered Spirit Lake (lower left corner) but
most of the flow went west down the Toutle River, breeching
the blockage and eventually reaching the Cowlitz River, 50
                      miles downstream.
This mudflow very quickly gouged out canyons with tree
 branching drainage patterns of incredible complexity.
Part of the drainage basin formed in the Spirit Lake area.
  These newly formed canyons include a complexity of
 features such as a flat gully-headed side canyon, a cup-
        shaped side canyon, and a snaking pattern.
A system of 5 canyons come together here some of which are
 over 100’ deep and was all essentially done in a single day.
A system of 5 canyons come together here some of which are
 over 100’ deep and was all essentially done in a single day.
All of these laminate lines are supposed
 to take at lest one year each to form,
     and these all formed in hours!
All of these laminate lines are supposed to
    take at lest one year each to form,
      and these all formed in hours!
All of these laminate lines are supposed to
    take at lest one year each to form,
      and these all formed in hours!
Another catastrophic result of the mudflow.
              Mud Flow Markers
Middle of Mud Flow             Edge of Mud Flow
Mud Flow Markers
 Middle of Mud Flow              Edge of Mud Flow

This valley was filled ¼ mile wide to 30’ deep in mud
      scouring the entire area down to bedrock.
 By the time the mudflow subsided it deposited 15’
                 of mud sediment.
Another interesting outcome of the Mt. Saint Helens
    eruptions has been both the complete and partial
validation of hypothesis’ held by Flood Geologists as to
     the formation of Fossil Forests and coal beds.
Steven Austin had speculated that an event such as those
which washed the forest into Spirit lake, might produce,
fossilized forests, non-indigenous fossilized forests and
            peat for natural coal production.
Traditional evolutionary thinking would say that the trees
grew at different times and were subsequently buried, thus
   demonstrating the geologic ages of their existence.
Well, what did we find?
For every log which had some vertical orientation, there
 was a corresponding number of “waterlogged” ends,
        under the water, holding them upright.

   Above the water

                                  Under the water
Evolutionary Geologists have conclusively stated that what
you are seeing here could never happen. These tree stumps
 were redeposited miles away from their original location.
  Just like the petrified stumps of non-indigenous trees in
                  Yellowstone National Park.
As far as a layer of peak for future coal formation the
    bottom of Spirit lake is covered in the partially
decomposing bark which was stripped off of the trees
by the scouring wave caused by the landslide material
                      of May 18th .

                       No Bark!
These are fossilized trees from the Yellowstone
                 National Park.
August 7th 1980

  During the May 18, 1980 eruption, at least 17 separate
   pyroclastic flows descended the flanks of Mount St.
Helens. Pyroclastic flows typically move at speeds of over
    60 miles per hour (100 kilometers/hour) and reach
temperatures of over 800 Degrees Fahrenheit (400 degrees
 Celsius). Photographed here, a pyroclastic flow from the
 August 7, 1980 eruption stretches from Mount St. Helens'
             crater to the valley floor below.
         USGS Photograph taken on August 7, 1980, by Peter W. Lipman.
July 22nd 1980
July 22nd 1980

This eruption sent pumice and ash 6 to 11
miles into the air, and was visible in Seattle,
Washington, 100 miles to the north.

The view here is from the south.
USGS Photograph taken on July 22, 1980, by Mike Doukas.
Evolutionary geologists have been
rethinking the idea of the Colorado River
carving out the Grand Canyon over millions
of years. It has appeared, more and more
that massive seismic events (including
flooding) causing a quick catastrophic
change is more likely and more consistent
with the evidences. Also, the fact that this
Satellite photography (color enhanced)
show an elevation of 8-9,000’ above sea
level on northern plateau and 7,000’ on the
southern (arrow), make the canyon’s
formation through that region via a small
river very difficult, since water flows
On a personal note, anyone
     who could think that a
   narrow, single directional
river could flow upstream and
    carve out a canyon this
    enormous is certifiable!
Speaking of Certifiable -
A fossil . . . has been preserved by
immediate burial of sediment at the
  time of death or as the cause of
   death with extreme amounts of
 pressure applied to the organism
 being buried. Flood geology alone
     provides these conditions!
Claims of the Flood Geology

2. Flood geology explains why we
    find what we actually find in the
    geologic column.
Claims of the Flood Geology

3. Young age of the Earth known by
    presence of Pleochroic halos in
    the granites of the Earth.
We gave many reasons for a
     young Earth earlier,
 but even the appearance of
age is addressed in the Bible
     as being superficial.
Within the first week
of creation, oceans were full
of life, trees were full grown
 with fruit already on them
    and man was already
            an adult.
“For this they willfully forget:
that by the Word of God the
heavens were of old, and the
 earth standing out of water
 and in the water, by which
 the world that then existed
perished, being flooded with
       water. . .”II Peter 3:5,6.
world - Greek word, kosmos, which
       means the orderly arrangement,
       adorning, world.

perished - Greek word, apollumi, which
       means To destroy fully, loose,
       mar, perish.
