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Ayurvedic Therapy for Urinary System
– February 9, 2010Posted in: Ayurveda Basics, Treatments in Ayurveda

What are urinary system disorders?
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are disorders affecting the various parts of the urinary system.
It affects women more frequently than men due to basic anatomical differences. It can
become a serious problem if the infection spreads to the kidneys. In Ayurveda, UTI is known
as mutravahi sankraman. It can be treated with Ayurvedic herbs like Gokshura and Shatavari
as well as Yogic practices.

Ayurvedic therapy for urinary system disorders
There are many herbs as well as other recommendations in Ayurveda to treat various
disorders of the urinary system without any side effects. They are easily available and can be
used by everyone. These disorders are mainly due to the Pitta dosha that governs these
systems. An imbalance in this Dosha usually leads to respiratory infection.

       Shatavari: This herb has cooling properties that helps relieve inflammation due to
       Pitta imbalances. It helps in fighting bacteria that might be causing or aggravating the
       Purnanava and Gokshura: These herbs are known for their ability to stimulate the
       urinary system, improving its functioning. They soothe the complete system in case of
       Cilantro or coriander, fennel and cumin: You can have fresh juice of coriander or
       mix the three herbs in a brew and have it. This helps in reducing inflammation and
       balancing Pitta Dosha.
       Yogic practices: Postures that concentrate on the kidneys and abdomen like
       Dhanurasana (Bow pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) and some others are beneficial
       as they improve the functioning of the kidneys and the whole system.

Herbs for Urinary Tract Infections
Here are some of the herbs that are recommended for urinary tract infections:

       Cranberry Juice: This herb is used to treat or prevent urinary tract infection. This
       juice has constituents called the proanthocyanins that prevents the bacteria from
       adhering to the urinary tract.
       Uva Ursi: This is a herb that is a old folk remedy and was used to treat different kinds
       of urinary tract infections. The component called arbutin is divided and then excreted
       through the kidneys. It is believed to have antiseptic properties. However, people with
       liver disease, kidney problem, nursing or pregnant women must not take this herb.
       Some of the side effects are nausea, indigestion, ringing in the ears, and green or
       brown colored urine.

Other Herbs
Some of the other herbs used are:
       Corn silk
       Marshmallow root

Lifestyle changes for urinary system disorders
One of the main reasons for urinary infections is moisture and dampness in and around the
urethra. You should make sure that you wear dry cotton undergarments and outer clothes that
are not very tight. Dry yourself well after a shower or being in moist conditions. It is
advisable not to control urination for very long frequently. Use of sanitary pads is considered
safer than tampons. It is also important to have a calm and relaxed mind.

Causes of urinary system disorder

       Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
       Spicy and sour foods
       Excessive exposure to sunlight
       Frequently controlling urination for extended periods of time
       Too much of negative emotions like anger and jealousy

Signs and Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection
Here are some of the signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection:

       Urine looks cloudy, red, or milky
       Pain or burning sensation while urinating
       Passing small amount of urine
       Frequent urge to urinate

Other Signs of Urinary Tract Infection
Here are some of the other signs, which is an indication that the infection has spread to the

       Constant pressure or pain in the abdomen or lower back

If you experience these signs and symptoms, then immediate treatment is necessary to
prevent further damage of the urinary system. So, follow the above ayurvedic therapies for
urinary system disorders to have a healthy life

Urinary Disorders
in Women Health
Generally we do not pay much altention to proper maintence of the organs of Urinary system;
at least not as much as the attention we pay to heart.

Our Urinary system is very much prone to infections. The system consists of a pair of
kidneys, Bladder, Ureters and Urethra. A common disorder that afflicts the Urinary tract is
infection by the bacteria – Escherichia coli. Escherichia is a genus of Gram negative, rod like
bacteria that have the ability to ferment carbohydrates with production of gas. They reside in
the intestines of men. E. coli, under certain circumstances, causes infection of the Uro –
genital tract. One such infection is Dysuria – difficult or painful urination. Dysuria is usually
associated with frequent urge for passing Urine if the cause is due to “cystitis” or
“Uretheritis”, cystitis is the inflammation of the urinary bladder often caused by E. coli.
Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra due to gonarrhoea etc.


