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Road safety Social issues
By Grace Kennedy
Road safety-seat belts
This is a seat belt campaign,
made by Kent county council
This campaign raises awareness
that you should wear a seat belt
because if you don’t it could end
in death.
The seat beat is in the shape of a coffin so it is showing the
audience that not wearing a seat belt could end their lives.
This part of the campaign shows negative imagery because it
is showing the worst that could happen to someone if they
do not wear their seat belt. The negative imagery is there to
shock the audience so that they wear their seat belt whilst
driving or as a passenger; this may save their life if they are
unfortunate to be involved in an accident.
The campaign doesn’t have much
text but it hasn’t enough to get
the point across that wearing seat
belts can save a life. The
campaign says ‘when will it click?’
and underneath is says ‘seat belts
save lives.’ The first line is a
rhetorical question so it is directly
asking the audience ‘when will it
click?’. Also the first line means
two things; both meanings are
surrounding the word click. The
first meaning is asking ‘when will
it click in people minds’ (that seat
belts save lifes). The second
meaning is in the word ‘click’ itself
because when you put your seat
belt on it makes a clicking sound;
in effect the top line is also asking
when will your seat belt click.
Colour scheme:
There isn’t a lot of colour present
however it is still effective. The
campaign has used the red and black
in the design.
Red is a colour which has
connotations of many things like for
example; I feel red has been used to
warn the audience that not using a
seat could cause death. Also red is
the colour of blood so this reinforce
the consequences of not wearing a
seat belt. Red is a bright colour so
the text is easy to read and stands to
the audience.
Black has connotations of things like
death; I think it further enhances the
point that this campaign is trying to
make which is not wearing a seat
belt can cause death. Black is a bold
colour so the text reads clear to the
audience. Also the black text
contrast against the white
background ,further making it stand
out more.
Seat belts audience
Seat belts are used by passengers and the
driver so if I did a campaign it would apply to
If you are under 14 it is up to the driver to
make sure you are seat belted. If you are 14
or over it is up you to seat belt yourself.
For this reason my audience would be 14 and
It says drivers and passengers who are
aged 17-34 have the lowest seat belt
wearing rate. Also it states that this age
the highest accident rate as well.
This tells me that I should aim my seat
campaign at this age group because
they are the least likely to wear their
seat belts. Also this show me that I may
to focus on targeting this group because
they have the highest rate of being in
an accident.
How to tackle the campaign:
-What will happen if don’t wear a seat belt
get caught by the police.
- What will happen if you don’t wear a seat
belt and have an accident.
Road safety- speedingPurposes:
This campaign raises awareness
of the impact of not keeping
within the speed limit.
You have the half skull on the left side and a half child face on the
right. The skull represents what is likely to happen if a driver hits the
child at 40mph,which is death. The child face presents what is likely to
happen if you hit the child at 30mph, they are likely to survive. This
shows contrast the between two scenarios of hitting a child at two
different speeds. The imagery is negative because it shows the worst
that could happen if you don’t follow the speed limits, which is death.
I think it is important that they do show negative imagery because it
shows the reality and seriousness of speeding.
The copy says ‘hit at 40mph’ on the
left side and ’hit at 30mph’ on the
right side. Under the ‘hit at 40’ is
‘there is an 80% chance I’ll die’ and
under the ‘hit at 30mph’ is ‘there is an
60% chance I’ll die’. These statements
work together with the image to
provide contrast. The campaign is
saying that if you hit this child at
40mph, there’s a very high risk (80%
chance) that they will die. Also the
campaign is saying in contrast that if
you hit this child at 30mph, they have
a better chance (80% chance) of them
I think this help the audience to see
that a small change in speed (10mph)
makes a huge difference to
circumstances of the persons you hit.
Colour scheme:
The colour scheme is very
simple.The only colours present are
black and white present in the
Speeding audience
A speeding campaigns would appeal to drivers only because they are
the ones that are in control of the car.
Different ways to tackle the campaign:
Punishments- fines and driving ban
Consequences -Injuring/killing yourself
Consequences- injuring/killing someone else
Road safety- using phone whilst drving
Mobile phone research
It is illegal to use
your handheld
phone whilst
driving and you
get a fine for it .
