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Fabricio Galárraga
5to sistemas
• Ejecutar el programa hola mundo, y debe cambiar los mensajes de
pantalla al español:
name "hola-mundo"
; this example prints out "hello world!"
; by writing directly to video memory.
; in vga memory: first byte is ascii character, byte that follows is character attribute.
; if you change the second byte, you can change the color of
; the character even after it is printed.
; character attribute is 8 bit value,
; high 4 bits set background color and low 4 bits set foreground color.
; hex bin color
; 0 0000 black
; 1 0001 blue
; 2 0010 green
; 3 0011 cyan
; 4 0100 red
; 5 0101 magenta
; 6 0110 brown
; 7 0111 light gray
; 8 1000 dark gray
; 9 1001 light blue
; a 1010 light green
; b 1011 light cyan
; c 1100 light red
; d 1101 light magenta
; e 1110 yellow
; f 1111 white
org 100h
; set video mode
mov ax, 3 ; text mode 80x25, 16 colors, 8 pages (ah=0, al=3)
int 10h ; do it!
; cancel blinking and enable all 16 colors:
mov ax, 1003h
mov bx, 0
int 10h
; set segment register:
mov ax, 0b800h
mov ds, ax
; print "hello world"
; first byte is ascii code, second byte is color code.
mov [02h], 'H'
mov [04h], 'o'
mov [06h], 'l'
mov [08h], 'a'
mov [0ah], ','
mov [0ch], 'M'
mov [0eh], 'u'
mov [10h], 'n'
mov [12h], 'd'
mov [14h], 'o'
; color all characters:
mov cx, 12 ; number of characters.
mov di, 03h ; start from byte after 'h'
c: mov [di], 11101100b ; light red(1100) on yellow(1110)
add di, 2 ; skip over next ascii code in vga memory.
loop c
; wait for any key press:
mov ah, 0
int 16h
Compilar un programa en EMU8086 que indique lo siguiente: Nombre
completo del estudiante, Universidad, Fecha y materia:
.MODEL SMALL ;modelo pequeño de compilación (64k como máximo)
.STACK 100h ;Segmento de pila: Pila 256 posiciones
CR EQU 13 ;Declaración de constantes
.DATA ;Comienzo del segmento de datos
TEXTO DB 'Fabricio Xavier Galarraga Perez PUCESI 26/04/2019 Compiladores',CR,LF ;Reserva
de memoria con retorno de carro e
;Inicio de línea, la variable TEXTO es de tipo
;byte,el símbolo $ es el símbolo de fin de cadena
.CODE ;Comienzo del segmento de código
MOV AX, SEG TEXTO ;Mueve a AX la dirección del primer byte del
;segmento de datos
MOV DS,AX ;Mueve dicha dirección al segmento de datos
LEA DX,TEXTO ;Cargamos en DX la dirección efectiva del texto
;que vamos a imprimir por pantalla
MOV AH,9 ;función "Escribir texto por pantalla"
INT 21h ;Llamada a DOS por medio de la interrupción
;para ejecutar la función
MOV AH,4ch ;función "Retornar a DOS"
INT 21h ;Interrupción que llama a DOS para terminar el
END ;fin
Compilar un programa que permita comparar 2 números del 0 al 9:
name "flags"
org 100h
; this sample shows how cmp instruction sets the flags.
; usually cmp instruction is followed by any relative
; jump instruction such as: je, ja, jl, jae...
; it is recommended to click "flags" and "analyze"
; for better visual expirience before stepping through this code.
; (signed/unsigned)
; 4 is equal to 4
mov ah, 4
mov al, 4
cmp ah, al
; (signed/unsigned)
; 4 is above and greater then 3
mov ah, 4
mov al, 3
cmp ah, al
; -5 = 251 = 0fbh
; (signed)
; 1 is greater then -5
mov ah, 1
mov al, -5
cmp ah, al
; (unsigned)
; 1 is below 251
mov ah, 1
mov al, 251
cmp ah, al
; (signed)
; -3 is less then -2
mov ah, -3
mov al, -2
cmp ah, al
; (signed)
; -2 is greater then -3
mov ah, -2
mov al, -3
cmp ah, al
; (unsigned)
; 255 is above 1
mov ah, 255
mov al, 1
cmp ah, al
; now a little game:
game: mov dx, offset msg1
mov ah, 9
int 21h
; read character in al:
mov ah, 1
int 21h
cmp al, '0'
jb stop
cmp al, '9'
ja stop
cmp al, '3'
jb below
ja above
mov dx, offset equal_5
jmp print
below: mov dx, offset below_5
jmp print
above: mov dx, offset above_5
print: mov ah, 9
int 21h
jmp game ; loop.