   1. More than 85% of Urinary tract infections (UTI) are caused by bacteria. Cystitis is the
      common cause especially in women with UTI.
   2. The other cause is Uretheritis – infection of the Urethera by bacteria, fungi or viruses.
      The sexually transmitted organism like Neisseri Gonnorrhoea can afflict Urethra.
      Chlamydia and the herps simplex Urius can also cause Urethritis.
   3. Candidiasis caused by the candida fungi is also a UTI.
   4. Parasites – and worms can also infect the urinary tract.
   5. Stones in the kidney or bladder


   1. Frequent urge to pass urine.
   2. Scanty urine
   3. Feeling of fullness in the bladder even after passing urine
   4. Pain and burning sensation while passing urine
   5. Feeling of pain in the pelvis, lower abdomen, and in the urinary Tract.
   6. Feeling of heaviness in the renal region and scrotum (Men).
   7. Blood in the urine. On examination of urine, presence of puscells and blood confirms
   8. Chills, fever

Urinary tract infections are much more common among women than in

men. The reason is women have shorter Urethra – 3.5 cm long and the urethra is closer to
vagina and anus, where bacteria thrive. The bacteria easily travels up the short urethra and
cause infections. Men‟s urethra are longer – 20 cm long. Hence urinary infections are less.

Home remedies

   1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water. This will benefit the kidneys. The water, at least 60% of
      it has to pass through kidneys, which filters out toxins and germs. Water eases the
      kidney‟s functoning.
   2. Drink a quarter glass of onion juice sweetened with 1 tsp of sugar. It relieves the
      urinary irritation. Try this daily till you obtain relief.
   3. Mix 1/2 tsp of Jeera (powdered) with 1 tsp of sugar and consume, twice a day.
4. Drink 25 ml of Radish Juice twice daily
   5. Mix 1/2 cup lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey with 1 cup of hot water. Drink
      this thrice a day for quick relief. Cucumber juice (1 cup) can also beadded for better
   6. Fresh tender coconut water is a sure remedy. Sugar cane juice also is beneficial.
   7. Take 6 gms of Amla and Jaggery every day. This will provide essential vitamin „C‟ to
      resist bacterial infection.
   8. Barley water also helps smooth urination.
   9. Intake of curd daily, curd has lactobacillus acidophilus that may inhibit growth of
      harmful bacteria

Other guide lines

   1. Keep your body well hydrated.
   2. Avoid hot, spicy food, coffee and tea.
   3. Keep your genitals clean. As the bacteria exist along with feces, use the front – to –
      back washing of the anal region. Wash and wipe properly after urination.
   4. Use cotton undergarments
   5. Urinate before and after coitus.
   6. Urinate as soon as you feel the urge.
   7. Sitz batha alternating with hot and cold water once in a day for at least 2 months

Ayurvedic remedies

   1. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is a good home – remedy. Remove skin, take out
      the pulp, clean it and squeeze it to get the juice – extract. Add equal quantity of milk
      boil it till the mixture is reduced to half. Add sugar – candy and drink.
   2. Grind separately choti elachi (E. cardamomum), Tail pepper (Piper cubeba) and
      Gokshura, into powder, in equal measures. Mix these powder and take one teaspoon
      of this chooranam followed by Tender coconut water. Urinary irritation will
   3. Prepare sandalwood paste, dry it and keep. Take 1/2 teaspoon of this powder and add
      to 2 cups of milk. Boil the milk over a small flame till the quantity is reduced to half.
      Consume this, sweetened with sugar candy.

Good Ayurvedic medicines like chandanasavama Gokshurathi chooranam, shatavari lehiyam,
chandanathi vati, Eladdi choorana, Naga Bhasma etc etc are available – consult an Ayurvedic

Urinary Incontinence

The children and the elderly are commonly afflicted with urinary incontinence (bed –

Home remedy

   1. Dry and powder „Jamun‟ seeds. Take a teaspoon, mix in a cup of water and drink
      twice a day.
   2. Take walnuts with 20 numbers of Raisins every day after dinner for 15 to 20 days.
3. Honey is a good cure for bed – wetting especially for children. It absorbs water. For
      kids less than 6 years old, give a teaspoon of honey before going to bed. For those
      over 6 years, 2 teaspoons of honey can be given.

Diet and lifestyle

   1. One good exercise for the elderly with urine incontinence problems is the “Kegel
      exercise”. This exercise will strengthen pelvic muscles, primarily those around the
      recturn, urethra and vagina.
   2. Alternate hot and cold fomentation of the abdomen may help.
   3. Limit intake of tea, coffee and chocolates
   4. Treat the children who wet the bed during the night, kindly. Do not abuse or insult
      them. This kind of harshness may aggravate the problems. Make them pass urine
      before going to bed.
   5. Massaging with “Bala Aswagandha” Thailam may help.
   6. Intestinal worms may cause urinary incontinence. Till the worms are eradicated, bed
      wetting can not be treated.