The audience of this campaign would be aimed at…
Drivers because they the ones who may attempt to use their phones whilst
Could aim at all ages.
Drink driving
To give awarness
that drive driving
could cost you
more than
expected ,e.g your
job,your license ,
fines and a criminal
This campaign shows
that with drink
driving there are
,which will affect
your life.
Drink driving audience
Drivers (you have to drive a vechicle to drink and drive)
people over 17 years old (as they are old enough to drive).
People over 18 (they are legal to drink).
People who have full time jobs with a lot to lose; a drink driving
conviction will change their life in negative ways.
Predominantly young males.
Male aged 18-35.
How to tackle the issue:
Consequences on your life if you caught, like driving ban, license
taken off you and lose your job.
Consequences for yourself in terms of safety,like losing your life.
Consequences of other people if you have an accident, killing
someone else.
This issue could be taken tackled as the morning after drinking ,not
just straight after.
‘We’re specifically targeting young men
as 62% of drink drivers killed on our
roads are men’ – Think.
Social issue decision
After taking a look at four different road safety campaigns-selt
belts,speeding,mobile phones and drink driving- I have decided to choose
drink driving.
I decided to choose this because it still happens today. Also, I think it is a
subject that can be tackled a number of ways. I have many ideas for this
type of campaign.
Even though I haven’t decided to pick the others social issues, researching
them has helped me and gave me inspiration on how to layout my
campaign and the design of it.
I really like the way the speeding campaign is designed. I know speeding is
a different issue to drink driving , but I have definitely gained a lot of
inspiration from that artifacts imparticular. I like the way it uses imagery
and colour as contrast. It shows the difference between what will happen
at a hit at 30 and a hit at 40. I think contrast is something I would
definitely like to include in my drink driving campaign because it is
THINK Drink driving campaign
barman advert
(don’t drink and drive)
Man approches the bar
1: man behind bar is a policeman
2. Man behind bar is now an integrator.
3.the man behind the bar tells turned into your boss and that you’ve
lost your job.
5- Is if the man after he has drunk driven
6 ask the man who walks up ‘what it going to be?’
In this picture he is a policeman.
The lighting of it has changed to
brighter because its like police
headlights are shinning ahead of
The interrogator tells him he’s over the limit
and has lost his license.This is in a Scottish
accent to show that it is a different person
It then turns to his boss say’s ‘im going to
have to let you go’ meaning that he’s lost his
job. This is also in a different accent as they
shows that it is another person talking.
The next one is from his wife’s point of
view where she is upsetting and saying
‘no license!no Job!now what?’.
Then it goes back to the
barman and he asks in a sharp
tone ‘so now what’s it going
to be?’ .
Think TV advert
Originally I thought this was a bit confusing with the multiple personalities
being used in the advert, but after watching this advert a few times I
understand what it was showing. I think it is effective for many reasons.
1. It is showing what will or could happen if you decide to drink drive. It shows the
guys asking to be pulled over, interrogated, losing his job, his wife crying.
2. Another reason is that is speaking to the audience as if they are the ones that it
will happen to ,which I think it is really effective.
3. Also it is like he is talking to man that went up to the bar ,which also keeps the
story going of the advert going. The guy at the bar is also someone that the
audience can identify with.
4. At the end he says ‘so what’s it going to be?’ which make the audience think.
The first one way it could be taken is that what is it going to be as in what are
the you going to order at the bar. The second way it could be taken is that are
you going to have a drink and lose everything because of it or have a non-
alcoholic drink and keeps your life like it is.
5. I think that it is effective that they shown the part where he is like an upset wife
because it shows that getting a drink driving conviction and drink driving itself
effect not only you ,it affects the people around. This goes to show that
everything has a consequence ,which is like a domino effect.
