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Simón Bolívar


 Referred to as Banana Republics


   What caused discontent in Latin America?

   How did Haitians, Mexicans, and people in Central
    America win independence?

   How did nations of South America
    win independence?


 By the late 1700s, the revolutionary fever that gripped
 Western Europe had spread to Latin America. There,
 discontent was rooted in the social, racial, and political system
 that had emerged during 300 years of Spanish rule.

    Peninsulares were those born of Spanish parents in Spain;
     therefore, they had the most wealth, education, & status.
    Creoles resented their second-class status.
    Mestizos and mulattoes were angry at being denied
     the status, wealth, and power available to whites.
    Native Americans suffered economic misery under the
    Enslaved Africans who worked on plantations longed
     for freedom.

      HAITI                   MEXIC
In 1791, Toussaint       Father Miguel Hidalgo        Spanish-ruled lands
L‟Ouverture led slaves   and José Morelas led         declared their
in revolt.               popular revolts.             independence in the
By 1798, enslaved        Rebels led by Agustín        early 1820s.
Haitians had been        de Iturbide overthrew        Local leaders set up
freed.                   the Spanish                  the United Provinces
In 1802, Napoleon        viceroy, creating an         of Central America.
sent an army to          independent Mexico.
recapture Haiti.                                      The union soon
Napoleon‟s forces        Iturbide took the title of   fragmented into
agreed to a truce, or    emperor, but was             separate republics of
temporary peace.         quickly overthrown.          Guatemala, Nicaragu
                         Liberal Mexicans set up      a, Honduras, El
In 1804, Haitian                                      Salvador, and Costa
                         the Republic of Mexico.
leaders declared                                      Rica.


 In South America, Native Americans
 had rebelled against Spanish rule as
 early as the 1700s, with limited
 results. It was not until the 1800s that
 discontent sparked a widespread
 drive for independence.

Simon Bolívar, called “The Liberator,”
:the George Washington of South
America,” led an uprising that
established a republic in Venezuela.
He then captured Bogotá, Ecuador,
Peru, and Bolivia.
    In 1816, José de San Martín
helped Argentina win freedom from
Spain. He then joined forces with
    Bolívar tried to unite the liberated
lands into a single nation called Gran
Colombia. However, bitter rivalries
made that          dream impossible.
Before long, Gran Columbia split into


       Long-Term Causes                            Immediate Causes

  European domination of Latin America     People of Latin America resent
                                           colonial rule and social injustices
  Spread of Enlightenment ideas
  American and French revolutions          Revolutionary leaders emerge
  Growth of nationalism in Latin America   Napoleon invades Spain and ousts
                                           Spanish king

        Immediate Effects                         Long-Term Effects
  Toussaint L„Ouverture leads              Attempts made to rebuild
  slave revolt in Haiti                    economies
  Bolívar, San Martín, and others          18 separate republics set up
  lead successful revolts in Latin         Continuing efforts to achieve stable
  America                                  democratic governments and to
  Colonial rule ends in much of            gain economic independence
  Latin America
François Toussaint-
                     Simón           Louverture-
Miguel               Bolívar
Hidalgo        Key
          Pedro I    José de
                    San Martín

                     Wars of

                      In Latin

                   Many Latin
                   nations tried
                   a break for
                   was in power
   Caudillos
       Strong military leaders emerge
       Dictatorship and totalitarian systems emerge
   Dependency theory challenges “Modernity”
       Western European markets determine the product
       South America dependent upon others buying their one
   Banana Republics
       United Fruit Company controlled Central America in late
        19th and early 20th century
       Phrase coined to designate politically unstable, dependent
        on limited agriculture, and ruled by a small, wealthy and
        corrupt clique put in power by the United States
        government in conjunction with the CIA and the US
        business lobby
               Peninsulares were men born in Spain or
                 Portugal who held highest offices and
                 important military and political positions

               Creoles were Spaniards born in the Latin
                  American colonies who were officers in
                  army, but not in government and controlled
                  much of the land and business in the
                  colonies. But they deeply resented power
                  of the peninsulares.

               Mestizos made up the majority of the society
                 because it was mixed European and
                 Indian. They worked as servant to the
                 peninsulares and Creoles and as
                 plantation overseers and farmhands.