stop: ret ; stop
msg1 db "enter a number or any other character to exit: $"
equal_5 db " es el tres! (igual)", 0Dh,0Ah, "$"
below_5 db " is menor que tres!" , 0Dh,0Ah, "$"
above_5 db " is mayor que tres!" , 0Dh,0Ah, "$"
Compilar un programa que permita sumar 10 valores asignados a un
name "calcular-suma"
org 100h ; directive make tiny com file.
; calculate the sum of elements in vector,
; store result in m and print it in binary code.
; number of elements:
mov cx, 10
; al will store the sum:
mov al, 0
; bx is an index:
mov bx, 0
; sum elements:
next: add al, vector[bx]
; next byte:
inc bx
; loop until cx=0:
loop next
; store result in m:
mov m, al
; print result in binary:
mov bl, m
mov cx, 8
print: mov ah, 2 ; print function.
mov dl, '0'
test bl, 10000000b ; test first bit.
jz zero
mov dl, '1'
zero: int 21h
shl bl, 1
loop print
; print binary suffix:
mov dl, 'b'
int 21h
mov dl, 0ah ; new line.
int 21h
mov dl, 0dh ; carrige return.
int 21h
; print result in decimal:
mov al, m
call print_al
; wait for any key press:
mov ah, 0
int 16h
; variables:
vector db 5, 4, 5, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 1
m db 0
print_al proc
cmp al, 0
jne print_al_r
push ax
mov al, '0'
mov ah, 0eh
int 10h
pop ax
mov ah, 0
cmp ax, 0
je pn_done
mov dl, 10
div dl
call print_al_r
mov al, ah
add al, 30h
mov ah, 0eh
int 10h
jmp pn_done
Compilar un programa sugerido por usted, como propuesta adicional:
name "calculadora"
; command prompt based simple calculator (+,-,*,/) for 8086.
; example of calculation:
; input 1 <- number: 10
; input 2 <- operator: -
; input 3 <- number: 5
; -------------------
; 10 - 5 = 5
; output -> number: 5
;;; this maro is copied from ;;;
; this macro prints a char in AL and advances
; the current cursor position:
MOV AL, char
INT 10h
org 100h
jmp start
; define variables:
msg0 db "note: calculator works with integer values
db "to learn how to output the result of a float division see
float.asm in examples",0Dh,0Ah,'$'
msg1 db 0Dh,0Ah, 0Dh,0Ah, 'ponga el primer numero: $'
msg2 db "ponga un operador: + - * / : $"
msg3 db "ponga el segundo numero: $"
msg4 db 0dh,0ah , 'el resultado aproximado es : $'
msg5 db 0dh,0ah ,'gracias por usar la calculadora! presione
cualquier tecla... ', 0Dh,0Ah, '$'
err1 db "operacion erronea!", 0Dh,0Ah , '$'
smth db " and something.... $"
; operator can be: '+','-','*','/' or 'q' to exit in the middle.
opr db '?'
; first and second number:
num1 dw ?
num2 dw ?
mov dx, offset msg0
mov ah, 9
int 21h
lea dx, msg1
mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx
int 21h
; get the multi-digit signed number
; from the keyboard, and store
; the result in cx register:
call scan_num
; store first number:
mov num1, cx
; new line:
putc 0Dh
putc 0Ah
lea dx, msg2
mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx
int 21h
; get operator:
mov ah, 1 ; single char input to AL.
int 21h
mov opr, al
; new line:
putc 0Dh
putc 0Ah
cmp opr, 'q' ; q - exit in the middle.