Diseases of the Urinary Bladder
Diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys are broadly classifed under the heading of
“Mutravahasrota Roga”. In general, diseases of the bladder and urthera are called
“Mutraghata” whereas metabolic diseases marked by polyuria (excessive urination) are
typically classified under the heading of “Prameha”. Urinary diseases under the heading
Mutraghata can also be classified into thirteen categories: Vatakundalika, Vatasthila,
Vatavasti, Mutratita, Mutrajathara, Mutrasanga, Mutrakshaya, Mutragranthi, Usnavata,
Vastikundalam, Vidvidhata, Mutrasada and Ashmari. Prameha and other kidneys disorders
are discussed in the next chapter.

                                 The general remedies for disorders of the urinary tract are
diuretics (mutravirechana), which promote the flow of urine and correct the downward flow
of Vata dosha. This chapter will make frequent reference to diuretics, some of which can be
chosen from this list of useful remedies:

   1.   Gokshura fruit (Tribulus terrestris)
   2.   Pashanabheda root (rockfoil / Bergenia ligulata)
   3.   Pueraria tuber (vidari / Pueraria lobata)
   4.   Punarnava plant/root (Boerhavia difusa)
   5.   Shilajita Rasayana
   6.   Shukti Bhasma (oyster shell ash /Ostrea gigas)
   7.   Soraka (Potassium chloride)
   8.   Yava seed (barley / Hordeum vulgare)
9. Yavakshara alkaline ash (barley plant / Hordeum vulgare)

The last item on this list is Yavakshara alkaline ash, which is a very strong diuretic that is
used only in minute quantities. For example, to make the mildly diuretic Guduchi stem
(Tinospora cordifolia) into a strong diuretic, one gram of Yavakshara is added to 400 grams
of Guduchi.

Besides diuretic remedies, a “urinary pipe enema” (uttaravasti) is also commonly used in
disease of the urinary bladder. In this procedure, the enema is made with remedies that
stimulate the urinary system to completely eliminate. This is given after the pre-operative
procedures of pancha karma have been implemented, including oil massage and steambath, as
well as laxatives to promote the passage of urine, feces and gas. One useful formula for
urinary enema is a decoction made from two parts Devadaru wood (Himalayan cedar /
Cedrus deodara) and one part Mustaka tuber (Cyperus rotundus), mixed with one part
madhu (honey), one part Saindhavam (mineral salt) and four parts Tila seed oil (sesame /
Sesamum indicum).

Medicated rectal suppositories are also used often for the same purpose of stimulating
elimination. For example, a medicated suppository can be made from two parts Sarsapi seed
(black mustard / Sinapis juncea), one-half part Trikatu (Piper longum, Piper nigrum,
Zingiber officinalis), and one part Yavakshara alkaline ash (barley plant / Hordeum
vulgare), mixed with two parts gou mutra (cow urine) and one part Matsyandika


                                 As a non-specific diagnosis, mutraghata is essentially
synonymous with urethritis, as a “disease of the urinary pipe. It can be divided into eight
categories, with the characters of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipataja, Aghantuja, Purisaja,
Shukraja and Asmarija.

General Treatment

Whatever may be the cause and condition of urethritis, dysuria is always a symptom. Plenty
of water must be drunk by the patient. Drinking water stimulates mucous membrane secretion
for protection of the urethra and also causes a natural diuretic action.

There are some specific remedies against urethritis that can be prescribed in any condition,

   1. Gokshuradi guggulu, 2 pills twice daily
   2. Shitarasa vati, 2 pills twice daily
   3. Chandraprabha vati, 2 pills twice daily
Vataja Urethritis

Dysuria or dysuria with the character of Vata has symptoms of dryness of the urethra. It is
treated with the regular Vata treatments along with diuretic remedies and urinary pipe enema
made with greasy remedies. One useful remedy is a medicated oil prepared with equal parts
Punarnava (Boerhavia difusa), Eranda root (Castor / Ricinus communis) and Shatavari
(Asparagus racemosa) in a base of ghee or sesame oil that can be massaged over the lower
pubic region.