This section on Flood
Geology is covered in depth in

 Part 5b: Noah’s Ark & Flood

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Part 5 geology - gradulaism or catastrophism

  • 1. A Creation Seminar by Mark Woodson Mark Woodson P.O. Box 226 Terra Ceia, FL. 34520 (941)737-0279 e-mail:
  • 2. What is the Geologic Column? Among the earliest contributions to historical geology came from the Italian scientist & artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), who speculated that fossils might have come from the remains of long-dead animals.
  • 3. The geologic column is the supposed arrangement of sedimentary layers called strata. These strata are theoretically arranged in various configurations based as much upon what geologists and paleontologists say should be there as what is actually found there.
  • 4. What is strata? The field of science dedicated to the study of these strata is called stratigraphy. Specifically its the study of rock strata, especially the distribution and {presumed} age of sedimentary rocks.
  • 5. Stratigraphy itself had its beginnings when the Danish geologist Nicolaus Steno (1638-1687) studied the {supposed} age of rock strata.
  • 6. Steno formulated what came to be known as the law of superposition, or the idea that strata are deposited in a successive manner so that the deeper the layer, the older the rock. This, of course, assumes that the rock has been undisturbed, and it is applicable only for one of the three major types of rock, sedimentary (as opposed to igneous or metamorphic).
  • 7. Steno was a Biblical literalist, meaning that he believed that the Biblical account of earth’s history as beginning approximately 4390 B.C. was literal and accurate. Steno, was the man who founded the science of earth history. His success earned him the title of "founder" of the sciences of crystallography, paleontology, stratigraphy, and earth history, if not the father of geology itself.
  • 8. Steno grew up in northern Europe during the Protestant Reformation but made his mark in geology while in northern Italy, where he followed on the heels of Galileo. Steno was first and foremost a Flood geologist, who saw the earth as having a finite history dominated by creation, the flood, and coming judgment. For him there were no "prehistoric ages," for earth and man were both created during the same six- day span only a few thousand years ago.
  • 9. Although it may come as a surprise to geology students, Flood geology gave to scientists what they didn't have before -- a linear view of Earth history. Steno's geology was politically incorrect for another reason -- he incorporated intelligent design into his reasoning. He observed the remarkable similarity between the natural (inorganic) growth of crystals in the laboratory and the growth of the mineral that composes the shells of living organisms.
  • 10. Shell growth is controlled by an ordering principle, a teleonomy, by which the calcium carbonate conforms exactly to the form of the soft-bodied creature it contains; i.e., a clam shell grows in such a way as to perfectly enclose the creature inside. No such ordering principle is found in inorganically formed crystals, only repetition. When he demonstrated apparent design and purpose in fossil shells, Steno demonstrated (contrary to Aristotle) that fossils are the remains of once living organisms.
  • 11. [The interesting thing is] . . . He used intelligent design to do it. How odd that Steno is universally praised today for his accomplishments in geology, yet spurned (on two counts) for his methods of arriving at them. Steno believed a literal Genesis. *William A. Hoesch, M.S. geology, is research assistant in Geology.
  • 12. Later, the German geologist Johann Gottlob Lehmann (1719-1767) put forward the theory that certain groups of rocks tend to be associated with each other and that each layer of rock is a sort of chapter in the history of Earth.
  • 13. Thus, along with Steno, Lehmann helped pioneer the idea of the stratigraphic column . . . The man credited as the "father of stratigraphy," however, was the English engineer and geologist William Smith (1769-1839). In 1815 Smith produced the first modern geologic map, showing rock strata in England and Wales.
  • 14. Smith's achievement, . . . influenced all of geology to the present day by introducing the idea of geologic, as opposed to geographic, mapping. Furthermore, by linking stratigraphy with paleontology, a new division of stratigraphy, was created known as biostratigraphy.
  • 15. The ten strata systems that Geologists use (Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary) compose the "standard geologic column" and are claimed by many to contain the major proof of evolutionary theory.
  • 16. Several erroneous notions have been attached to the geologic column. The following are the ten most common misconceptions. On the following slides the 10 misconceptions are taken from: IMPACT No. 137 TEN MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE GEOLOGIC COLUMN By Steven A. Austin, Ph.D. ICR , PO Box 2667, El Cajon, CA 92021 Voice: (619) 448-0900 FAX: (619) 448-3469 November 1984 Copyright © 1984 All Rights Reserved
  • 17. Misconception No. 1. The geologic column was constructed by geologists who, because of the weight of the evidence that they had found, were convinced of the uniformitarian theory and organic evolution.
  • 18. It may sound surprising, but the standard geologic column was devised before 1860 by catastrophists who were creationists. Adam Sedgewick, Roderick Murchison, William Coneybeare, and others affirmed that the earth was formed largely by catastrophic processes, and that the earth and life were created.
  • 19. These men stood for careful empirical science and were not compelled to believe evolutionary speculation or side with uniformitarian theory. Although most would be called progressive creationists" in today's terminology, they would not be pleased to see all the evolutionary baggage that has been loaded onto their classification of strata.
  • 20. Misconception No. 2. Geologists composed the geologic column by assembling the "periods" and "eras" which they had recognized.
  • 21. The geologic column was not composed by assembling a chronology of "periods“ or "eras" or other supposed measures of time, but by superposition of objectively defined sequences of sedimentary strata called "systems." The "periods" and "eras" were later appended to the system classification of the "geologic Column" transforming it into a "geologic time scale."