je exit
cmp opr, '*'
jb wrong_opr
cmp opr, '/'
ja wrong_opr
; output of a string at ds:dx
lea dx, msg3
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; get the multi-digit signed number
; from the keyboard, and store
; the result in cx register:
call scan_num
; store second number:
mov num2, cx
lea dx, msg4
mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx
int 21h
; calculate:
cmp opr, '+'
je do_plus
cmp opr, '-'
je do_minus
cmp opr, '*'
je do_mult
cmp opr, '/'
je do_div
; none of the above....
lea dx, err1
mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx
int 21h
; output of a string at ds:dx
lea dx, msg5
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; wait for any key...
mov ah, 0
int 16h
ret ; return back to os.
mov ax, num1
add ax, num2
call print_num ; print ax value.
jmp exit
mov ax, num1
sub ax, num2
call print_num ; print ax value.
jmp exit
mov ax, num1
imul num2 ; (dx ax) = ax * num2.
call print_num ; print ax value.
; dx is ignored (calc works with tiny numbers only).
jmp exit
; dx is ignored (calc works with tiny integer numbers only).
mov dx, 0
mov ax, num1
idiv num2 ; ax = (dx ax) / num2.
cmp dx, 0
jnz approx
call print_num ; print ax value.
jmp exit
call print_num ; print ax value.
lea dx, smth
mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx
int 21h
jmp exit
;;; these functions are copied from ;;;
; gets the multi-digit SIGNED number from the keyboard,
; and stores the result in CX register:
; reset flag:
MOV CS:make_minus, 0
; get char from keyboard
; into AL:
MOV AH, 00h
INT 16h
; and print it:
INT 10h
; check for MINUS:
CMP AL, '-'
JE set_minus
; check for ENTER key:
CMP AL, 0Dh ; carriage return?
JNE not_cr
JMP stop_input
CMP AL, 8 ; 'BACKSPACE' pressed?
JNE backspace_checked
MOV DX, 0 ; remove last digit by
MOV AX, CX ; division:
DIV CS:ten ; AX = DX:AX / 10 (DX-rem).
PUTC ' ' ; clear position.
PUTC 8 ; backspace again.
JMP next_digit
; allow only digits:
CMP AL, '0'
JAE ok_AE_0
JMP remove_not_digit
CMP AL, '9'
JBE ok_digit
PUTC 8 ; backspace.
PUTC ' ' ; clear last entered not digit.
PUTC 8 ; backspace again.
JMP next_digit ; wait for next input.
; multiply CX by 10 (first time the result is zero)
MUL CS:ten ; DX:AX = AX*10
; check if the number is too big
; (result should be 16 bits)
JNE too_big
; convert from ASCII code:
SUB AL, 30h
; add AL to CX:
MOV DX, CX ; backup, in case the result will be too big.
JC too_big2 ; jump if the number is too big.
JMP next_digit
MOV CS:make_minus, 1
JMP next_digit
MOV CX, DX ; restore the backuped value before add.
MOV DX, 0 ; DX was zero before backup!
DIV CS:ten ; reverse last DX:AX = AX*10, make AX = DX:AX /
PUTC 8 ; backspace.
PUTC ' ' ; clear last entered digit.
PUTC 8 ; backspace again.
JMP next_digit ; wait for Enter/Backspace.
; check flag:
CMP CS:make_minus, 0
JE not_minus
make_minus DB ? ; used as a flag.
; this procedure prints number in AX,
; used with PRINT_NUM_UNS to print signed numbers:
JNZ not_zero
PUTC '0'
JMP printed
; the check SIGN of AX,
; make absolute if it's negative:
JNS positive
PUTC '-'
; this procedure prints out an unsigned
; number in AX (not just a single digit)
; allowed values are from 0 to 65535 (FFFF)
; flag to prevent printing zeros before number:
; (result of "/ 10000" is always less or equal to 9).
MOV BX, 10000 ; 2710h - divider.
; AX is zero?
JZ print_zero
; check divider (if zero go to end_print):
JZ end_print
; avoid printing zeros before number:
JE calc
; if AX<BX then result of DIV will be zero:
JB skip
MOV CX, 0 ; set flag.
DIV BX ; AX = DX:AX / BX (DX=remainder).
; print last digit
; AH is always ZERO, so it's ignored
ADD AL, 30h ; convert to ASCII code.
MOV AX, DX ; get remainder from last div.
