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Предлагаем Вам 397-й выпуск электронной рассылки для кыргызстанских выпускников программ
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Сегодня 11 апреля 2012 г. В этом выпуске:


     2012. DEADLINE: APRIL 20, 2012



                                            ANNOUNCEMENTS/ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ:


     The first annual conference of the Central Asian Studies Institute at AUCA initiated discussion on the state of
     scholarship on and in Central Asia. The second conference continues a discourse on how we make sense of the
     region by taking the alleged boundary between “formal” and “informal” Central Asia as a starting point. As the
     terms themselves are being hotly debated elsewhere, this conference firstly encourages scholars to look at the
     nature, scale and legitimacy of such a binary division. It then calls for the deeper analysis of “formal” and
     “informal” institutions and identities, which are believed to be of key importance in understanding the processes
     of socio-political and cultural transformation in the region. How have the Central Asian states succeeded in
     establishing themselves as legitimate power institutions? How should one account for the variations and
     similarities among Central Asian states and societies in the development of state and non-state institutions and
in the construction of their national and local identities? To what extent do the family and kinship based socio-
     cultural identities remain important in determining the politics in the region? Whether and how have the twenty
     years of independent statehood transformed regional institutions and identities, and what are the implications for
     the years to come? Finally, if the concepts of “formal” and “informal” are questioned, what other alternative
     discourses can be employed to create richer and more complex understanding of the region?

     The Central Asian Studies Institute aims to bring together scholars from various disciplines whose active
     research projects address these and related issues. The conference will take place at the American University of
     Central Asia on September 28-29, 2012. CASI will have a limited number of travel grants. Applicants who need
     travel assistance should additionally submit a short online form available at

     We encourage both paper and panel submissions. The paper proposals should include a) a 500-word outline of
     the proposed paper, with a clear title, and b) a short biographical note of the author. Panel proposals should
     ideally include three papers and have a clearly formulated panel theme. CASI aims to publish the conference
     materials, so full papers (4,500-6,000 words) will need to be submitted before the conference.

     Conference Timeline:

         •    April 25, 2012 – early deadline for proposals (priority will be given to these applicants in consideration
              for travel grants)
         •    May 14, 2012 – regular deadline for proposals
         •    May 29, 2012 – notification of acceptance
         •    September 01, 2012 – submission of full papers
         •    September 28-29, 2012 – conference at AUCA, Bishkek

     All proposals and queries should be addressed to For more about AUCA and the Institute,
     please visit us at and

     2012. DEADLINE: APRIL 20, 2012

     Organizational Committee of TFCA 2012 is pleased to invite NGO professional staff, volunteers, educators,
     entrepreneurs and social media enthusiasts living and working in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
     Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan to participate in Tech Forum Central Asia (TFCA 2012) in
     Almaty, Kazakhstan, on June 14-16, 2012.

     What is Tech Forum Central Asia (TFCA 2012)?

     Jointly sponsored by the U.S. Mission to Kazakhstan, Civil Alliance, and KIMEP, TFCA 2012 is a high-tech,
     interactive social entrepreneurship forum. It will bring together over 100 highly-motivated young participants,
     from throughout South and Central Asia and provide the training and strategic planning needed to positively use
     technology to better their communities. This interactive workshop will get leading American and international
     technology experts working with entrepreneurs, educators, NGOs and social media enthusiasts to find effective,
     low-cost ways to address real social problems through technology.

     How does TFCA 2012 work?

     This is not a typical technology camp. Participants will work in small groups and directly with American and local
     technology experts in sessions designed to show how to apply new, online technologies to recruit members,
     fundraise for their missions, build organizational capacity, map strategic data, use and design mobile apps, use
     distance education technology and much more. TFCA will be conducted in Russian and English only.

     When is the deadline for application?

     April 20, 2012.

     How much does participation cost?

     If selected, there is no cost to TFCA participants.

     For additional information and application form please contact Viktoriya Davletkildeyeva, project coordinator at
     +8 7172 94 80 73 or email: media@civilsociety


     IREX Washington DC is pleased to announce an exciting online learning opportunity exclusively for Muskie
     alumni. On Tuesday, April 24 at 11:00 am Washington, D.C. time, the IREX Muskie team will host an online
     webinar conversation with Arthur (Art) Smith. Art is currently the President of Management Analysis Incorporated
(MAI), a consulting firm which specializes in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) related issues and is the
     Chairman of the International Institute at the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP). Please
     see his attached biography for more information. The session will cover:

         •      What a public private partnership (PPP) is
         •      Examples of PPPs in America
         •      Advantages of a PPP
         •      Benefits and challenges of PPPs
         •      PPPs in the context of the former Soviet Union

     Mr. Smith will also answer alumni and current Muskie fellow questions about public-private partnerships and his
     professional experiences. Webinar participants will be able to pose questions through a chat function in the
     online classroom space, hosted on WizIQ. In order to participate, please register for a free account at On Tuesday, April 24, click on this link:
     private-partnerships-with-art-smith to log-in to your WizIQ account and join the conversation online.

