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Mkt 121 Advertising Management
Professor: Albert Cuadrante

   I.    Introduction

            Creative ads work and are memorable, but effective ads make you
            want to buy the product
                  o Creating preference for a product or service by building
                     a relationship with your target consumers
                       1. Creating preferences - in marketing, we sell brands,
                           not products or services.
                       2. Relationship – it is more difficult to ask for money
                           from people we don’t have relationships with.
                           Otherwise, there will be an elimination of choices.
                           Marketers want you to think of their brand when
                           you need something. Price is not always the
                           rationale for buying something.
                  o E = I (Advertising is an expression to create an
            1477 – First print ad (English print ad advertised in Church prayer
            “Advertising” - first introduced in the English language in 1655 and
            meant “to sell”
            Difference between the product and a brand
                  o Product – the thing you sell
                  o Brand – identity of your product or service. It is
                     important to brand because we need to distinguish our
                     brand and because we need to establish a relationship
                     with consumers.
            Brand equity
                  o What your brand stands for in the mind and hearts of
                     your target consumers
                  o This is what people pay for.
            Types of advertising
                  o Brand advertising (thematic advertising) – ads focused on
                     enhancing and strengthening brand equity. (ex.
                  o Retail advertising – focuses on ads that sell the brand at
                     the point of sale. (ex. Posters you see upon entering a Nike
                  o Political advertising – pushes for a propaganda, platform
                     or campaign of individuals or groups of people.
                  o Direct advertising – ads designed to stimulate sale via a
                     replied mechanism. You can reply to direct advertising.
                     (ex. Direct mail and telemarketing)
                  o Business-to-business advertising (B2B) – targeted
                     consumers are professionals
o Corporate advertising – ads designed to establish and
         strengthen corporate identity (ex. Nestle’s 100 years ad)
      o Advocacy advertising – public service ads that are usually
         done for free for a good cause (ex. DOH’s dengue season
      o Directory – designed to let you know where you can avail
         of the product or service (ex. Yellow pages, 500 km to the
         nearest Jollibee store)
5 key players in the advertising industry
      o Client / advertiser
      o Creative agency – advertising agency that develops the
      o Media agency – in charge of placing the advertising that
         was created by the creative agency
      o Production agency – produces and executes the ad into
         TV, radio or print ad
      o Freelance producers – not connected to any agency
Consumer understanding  concept development  copy
strategy  advertising brief  advertising development  media
Types of consumers (not always exclusive)
      o Decision maker – typically has the money / purchasing
         power. This person does not always have the final say.
           1. Categories:
                   a. High-involvement products – expensive
                      products (ex. Insurance, real estate)
                   b. Medical or health-related products –
                      technical terms are used
                   c. Telecommunications – (ex. Diapers)
      o Purchaser–household products, dishwashing liquid,
         impulse purchases like chocolate
      o User – personal products (ex. Snacks, personal care
         products, fashion and clothing, beauty products)
Target market
      o Group of people who are most likely to respond favorably
         to your brand’s benefit
           1. Make people open up their minds and make them
               consider the product in the future
           2. Marketing does not create a need, but makes the
               consumer aware of a need that he did not know
               about beforehand
Difference between a trend and a fad
      o Trends last longer while fads fizzle out
      o Make sure that our product is more a trend than a fad
      o Weed out products that have a short life
      o How to spot trends vs. fads
           1. Will the product/service fit basic lifestyle changes?
               (ex. The increasing number of women in the
               workforce, the increasing vanity of men, health-
2. Are your products able to deliver an immediate
              benefit? (If your product or service takes a little
              more time for the consumer to appreciate, then they
              tend to be fads) (ex. Olay’s promise of 7 day anti-
          3. Can your product be personalized? (The more a
              product can be customized, the longer the product’s
              life is)
          4. Is your product or service a trend or just a side effect
              of the trend? (ex. Mobile communication is a trend,
              and cellphones are the side effect of the trend) (If
              something has been there for more than five years,
              then it is a trend.)
          5. Do other developments support this product or
              service benefit? (ex. Miniaturization can become a
              trend, but it goes up and down)
          6. Who has adapted to the change? Who are the
     o Perception is a process by which we receive information
        through our senses and assign meaning to them
     o Perception is reality
     o It is very expensive to undo perception.
     o Three types we create perception:
          1. Selective exposure – when we subject ourselves to
              only things that are pleasing to us.
          2. Selective distortion – when we interpret information
              in a way that is consistent with our own opinion or
          3. Selective retention – when we save information for
              future reference. This information may not be
              relevant to you now, but you are interested in it for
     o What can distort perception?
          1. Family
          2. Society
          3. Reference groups – group of people we use as role
              models for behavior for particular situations
          4. Culture – tangible and intangible things that define a
              people (ex. Customs, traditions)
Decision process
     o Need recognition – advertising makes you aware of a
     o Information research – advertising makes you aware of
        the options that you have
     o Evaluate and comparison – advertising allows us to make
        a decision on the options that were available
     o Outlet selection – advertising can direct us to where we
        can avail of the product or service
o Actual purchase – advertising influences your decision at
                  point of purchase
              o Post-purchase evaluation – make up your mind and see if
                  you want to do this again. Advertising affirms this
                  decision to make a repurchase or make you switch next

II.    Group assignment
          Think of a product that does not yet exist in the Philippine market
               o Brand it yourself
               o Realistic
               o 3 products that are not here yet. Mark with an asterisk
                   which one is your first choice.
               o Go through the toothpaste exercise with the target market
                   and attach to the paper
               o Interview at least 30 people

III.   The Persuaders
          Consumers are like roaches because they develop immunity to
          Once a culture becomes advertising friendly, it ceases to be a
          culture at all
          Adidas advertisement
          You cannot walk down a street without seeing advertisement
          Over the last 20 years, New York has become an advertisement
          Even the subway tunnel is an advertisement backdrop
          The more messages advertisers create, the more messages they
          have to create to reach us (causing clutter, which causes more
          The moment they stop advertising, they fade from memory
          Advertising wants to become the atmosphere, not just suffuse the
          The Persuasion Industry – where will the advertising arms race
          Song – new airline that is a subsidiary of Delta airlines. Their way
          of persuading us that they can compete with hip, low-cost airlines
          like Jet Blue
                o It’s not enough to launch a new airline. They had to invent
                    a culture of flying
                o Started with focus group – capture idea of travel
                o Airlines ignored a target group: women (name: Carrie)
                o Goal: forge a real connection with women
                o Andy Spade – co-creator of Kate Spade (a brand that
                    caters to people like Carrie)
                o Take an idea and make it something bigger
                o Downplay the airline’s new features in order to highlight
                    its soul
o Communication drives commerce
      o What differentiates something – creating something that
           communicates to people on anything other than the
           logical level
      o Should the pitch be aimed at the head or the heart?
      o We no longer believe that one product is better, brighter,
           cleaner than the other
      o New approach to marketing – not just what the product
           did, but what the product means (ex. Nike, Starbucks)
      o Pseudo-spiritual marketing (ex. Nike is about
           transcendence through sports)
      o Brands can forge emotional or spiritual bonds with
      o Create and maintain a whole meaning system. Be a
      o Find out why people join cults and apply this to brands
      o Because: People need to belong and they want to make
           meaning. We need to make what the world is about and
           we need to be with others
      o Meaning system – can be based on all-time values of the
      o Emotional branding – fill the empty places where non
           commercial institutions could have once done the job
      o Brands are an invitation to a lifestyle and community
      o More spiritual trend in advertising put pressure on the
           advertising agencies
      o Publicists, Interpublic, WPP, Adcon (?)
      o There is fear in the advertising agencies
Feel a world through your five senses that can create loyalty
beyond reason – that is where premium profits lie
Love Marks – a brand that has created loyalty beyond reason,
where it is recognized immediately as having some kind of iconic
place in your heart
Tide is not just a laundry detergent. It is a liberator. Move it from a
detergent to the heart of the family
For Song, there is a spirit that cannot be copied. Song is not an
airline. It is a culture.
Can consumers see through the brand experience and go to the
thing that the product is?
I know I’m wasting half my ad dollars, but I don’t know which half.
What works? Where does it work?
TV audiences are watching fewer ads, and people watch online
(without ads)
If the audience is skipping commercials to get to the program, then
ads should be part of the program
Madison+Vine – integration between advertising and programs
that begins even before the show is conceptualized
It’s not product placement. It’s the seamless integration of product
and narration (lie)
Advertising as a piece of entertainment that people will not only
         tolerate; they will look for
         Webisodes – AmEx starring Jerry Seinfeld (prompts people to sign
         up for AmEx)
         Tie-ups between people and ads – to reach wider audiences (ex.
         Victoria’s secret and Bob Dylan)
         Market research – Consumers are driven by unconscious needs
         and impulses
               o Unconscious associations with everything we buy (mental
                   connection with every word in an advertisement)
               o Why do people do what they do? (ex. Past reason, through
                   emotion to the primal core where all purchase reasons
               o Reptilian hot buttons – what prompts us to act (not
         People who want to do well do not necessarily get the best results.
         Marketers should understand the real need of the customers. Give
         them what they want.
         It’s not what you want to tell the public. It’s what they want to
         HEED THE PUBLIC WELL. Know how to listen.
         What words will best sell an issue?
         80% of our life is emotion and 20% is intellect.
         Narrow-casting – reaching out to voters on a one-to-one basis
         Life stage segments – how Acxiom divides the consumer base
         Understand more about consumers
         People are focused on their own needs and desires
         As long as we are thinking about ourselves, we are better
         Consumers are always the focus of attention
         The persuaders listen to us when others won’t. They make us feel
         How does the problem of clutter become solved? Marketers find a
         way deep inside us so it doesn’t’ feel like clutter anymore. We’re all
         Reduce the person to persuade himself. That is the secret to all
         Marketing is about understanding which translates to choosing
         proper communication (visuals, words and people that you use)

IV.   In Search for the Illusive Insight -- talk of Tats Caluag-Cruz, Senior
      Executive Officer of PublicisJimenezBasic (#1 Advertising Corporation
      in the Philippines)