  • 22. Misconception No. 3 The strata systems of the geologic column are worldwide in their occurrence with each strata system being present below any point on the earth's surface.
  • 23. The notion that the earth's crust has an "onion skin" structure with successive layers containing all strata systems distributed on a global scale is not an accurate representation of what actually is found. Its claims are not according to the facts.
  • 24. Data from continents and ocean basins show that the ten systems are poorly represented on a global scale: approximately 77% of the earth's surface area on land and under the sea has seven or more (70% or more) of the strata systems missing beneath;
  • 25. 94% of the earth's surface has three or more systems missing beneath; and an estimated 99.6% has at least one missing system. Only a few locations on earth (about 0.4% of its area) have been described with the succession of the ten systems beneath (west Nepal, west Bolivia, and central Poland).
  • 26. Even where the ten systems are present, geologists recognize individual systems to be incomplete. The entire geologic column, composed of complete strata systems, exists only in the diagrams!
  • 27. Misconception No. 4 Strata systems always occur in the order required by the geologic column.
  • 28. Locations are known where the order of the systems identified by geologists does not match the order of the geologic column. Strata systems are believed in some places to be inverted, repeated, or inserted where they do not belong. Overturning, overthrust faulting, or landsliding are frequently maintained as disrupting the order.
  • 29. In some locations such structural changes can be supported by physical evidence while elsewhere physical evidence of the disruption may be lacking and special pleading may be required using fossils or radiometric dating.
  • 30. Misconception No. 5 Because each strata system has distinctive lithologic composition, a newly discovered stratum can be assigned easily to its correct position in the geologic column.
  • 31. Sandstone, limestone, dolomite, shale, chert, salt, conglomerate, coal and other rock types are not diagnostic of specific strata systems. Therefore, a rock's physical appearance cannot, with certainty, distinguish the system or strata level to which a rock may belong.
  • 32. Misconception No. 6 Fossils, especially the species distinctive of specific systems, provide the most reliable method of assigning strata to their level in the geologic column.
  • 33. Bed-to-bed comparison of strata to their "system type" area is the most reliable method of assigning strata to a system. The visual information from oil well drilling, seismic surveys, and surface geologic mapping is of such character that visual subsurface comparisons of stratigraphic units of the thickness of systems is possible on a continental scale.
  • 34. Although some fossils appear to be distinctive of certain systems (most fossil taxa range through a few to several systems), care must be exercised in comparison by fossils. First, the range of location of a fossil type within the layers of strata is always open to being extended beyond its current limits as new fossils are discovered in those layers.
  • 35. Second, when an extension of a fossil's range may be required, geologists may call upon erosion (reworking fossils into younger strata or leaking fossils into older strata) and structural events (overturning or faulting strata & fossils).
  • 36. An example of the first problem is the monoplacophoran mollusk Pilina, which might otherwise be considered diagnostic of the Silurian System, except for the startling discovery that Neopilina lives today, and, therefore, would be expected in any system overlying the Silurian. Wikipedia still has this animal classified as early Cambrian to Devonian.
  • 37. For these reasons correlation by fossils must always remain tentative awaiting further confirmatory evidence from lithostratigraphy. We should look very skeptically at strata correlations which rely solely on fossils.
  • 38. Misconception No. 7 Sedimentary evidence proves that periods of millions of years duration were required to deposit individual strata systems.
  • 39. Before radiometric dating was devised, uniformitarian geologists postulated "periods" of millions of years duration to slowly deposit the strata systems. A single sedimentary lamina, or bed, was supposed by uniformitarian geologists to represent typically a year or many years duration.
  • 40. It was concluded, therefore, that multiplied thousands of lamina and beds superimposed required millions of years. Recently, however, geologists have discovered that lamina and beds form quickly on floodplains of rivers during floods, in shallow marine areas during storms, and in deep water by turbidity currents.
  • 41. The evidence of rapid sedimentation is now so easily recognized that geologists observing a strata system these days often ask where to insert the "missing time" of which the strata do not show sedimentary evidence. Catastrophism, quite naturally, is making a come-back.
  • 42. There is good reason to believe that entire strata systems, and even groups of systems, were accumulated in a hydraulic cataclysm matching the description of Noah's Flood in the Bible.
  • 43. Misconception No. 8 Radiometric dating can supply "absolute ages" in millions of years with certainty to systems of the geologic column.
  • 44. Geologists and geochronologists assert that radiometric dating verifies that individual strata systems and their strata are millions of years old. When asked to document the most reliable radiometric age dates, geologists usually point to isochronal and concordia plots which employ multiple isotopic analyses, which they claim will remove the effects of original "contaminants," and display the "age" of a rock in graphical form.
  • 45. However, we find geologists often reporting isochronal plots which are discordant with the accepted "ages" of strata systems. Frequently, these discordant isochronal plots "date" strata systems much older than even the accepted old ages customarily assigned to the systems of the geologic column.
  • 46. Geologists should be asking which, if any, of the isochronal plots should be accepted as "absolute ages," and if the discordances do not falsify the assumptions upon which radiometric dating is based. Geologists need to consider radiometric methods which indicate ages of thousands of years for strata systems, as well as general indicators supporting young age.