     Art Smith Bibliography:

     Arthur Smith joined MAI in 1977, shortly after the company’s formation. In 1995, after 18 years of service, he
     became President of the firm. Mr. Smith is an expert in OMB Circular A-76 competitions and Public-Private
     Partnerships (PPP). Mr. Smith has served as Project Manager of over 100 A-76 studies, totaling more than
     20,000 FTE, and is a frequent speaker, writer, and trainer on A-76 and FAIR Act related issues. He has served
     as an expert witness in A-76 related litigation, and supported OMB in the development of the current Circular.
     Mr. Smith has also been actively involved in the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP) since
     1999. He is currently serving a two-year term as Chairman of NCPPP’s Board of Directors, and has served as
     President, Vice President, and Director.

     Mr. Smith has been active in United Nations PPP programs since 2001, and was named by the State
     Department as a U.S. representative to the United National Economic Commission for Europe’s (UNECE) Team
     of Specialists, where in February 2008, the member countries elected him Vice-Chair.

     Mr. Smith was a primary author of the UNECE’s publication, “Governance in Public-Private Partnerships for
     Infrastructure", and recently led an international team of consultants on a UNECE-funded “Comparative Review
     of Public-Private Partnerships in Market and Transition Economies.”

     Earlier, Mr. Smith provided analysis in support of the Czech government’s voucher privatization program, and
     managed a USAID-funded project to identify the costs of potable water production in Albania. He has PPP
     experience on five continents and is the author of more than 30 PPP articles published in six languages. He is a
     frequent lecturer on PPPs for organizations such as the United Nations, Asian Development Bank Institute, and
     International Law Institute. Mr. Smith holds an M.S. in Technology Management from the University of Maryland.


     Презентация первой книги о йоге кыргызстанским автором и учителем йоги из Лондона, Ольги
     Тарабашкинойю Первая книга о йоге в Кыргызстане «Секретные Файлы: Ваши Таланты»

     Раскройте Секреты Великих.

     Признание, Творчество, Уверенность, Любовь, Выразительность, Интуиция, Безграничность и Магнетизм

     Где, когда: 12 апреля, АУЦА, CH-1, 17.00

     «Это революционно новый взгляд на йогу и вашу жизнь. Технология трансформации не имеет аналогов.»
     Анастасия К.
     «Эта книга дает вам возможность жить новой жизнью, той которую вы заслуживаете.» Ольга С.

     Презентация пройдет в форме урока-лекции. Урок служит целям знакомства с уникальной технологией
     Кундалини йоги, потому йога – это исключительно опыт.

     О Книге:

     В своей книге Ольга делится секретной и уникальной технологии Кундалини йоги и личной практикой
     йоги. Эта ее первая книга из цикла «Йога на Все Случаи Жизни», и ее можно с уверенностью причислить
     в книгам-выручалочкам, которая способна дать совет и помочь во всех ситуациях. Новые привычки и
     новое практическое мышление, которое помогает развивать йога приводит к изменениям в жизни, чтобы
     мы могли жить, лучше, счастливее и здоровее.
     Ольга показывает, что йога – это технология самой жизни, и рассказывает очень много о способах
     интеграции йоги и техник дыхания, медитации и контроля ума в повседневных ситуациях. Ольга
     предлагает новый способ раскрыть таланты и воспользоваться скрытыми резервуарами внутренней
силы, уверенности, интуиции, творчества и безлимитности. Вы узнаете о себе то, что поможет жить вам
     той, жизнью которой вы всегда хотели жить.

     Об Ольге:

     Ольга живет в Лондоне и Индии, где у нее есть свой центр йоги, в Лондоне она преподает как на русском
     так и на английском. Теперь она приехала на родину на пол-года для того, чтобы поделиться и
     распространить технологию Кундалини йоги, которой поистине нет равных, это «матерь всех йог».
     Ольга выросла в Кыргызстане. Последние 5 лет она провела в Англии, часто путешествуя и живя в
     Индии, где она прошла все тренинги по Хатха и Кундалини йоге. В Лондоне, у нее была успешная
     карьера, но она поняла, что преподавать и работать, помогать людям раскрыть свои силы и мудрость –
     это именно то, чем она хочет заниматься. Она посвятила себя йоге и писательской работе, йога помогла
     Ольге раскрыть ее таланты, о которых она не подозревала, теперь книга – это ее подарок невероятных
     знаний кыргызстанцам.

     Это ее честь и невероятная радость быть здесь и сейчас и помочь через Кундалинийогу восстановить
     здоровье, настроить свои умы и вибрации на переход в новое время. Технология йоги была дана как
     средство, как путь, подготовки и трансформации к этим новым временам. Это серьезное и испытательное
     время, которое будет проверять нас всех напрочность, и в первую очередь нашу психическую, нервную и
     железную системы. Для успешного перехода – Кундалини йога является технологией. Потому что мир и
     планета меняется слишком быстро, надо успеть и всем нам.
     Ольга планирует регулярно возвращаться и обучать новое поколение учителей йоги – учителей эпохи

     Ольга о Кундалини йоге: «Нет ничего более совершенного чем технологии по трансформации привычек,
     мыслей и энергий в теле чем Кундалини йога. Кундалини йога – это тот стиль и тот путь, который
     помогает изменить жизнь если вы этого хотите.»
     «Кундалини йога – это путь воина, но это не путь войны. Это путь понимания, не отрицания себя и мира
     вокруг. Кундалини йога – это алхимия, и все кто ею занимается хоть сколько-то часов в неделю
     прибавляют много лет молодости и счастья в свою и жизни других людей.»
     «Кундалини йога восстанавливает нормальную функцию нервной и железной систем, стимулирует работу
     гипофиза и шишковидной железы, которые восстанавливают здоровую вибрацию тела и жизненных
     органов. В Кундалини йоге все упражнения, дыхательные упражнения и медитации построены под
     определленными углами для того чтобы органы стимулировались и железы восстановили нормальную
     естественную секрецию. Кундалини йога – уникальная система исцеления и профилактики, которой нет

     Приходите и сами попробуйте!

