europe caucasus and central asia eastern europe trade center for social and economic research centrum analiz społeczno-ekonomicznych case macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy economic integration and globalization labor market poland social policy and social services private sector development innovation and knowledge-based economy post-communist transition and development issues ukraine institutional reforms sektor bankowy eu cis sektor finansowy kryzys finansowy global/multiregional financial sector transition monetary policy transition economies russia emu economic growth polska institutions fiscal policy exchange rate labour market privatization financial crisis inflation employment innovation european integration unia europejska middle east and north africa case - center for social and eocnomic research competitiveness eu new member states education moldova infrastructure crisis manufacturing hungary energy and climate change labour migration case - centrum analiz społeczno-ekonomicznych czech republic currency crises european neighbourhood policy enp fdi health care productivity mediterranean ue reforms enlargement integracja european union economic policy other regions economic reforms fta kyrgyzstan eastern partnership stability and growth pact long-term care corporate governance political economy financial system non-tariff barriers growth georgia migration reforma monetary integration euro area ownership structure governance gdp business climate unemployment belarus vat investment azerbaijan economy global economy taxes fiscal sustainability fiscal governance regional inequality service sector eurozone european monetary union fsu emerging markets poverty social assistance tax wedge economic integration estonia bulgaria social security environment global crisis healthcare banking sector immigration agriculture taxation konkurencja dług publiczny public debt mbank banks marek dabrowski income inequality euro exports banking regulation debt crisis sme remittances entrepreneurship real exchange rate r&d cee demographic trends and forecast pension reform ntbs cge model education financing health financing armenia free trade agreement tax gap east mediterranean tax fraud tax evasion finanse publiczne imf central banks covid-19 belarús maastricht criteria foreign trade developing countries eu integration globalization real convergence global imbalances trade policy international capital flows wages germany post-communist firm performance imports fiscal stimulus global currency quantitative easing single market regulation informal employment public health turkey population aging macroeconomic policy pension funds latin america asia political systems enterprise sustainable development pensions lisbon strategy eu neighbourhood egypt market access justice and home affairs slovakia convergence institutional harmonization computable general equilibrium international trade pension system wto accession global economic crisis public expenditures rosyjska gospodarka strefy euro rynek pracy prywatyzacja wzrost china inflacja middle east trade liberalization optimal taxation integration ex-soviet human capital energy south mediterranean development public finance banki emerytury polityka fiskalna europa finance rule of law post-communist transition usa policy gap tax non-compliance tax avoidance consumption taxation investments financial market free banking banking secotr nominal convergence currency union structural var savings currency areas erm ii euro adoption economic system capital markets banks and banking бизнес-среда малые и средние предприяти corruption growth rates property rights business environment eu-russia relations eu-cis relations russian crisis bruegel breugel ppp inequality macroeconomics welfare energy security natural gas pipelines taylor rule gender gap polish tax system tax system reform shadow employment public support market economy kazakhstan oil shadow economy association agreements economic stability complementarity barriers to innovation eu candidate countries customs union knowledge-based economy romania deflation disability strategy of innovation macroeconomic stability social policy social sector reform socio-ecological transformation labour market policy harrod-balassa-samuelson effect state aid government policy bosnia and herzegovina copenhagen criteria price convergence security and justice demographic projection development gap quality of life principal components method early warning indicator social services millennium development goals south mediterranean countries regional integration security former soviet union public russian federation inwestycja polska hospodarska niemcy przychody wto absorpcja funduszy inwestycje elastyczność handel zdrowie reform north africa dutch disease energy efficiency efficiency economic indicators employment projections ageing cee countries institutional impact elderly 2030 med11 transportation transport value-added tax kryzys banki centralne kryzys finansowe basel iii regulacja energii restrukturyzacja sektor bankowsy restructuring european