  • 47. Misconception No. 9 The environmental "pictures" assigned to certain portions of the geologic column allow us to accurately visualize what its "geologic ages" were like.
  • 48. Books, films and museum displays contain illustrations asking us to visualize what earlier "geologic ages" were like. These "pictures" show supposed primitive earth conditions, specific environments with sediments being slowly deposited, inferred "transitional organisms" evolving toward familiar forms, and whole communities of organisms "at home" with other organisms absent.
  • 49. Perhaps the most blatant environmental picture" has been assigned to lower Precambrian strata, formed when the earth supposedly had a reducing atmosphere and an "organic soup" in which life evolved. Yet, geologists have yet to find sedimentary evidence for the reducing atmosphere and the soup. This reminds us that accepting an environmental "picture" requires much imagination from a meager supply of facts.
  • 50. Misconception No. 10 The geologic column and the positions of fossils within the geologic column provide proof of amoeba-to-man evolution.
  • 51. All the animal phyla, including chordate fish, are now known as fossils in the Cambrian System. No ancestral forms can be found for the protozoa, arthropods, brachiopods, mollusks, bryozoans, coelenterates, sponges, annelids, echinoderms or chordates.
  • 52. These phyla appear in the fossil record fully formed and distinct, in better agreement with the concept of "multiple, abrupt beginnings" (creation) than with the notion of "descent from a common ancestor" (evolution).
  • 53. REFERENCES 1. R. Ritiand, "Historical development of the current understanding of the geologic column: part II," Origins, Vol. 9, 1982, pp. 28-47. 2. Estimated by the author using data from J. Woodmorappe, "The essential nonexistence of the evolutionary-uniformitarian geologic column: a quantitative assessment," Creation Res. Soc. Quarterly, Vol. 18, 1981, pp. 46-71. 3. D.V. Ager, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, 2nd ed. (New York: John Wiley, 1981), P. 11. 4. C. Brooks, D.E. James and S.R. Hart, "Ancient lithosphere: its role in young continental volcanism," Science, Vol. 193, 1976, pp. 1086-1094. 5. R.V. Gentry, et al., "Radiohalos in coalified wood: new evidence relating to the time of uranium introduction and coalification," Science, Vol. 194, 1976, pp. 315-318. 6. S.A. Austin, "Did the early earth have a reducing atmosphere?" ICR Impact 109, July 1982, 4 pp.
  • 54. From where did the Earth’s strata and fossils come?
  • 55.
  • 56. What are fossils? A fossil is a remnant of a biological or botanical organism (skeleton, leaf, even the skin of an animal) which has been preserved by immediate burial with sediment at the time of “death” or as the cause of “death” with extreme amounts of pressure applied to the organism being buried.
  • 57. A Creation Seminar by Mark Woodson Mark Woodson P.O. Box 226 Terra Ceia, FL. 34520 (941)737-0279 e-mail:
  • 58. Claims of the Evolutionary Geology 1. The strata of the earth were laid down layer upon layer over billions of years. 2. Each stratum contains fossils indigenous to that era because each sedimentary layer caused the fossilization of the creatures it contains and each new layer contains more advanced life forms than the last. 3. Radiometric & other forms of dating prove an old age for earth’s strata. 4. Uniformitarianism accounts for all geologic formations & fossils.
  • 59. Claims of the Evolutionary Geology 1. The strata of the earth were laid down layer upon layer over billions of years.
  • 60. Claims of the Evolutionary Geology Evolutionary geologists claim that these laminat lines are the result of yearly deposits of debris building up over billions of years. Each of these lines are part of a group of lines within a certain stratum.
  • 61. As mentioned earlier, while discussing geo- chronometers - about 3,650,000 tons of meteoric dust accumulates on the earth every year. Scientists claim that this is one of the sources of the debris which formed Earth’s strata. Other sources are recycled matter from seismic events, such as volcanoes, plate tectonics and localized floods. These events laid sedimentary layers which hardened over time and formed our strata.
  • 62. The biggest issues evolutionists must address by adopting this belief of stratum formation are: 1. Would it take billions of years of volcanoes, plate tectonics and localized floods, to form the layers of sediments into the strata we have today? 2. Are there valid Geo-Chronometers offering justification for their “billions of years” hypothesis?
  • 63. 1. Why would it take billions of years of volcanoes, plate tectonics and localized floods, to form the layers of sediments into the stratum we have today? Truth is, many geologists know it would NOT take billions of years to form these geologic formations. Geologists developed the geologic column as an arrangement of the Earth’s strata, according to the various fossils which they contained. Because of this, these strata are represented as forming over the billions of years to agre with biological evolution.
  • 64.
  • 65. Geologist take dates for their From the fossils strata . . . they contain Paleontologists from the strata they are found in. take dates for their fossils . . .
  • 66. Geologist take dates for their From the fossils strata . . . they contain Paleontologists from the strata they are found in. take dates for their fossils.
  • 67. Geologists take dates for their From the fossils strata . . . they contain So let’s look again. Paleontologists from the strata they are found in. take dates for their fossils.
  • 68. Geologic dates are obtained . . . from fossils dates. And, fossil dates from geologic dates. are obtained . . .