     Лучше один раз попробовать, что такое Кундалини йога, а лучше всего прочитать книгу! Все в ней! Все
     секреты раскрыты! Вы должны знать все!

                                               VACANCIES / ВАКАНСИИ:


     IREX seeks a Deputy Chief of Party to assist in managing a USAID-funded Collaborative Governance Program
     in Kyrgyzstan. The purpose of this project is to foster effective collaboration between civil society and the
     government of Kyrgyzstan to deliver services, resulting in a more responsive and accountable government and a
     credible, sustainable civil society. The program will be composed of three components:

          •    Promotion of Government Support for Social Procurements
          •    Capacity Building Support
          •    Civic Advocacy and Government Oversight

     Eligibility:   Citizens of Kyrgyzstan preferred. The position is contingent on funding.

     Duties & Responsibilities:

          •    Assist the COP in overseeing all components of the program
          •    Provide expertise in Kyrgyzstan’s civil society sector and other stakeholders
          •    Assist the COP in monitoring, evaluation and reporting functions
          •    Leadership and management of program staff
          •    Management of Kyrgyzstan’s partner organizations and international and Kyrgyz consultants
          •    Qualifications
          •    Technical expertise in governance, social service provision, or civil society capacity building and
               networking, civic advocacy or government support projects required.
•     Familiarity with the political, social, economic and cultural context of Kyrgyzstan.
          •     At least five years of experience managing and implementing multi-component, donor-funded
                programs, including budget management.
          •     Demonstrated ability to effectively manage and mentor staff.
          •     Strong interpersonal skills and demonstrated pro-active approach to problem solving.
          •     Ability to function professionally and effectively in verbal and written English, Kyrgyz, and Russian
                required. Other relevant language skills such as Uzbek or Tajik highly desirable.

     Application Instructions

     Please click on the "Apply for this job" button and supply a resume and a cover letter with your application at



     IREX seeks an Education Specialist for a USAID-funded Collaborative Governance Program in Kyrgyzstan. The
     purpose of this project is to foster effective collaboration between civil society and the government of Kyrgyzstan
     to deliver services, resulting in a more responsive and accountable government and a credible, sustainable civil
     society. The Education Specialist will focus on the creation of a university level curriculum which will provide
     training for a professional workforce that is going to assume leadership and management roles within Civil
     Society Organizations (CSOs).

     Eligibility:   Citizens of Kyrgyzstan preferred

     The position is contingent on funding.

     Duties & Responsibilities:

          •     Work with the program team to ensure the project achieves projected results
          •     Provide technical and managerial support to the program team
          •     Assist in developing annual work plans
          •     Assess the relevance of current post-secondary curriculum to the capacity building needs of individuals
                seeking employment in the local non-profit sector and conduct market research of its workforce needs.
          •     Engage the Ministry of Education to understand better the workforce needs of civil society employers
                and nonprofit marketplace for employment
          •     Develop and engage a consortium of universities (including those located outside of Bishkek) to support
                the establishment of a curriculum relevant to a civil society workforce that can be sustained through
          •     Qualifications
          •     Minimum 5 years experience with working on capacity building with civil society organizations and
                curriculum development
          •     Experience designing or reformatting university level courses such as non-profit accounting, NGO law,
                civic activism, human rights, public health, or other relevant courses
          •     Experience working with Ministries of Education in establishing standards for a baccalaureate program
          •     Experience working on donor-funded programming required, USAID preferred
          •     Advanced degree preferred in International Development, or other relevant fields
          •     Ability to function professionally and effectively in verbal and written English and Kyrgyz or Russian
          •     Motivated self-starter
          •     Able to work effectively in a professional team

     Application Instructions

     Please click on the "Apply for this job" button and supply a resume and a cover letter with your application at



     IREX seeks a Finance & Grants Manager for a USAID-funded Collaborative Governance Program in Kyrgyzstan.
     The Finance & Grants Manager will support the Chief of Party in meeting program objectives and will be
     responsible for oversight of project finances and grant-making activities.

     ELIGIBILITY:      Citizens of Kyrgyzstan preferred
The position is contingent on funding.

