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                                         Gráinne Conole,
                                         The Open University, UK
                                         Guadalajara, 6th October 2010
Doctora en Química
Catedrática en E-learning
• El uso de tecnologíapara el
  aprendizajey la
• Recursoslibres (Open
  Educational Resources)
• Las teorías de aprendizaje

The Open University
Unauniversidad de educación
The Open University, UK
La primera „Universidad Abierta‟
Mas de 220, 000estudiantes
570cursosen 70 temas
Más de 7,000 profesores
20asociaciones en30países
Experao en e-learning

                                   Innovación del aprendizaje
                                   Apoyo al aprendizajeabierto:
                                   Ambiente de Aprendizaje:
                                   YouTube channel

Información general sobre el uso                          Complejidad del
de tecnología en educación                                    Diseño

                         La experiencia de aprendizaje

                     Paradojas de lastecnologías

                                                         Rutas de Aprendizaje

                                        Un métodonuevo – „diseño del

               Abundancia de
 recursoslibresyherramientaslibrespor la red
       El Acceso a Internet esbueno

           diseñaryayudar de

       Nacidos en la era de „Internet‟
   Tecnología en todaslasáreas de suvida
 Aprendenmuchasveces con otras personas
       yusan „Google‟ todo el tiempo
De la Web 1.0 a la Web 2.0
                      Nuevasherramientas …
          Blogs & wikis
                                 Web 2.0              Networking
      RedesSociales                                   ( trabajando en


                         Un cambio de:
      Web 1.0 –repositorio de recursoseinformaciónestático
     Web 2.0 –contenidogeneradopor los usuariosymediación
Tipologí de nuevastecnología
Technology                             Examples
MediosparaCompartir                    Flckr, YouTube, Slideshare, Sketchfu
Manipulacion de Mediosy mash ups       Geotagged photos on maps,
Mensajesinstantáneos, chats, yforos    MSN, Paltalk, Arguementum
web 2.0
Juegos en lineaymundosvirtuales        WorldofWarcraft, SecondLife
Redessociales                          Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, Elgg,
Blogging                               Wordpress, Edublog, Twitter
Bookmarks Sociales           , Citeulike, Zotero
Sistemas “Recommender”                 Digg, LastFm, Stumbleupon
 Wikis yherramientas de edición          Wikipedia, GoogleDocs,
(Conole and Alevizou, 2010), Review of Web 2.0 tools in Higher Education
 Sindicación/ Alimentación RSS           Bloglines, Podcast, GoogleReader
Paradojas de lastecnologías

                      gratis pero no utilizados
Blogs & wikis                                         MediosCompartidos

                         Technicas, pedagogicas,
                   “No tienentiempoparaaprender, no

MundosVirtuales&     Un nuevométodo „Diseño del
Juegos en línea             Aprendizaje‟                RedesSociales
¡Ahora usted!

 Cómo   arruinar un curso (how to ruin a course)
 Compare   cuatro herramientas (Compare 4 tools)
 Herramientas    en uso (tools in use)
 Un   mapa para el curso (coursemap)
 Actividades   de aprendizaje (learningactivities)
1. Como arruinar un curso
(How to ruin a course)
 Sobre: Cuestionesyestratégicasque son importantespara
 el éxito de un curso (issues and strategies important for
 the success of a course)
 Producción:unalista de citasparadiseñoyevaluación de
 sucurso (check list for design and evaluation of a course)
 Actividad:
  Hagaunalista  de lasdiezformasque van a
   asegurarquesucursosaldrá mal (list 10 ways to ensure
   your course will fail)
  Compare ydiscuta con otras personas (compare and
  Encuentreotrasejemplas (look at other examples)
   Whentheconnectionisbad

   Whentheteacherdoesntinteractwiththestudents

   Whenthecontentisnotrelevant

   Instructionaldesigninadequate

   Dontbelieve in thecourse, dontthinkitwillwork

   Personal fearsabouttechnology

   Lackof planning or control ofstudentswork

   Lackofconnectionbetweencontentandwhatstudentneeds

   When feedback ispureornotclear, professorsdonthavemuchexperience in

   Wheninformationorresourcesisclosedorstudentcantseethepowerpoint etc.
   Software notavailabletoeveryone