THINK drink driving campaign
work night out
They are on a work night out and his manager passes him a drink. Then it cuts to them
in a car and crashing ,assuming they died. The man says no to another drink. Then it
cuts to him at work the next day photocopying. Then on screen it says ‘photocopying
but alive’. The tagline for this advert was ‘but alive’
In comparison to the other TV advert I don’t think it’s as effective. I feel like it focuses
on other elements rather than just drink driving itself. It basically says if you are
responsible and don’t give in to another , you won’t get promoted and still in your
boring job.
I understand part of what they are trying to get across to the audience ,which is that
the second drink could kill you ,If you are driving. It showed him thinking about what
will happen if the drank the second drink ,which is that he crash and dies. The man
says no to the second drink, which promotes a good decision.
Drink driving poem
I went to this party mom
I remembered what you said
You told me not to drink mom
So I drank soda instead.
I felt real proud inside mom
The way you said I would
Even though all my friends mom
Told me that I should.
I know I did the right thing mom
I know your always right
The party's finally ending mom
As everyone drove out of sight.
As I got inside my car mom
I knew I'd get home in one piece
'Cause the way you made me feel mom
So responsible so sweet.
I started to drive away mom
As I pulled into the road
The other guy didn't see me mom
And hit me like a load.
I lay there on the pavement mom
I hear the policeman say
The other guy was drunk mom
Now I'm the one to pay.
This is a poem about a teenager being the victim of a drink
drinking ,address to their mom. I really like this piece because it
shows how powerful text can be ,as well as highlighting the
dangers of drink driving.
I like that it
rhymes through
out and has the
same structure.
Drink driving poem
I'm lying here dying mom
I wish you'd get here soon
How come this happened to me mom
My life bursted like a balloon.
There's blood all around me mom
Most of it is mine
I hear the paramedics say mom
I'll die in a short time.
He didn't know where he was going mom
He was probably at the same party as I
There's one big difference though mom
He's going to live while I die.
Why do people drink mom
It can ruin your whole life
I'm feeling sharp pains mom
Just like a burning knife.
The man who hit me mom
Is walking, it's not fair
I'm lying here dying mom
While all he does is stare.
Tell my brother not to cry mom
Tell dad to be brave
For when I'm in heaven mom
Write my name upon my grave.
There section of the poem shows that the
teenager is going to die as the result of the
crash with the drunk boy. The teenagers is
starting to say good bye to his mom.
Drink driving poem
Someone should have told him mom
Not to drink and drive
If they'd often take the time mom
I'd still be alive.
My breath is growing short mom
I'm becoming very scared
Please don't cry for me mom
'Cause when I needed you, you were there.
I have one last question mom
Before I say good-bye
I didn't even drink mom
So why am I the one to die.
This is the end mom
I wish I could look you in the eye
To say these final words mom
This last section is saying that
about that isn’t fair that she has
to die when the the boy drank.
In the end she says ‘l love you
and good-bye’. So we know that
the teenager has died.
To provide awareness that drink driving
can cause death. Also shows your mistakes
and actions do effect and can even kill
Also I feel like at shows contrast between
a responsible teen and irresponsible teen.
As a reader it makes me that it’s really
unfair that this girl has been responsible
and died but the boy has made a stupid
decision and lived.
Drink driving punishments
I think it would be good to
include these punishments
in my work because it
important to show what
could happen.
Shorts term effects of drinking
How much alcohol do you need to have to be
over the limit?
‘It is also possible to be charged with driving or attempting to drive under the influence of drink
or drugs even with a BAC level is below 80 mg. Such cases are rare but not unknown. In
addition, a BAC level not far below 80 mg is likely to be regarded by the courts as an aggravating
factor if charges are brought for causing an accident.’
In the UK, these are
the limits. The limits
are different for
breath, blood and
urine. The limits are
lower in Scotland than
the UK.
On thinks website it states that
theres isn’t a certain amount of
alcohol you can drink to know if
your over the limit; everyone
body is different and reacts to
alcohol differently.
Question 1 survey
This shows me that most of the
people I surveyed were between
0-20 years old (over 63%). Just
over 27% were between 41-60.
9% were 61 or over. This tells me
that I’ve got a range of age
responses present in my survey.
However ,it would have been nice
to hear from people aged 21-40.