     Duties & Responsibilities:

         •    Assure that the program meets all IREX, USAID and Government of Kyrgyzstan requirements relative
              to USAID funds accountability and operations within Kyrgyzstan
         •    Negotiate agreements with sub-grantees and subcontractors, and provide financial managing and
              monitoring of agreements
         •    Provide finance support to grantees as necessary
         •    Ensure that all procurement is in compliance with U.S. government regulations
         •    Monitor project budgets and provide required reporting
         •    Coordinate with IREX Finance and Grants teams in Kyrgyzstan and at the home office
         •    Qualifications
         •    Candidates must be well organized, able to work independently, skilled at handling multiple tasks, able
              to meet deadlines and work in stressful situations. Other specific qualifications should include at a
         •    Five or more years of responsible work as a financial manager, grants manager or controller preferred
         •    Experience providing finance and grants management for USAID programs strongly preferred; prior
              experience in finance and grants management for international organizations or donors required
         •    Strong interpersonal skills, ability to interact effectively with partners, donors and other relevant
              stakeholders and personnel associated with this program
         •    Ability to function professionally and effectively in verbal and written English and Kyrgyz or Russian

     Application Instructions:

     Please click on the "Apply for this job" button and supply a resume and a cover letter with your application at



     IREX seeks a Gender Specialist for a USAID-funded Collaborative Governance Program in Kyrgyzstan. The
     Gender Specialist will support the Chief of Party in meeting program objectives and will be responsible for
     ensuring gender integration throughout the program’s activities.

     ELIGIBILITY:     Citizens of Kyrgyzstan preferred

     The position is contingent on funding.

     Duties & Responsibilities:

         •    Work with the program team to ensure the project achieves projected resultsProvide direct
              advice/mentoring to and training for staff on gender issues
         •    Develop an overall gender strategy for the program including specific tools and approaches to support
              the strategy and strengthen the overall implementation of the project
         •    Provide technical and managerial support to the program team
         •    Foster and sustain an enabling environment conducive to gender equity
         •    Promote gender equity considerations with participating local institutions and review policies and
              legislation for gender concerns
         •    Analyze and report on sex-disaggregated data and gender-related indicators.
         •    identify potential adverse impacts and/or risks of gender based exclusion that could result from planned
         •    Assist in developing annual work plans
         •    Qualifications
         •    Thorough knowledge of technical aspects of human rights specifically gender equality and women’s
              empowerment issues in Kyrgyzstan
         •    Substantive understanding of international development best practices, including gender mainstreaming
         •    Minimum 5 years experience with gender specific donor-funded programming required, USAID
         •    Advanced degree preferred in International Development, or other relevant fields
         •    Ability to function professionally and effectively in verbal and written English and Kyrgyz or Russian
         •    Motivated self-starter
         •    Able to work effectively in a professional team

     Application Instructions:
Please click on the "Apply for this job" button and supply a resume and a cover letter with your application at



     Американский университет в Центральной Азии объявляет конкурс на должность бухгалтера:

     Требования к кандидату:
         •   Высшее экономическое образование и опыт работы не менее 5 лет в области бухгалтерского
         •   Владение английским языком (письменно и устно) предпочтительно;
         •   Наличие сертификата CAP предпочтительно
         •   Опыт составления и сдачи всех видов бухгалтерской отчетности, оформления различного рода
         •  Владение компьютером на уровне пользователя программами MS Office, e-mail, Internet etc.
            Знание программы 1-С бухгалтерия.
         •  Коммуникабельность и опыт работы в команде.
     Заинтересованные кандидаты должны        направить сопроводительное письмо, резюме и два
     рекомендательных письма с предшествующих мест работы с указанием контактных данных на e-mail:

                                       END OF THE 397th LISTSERV ISSUE

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Issue 397

  • 1. Здравствуйте, дорогие получатели рассылки! Предлагаем Вам 397-й выпуск электронной рассылки для кыргызстанских выпускников программ Госдепартамента США. Вы получаете данное сообщение потому, что Вы либо являетесь выпускником программы обмена, спонсируемой правительством США, либо Вы запросили данную информацию. В настоящее время в списке получателей рассылки зарегистрировано около 1000 электронных адресов. Электронная рассылка для кыргызстанских выпускников программ Госдепартамента США предназначена для информирования о мероприятиях, проводимых для выпускников, а также для распространения новостей и объявлений от АЙРЕКС, АКСЕЛС, Посольства США в Кыргызстане и других организаций о вакансиях, грантовых программах, стипендиях для учебы и стажировок и других возможностях для личного, академического и профессионального роста. Информация рассылается один раз в неделю. Вы вправе распространять ее среди всех заинтересованных лиц. У этого сообщения нет приложений, поэтому из соображений безопасности не открывайте возможных прикрепленных файлов. Для Вашего удобства, теперь выпуски электронной рассылки размещаются в формате word по адресу и Если Вы желаете распространить какую-либо информацию по данной рассылке, пожалуйста, отправьте соответствующее сообщение на адрес не позднее 13:00 каждую среду. Сообщения, отправленные напрямую на электронный адрес рассылки, блокируются. Сегодня 11 апреля 2012 г. В этом выпуске: ************************************************************* 1) ANNOUNCEMENTS/ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ: 1. ANNOUNCEMENT: SECOND ANNUAL CONFERENCE “FORMAL” AND “INFORMAL” CENTRAL ASIA: INSTITUTIONS, IDENTITIES AND DISCOURSES, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CENTRAL ASIA, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE FOR EARLY PROPOSALS: APRIL 25, 2012 2. ANNOUNCEMENT: TECH FORUM CENTRAL ASIA (TFCA 2012), ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN, JUNE 14-16, 2012. DEADLINE: APRIL 20, 2012 3. ANNOUNCEMENT: ONLINE LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR MUSKIE ALUMNI: WEBINAR CONVERSATION WITH ARTHUR (ART) SMITH, TUESDAY, APRIL 24 AT 11:00 AM WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME. 4. ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ КНИГИ О ЙОГЕ «СЕКРЕТНЫЕ ФАЙЛЫ: ВАШИ ТАЛАНТЫ» КЫРГЫЗСТАНСКИМ АВТОРОМ И УЧИТЕЛЕМ ЙОГИ ИЗ ЛОНДОНА, ОЛЬГИ ТАРАБАШКИНОЙ. АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ, CH-1, БИШКЕК. НАЧАЛО В 17.00 12 АПРЕЛЯ. 2) VACANCIES / ВАКАНСИИ: 1. VACANCY: DEPUTY CHIEF OF PARTY, COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM, IREX KYRGYZSTAN/ CIVIL SOCIETY DIVISION, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: MAY 9, 2012 2. VACANCY: EDUCATION SPECIALIST, COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM, IREX KYRGYZSTAN/ CIVIL SOCIETY DIVISION, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: MAY 9, 2012 3. VACANCY: FINANCE MANAGER, COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM, IREX KYRGYZSTAN/ CIVIL SOCIETY DIVISION, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: MAY 9, 2012 4. VACANCY: GENDER SPECIALIST, COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM, IREX KYRGYZSTAN/ CIVIL SOCIETY DIVISION, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: MAY 9, 2012 5. ВАКАНСИЯ: БУХГАЛТЕР, АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ, БИШКЕК, КЫРГЫЗСТАН. ************************************************** ANNOUNCEMENTS/ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ: ************************************************** 1. ANNOUNCEMENT: SECOND ANNUAL CONFERENCE “FORMAL” AND “INFORMAL” CENTRAL ASIA: INSTITUTIONS, IDENTITIES AND DISCOURSES, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CENTRAL ASIA, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE FOR EARLY PROPOSALS: APRIL 25, 2012 The first annual conference of the Central Asian Studies Institute at AUCA initiated discussion on the state of scholarship on and in Central Asia. The second conference continues a discourse on how we make sense of the region by taking the alleged boundary between “formal” and “informal” Central Asia as a starting point. As the terms themselves are being hotly debated elsewhere, this conference firstly encourages scholars to look at the nature, scale and legitimacy of such a binary division. It then calls for the deeper analysis of “formal” and “informal” institutions and identities, which are believed to be of key importance in understanding the processes of socio-political and cultural transformation in the region. How have the Central Asian states succeeded in establishing themselves as legitimate power institutions? How should one account for the variations and similarities among Central Asian states and societies in the development of state and non-state institutions and
  • 2. in the construction of their national and local identities? To what extent do the family and kinship based socio- cultural identities remain important in determining the politics in the region? Whether and how have the twenty years of independent statehood transformed regional institutions and identities, and what are the implications for the years to come? Finally, if the concepts of “formal” and “informal” are questioned, what other alternative discourses can be employed to create richer and more complex understanding of the region? The Central Asian Studies Institute aims to bring together scholars from various disciplines whose active research projects address these and related issues. The conference will take place at the American University of Central Asia on September 28-29, 2012. CASI will have a limited number of travel grants. Applicants who need travel assistance should additionally submit a short online form available at We encourage both paper and panel submissions. The paper proposals should include a) a 500-word outline of the proposed paper, with a clear title, and b) a short biographical note of the author. Panel proposals should ideally include three papers and have a clearly formulated panel theme. CASI aims to publish the conference materials, so full papers (4,500-6,000 words) will need to be submitted before the conference. Conference Timeline: • April 25, 2012 – early deadline for proposals (priority will be given to these applicants in consideration for travel grants) • May 14, 2012 – regular deadline for proposals • May 29, 2012 – notification of acceptance • September 01, 2012 – submission of full papers • September 28-29, 2012 – conference at AUCA, Bishkek All proposals and queries