genome sequencing rare diseases genomic data genome analysis personalized medicine genome interpretation genomics nextcode health decode genetics wuxi nextcode genomics england cancer nextcode exchange genome database genome data storage nextcode genomically ordered relational database (gor) sidra medical and research center genomic analysis genetic variants big data 23andme national cancer institute data storage genomic medicine wuxi genomic data sharing clinical sequencing population-scale sequencing next-generation sequencing genomic data analysis boston children's hospital baylor college of medicine genomics-based medicine 000 genomes project genomics-driven medicine genetic variation whole genome sequencing genome storage human genome cancer tumor analysis gene sequencing cloud-based analysis data sharing population genomics ashg 2016 parent project muscular dystrophy patient-centric communities rareconnect simons foundation autism research initiative patientslikeme mygene2 d wuxi nextcode genetic alliance charlotte & gwyneth gray foundation national patient-centered clinical research networ spark data silos dtc genetic testing genetic variant carrier status fda nci-match genetic testing alk testing tapur efgr testing brca testing her2 testing asco clinical oncology precision medicine national institutes of health qatar genome project fudan children’s hospital 10 claritas genomics mayo clinic diagnostic odyssey genomics-based care the partnership aims to accelerate and augment the pediatric genetic disorders claritas genomics and nextcode have established a global genes integrated approach to genomics-based care for rar autism simons simplex collection autism spectrum disorder american society of human genetics (ashg) genomic-based medicine whole-genome databases haplotype reference consortium (hrc) queensland institute of medical research university college dublin saitama medical university 100k genomes project rare genetic diseases 100000 genomes project human longevity regeneron bloomberg illumina genome databases genetic diseases tumor profiling charcot-marie-tooth syndrome plos blog clinical genomics biocentury acord bio-it world xconomy nature biotechnology stanford school of medicine anzac research institute genoimc data large-scale sequencing global medicine 100 gene variants whole-genome sequencing genetic mutations and disease genomic research centers genetics of disease genomic sequencing and analysis low-cost genome sequencing whole exome sequencing raw sequence data genetic datasets hannes smarason
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