; calculate BX=BX/10
DIV CS:ten ; AX = DX:AX / 10 (DX=remainder).
JMP begin_print
PUTC '0'
ten DW 10 ; used as multiplier/divider by SCAN_NUM
MOV CX, 0 ; char counter.
CMP DX, 1 ; buffer too small?
JBE empty_buffer ;
DEC DX ; reserve space for last zero.
; Eternal loop to get
; and processes key presses:
MOV AH, 0 ; get pressed key.
INT 16h
CMP AL, 0Dh ; 'RETURN' pressed?
CMP AL, 8 ; 'BACKSPACE' pressed?
JNE add_to_buffer
JCXZ wait_for_key ; nothing to remove!
PUTC 8 ; backspace.
PUTC ' ' ; clear position.
PUTC 8 ; backspace again.
JMP wait_for_key
CMP CX, DX ; buffer is full?
JAE wait_for_key ; if so wait for 'BACKSPACE' or
; print the key:
INT 10h
JMP wait_for_key
; terminate by null:
MOV [DI], 0

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Taller practico emu8086_galarraga

  • 1. PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA SEDE IBARRA COMPILADORES Fabricio Galárraga 26/04/2019 5to sistemas
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  • 8. • Ejecutar el programa hola mundo, y debe cambiar los mensajes de pantalla al español:
  • 9. Código: name "hola-mundo" ; this example prints out "hello world!" ; by writing directly to video memory. ; in vga memory: first byte is ascii character, byte that follows is character attribute. ; if you change the second byte, you can change the color of ; the character even after it is printed. ; character attribute is 8 bit value, ; high 4 bits set background color and low 4 bits set foreground color. ; hex bin color ; ; 0 0000 black ; 1 0001 blue ; 2 0010 green ; 3 0011 cyan ; 4 0100 red ; 5 0101 magenta ; 6 0110 brown ; 7 0111 light gray
  • 10. ; 8 1000 dark gray ; 9 1001 light blue ; a 1010 light green ; b 1011 light cyan ; c 1100 light red ; d 1101 light magenta ; e 1110 yellow ; f 1111 white org 100h ; set video mode mov ax, 3 ; text mode 80x25, 16 colors, 8 pages (ah=0, al=3) int 10h ; do it! ; cancel blinking and enable all 16 colors: mov ax, 1003h mov bx, 0 int 10h ; set segment register: mov ax, 0b800h mov ds, ax ; print "hello world" ; first byte is ascii code, second byte is color code. mov [02h], 'H'
  • 11. mov [04h], 'o' mov [06h], 'l' mov [08h], 'a' mov [0ah], ',' mov [0ch], 'M' mov [0eh], 'u' mov [10h], 'n' mov [12h], 'd' mov [14h], 'o' ; color all characters: mov cx, 12 ; number of characters. mov di, 03h ; start from byte after 'h' c: mov [di], 11101100b ; light red(1100) on yellow(1110) add di, 2 ; skip over next ascii code in vga memory. loop c
  • 12. ; wait for any key press: mov ah, 0 int 16h ret Compilar un programa en EMU8086 que indique lo siguiente: Nombre completo del estudiante, Universidad, Fecha y materia:
  • 13. Codigo: .MODEL SMALL ;modelo pequeño de compilación (64k como máximo) .STACK 100h ;Segmento de pila: Pila 256 posiciones CR EQU 13 ;Declaración de constantes LF EQU 10 .DATA ;Comienzo del segmento de datos TEXTO DB 'Fabricio Xavier Galarraga Perez PUCESI 26/04/2019 Compiladores',CR,LF ;Reserva de memoria con retorno de carro e ;Inicio de línea, la variable TEXTO es de tipo ;byte,el símbolo $ es el símbolo de fin de cadena .CODE ;Comienzo del segmento de código MOV AX, SEG TEXTO ;Mueve a AX la dirección del primer byte del ;segmento de datos MOV DS,AX ;Mueve dicha dirección al segmento de datos LEA DX,TEXTO ;Cargamos en DX la dirección efectiva del texto ;que vamos a imprimir por pantalla MOV AH,9 ;función "Escribir texto por pantalla" INT 21h ;Llamada a DOS por medio de la interrupción ;para ejecutar la función MOV AH,4ch ;función "Retornar a DOS" INT 21h ;Interrupción que llama a DOS para terminar el ;programa END ;fin Compilar un programa que permita comparar 2 números del 0 al 9:
  • 14.