   Toolstudetnsarentfamilarwith

   No coherencebetweenobjectsandlearningexpectations

   Simple activities are far awayfromcomplex

   Limitedresources

   Instructionsunclear

   Pooracademicpreparation

   Whenthereisnotenoughmotivation, whenwedonthave a
2. Comparar cuatro herramientas
(Comparing 4 web tools)
   Sobre: Estaactividadintroducirácuatroherramientasyteayudará
    a pensarsobresuuso (this activity will introduce you to four tools
    and help you think about their use ): Twitter, Wordpress,
    Wallwisher and Wordle
   Producción: unamapa
   Actividad:
     Hagaunalista de diezformasque van a
      asegurarquesucursosaldrá mal (visit the tool websites)
     `observe laspresentacionesy lea el blog post (Watch the
      slideshow and read the blog post)
     Pongalasherramientas en el „`Marco TIC‟ (Map the tools onto
      the ICT framework)
     Compare and discuta con otras personas (compare and
     Busqueotrosejemplos (look at other examples)
   Wallwisher– a little. Easyto use, a littlelimited, rapidsolution

   Wallwisher–kindof forum, wayofcommunicating

   Staged in Englishclassyou can

   Wallwisher–friendlyplatform, dont know ifyou can respond.
    Wediscoveredyou can share. Brainstorming

   Wordle–making a banner forvocabulary

   Wallwisher - Projects post-grad, presenttheirprojectstootherstudents,
    collocando, bibliographica, searchingforreferences ,

   Stagedusefulwithkidsbecauseoftheusability, especiallywhenlearning a
    language can writewhatis in theirmind, role play
   Staged–innovative, appealing, couldalso use forresourcing a
    presentation, goodifyoulike visual

   Staged–goodformakehistoryof a managedprocess, restaurantyou can
    putwhat place and time youneedto do things

   Wordle– can use itforexamplesearcharticles, writing,
    whenresourceisonlywordyou can
    givethewordstothestudentsandtheymake a definition
Twitter: lo buenoy lo malo

 Posting queries              Your „a-ha‟ moment
  Commenting                    The right network
  Backchannel                   Your digital voice
 Crowdsourcing                 Inappropriateness
Gathering opinions              Personal/private
  Sharing ideas                    Too much!
  Brainstorming               Use with other tools
 Social presence                 A passing fad?
Las herramientas
   Tools
     Wallwisher
     Twitter
       http://twitter,com y http:// #twitterteaching
     Wordpress
     Wordle

   Preguntas:
     Cómopuedeenseñarse la herramienta en la enseñanza?
     (How might the tool be used in teaching?)
     Quétegustaydisgustasobre la herramienta?
     (What do you like and dislike about the tool?)
     Piensaustedqueseráfácilaprender a utilizarla?
     (Do you think it will be easy to learn to use it?)
El Marco TIC (The ICT Framework

    Audio & video                                         Juegos en linea&
    conferencias                                          Mediosinmersivos

    Foros                                wave



    Páginas                                  Mediospara           Mash ups
    Web                                      Compartir
3. Herramientas a usar (Tools in
   Sobre: Estaactividadexploraráel términotécnico „affordances‟ (in this activity
    you will explore the term „affordances‟ and decide on tools based on their
    positive and negative affordances )

   Producción: un mapa

   Actividad:
     Seleccioneunaactividadytresherramientas(Choose a task and 3 tools)
     (Ponga la actividad en el centro del papelylasherramientas en el exterior
      (Put the task in centre of paper and tools on the outside)
     Añada el affordances que son positivosynegativos(Add +ve and –ve
     Decidacuálherramientadebeusar (Decide which tool to use)
     Compare ydiscuta con otras personas (compare and discuss)
     Busqueotrosejemplos (look at other examples)
Coevolución de lasherramientasyprácticas
   Características de                                                   Características
   lastecnologías                                                       de la gente

                Reflection                             Affordances (Gibson)
      Affordances (Gibson)                          „Todas ”lasposibilidades de
   „All"action possibilities" latent in             acción" latentesen unambiente…
   an Dialogue
       environmentt…                                Perosiemprerelacionado con el
   but always in relation to the actor  Evolving    actor y en consecuencia,
   and therefore dependent on their     practices   dependiente de sus
   capabilities.‟                                   „capacidades‟.
   For instance, a tall tree offers the             Porejemplo un árbol alto
   affordances of food for a Giraffe                proporcionalasposibilidades de
   but not a sheep.
                  Interactivity                     alimentar a unajirafapero no a un