         A new communication landscape has emerged
             o Old school marketing – talk to consumers and bombard
                 them with information about your brand
o Today’s new reality – main objective is to your
          communication to strike conversations among consumers
          so they talk about your brand
They don’t want an insight into your mind, thrilling as it might be.
They want an insight from their own mind.
     o You don’t just tell the consumers about your product. You
          make it important to them.
Finding the insight is important because it makes you understand
people around you
     o This is the way we can make our product relevant to the
          consumer. Make the product enter their lives.
Everything that makes the world go round is grounded on strong
The best advertising campaigns are grounded on strong insights.
     o An insight is a launch pad and can turn a reaction from
          your consumer into an action (purchase)
What is an insight? What is not an insight? (Difference between
insight and observation)
     o An observation is the action or process of looking closely
          and carefully in order to gain information. We observe
          through market research, immersion, FGDs and the like.
          These are insight generation activities that lead to
     o Insight originated from “inner” and “sight”. It should have
          a deeper viewpoint than what is just obviously seen or
          observed. Insights are motivators that usually enlighten
          and provide Eureka moments. The search for insight is a
          never-ending process.
     o Insights are understandings about human nature, culture,
          products, etc. that bring products to life. They are the
          underlying human truths that explain the behavior of
          people in relation to brands.
     o Focus on your strongest insight and don’t give many.
How do we find insights and use them?
     o Every category has a consumer conversation about it. The
          conversation revolves around a product.
     o The breakout brands have had the biggest insights and
          have had the most talked-about conversations.
     o Successful brands inject an idea into the culture that is
          based on an insight that is worth talking about. This
          changes the expectations for the entire category.
Where do we search for these insights?
     o Market – how I buy (traditional consumer insight)
     o Trends - What influences my choice
     o Social structure – how I engage in society
     o Culture - what are the things I do subconsciously
     o Human psychology – how I think about life—joy, sorrow,
Insights can come from any place.
o Category (business offering)
             o Brand (business offering)
             o Culture – where your product is marketed (human need)
             o Consumer (human need)
        Your insight should always be grounded in the brand and the
        Discuss getting insights:
             o Category
                   1. The characteristics and messaging of the category?
                   2. What are they offering?
             o Brand
                   1. Image, spirit, truth and views of brand/Product?
                   2. What it really stands for/core quality?
             o Culture
                   1. What are the macro cultural and societal trends?
                   2. How the world is affecting us, influencing us and
                      changing us?
             o Consumer
                   1. The needs, wants and behavior (in relation to the
                   2. What are they getting and not getting from the
        Some tips in insight writing
             o Insights can come from any place—category, brand,
                 culture and consumer. But it should reign true however
                 way you dissect it.
             o An insight may be good but the way you write it makes it
                 even better. The language, choice of words, the
                 tension…makes a huge difference.
             o An insight should be simple and easy to understand. If it
                 becomes too complicated to put down in words, it may
                 not be real.
             o Insights should be inspiring, as they inspire the creative
                 work. Lack of inspiration leads to uninspiring advertising.
             o Insights should be able to move people. If they do not,
                 they are just mere observations. They are meaningless.

V.   Insights

        Goal: get the ad to make the customer pay attention
        Insights – the unarticulated truths behind the purchase behavior
        of consumers
             o Product insights – habit or product focused
                 (functionality of the product/service; the way people use
                 products; may include attitudes borne out of previous
                 experience with the product’s functional benefits). How
                 will we get product insights?
1. What is the accepted standard of excellence? (ex.
                        Whitens like bleach; deodorants protecting male
                        athletes from sweat)
                    2. When do products fail? (ex. Overnight dryness is
                        important for diapers; a coal miner calling with
                        Globe from the core of the earth)
                    3. Is the way the product works different from the way
                        consumers think it works?
              o People insights – more emotional or situational. Allows
                  us to go beyond what consumers do or believe. Goes
                  deeper than what we hear or see.
                    1. How does your product improve peoples’ lives? (ex.
                        Ariel taking time away from doing laundry so the
                        housewife can spend time with her family)
                    2. What is the most important moment for which the
                        product is used and why is it important? (ex.
                        Feminine napkins; deodorants)
                    3. Who will notice? (ex. there is always an appreciating
                        guy in a beauty commercial)
                    4. Who can I trust or believe to help me solve my
                        problem? (ex. Endorsements by pediatricians for
                        children’s milk)
         Laddering – research technique used to gain a deeper
         understanding of consumers’ motivations, attitudes and desires
         behind their product preference. This usually results in a
         progression of needs from functional to emotional.
         Advertising that does not seem interesting probably does not have
         a good insight
         Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – brands need to satisfy the base
         needs before going to higher need levels
              o Physical survival needs – water, food, sleep, sex
              o Need for safety and security – physical safety, economic
                  security, cleanliness, comfort
              o Social needs / belonging – acceptance, group
                  membership, love and affection
              o Need for self esteem – important projects, recognition of
                  strength, prestige and status
              o Need for self actualization – luxury goods; challenging
                  projects, opportunities for innovation and creativity,
                  learning at a higher level

VI.   Concept

         Concept is the promise that a brand makes to resolve an unmet
         need or a consumer frustration; the reason why it will be able to
         satisfy that need or frustration and other elements that may affect
         the product or service perception
         We need a concept because people need to understand what your
         product is all about.
What to remember when writing a concept:
     o The concept is written to target consumers as the
         audience; therefore, you should write it in consumer
         language (not conversational = not consumer language)
     o Everything you write in a concept should be executable in
         a 30 second ad. The concept should be able to be read in
         30 seconds.
Parts of a concept:
     o Accepted consumer belief
     o Benefit statement
     o Reason to believe
     o Headline
Elements of a strong concept: REPTILE
     o Relevant benefit
     o Elimination of a negative
     o Product superiority
     o Trend growth
     o Identified competitive advantage – know how your
         product is better or different
     o Loved brand
     o Excellent value – people should be convinced that your
         product is worth it
Parts of a concept
     o Accepted consumer belief (ACB) – statement in the
         concept that expresses the target consumer’s frustration
         of an unmet need. It can also contain your insight. Main
         role: create empathy from your target consumers. It also
         allows you to set up your benefit statement. 3 types of
            1. ACB about existing belief or perception – ex.
               Eating too much sweets can cause tooth decay
            2. Statements that set up a problem or describe a
               paradox – ex. Healthy chips often taste bad; chewing
               gum can prevent tooth decay; strong on germs, mild
               on hands
            3. Statements which establish competitive
               positioning – ex. Downloading via dial-up is slow
     o Benefit statement – the product or service’s promise.
         Answers the consumer question “what’s in it for me?”
         This is what your product wants to stand for. Two types
         of benefit statements:
            1. Product benefit – describes the benefit in objective
               or functional terms. Focuses on how the product
            2. People benefit – it describes the promise in more
               subjective terms and uses emotional or non-
               functional benefits of the product. Answers the
               question “what is the benefit of the benefit?” People
               benefits should always be based on the product’s
functional benefit.This is because the people benefit
                is a result of how you use the product.
Guidelines in writing an ACB:
     o Use consumer language
     o Focus on one problem / frustration at a time (be single-
            1. Be realistic – do not set up a problem you cannot
            2. Try not to say anything nice about your competitor –
                ex. “Sa ibang leading brand”
     o Make sure your benefit is relevant and distinctive (ex.
          Solar flashlight)
     o Whenever you can claim superiority, claim it.
Reason to believe (RTB) – the part of the concept that lends
credibility to your benefit. Answers the question “why should I
believe you?” This helps address consumer skepticism. It’s not
always necessary to have an RTB. You only put an RTB when you
need to prove. If you do not have one, do not invent one. 3 types of
Product feature or           Endorsement             Distinct product action
    o Quality of the            o Professional          o Technical
       ingredient                  endorsement              performance
    o Product                   o Celebrity                 (ex. Colgate on
       aesthetics                  endorsement              a shell)
    o Lack or                   o Testimonials          o Visual demo
       absence of                  (ordinary            o Torture test
       ingredient                  people)
    o Unique
    o Unique feature

Guidelines in writing RTB
     o Use consumer language
     o Make sure that your RTB tightly supports the benefit
     o Check the logic of consumers
     o Do not be too technical (be creative with technical terms)
Headline - Expresses the most important idea of a concept
(written last)
     o Guidelines in writing the headline:
           1. Use consumer language
           2. Headline should be benefit-based (one sentence
               only) – focused and single minded
           3. Make it the last thing you write because it
               summarizes the product
Concept writing guidelines
o Put only in concept what you can realistically translate to
    o Use consumer language. Avoid technical jargon.
    o Target reading comprehension of a Grade 4 student
    o The concept should be able to be read aloud in 30 seconds
         or less.
    o The brand name should be evident and prominent.
    o The exact variants and prices should be explicitly stated.
    o For high involvement products such as food, use a picture
         (preferably an actual photo) of the product.
Example: Nike
    o Nike allows you to be the best that you can be
    o ACB: in sports or any activity, it is always your goal to
         win. You, therefore, choose the equipment and gear that
         you think will help bring out your best.
    o Benefit: Nike shoes and athletic great provide users
         superior performance in their chosen sport or activity.
    o Reason why: because Nike products are used by the
         world’s best, Nike allows you to be the best that you can
The Promise Board
    o I promise you ____________ (Benefit)
    o I promise you will __________ (benefit)
    o I know that it’s important to you because ___________________
    o You can believe and trust my promise because _________
    o Here are the different ways you can experience my
         promise: ___________ (variants)
    o To summarize, I promise ______________
    o Here is what the experience will cost you: ____________
Choosing your strategy: The three U’s:
    o Increase Users (non-users)
    o Increase Usage(current users) (frequency) – brush your
         teeth thrice instead of twice
    o Increase Uses (current users) – getting you to use the
         product in different occasions
Types of non-users:
    o Non-category or non-subcategory users – people who
         don’t use that product at all
           1. More difficult to convince because they still do not
               appreciate the value of the product
           2. Ex. Detergent bar users (vs. powder use), Landline
               only users (vs. cellphone users)
    o New Market Entrants – about to be ready to use your
           1. May be open to your message because they are
               starting to have new needs they didn’t have before
           2. Ex. Household appliances (newlyweds)
o Competitors’ Users
          1. May be relatively easier to convince because they
              are already using competitive products.
Types of users:
     o Loyal / heavy / regular users
          1. The users you must always ensure will continue to
              patronize you
          2. These also represent the “low hanging fruit” users
     o Occasional users
          1. Moderate or low usage / consumption / patronage o
              your product
          2. Low consumption may be due to less need or
              competitive product usage, including the so-called
              “variety seekers” or even users who may have
              concerns about repeating.
     o “Loose” user
          1. Current users that you are nevertheless in danger of
          2. Risk of loss may be due to a decline in consumption
              due to changing needs or encroachment by
Strategy Map / StratMap
     o A simple yet effective way of thinking through what must
         be done to effect the desired change in the target
         audience’s mindset (and hence, behavior)

