harish shah future singapore futurist the singapore futurist future studies futurist business coaching singapore coach stratserv consultancy speaker coach harry mind evolution harish life coach strategy strategic foresight harish "the singapore futurist" shah technology keynote futurist keynote speaker keynote speaker futurist speaker life talk speaking futureproof self-improvement future of business futures studies motivation human foresight futureproofing marketing management consulting futurism evolution ebook business futurist tech business coach storytelling communication people human resources hr human capital mindset change organisation systems thinking strategic business coaching personal free thinking ebooks positive feelings purpose happiness human resource management motivator health singapore speaker organization future of technology future of tech presentation relationship coach meditation coach career coaching #linkedin #future #talk #speaker #harish #shah the future of payments story lifestyle trust diversity being human organisations unity strategic planning consulting planning innovation management business continuity teams small business business services branding consultant futurology wellness relationships advice love introduction techtopia emerging tech emtech emerging technology emerging technologies technological evolution technological foresight technology foresight vuca organizational culture thought corporate culture inclusivity inclusion equality equity revelation life reflections reflections public open access development insights books book resume cv careers career vegetarianism vegetarian food diet rediscovery reboot real hrm storyteller quotes future of health & medicine future of health and medicine future of health future of medicine healthtech medicine technologies tech futures future of organisations future organisations telecommunications technology telecommunication the future of telecommunication future of telecommunication future technology telecommunication technology future tech télécommunications neuromarketing future of marketing iot presentation coach millennial confidence coach conversation coach language coach negotiation coach coaching in singapore speech coach career coach coach in singapore singaporean coach team coach the millennial futurist the asian futurist work internet of things artificial intelligence automation future of payment future of payments millennial futurist payments the future of payment inspiration committees facilitated team effectiveness committee teamwork working committees project teams cross-functional teams facilitator bonding team-building dialogue team readiness change management transformation dating dating coach taxi services future of taxi future of taxis taxis taxicabs smart apps transportation transport competition industry taxicab smart agents smart applications smart devices sharing economy taxi perception conversation policy programme effective innovation effectiveness innovation strategy strategies forecasting disruption proofing future proof future proofing consultancy proof customer service training operators enhancement bpo call centre growth continuity applying risk convergence success risks mitigation low budget personalised low cost customised cost effective small and medium enterprises writing sme brand management personal branding employer branding brand strategist negotiation marketing strategy busine social media strategy environmental scanning methodology trend analysis
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