should be addressed to For more about AUCA and the Institute, please visit us at and 2. ANNOUNCEMENT: TECH FORUM CENTRAL ASIA (TFCA 2012), ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN, JUNE 14-16, 2012. DEADLINE: APRIL 20, 2012 Organizational Committee of TFCA 2012 is pleased to invite NGO professional staff, volunteers, educators, entrepreneurs and social media enthusiasts living and working in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan to participate in Tech Forum Central Asia (TFCA 2012) in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on June 14-16, 2012. What is Tech Forum Central Asia (TFCA 2012)? Jointly sponsored by the U.S. Mission to Kazakhstan, Civil Alliance, and KIMEP, TFCA 2012 is a high-tech, interactive social entrepreneurship forum. It will bring together over 100 highly-motivated young participants, from throughout South and Central Asia and provide the training and strategic planning needed to positively use technology to better their communities. This interactive workshop will get leading American and international technology experts working with entrepreneurs, educators, NGOs and social media enthusiasts to find effective, low-cost ways to address real social problems through technology. How does TFCA 2012 work? This is not a typical technology camp. Participants will work in small groups and directly with American and local technology experts in sessions designed to show how to apply new, online technologies to recruit members, fundraise for their missions, build organizational capacity, map strategic data, use and design mobile apps, use distance education technology and much more. TFCA will be conducted in Russian and English only. When is the deadline for application? April 20, 2012. How much does participation cost? If selected, there is no cost to TFCA participants. For additional information and application form please contact Viktoriya Davletkildeyeva, project coordinator at +8 7172 94 80 73 or email: media@civilsociety 3. ANNOUNCEMENT: ONLINE LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR MUSKIE ALUMNI: WEBINAR CONVERSATION WITH ARTHUR (ART) SMITH, TUESDAY, APRIL 24 AT 11:00 AM WASHINGTON, D.C. TIME. IREX Washington DC is pleased to announce an exciting online learning opportunity exclusively for Muskie alumni. On Tuesday, April 24 at 11:00 am Washington, D.C. time, the IREX Muskie team will host an online webinar conversation with Arthur (Art) Smith. Art is currently the President of Management Analysis Incorporated
  • 3. (MAI), a consulting firm which specializes in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) related issues and is the Chairman of the International Institute at the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP). Please see his attached biography for more information. The session will cover: • What a public private partnership (PPP) is • Examples of PPPs in America • Advantages of a PPP • Benefits and challenges of PPPs • PPPs in the context of the former Soviet Union Mr. Smith will also answer alumni and current Muskie fellow questions about public-private partnerships and his professional experiences. Webinar participants will be able to pose questions through a chat function in the online classroom space, hosted on WizIQ. In order to participate, please register for a free account at On Tuesday, April 24, click on this link: private-partnerships-with-art-smith to log-in to your WizIQ account and join the conversation online. Art Smith Bibliography: Arthur Smith joined MAI in 1977, shortly after the company’s formation. In 1995, after 18 years of service, he became President of the firm. Mr. Smith is an expert in OMB Circular A-76 competitions and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). Mr. Smith has served as Project Manager of over 100 A-76 studies, totaling more than 20,000 FTE, and is a frequent speaker, writer, and trainer on A-76 and FAIR Act related issues. He has served as an expert witness in A-76 related litigation, and supported OMB in the development of the current Circular. Mr. Smith has also been actively involved in the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP) since 1999. He is currently serving a two-year term as Chairman of NCPPP’s Board of Directors, and has served as President, Vice President, and Director. Mr. Smith has been active in United Nations PPP programs since 2001, and was named by the State Department as a U.S. representative to the United National Economic Commission for Europe’s (UNECE) Team of Specialists, where in February 2008, the member countries elected him Vice-Chair. Mr. Smith was a primary author of the UNECE’s publication, “Governance in Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure", and recently led an international team of consultants on a UNECE-funded “Comparative Review of Public-Private Partnerships in Market and Transition Economies.” Earlier, Mr. Smith provided analysis in support of the Czech government’s voucher privatization program, and managed a USAID-funded project to identify the costs of potable water production in Albania. He has PPP experience on five continents and is the author of more than 30 PPP articles published in six languages. He is a frequent lecturer on PPPs for organizations such as the United Nations, Asian Development Bank Institute, and International Law Institute. Mr. Smith holds an M.S. in Technology Management from the University of Maryland. 4. ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ КНИГИ О ЙОГЕ «СЕКРЕТНЫЕ ФАЙЛЫ: ВАШИ ТАЛАНТЫ» КЫРГЫЗСТАНСКИМ АВТОРОМ И УЧИТЕЛЕМ ЙОГИ ИЗ ЛОНДОНА, ОЛЬГИ ТАРАБАШКИНОЙ. АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ, CH-1, БИШКЕК. НАЧАЛО В 17.00 12 АПРЕЛЯ. Презентация первой книги о йоге кыргызстанским автором и учителем йоги из Лондона, Ольги Тарабашкинойю Первая книга о йоге в Кыргызстане «Секретные Файлы: Ваши Таланты» Раскройте Секреты Великих. Признание, Творчество, Уверенность, Любовь, Выразительность, Интуиция, Безграничность и Магнетизм Где, когда: 12 апреля, АУЦА, CH-1, 17.00 «Это революционно новый взгляд на йогу и вашу жизнь. Технология трансформации не имеет аналогов.» Анастасия К. «Эта книга дает вам возможность жить новой жизнью, той которую вы заслуживаете.» Ольга С. Презентация пройдет в форме урока-лекции. Урок служит целям знакомства с уникальной технологией Кундалини йоги, потому йога – это исключительно опыт. О Книге: В своей книге Ольга делится секретной и уникальной технологии Кундалини йоги и личной практикой йоги. Эта ее первая книга из цикла «Йога на Все Случаи Жизни», и ее можно с уверенностью причислить в книгам-выручалочкам, которая способна дать совет и помочь во всех ситуациях. Новые привычки и новое практическое мышление, которое помогает развивать йога приводит к изменениям в жизни, чтобы мы могли жить, лучше, счастливее и здоровее. Ольга показывает, что йога – это технология самой жизни, и рассказывает очень много о способах интеграции йоги и техник дыхания, медитации и контроля ума в повседневных ситуациях. Ольга предлагает новый способ раскрыть таланты и воспользоваться скрытыми резервуарами внутренней