               Current                  Future

           Target audience         Then they will do
            currently does           this (desired
                 this                 behavior)

            Because they
                                     If I can make
           currently think
                                    them think this
          (Benefit Barrier)

        Benefit barrier – the thought that prevents the target
        audience from believing or accepting your benefit
ACTION                      ACTION

                                                 “If I can make
                    Existing beliefs
                                                them believe…”
                     and attitudes
                   (Benefit barrier)
                                               strategic benefit)


                  Insight – opens up the mind of your target audience for
                  the benefit barrier

VII.   The Copy Strategy

               o The precise articulation of what we want consumers to
                 understand about what our brand stands for. Why the
                 should prefer it over competition. It serves as the basis for
                 developing the brand’s equity advertising. The Copy
                 Strategy is a long-term document and not normally
                 subject to revisions.
               o Positioning statement

          Concept vs Copy Strategy

                     Concept                             Copy strategy
                Audience is the                        Audience is Ad agency
                consumer                               Written in business
                Written in consumer                    language
                language                               Objective is to create
                Objective is to test                   equity advertising
                relevance and appeal of
                Accepted Consumer
                Benefit                                Benefit
                Reason to believe                      Reason to believe
                                                       Brand character

          Brand character
              o Describes the personality, human traits or attitude that
                  your brand stands for and embodies in its advertising.
              o It helps your brand establish rapport and be more
                  relatable to your target market.
              o Brand character examples:
1. The Miracle of Everyday Life (Immodium)
            2. Approaches the dishwashing with good optimism
               (dishwashing liquid)
            3. The ultimate expression of love that a Mother can
               give (diaper)
            4. Part of the family tradition (Pillsbury)
            5. Mom’s magical helper – what’s hard for others is
               child’s play for her (Mr. Clean)
            6. Energetic and youthful in spirit; fun and easy going
            7. Young, self-confident, sensual woman who openly
               enjoys her femininity (sanitary product)
In order to be effective, a copy strategy must be precise:
      o Expressed in clear and simple business language
      o Direct-to-the-point
      o Decisive (prioritizes)
Your brand’s strategic benefit, as articulated in the benefit
statement, must be distinctive. Note however that the
distinctiveness can also come from the Reason Why, Brand
Character or actual advertising execution.
Evaluating copy strategies:
      o Are you committed to execute the benefit in all your ads?
      o If you have more than one benefit, are they prioritized?
      o Are there executional elements in your strategy?
            1. Don’t specify “Michael Jordan.” Specify “top
               basketball athletes in the world” so the agency has a
      o Does your RTB tightly support the benefit?
      o Is your brand character specific and clear?
      o Is it simple and unambiguous so that everyone has a
          common understanding and appreciation of the strategy?
10 things to remember when you write a copy strategy:
      o Do not have hidden benefits
            1. Writing a benefit statement with two benefits when
               you say one
      o Do not have too many benefits
      o Do not write vague benefits
      o Avoid the word “best”
      o Avoid unclear comparative statements
            1. “Whitens your teeth better”
      o Do not have unprioritized benefits
            1. If they are equal then use the word “and”
      o Avoid vague RTBs
            1. “Special ingredient for cleaning product”
      o Do not have too many RTBs
            1. Comes across as defensive
      o Always have a brand character
      o Avoid vague brand characters
1. “Trustworthy”, “happy”, “honest”

VIII.   Advertising Brief

           Summary of the mutually agreed elements by client and agency in
           developing the advertising
           2 primary functions:
                o To guide the agency
                o To inspire the creative people
           10 parts of the ad brief:
                o Project name
                      1. Nice title to tag your commercial (does not have to
                          relate to your product)
                o Advertising objective
                      1. Generally can be summarized into three:
                              a. Inform (ex. New product; pharmaceuticals)
                              b. Persuade (ex. Make people switch; telecom
                              c. Remind (ex. Remind people why they chose
                                  it; Johnson & Johnson)
                o Target Market
                      1. Demographics
                              a. Basic socio-economic information that helps
                                  me try to imagine who the people are
                      2. Psychographics
                              a. Lifestyle descriptions
                              b. Behavior descriptions
                o Current Mindset
                      1. Lifted from StratMap
                o Consumer Insight
                o Desired Mindset
                o Copy Strategy
                      1. Benefit Statement
                      2. RTB
                      3. Brand Character
                o Executional considerations
                      1. Things we strive to minimize; best if we have none
                          (to give the agency creative freedom)
                      2. Things that the agency should have in the ad. What
                          needs to be there:
                              a. Price / mechanics
                              b. Selling line
                              c. Logo
                              d. Etc.
                o Material required
                      1. TVC (length: 15s, 30s or 60s)
                      2. Radio commercial
                      3. Print
                      4. Etc.
o Budget
         Importance of ad brief
             o Needed to be seen and reflected in the ad

IX.   TV Advertising

         2 types of TV ads:
              o Thematic advertising
                    1. Ads developed to strengthen and push the brand’s
                        core equities (what we will focus on)
              o Tactical advertising
                    1. Created to communicate short-term business needs
                        of the brand (ex. Promotions)
         4 elements in creating thematic advertising:
              o Advertising idea – the creative transformation of your
                  benefit into an executional idea. The advertising idea will
                  most likely come from the ad agency (this deals with how
                  they take your strategy and make it creative). Also called
                  the creative magnifier.
                    1. What to remember about the ad idea:
                            a. The advertising idea is not the benefit. It is
                                not the insight. It is not necessarily the
                                selling line, although good advertising ideas
                                can make good selling lines.
                    2. Why do we want to have an ad idea?
                            a. Ad ideas give rise to good campaigns
                            b. Ad ideas give the agency a little bit more
                                room for creativity
                    3. How to know if the ad idea is good:
                            a. Ad idea must be related to your benefit
                            b. Ad idea should be provocative or interesting
                            c. Ad idea has to be relevant
                            d. Ad idea is preferably distinctive vs.
                    4. Campaign – a series of executions with the same
                    5. Example: Allied Dunbar Financial insurance – allows
                        you to have peace of mind (BS). Idea: when life is
                        uncertain, you have to face the music.
                    6. Bounty Paper Towels – let your kid be a kid (idea)
                    7. Ariel: removes stains without scrubbing (Benefit),
                        Ariel sets you free (idea)
              o Drama – the story in advertising. We look at 2 things:
                    1. Dramatic Focus
                            a. Is the drama or the story centered on the
                            b. Can the commercial exist without the brand’s
                                benefit being communicated?
                    2. Dramatic Effect
a. The ability of your commercial to sustain
                           your viewer’s attention
                        b. How to achieve dramatic effect?
                                 i. Dramatic intensity
                                ii. Surprise ending
                               iii. Humor
                        c. Drama is most affected by brand character
            o Big picture – the way by which your brand tells its story
              in the visuals. The Big Picture is the visual that most
              appropriately and recognizably visualizes your benefit.
                1. If you see a commercial, ask yourself what you
                    remember the most.
                2. What you look for:
                        a. Substance – does the visual you have
                           communicate your benefit?
                        b. Provocativeness – is the visual distinctive and
                3. We try to avoid:
                        a. Unbalanced visuals – dwelling too much on
                           the problem than the benefit
                        b. Unclear visuals – visual elements that are
                           abstract or too far removed from reality
                                 i. When do we get unclear visuals? Ex. In
                                    pharmaceuticals, if they try to explain
                                    how the product works
                        c. Difficult visuals – hard to visualize (ex.
                           Feminine napkins use blue liquid not red)
                        d. Off-strategy visuals – visuals that are
                           inconsistent with your copy strategy,
                           particularly your brand character
            o Selling line – the expression of your benefit using
              consumer language. Sometimes known as the tagline.
                1. What makes a good selling line?
                        a. Substantive – by reading the selling line, you
                           can derive the benefit.
                        b. Distinctive and memorable, can be used for a
                           long time
                2. What do we avoid with selling lines?
                        a. Selling lines need to be distinctive – cannot
                           have a generic selling lines

X.   Storyboards

       What to do when the agency is presenting the storyboard:
           o Understand
                 1. Understand what the storyboard elements are (what
                    the picture says)
                 2. Understand the copy / the words
3. Understand what the agency is trying to get you to
                    agree to
             o Evaluation
                1. Learn to trust your gut (80% of the time it is correct)
                       a. Your gut is the basic consumer reaction to an
                           ad, and we are all consumers
                2. Check if the ad brief is in your storyboard
                       a. Check for insight
                       b. Check for copy strategy
                3. Check for the ad idea
                       a. Overall – what is the overall reaction to the
                           storyboard? Gut feel.
                       b. Strategy – check for ad brief. Is the
                           storyboard on strategy?
                       c. Visuals – is there a big picture? Is the drama
                       d. Drama – check the focus and effect if it is
                           consistent with brand character. Check if the
                           ad idea is effectively dramatized
                4. Communicate your comments well to the agency
                       a. Communicate your opinion.
                       b. Don’t always try to find a fault if there’s no
                       c. Don’t comment too much on the execution
                       d. “I’m not sure I’m with you on this board.”
                       e. “Maybe there’s another way of expressing
                           this story. Maybe there’s another way we
                       f. “I’ve seen this story before. It might not make
                           our brand stand out.”