Communicación      RepresentationesSi       1stonda de tecnologías   2nd onda de tecnologías,
&gestos            mbólicas                 (teléfono, radio, fax,   redes, móviles, Internet)
                   (palabras, números)      TV, CD/DVDs)
Fundamentos: Posibilidades de la tecnología
  Affordances Positivas,                            Affordances, Negativos
  promueva…                                         Piensesobre…

  Collaboration    A blog for reflective practice   Time consuming
  Reflections                                       Difficult to use
                     Affordances (Gibson)
  Interaction      All "action possibilities"       Costly to produce
                   latent in anenvironment…
  Dialogue         but always in relation to the    Time consuming (support)
                   actor and therefore
  Creativity       dependent on their
                   capabilities.                    Assessment issues
                   For instance, a tall tree
  Organisation     offers the affordances of        Lack of interactivity
                   food for a Giraffe but not a
  Inquiry          sheep.                           Difficult to navigate

  Authenticity                                      New literacy skills
   Oral presentation (group)

   Organisation (skype1, messenger 2,

   Investigation (google 3 introtodatabases 4)

   Prepare oral presentation (google docs4 )

   +ve free software      -ve

   Collaborativeworkinfornotreliable 3

   Easyto use     newliteracyskills 1 4 5

   SynandAsyncostly 4

   Interactiondevices 1

   Dialogue

   Goolge DOCS

 Act   del alumno
 Disenodesrollo     de un proyecto y los resultos
 Blog

 +ve   collaboration, creactividad, collectively
 Constructive, Authentic

 -ve   costo minimo, time todevelop
 Technicalspeak,     structureofthinking
 Glossary–tolearnvocabulary

 Choice    a wordand define and a picture
 +ve:   students can collaborate, creativity,
 Reflections,   describe toothers, enquiry, free
 Significantlearning,   they can practice in real life
 -ve:   students may not know how to use,
 Platformhardtounderstand,      in a wiki can write
 Someoneelse      can replaceoraddto, cant do that
 Unreliable

 Elearningmodels

 Afterstudyingthedifferentlearningmodeslstudents

 Use    wallwishertoconsolidatetheir ideas, a
 Wallpermodel     post doubtsandthought
 +ve:   collaborative, creative, free, organisation
 -ve:   abilityto use it, communicationskills (writing)
 Complexassessment

 Describe    thecharacteristcsofweb 2.0 tools wiki
 +ve:   collaboration, feedback, reflection, interaction
 Free,   learnthetool, knowledgeconstruction
 -ve:   lost time, learningtool, informationunreliable
4. Un mapa para el curso (Course map)

   Sobre: Este actividadproduciráunamapa de uncurso (this activity produces
    an „at a glance‟ view of a course)

   Producción: unamappa de un curso

   Actividad:
       Use la guía de la mapa de curso (Use the course map guide, fill in the
        six boxes for your course)
       Compara and discute con otras personas (compare and discuss)
       Mira otrasejemplas (look at other examples)
Mapa el curso

                                          Guidance & Support
                                        Course structure and timetable
                                         e.g. course calendar, study
                                               guide, tutorials
                                                                                  Communication &
   Content & Activities
    Course materials, prior                                                         Collaboration
 experience, learner-generated                                                 Dialogic aspect of the course,
         content, e.g.                                                         interaction between learners
readings, DVDs, podcasts, labs                                                 &tutors - course forum, email,
                                                Reflection &                                etc.
                                      Internalization and reflection, e.g.
                                          in-text questions, blogs, e-
                                            Diagnostic, formative or
                                            summative assessment

             Course summary                                                  Key words
      Level, credits, duration, key features               Descriptive words indicating pedagogical approach
KE312 – Mapa el curso
                                         Guidance & Support
                                       Course guide, study calendar,
                                         study planner, 20 learning
                                        guides, General assessment
    Content & Activities                guidelines and assignments
3 co-published books, DVDs of 3        Tutor support: 1:20, 21 contact
                                                   hours                            Communication
practice settings, core questions,
 thinking points in course books                                                    &Collaboration
    Plus own experience and                                                    F-t-F tutorials near beginning,
              practice                                                         middle and end, Course-wide
    PDFs, e-journal articles &                                                café forum, Tutor-group forums
  websites, activities in learning            Reflection &                    with sub-groups for each block
 guides, 5 website interactivities           Demonstration
                                       Journal space in the Mystuffe-
                                       6 assignments online (50% of
                                               overall score)