Pittaja Urethritis

Urethritis with the character of Pitta is related to an inflamed urethra. It is treated with the
regular Pitta treatments along with diuretic remedies, enema through the urinary pipe and
laxative remedies. One useful intervention is a cold fomentation applied topically to pubic
region, prepared with 4 parts honey, 2 parts each Amalaki fruit (Indian gooseberry / amla /
Phyllanthus emblica) and Madhukam root (licorice / Glycyrrhiza glabra) and one part
Devadaru wood (Himalayan cedar / Cedrus deodara), prepared with rice water or cold

Kaphaja Urethritis

Kapha urethritis is concerned with swelling of the urethra. It is treated with the regular Kapha
treatments along with diuretic remedies and enema through the urinary pipe. Useful therapies
include Pravala Bhasma (purified coral oxide), taken with cold water, or a cooled decoction
of Guduchi stem (Tinospora cordifolia) taken with honey.

Sannipataja Urethritis

Urethritis with the character of Sannipata presents with complicated urinary symptoms. It is
very difficult to cure, however is can be treated with symptomatic treatments based on the
treatments for Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja urethritis.

Aghantuja Urethritis

Urethritis with the character of Aghantuja is concerned with a traumatic injury causing
urethritis. It is treated with the same remedies of urethritis with the character of Vata, along
with remedies such as Chandraprabha vati (2 pills twice daily) and Gokshuradi guggulu
vati (2 pills twice daily).

Purisaja Urethritis

Urethritis with the character of Purisaja is related to constipation. It is treated with the regular
Vata treatments and laxative remedies.

Shukraja Urethritis

Urethritis with the character of Shukraja is related to prostatitis. It is treated with the same
remedies used for prostatitis.
Asmarija Urethritis

Urethritis with the character of Asmarija is caused by urinary lithiasis. It is treated with the
same remedies used for urinary lithiasis.

Additional headings in this chapter*

Vatakundalika (Spasmodic Stricture Of The Bladder)
Vatasthila (Prostatitis / Neoplasm Of The Prostate Gland)
Vatavasti (Outlet Obstruction Of The Bladder)
Mutratita (Decrease In Force Of Urinary Stream)
Mutrajathara (Distended Bladder With Urine And Gas)
Mutrasanga (Anuria)
Mutrakshaya (Anuria Caused By Dehydration)
Mutragranthi (Malignant Neoplasm Of The Bladder)
Usnavata (Cystitis)
Vastikundalam (Dislocation Of The Bladder)
Vidvidhata (Pneumaturia)
Mutrasada (Crystalluria)
Ashmari (Urinary Lithiasis)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs), the second most common type of infection in the body is one the most
serious health problem affecting millions of people each year. The urinary tract infection (UTI)
involves infection in the kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra. These are the organs that urine passes
through when eliminated from the body. Women are especially prone to UTIs, even though they
generally have anatomically and physiologically normal urinary tract.[1] Reasons for this are not yet
well understood. These infections can be very serious when they do occur in men; however, UTIs in
men are not as common as in women. A urinary tract infection (UTI) also known as Fearnes
syndrome is a microbial infection that affects any part of the urinary tract. Normally, urine is sterile. It
is usually free of microbes but does contain fluids, salts and waste products. The main cause agent in
at least 90% of uncomplicated infections is Escherichia coli, which live in the bowel (colon) and
around the anus. An infection occurs when bacteria get into the bladder or kidney and begin to grow.
The infection often starts at the opening of the urethra where the urine leaves the body and moves
upward into the urinary tract. Abnormalities of the urinary tract that hinder the flow of urine set the
stage for an infection.

Although modern antibiotics are being used in UTIs, urinary tract infections can be quickly and easily
treated with a herbal treatment with no side effects. Herbs known for the management of urinary tract
Infections and other urinary disorders divided in important categories: (a) Urinary antiseptic and anti-
adhesion herbs like Juniperus spp., Vaccinium macrocarpon, Salvia officinalis, Punica granatum,
Tribulus terrestris, Terminalia chebula, Ocimum sanctum, Cinnamomum cassia, Azadirachta indica
and Ocimum sanctum,[2,3] which are effective against major urinary tract pathogens namely E. coli,
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus faecalis (d) Bladder protectives
that control bladder and protect from infections comprising of Equisetum arvense, Hydrangea
petiolaris and Zea mays[4] (e) Kidney care for instance, Boerhaavia diffusa, Eupatorium purpureum,
Agropyron repens and Berberis vulgaris and (f) Herbs for symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia,
most notably Serenoa repens and Prunus africana. All these herbs are discerned to know different
type of phytoconstituents and show potential in the treatment of urinary disorders and could be
alternative to uropathogen resistance to the antibiotic during a UTI.