  • 15. Código: name "flags" org 100h ; this sample shows how cmp instruction sets the flags. ; usually cmp instruction is followed by any relative ; jump instruction such as: je, ja, jl, jae... ; it is recommended to click "flags" and "analyze" ; for better visual expirience before stepping through this code. ; (signed/unsigned) ; 4 is equal to 4 mov ah, 4 mov al, 4 cmp ah, al nop ; (signed/unsigned) ; 4 is above and greater then 3 mov ah, 4 mov al, 3
  • 16. cmp ah, al nop ; -5 = 251 = 0fbh ; (signed) ; 1 is greater then -5 mov ah, 1 mov al, -5 cmp ah, al nop ; (unsigned) ; 1 is below 251 mov ah, 1 mov al, 251 cmp ah, al nop ; (signed) ; -3 is less then -2 mov ah, -3 mov al, -2 cmp ah, al nop ; (signed) ; -2 is greater then -3 mov ah, -2 mov al, -3 cmp ah, al nop ; (unsigned) ; 255 is above 1 mov ah, 255 mov al, 1
  • 17. cmp ah, al nop ; now a little game: game: mov dx, offset msg1 mov ah, 9 int 21h ; read character in al: mov ah, 1 int 21h cmp al, '0' jb stop cmp al, '9' ja stop cmp al, '3' jb below ja above mov dx, offset equal_5 jmp print below: mov dx, offset below_5 jmp print above: mov dx, offset above_5 print: mov ah, 9 int 21h jmp game ; loop. stop: ret ; stop msg1 db "enter a number or any other character to exit: $" equal_5 db " es el tres! (igual)", 0Dh,0Ah, "$" below_5 db " is menor que tres!" , 0Dh,0Ah, "$" above_5 db " is mayor que tres!" , 0Dh,0Ah, "$"
  • 18. Compilar un programa que permita sumar 10 valores asignados a un vector:
  • 19. Codigo: name "calcular-suma" org 100h ; directive make tiny com file. ; calculate the sum of elements in vector, ; store result in m and print it in binary code. ; number of elements: mov cx, 10 ; al will store the sum: mov al, 0 ; bx is an index: mov bx, 0 ; sum elements: next: add al, vector[bx] ; next byte: inc bx ; loop until cx=0: loop next ; store result in m: mov m, al
  • 20. ; print result in binary: mov bl, m mov cx, 8 print: mov ah, 2 ; print function. mov dl, '0' test bl, 10000000b ; test first bit. jz zero mov dl, '1' zero: int 21h shl bl, 1 loop print ; print binary suffix: mov dl, 'b' int 21h mov dl, 0ah ; new line. int 21h mov dl, 0dh ; carrige return. int 21h ; print result in decimal: mov al, m call print_al ; wait for any key press: mov ah, 0 int 16h ret ; variables: vector db 5, 4, 5, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 1 m db 0 print_al proc cmp al, 0 jne print_al_r
  • 21. push ax mov al, '0' mov ah, 0eh int 10h pop ax ret print_al_r: pusha mov ah, 0 cmp ax, 0 je pn_done mov dl, 10 div dl call print_al_r mov al, ah add al, 30h mov ah, 0eh int 10h jmp pn_done pn_done: popa ret endp
  • 22. Compilar un programa sugerido por usted, como propuesta adicional: Codigo: name "calculadora" ; command prompt based simple calculator (+,-,*,/) for 8086. ; example of calculation: ; input 1 <- number: 10 ; input 2 <- operator: - ; input 3 <- number: 5 ; ------------------- ; 10 - 5 = 5 ; output -> number: 5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; this maro is copied from ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; this macro prints a char in AL and advances ; the current cursor position: PUTC MACRO char
  • 23. PUSH AX MOV AL, char MOV AH, 0Eh INT 10h POP AX ENDM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; org 100h jmp start ; define variables: msg0 db "note: calculator works with integer values only.",0Dh,0Ah db "to learn how to output the result of a float division see float.asm in examples",0Dh,0Ah,'$' msg1 db 0Dh,0Ah, 0Dh,0Ah, 'ponga el primer numero: $' msg2 db "ponga un operador: + - * / : $" msg3 db "ponga el segundo numero: $" msg4 db 0dh,0ah , 'el resultado aproximado es : $' msg5 db 0dh,0ah ,'gracias por usar la calculadora! presione cualquier tecla... ', 0Dh,0Ah, '$' err1 db "operacion erronea!", 0Dh,0Ah , '$' smth db " and something.... $" ; operator can be: '+','-','*','/' or 'q' to exit in the middle. opr db '?' ; first and second number: num1 dw ? num2 dw ?