  • 4. силы, уверенности, интуиции, творчества и безлимитности. Вы узнаете о себе то, что поможет жить вам той, жизнью которой вы всегда хотели жить. Об Ольге: Ольга живет в Лондоне и Индии, где у нее есть свой центр йоги, в Лондоне она преподает как на русском так и на английском. Теперь она приехала на родину на пол-года для того, чтобы поделиться и распространить технологию Кундалини йоги, которой поистине нет равных, это «матерь всех йог». Ольга выросла в Кыргызстане. Последние 5 лет она провела в Англии, часто путешествуя и живя в Индии, где она прошла все тренинги по Хатха и Кундалини йоге. В Лондоне, у нее была успешная карьера, но она поняла, что преподавать и работать, помогать людям раскрыть свои силы и мудрость – это именно то, чем она хочет заниматься. Она посвятила себя йоге и писательской работе, йога помогла Ольге раскрыть ее таланты, о которых она не подозревала, теперь книга – это ее подарок невероятных знаний кыргызстанцам. Это ее честь и невероятная радость быть здесь и сейчас и помочь через Кундалинийогу восстановить здоровье, настроить свои умы и вибрации на переход в новое время. Технология йоги была дана как средство, как путь, подготовки и трансформации к этим новым временам. Это серьезное и испытательное время, которое будет проверять нас всех напрочность, и в первую очередь нашу психическую, нервную и железную системы. Для успешного перехода – Кундалини йога является технологией. Потому что мир и планета меняется слишком быстро, надо успеть и всем нам. Ольга планирует регулярно возвращаться и обучать новое поколение учителей йоги – учителей эпохи Водолея. Ольга о Кундалини йоге: «Нет ничего более совершенного чем технологии по трансформации привычек, мыслей и энергий в теле чем Кундалини йога. Кундалини йога – это тот стиль и тот путь, который помогает изменить жизнь если вы этого хотите.» «Кундалини йога – это путь воина, но это не путь войны. Это путь понимания, не отрицания себя и мира вокруг. Кундалини йога – это алхимия, и все кто ею занимается хоть сколько-то часов в неделю прибавляют много лет молодости и счастья в свою и жизни других людей.» «Кундалини йога восстанавливает нормальную функцию нервной и железной систем, стимулирует работу гипофиза и шишковидной железы, которые восстанавливают здоровую вибрацию тела и жизненных органов. В Кундалини йоге все упражнения, дыхательные упражнения и медитации построены под определленными углами для того чтобы органы стимулировались и железы восстановили нормальную естественную секрецию. Кундалини йога – уникальная система исцеления и профилактики, которой нет равных.» Приходите и сами попробуйте! Лучше один раз попробовать, что такое Кундалини йога, а лучше всего прочитать книгу! Все в ней! Все секреты раскрыты! Вы должны знать все! ************************************************** VACANCIES / ВАКАНСИИ: ************************************************** 1. VACANCY: DEPUTY CHIEF OF PARTY, COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM, IREX KYRGYZSTAN/ CIVIL SOCIETY DIVISION, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: MAY 9, 2012 IREX seeks a Deputy Chief of Party to assist in managing a USAID-funded Collaborative Governance Program in Kyrgyzstan. The purpose of this project is to foster effective collaboration between civil society and the government of Kyrgyzstan to deliver services, resulting in a more responsive and accountable government and a credible, sustainable civil society. The program will be composed of three components: • Promotion of Government Support for Social Procurements • Capacity Building Support • Civic Advocacy and Government Oversight Eligibility: Citizens of Kyrgyzstan preferred. The position is contingent on funding. Duties & Responsibilities: • Assist the COP in overseeing all components of the program • Provide expertise in Kyrgyzstan’s civil society sector and other stakeholders • Assist the COP in monitoring, evaluation and reporting functions • Leadership and management of program staff • Management of Kyrgyzstan’s partner organizations and international and Kyrgyz consultants • Qualifications • Technical expertise in governance, social service provision, or civil society capacity building and networking, civic advocacy or government support projects required.
  • 5. Familiarity with the political, social, economic and cultural context of Kyrgyzstan. • At least five years of experience managing and implementing multi-component, donor-funded programs, including budget management. • Demonstrated ability to effectively manage and mentor staff. • Strong interpersonal skills and demonstrated pro-active approach to problem solving. • Ability to function professionally and effectively in verbal and written English, Kyrgyz, and Russian required. Other relevant language skills such as Uzbek or Tajik highly desirable. Application Instructions Please click on the "Apply for this job" button and supply a resume and a cover letter with your application at link NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! 2. VACANCY: DEPUTY EDUCATION SPECIALIST, COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM, IREX KYRGYZSTAN/ CIVIL SOCIETY DIVISION, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: MAY 9, 2012 IREX seeks an Education Specialist for a USAID-funded Collaborative Governance Program in Kyrgyzstan. The purpose of this project is to foster effective collaboration between civil society and the government of Kyrgyzstan to deliver services, resulting in a more responsive and accountable government and a credible, sustainable civil society. The Education Specialist will focus on the creation of a university level curriculum which will provide training for a professional workforce that is going to assume leadership and management roles within Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Eligibility: Citizens of Kyrgyzstan preferred The position is contingent on funding. Duties & Responsibilities: • Work with the program team to ensure the project achieves projected results • Provide technical and managerial support to the program team • Assist in developing annual work plans • Assess the relevance of current post-secondary curriculum to the capacity building needs of individuals seeking employment in the local non-profit sector and conduct market research of its workforce