               Course summary
                                                                            Key words
  KE312 - Working together with Children,                   Practice-related, aligned to latest professional
 60 pt course over 32 weeks, 3 blocks/20 learning
                                                            framework for multi-agency working, rich case
       Whole weeks devoted to assignments
                                                               Read-Relate to practice – Reflect - Write
          Consolidation week (week 22)
5. Learning outcomes

Mapping learning outcomes to:
Based on Biggs‟ work (1999) on
constructive alignment
Maps course and highlights any
6. Actividades de aprendizaje
   Sobre: Estaactividadproducirá un „swimlane‟ de unaactividad con
    lasherramientas and recursos (this activity produces a task swimlane of an
    activity and the tools and resources used)

   Producción: un „swimlane‟ diagramme (a swimlane diagram)

   Actividad:
     Resuelve los objectivoslinguísticos, lasherramientas, recursosy la
      evaluaciónporestaactividad (decide on the learning outcomes, tools,
      resources and assessment for this activity)
     Usa los stickers/iconosparatrazar el mapa de la actividad (use the
      stickers/icons to map out the activity)
     Usabilígrafosyflechasparaañadirexplicaciónes (use pens and arrows to
      add explanations)
     Compara and discute con otras personas (compare and discuss)
     Mira otrasejemplas (look at other examples)
Task swimlane

Focus on the tasks learners do
Base on:
    Roles (learner, tutor, etc.)
    Tasks (read, discuss, etc.)
    Tools and resources
    Makes design explicit
    Maps out design
    Sharable with others
    Good at activity level
    Mindmapping tools –
    CompendiumLD, CMap, Free
    Pen, paper and stickers
7. Sharingdesigns
   Ifyouhave a learningdesignyouwouldliketoshareanddiscusswithothersplease
    set up a cloudandaddtotheWorkshopCloudscape

   In yourCloudinclude (whereappropriate), detailsabout:
       Contextofthedesign
       Links torelevantresourcesorreferences
       Whatyouthinkworkswell, whatyouwouldliketodevelopfurther
       A statementaboutwhatsortof feedback youwouldlikeonthedesign
8. Cloudworks cloudquestchallenge
   Registerwith Cloudworks

   Visitthe „UsingCloudworks Cloudscape”

   Explore andfindinterestingClouds

   Do the Cloudworks

   Sharein theCloudwhyyouthinkthey are interesting

   Start a „Flash debate‟!
¡Dos más!

                     Pedagogy Profile

Course Dimensions     Course Map        Task Swimlane

                    Learning Outcomes
Pedagogy profile

Map of learner tasks to time
periods (weeks, semesters, etc.)
6 types of learner task +
    Information handling
Each cell indicates the amount of
time spent on each type of task

                                Learning Design Taxonomy - Conole, 2008
Course dimensions
Guidance &          Content &
Support             Activities

Reflection &        Communication
demonstration       & Collaboration
9. Reflection

 ¿Quétrespalabrasutilizaríaparadescribir   el

 ¿Qué     ha gustado del taller?

 ¿Quécosas      se podríanmejorar?

 ¿Cuálesson los puntos de
 acciónquetieneparahacercomoresultado del
   Threewords: reflection, dynamic, interesting, usable, interactive,
    productive, different, collaborative, friendly, easy, accessible

   +ve: new ideas, thetools, wallwisher, staged, will use immediately,
    newtools, currentanduptodate

   -ve: notenough time, coffeebreak, butenough time oneachactivity, in
    english, betterconnectiontoplugcomputer in

   Action: Will use stagedstraightawayandwallwishe, readmodelspaper,
Pensamientos finales

   Tecnologíastienen un granpotencialparasuuso en educación

   Coevolución de lasherramientasy el usocontinuará

   Nueva habilidades (digital literacies) son necesariaspara los

   Existeunabrecha digital másestrechoperomásprofundo

   Necesitamos un lenguajenuevoparadarsentidoeesta

   Las funcionesylasestructurasestáncambiando: estudiantes,
   Our work
     Workshop material:
     Cloudworks:
     My blog:
     Learning design paper:
     Papers and presentations:
     Book: contemporary perspectives on e-learning (Conole and Oliver,

   Others
     Wills et al. book on role play:
     Imperial collage second life island
     Personal Inquiry project
     E-Portfolios