  • 24. start: mov dx, offset msg0 mov ah, 9 int 21h lea dx, msg1 mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx int 21h ; get the multi-digit signed number ; from the keyboard, and store ; the result in cx register: call scan_num ; store first number: mov num1, cx ; new line: putc 0Dh putc 0Ah lea dx, msg2 mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx int 21h ; get operator: mov ah, 1 ; single char input to AL. int 21h mov opr, al ; new line: putc 0Dh putc 0Ah
  • 25. cmp opr, 'q' ; q - exit in the middle. je exit cmp opr, '*' jb wrong_opr cmp opr, '/' ja wrong_opr ; output of a string at ds:dx lea dx, msg3 mov ah, 09h int 21h ; get the multi-digit signed number ; from the keyboard, and store ; the result in cx register: call scan_num ; store second number: mov num2, cx lea dx, msg4 mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx int 21h ; calculate: cmp opr, '+' je do_plus cmp opr, '-' je do_minus cmp opr, '*' je do_mult
  • 26. cmp opr, '/' je do_div ; none of the above.... wrong_opr: lea dx, err1 mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx int 21h exit: ; output of a string at ds:dx lea dx, msg5 mov ah, 09h int 21h ; wait for any key... mov ah, 0 int 16h ret ; return back to os. do_plus: mov ax, num1 add ax, num2 call print_num ; print ax value. jmp exit do_minus: mov ax, num1 sub ax, num2 call print_num ; print ax value. jmp exit
  • 27. do_mult: mov ax, num1 imul num2 ; (dx ax) = ax * num2. call print_num ; print ax value. ; dx is ignored (calc works with tiny numbers only). jmp exit do_div: ; dx is ignored (calc works with tiny integer numbers only). mov dx, 0 mov ax, num1 idiv num2 ; ax = (dx ax) / num2. cmp dx, 0 jnz approx call print_num ; print ax value. jmp exit approx: call print_num ; print ax value. lea dx, smth mov ah, 09h ; output string at ds:dx int 21h jmp exit ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; these functions are copied from ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; gets the multi-digit SIGNED number from the keyboard,
  • 28. ; and stores the result in CX register: SCAN_NUM PROC NEAR PUSH DX PUSH AX PUSH SI MOV CX, 0 ; reset flag: MOV CS:make_minus, 0 next_digit: ; get char from keyboard ; into AL: MOV AH, 00h INT 16h ; and print it: MOV AH, 0Eh INT 10h ; check for MINUS: CMP AL, '-' JE set_minus ; check for ENTER key: CMP AL, 0Dh ; carriage return? JNE not_cr JMP stop_input not_cr: CMP AL, 8 ; 'BACKSPACE' pressed? JNE backspace_checked
  • 29. MOV DX, 0 ; remove last digit by MOV AX, CX ; division: DIV CS:ten ; AX = DX:AX / 10 (DX-rem). MOV CX, AX PUTC ' ' ; clear position. PUTC 8 ; backspace again. JMP next_digit backspace_checked: ; allow only digits: CMP AL, '0' JAE ok_AE_0 JMP remove_not_digit ok_AE_0: CMP AL, '9' JBE ok_digit remove_not_digit: PUTC 8 ; backspace. PUTC ' ' ; clear last entered not digit. PUTC 8 ; backspace again. JMP next_digit ; wait for next input. ok_digit: ; multiply CX by 10 (first time the result is zero) PUSH AX MOV AX, CX
  • 30. MUL CS:ten ; DX:AX = AX*10 MOV CX, AX POP AX ; check if the number is too big ; (result should be 16 bits) CMP DX, 0 JNE too_big ; convert from ASCII code: SUB AL, 30h ; add AL to CX: MOV AH, 0 MOV DX, CX ; backup, in case the result will be too big. ADD CX, AX JC too_big2 ; jump if the number is too big. JMP next_digit set_minus: MOV CS:make_minus, 1 JMP next_digit too_big2: MOV CX, DX ; restore the backuped value before add. MOV DX, 0 ; DX was zero before backup! too_big: MOV AX, CX DIV CS:ten ; reverse last DX:AX = AX*10, make AX = DX:AX / 10 MOV CX, AX PUTC 8 ; backspace.