               Mulatto-European and African mixed ancestry.
               The Native Americans/Africans were the
                 lowest society group but also the largest.
                 They were not known as citizens but did
                 much labor.
   Saint Domingue, now known as Haiti
   Western third of island of Hispanola in
    Caribbean Sea.
•   The first Latin American uprising was in the French
    colony of Haiti, which was where huge plantations of
    sugar, cotton and coffee spread across the mountains
    and valleys of the lush tropical land. The Plantations
    were owed by French planters and worked by the
    colony‟s enslaved African population
•   There was a high demand of sugar and coffee from the
    small colony of Haiti
•   500,000 to 560,000 people living in Haiti in the late
    1700s were enslaved or had been
•   Unrest erupted in the early 1790‟s when enslaved
    Africans led by François Toussaint-Louverture revolted
    by setting fires to plantation homes and fields of
•   Napoleon sent forces in 1802 in order to take control of
    the colony and successfully captured Toussaint-
    Louverture and imprisoned him in France until his death
    in 1803.
•   Yellow fever was the death of thousands of French
    soldiers which is what the Haiti people needed to defeat
   Former slave, self-educated.
   Untrained in military and political matters, but
    became a skilled general and diplomat.
   Allegedly got name (“opening” in French)
    from being able to find openings in enemy
   Took leadership of a slave revolt that broke
    out in 1791.
   100,000 slaves in revolt.
   By 1801, L’Ouverture moved into Spanish
    Santo Domingo (the eastern two-thirds of the
    island of Hispanola), took control of territory
    and freed slaves.
   In January 1802, French troops landed.
   Toussaint agreed to an end of fighting if the
    French would end slavery
   French accused him of planning another
   Sent him to a prison in the French Alps.
   Father Miguel Hidalgo was a
                        Mexican priest who was the
                        leader of the Mexican war for
                        Independence. He started the
                        movement of independence
                        in 1810. With his help, the
                        fight for independence lasted
                        for 11 years but Miguel did
                        not see it to the end. He was
                        executed in 1811 because of
                        traitors who sold him out to
                        the Spaniards.
                       Miguel Hidalgo was known as
                        a risk taker with the motto:
                        “We want a free Mexico;” with
                        this motto, his fight for
                        independence never ended.

May 8, 1753 –July
30, 1811
•   Miguel Hidalgo led the fight against the
    Spanish government in Mexico because of
    the deep care he had for the poverty-
    stricken Native Americans and mestizos.
•   Hidalgo‟s goals were political freedom, an
    end to slavery, and improvements to living
    conditions for Mexico‟s poor and revolt was
    the only way to bring change
•   On September 16, 1810, Hidalgo gave a
    stirring address that became known as “el
    Grito de Dolores” that called for Mexicans to
    fight for “Independence and Liberty.”
•   In 1811 the well-trained Spanish army finally
    overwhelmed the rebels and Hidalgo was
    captured and executed
Agustín de Iturbide   José Francisco de San
Simón Bolívar July   September 27, 1783 –           Martín
    24, 1783 –          July 19, 1824        February 25, 1778 –
December 17, 1830
                                               August 17, 1850
Chilean liberator Bernardo O‟Higgins by the famous
         Mexican muralist David Alfaro
         Siquieros at Chillán‟s Escuela México.
The son of the Irish-born governor of
Chile, he was a leading figure in the
movement to overthrow the ruling
Spanish administration and was the
first head of state of the independent

                                         O'Higgins Rides Again, Arica, Chile -
                                         Every South American city displays
                                         its heroes in bronze. In Arica, it's
                                         Bernardo O'Higgins who does the
                                         honors. O'Higgins fought alongside of
                                         Argentina's Jose San Martin,
                                         defeating Spain at Chacabuco,
                                         bringing independence to Chile in
   Agustín de Iturbide decisively ended the Mexican War of
    Independence. After the liberation of Mexico was secured, he
    was proclaimed President of Regency in 1821 and
    Constitutional Emperor of the new nation, reigning as Emperor
    briefly from May 19, 1822 to March 19, 1823. Agustín de
    Iturbide is also credited as the original designer of the Mexican
   Simón Bolívar led many colonies to independence because he
    believed in equality and saw liberty as “the only object worth a
    man‟s life.” Bolívar‟s nickname was “The Liberator” because he
    devoted his life to the freedom for Latin Americans. In 1810,
    Simón Bolívar started a revolt against the Spaniards in
    Caracas which lasted 9 years until he crushed Spain‟s power in
    northern South America. Also called “George Washington of
    South America”
   José de San Martín led Latin American armies over the Andes
    Mountains and into Chile where he joined Bernardo O‟Higgins.
    The two men successfully achieved independence for Chile in
    1818. In 1820, they also captured Lima and declared Peru
    independent. In 1826, Bolívar and his armies had liberated all
    of South America.


         O’ Higgins
GRAN COLOMBIA, 1820-1830

   Bolivar’s vision of a united South America.
   Present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and
   Short-lived due to dissension amongst various
   Bolivar resigned in 1828.
   In 1830, Bolivar’s Gran Colombia divided into
    Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela.
   Panama later split from Colombia with US assistance,
   Brazil gains independence without the
    bloodshed because when Napoleon‟s
    French army had invaded Portugal,
    causing the Portuguese royal family to flee
    to Brazil.
   King João transferred his monarchy to
    Brazil and immediately introduced
    governmental reforms in Brazil. With the
    different reforms made by King João,
    Brazil was a self-governing kingdom
    without the Portuguese in 1815.
   In September 1822 Brazil won full
    independence from Portugal and crowned
    Dom Pedro as Emperor Pedro I of Brazil.