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Ayurvedic therapy for urinary system disorders

  • 1. Ayurvedic Therapy for Urinary System Disorders By admin – February 9, 2010Posted in: Ayurveda Basics, Treatments in Ayurveda What are urinary system disorders? Urinary tract infections (UTI) are disorders affecting the various parts of the urinary system. It affects women more frequently than men due to basic anatomical differences. It can become a serious problem if the infection spreads to the kidneys. In Ayurveda, UTI is known as mutravahi sankraman. It can be treated with Ayurvedic herbs like Gokshura and Shatavari as well as Yogic practices. Ayurvedic therapy for urinary system disorders There are many herbs as well as other recommendations in Ayurveda to treat various disorders of the urinary system without any side effects. They are easily available and can be used by everyone. These disorders are mainly due to the Pitta dosha that governs these systems. An imbalance in this Dosha usually leads to respiratory infection. Shatavari: This herb has cooling properties that helps relieve inflammation due to Pitta imbalances. It helps in fighting bacteria that might be causing or aggravating the condition. Purnanava and Gokshura: These herbs are known for their ability to stimulate the urinary system, improving its functioning. They soothe the complete system in case of infections. Cilantro or coriander, fennel and cumin: You can have fresh juice of coriander or mix the three herbs in a brew and have it. This helps in reducing inflammation and balancing Pitta Dosha. Yogic practices: Postures that concentrate on the kidneys and abdomen like Dhanurasana (Bow pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) and some others are beneficial as they improve the functioning of the kidneys and the whole system. Herbs for Urinary Tract Infections Here are some of the herbs that are recommended for urinary tract infections: Cranberry Juice: This herb is used to treat or prevent urinary tract infection. This juice has constituents called the proanthocyanins that prevents the bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract. Uva Ursi: This is a herb that is a old folk remedy and was used to treat different kinds of urinary tract infections. The component called arbutin is divided and then excreted through the kidneys. It is believed to have antiseptic properties. However, people with liver disease, kidney problem, nursing or pregnant women must not take this herb. Some of the side effects are nausea, indigestion, ringing in the ears, and green or brown colored urine. Other Herbs Some of the other herbs used are:
  • 2. Horsetail Corn silk Buchu Marshmallow root Goldenseal Lifestyle changes for urinary system disorders One of the main reasons for urinary infections is moisture and dampness in and around the urethra. You should make sure that you wear dry cotton undergarments and outer clothes that are not very tight. Dry yourself well after a shower or being in moist conditions. It is advisable not to control urination for very long frequently. Use of sanitary pads is considered safer than tampons. It is also important to have a calm and relaxed mind. Causes of urinary system disorder Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages Spicy and sour foods Excessive exposure to sunlight Dehydration Frequently controlling urination for extended periods of time Too much of negative emotions like anger and jealousy Signs and Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection Here are some of the signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection: Urine looks cloudy, red, or milky Pain or burning sensation while urinating Passing small amount of urine Frequent urge to urinate Other Signs of Urinary Tract Infection Here are some of the other signs, which is an indication that the infection has spread to the kidneys: Fever Chills Nausea Constant pressure or pain in the abdomen or lower back Vomiting If you experience these signs and symptoms, then immediate treatment is necessary to prevent further damage of the urinary system. So, follow the above ayurvedic therapies for urinary system disorders to have a healthy life Urinary Disorders in Women Health