  • 31. PUTC ' ' ; clear last entered digit. PUTC 8 ; backspace again. JMP next_digit ; wait for Enter/Backspace. stop_input: ; check flag: CMP CS:make_minus, 0 JE not_minus NEG CX not_minus: POP SI POP AX POP DX RET make_minus DB ? ; used as a flag. SCAN_NUM ENDP ; this procedure prints number in AX, ; used with PRINT_NUM_UNS to print signed numbers: PRINT_NUM PROC NEAR PUSH DX PUSH AX CMP AX, 0 JNZ not_zero PUTC '0' JMP printed not_zero: ; the check SIGN of AX,
  • 32. ; make absolute if it's negative: CMP AX, 0 JNS positive NEG AX PUTC '-' positive: CALL PRINT_NUM_UNS printed: POP AX POP DX RET PRINT_NUM ENDP ; this procedure prints out an unsigned ; number in AX (not just a single digit) ; allowed values are from 0 to 65535 (FFFF) PRINT_NUM_UNS PROC NEAR PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX ; flag to prevent printing zeros before number: MOV CX, 1 ; (result of "/ 10000" is always less or equal to 9).
  • 33. MOV BX, 10000 ; 2710h - divider. ; AX is zero? CMP AX, 0 JZ print_zero begin_print: ; check divider (if zero go to end_print): CMP BX,0 JZ end_print ; avoid printing zeros before number: CMP CX, 0 JE calc ; if AX<BX then result of DIV will be zero: CMP AX, BX JB skip calc: MOV CX, 0 ; set flag. MOV DX, 0 DIV BX ; AX = DX:AX / BX (DX=remainder). ; print last digit ; AH is always ZERO, so it's ignored ADD AL, 30h ; convert to ASCII code. PUTC AL MOV AX, DX ; get remainder from last div. skip: ; calculate BX=BX/10
  • 34. PUSH AX MOV DX, 0 MOV AX, BX DIV CS:ten ; AX = DX:AX / 10 (DX=remainder). MOV BX, AX POP AX JMP begin_print print_zero: PUTC '0' end_print: POP DX POP CX POP BX POP AX RET PRINT_NUM_UNS ENDP ten DW 10 ; used as multiplier/divider by SCAN_NUM & PRINT_NUM_UNS. GET_STRING PROC NEAR
  • 35. PUSH AX PUSH CX PUSH DI PUSH DX MOV CX, 0 ; char counter. CMP DX, 1 ; buffer too small? JBE empty_buffer ; DEC DX ; reserve space for last zero. ;============================ ; Eternal loop to get ; and processes key presses: wait_for_key: MOV AH, 0 ; get pressed key. INT 16h CMP AL, 0Dh ; 'RETURN' pressed? JZ exit_GET_STRING CMP AL, 8 ; 'BACKSPACE' pressed? JNE add_to_buffer JCXZ wait_for_key ; nothing to remove! DEC CX DEC DI PUTC 8 ; backspace. PUTC ' ' ; clear position.
  • 36. PUTC 8 ; backspace again. JMP wait_for_key add_to_buffer: CMP CX, DX ; buffer is full? JAE wait_for_key ; if so wait for 'BACKSPACE' or 'RETURN'... MOV [DI], AL INC DI INC CX ; print the key: MOV AH, 0Eh INT 10h JMP wait_for_key ;============================ exit_GET_STRING: ; terminate by null: MOV [DI], 0 empty_buffer: POP DX POP DI POP CX POP AX RET GET_STRING ENDP