• Because of the high mountains and thick jungles made transportation and
    communication difficult, hindering trade and economic growth, which let
    many fertile lands remaining undeveloped.
•   Stable food source is important to growth; building infrastructure is equally
    important—schools, roads, hospitals…
•   In the Colonies the executive branch of the government had the political
•   The judicial branch was weak and limited, and
•   the legislative branch was practically nonexistent.
•   The leaders were well educated but had no experience in the legislative
    process, and with low literacy rates, the people were slow to get a grip on
    democratic process.
•   But there were still the separation between the upper and lower classes,
    but now the creoles owned the best land and controlled business and
    government, not the peninsulares.
•   Although Catholicism remained the official religion and
    Church and government continued to be closely tied.
•   With the gain of independence came the increase of
    political conflicts. Liberals called for separation of
    Church and state, the breakup of large estates, higher
    taxes on land, public social services, and civilian control
    of the government. There were liberals than there were
    the creoles, most of whom were rich landowners, church
    leaders, and military officers. The decades that followed
    the wars for independence saw an ongoing struggle for
    economic strength and social justice.


  During the 1800s, most Latin American nations were
  plagued by revolts, civil war, and dictatorships.
     Many problems had their origins in colonial rule, as
      independence barely changed the existing social and
      political hierarchy.

     With few roads and no traditions of unity, the new nations
      were weakened by regionalism, loyalty to a local area.

      What they really needed:
     Land Reform
     a break with traditional customs
     experience with government
     infrastructure
     separation of Church and State
Revolutions in Europe
Events in


At the Congress of Vienna, the powers of Europe tried to
turn the clock back to the way things had been before 1789.

Other voices, however, kept challenging the order imposed
by the Congress of Vienna.
The clash of people with opposing ideologies, or
systems of thought and belief, plunged Europe
into more than 30 years of turmoil.


Conservatives pursued the following goals:
   Restore royal families to the thrones they had lost when
    Napoleon swept across Europe.

   Maintain a social hierarchy in which lower classes
    respected and obeyed their social superiors.

   Maintain an established church.

   Suppress revolutionary ideas.

Challenging the conservatives at every turn were liberals and
nationalists who were inspired by the Enlightenment and the
French Revolution.
             LIBERALISM                NATIONALISM

    Liberals wanted:                  National groups who
     Governments based on             shared a common heritage
       written constitutions and       set out to win their own
       separation of powers.           states.
     Natural rights of
       liberty, equality, and         Nationalism gave people
       prosperity.                     with a common heritage a
     Rulers elected by the            sense of identity.
       people and responsible
       to them.
                                      Nationalism often bred
     A republican form of             intolerance and led to
       government.                     persecution of other ethnic
Revolutions in Europe

Spurred by the ideas of liberalism and nationalism,
revolutionaries fought against the old order.
   In the Balkans, first Serbia, and later Greece
     fought for and won independence from their
     Ottoman rulers and becomes “The Powder
     Keg of Europe”.
    In Spain, Portugal, and various states in the Italian peninsula, rebels
     struggled to gain constitutional governments. In response, a French
     army marched over the Pyrenees to suppress the revolts in Spain.
     Austrian forces crossed the Alps to smash rebellious outbreaks in Italy.
                                      HOW DID REVOLUTION
                                      SPREAD IN 1830?
The revolts in Paris inspired uprisings
elsewhere in Europe. Most were
suppressed by military force. But
here and there, rebels did win
changes from conservative
governments. Even when they failed,
revolutionaries frightened rulers badly
enough to encourage reform later in             Poland
the century.                              Nationalists in
                                          Poland staged an
Belgium The one notable success           uprising in 1830.
for Europe‟s revolutionaries in 1830
took place in Belgium. The Congress       However, the
of Vienna had united Belgium and          rebels failed to
Holland under the Dutch king.             gain widespread
The Belgians resented this
arrangement and pushed for                support, and were
independence.                             brutally crushed
In 1831, Belgium became an                by Russian
independent state with a liberal          forces.

1830 AND
    In 1848, revolts in Paris again unleashed a tidal wave of revolution across

   In Austria, revolts caused Metternich to resign. The
    Austrian government agreed to reforms, but these gains
    were temporary. With Russian help, Austrian forces
    defeated the rebels. Many were imprisoned, executed, or
   Nationalists in Italy rebelled against Austrian Hapsburg
    rulers. They expelled the pope and installed a nationalist
    government. Before long, Austrian troops ousted the new
    government and the French army restored the pope to
   In Prussia, liberals forced King Frederick William IV to
    agree to a constitution written by an elected assembly.
   Within a year, Frederick dissolved the assembly and
    issued his own constitution keeping power in his own
Conflicting Ideologies
This cartoon shows
Prince Metternich
standing resolute against
the angry crowd behind
him who are pushing for
reform. Metternich
represented the
conservative order and
opposed revolutionary
ideals such as freedom
and progress.