  • 3. Generally we do not pay much altention to proper maintence of the organs of Urinary system; at least not as much as the attention we pay to heart. Our Urinary system is very much prone to infections. The system consists of a pair of kidneys, Bladder, Ureters and Urethra. A common disorder that afflicts the Urinary tract is infection by the bacteria – Escherichia coli. Escherichia is a genus of Gram negative, rod like bacteria that have the ability to ferment carbohydrates with production of gas. They reside in the intestines of men. E. coli, under certain circumstances, causes infection of the Uro – genital tract. One such infection is Dysuria – difficult or painful urination. Dysuria is usually associated with frequent urge for passing Urine if the cause is due to “cystitis” or “Uretheritis”, cystitis is the inflammation of the urinary bladder often caused by E. coli. Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra due to gonarrhoea etc. Causes 1. More than 85% of Urinary tract infections (UTI) are caused by bacteria. Cystitis is the common cause especially in women with UTI. 2. The other cause is Uretheritis – infection of the Urethera by bacteria, fungi or viruses. The sexually transmitted organism like Neisseri Gonnorrhoea can afflict Urethra. Chlamydia and the herps simplex Urius can also cause Urethritis. 3. Candidiasis caused by the candida fungi is also a UTI. 4. Parasites – and worms can also infect the urinary tract. 5. Stones in the kidney or bladder Symptoms 1. Frequent urge to pass urine. 2. Scanty urine 3. Feeling of fullness in the bladder even after passing urine 4. Pain and burning sensation while passing urine 5. Feeling of pain in the pelvis, lower abdomen, and in the urinary Tract. 6. Feeling of heaviness in the renal region and scrotum (Men). 7. Blood in the urine. On examination of urine, presence of puscells and blood confirms UTI. 8. Chills, fever Urinary tract infections are much more common among women than in men. The reason is women have shorter Urethra – 3.5 cm long and the urethra is closer to vagina and anus, where bacteria thrive. The bacteria easily travels up the short urethra and cause infections. Men‟s urethra are longer – 20 cm long. Hence urinary infections are less. Home remedies 1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water. This will benefit the kidneys. The water, at least 60% of it has to pass through kidneys, which filters out toxins and germs. Water eases the kidney‟s functoning. 2. Drink a quarter glass of onion juice sweetened with 1 tsp of sugar. It relieves the urinary irritation. Try this daily till you obtain relief. 3. Mix 1/2 tsp of Jeera (powdered) with 1 tsp of sugar and consume, twice a day.
  • 4. 4. Drink 25 ml of Radish Juice twice daily 5. Mix 1/2 cup lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey with 1 cup of hot water. Drink this thrice a day for quick relief. Cucumber juice (1 cup) can also beadded for better effect. 6. Fresh tender coconut water is a sure remedy. Sugar cane juice also is beneficial. 7. Take 6 gms of Amla and Jaggery every day. This will provide essential vitamin „C‟ to resist bacterial infection. 8. Barley water also helps smooth urination. 9. Intake of curd daily, curd has lactobacillus acidophilus that may inhibit growth of harmful bacteria Other guide lines 1. Keep your body well hydrated. 2. Avoid hot, spicy food, coffee and tea. 3. Keep your genitals clean. As the bacteria exist along with feces, use the front – to – back washing of the anal region. Wash and wipe properly after urination. 4. Use cotton undergarments 5. Urinate before and after coitus. 6. Urinate as soon as you feel the urge. 7. Sitz batha alternating with hot and cold water once in a day for at least 2 months Ayurvedic remedies 1. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is a good home – remedy. Remove skin, take out the pulp, clean it and squeeze it to get the juice – extract. Add equal quantity of milk boil it till the mixture is reduced to half. Add sugar – candy and drink. 2. Grind separately choti elachi (E. cardamomum), Tail pepper (Piper cubeba) and Gokshura, into powder, in equal measures. Mix these powder and take one teaspoon of this chooranam followed by Tender coconut water. Urinary irritation will disappear. 3. Prepare sandalwood paste, dry it and keep. Take 1/2 teaspoon of this powder and add to 2 cups of milk. Boil the milk over a small flame till the quantity is reduced to half. Consume this, sweetened with sugar candy. Good Ayurvedic medicines like chandanasavama Gokshurathi chooranam, shatavari lehiyam, chandanathi vati, Eladdi choorana, Naga Bhasma etc etc are available – consult an Ayurvedic physician. Urinary Incontinence The children and the elderly are commonly afflicted with urinary incontinence (bed – wetting). Home remedy 1. Dry and powder „Jamun‟ seeds. Take a teaspoon, mix in a cup of water and drink twice a day. 2. Take walnuts with 20 numbers of Raisins every day after dinner for 15 to 20 days.