XI.   6 General formats of TV commercials

             o Demo ad
                1. Focuses on executing how the product works (in
                    terms of features, functionality, special instructions)
             o Product as the Hero ad
                1. Glorifies or romanticizes products, especially food
             o Vignettes
                1. Treatment where you see several episodes driving to
                    a common message. Hair and beauty commercials
                    show lots of different scenes then cut to the product
                    and then show someone with smooth hair.
             o Endorsements and Testimonials
                1. Endorsers are celebrities/well-known people, while
                    testimonials are the common user
             o Day In A Life (DIAL)
1. Commercials where they show a typical day in the
                       life of the target market, dramatizing how the
                       product plays a role in the daily life of the person
                o Infomercial (Information Commercial)
                    1. Infomercial is designed to educate and inform the
                       target consumer about how the product works in the
                       general product category it operates in. Example:
                       dengue prevention

XII.    Print Advertising

           4 elements of print: ad idea, drama, big picture, selling line
           General creative principle in print: choose whether you send a
           postcard (heavily visually driven) or write a letter (copy-driven
           and text heavy)
           What makes good print ads:
                o Headline and visual should be integrated
                o Benefit should either be in the Headline or Visual (or
                o The Headline should be provocative
                o Use simple direct language – avoid cleverness
                o The visual should be the dominant element in the layout –
                    unless you don’t have one
                o Show the product / brand
                o Bold colors are better than pastel
                o Keep your layout simple (upper left to lower right)
                    Violator or Headline  Key visual  Brand
                o Keep your copy or text as short as possible
                o Keep your ad human

XIII.   Radio Advertising

           Hearing is passive while listening is active.
           Hearing is indifferent and listening requires attention.
           Hearing is more auditory and listening involves comprehension.
           Consumers tend to be hearers than listeners
           Types of Radio Listenership
                o Music
                      1. Usually FM and mostly young adults
                o News and Information
                      1. Usually AM and mostly older
                o Entertainment
                      1. Dramas, talk shows, interactive programs, (Top 10
                         lists, Dear Dr. Love, etc)
                      2. Predominantly female listeners
                o Sports
                      1. Mostly male listeners
           Advantages of Radio:
o Very targeted – can easily tailor to listener profile (ex.
                  Teens) and time of day (morning, noon or night)
               o Speed – easier to produce a radio commercial (1 day);
                  allows you to be more reactive to competitive threats
               o Lower cost – average cost of radio commercial is
                  P250,000 to P300,000
               o Wider reach – more people own a radio (99%)
               o Localized versioning / flexibility – can easily do dialect
               o Maximizes Mental Imagery – especially good for
                  benefits that are hard to visualize (ex. Contraceptives)
          Disadvantages for Radio
               o Attention span is shorter for radio – radio is normally
                  used as ambient noise; so more hearing vs. listening
               o No visuals – more challenging to engage the listener
               o Harder to break out of clutter – due to no visuals and
                  noise pollution
               o Listenership is declining – due to iPods, CDs, internet
                  radio, etc.
          Signature sound – the audio device that magnifies the benefit of
          the product. It replaces the big picture.

XIV.   Digital Marketing: An Overview

          Digital landscape
                o Asia Pacific accounts for 42% of worldwide internet users
                    with 21.5% penetration rate
                o Philippines has 29.7% internet penetration
                o Immature internet penetration does not equal immature
                    digital behavior
                o Most intensive: Social networking and Messenger
                o Most popular activities: Portals, search and entertainment
          Philippine online numbers
                o Highest percentage of internet users: Ages 10-19 and 20-
                o Internet café usage has gone lower, while home internet
                    has increased
                o Top online activities
                      1. Visiting social networking sites
                      2. Search
                      3. Instant messaging
                      4. Internet portal
                      5. Visiting public chat rooms
                      6. Email
                      7. Played games online
                      8. Listen to songs on music websites
                      9. Downloaded or uploaded music files online
                      10. Shared/posted something online that you created
o Mobile internet usage is more for social networking and
     o Top Philippine websites:
           1. Facebook
           2. Google
           3. Yahoo
           4. YouTube
           5. Blogger
           6. Wikipedia
           7. Twitter
           8. Sulit
           9. Wordpress
           10. Tumblr
     o Top local sites:
           3. GMA news
           4. Ebay PH
           5. ABS-CBN News
           6. Philstar
           7. PEP
           8. Pinoy Exchange
           9. Cebu Pacific
The “New” Target Market
     o The rise of the internet and mobile led to the “new
     o Power shifts back to the consumer
     o Characteristics of the new consumer:
           1. Tech-savvy
           2. Multi-taskers
           3. Opinion-driven
           4. Selective
     o Shrinking attention economy – attention span is getting
         lower and it is getting harder for marketers to talk to
     o The New Currency
           1. More explanation
           2. Instantaneous reactions
           3. Deeper conversations
           4. Consumer opinions
Getting through to the consumer
     o Building experiences with the consumer, with technology
         as the bridge
     o Use content that is:
           1. Useful
           2. Relevant
           3. Entertaining
           4. Strikes curiosity
o Make it fun
              o Build appropriately
              o Building to share
              o Build to reach
        In this shrinking attention economy, we need to be more
        deliberate in how we communicate, in order to deliver results.
        The next phase of media is to insinuate themselves into our life
        Social media
              o A type of online media that expedites conversation, which
                  delivers content and allows readers/viewers/listeners to
                  participate in the creation or development of the content.
        Classifications of Digital Media
              o Paid – a channel we pay to use (ex. Display ads, paid
              o Owned – a channel a brand owns (ex. Website, blog,
                  Twitter account)
              o Earned – customers are the channel (ex. Word of mouth,
                  viral buzz, online chatter)
        Display ads
              o Search engine marketing vs. Search marketing
        Some takes on group buying:
              o Consumer is the winner
              o Good for businesses in:
                    1. Building awareness / trial
                    2. Drive store traffic
                    3. Free advertising
                    4. Slow moving items
                    5. Opportunity to up sell and cross sell
              o Not for building loyalty

XV.   Media Fundamentals

             o Creation of the message you want to communicate
             o Selection of the channels of communication
        The trend:
             o Concurrent selection of Advertising and Medium in
                creating the message
        Update on the Philippine media landscape
             o Central Luzon, NCR and Calabarzon are the most
                populous region. Calabarzon will have the largest
                population by 2010, surpassing the NCR.
             o The Philippines is largely populated by young adults.
                Communication to them must be relevant because the
                adults will be the old (and dead) ones of the future.
o The working segment accounts for 45% of the adult
                  o Key Media Facts:
                        1. Metro Manila has the biggest ownership of media,
                           but Davao is second.
                        2. Challenge is to come up with new, in-sync ideas
                           (traditional, internet and mobile)
              Media Planning Process

                           Advertiser                   Media Planner
WHO                        Target audience              Target audience
                                                        Consumer contact points
WHAT                       Message                      Translation to
                           Brand character              appropriate media
                                                        vehicles (wholesome vs.
BUDGET                                                  Manage spending within
                                                        budget (target to save)
AWARENESS                                               Translate awareness into
                                                        media-specific measures
SALES                      Measures

           Methods of measurement
                DAY AFTER                 COINCIDENTAL         PEOPLE METER
BASIC METHOD    In home visits to         In home visits,      Instantaneous
                interview                 telephone            measurement
                respondent on             surveys, or diary    using remote
                programs viewed,          usage to get “real   device
                the day after             time” viewing        Measures
                                                               individual viewing
LIMITATIONS         Requires recall,      Difficult to run     Requires
                    which is not          during primetime,    household
                    totally accurate,     can not read         cooperation and
                    not continuous.       switching            compliance
                    Gives advantage       accurately; not
                    to well known         continuous
USAGE               PSRC-DAR survey       Radio surveys        AGC-Nielsen –
                    covers provincial                          Mega Manila
                    cities like Baguio,                        (previously
                    Dagupan, Naga,                             Dagupan, Cebu
                    Legaspi, Bacolod,                          and Davao)
                    Iloilo, Cebu,
                    Cagayan de Oro,
                    Davao, General

                 o Target Audience Rating Points
                 o The number of viewers expressed as a percentage of the
                     total number of the specified viewer group with TV
                 o TARP = number of (target audience) viewers watching the
                     program or channel x 100% / total number of (target
                     audience) viewers with TV
                 o Numerator: target viewers with TV sets ON on the
                 o Denominator: All target viewers with TV (on and off)
            TARP Specifications
                 o Must specify all three specs
                 o Can aggregate several units
                 o Gender, Eco class and Age
            Ratings and shares
                 o Ratings – the percentage of household / viewers watching
                     a particular program, among all viewers with TV,
                     regardless of whether the TV set is on or off.
                 o Share - the percentage of household / viewers watching a
                     particular program, among all household/viewers who
                     have their TV sets ON.
            Reach vs. Frequency
                 o Reach – the percentage of all individuals who have seen at
                     least one minute of the event in a week (or in a month).
                 o Frequency – the number of times a viewer is exposed to
                     the commercial in a week (or a month).
                 o Consumption behavior and purchase behavior – to take
                     note of when you pick reach or frequency. If you are
                     frequently bought and consumed, then you pick
            General media strategies
                 o Flighting – points in the year where you don’t have an ad
                     out (when you have no budget, when you have a seasonal
                     product like pharmaceuticals)
                 o Pulsing – you’re not totally out during the entire year, but
                     you lay low.
                 o Continuous

  XVI.   Below-The-Line advertising

            Brochures, leaflets, take 1s
                o Things to keep in mind:
                     1. Use the headline to communicate your selling
                     2. Be single-minded in your primary message as well
                          as in your visualization
3. Caption your pictures. These are read twice as often
               as body copy.
           4. Ensure copy-visual lock. This strengthens the
           5. Avoid clichés. (ex. Generic pictures of happy family
               which everyone uses)
           6. Provide complete facts, but present this in a manner
               that can be skimmed easily.
           7. Make the reader want to keep the brochure, because
               of its quality.
           8. Makes sure you end with a call to action.
Outdoor advertising
     o Average travel time: AB is 1 hour, C/D is 1.25 hours
     o While travelling…
           1. Look at cars and people: 66%
           2. Look at billboards: 45% (only 8% read)
           3. Listen to radio: 27%
     o Routes frequently travelled:
           1. EDSA
           2. Rizal Ave. to Taft Ave.
     o Important attributes to help awareness and recall in
           1. Use bright and cheerful colors
           2. Use of photographic or real life situations
           3. Contains product information
           4. Uniqueness of billboard design
           5. Use of product illustration
           6. Use of celebrity endorser
Point of Purchase
     o Point-of-Purchase Advertising (POPA). Refers to materials
         and displays designed by the manufacturer and
         distributed to the trade, with the objective of promoting a
         brand or family of brands at point-of-purchase.
     o Key merchandising strategy: achieve presence in the key
         contact points of your target consumers
     o Why?
           1. Consumers are increasingly mobile; they’re not just
               at home or in supermarkets
           2. Traditional advertising and merchandising venues
               are getting cluttered
     o Identify some key contact points for Revicon and
     o Materials that fall under POP:
           1. Banners / bannerettes
           2. Shelf dividers
           3. Wigglers
           4. Awnings
           5. Posters
           6. Off shelf displays
7. Price cards / shelf cards
               o Guidelines in POPA design
                  1. Consider general eye movement
                         a. Upper left corner to lower right corner
                  2. Own a color
                         a. Ex. Coke is red
                  3. Own a distinct symbol
                         a. Ex. Energizer Bunny
                  4. Maximize your branding; avoid clutter
                  5. Provide discontinuity – try to be unique in your
                  6. Must be impactful and eye-stopping
                  7. Demand a consistent look for all materials
                  8. Whenever possible, clearly present your product
               o Guidelines in POPA design
                  1. Establish strong in-store presence
                  2. To create POP awareness of brand’s benefit
                  3. Inform consumers of special promotions and prices
                  4. Help push the brand at POP