How does the cartoonist
portray those in the
What does the crowd
What did Metternich do
to suppress revolutionary
Metternich Flees
Serbs in Battle
Serb leader Karageorge (left) leads the Serbs
against the Ottomans at the Battle of Misar
during the first Serbian rebellion.

(a) Why would this battle and others like it help
    lead to a sense of Serbian national identity?

(b) Why was this sense of nationalism important
    for the Serbs?
Belgium Wins Independence
The one notable success in 1830 took place in Belgium. In 1815, the Congress
of Vienna had united the Austrian Netherlands (present-day Belgium) and the
Kingdom of Holland under the Dutch king. The Congress had wanted to create
a strong barrier to help prevent French expansion in the future.
The Belgians resented the new arrangement. They and the Dutch had different
languages. The Belgians were Catholic, while the Dutch were Protestant. The
Belgian economy was based on manufacturing; the Dutch, on trade.
In 1830, news of the Paris uprising ignited a revolutionary spark in Belgium.
Students and workers threw up barricades in Brussels, the capital. Britain and
France believed that they would benefit from the separation of Belgium and
Holland and supported Belgian demands for independence. As a result, in 1831,
Belgium became an independent state with a liberal constitution.
Rebels Fail in Poland
Nationalists in Poland also staged an uprising in 1830. But, unlike the
Belgians, the Poles failed to win independence for their country.
In the late 1700s, Russia, Austria, and Prussia had divided up Poland. Poles
had hoped that the Congress of Vienna would restore their homeland in 1815.
Instead, the great powers handed most of Poland to Russia.
In 1830, Polish students, army officers, and landowners rose in revolt. The
rebels failed to gain widespread support, however, and were brutally crushed by
Russian forces. Some survivors fled to Western Europe and the United
States, where they kept alive the dream of freedom.


   •   Why did revolutions occur in France in
       1830 and 1848?

   •   How did revolution spread in 1830?

   •   What were the results of the 1848

              1830                                1848
  Charles X, a strong believer        When the government
  in absolutism, suspended the        tried to silence critics and
  legislature, limited the right to   prevent public
  vote, and restricted the            meetings, angry crowds
                                      took to the streets.

  Liberals and radicals
  rebelled and took control of
  Paris.                              Louis Philippe abdicated.

  Moderate liberals put in
  place a constitutional              Revolutionary leaders
  monarchy, and chose                 proclaimed a Second
  Louis Philippe as king.             Republic.

   Wanted to restore absolute monarchs
   Had support of ultraroyalists- -nobles favoring
    a return to the old order
    Dissolved the Assembly and held new elections Charles X
   Issued the July Ordinances
      Measures that showed the dissolved assembly, ended
       press freedom, and restricted voting rights
   Les Trois Glorieuses—in return for July Ordinances
      Three glorious days of rioting and revolution, again!

      Parisian workers and students forced Charles to give up
       the throne and flee to Great Britain
   Louis Philippe accepted the throne as “The Citizen
      Dressed and behaved like a middle class citizen

      Favored wealthy and ignored middle class
   Francois Guizot
                                            Louis-Philippe I
      Prime minister of France

      Also refused middle class


                             François Guizot accepts the charter from
                             Louis-Philippe, the "Citizen-King".
 Guizot feared a demonstration and cancelled a
 February 22
     Crowds flooded the streets singing “The
      Marseillaise” and shouted protests to Guizot
     Troops called to calm it sided with the rebels and
      joined the parade
     52 civilians were killed or wounded
     Louis Philippe fled to Great Britain
     Rebels declared France a republic

   Written and composed by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle

        Allons, enfants de Patrie,
         Le jour de gloire est arrive;
         Contrenous de la tyranne,
         L'etendard sanglant est leve,
         L'etendard sanglant est leve,
         Entendezvous, dans les campagnes,                            « The Marseillaise »
         Mugir ces feroces soldats?
         Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras, Arise children of the fatherland
         Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes. The day of glory has arrived
           Aux armes, citoyens!                Against us tyranny's
           Formez vos bataillons!              Bloody standard is raised
           Marchons, marchons!                 Listen to the sound in the fields
           Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons! howling of these fearsome soldiers
                                               They are coming into our midst
                                               To cut the throats of your sons and consorts
                                               To arms citizens Form your battalions
                                               March, march
                                               Let impure blood
                                               Water our furrows

 By 1850 the rebellions had faded, ending the age
 of liberal revolution that had begun in 1789.

   Rulers used military force to suppress the

   Revolutionaries did not have mass support.