  • 69. 2. Geo-Chronometers offering proof of billions of years? This will be discussed later . . .
  • 70. Claims of the Evolutionary Geology 2. Each stratum contains fossils indigenous to that era because each sedimentary layer caused the fossilization of the creatures it contains and each new layer contains more advanced life forms than the last.
  • 71. 1. A smooth transition from simple to advanced life forms is not found in the geological column. 2. Fossilization does not happen over long periods of time – that would be decay.
  • 72. This smooth transition from “simple” (by which they could only mean smaller), to more advanced horses is NOT found in this order in the fossil record!
  • 74. The previous method of fossilizaton works for creatures who have a hard exoskeleton, for soft bodied organisms immediate burial is required.
  • 75. Remember A fossil . . . has been preserved by immediate burial of sediment at the time of death or as the cause of death with extreme amounts of pressure applied to the organism being buried.
  • 76. Bones of soft-bodied organisms may survive a slow burial and fossilization, but that is because bones and teeth are already partially mineralized while the creature was alive. However, this method tells us little about the organism and usually the bones are scattered by scavengers.
  • 77. There are over 20 differing versions of the geologic column. None of which can actually be found anywhere on Earth. These columns differ in stratum arrangements as well as fossil placement.
  • 78. Ager stated that, “We are only kidding ourselves if we think that we have anything like a complete succession for any part of the strati graphical column in any one place.” In, Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 1, June 1981, pp. 46-71.
  • 79. Claims of the Evolutionary Geology 3. Radiometric & other forms of dating prove an old age for earth’s strata.
  • 80. What is Radiometric Dating? Radiometric dating is a term used for a grouping of tests, utilized by evolutionary scientists, in an attempt to establish a likely date of death, burial, petrifaction, stratification and/or fossilization for either organic or inorganic things.
  • 81. The following list is of the more well- known radiometric dating methods: 1. Carbon14 or C14 dating. 2. Uranium - Lead, Potassium - Argon, Rubidium - Strontium, Thorium - Protactinium Lead - Lead . . .etc.
  • 82. 1. C 14 dating created by W.F. Libby is based on evolutionary assumptions which cause miscalculations.
  • 83. Libby’s formula was based on the presupposition that the atmosphere had already reached a state of complete C 14 saturation. Meaning that the earth was losing as much C14 due to radioactive decay as it was gaining new C 14 in the upper atmosphere.
  • 84. Libby had calculated that the earth should reach the state of C14 saturation 30-50 thousand years following it’s natural production in our atmosphere. Since he also “knew” the earth to be much older than this, he created a formula which conformed to those parameters.
  • 85. Now, Carbon-14, is a radioactive isotope of carbon discovered February 27, 1940, by Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben. Its Nucleus contains 6 protons and 8 neutrons. Its presence in organic materials is used in radiocarbon dating.
  • 86. It occurs naturally and has a relative abundance up to 0.00000000012%. That is approximately 1 atmospheric atom of Carbon 14 to every 1 trillion atmospheric atoms. The half-life of carbon-14 is 5,730 years. It decays into nitrogen-14 through beta-decay.
  • 87. Carbon-14 is produced in the upper layers of the troposphere and the stratosphere by thermal neutrons absorbed by nitrogen atoms.
  • 88. The only things which can be carbon 14 dated are biological or botanical matter or things formed by these – such as coal, which is formed by plant matter.
  • 89. This is because carbon 14 is a gas and is literally “breathed-in” by plants, animals and humans. Rocks don’t breath and liquids do not retain gasses for long periods of time so C14 dating does not work for these items.
  • 90. The only way this could be measured in order to obtain a date is to have a constant. In this case, the constant MUST be a constant amount of C 14 in the atmosphere which does not increase or decrease.
  • 91. This would allow us to measure the amount of C14 still present in remains against that in the atmosphere.
  • 92. Using this figure against the decay rate of C14 offers a reliable date of death – but only if the atmosphere has reached a state of equilibrium concerning C14 saturation.
  • 93. For evolutionists there is a perceived second problem - the organism tested has to have died no more than 100,000 years ago, because current instruments cannot detect C 14 in very low concentrations, which is what you would have IF the remains were that old.
  • 94. This presents a genuine problem for evolutionists because C14 is measurable and in the same concentration throughout the entire coal seam dated by geology as 30-300 million years ago!
  • 95. Diamonds are usually said to be the oldest of formations on earth. Yet they contain measurable amounts of Carbon 14!
  • 96. Now, due to the density and hardness of diamonds, they are nearly impossible to contaminate with outside elements meaning that these “oldest” of precious stones, are younger than 100,000 years at most!
  • 97. Lee, Robert E., in an article called, “Radiocarbon, Ages in Error” “The troubles of the radiocarbon dating method are undeniably deep and serious. Despite 35 years of technological refinement and better understanding, the underlying assumptions have been strongly challenged, and warnings are out that radiocarbon may soon find itself in a crisis situation.”
  • 98. “Continuing use of the method depends on a “fix-it-as-we-go” approach, allowing for contamination here, fractionation there, and calibration whenever possible. It should be no surprise, then, that fully half of the dates are rejected. The wonder is, surely, that the remaining half come to be accepted.”
  • 99. The following are some examples of Carbon 14 dating which are FAR MORE common than evolutionary geologists would like you to think.