needs. • Engage the Ministry of Education to understand better the workforce needs of civil society employers and nonprofit marketplace for employment • Develop and engage a consortium of universities (including those located outside of Bishkek) to support the establishment of a curriculum relevant to a civil society workforce that can be sustained through enrollments. • Qualifications • Minimum 5 years experience with working on capacity building with civil society organizations and curriculum development • Experience designing or reformatting university level courses such as non-profit accounting, NGO law, civic activism, human rights, public health, or other relevant courses • Experience working with Ministries of Education in establishing standards for a baccalaureate program • Experience working on donor-funded programming required, USAID preferred • Advanced degree preferred in International Development, or other relevant fields • Ability to function professionally and effectively in verbal and written English and Kyrgyz or Russian required. • Motivated self-starter • Able to work effectively in a professional team Application Instructions Please click on the "Apply for this job" button and supply a resume and a cover letter with your application at link NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! 3. VACANCY: FINANCE MANAGER, COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM, IREX KYRGYZSTAN/ CIVIL SOCIETY DIVISION, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: MAY 9, 2012 IREX seeks a Finance & Grants Manager for a USAID-funded Collaborative Governance Program in Kyrgyzstan. The Finance & Grants Manager will support the Chief of Party in meeting program objectives and will be responsible for oversight of project finances and grant-making activities. ELIGIBILITY: Citizens of Kyrgyzstan preferred
  • 6. The position is contingent on funding. Duties & Responsibilities: • Assure that the program meets all IREX, USAID and Government of Kyrgyzstan requirements relative to USAID funds accountability and operations within Kyrgyzstan • Negotiate agreements with sub-grantees and subcontractors, and provide financial managing and monitoring of agreements • Provide finance support to grantees as necessary • Ensure that all procurement is in compliance with U.S. government regulations • Monitor project budgets and provide required reporting • Coordinate with IREX Finance and Grants teams in Kyrgyzstan and at the home office • Qualifications • Candidates must be well organized, able to work independently, skilled at handling multiple tasks, able to meet deadlines and work in stressful situations. Other specific qualifications should include at a minimum: • Five or more years of responsible work as a financial manager, grants manager or controller preferred • Experience providing finance and grants management for USAID programs strongly preferred; prior experience in finance and grants management for international organizations or donors required • Strong interpersonal skills, ability to interact effectively with partners, donors and other relevant stakeholders and personnel associated with this program • Ability to function professionally and effectively in verbal and written English and Kyrgyz or Russian required. Application Instructions: Please click on the "Apply for this job" button and supply a resume and a cover letter with your application at link NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! 4. VACANCY: GENDER SPECIALIST, COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM, IREX KYRGYZSTAN/ CIVIL SOCIETY DIVISION, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: MAY 9, 2012 IREX seeks a Gender Specialist for a USAID-funded Collaborative Governance Program in Kyrgyzstan. The Gender Specialist will support the Chief of Party in meeting program objectives and will be responsible for ensuring gender integration throughout the program’s activities. ELIGIBILITY: Citizens of Kyrgyzstan preferred The position is contingent on funding. Duties & Responsibilities: • Work with the program team to ensure the project achieves projected resultsProvide direct advice/mentoring to and training for staff on gender issues • Develop an overall gender strategy for the program including specific tools and approaches to support the strategy and strengthen the overall implementation of the project • Provide technical and managerial support to the program team • Foster and sustain an enabling environment conducive to gender equity • Promote gender equity considerations with participating local institutions and review policies and legislation for gender concerns • Analyze and report on sex-disaggregated data and gender-related indicators. • identify potential adverse impacts and/or risks of gender based exclusion that could result from planned activities • Assist in developing annual work plans • Qualifications • Thorough knowledge of technical aspects of human rights specifically gender equality and women’s empowerment issues in Kyrgyzstan • Substantive understanding of international development best practices, including gender mainstreaming • Minimum 5 years experience with gender specific donor-funded programming required, USAID preferred • Advanced degree preferred in International Development, or other relevant fields • Ability to function professionally and effectively in verbal and written English and Kyrgyz or Russian required. • Motivated self-starter • Able to work effectively in a professional team Application Instructions:
  • 7. Please click on the "Apply for this job" button and supply a resume and a cover letter with your application at link NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! 5. ВАКАНСИЯ: БУХГАЛТЕР, АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ, БИШКЕК, КЫРГЫЗСТАН. Американский университет в Центральной Азии объявляет конкурс на должность бухгалтера: Требования к кандидату: • Высшее экономическое образование и опыт работы не менее 5 лет в области бухгалтерского учета; • Владение английским языком (письменно и устно) предпочтительно; • Наличие сертификата CAP предпочтительно • Опыт составления и сдачи всех видов бухгалтерской отчетности, оформления различного рода документации, • Владение компьютером на уровне пользователя программами MS Office, e-mail, Internet etc. Знание программы 1-С бухгалтерия. • Коммуникабельность и опыт работы в команде. Заинтересованные кандидаты должны направить сопроводительное письмо, резюме и два рекомендательных письма с предшествующих мест работы с указанием контактных данных на e-mail: ******************************************** END OF THE 397th LISTSERV ISSUE *********************************************