   A growing gulf divided workers seeking
    radical economic change and liberals
    pursuing moderate political reforms.

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Latin American Revolutions for Independence

  • 3. 1750-1914: AN AGE OF REVOLUTIONS Latin American Independence Movements
  • 4. IMPERIALISM IN THE CARIBBEAN AND SOUTH AMERICA, 1898– 4 1917 Referred to as Banana Republics
  • 5. LATIN AMERICAN WARS OF 3 INDEPENDENCE  What caused discontent in Latin America?  How did Haitians, Mexicans, and people in Central America win independence?  How did nations of South America win independence?
  • 6. 3 WHAT CAUSED DISCONTENT IN LATIN AMERICA? By the late 1700s, the revolutionary fever that gripped Western Europe had spread to Latin America. There, discontent was rooted in the social, racial, and political system that had emerged during 300 years of Spanish rule.  Peninsulares were those born of Spanish parents in Spain; therefore, they had the most wealth, education, & status.  Creoles resented their second-class status.  Mestizos and mulattoes were angry at being denied the status, wealth, and power available to whites.  Native Americans suffered economic misery under the Spanish.  Enslaved Africans who worked on plantations longed for freedom.
  • 7. 3 CENTRAL HAITI MEXIC AMERICA O In 1791, Toussaint Father Miguel Hidalgo Spanish-ruled lands L‟Ouverture led slaves and José Morelas led declared their in revolt. popular revolts. independence in the By 1798, enslaved Rebels led by Agustín early 1820s. Haitians had been de Iturbide overthrew Local leaders set up freed. the Spanish the United Provinces In 1802, Napoleon viceroy, creating an of Central America. sent an army to independent Mexico. recapture Haiti. The union soon Napoleon‟s forces Iturbide took the title of fragmented into agreed to a truce, or emperor, but was separate republics of temporary peace. quickly overthrown. Guatemala, Nicaragu Liberal Mexicans set up a, Honduras, El In 1804, Haitian Salvador, and Costa the Republic of Mexico. leaders declared Rica. independence. STRUGGLES FOR INDEPENDENCE
  • 8. INDEPENDENCE IN SOUTH AMERICA 3 In South America, Native Americans had rebelled against Spanish rule as early as the 1700s, with limited results. It was not until the 1800s that discontent sparked a widespread drive for independence. Simon Bolívar, called “The Liberator,” :the George Washington of South America,” led an uprising that established a republic in Venezuela. He then captured Bogotá, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.  In 1816, José de San Martín helped Argentina win freedom from Spain. He then joined forces with Bolívar.  Bolívar tried to unite the liberated lands into a single nation called Gran Colombia. However, bitter rivalries made that dream impossible. Before long, Gran Columbia split into
  • 10. 3 INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS IN LATIN AMERICA Long-Term Causes Immediate Causes European domination of Latin America People of Latin America resent colonial rule and social injustices Spread of Enlightenment ideas American and French revolutions Revolutionary leaders emerge Growth of nationalism in Latin America Napoleon invades Spain and ousts Spanish king Immediate Effects Long-Term Effects Toussaint L„Ouverture leads Attempts made to rebuild slave revolt in Haiti economies Bolívar, San Martín, and others 18 separate republics set up lead successful revolts in Latin Continuing efforts to achieve stable America democratic governments and to Colonial rule ends in much of gain economic independence Latin America
  • 11. François Toussaint- Simón Louverture- Miguel Bolívar Hidalgo Key People Pedro I José de San Martín
  • 12. LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS, 18TH & 19TH C. Wars of Independenc e In Latin America Many Latin American nations tried a break for freedom while Napoleon was in power
  • 13. RESULTS  Caudillos  Strong military leaders emerge  Dictatorship and totalitarian systems emerge  Dependency theory challenges “Modernity” theory  Western European markets determine the product  South America dependent upon others buying their one crop  Banana Republics  United Fruit Company controlled Central America in late 19th and early 20th century  Phrase coined to designate politically unstable, dependent on limited agriculture, and ruled by a small, wealthy and corrupt clique put in power by the United States government in conjunction with the CIA and the US business lobby
  • 14. LATIN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLASSES Peninsulares were men born in Spain or Portugal who held highest offices and important military and political positions Creoles were Spaniards born in the Latin American colonies who were officers in army, but not in government and controlled much of the land and business in the colonies. But they deeply resented power of the peninsulares. Mestizos made up the majority of the society because it was mixed European and Indian. They worked as servant to the peninsulares and Creoles and as plantation overseers and farmhands. Mulatto-European and African mixed ancestry. The Native Americans/Africans were the lowest society group but also the largest. They were not known as citizens but did much labor.
  • 15. FRENCH COLONIES: REVOLUTION IN HAITI  Saint Domingue, now known as Haiti  Western third of island of Hispanola in Caribbean Sea.