banking system overbanked spillover circular migration zatrudnienie bezrobocie praca nierejestrowana aging of the population pension retirement age tariff free trade globalism chf interest rates credits mortgages loans fiscal dominance monetary overhang forced saving covid-19 pandemic psm wage penalty undeclared employment informal workers democracy power of incumbency network externalities international monetary system us dollar dominant currency technological development po-land zombie companies restructurisation unconventional monetary policy kultura ochrona srodowiska migracje polityka społeczna culture higher education employee capital plans employee pension funds private pension saving plans public pension regulation state capitalism state-owned enterprises economic transformation central bank independence inflation target cash flow tax dividend tax distributed profit tax corporate income tax crowdfunding housing investments flipping price bubble real estate market trade war role of the state in the economy welfare economics residential retrofits renewable energy sources property taxation on-tax financing local and regional authorities common currency area economic and monetary union eu-silc euromod incentives self-employment demography financial intermediation monetary systems monetary history cryptocurriences non-state money fiat money banknotes coinage commodity money history welfare state usability cyclical stance fiscal rules fiscal council ubezpieczenie wydatki na zdrowie współpłacenie ochrona zdrowia health insurance copayments currency substitution financial regulation central bank sovereign currency private money virtual currency tax policy economic and finance economic migration polish pension system savings-financing tax-financing ndc/fdc demographic transition pension systems brain drain poland germany deficit collaboration european central bank economics corporate debt securities tomasz gałka korporacyjne papiery dłużne piotr kowalski angieszka gontarek mieczysław groszek marek radzikowski bank unia bankowa banking union knf andrzej reich stefan kawalec oleh havrylyshyn undp economic outlook outlook polish economic outlook esrb esrb’s advisory scientific committee marco pagano uzbekistan elektoral systems democratization monitoring processes policy simulations expenditure national income price level civil society transnistria productivity growth eurogroup decision rules ecb southern europe iraq tariff structure customs radical approach trade institutions multilateral liberalization co-financing net balance aquis communautaire transfers contribution fee accession countries acceding countries equilibrium exchange rate models output volatility panel estimations regional cooperation central asia macro modeling transparency direct inflation targeting saa albania industry gravity model bayesian estimation sterilization orthodoxy currency boards convergence criteria constitution politics oligarchy legal reform post-socialist economies recovery growth ownership of reforms achievements structural reforms open method of coordination shortcomings labour unions poverty reduction strategy papers Бедность адресная социальная защита абсолютная и относительная социальные гарантии и льго монетизация льгот Содружество Незави- симых Г гражданское законодательс кодификация систематизация Украина хозяйственное законодател правовая реформа. obrót akcjami poda¿ rozwój rynku papierów wartooeciowych gie³da papierów wartooeciowych emisja nowych akcji publiczny rynek akcji rynek kapita³owy Беларусь Польша grey economy industrial policy product differentiation licensing permit business community participation creation of regulation current account coherence macroeconomic performance international financial stability public goods comparative economics eu economy pit cit tacis risk premia subjective data firm ownership trade balances foreign aid subsidiarity harmonious society trade imbalances protectionism mass incidents water crisis euro-atlantic integration orange revolution partnership and cooperation agreement eu and central asia extra-territorialisation borders irregular immigration enp action plans portfolio investment eurasian union capital flows economic convergence dgp. ppp nbp реформа Беларуси рыночные ценности Частный бизнес inflation targeting subjective well-being breakpoint eu; ec visa facilitation; readmission agreements; конвергенция СНГ региональная интеграция finland cfsp tc effectiveness technical cooperation industrial organization экономические реформы политические реформы инвестиционный климат экономический рост Содружество независимых го low income countries investment climate international politics european security geopolitics commodity prices monetization in-kind benefits housing and communal services benefits border effects income convergence global financial architecture european neighborhood policy (enp) spillovers multinational firms unit export values intra-industry trade taxonomies of innovative firms training consumer economics deregulation legal monopolies mobility means testing methods farm household income