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  • 1. Nuevosmétodosparapen sar en la enseñanza Gráinne Conole, The Open University, UK Guadalajara, 6th October 2010
  • 2. Experiencia Doctora en Química Catedrática en E-learning • El uso de tecnologíapara el aprendizajey la enseñzanzaynuevométodo de enseñzayparticularmentesob rediseño • Recursoslibres (Open Educational Resources) • Las teorías de aprendizaje The Open University Unauniversidad de educación
  • 3. The Open University, UK Algunosdatos La primera „Universidad Abierta‟ Mas de 220, 000estudiantes 570cursosen 70 temas Más de 7,000 profesores 20asociaciones en30países Experao en e-learning Innovación del aprendizaje Apoyo al aprendizajeabierto: (Materiales+Tutores+Evaluación) Ambiente de Aprendizaje: Moodle+ YouTube channel iTunes OpenLearn SecondLife
  • 4. Estacharla Información general sobre el uso Complejidad del de tecnología en educación Diseño La experiencia de aprendizaje Paradojas de lastecnologías Rutas de Aprendizaje Un métodonuevo – „diseño del Aprendizaje‟ Poniendotodojunto
  • 5. EducaciónCambiante TecnologíasCambiantes Abundancia de recursoslibresyherramientaslibrespor la red El Acceso a Internet esbueno Másymásmóvilyotrosdispositvos Necesitamosnuevosmétodo sporcomprender, diseñaryayudar de aprendizaje EstudiantesCambiantes Nacidos en la era de „Internet‟ Tecnología en todaslasáreas de suvida Aprendenmuchasveces con otras personas yusan „Google‟ todo el tiempo
  • 6. De la Web 1.0 a la Web 2.0 Nuevasherramientas … nuevasprácticas Compartiendo (participando) Compartiendo Medios Communicádose Blogs & wikis Web 2.0 Networking RedesSociales ( trabajando en redessociales) Interactuando `mundosvirtual es Un cambio de: Web 1.0 –repositorio de recursoseinformaciónestático Web 2.0 –contenidogeneradopor los usuariosymediación social
  • 7. Tipologí de nuevastecnología Technology Examples MediosparaCompartir Flckr, YouTube, Slideshare, Sketchfu Manipulacion de Mediosy mash ups Geotagged photos on maps, Voicethread Mensajesinstantáneos, chats, yforos MSN, Paltalk, Arguementum web 2.0 Juegos en lineaymundosvirtuales WorldofWarcraft, SecondLife Redessociales Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, Elgg, Ning Blogging Wordpress, Edublog, Twitter Bookmarks Sociales, Citeulike, Zotero Sistemas “Recommender” Digg, LastFm, Stumbleupon Wikis yherramientas de edición Wikipedia, GoogleDocs, (Conole and Alevizou, 2010), Review of Web 2.0 tools in Higher Education Sindicación/ Alimentación RSS Bloglines, Podcast, GoogleReader
  • 8. Paradojas de lastecnologías Paradojas Muchasrecursosyherramientas gratis pero no utilizados Blogs & wikis MediosCompartidos Razones Technicas, pedagogicas, organizacionales… “No tienentiempoparaaprender, no tienenlashabilidades….” Solución MundosVirtuales& Un nuevométodo „Diseño del Juegos en línea Aprendizaje‟ RedesSociales
  • 9. ¡Ahora usted!  Cómo arruinar un curso (how to ruin a course)  Compare cuatro herramientas (Compare 4 tools)  Herramientas en uso (tools in use)  Un mapa para el curso (coursemap)  Actividades de aprendizaje (learningactivities)
  • 10. 1. Como arruinar un curso (How to ruin a course)  Sobre: Cuestionesyestratégicasque son importantespara el éxito de un curso (issues and strategies important for the success of a course)  Producción:unalista de citasparadiseñoyevaluación de sucurso (check list for design and evaluation of a course)  Actividad:  Hagaunalista de lasdiezformasque van a asegurarquesucursosaldrá mal (list 10 ways to ensure your course will fail)  Compare ydiscuta con otras personas (compare and discuss)  Encuentreotrasejemplas (look at other examples)
  • 11. Feedback  Whentheconnectionisbad  Whentheteacherdoesntinteractwiththestudents  Whenthecontentisnotrelevant  Instructionaldesigninadequate  Dontbelieve in thecourse, dontthinkitwillwork  Personal fearsabouttechnology  Lackof planning or control ofstudentswork  Lackofconnectionbetweencontentandwhatstudentneeds  When feedback ispureornotclear, professorsdonthavemuchexperience in writing  Wheninformationorresourcesisclosedorstudentcantseethepowerpoint etc.