  • 16. The first Latin American uprising was in the French colony of Haiti, which was where huge plantations of sugar, cotton and coffee spread across the mountains and valleys of the lush tropical land. The Plantations were owed by French planters and worked by the colony‟s enslaved African population • There was a high demand of sugar and coffee from the small colony of Haiti • 500,000 to 560,000 people living in Haiti in the late 1700s were enslaved or had been • Unrest erupted in the early 1790‟s when enslaved Africans led by François Toussaint-Louverture revolted by setting fires to plantation homes and fields of sugarcane. • Napoleon sent forces in 1802 in order to take control of the colony and successfully captured Toussaint- Louverture and imprisoned him in France until his death in 1803. • Yellow fever was the death of thousands of French soldiers which is what the Haiti people needed to defeat
  • 17. TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE  Former slave, self-educated.  Untrained in military and political matters, but became a skilled general and diplomat.  Allegedly got name (“opening” in French) from being able to find openings in enemy lines.  Took leadership of a slave revolt that broke out in 1791.  100,000 slaves in revolt.  By 1801, L’Ouverture moved into Spanish Santo Domingo (the eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispanola), took control of territory and freed slaves.  In January 1802, French troops landed.  Toussaint agreed to an end of fighting if the French would end slavery  French accused him of planning another uprising.  Sent him to a prison in the French Alps.
  • 18. Father Miguel Hidalgo was a Mexican priest who was the leader of the Mexican war for Independence. He started the movement of independence in 1810. With his help, the fight for independence lasted for 11 years but Miguel did not see it to the end. He was executed in 1811 because of traitors who sold him out to the Spaniards.  Miguel Hidalgo was known as a risk taker with the motto: “We want a free Mexico;” with this motto, his fight for independence never ended. May 8, 1753 –July 30, 1811
  • 19. Miguel Hidalgo led the fight against the Spanish government in Mexico because of the deep care he had for the poverty- stricken Native Americans and mestizos. • Hidalgo‟s goals were political freedom, an end to slavery, and improvements to living conditions for Mexico‟s poor and revolt was the only way to bring change • On September 16, 1810, Hidalgo gave a stirring address that became known as “el Grito de Dolores” that called for Mexicans to fight for “Independence and Liberty.” • In 1811 the well-trained Spanish army finally overwhelmed the rebels and Hidalgo was captured and executed
  • 20. Agustín de Iturbide José Francisco de San Simón Bolívar July September 27, 1783 – Martín 24, 1783 – July 19, 1824 February 25, 1778 – December 17, 1830 August 17, 1850
  • 21. Chilean liberator Bernardo O‟Higgins by the famous Mexican muralist David Alfaro Siquieros at Chillán‟s Escuela México. The son of the Irish-born governor of Chile, he was a leading figure in the movement to overthrow the ruling Spanish administration and was the first head of state of the independent Chile. O'Higgins Rides Again, Arica, Chile - Every South American city displays its heroes in bronze. In Arica, it's Bernardo O'Higgins who does the honors. O'Higgins fought alongside of Argentina's Jose San Martin, defeating Spain at Chacabuco, bringing independence to Chile in
  • 22. Agustín de Iturbide decisively ended the Mexican War of Independence. After the liberation of Mexico was secured, he was proclaimed President of Regency in 1821 and Constitutional Emperor of the new nation, reigning as Emperor briefly from May 19, 1822 to March 19, 1823. Agustín de Iturbide is also credited as the original designer of the Mexican flag.  Simón Bolívar led many colonies to independence because he believed in equality and saw liberty as “the only object worth a man‟s life.” Bolívar‟s nickname was “The Liberator” because he devoted his life to the freedom for Latin Americans. In 1810, Simón Bolívar started a revolt against the Spaniards in Caracas which lasted 9 years until he crushed Spain‟s power in northern South America. Also called “George Washington of South America”  José de San Martín led Latin American armies over the Andes Mountains and into Chile where he joined Bernardo O‟Higgins. The two men successfully achieved independence for Chile in 1818. In 1820, they also captured Lima and declared Peru independent. In 1826, Bolívar and his armies had liberated all of South America.
  • 23. Bolivar San Martín O’ Higgins
  • 24. GRAN COLOMBIA, 1820-1830  Bolivar’s vision of a united South America.  Present-day Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Panama.  Short-lived due to dissension amongst various factions.  Bolivar resigned in 1828.  In 1830, Bolivar’s Gran Colombia divided into Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela.  Panama later split from Colombia with US assistance, 1903.
  • 25. BRAZIL GAINS INDEPENDENCE  Brazil gains independence without the bloodshed because when Napoleon‟s French army had invaded Portugal, causing the Portuguese royal family to flee to Brazil.  King João transferred his monarchy to Brazil and immediately introduced governmental reforms in Brazil. With the different reforms made by King João, Brazil was a self-governing kingdom without the Portuguese in 1815.  In September 1822 Brazil won full independence from Portugal and crowned Dom Pedro as Emperor Pedro I of Brazil.