Question 2 survey
The majority of
people who did my
survey are female
(nearly 67%). Over
36% of males ,also
took the survey. It
good that I have
opinions of both
genders of my survey.
It would have been
nice to have a even
balance of both
Question 3
This shows that the majority
of people were drivers. I
think it’s important to get the
responses of drivers because
they are the ones that could
attempt to get into their car
after drinking. Also I think it
is important to get responses
of people who don’t drive as
they can influence a driver
not to get in their car if they
have drank. I would have like
to have gained further
responses from driver as
they are my target audience.
Question 4
There is tie between doing
a campaign on the dangers
to yourself if you drive and
a campaign on the dangers
to others on the road (both
with 36 percent of the
vote). This shows that the
audience may be effected
and impact more from a
campaign that is focused to
safety rather than the
punishments of drink
driving. I will have to make
my own judgment to pick
,out of the two, which one I
think would be the most
Question 5
For this question I asked the
audience do they like or dislike
the name ‘none for the road’ and
I had a range of different
opinions on it. Some people said
that they liked it ,which was
good. A few said they didn’t
understand it, which I understand
because some people may not
know that know the saying ‘one
for the road’. One person strongly
disliked it because it was ‘too
corny’ and providing humour on
a serious matter. I think I will
have to change the tag line or
alter the design so the audience
will understand it more and why
it is related to the campaign. I
want to make sure that that by
campaign puts across a firm
message. On the other hand
people have different opinions so
not everyone will like the
campaign or think it is effective.
Question 6
I asked the audience what colour I
should have as the main colour of
the logo. All the people I asked
said that I should use red. I think
the colour red does have
connotations of danger so it would
be good to use it as a way
portraying the dangers. I will
definitely be using it in my work.
Question 7
I asked my audience what three
types of merchandise they would
like to see. The top three were beer
mats/coasters (over 81%), mugs
(over 54%) and T-shirts (over 36%).
This tells me that my audience
would prefer to choose these
products over the other parts of
I think these would be good forms
of merchandise. People can wear t-
shirts. Beer mats can be placed in
pubs to help remind people the
drivers of drink driving. Mugs are
used everyday so it is a reminder.
I would be happy to create these 3
products as mechandise as I think
they will be good for the campaign.

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Social issue research pp1

  • 1. Road safety Social issues Research By Grace Kennedy
  • 2. Road safety-seat belts This is a seat belt campaign, made by Kent county council (KCC). Purposes: This campaign raises awareness that you should wear a seat belt because if you don’t it could end in death. Imagery: The seat beat is in the shape of a coffin so it is showing the audience that not wearing a seat belt could end their lives. This part of the campaign shows negative imagery because it is showing the worst that could happen to someone if they do not wear their seat belt. The negative imagery is there to shock the audience so that they wear their seat belt whilst driving or as a passenger; this may save their life if they are unfortunate to be involved in an accident. Copy: The campaign doesn’t have much text but it hasn’t enough to get the point across that wearing seat belts can save a life. The campaign says ‘when will it click?’ and underneath is says ‘seat belts save lives.’ The first line is a rhetorical question so it is directly asking the audience ‘when will it click?’. Also the first line means two things; both meanings are surrounding the word click. The first meaning is asking ‘when will it click in people minds’ (that seat belts save lifes). The second meaning is in the word ‘click’ itself because when you put your seat belt on it makes a clicking sound; in effect the top line is also asking when will your seat belt click. Colour scheme: There isn’t a lot of colour present however it is still effective. The campaign has used the red and black in the design. Red is a colour which has connotations of many things like for example; I feel red has been used to warn the audience that not using a seat could cause death. Also red is the colour of blood so this reinforce the consequences of not wearing a seat belt. Red is a bright colour so the text is easy to read and stands to the audience. Black has connotations of things like death; I think it further enhances the point that this campaign is trying to make which is not wearing a seat belt can cause death. Black is a bold colour so the text reads clear to the audience. Also the black text contrast against the white background ,further making it stand out more.