  • 12. Software notavailabletoeveryone  Toolstudetnsarentfamilarwith  No coherencebetweenobjectsandlearningexpectations  Simple activities are far awayfromcomplex  Limitedresources  Instructionsunclear  Pooracademicpreparation  Whenthereisnotenoughmotivation, whenwedonthave a goodmethodofevaluation/assessment
  • 13. 2. Comparar cuatro herramientas (Comparing 4 web tools)  Sobre: Estaactividadintroducirácuatroherramientasyteayudará a pensarsobresuuso (this activity will introduce you to four tools and help you think about their use ): Twitter, Wordpress, Wallwisher and Wordle  Producción: unamapa  Actividad:  Hagaunalista de diezformasque van a asegurarquesucursosaldrá mal (visit the tool websites)  `observe laspresentacionesy lea el blog post (Watch the slideshow and read the blog post)  Pongalasherramientas en el „`Marco TIC‟ (Map the tools onto the ICT framework)  Compare and discuta con otras personas (compare and discuss)  Busqueotrosejemplos (look at other examples)
  • 14. Discussion  Wallwisher– a little. Easyto use, a littlelimited, rapidsolution  Wallwisher–kindof forum, wayofcommunicating  Staged in Englishclassyou can getstudentstocreatesomethingandimprovetheirskillsusingthetechnology  Wallwisher–friendlyplatform, dont know ifyou can respond. Wediscoveredyou can share. Brainstorming  Wordle–making a banner forvocabulary  Wallwisher - Projects post-grad, presenttheirprojectstootherstudents, collocando, bibliographica, searchingforreferences , aggregationofresources  Stagedusefulwithkidsbecauseoftheusability, especiallywhenlearning a language can writewhatis in theirmind, role play
  • 15. Staged–innovative, appealing, couldalso use forresourcing a presentation, goodifyoulike visual  Staged–goodformakehistoryof a managedprocess, restaurantyou can putwhat place and time youneedto do things  Wordle– can use itforexamplesearcharticles, writing, whenresourceisonlywordyou can givethewordstothestudentsandtheymake a definition
  • 16. Twitter: lo buenoy lo malo Ejemplos Issues Posting queries Your „a-ha‟ moment Commenting The right network Backchannel Your digital voice Crowdsourcing Inappropriateness Gathering opinions Personal/private Sharing ideas Too much! Brainstorming Use with other tools Social presence A passing fad?
  • 17. Las herramientas  Tools  Wallwisher    Twitter  http://twitter,com y http:// #twitterteaching  Wordpress     Wordle   Preguntas:  Cómopuedeenseñarse la herramienta en la enseñanza?  (How might the tool be used in teaching?)  Quétegustaydisgustasobre la herramienta?  (What do you like and dislike about the tool?)  Piensaustedqueseráfácilaprender a utilizarla?  (Do you think it will be easy to learn to use it?)
  • 18. El Marco TIC (The ICT Framework Communication+ MundosVirtuales, Audio & video Juegos en linea& conferencias Mediosinmersivos Redes Sociales Google Foros wave Wikis Email Blogs Mensajes Instantáneos Twitter Páginas Mediospara Mash ups Web Compartir Interactividad
  • 19. 3. Herramientas a usar (Tools in use)  Sobre: Estaactividadexploraráel términotécnico „affordances‟ (in this activity you will explore the term „affordances‟ and decide on tools based on their positive and negative affordances )  Producción: un mapa  Actividad:  Seleccioneunaactividadytresherramientas(Choose a task and 3 tools)  (Ponga la actividad en el centro del papelylasherramientas en el exterior (Put the task in centre of paper and tools on the outside)  Añada el affordances que son positivosynegativos(Add +ve and –ve affordances)  Decidacuálherramientadebeusar (Decide which tool to use)  Compare ydiscuta con otras personas (compare and discuss)  Busqueotrosejemplos (look at other examples)
  • 20. Coevolución de lasherramientasyprácticas Características de Características lastecnologías de la gente Reflection Affordances (Gibson) Preferences Affordances (Gibson) „Todas ”lasposibilidades de „All"action possibilities" latent in acción" latentesen unambiente… an Dialogue environmentt… Perosiemprerelacionado con el Interests but always in relation to the actor Evolving actor y en consecuencia, and therefore dependent on their practices dependiente de sus Aggregation capabilities.‟ „capacidades‟. Skills For instance, a tall tree offers the Porejemplo un árbol alto affordances of food for a Giraffe proporcionalasposibilidades de but not a sheep. Interactivity alimentar a unajirafapero no a un Context borrego. Communicación RepresentationesSi 1stonda de tecnologías 2nd onda de tecnologías, &gestos mbólicas (teléfono, radio, fax, redes, móviles, Internet) (palabras, números) TV, CD/DVDs)