XVII. Emotional or Rational Advertising
        Three basic consumer types:
             o Classical consumers – those who choose a brand based
                 primarily on its functional benefits
                   1. Dominated in the post-war era
                   2. Ex. McDonalds with hot and fast food in a self-
                      service restaurant
             o Contemporary consumers – those who choose brands
                 based on the benefits of the primary functional benefit
                   1. Ex. McDonalds with convenience and saving time
                      and a drive-through
             o Post-modern consumers – those who choose a brand that
                 allows him/her to fulfill his/her goals
                   1. Ex. McDonalds as a place that brings the family
                      together with a play area
        Multiple goals:
             o Conflicting goals
                   1. Ex. Dockers with “business casual” attire
             o Neglected goals
                   1. Goals that we choose to set aside for a while. They
                      are still important, but we cannot realistically attend
                      to them at the moment.
             o For post-modern consumers, you need to determine the
                 goals behind the action (via laddering)
        Kinds of products and ads:
                 INFORMATIVE / HIGH              AFFECTIVE products
                 INVOLVEMENT products               o Feeling, high
                     o Thinking, high                    importance
importance                o Highly image driven
                        o Houses, real estate,      o Cosmetics,
                          cars                         perfumes, fashion
                                                       brands, luxury
                  HABIT products                 SELF-SATSFACTION /
                    o Thinking, low              IMPULSE products
                        importance                  o Feeling, low
                    o Toothpaste, soap                 importance
                                                    o Cigarettes,

          When do we use rational ads?
              o Rational ads have product insights,
              o Rational ads have product benefits,
              o Distinctive RTBs
              o Product introduction
              o Defending against a competitor calls for rational ads
              o Technical message about how products works
              o Value or price
              o Promotions
              o Information campaigns – rational ads to explain the
          When do you do emotional ads?
              o Emotional ads have people insights
              o Emotional ads have people benefits
              o Image brands
              o If you have a parity performing product – a product with
                 no better functions than competitors (ex. Tempra for kids
                 and Biogesic for working adults)
              o Loyalty ads – feel good about your company (ex. San
              o No RTB (ex. Johnson & Johnson)
              o Service-oriented business (ex. Hotels, resorts)
              o Public service or advocacy ads
              o Aesthetic or cosmetic brands

XVIII. For the Finals

          We are given a P55 million budget. Do not underspend by over 2%.
          Do not overspend.
          4 million pesos production cost for a 30-second tv commercial
          Fill in the TV rate card
          Minimize the text in the billboard

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Mkt 121 advertising management notes (Albert Cuadrante)