  • 5. 3. Honey is a good cure for bed – wetting especially for children. It absorbs water. For kids less than 6 years old, give a teaspoon of honey before going to bed. For those over 6 years, 2 teaspoons of honey can be given. Diet and lifestyle 1. One good exercise for the elderly with urine incontinence problems is the “Kegel exercise”. This exercise will strengthen pelvic muscles, primarily those around the recturn, urethra and vagina. 2. Alternate hot and cold fomentation of the abdomen may help. 3. Limit intake of tea, coffee and chocolates 4. Treat the children who wet the bed during the night, kindly. Do not abuse or insult them. This kind of harshness may aggravate the problems. Make them pass urine before going to bed. 5. Massaging with “Bala Aswagandha” Thailam may help. 6. Intestinal worms may cause urinary incontinence. Till the worms are eradicated, bed wetting can not be treated. Diseases of the Urinary Bladder Diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys are broadly classifed under the heading of “Mutravahasrota Roga”. In general, diseases of the bladder and urthera are called “Mutraghata” whereas metabolic diseases marked by polyuria (excessive urination) are typically classified under the heading of “Prameha”. Urinary diseases under the heading Mutraghata can also be classified into thirteen categories: Vatakundalika, Vatasthila, Vatavasti, Mutratita, Mutrajathara, Mutrasanga, Mutrakshaya, Mutragranthi, Usnavata, Vastikundalam, Vidvidhata, Mutrasada and Ashmari. Prameha and other kidneys disorders are discussed in the next chapter. The general remedies for disorders of the urinary tract are diuretics (mutravirechana), which promote the flow of urine and correct the downward flow of Vata dosha. This chapter will make frequent reference to diuretics, some of which can be chosen from this list of useful remedies: 1. Gokshura fruit (Tribulus terrestris) 2. Pashanabheda root (rockfoil / Bergenia ligulata) 3. Pueraria tuber (vidari / Pueraria lobata) 4. Punarnava plant/root (Boerhavia difusa) 5. Shilajita Rasayana 6. Shukti Bhasma (oyster shell ash /Ostrea gigas) 7. Soraka (Potassium chloride) 8. Yava seed (barley / Hordeum vulgare)
  • 6. 9. Yavakshara alkaline ash (barley plant / Hordeum vulgare) The last item on this list is Yavakshara alkaline ash, which is a very strong diuretic that is used only in minute quantities. For example, to make the mildly diuretic Guduchi stem (Tinospora cordifolia) into a strong diuretic, one gram of Yavakshara is added to 400 grams of Guduchi. Besides diuretic remedies, a “urinary pipe enema” (uttaravasti) is also commonly used in disease of the urinary bladder. In this procedure, the enema is made with remedies that stimulate the urinary system to completely eliminate. This is given after the pre-operative procedures of pancha karma have been implemented, including oil massage and steambath, as well as laxatives to promote the passage of urine, feces and gas. One useful formula for urinary enema is a decoction made from two parts Devadaru wood (Himalayan cedar / Cedrus deodara) and one part Mustaka tuber (Cyperus rotundus), mixed with one part madhu (honey), one part Saindhavam (mineral salt) and four parts Tila seed oil (sesame / Sesamum indicum). Medicated rectal suppositories are also used often for the same purpose of stimulating elimination. For example, a medicated suppository can be made from two parts Sarsapi seed (black mustard / Sinapis juncea), one-half part Trikatu (Piper longum, Piper nigrum, Zingiber officinalis), and one part Yavakshara alkaline ash (barley plant / Hordeum vulgare), mixed with two parts gou mutra (cow urine) and one part Matsyandika (molasses). Mutraghata As a non-specific diagnosis, mutraghata is essentially synonymous with urethritis, as a “disease of the urinary pipe. It can be divided into eight categories, with the characters of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipataja, Aghantuja, Purisaja, Shukraja and Asmarija. General Treatment Whatever may be the cause and condition of urethritis, dysuria is always a symptom. Plenty of water must be drunk by the patient. Drinking water stimulates mucous membrane secretion for protection of the urethra and also causes a natural diuretic action. There are some specific remedies against urethritis that can be prescribed in any condition, including: 1. Gokshuradi guggulu, 2 pills twice daily 2. Shitarasa vati, 2 pills twice daily 3. Chandraprabha vati, 2 pills twice daily
  • 7. Vataja Urethritis Dysuria or dysuria with the character of Vata has symptoms of dryness of the urethra. It is treated with the regular Vata treatments along with diuretic remedies and urinary pipe enema made with greasy remedies. One useful remedy is a medicated oil prepared with equal parts Punarnava (Boerhavia difusa), Eranda root (Castor / Ricinus communis) and Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) in a base of ghee or sesame oil that can be massaged over the lower pubic region. Pittaja Urethritis Urethritis with the character of Pitta is related to an inflamed urethra. It is treated with the regular Pitta treatments along with diuretic remedies, enema through the urinary pipe and laxative remedies. One useful intervention is a cold fomentation applied