  • 21. Fundamentos: Posibilidades de la tecnología Affordances Positivas, Affordances, Negativos promueva… Piensesobre… Collaboration A blog for reflective practice Time consuming (development) Reflections Difficult to use Affordances (Gibson) Interaction All "action possibilities" Costly to produce latent in anenvironment… Dialogue but always in relation to the Time consuming (support) actor and therefore Creativity dependent on their capabilities. Assessment issues For instance, a tall tree Organisation offers the affordances of Lack of interactivity food for a Giraffe but not a Inquiry sheep. Difficult to navigate Authenticity New literacy skills
  • 22. Discussion  Oral presentation (group)  Organisation (skype1, messenger 2,  Investigation (google 3 introtodatabases 4)  Prepare oral presentation (google docs4 )  +ve free software -ve  Collaborativeworkinfornotreliable 3  Easyto use newliteracyskills 1 4 5  SynandAsyncostly 4  Interactiondevices 1  Dialogue  Goolge DOCS
  • 23. Discussion  Act del alumno  Disenodesrollo de un proyecto y los resultos  Blog  +ve collaboration, creactividad, collectively  Constructive, Authentic  -ve costo minimo, time todevelop  Technicalspeak, structureofthinking
  • 24. Discussion  Glossary–tolearnvocabulary  Choice a wordand define and a picture  +ve: students can collaborate, creativity,  Reflections, describe toothers, enquiry, free  Significantlearning, they can practice in real life  -ve: students may not know how to use,  Platformhardtounderstand, in a wiki can write  Someoneelse can replaceoraddto, cant do that  Unreliable
  • 25. Discussion  Elearningmodels  Afterstudyingthedifferentlearningmodeslstudents  Use wallwishertoconsolidatetheir ideas, a  Wallpermodel post doubtsandthought  +ve: collaborative, creative, free, organisation  -ve: abilityto use it, communicationskills (writing)  Complexassessment
  • 26. Discussion  Describe thecharacteristcsofweb 2.0 tools wiki  +ve: collaboration, feedback, reflection, interaction  Free, learnthetool, knowledgeconstruction  -ve: lost time, learningtool, informationunreliable
  • 27. 4. Un mapa para el curso (Course map)  Sobre: Este actividadproduciráunamapa de uncurso (this activity produces an „at a glance‟ view of a course)  Producción: unamappa de un curso  Actividad:  Use la guía de la mapa de curso (Use the course map guide, fill in the six boxes for your course)  Compara and discute con otras personas (compare and discuss)  Mira otrasejemplas (look at other examples)
  • 28. Mapa el curso Guidance & Support Course structure and timetable e.g. course calendar, study guide, tutorials Communication & Content & Activities Course materials, prior Collaboration experience, learner-generated Dialogic aspect of the course, content, e.g. interaction between learners readings, DVDs, podcasts, labs &tutors - course forum, email, Reflection & etc. Demonstration Internalization and reflection, e.g. in-text questions, blogs, e- portfolios Diagnostic, formative or summative assessment Course summary Key words Level, credits, duration, key features Descriptive words indicating pedagogical approach
  • 29. KE312 – Mapa el curso Guidance & Support Course guide, study calendar, study planner, 20 learning guides, General assessment Content & Activities guidelines and assignments 3 co-published books, DVDs of 3 Tutor support: 1:20, 21 contact hours Communication practice settings, core questions, thinking points in course books &Collaboration Plus own experience and F-t-F tutorials near beginning, practice middle and end, Course-wide PDFs, e-journal articles & café forum, Tutor-group forums websites, activities in learning Reflection & with sub-groups for each block guides, 5 website interactivities Demonstration Journal space in the Mystuffe- portfolio, 6 assignments online (50% of overall score) Course summary Key words KE312 - Working together with Children, Practice-related, aligned to latest professional 60 pt course over 32 weeks, 3 blocks/20 learning framework for multi-agency working, rich case guides studies, Whole weeks devoted to assignments Read-Relate to practice – Reflect - Write Consolidation week (week 22)