  • 1. Mkt 121 Advertising Management Professor: Albert Cuadrante I. Introduction Creative ads work and are memorable, but effective ads make you want to buy the product Marketing o Creating preference for a product or service by building a relationship with your target consumers 1. Creating preferences - in marketing, we sell brands, not products or services. 2. Relationship – it is more difficult to ask for money from people we don’t have relationships with. Otherwise, there will be an elimination of choices. Marketers want you to think of their brand when you need something. Price is not always the rationale for buying something. Advertising o E = I (Advertising is an expression to create an impression) 1477 – First print ad (English print ad advertised in Church prayer books) “Advertising” - first introduced in the English language in 1655 and meant “to sell” Difference between the product and a brand o Product – the thing you sell o Brand – identity of your product or service. It is important to brand because we need to distinguish our brand and because we need to establish a relationship with consumers. Brand equity o What your brand stands for in the mind and hearts of your target consumers o This is what people pay for. Types of advertising o Brand advertising (thematic advertising) – ads focused on enhancing and strengthening brand equity. (ex. Commercials) o Retail advertising – focuses on ads that sell the brand at the point of sale. (ex. Posters you see upon entering a Nike store) o Political advertising – pushes for a propaganda, platform or campaign of individuals or groups of people. o Direct advertising – ads designed to stimulate sale via a replied mechanism. You can reply to direct advertising. (ex. Direct mail and telemarketing) o Business-to-business advertising (B2B) – targeted consumers are professionals
  • 2. o Corporate advertising – ads designed to establish and strengthen corporate identity (ex. Nestle’s 100 years ad) o Advocacy advertising – public service ads that are usually done for free for a good cause (ex. DOH’s dengue season ads) o Directory – designed to let you know where you can avail of the product or service (ex. Yellow pages, 500 km to the nearest Jollibee store) 5 key players in the advertising industry o Client / advertiser o Creative agency – advertising agency that develops the advertising o Media agency – in charge of placing the advertising that was created by the creative agency o Production agency – produces and executes the ad into TV, radio or print ad o Freelance producers – not connected to any agency Consumer understanding  concept development  copy strategy  advertising brief  advertising development  media Types of consumers (not always exclusive) o Decision maker – typically has the money / purchasing power. This person does not always have the final say. 1. Categories: a. High-involvement products – expensive products (ex. Insurance, real estate) b. Medical or health-related products – technical terms are used c. Telecommunications – (ex. Diapers) o Purchaser–household products, dishwashing liquid, impulse purchases like chocolate o User – personal products (ex. Snacks, personal care products, fashion and clothing, beauty products) Target market o Group of people who are most likely to respond favorably to your brand’s benefit 1. Make people open up their minds and make them consider the product in the future 2. Marketing does not create a need, but makes the consumer aware of a need that he did not know about beforehand Difference between a trend and a fad o Trends last longer while fads fizzle out o Make sure that our product is more a trend than a fad o Weed out products that have a short life o How to spot trends vs. fads 1. Will the product/service fit basic lifestyle changes? (ex. The increasing number of women in the workforce, the increasing vanity of men, health- conscious)
  • 3. 2. Are your products able to deliver an immediate benefit? (If your product or service takes a little more time for the consumer to appreciate, then they tend to be fads) (ex. Olay’s promise of 7 day anti- aging) 3. Can your product be personalized? (The more a product can be customized, the longer the product’s life is) 4. Is your product or service a trend or just a side effect of the trend? (ex. Mobile communication is a trend, and cellphones are the side effect of the trend) (If something has been there for more than five years, then it is a trend.) 5. Do other developments support this product or service benefit? (ex. Miniaturization can become a trend, but it goes up and down) 6. Who has adapted to the change? Who are the trendsetters? Perception o Perception is a process by which we receive information through our senses and assign meaning to them o Perception is reality o It is very expensive to undo perception. o Three types we create perception: 1. Selective exposure – when we subject ourselves to only things that are pleasing to us. 2. Selective distortion – when we interpret information in a way that is consistent with our own opinion or experience. 3. Selective retention – when we save information for future reference. This information may not be relevant to you now, but you are interested in it for later. o What can distort perception? 1. Family 2. Society 3. Reference groups – group of people we use as role models for behavior for particular situations 4. Culture – tangible and intangible things that define a people (ex. Customs, traditions) Decision process o Need recognition – advertising makes you aware of a need o Information research – advertising makes you aware of the options that you have o Evaluate and comparison – advertising allows us to make a decision on the options that were available o Outlet selection – advertising can direct us to where we can avail of the product or service
  • 4. o Actual purchase – advertising influences your decision at point of purchase o Post-purchase evaluation – make up your mind and see if you want to do this again. Advertising affirms this decision to make a repurchase or make you switch next time. Concept II. Group assignment Think of a product that does not yet exist in the Philippine market o Brand it yourself o Realistic o 3 products that are not here yet. Mark with an asterisk which one is your first choice. o Go through the toothpaste exercise with the target market and attach to the paper o Interview at least 30 people III. The Persuaders Consumers are like roaches because they develop immunity to advertising Once a culture becomes advertising friendly, it ceases to be a culture at all Adidas advertisement You cannot walk down a street without seeing advertisement Over the last 20 years, New York has become an advertisement city Even the subway tunnel is an advertisement backdrop The more messages advertisers create, the more messages they have to create to reach us (causing clutter, which causes more clutter) The moment they stop advertising, they fade from memory Advertising wants to become the atmosphere, not just suffuse the atmosphere The Persuasion Industry – where will the advertising arms race lead? Song – new airline that is a subsidiary of Delta airlines. Their way of persuading us that they can compete with hip, low-cost airlines like Jet Blue o It’s not enough to launch a new airline. They had to invent a culture of flying o Started with focus group – capture idea of travel o Airlines ignored a target group: women (name: Carrie) o Goal: forge a real connection with women o Andy Spade – co-creator of Kate Spade (a brand that caters to people like Carrie) o Take an idea and make it something bigger o Downplay the airline’s new features in order to highlight its soul
  • 5. o Communication drives commerce o What differentiates something – creating something that communicates to people on anything other than the logical level o Should the pitch be aimed at the head or the heart? o We no longer believe that one product is better, brighter, cleaner than the other o New approach to marketing – not just what the product did, but what the product means (ex. Nike, Starbucks) o Pseudo-spiritual marketing (ex. Nike is about transcendence through sports) o Brands can forge emotional or spiritual bonds with consumers o Create and maintain a whole meaning system. Be a community. o Find out why people join cults and apply this to brands o Because: People need to belong and they want to make meaning. We need to make what the world is about and we need to be with others o Meaning system – can be based on all-time values of the community o Emotional branding – fill the empty places where non commercial institutions could have once done the job o Brands are an invitation to a lifestyle and community o More spiritual trend in advertising put pressure on the advertising agencies o Publicists, Interpublic, WPP, Adcon (?) o There is fear in the advertising agencies Feel a world through your five senses that can create loyalty beyond reason – that is where premium profits lie Love Marks – a brand that has created loyalty beyond reason, where it is recognized immediately as having some kind of iconic place in your heart Tide is not just a laundry detergent. It is a liberator. Move it from a detergent to the heart of the family For Song, there is a spirit that cannot be copied. Song is not an airline. It is a culture. Can consumers see through the brand experience and go to the thing that the product is? I know I’m wasting half my ad dollars, but I don’t know which half. What works? Where does it work? TV audiences are watching fewer ads, and people watch online (without ads) If the audience is skipping commercials to get to the program, then ads should be part of the program Madison+Vine – integration between advertising and programs that begins even before the show is conceptualized It’s not product placement. It’s the seamless integration of product and narration (lie)
  • 6. Advertising as a piece of entertainment that people will not only tolerate; they will look for Webisodes – AmEx starring Jerry Seinfeld (prompts people to sign up for AmEx) Tie-ups between people and ads – to reach wider audiences (ex. Victoria’s secret and Bob Dylan) Market research – Consumers are driven by unconscious needs and impulses o Unconscious associations with everything we buy (mental connection with every word in an advertisement) o Why do people do what they do? (ex. Past reason, through emotion to the primal core where all purchase reasons rely) o Reptilian hot buttons – what prompts us to act (not intellectually) People who want to do well do not necessarily get the best results. Marketers should understand the real need of the customers. Give them what they want. It’s not what you want to tell the public. It’s what they want to hear. HEED THE PUBLIC WELL. Know how to listen. What words will best sell an issue? 80% of our life is emotion and 20% is intellect. Narrow-casting – reaching out to voters on a one-to-one basis Life stage segments – how Acxiom divides the consumer base Understand more about consumers People are focused on their own needs and desires As long as we are thinking about ourselves, we are better consumers Consumers are always the focus of attention The persuaders listen to us when others won’t. They make us feel powerful. How does the problem of clutter become solved? Marketers find a way deep inside us so it doesn’t’ feel like clutter anymore. We’re all persuaders Reduce the person to persuade himself. That is the secret to all persuasion. Marketing is about understanding which translates to choosing proper communication (visuals, words and people that you use) IV. In Search for the Illusive Insight -- talk of Tats Caluag-Cruz, Senior Executive Officer of PublicisJimenezBasic (#1 Advertising Corporation in the Philippines) A new communication landscape has emerged o Old school marketing – talk to consumers and bombard them with information about your brand
  • 7. o Today’s new reality – main objective is to your communication to strike conversations among consumers so they talk about your brand They don’t want an insight into your mind, thrilling as it might be. They want an insight from their own mind. o You don’t just tell the consumers about your product. You make it important to them. Finding the insight is important because it makes you understand people around you o This is the way we can make our product relevant to the consumer. Make the product enter their lives. Everything that makes the world go round is grounded on strong insights. The best advertising campaigns are grounded on strong insights. o An insight is a launch pad and can turn a reaction from your consumer into an action (purchase) What is an insight? What is not an insight? (Difference between insight and observation) o An observation is the action or process of looking closely and carefully in order to gain information. We observe through market research, immersion, FGDs and the like. These are insight generation activities that lead to insights. o Insight originated from “inner” and “sight”. It should have a deeper viewpoint than what is just obviously seen or observed. Insights are motivators that usually enlighten and provide Eureka moments. The search for insight is a never-ending process. o Insights are understandings about human nature, culture, products, etc. that bring products to life. They are the underlying human truths that explain the behavior of people in relation to brands. o Focus on your strongest insight and don’t give many. How do we find insights and use them? o Every category has a consumer conversation about it. The conversation revolves around a product. o The breakout brands have had the biggest insights and have had the most talked-about conversations. o Successful brands inject an idea into the culture that is based on an insight that is worth talking about. This changes the expectations for the entire category. Where do we search for these insights? o Market – how I buy (traditional consumer insight) o Trends - What influences my choice o Social structure – how I engage in society o Culture - what are the things I do subconsciously o Human psychology – how I think about life—joy, sorrow, aspiration Insights can come from any place.
  • 8. o Category (business offering) o Brand (business offering) o Culture – where your product is marketed (human need) o Consumer (human need) Your insight should always be grounded in the brand and the consumer. Discuss getting insights: o Category 1. The characteristics and messaging of the category? 2. What are they offering? o Brand 1. Image, spirit, truth and views of brand/Product? 2. What it really stands for/core quality? o Culture 1. What are the macro cultural and societal trends? 2. How the world is affecting us, influencing us and changing us? o Consumer 1. The needs, wants and behavior (in relation to the category)? 2. What are they getting and not getting from the category? Some tips in insight writing o Insights can come from any place—category, brand, culture and consumer. But it should reign true however way you dissect it. o An insight may be good but the way you write it makes it even better. The language, choice of words, the tension…makes a huge difference. o An insight should be simple and easy to understand. If it becomes too complicated to put down in words, it may not be real. o Insights should be inspiring, as they inspire the creative work. Lack of inspiration leads to uninspiring advertising. o Insights should be able to move people. If they do not, they are just mere observations. They are meaningless. V. Insights Goal: get the ad to make the customer pay attention Insights – the unarticulated truths behind the purchase behavior of consumers o Product insights – habit or product focused (functionality of the product/service; the way people use products; may include attitudes borne out of previous experience with the product’s functional benefits). How will we get product insights?
