certs energy clean resource teams 2009 clean energy resource teams energy efficiency mncerts minnesota renewable energy energy conservation mn clean energy solar energy solar efficiency solar power wind power wind energy wind community solar biomass led land use funding northwest schools poultry solar pv lmc league of minnesota cities led lighting led street lighting led lights benchmarking smart grid nw cert clean energy resource team sustainability greenstep cities economic development grant grants metro carbon university of minnesota duluth community solar garden usda dairy minneapolis electric cars electric vehicles seed grant b3 southwest wind development wind permitting sw cert best practices fuel efficiency environmental management planning community development fleets water transportation buildings office of energy security global warming lccmr mnscc oes council building green conservation cutting moorhead fargo ecolibrium3 backup power energy storage battery storage duluth heating mda pace financing feed auri fuel building energy use st. cloud energy neutral woodbury solar garden bemidji grocery renewables food coop saint cloud lyon lincoln electric hutchinson cities insulation scrapbook community energy energy benchmarking building benchmarking alexandria solar system solar thermal solar skies retrofitting franken green building hvac first unitarian society energy savings unitarian se cert rochester ev university of minnesota extension southeast cert doug tiffany extension green transportation katie jones greencorps department of commerce cfls save money home energy home behavior change phantom load residential greenhouse gases green institute climate change powerstrips metro cert leed stormwater management transport the minnesota project turbines redi resources legal services southwest initiative foundation rural energy development initiative procurement windustry consulting swif feasibility engineering legislative citizens commission on minnesota resou schools cutting carbon pollution control agency legislative citizen's commission on minnesota reso minnesota office of energy security minnesota pollution control agency minnesota schools cutting carbon mpca greenhouse gas school seed fore crookston sustainable university production smallscale porter farm biofuels behavior office electricity change security utilities franklin usgbc us investments edina river elk
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