  • 26. CHALLENGES THAT COME WITH GROWTH • Because of the high mountains and thick jungles made transportation and communication difficult, hindering trade and economic growth, which let many fertile lands remaining undeveloped. • Stable food source is important to growth; building infrastructure is equally important—schools, roads, hospitals… • In the Colonies the executive branch of the government had the political power. • The judicial branch was weak and limited, and • the legislative branch was practically nonexistent. • The leaders were well educated but had no experience in the legislative process, and with low literacy rates, the people were slow to get a grip on democratic process. • But there were still the separation between the upper and lower classes, but now the creoles owned the best land and controlled business and government, not the peninsulares.
  • 27. Although Catholicism remained the official religion and Church and government continued to be closely tied. • With the gain of independence came the increase of political conflicts. Liberals called for separation of Church and state, the breakup of large estates, higher taxes on land, public social services, and civilian control of the government. There were liberals than there were the creoles, most of whom were rich landowners, church leaders, and military officers. The decades that followed the wars for independence saw an ongoing struggle for economic strength and social justice.
  • 28. 4 POLITICAL PROBLEMS During the 1800s, most Latin American nations were plagued by revolts, civil war, and dictatorships.  Many problems had their origins in colonial rule, as independence barely changed the existing social and political hierarchy.  With few roads and no traditions of unity, the new nations were weakened by regionalism, loyalty to a local area. What they really needed:  Land Reform  a break with traditional customs  experience with government  infrastructure  separation of Church and State
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  • 38. 1 OPPOSING IDEOLOGIES At the Congress of Vienna, the powers of Europe tried to turn the clock back to the way things had been before 1789. Other voices, however, kept challenging the order imposed by the Congress of Vienna. The clash of people with opposing ideologies, or systems of thought and belief, plunged Europe into more than 30 years of turmoil.
  • 39. 1 WHAT WERE THE GOALS OF CONSERVATIVES? Conservatives pursued the following goals:  Restore royal families to the thrones they had lost when Napoleon swept across Europe.  Maintain a social hierarchy in which lower classes respected and obeyed their social superiors.  Maintain an established church.  Suppress revolutionary ideas.
  • 40. 1 THE LIBERAL AND NATIONALIST CHALLENGE Challenging the conservatives at every turn were liberals and nationalists who were inspired by the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. LIBERALISM NATIONALISM Liberals wanted:  National groups who  Governments based on shared a common heritage written constitutions and set out to win their own separation of powers. states.  Natural rights of liberty, equality, and  Nationalism gave people prosperity. with a common heritage a  Rulers elected by the sense of identity. people and responsible to them.  Nationalism often bred  A republican form of intolerance and led to government. persecution of other ethnic
  • 42. REVOLTS AGAINST THE OLD ORDER 1 Spurred by the ideas of liberalism and nationalism, revolutionaries fought against the old order.  In the Balkans, first Serbia, and later Greece fought for and won independence from their Ottoman rulers and becomes “The Powder Keg of Europe”.  In Spain, Portugal, and various states in the Italian peninsula, rebels struggled to gain constitutional governments. In response, a French army marched over the Pyrenees to suppress the revolts in Spain. Austrian forces crossed the Alps to smash rebellious outbreaks in Italy.
  • 44. 2 HOW DID REVOLUTION SPREAD IN 1830? The revolts in Paris inspired uprisings elsewhere in Europe. Most were suppressed by military force. But here and there, rebels did win changes from conservative governments. Even when they failed, revolutionaries frightened rulers badly enough to encourage reform later in Poland the century. Nationalists in Poland staged an Belgium The one notable success uprising in 1830. for Europe‟s revolutionaries in 1830 took place in Belgium. The Congress However, the of Vienna had united Belgium and rebels failed to Holland under the Dutch king. gain widespread The Belgians resented this arrangement and pushed for support, and were independence. brutally crushed In 1831, Belgium became an by Russian independent state with a liberal forces. constitution.
  • 45. REVOLUTIONS 2 IN EUROPE, 1830 AND 1848
  • 46. 2 REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 In 1848, revolts in Paris again unleashed a tidal wave of revolution across Europe.  In Austria, revolts caused Metternich to resign. The Austrian government agreed to reforms, but these gains were temporary. With Russian help, Austrian forces defeated the rebels. Many were imprisoned, executed, or exiled.  Nationalists in Italy rebelled against Austrian Hapsburg rulers. They expelled the pope and installed a nationalist government. Before long, Austrian troops ousted the new government and the French army restored the pope to power.  In Prussia, liberals forced King Frederick William IV to agree to a constitution written by an elected assembly.  Within a year, Frederick dissolved the assembly and issued his own constitution keeping power in his own hands.