  • 30. 5. Learning outcomes Mapping learning outcomes to: Activities Assessment Based on Biggs‟ work (1999) on constructive alignment Maps course and highlights any gaps
  • 31. 6. Actividades de aprendizaje (learningactivities)  Sobre: Estaactividadproducirá un „swimlane‟ de unaactividad con lasherramientas and recursos (this activity produces a task swimlane of an activity and the tools and resources used)  Producción: un „swimlane‟ diagramme (a swimlane diagram)  Actividad:  Resuelve los objectivoslinguísticos, lasherramientas, recursosy la evaluaciónporestaactividad (decide on the learning outcomes, tools, resources and assessment for this activity)  Usa los stickers/iconosparatrazar el mapa de la actividad (use the stickers/icons to map out the activity)  Usabilígrafosyflechasparaañadirexplicaciónes (use pens and arrows to add explanations)  Compara and discute con otras personas (compare and discuss)  Mira otrasejemplas (look at other examples)
  • 32. Task swimlane Focus on the tasks learners do Base on: Roles (learner, tutor, etc.) Tasks (read, discuss, etc.) Tools and resources Outputs Advantages Makes design explicit Maps out design Sharable with others Good at activity level Use Mindmapping tools – CompendiumLD, CMap, Free mind Pen, paper and stickers
  • 33. 7. Sharingdesigns  Ifyouhave a learningdesignyouwouldliketoshareanddiscusswithothersplease set up a cloudandaddtotheWorkshopCloudscape  In yourCloudinclude (whereappropriate), detailsabout:  Contextofthedesign  Links torelevantresourcesorreferences  Whatyouthinkworkswell, whatyouwouldliketodevelopfurther  A statementaboutwhatsortof feedback youwouldlikeonthedesign
  • 34. 8. Cloudworks cloudquestchallenge  Registerwith Cloudworks  Visitthe „UsingCloudworks Cloudscape”  Explore andfindinterestingClouds  Do the Cloudworks CloudquestChallenge  Sharein theCloudwhyyouthinkthey are interesting  Start a „Flash debate‟!
  • 35. ¡Dos más! Pedagogy Profile Course Dimensions Course Map Task Swimlane Learning Outcomes
  • 36. Pedagogy profile Map of learner tasks to time periods (weeks, semesters, etc.) 6 types of learner task + assessment Assimilative Information handling Communication Productive Experiential Adaptive Assessment Each cell indicates the amount of time spent on each type of task Learning Design Taxonomy - Conole, 2008
  • 37. Course dimensions Guidance & Content & Support Activities Reflection & Communication demonstration & Collaboration
  • 38. 9. Reflection  ¿Quétrespalabrasutilizaríaparadescribir el taller?  ¿Qué ha gustado del taller?  ¿Quécosas se podríanmejorar?  ¿Cuálesson los puntos de acciónquetieneparahacercomoresultado del taller?
  • 39. Reflection  Threewords: reflection, dynamic, interesting, usable, interactive, productive, different, collaborative, friendly, easy, accessible  +ve: new ideas, thetools, wallwisher, staged, will use immediately, newtools, currentanduptodate  -ve: notenough time, coffeebreak, butenough time oneachactivity, in english, betterconnectiontoplugcomputer in  Action: Will use stagedstraightawayandwallwishe, readmodelspaper,
  • 40. Pensamientos finales  Tecnologíastienen un granpotencialparasuuso en educación  Coevolución de lasherramientasy el usocontinuará  Nueva habilidades (digital literacies) son necesariaspara los profesoresyestudiantes  Existeunabrecha digital másestrechoperomásprofundo  Necesitamos un lenguajenuevoparadarsentidoeesta  Las funcionesylasestructurasestáncambiando: estudiantes, profesoresyinstituciones
  • 41. References  Our work  Workshop material:  Cloudworks:  My blog:  Learning design paper:  Papers and presentations:  Book: contemporary perspectives on e-learning (Conole and Oliver, 2007)  Others  Wills et al. book on role play:  Imperial collage second life island  Personal Inquiry project  E-Portfolios

Notas del editor

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