  • 100. 1) Coal from Russia was said to be 300 million years old, however, tests yielded a date of 1,680 years old. A mere 299,998,320 year difference. 2) Natural gas from Alabama, supposedly from the Cretaceous Period (50 million years old), when C14 dated, showed an age of 30,000 years.
  • 101. 3) Another natural gas sample from Mississippi, dated by geologists as being from the Eocene period 135 million years old, dated as only 34,000 years by C14 dating. 4) A Sabre-toothed tiger from the La Brea tar pits geologically dated @ 100,000 million years old and by C14 dating gave an age of only 28,000 years.
  • 102. 5) A freshly killed seal showed that it had died 1,300 years ago. 6) Living mollusk shells were dated at 2,300 years. 7) Living snails showed death dates of 27,000 years ago.
  • 103. “No matter how ‘useful’ it is, though, the radiocarbon method is still not capable of yielding accurate and reliable results. There are gross discrepancies, the chronology is uneven and relative, and the accepted dates are actually selected dates.” Lee, Robert E., in an article called, “Radiocarbon, Ages in Error” Anthropological Journal of Canada, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1981, pp. 9, 29 (Assistant Editor)
  • 104. 2. Uranium - Lead Potassium - Argon, Rubidium - Strontium, Thorium - Protactinium . . . etc. All of these have severe mathematical errors and reflect evolutionary bias.
  • 105. What are Potassium Argon & Uranium Lead dating? Both are quite similar to the C14 dating method, only they utilize some different elements to do the same thing. These other methods are important because C14 dating only works on once living biological or botanical matter, or trapped natural gasses, where as Potassium-Argon and Uranium-Lead methods are used for dating rock sediments.
  • 106. Assumptions of Radiometric Dating 1. It’s a Closed System. 2. No original “daughter” atoms were present. In the case of Potassium-Argon dating it is important than no original Argon-40 was in the sedimentary rock previous to the decay of Potassium-40. This would cause much older dates to be detected than actually occurred.
  • 107. 3. No Laboratory errors. 4. No variations from the same sample. 5. Results have not been altered due to the presence of pressure or heat.
  • 108. What’s Wrong with These Forms of Dating? Potassium-Argon dating relies upon the presence of igneous rocks (cooled, molten rock) or volcanic ash in the stratum directly above the fossils. This is interesting in that scientists admit that the presence of intense heat during the fossilization process will cause major miscalculations in the fossil date.
  • 109. Some of Potassium-Argon and Uranium-Lead embarrassing dates. 1)Tree roots in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, were fossilized in seconds in 1973 when a high voltage power line fell to the ground. When scientists where asked what the result of Potassium-Argon testing these roots would be, they said, the tests would show them to be millions of years old, due to the intense heat involved in their petrification process.11
  • 110. 2) Hawaiian Lava flows, known to be less than 200 years old, were dated at 3 billion years old by Potassium-Argon dating!12 3) The famous Australopithecus found in Ethiopia, Potassium-Argon dated at approximately 2 million years old. When mammal bones where C14 tested within the same deposit, instead of acquiring a date of 50,000 yrs., which is the top end of the C14 method, it offered a date of 15,500 years.13
  • 111. Claims of the Evolutionary Geologic Column 4. Uniformitarianism accounts for all geologic formations & fossils.
  • 112. Modern seismic events fail to demonstrate that long periods of time are necessary to form: • Fossils • Large geologic formations • Stratification • Petrification • . . . or any other major geologic changes.
  • 113. A Creation Seminar by Mark Woodson Mark Woodson P.O. Box 226 Terra Ceia, FL. 34520 (941)737-0279 e-mail:
  • 114. Claims of Flood Geology 1. The strata of the earth were laid down quickly during the global flood mentioned in the Bible. 2. Flood geology explains why we find what we actually find in the geologic column. 3. Young earth known by presence of Pleochroic halos in the granites of the Earth. 4. Catastrophism explains the creation of geological formations.
  • 115. Claims of the Flood Geology 1. The strata of the earth were laid down quickly during the global flood mentioned in the Bible. & 4. Catastrophism explains the creation of geological formations.
  • 116. Mt. Saint Helens offered us a unique chance to test flood geology in action
  • 117. Among the last pictures ever taken of Mt. Saint Helens – the morning of May 18, 1980
  • 119. Subsequent volcanic ash eruptions in March and April.
  • 121. This photograph shows the directions of geological shifting, plus the conditions just prior to eruption.
  • 122. Landslide material stripped these trees and washed them down into Spirit Lake
  • 123.
  • 125. An entire forest of trees like toothpicks all over the lake and surrounding area.
  • 126. Spirit Lake after the landslide
  • 127. These are some of the trees washed out into Spirit Lake
  • 128. Many, many trees were washed out into Spirit Lake.
  • 129. . . . and more trees!
  • 130. Production of a Log Mat
  • 131. Movement of Log Mat In the Morning Two hours later
  • 132. Examination of the progression of the catastrophe.
  • 133. This is stage 1 One or two seconds into the landslide event.
  • 134. Landslide and beginning of the steam blast
  • 135. This is a diagram of the 3 stages of mountain debris.