  • 3. Seat belts audience Seat belts are used by passengers and the driver so if I did a campaign it would apply to both. If you are under 14 it is up to the driver to make sure you are seat belted. If you are 14 or over it is up you to seat belt yourself. For this reason my audience would be 14 and above. It says drivers and passengers who are aged 17-34 have the lowest seat belt wearing rate. Also it states that this age the highest accident rate as well. This tells me that I should aim my seat campaign at this age group because they are the least likely to wear their seat belts. Also this show me that I may to focus on targeting this group because they have the highest rate of being in an accident. How to tackle the campaign: -What will happen if don’t wear a seat belt get caught by the police. - What will happen if you don’t wear a seat belt and have an accident.
  • 4. Road safety- speedingPurposes: This campaign raises awareness of the impact of not keeping within the speed limit. Imagery: You have the half skull on the left side and a half child face on the right. The skull represents what is likely to happen if a driver hits the child at 40mph,which is death. The child face presents what is likely to happen if you hit the child at 30mph, they are likely to survive. This shows contrast the between two scenarios of hitting a child at two different speeds. The imagery is negative because it shows the worst that could happen if you don’t follow the speed limits, which is death. I think it is important that they do show negative imagery because it shows the reality and seriousness of speeding. Copy: The copy says ‘hit at 40mph’ on the left side and ’hit at 30mph’ on the right side. Under the ‘hit at 40’ is ‘there is an 80% chance I’ll die’ and under the ‘hit at 30mph’ is ‘there is an 60% chance I’ll die’. These statements work together with the image to provide contrast. The campaign is saying that if you hit this child at 40mph, there’s a very high risk (80% chance) that they will die. Also the campaign is saying in contrast that if you hit this child at 30mph, they have a better chance (80% chance) of them living. I think this help the audience to see that a small change in speed (10mph) makes a huge difference to circumstances of the persons you hit. Colour scheme: The colour scheme is very simple.The only colours present are black and white present in the campaign.
  • 5. Speeding audience A speeding campaigns would appeal to drivers only because they are the ones that are in control of the car. Different ways to tackle the campaign: Punishments- fines and driving ban Consequences -Injuring/killing yourself Consequences- injuring/killing someone else
  • 6. Road safety- using phone whilst drving
  • 7. Mobile phone research It is illegal to use your handheld phone whilst driving and you get a fine for it . The audience of this campaign would be aimed at… Drivers because they the ones who may attempt to use their phones whilst driving. Could aim at all ages.
  • 8. Drink driving To give awarness that drive driving could cost you more than expected ,e.g your job,your license , fines and a criminal record. This campaign shows that with drink driving there are consequences ,which will affect your life.
  • 9. Drink driving audience Audience: Drivers (you have to drive a vechicle to drink and drive) people over 17 years old (as they are old enough to drive). People over 18 (they are legal to drink). People who have full time jobs with a lot to lose; a drink driving conviction will change their life in negative ways. Predominantly young males. Male aged 18-35. How to tackle the issue: Consequences on your life if you caught, like driving ban, license taken off you and lose your job. Consequences for yourself in terms of safety,like losing your life. Consequences of other people if you have an accident, killing someone else. This issue could be taken tackled as the morning after drinking ,not just straight after. ‘We’re specifically targeting young men as 62% of drink drivers killed on our roads are men’ – Think.
  • 10. Social issue decision After taking a look at four different road safety campaigns-selt belts,speeding,mobile phones and drink driving- I have decided to choose drink driving. I decided to choose this because it still happens today. Also, I think it is a subject that can be tackled a number of ways. I have many ideas for this type of campaign. Even though I haven’t decided to pick the others social issues, researching them has helped me and gave me inspiration on how to layout my campaign and the design of it. I really like the way the speeding campaign is designed. I know speeding is a different issue to drink driving , but I have definitely gained a lot of inspiration from that artifacts imparticular. I like the way it uses imagery and colour as contrast. It shows the difference between what will happen at a hit at 30 and a hit at 40. I think contrast is something I would definitely like to include in my drink driving campaign because it is effective.