subsistence and semi-subsistence farming food subsidy price shock mfn tariff quantile regression multi-stage model global policy coordination sovereign debt crisis excessive deficit procedure sovereign default bail-out greek crisis game theory mikhail bonch-osmolovsky grzegorz poniatowski luca barbone gas prices beyond transition us market reforms ilo economic stagnation gas gazprom baltics recession post-crisis social reform stimulus u.s. dollar mediterranean european neighborhood currency reform demographic economics fiscal reforms obstacles to innovation dsge modelling collateral constraint dynamic panel analysis market share lithuania croatia financial integration maastricht treaty fiscal union medical and care professions employment in long-term care labor resources in long-term care visegrad group slovenia secondary transactions alcohol abuse social exclusion social transfers payment arrears trade flows structural indicators liberalization upgrading state ownership technical barriers morocco algeria eu accession catching up and competition asylum area of freedom visas border management europeanisation gas and oil resources caspian eu-cis free trade area econometric model forecasting computable gerneral equilibrium system transformation business perception survey social safety net transitional economies industrial restructuring commonwealth of independent states social policies western balkans public finance management central and eastern europe children and families cge mediterranean region macroeconomic policies non-tariff- measures regional trade agreements european union trade agreements deep versus shallow integration tourism prospective tourism competitiveness climate change tourism's economic contribution tourism indicators tourism scenarios domestic tourism international tourism ex-ussr economic development economic crisis former ussr spending georgia’s education sector health care sector financial aid georgia’s macro indicators georgia’s health sector development during the financial crisis public service delivery financial crisis in georgia heatlhcare global economic crisis. case heatlh 2010 communications information technology publiczne dochody finansów publicznych publyczne finansowe wybory polska gospodarska zagranyczne zagranyczna gospodarska inwestycje zagranyczne finansów obudowa budowa competition rozwoj rozbudowa europa wschodnia emerytalny system ameryce łacinskiej wschodzące gospodarki inwestycje zagraniczne nieruchomości rynek papierów wartościowych giełda warszawska giełda finansowa publiczna niemecka hospodarska opodatkowanie podatki Światowa organizacja handlu chiny soh prywatyzacj stanowienia prawa elastyczny polityka pieniezna małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa innowacje ryzyko efektywność rumunia bułgaria ewolucja przedsiębiorca przedsiębiorstw rzyko nieruchomośći protekcjonizm środowiska publiczna finansowa bank centralny handel międzynarodowy infrastruktura finansowa stan finansow ochrony zdrowia basel basel ii transgraniczny rozwój central subsidies revenue transportation analysis region benefit ratio prospective incentives policy structural change east and south mediterranean agricultural trade oil synddrome energy subsidies resource curse targeted subsidies socio-economic development strategy energy policy energy prices energy demand southern mediterranean countries (semcs) enpi labour mobility labour economics labour markets lifelong learning age-earning profiles redistributive effects personal income and other nonbusniess taxes and su business taxes and subsidies other sources of revenue externalities other incidence environmental taxes and subsidies central and easter europe medical professions labor resources in health employment in health care eu enlargement association agreement european neighborhood policy cooperation neighboring non-member health medical medicine workforce laborforce aging stress test eastern bloc economic sensitivity financial stress eu-27 activity old age old socio-ecological age capital capital depreciation capital accumulation producitivty eastern partnership countries policy labor labour socio-economic socio-economic development eastern mediterranean southern mediterranean private sector private long-term south mmediterranean agricultural sector 2011 transport sector review system emerytalny polityka bankowa zarzadzanie polityka pieniężna polskiej energii plan marshalla gospodarka niskoemisyjna paryz reformy emerytalne konstytucja strefa euro polityka fiskalna polityka 2009 2008 2007 perspektywy 2013 2012 dług spadek popytu strategiczny inwestorzy wymogi kapitałowe sektor bankowsky polski energii energetyczne rozpad likwidacja ład kroporacyjny koncentracja too-big-to-fail kredit zmniejszenie wydatkow budżet fiskalnej surowość deficyt budżetowy skąpe kredytowej ograniczenia akcji kredytowej początki polityczne luźna polityka pieniężna długofalowe skutki niskie stopy procentowe great recession great contraction federal reserve money supply credit uncertainty concentration leverage banking
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