  • 136. A few seconds later onto stage two.
  • 137. Still less than a minute later it is onto the 3rd stage.
  • 139. This is just the first few seconds of the eruption.
  • 140. This is an aerial shot of the eruption, during its first few seconds.
  • 141. This is an Satellite shot 43 minutes after the eruption.
  • 143. A City in Washington
  • 144. This is an outline of the original summit.
  • 145. This is close-up of the outline the summit.
  • 146.
  • 147. Overview of the altered terrain.
  • 151.
  • 152. Bow Your heavens, O LORD, and come down: touch the mountains, and they will smoke. Psalm 144:5
  • 153. After 9 hours of seismic events Mt. Saint Helens resembles a 1/40th scale model of the Grand Canyon!
  • 154. Following the May 18th eruption of 1980, there were five subsequent eruptions that year plus a large seismic event worthy of note on March 19th 1982. Each was preceded by distinct bursts of seismic activity (harmonic tremor). May 25th June 12th July 22nd August 7th October 16th March 19th 1982 For our purposes we will only be looking closely at three of them. Those of May 18th & June 12th 1980, and that of March 19th 1982.
  • 155. The following are just a few of the astounding geological alterations which were made by there separate seismic events all of which when added together took less than a few days.
  • 156. Some Before and After Pictures of the Forests.
  • 159. In ascending order there were three separate flows which left these deposits. The first is the air fall deposit from the May 18th eruption of 1980. The second, is the Pyroclastic or Pumice flow deposit from the June 12th, 1980 The third, is the Mudflow deposit of March 19th, 1982.
  • 160. May 18th 1980 The air fall deposit of May 18th,1980 was laid down as a result of the major eruption of volcanic ash.
  • 161. The ash spewed from the mountain for 9 hours in a huge ongoing eruption depositing, in some areas up to 100’ of air fall material in layered strata formation.
  • 162. As these photos graphically demonstrate, there were some areas close to the mountain where the landslide material covered the terrain in 100’ of dirt and ash first, only to be covered by an additional 100’ of air fall ash, leaving a total of 200’ of deposit just from the eruption of May 18th.
  • 163. Steam Explosion Pit There were secondary steam explosions caused by the glacier summit ice cap being immediately buried under 550 degrees of volcanic ash. It actually took 5 days for this ice to escape as steam which formed enormous steam explosion pits near the south west corner of Spirit Lake. Some of the fantastic aspects of this event was the rapid formation of reel and gully topography. These pits are125’ deep, 2,300’ long and 1,000’ wide. After settling, the pit is now 100’ deep with 25’ of ash deposits filling the bottom.
  • 164. Steam Explosion Pit This reverse angled picture was taken in June after cooling and shows the pit now containing 25’ of deposit. This topography has many features in common with the badlands of South Dakota or the desert terrain in the South West United States. Evolutionary Geology teaches that only hundreds of thousands of years of reel and gully erosion can form this topography. Yet it happened before our eyes quickly (within 5 days) by steam pressure opening a hole into which deposits fell by gravity.
  • 165. The June 12th eruption (which was the third eruption) was almost entirely a magmatic eruption. Now Magmatic eruptions are lacking in high silica and water content and are not explosive. This eruption flowed out onto the earth’s surface as a lava flow at about 140 miles per hour.
  • 166. Pumice is a unique product of magmatic eruptions. It is a frothy volcanic rock formed by the expansion of gases such as steam in erupting lava. Because it is laced with bubbles, it can be very light and even float on water. It can have so many bubbles, it will be mere froth. It’s heat, density and force driving the eruption can cause many different degrees of destruction from very little to catastrophic.
  • 167. On June 12th, 1980, hurricane velocity (2x’s highway speed) surging pryoclastic flows deposited 25’ of minutely layered strata in hours. It was thought that such a flow would leave behind a homogenized mess of hardened material, but instead thinly layered strata were laid down!
  • 168. Over the years, several lava domes have Arial Views formed on Mt. Saint Helens. These lava domes were formed by lava being forced up the neck of the volcano like toothpaste from a tube. As it oozed out and was exposed to the atmosphere, it cooled, cracked and settled into previous cracks in the surface forming this dome.
  • 169. October 10th 1980 Steam and ash plume rises over Mount St. Helens' east crater rim. This is the calm before the storm. The eruption occurred 6 days later. USGS Photograph taken on October 10, 1980, by Lyn Topinka.
  • 170. October 18th 1980 On October 18, 1980 following the eruption of the 16th, a new dome started growing. This dome was 112 feet high and 985 feet wide, making it taller than a nine-story building and wider than the length of three football fields. This aerial view is from the north. This dome was not the first dome to grow in the crater. In June and August 1980, two domes formed, only to be blasted away by the explosive events of July 22 and October 16. USGS Photograph taken on October 24, 1980, by Terry Leighley, Scandia Labs.
  • 171. The lava dome is 1,000’ high and a few thousand feet in diameter (taller than a 30 story building). It acts like a liquid cork which solidifies, and thus bottles up the neck of the volcano. There have been 6 lava domes which have built up since 1980.
  • 172. For two years the whole upper drainage basin of the Toutle River remained blocked by 3/8ths of a cubic mile of landslide material from the initial moments of May 18th effectively damming it up and cutting it off from the Pacific Ocean. The blockage was then removed by a subsequent mud flow on March 19th 1982.