topically to pubic region, prepared with 4 parts honey, 2 parts each Amalaki fruit (Indian gooseberry / amla / Phyllanthus emblica) and Madhukam root (licorice / Glycyrrhiza glabra) and one part Devadaru wood (Himalayan cedar / Cedrus deodara), prepared with rice water or cold water. Kaphaja Urethritis Kapha urethritis is concerned with swelling of the urethra. It is treated with the regular Kapha treatments along with diuretic remedies and enema through the urinary pipe. Useful therapies include Pravala Bhasma (purified coral oxide), taken with cold water, or a cooled decoction of Guduchi stem (Tinospora cordifolia) taken with honey. Sannipataja Urethritis Urethritis with the character of Sannipata presents with complicated urinary symptoms. It is very difficult to cure, however is can be treated with symptomatic treatments based on the treatments for Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja urethritis. Aghantuja Urethritis Urethritis with the character of Aghantuja is concerned with a traumatic injury causing urethritis. It is treated with the same remedies of urethritis with the character of Vata, along with remedies such as Chandraprabha vati (2 pills twice daily) and Gokshuradi guggulu vati (2 pills twice daily). Purisaja Urethritis Urethritis with the character of Purisaja is related to constipation. It is treated with the regular Vata treatments and laxative remedies. Shukraja Urethritis Urethritis with the character of Shukraja is related to prostatitis. It is treated with the same remedies used for prostatitis.
  • 8. Asmarija Urethritis Urethritis with the character of Asmarija is caused by urinary lithiasis. It is treated with the same remedies used for urinary lithiasis. Additional headings in this chapter* Vatakundalika (Spasmodic Stricture Of The Bladder) Vatasthila (Prostatitis / Neoplasm Of The Prostate Gland) Vatavasti (Outlet Obstruction Of The Bladder) Mutratita (Decrease In Force Of Urinary Stream) Mutrajathara (Distended Bladder With Urine And Gas) Mutrasanga (Anuria) Mutrakshaya (Anuria Caused By Dehydration) Mutragranthi (Malignant Neoplasm Of The Bladder) Usnavata (Cystitis) Vastikundalam (Dislocation Of The Bladder) Vidvidhata (Pneumaturia) Mutrasada (Crystalluria) Ashmari (Urinary Lithiasis) Urinary tract infections (UTIs), the second most common type of infection in the body is one the most serious health problem affecting millions of people each year. The urinary tract infection (UTI) involves infection in the kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra. These are the organs that urine passes through when eliminated from the body. Women are especially prone to UTIs, even though they generally have anatomically and physiologically normal urinary tract.[1] Reasons for this are not yet well understood. These infections can be very serious when they do occur in men; however, UTIs in men are not as common as in women. A urinary tract infection (UTI) also known as Fearnes syndrome is a microbial infection that affects any part of the urinary tract. Normally, urine is sterile. It is usually free of microbes but does contain fluids, salts and waste products. The main cause agent in at least 90% of uncomplicated infections is Escherichia coli, which live in the bowel (colon) and around the anus. An infection occurs when bacteria get into the bladder or kidney and begin to grow. The infection often starts at the opening of the urethra where the urine leaves the body and moves upward into the urinary tract. Abnormalities of the urinary tract that hinder the flow of urine set the stage for an infection. Although modern antibiotics are being used in UTIs, urinary tract infections can be quickly and easily treated with a herbal treatment with no side effects. Herbs known for the management of urinary tract Infections and other urinary disorders divided in important categories: (a) Urinary antiseptic and anti- adhesion herbs like Juniperus spp., Vaccinium macrocarpon, Salvia officinalis, Punica granatum, Tribulus terrestris, Terminalia chebula, Ocimum sanctum, Cinnamomum cassia, Azadirachta indica and Ocimum sanctum,[2,3] which are effective against major urinary tract pathogens namely E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus faecalis (d) Bladder protectives that control bladder and protect from infections comprising of Equisetum arvense, Hydrangea petiolaris and Zea mays[4] (e) Kidney care for instance, Boerhaavia diffusa, Eupatorium purpureum, Agropyron repens and Berberis vulgaris and (f) Herbs for symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, most notably Serenoa repens and Prunus africana. All these herbs are discerned to know different type of phytoconstituents and show potential in the treatment of urinary disorders and could be alternative to uropathogen resistance to the antibiotic during a UTI.