  • 9. 1. What is the accepted standard of excellence? (ex. Whitens like bleach; deodorants protecting male athletes from sweat) 2. When do products fail? (ex. Overnight dryness is important for diapers; a coal miner calling with Globe from the core of the earth) 3. Is the way the product works different from the way consumers think it works? o People insights – more emotional or situational. Allows us to go beyond what consumers do or believe. Goes deeper than what we hear or see. 1. How does your product improve peoples’ lives? (ex. Ariel taking time away from doing laundry so the housewife can spend time with her family) 2. What is the most important moment for which the product is used and why is it important? (ex. Feminine napkins; deodorants) 3. Who will notice? (ex. there is always an appreciating guy in a beauty commercial) 4. Who can I trust or believe to help me solve my problem? (ex. Endorsements by pediatricians for children’s milk) Laddering – research technique used to gain a deeper understanding of consumers’ motivations, attitudes and desires behind their product preference. This usually results in a progression of needs from functional to emotional. Advertising that does not seem interesting probably does not have a good insight Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – brands need to satisfy the base needs before going to higher need levels o Physical survival needs – water, food, sleep, sex o Need for safety and security – physical safety, economic security, cleanliness, comfort o Social needs / belonging – acceptance, group membership, love and affection o Need for self esteem – important projects, recognition of strength, prestige and status o Need for self actualization – luxury goods; challenging projects, opportunities for innovation and creativity, learning at a higher level VI. Concept Concept is the promise that a brand makes to resolve an unmet need or a consumer frustration; the reason why it will be able to satisfy that need or frustration and other elements that may affect the product or service perception We need a concept because people need to understand what your product is all about.
  • 10. What to remember when writing a concept: o The concept is written to target consumers as the audience; therefore, you should write it in consumer language (not conversational = not consumer language) o Everything you write in a concept should be executable in a 30 second ad. The concept should be able to be read in 30 seconds. Parts of a concept: o Accepted consumer belief o Benefit statement o Reason to believe o Headline Elements of a strong concept: REPTILE o Relevant benefit o Elimination of a negative o Product superiority o Trend growth o Identified competitive advantage – know how your product is better or different o Loved brand o Excellent value – people should be convinced that your product is worth it Parts of a concept o Accepted consumer belief (ACB) – statement in the concept that expresses the target consumer’s frustration of an unmet need. It can also contain your insight. Main role: create empathy from your target consumers. It also allows you to set up your benefit statement. 3 types of ACBs: 1. ACB about existing belief or perception – ex. Eating too much sweets can cause tooth decay 2. Statements that set up a problem or describe a paradox – ex. Healthy chips often taste bad; chewing gum can prevent tooth decay; strong on germs, mild on hands 3. Statements which establish competitive positioning – ex. Downloading via dial-up is slow o Benefit statement – the product or service’s promise. Answers the consumer question “what’s in it for me?” This is what your product wants to stand for. Two types of benefit statements: 1. Product benefit – describes the benefit in objective or functional terms. Focuses on how the product works. 2. People benefit – it describes the promise in more subjective terms and uses emotional or non- functional benefits of the product. Answers the question “what is the benefit of the benefit?” People benefits should always be based on the product’s
  • 11. functional benefit.This is because the people benefit is a result of how you use the product. Guidelines in writing an ACB: o Use consumer language o Focus on one problem / frustration at a time (be single- minded) 1. Be realistic – do not set up a problem you cannot solve 2. Try not to say anything nice about your competitor – ex. “Sa ibang leading brand” o Make sure your benefit is relevant and distinctive (ex. Solar flashlight) o Whenever you can claim superiority, claim it. Reason to believe (RTB) – the part of the concept that lends credibility to your benefit. Answers the question “why should I believe you?” This helps address consumer skepticism. It’s not always necessary to have an RTB. You only put an RTB when you need to prove. If you do not have one, do not invent one. 3 types of RTB: Product feature or Endorsement Distinct product action ingredient o Quality of the o Professional o Technical ingredient endorsement performance o Product o Celebrity (ex. Colgate on aesthetics endorsement a shell) o Lack or o Testimonials o Visual demo absence of (ordinary o Torture test ingredient people) o Unique ingredients o Unique feature Guidelines in writing RTB o Use consumer language o Make sure that your RTB tightly supports the benefit o Check the logic of consumers o Do not be too technical (be creative with technical terms) Headline - Expresses the most important idea of a concept (written last) o Guidelines in writing the headline: 1. Use consumer language 2. Headline should be benefit-based (one sentence only) – focused and single minded 3. Make it the last thing you write because it summarizes the product Concept writing guidelines
  • 12. o Put only in concept what you can realistically translate to advertising o Use consumer language. Avoid technical jargon. o Target reading comprehension of a Grade 4 student o The concept should be able to be read aloud in 30 seconds or less. o The brand name should be evident and prominent. o The exact variants and prices should be explicitly stated. o For high involvement products such as food, use a picture (preferably an actual photo) of the product. Example: Nike o Nike allows you to be the best that you can be o ACB: in sports or any activity, it is always your goal to win. You, therefore, choose the equipment and gear that you think will help bring out your best. o Benefit: Nike shoes and athletic great provide users superior performance in their chosen sport or activity. o Reason why: because Nike products are used by the world’s best, Nike allows you to be the best that you can be. The Promise Board o I promise you ____________ (Benefit) o I promise you will __________ (benefit) o I know that it’s important to you because ___________________ (ACB) o You can believe and trust my promise because _________ (RTB) o Here are the different ways you can experience my promise: ___________ (variants) o To summarize, I promise ______________ o Here is what the experience will cost you: ____________ Choosing your strategy: The three U’s: o Increase Users (non-users) o Increase Usage(current users) (frequency) – brush your teeth thrice instead of twice o Increase Uses (current users) – getting you to use the product in different occasions Types of non-users: o Non-category or non-subcategory users – people who don’t use that product at all 1. More difficult to convince because they still do not appreciate the value of the product 2. Ex. Detergent bar users (vs. powder use), Landline only users (vs. cellphone users) o New Market Entrants – about to be ready to use your products 1. May be open to your message because they are starting to have new needs they didn’t have before 2. Ex. Household appliances (newlyweds)
  • 13. o Competitors’ Users 1. May be relatively easier to convince because they are already using competitive products. Types of users: o Loyal / heavy / regular users 1. The users you must always ensure will continue to patronize you 2. These also represent the “low hanging fruit” users o Occasional users 1. Moderate or low usage / consumption / patronage o your product 2. Low consumption may be due to less need or competitive product usage, including the so-called “variety seekers” or even users who may have concerns about repeating. o “Loose” user 1. Current users that you are nevertheless in danger of losing 2. Risk of loss may be due to a decline in consumption due to changing needs or encroachment by competitors Strategy Map / StratMap o A simple yet effective way of thinking through what must be done to effect the desired change in the target audience’s mindset (and hence, behavior) Current Future Target audience Then they will do currently does this (desired this behavior) Because they If I can make currently think them think this (Benefit Barrier) Benefit barrier – the thought that prevents the target audience from believing or accepting your benefit
  • 14. ACTION ACTION “If I can make Existing beliefs them believe…” and attitudes (incorporate (Benefit barrier) strategic benefit) Insight Insight – opens up the mind of your target audience for the benefit barrier VII. The Copy Strategy o The precise articulation of what we want consumers to understand about what our brand stands for. Why the should prefer it over competition. It serves as the basis for developing the brand’s equity advertising. The Copy Strategy is a long-term document and not normally subject to revisions. o Positioning statement Concept vs Copy Strategy Concept Copy strategy Audience is the Audience is Ad agency consumer Written in business Written in consumer language language Objective is to create Objective is to test equity advertising relevance and appeal of benefit Accepted Consumer Belief Benefit Benefit Reason to believe Reason to believe Brand character Brand character o Describes the personality, human traits or attitude that your brand stands for and embodies in its advertising. o It helps your brand establish rapport and be more relatable to your target market. o Brand character examples:
  • 15. 1. The Miracle of Everyday Life (Immodium) 2. Approaches the dishwashing with good optimism (dishwashing liquid) 3. The ultimate expression of love that a Mother can give (diaper) 4. Part of the family tradition (Pillsbury) 5. Mom’s magical helper – what’s hard for others is child’s play for her (Mr. Clean) 6. Energetic and youthful in spirit; fun and easy going (Rejoice) 7. Young, self-confident, sensual woman who openly enjoys her femininity (sanitary product) In order to be effective, a copy strategy must be precise: o Expressed in clear and simple business language o Direct-to-the-point o Decisive (prioritizes) Your brand’s strategic benefit, as articulated in the benefit statement, must be distinctive. Note however that the distinctiveness can also come from the Reason Why, Brand Character or actual advertising execution. Evaluating copy strategies: o Are you committed to execute the benefit in all your ads? (long-term) o If you have more than one benefit, are they prioritized? o Are there executional elements in your strategy? 1. Don’t specify “Michael Jordan.” Specify “top basketball athletes in the world” so the agency has a choice. o Does your RTB tightly support the benefit? o Is your brand character specific and clear? o Is it simple and unambiguous so that everyone has a common understanding and appreciation of the strategy? 10 things to remember when you write a copy strategy: o Do not have hidden benefits 1. Writing a benefit statement with two benefits when you say one o Do not have too many benefits o Do not write vague benefits o Avoid the word “best” o Avoid unclear comparative statements 1. “Whitens your teeth better” o Do not have unprioritized benefits 1. If they are equal then use the word “and” o Avoid vague RTBs 1. “Special ingredient for cleaning product” o Do not have too many RTBs 1. Comes across as defensive o Always have a brand character o Avoid vague brand characters
  • 16. 1. “Trustworthy”, “happy”, “honest” VIII. Advertising Brief Summary of the mutually agreed elements by client and agency in developing the advertising 2 primary functions: o To guide the agency o To inspire the creative people 10 parts of the ad brief: o Project name 1. Nice title to tag your commercial (does not have to relate to your product) o Advertising objective 1. Generally can be summarized into three: a. Inform (ex. New product; pharmaceuticals) b. Persuade (ex. Make people switch; telecom providers) c. Remind (ex. Remind people why they chose it; Johnson & Johnson) o Target Market 1. Demographics a. Basic socio-economic information that helps me try to imagine who the people are 2. Psychographics a. Lifestyle descriptions b. Behavior descriptions o Current Mindset 1. Lifted from StratMap o Consumer Insight o Desired Mindset o Copy Strategy 1. Benefit Statement 2. RTB 3. Brand Character o Executional considerations 1. Things we strive to minimize; best if we have none (to give the agency creative freedom) 2. Things that the agency should have in the ad. What needs to be there: a. Price / mechanics b. Selling line c. Logo d. Etc. o Material required 1. TVC (length: 15s, 30s or 60s) 2. Radio commercial 3. Print 4. Etc.
  • 17. o Budget Importance of ad brief o Needed to be seen and reflected in the ad IX. TV Advertising 2 types of TV ads: o Thematic advertising 1. Ads developed to strengthen and push the brand’s core equities (what we will focus on) o Tactical advertising 1. Created to communicate short-term business needs of the brand (ex. Promotions) 4 elements in creating thematic advertising: o Advertising idea – the creative transformation of your benefit into an executional idea. The advertising idea will most likely come from the ad agency (this deals with how they take your strategy and make it creative). Also called the creative magnifier. 1. What to remember about the ad idea: a. The advertising idea is not the benefit. It is not the insight. It is not necessarily the selling line, although good advertising ideas can make good selling lines. 2. Why do we want to have an ad idea? a. Ad ideas give rise to good campaigns b. Ad ideas give the agency a little bit more room for creativity 3. How to know if the ad idea is good: a. Ad idea must be related to your benefit b. Ad idea should be provocative or interesting c. Ad idea has to be relevant d. Ad idea is preferably distinctive vs. competition 4. Campaign – a series of executions with the same idea 5. Example: Allied Dunbar Financial insurance – allows you to have peace of mind (BS). Idea: when life is uncertain, you have to face the music. 6. Bounty Paper Towels – let your kid be a kid (idea) 7. Ariel: removes stains without scrubbing (Benefit), Ariel sets you free (idea) o Drama – the story in advertising. We look at 2 things: 1. Dramatic Focus a. Is the drama or the story centered on the benefit? b. Can the commercial exist without the brand’s benefit being communicated? 2. Dramatic Effect
  • 18. a. The ability of your commercial to sustain your viewer’s attention b. How to achieve dramatic effect? i. Dramatic intensity ii. Surprise ending iii. Humor c. Drama is most affected by brand character o Big picture – the way by which your brand tells its story in the visuals. The Big Picture is the visual that most appropriately and recognizably visualizes your benefit. 1. If you see a commercial, ask yourself what you remember the most. 2. What you look for: a. Substance – does the visual you have communicate your benefit? b. Provocativeness – is the visual distinctive and recognizable? 3. We try to avoid: a. Unbalanced visuals – dwelling too much on the problem than the benefit b. Unclear visuals – visual elements that are abstract or too far removed from reality i. When do we get unclear visuals? Ex. In pharmaceuticals, if they try to explain how the product works c. Difficult visuals – hard to visualize (ex. Feminine napkins use blue liquid not red) d. Off-strategy visuals – visuals that are inconsistent with your copy strategy, particularly your brand character o Selling line – the expression of your benefit using consumer language. Sometimes known as the tagline. 1. What makes a good selling line? a. Substantive – by reading the selling line, you can derive the benefit. b. Distinctive and memorable, can be used for a long time 2. What do we avoid with selling lines? a. Selling lines need to be distinctive – cannot have a generic selling lines X. Storyboards What to do when the agency is presenting the storyboard: o Understand 1. Understand what the storyboard elements are (what the picture says) 2. Understand the copy / the words