  • 173. An explosive eruption on March 19, 1982, sent pumice and ash 9 miles into the air, and resulted in a lahar (the dark deposit on the snow) flowing from the crater into the North Fork Toutle River valley. Part of the lahar entered Spirit Lake (lower left corner) but most of the flow went west down the Toutle River, breeching the blockage and eventually reaching the Cowlitz River, 50 miles downstream.
  • 174. This mudflow very quickly gouged out canyons with tree branching drainage patterns of incredible complexity. Part of the drainage basin formed in the Spirit Lake area. These newly formed canyons include a complexity of features such as a flat gully-headed side canyon, a cup- shaped side canyon, and a snaking pattern.
  • 175. A system of 5 canyons come together here some of which are over 100’ deep and was all essentially done in a single day.
  • 176. A system of 5 canyons come together here some of which are over 100’ deep and was all essentially done in a single day.
  • 177. All of these laminate lines are supposed to take at lest one year each to form, and these all formed in hours!
  • 178.
  • 179. All of these laminate lines are supposed to take at lest one year each to form, and these all formed in hours!
  • 180. All of these laminate lines are supposed to take at lest one year each to form, and these all formed in hours!
  • 181. Another catastrophic result of the mudflow. Mud Flow Markers Middle of Mud Flow Edge of Mud Flow
  • 182. Mud Flow Markers Middle of Mud Flow Edge of Mud Flow This valley was filled ¼ mile wide to 30’ deep in mud scouring the entire area down to bedrock. By the time the mudflow subsided it deposited 15’ of mud sediment.
  • 183. Another interesting outcome of the Mt. Saint Helens eruptions has been both the complete and partial validation of hypothesis’ held by Flood Geologists as to the formation of Fossil Forests and coal beds.
  • 184. Steven Austin had speculated that an event such as those which washed the forest into Spirit lake, might produce, fossilized forests, non-indigenous fossilized forests and peat for natural coal production.
  • 185. Traditional evolutionary thinking would say that the trees grew at different times and were subsequently buried, thus demonstrating the geologic ages of their existence.
  • 186. Well, what did we find?
  • 187. For every log which had some vertical orientation, there was a corresponding number of “waterlogged” ends, under the water, holding them upright. Above the water Under the water
  • 188. Evolutionary Geologists have conclusively stated that what you are seeing here could never happen. These tree stumps were redeposited miles away from their original location. Just like the petrified stumps of non-indigenous trees in Yellowstone National Park.
  • 189. As far as a layer of peak for future coal formation the bottom of Spirit lake is covered in the partially decomposing bark which was stripped off of the trees by the scouring wave caused by the landslide material of May 18th . No Bark!
  • 190. These are fossilized trees from the Yellowstone National Park.
  • 191. August 7th 1980 During the May 18, 1980 eruption, at least 17 separate pyroclastic flows descended the flanks of Mount St. Helens. Pyroclastic flows typically move at speeds of over 60 miles per hour (100 kilometers/hour) and reach temperatures of over 800 Degrees Fahrenheit (400 degrees Celsius). Photographed here, a pyroclastic flow from the August 7, 1980 eruption stretches from Mount St. Helens' crater to the valley floor below. USGS Photograph taken on August 7, 1980, by Peter W. Lipman.
  • 193. July 22nd 1980 This eruption sent pumice and ash 6 to 11 miles into the air, and was visible in Seattle, Washington, 100 miles to the north. The view here is from the south. USGS Photograph taken on July 22, 1980, by Mike Doukas.
  • 194. Evolutionary geologists have been rethinking the idea of the Colorado River carving out the Grand Canyon over millions of years. It has appeared, more and more that massive seismic events (including flooding) causing a quick catastrophic change is more likely and more consistent with the evidences. Also, the fact that this Satellite photography (color enhanced) show an elevation of 8-9,000’ above sea level on northern plateau and 7,000’ on the southern (arrow), make the canyon’s formation through that region via a small river very difficult, since water flows downhill.
  • 195. On a personal note, anyone who could think that a narrow, single directional river could flow upstream and carve out a canyon this enormous is certifiable!
  • 197. Remember A fossil . . . has been preserved by immediate burial of sediment at the time of death or as the cause of death with extreme amounts of pressure applied to the organism being buried. Flood geology alone provides these conditions!
  • 198. Claims of the Flood Geology 2. Flood geology explains why we find what we actually find in the geologic column.
  • 199. Claims of the Flood Geology 3. Young age of the Earth known by presence of Pleochroic halos in the granites of the Earth.
  • 200. We gave many reasons for a young Earth earlier, but even the appearance of age is addressed in the Bible as being superficial.
  • 201. Within the first week of creation, oceans were full of life, trees were full grown with fruit already on them and man was already an adult.
  • 202. “For this they willfully forget: that by the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. . .”II Peter 3:5,6.
  • 203. world - Greek word, kosmos, which means the orderly arrangement, adorning, world. perished - Greek word, apollumi, which means To destroy fully, loose, mar, perish.
  • 204. This section on Flood Geology is covered in depth in Part 5b: Noah’s Ark & Flood Geology.