  • 11. THINK Drink driving campaign barman advert (don’t drink and drive) Man approches the bar 1: man behind bar is a policeman 2. Man behind bar is now an integrator. 3.the man behind the bar tells turned into your boss and that you’ve lost your job. 4- 5- Is if the man after he has drunk driven 6 ask the man who walks up ‘what it going to be?’ In this picture he is a policeman. The lighting of it has changed to brighter because its like police headlights are shinning ahead of you.
  • 12. The interrogator tells him he’s over the limit and has lost his license.This is in a Scottish accent to show that it is a different person talking. It then turns to his boss say’s ‘im going to have to let you go’ meaning that he’s lost his job. This is also in a different accent as they shows that it is another person talking. The next one is from his wife’s point of view where she is upsetting and saying ‘no license!no Job!now what?’. Then it goes back to the barman and he asks in a sharp tone ‘so now what’s it going to be?’ .
  • 13. Think TV advert Originally I thought this was a bit confusing with the multiple personalities being used in the advert, but after watching this advert a few times I understand what it was showing. I think it is effective for many reasons. 1. It is showing what will or could happen if you decide to drink drive. It shows the guys asking to be pulled over, interrogated, losing his job, his wife crying. 2. Another reason is that is speaking to the audience as if they are the ones that it will happen to ,which I think it is really effective. 3. Also it is like he is talking to man that went up to the bar ,which also keeps the story going of the advert going. The guy at the bar is also someone that the audience can identify with. 4. At the end he says ‘so what’s it going to be?’ which make the audience think. The first one way it could be taken is that what is it going to be as in what are the you going to order at the bar. The second way it could be taken is that are you going to have a drink and lose everything because of it or have a non- alcoholic drink and keeps your life like it is. 5. I think that it is effective that they shown the part where he is like an upset wife because it shows that getting a drink driving conviction and drink driving itself effect not only you ,it affects the people around. This goes to show that everything has a consequence ,which is like a domino effect.
  • 14. THINK drink driving campaign work night out (butalive) They are on a work night out and his manager passes him a drink. Then it cuts to them in a car and crashing ,assuming they died. The man says no to another drink. Then it cuts to him at work the next day photocopying. Then on screen it says ‘photocopying but alive’. The tagline for this advert was ‘but alive’ In comparison to the other TV advert I don’t think it’s as effective. I feel like it focuses on other elements rather than just drink driving itself. It basically says if you are responsible and don’t give in to another , you won’t get promoted and still in your boring job. I understand part of what they are trying to get across to the audience ,which is that the second drink could kill you ,If you are driving. It showed him thinking about what will happen if the drank the second drink ,which is that he crash and dies. The man says no to the second drink, which promotes a good decision.
  • 15. Drink driving poem MOM I went to this party mom I remembered what you said You told me not to drink mom So I drank soda instead. I felt real proud inside mom The way you said I would Even though all my friends mom Told me that I should. I know I did the right thing mom I know your always right The party's finally ending mom As everyone drove out of sight. As I got inside my car mom I knew I'd get home in one piece 'Cause the way you made me feel mom So responsible so sweet. I started to drive away mom As I pulled into the road The other guy didn't see me mom And hit me like a load. I lay there on the pavement mom I hear the policeman say The other guy was drunk mom Now I'm the one to pay. This is a poem about a teenager being the victim of a drink drinking ,address to their mom. I really like this piece because it shows how powerful text can be ,as well as highlighting the dangers of drink driving. I like that it rhymes through out and has the same structure.
  • 16. Drink driving poem I'm lying here dying mom I wish you'd get here soon How come this happened to me mom My life bursted like a balloon. There's blood all around me mom Most of it is mine I hear the paramedics say mom I'll die in a short time. He didn't know where he was going mom He was probably at the same party as I There's one big difference though mom He's going to live while I die. Why do people drink mom It can ruin your whole life I'm feeling sharp pains mom Just like a burning knife. The man who hit me mom Is walking, it's not fair I'm lying here dying mom While all he does is stare. Tell my brother not to cry mom Tell dad to be brave For when I'm in heaven mom Write my name upon my grave. There section of the poem shows that the teenager is going to die as the result of the crash with the drunk boy. The teenagers is starting to say good bye to his mom.