  • 47. Conflicting Ideologies This cartoon shows Prince Metternich standing resolute against the angry crowd behind him who are pushing for reform. Metternich represented the conservative order and opposed revolutionary ideals such as freedom and progress. How does the cartoonist portray those in the crowd? What does the crowd support? What did Metternich do to suppress revolutionary ideas?
  • 50. Serbs in Battle Serb leader Karageorge (left) leads the Serbs against the Ottomans at the Battle of Misar during the first Serbian rebellion. (a) Why would this battle and others like it help lead to a sense of Serbian national identity? (b) Why was this sense of nationalism important for the Serbs?
  • 51. Belgium Wins Independence The one notable success in 1830 took place in Belgium. In 1815, the Congress of Vienna had united the Austrian Netherlands (present-day Belgium) and the Kingdom of Holland under the Dutch king. The Congress had wanted to create a strong barrier to help prevent French expansion in the future. The Belgians resented the new arrangement. They and the Dutch had different languages. The Belgians were Catholic, while the Dutch were Protestant. The Belgian economy was based on manufacturing; the Dutch, on trade. In 1830, news of the Paris uprising ignited a revolutionary spark in Belgium. Students and workers threw up barricades in Brussels, the capital. Britain and France believed that they would benefit from the separation of Belgium and Holland and supported Belgian demands for independence. As a result, in 1831, Belgium became an independent state with a liberal constitution. Rebels Fail in Poland Nationalists in Poland also staged an uprising in 1830. But, unlike the Belgians, the Poles failed to win independence for their country. In the late 1700s, Russia, Austria, and Prussia had divided up Poland. Poles had hoped that the Congress of Vienna would restore their homeland in 1815. Instead, the great powers handed most of Poland to Russia. In 1830, Polish students, army officers, and landowners rose in revolt. The rebels failed to gain widespread support, however, and were brutally crushed by Russian forces. Some survivors fled to Western Europe and the United States, where they kept alive the dream of freedom.
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  • 55. 2 REVOLUTIONS OF 1830 AND 1848 • Why did revolutions occur in France in 1830 and 1848? • How did revolution spread in 1830? • What were the results of the 1848 revolutions?
  • 56. WHY DID REVOLUTIONS OCCUR IN FRANCE IN 1830 AND 1848? 2 1830 1848 Charles X, a strong believer When the government in absolutism, suspended the tried to silence critics and legislature, limited the right to prevent public vote, and restricted the meetings, angry crowds press. took to the streets. Liberals and radicals rebelled and took control of Paris. Louis Philippe abdicated. Moderate liberals put in place a constitutional Revolutionary leaders monarchy, and chose proclaimed a Second Louis Philippe as king. Republic.
  • 57. REVOLT IN FRANCE IN 1830  Wanted to restore absolute monarchs  Had support of ultraroyalists- -nobles favoring a return to the old order  Dissolved the Assembly and held new elections Charles X  Issued the July Ordinances  Measures that showed the dissolved assembly, ended press freedom, and restricted voting rights  Les Trois Glorieuses—in return for July Ordinances  Three glorious days of rioting and revolution, again!  Parisian workers and students forced Charles to give up the throne and flee to Great Britain
  • 58. Louis Philippe accepted the throne as “The Citizen King”  Dressed and behaved like a middle class citizen  Favored wealthy and ignored middle class demands  Francois Guizot Louis-Philippe I  Prime minister of France  Also refused middle class demands François Guizot accepts the charter from Louis-Philippe, the "Citizen-King".
  • 59. FRANCE--THE REVOLUTION OF 1848  Guizot feared a demonstration and cancelled a banquet  February 22  Crowds flooded the streets singing “The Marseillaise” and shouted protests to Guizot  Troops called to calm it sided with the rebels and joined the parade  52 civilians were killed or wounded  Louis Philippe fled to Great Britain  Rebels declared France a republic Marianne/Liberte
  • 60. Written and composed by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle  Allons, enfants de Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrive; Contrenous de la tyranne, L'etendard sanglant est leve, L'etendard sanglant est leve, Entendezvous, dans les campagnes, « The Marseillaise » Mugir ces feroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras, Arise children of the fatherland Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes. The day of glory has arrived Aux armes, citoyens! Against us tyranny's Formez vos bataillons! Bloody standard is raised Marchons, marchons! Listen to the sound in the fields Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons! howling of these fearsome soldiers The They are coming into our midst To cut the throats of your sons and consorts To arms citizens Form your battalions March, march Let impure blood Water our furrows
  • 61. 2 WHY DID THE UPRISINGS FAIL? By 1850 the rebellions had faded, ending the age of liberal revolution that had begun in 1789.  Rulers used military force to suppress the uprisings.  Revolutionaries did not have mass support.  A growing gulf divided workers seeking radical economic change and liberals pursuing moderate political reforms.