  • 19. 3. Understand what the agency is trying to get you to agree to o Evaluation 1. Learn to trust your gut (80% of the time it is correct) a. Your gut is the basic consumer reaction to an ad, and we are all consumers 2. Check if the ad brief is in your storyboard a. Check for insight b. Check for copy strategy 3. Check for the ad idea a. Overall – what is the overall reaction to the storyboard? Gut feel. b. Strategy – check for ad brief. Is the storyboard on strategy? c. Visuals – is there a big picture? Is the drama focused? d. Drama – check the focus and effect if it is consistent with brand character. Check if the ad idea is effectively dramatized 4. Communicate your comments well to the agency a. Communicate your opinion. b. Don’t always try to find a fault if there’s no fault. c. Don’t comment too much on the execution d. “I’m not sure I’m with you on this board.” e. “Maybe there’s another way of expressing this story. Maybe there’s another way we can...” f. “I’ve seen this story before. It might not make our brand stand out.” XI. 6 General formats of TV commercials o Demo ad 1. Focuses on executing how the product works (in terms of features, functionality, special instructions) o Product as the Hero ad 1. Glorifies or romanticizes products, especially food o Vignettes 1. Treatment where you see several episodes driving to a common message. Hair and beauty commercials show lots of different scenes then cut to the product and then show someone with smooth hair. o Endorsements and Testimonials 1. Endorsers are celebrities/well-known people, while testimonials are the common user o Day In A Life (DIAL)
  • 20. 1. Commercials where they show a typical day in the life of the target market, dramatizing how the product plays a role in the daily life of the person o Infomercial (Information Commercial) 1. Infomercial is designed to educate and inform the target consumer about how the product works in the general product category it operates in. Example: dengue prevention XII. Print Advertising 4 elements of print: ad idea, drama, big picture, selling line General creative principle in print: choose whether you send a postcard (heavily visually driven) or write a letter (copy-driven and text heavy) What makes good print ads: o Headline and visual should be integrated o Benefit should either be in the Headline or Visual (or both) o The Headline should be provocative o Use simple direct language – avoid cleverness o The visual should be the dominant element in the layout – unless you don’t have one o Show the product / brand o Bold colors are better than pastel o Keep your layout simple (upper left to lower right) Violator or Headline  Key visual  Brand o Keep your copy or text as short as possible o Keep your ad human XIII. Radio Advertising Hearing is passive while listening is active. Hearing is indifferent and listening requires attention. Hearing is more auditory and listening involves comprehension. Consumers tend to be hearers than listeners Types of Radio Listenership o Music 1. Usually FM and mostly young adults o News and Information 1. Usually AM and mostly older o Entertainment 1. Dramas, talk shows, interactive programs, (Top 10 lists, Dear Dr. Love, etc) 2. Predominantly female listeners o Sports 1. Mostly male listeners Advantages of Radio:
  • 21. o Very targeted – can easily tailor to listener profile (ex. Teens) and time of day (morning, noon or night) o Speed – easier to produce a radio commercial (1 day); allows you to be more reactive to competitive threats o Lower cost – average cost of radio commercial is P250,000 to P300,000 o Wider reach – more people own a radio (99%) o Localized versioning / flexibility – can easily do dialect ads o Maximizes Mental Imagery – especially good for benefits that are hard to visualize (ex. Contraceptives) Disadvantages for Radio o Attention span is shorter for radio – radio is normally used as ambient noise; so more hearing vs. listening o No visuals – more challenging to engage the listener o Harder to break out of clutter – due to no visuals and noise pollution o Listenership is declining – due to iPods, CDs, internet radio, etc. Signature sound – the audio device that magnifies the benefit of the product. It replaces the big picture. XIV. Digital Marketing: An Overview Digital landscape o Asia Pacific accounts for 42% of worldwide internet users with 21.5% penetration rate o Philippines has 29.7% internet penetration o Immature internet penetration does not equal immature digital behavior o Most intensive: Social networking and Messenger o Most popular activities: Portals, search and entertainment Philippine online numbers o Highest percentage of internet users: Ages 10-19 and 20- 29 o Internet café usage has gone lower, while home internet has increased o Top online activities 1. Visiting social networking sites 2. Search 3. Instant messaging 4. Internet portal 5. Visiting public chat rooms 6. Email 7. Played games online 8. Listen to songs on music websites 9. Downloaded or uploaded music files online 10. Shared/posted something online that you created
  • 22. o Mobile internet usage is more for social networking and search o Top Philippine websites: 1. Facebook 2. Google 3. Yahoo 4. YouTube 5. Blogger 6. Wikipedia 7. Twitter 8. Sulit 9. Wordpress 10. Tumblr o Top local sites: 1. 2. 3. GMA news 4. Ebay PH 5. ABS-CBN News 6. Philstar 7. PEP 8. Pinoy Exchange 9. Cebu Pacific 10. The “New” Target Market o The rise of the internet and mobile led to the “new consumer” o Power shifts back to the consumer o Characteristics of the new consumer: 1. Tech-savvy 2. Multi-taskers 3. Opinion-driven 4. Selective o Shrinking attention economy – attention span is getting lower and it is getting harder for marketers to talk to consumers o The New Currency 1. More explanation 2. Instantaneous reactions 3. Deeper conversations 4. Consumer opinions Getting through to the consumer o Building experiences with the consumer, with technology as the bridge o Use content that is: 1. Useful 2. Relevant 3. Entertaining 4. Strikes curiosity
  • 23. o Make it fun o Build appropriately o Building to share o Build to reach In this shrinking attention economy, we need to be more deliberate in how we communicate, in order to deliver results. The next phase of media is to insinuate themselves into our life streams Social media o A type of online media that expedites conversation, which delivers content and allows readers/viewers/listeners to participate in the creation or development of the content. Classifications of Digital Media o Paid – a channel we pay to use (ex. Display ads, paid search) o Owned – a channel a brand owns (ex. Website, blog, Twitter account) o Earned – customers are the channel (ex. Word of mouth, viral buzz, online chatter) Display ads o Search engine marketing vs. Search marketing optimization Some takes on group buying: o Consumer is the winner o Good for businesses in: 1. Building awareness / trial 2. Drive store traffic 3. Free advertising 4. Slow moving items 5. Opportunity to up sell and cross sell o Not for building loyalty XV. Media Fundamentals Advertising o Creation of the message you want to communicate Media o Selection of the channels of communication The trend: o Concurrent selection of Advertising and Medium in creating the message Update on the Philippine media landscape o Central Luzon, NCR and Calabarzon are the most populous region. Calabarzon will have the largest population by 2010, surpassing the NCR. o The Philippines is largely populated by young adults. Communication to them must be relevant because the adults will be the old (and dead) ones of the future.
  • 24. o The working segment accounts for 45% of the adult population. o Key Media Facts: 1. Metro Manila has the biggest ownership of media, but Davao is second. 2. Challenge is to come up with new, in-sync ideas (traditional, internet and mobile) Media Planning Process Advertiser Media Planner WHO Target audience Target audience Consumer contact points WHAT Message Translation to Brand character appropriate media vehicles (wholesome vs. sexy) BUDGET Manage spending within budget (target to save) AWARENESS Translate awareness into media-specific measures SALES Measures Methods of measurement DAY AFTER COINCIDENTAL PEOPLE METER RECALL BASIC METHOD In home visits to In home visits, Instantaneous interview telephone measurement respondent on surveys, or diary using remote programs viewed, usage to get “real device the day after time” viewing Measures individual viewing LIMITATIONS Requires recall, Difficult to run Requires which is not during primetime, household totally accurate, can not read cooperation and not continuous. switching compliance Gives advantage accurately; not to well known continuous programs USAGE PSRC-DAR survey Radio surveys AGC-Nielsen – covers provincial Mega Manila cities like Baguio, (previously Dagupan, Naga, Dagupan, Cebu Legaspi, Bacolod, and Davao) Iloilo, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Zamboanga, Davao, General Santos DATA
  • 25. AVAILABILITY AND RESULTS T.A.R.P.S. o Target Audience Rating Points o The number of viewers expressed as a percentage of the total number of the specified viewer group with TV o TARP = number of (target audience) viewers watching the program or channel x 100% / total number of (target audience) viewers with TV o Numerator: target viewers with TV sets ON on the program o Denominator: All target viewers with TV (on and off) TARP Specifications o Must specify all three specs o Can aggregate several units o Gender, Eco class and Age Ratings and shares o Ratings – the percentage of household / viewers watching a particular program, among all viewers with TV, regardless of whether the TV set is on or off. o Share - the percentage of household / viewers watching a particular program, among all household/viewers who have their TV sets ON. Reach vs. Frequency o Reach – the percentage of all individuals who have seen at least one minute of the event in a week (or in a month). o Frequency – the number of times a viewer is exposed to the commercial in a week (or a month). o Consumption behavior and purchase behavior – to take note of when you pick reach or frequency. If you are frequently bought and consumed, then you pick frequency. General media strategies o Flighting – points in the year where you don’t have an ad out (when you have no budget, when you have a seasonal product like pharmaceuticals) o Pulsing – you’re not totally out during the entire year, but you lay low. o Continuous XVI. Below-The-Line advertising Brochures, leaflets, take 1s o Things to keep in mind: 1. Use the headline to communicate your selling message 2. Be single-minded in your primary message as well as in your visualization
  • 26. 3. Caption your pictures. These are read twice as often as body copy. 4. Ensure copy-visual lock. This strengthens the message. 5. Avoid clichés. (ex. Generic pictures of happy family which everyone uses) 6. Provide complete facts, but present this in a manner that can be skimmed easily. 7. Make the reader want to keep the brochure, because of its quality. 8. Makes sure you end with a call to action. Outdoor advertising o Average travel time: AB is 1 hour, C/D is 1.25 hours o While travelling… 1. Look at cars and people: 66% 2. Look at billboards: 45% (only 8% read) 3. Listen to radio: 27% o Routes frequently travelled: 1. EDSA 2. Rizal Ave. to Taft Ave. o Important attributes to help awareness and recall in billboards: 1. Use bright and cheerful colors 2. Use of photographic or real life situations 3. Contains product information 4. Uniqueness of billboard design 5. Use of product illustration 6. Use of celebrity endorser Point of Purchase o Point-of-Purchase Advertising (POPA). Refers to materials and displays designed by the manufacturer and distributed to the trade, with the objective of promoting a brand or family of brands at point-of-purchase. o Key merchandising strategy: achieve presence in the key contact points of your target consumers o Why? 1. Consumers are increasingly mobile; they’re not just at home or in supermarkets 2. Traditional advertising and merchandising venues are getting cluttered o Identify some key contact points for Revicon and Centrum. o Materials that fall under POP: 1. Banners / bannerettes 2. Shelf dividers 3. Wigglers 4. Awnings 5. Posters 6. Off shelf displays
  • 27. 7. Price cards / shelf cards o Guidelines in POPA design 1. Consider general eye movement a. Upper left corner to lower right corner 2. Own a color a. Ex. Coke is red 3. Own a distinct symbol a. Ex. Energizer Bunny 4. Maximize your branding; avoid clutter 5. Provide discontinuity – try to be unique in your material 6. Must be impactful and eye-stopping 7. Demand a consistent look for all materials 8. Whenever possible, clearly present your product benefit o Guidelines in POPA design 1. Establish strong in-store presence 2. To create POP awareness of brand’s benefit 3. Inform consumers of special promotions and prices 4. Help push the brand at POP XVII. Emotional or Rational Advertising Three basic consumer types: o Classical consumers – those who choose a brand based primarily on its functional benefits 1. Dominated in the post-war era 2. Ex. McDonalds with hot and fast food in a self- service restaurant o Contemporary consumers – those who choose brands based on the benefits of the primary functional benefit 1. Ex. McDonalds with convenience and saving time and a drive-through o Post-modern consumers – those who choose a brand that allows him/her to fulfill his/her goals 1. Ex. McDonalds as a place that brings the family together with a play area Multiple goals: o Conflicting goals 1. Ex. Dockers with “business casual” attire o Neglected goals 1. Goals that we choose to set aside for a while. They are still important, but we cannot realistically attend to them at the moment. o For post-modern consumers, you need to determine the goals behind the action (via laddering) Kinds of products and ads: INFORMATIVE / HIGH AFFECTIVE products INVOLVEMENT products o Feeling, high o Thinking, high importance
  • 28. importance o Highly image driven o Houses, real estate, o Cosmetics, cars perfumes, fashion brands, luxury brands HABIT products SELF-SATSFACTION / o Thinking, low IMPULSE products importance o Feeling, low o Toothpaste, soap importance o Cigarettes, chocolates When do we use rational ads? o Rational ads have product insights, o Rational ads have product benefits, o Distinctive RTBs o Product introduction o Defending against a competitor calls for rational ads o Technical message about how products works o Value or price o Promotions o Information campaigns – rational ads to explain the information When do you do emotional ads? o Emotional ads have people insights o Emotional ads have people benefits o Image brands o If you have a parity performing product – a product with no better functions than competitors (ex. Tempra for kids and Biogesic for working adults) o Loyalty ads – feel good about your company (ex. San Miguel) o No RTB (ex. Johnson & Johnson) o Service-oriented business (ex. Hotels, resorts) o Public service or advocacy ads o Aesthetic or cosmetic brands XVIII. For the Finals We are given a P55 million budget. Do not underspend by over 2%. Do not overspend. 4 million pesos production cost for a 30-second tv commercial Fill in the TV rate card Minimize the text in the billboard XIX.
  • 29. BLAZE