  • 17. Drink driving poem Someone should have told him mom Not to drink and drive If they'd often take the time mom I'd still be alive. My breath is growing short mom I'm becoming very scared Please don't cry for me mom 'Cause when I needed you, you were there. I have one last question mom Before I say good-bye I didn't even drink mom So why am I the one to die. This is the end mom I wish I could look you in the eye To say these final words mom I LOVE YOU & GOOD-BYE. This last section is saying that about that isn’t fair that she has to die when the the boy drank. In the end she says ‘l love you and good-bye’. So we know that the teenager has died. Purposes: To provide awareness that drink driving can cause death. Also shows your mistakes and actions do effect and can even kill others. Also I feel like at shows contrast between a responsible teen and irresponsible teen. As a reader it makes me that it’s really unfair that this girl has been responsible and died but the boy has made a stupid decision and lived.
  • 18.
  • 19. Drink driving punishments I think it would be good to include these punishments in my work because it important to show what could happen.
  • 20. Shorts term effects of drinking
  • 21. How much alcohol do you need to have to be over the limit? ‘It is also possible to be charged with driving or attempting to drive under the influence of drink or drugs even with a BAC level is below 80 mg. Such cases are rare but not unknown. In addition, a BAC level not far below 80 mg is likely to be regarded by the courts as an aggravating factor if charges are brought for causing an accident.’ In the UK, these are the limits. The limits are different for breath, blood and urine. The limits are lower in Scotland than the UK. On thinks website it states that theres isn’t a certain amount of alcohol you can drink to know if your over the limit; everyone body is different and reacts to alcohol differently.
  • 22. Question 1 survey This shows me that most of the people I surveyed were between 0-20 years old (over 63%). Just over 27% were between 41-60. 9% were 61 or over. This tells me that I’ve got a range of age responses present in my survey. However ,it would have been nice to hear from people aged 21-40.
  • 23. Question 2 survey The majority of people who did my survey are female (nearly 67%). Over 36% of males ,also took the survey. It good that I have opinions of both genders of my survey. It would have been nice to have a even balance of both genders.
  • 24. Question 3 This shows that the majority of people were drivers. I think it’s important to get the responses of drivers because they are the ones that could attempt to get into their car after drinking. Also I think it is important to get responses of people who don’t drive as they can influence a driver not to get in their car if they have drank. I would have like to have gained further responses from driver as they are my target audience.
  • 25. Question 4 There is tie between doing a campaign on the dangers to yourself if you drive and a campaign on the dangers to others on the road (both with 36 percent of the vote). This shows that the audience may be effected and impact more from a campaign that is focused to safety rather than the punishments of drink driving. I will have to make my own judgment to pick ,out of the two, which one I think would be the most successful.
  • 26. Question 5 For this question I asked the audience do they like or dislike the name ‘none for the road’ and I had a range of different opinions on it. Some people said that they liked it ,which was good. A few said they didn’t understand it, which I understand because some people may not know that know the saying ‘one for the road’. One person strongly disliked it because it was ‘too corny’ and providing humour on a serious matter. I think I will have to change the tag line or alter the design so the audience will understand it more and why it is related to the campaign. I want to make sure that that by campaign puts across a firm message. On the other hand people have different opinions so not everyone will like the campaign or think it is effective.
  • 27. Question 6 I asked the audience what colour I should have as the main colour of the logo. All the people I asked said that I should use red. I think the colour red does have connotations of danger so it would be good to use it as a way portraying the dangers. I will definitely be using it in my work.
  • 28. Question 7 I asked my audience what three types of merchandise they would like to see. The top three were beer mats/coasters (over 81%), mugs (over 54%) and T-shirts (over 36%). This tells me that my audience would prefer to choose these products over the other parts of merchandise. I think these would be good forms of merchandise. People can wear t- shirts. Beer mats can be placed in pubs to help remind people the drivers of drink driving. Mugs are used everyday so it is a reminder. I would be happy to create these 3 products as mechandise as I think they will be good for the campaign.