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Climate Change Thematic Window

                Jo Puri
         Head of Evaluation
     Deputy Executive Director, 3ie
Overall Aim: Improve lives
• Better evidence on what
  works and why
• Improve awareness and
• Effective allocation of funds
• Increase likelihood that CC
  interventions are able to
  contribute to reduced GHG
  emissions and increase
Climate Change Thematic Window
• Combination of 15
  impact evaluations and 5
  systematic reviews
• Can also include IEs
  requested by
Impact evaluation and policies
            Impact Evaluations

                  Would it have
                  Would it have                              Are there other
                                                             Are there other
Did the program
Did the program   happened anyway?
                  happened anyway?                           ways, that are
                                                             ways, that are
cause the
cause the                            If the program caused
                                     If the program caused
change?                                                      cheaper to get the
                                                             cheaper to get the
change?                              the effect, how much
                                     the effect, how much
                                                             same impact?
                                                             same impact?
                                     was the effect?
                                     was the effect?
Impact Evaluations
– Efficacy and design
– Effectiveness of
– What can be scaled
  up? What can
  be/should be
– Cost effectiveness of
– Trade-offs
Design: MARENA in Honduras
• The MARENA programme
  better natural resource
• Impact of MARENA
   – Total farm output
     increased by $295 per
     year compared with non-
     participants from
     different villages
   – No spill over effects
Are Protected

- Selection
bias in
choosing PAs
(implications for

                                Roads (1982) and
      1 - 1000 feet

      1000 - 3500 feet
                         Forests Of North Thailand (1986)
      3500 - 6000 feet

      6000 - 7700 feet


      Elevat .shp

      1 - 1 000 fe et

      100 0 - 3500 feet

      350 0 - 6000 feet

      600 0 - 7700 feet
• Combination of cross-sectional spatially
  explicit raster (1:1m) and vector layers
  and district level census data.
• Physiographic: Elevation (DEM), Slope
• Soil (FAO)
• Socio-Economic: Population density
• Cost of Travel to the market; Roads
• Protected Areas (IUCN),                    11

• Land Use
Cleared Land (Y1 = 1)              T- Stats
            Slope (degrees)     -0.088     -10.652
             Elevation (ms.)    -0.001      -8.095
     Population density1990     0.003        4.532
          Log(cost) (1982)**    -0.191      -9.729
 Soil and Province Dummies        Not      Shown
Protected Area dummy (1986)     -0.077      -0.332
                   Constant     1.295        8.870
     Protected Area (Y2 = 1)             Equation
            Slope (Degrees)     0.034        5.297
             Elevation (ms.)    0.001        9.058
     Population density1990     0.001        2.297
            Log(cost) (1982)    0.192        7.477
 Soil and Province Dummies        Not      Shown
         Watershed dummy        0.188        3.543
                   Constant     -4.098     -14.010
             Log Likelihood    -3714.7

         No. of observations     4946                12
Trade-offs: Road building and
Systematic Reviews
• A policy relevant synthesis of evidence on
  effectiveness of a particular intervention
• An unbiased assessment
• All available high quality/ scientific evidence.
• Create a gap map (assessment of evidence)
• Highlight areas where there is lack of high
  quality evidence and recommendations for
  further research.
Quality of                                    Labour                                                                         Treatment
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Take-up, retention.                                                                                  life and well-          Household             Participation/                                                                 Access, Service
 erventions / Outcomes    Awareness, knowledge                      Attitudes and Beliefs                   Risk behaviour / skills                                 HIV transmission                          adherence                                     Morbidity                 Mortality                    being                   well-being            productivity               Empowerment                  Stigma                 quality
                                    Peer Education                   Prevention for heterosexual men                                   Behaviour change interventions for women                                          ICT for youth                                                                               Reducing stigma
                           Prevention for heterosexual men                   Peer intervetions              Couples-focused behavioural interventions                Challenges in HIV prevention research    Prevention in occupational settings

                                   Peer intervetions                           ICT for youth                      Condom use for HIV positive women                 Behaviour interventions for prevention

                              Prevention in Latin America                                                                                               Peer Education

                                     ICT for youth                                                                  Prevention in heterosexual men                    Prevention in occupational settings

  Behaviour change                                                                                               Behaviour interventions for prevention              School based interventions for youth

    interventions                                                                                                       Influence of social agents
                                                                                                                           Peer interventions

                                                                                                                      Prevention in Latin America

                                                                                                                              ICT for youth
                                                                                                                   Prevention in occupational settings

                                                                                                                  School based interventions for youth

ndom promotion                                                                                                                                  Prevention for youth in Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Increasing youth's use of health                                                                                                                    Educating traditional   Peer-based interventions
                             Educating traditional healers          School-based sexual health in Africa              Educating traditional healers                       Prevention for youth in Africa                                                                Peer-based interventions for HIV positive women                                                                                                                           interventions for HIV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            services                                                                                                                                      healers            for HIV positive women
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     positive women
                                                                    Peer-led sexual health education for                                                                                                       Peer-based interventions for HIV
                          School-based sexual health in Africa                                                       Prevention for youth in Africa                        Prevention in African youth                                                                                                               Reducing stigma
                                                                                   youth                                                                                                                               positive women
                           Peer-led adolescent sexual health                                                School-based sexual health intervetions in

                                                                       Life skills education for youth                                                                           Girls' education
                                      education                                                                              Africa
                                                                      Parent-child communication in                                                                      Peer-based interventions for HIV
nformation, education        Life skills education for youth
                                                                                                            Peer-led sexual health education for youth
                                                                                                                                                                                 positive women
 and communication                                                                                                    Life skills education for youth

                                                                                                                  Parent-child communication in Africa

                                                                                                                       Prevention in African youth

                                                                                                                             Girls' education
                                                                                                             Peer-based interventions for HIV positive
                                                                       Mass communication programmes
Mass communication
                                                                          Mass media for young people                                                                                                           Increasing youth's use of health
 ommunity education,                                                   Community interventions for youth                                                                                                                                                                                                             Reducing stigma
   mobilisation                                                                                                                                                     Behaviour interventions for prevention

                                          Counselling for HIV testing of pregnant women                                      Family planning                                                                           Home-based VCT                                                                                                                                                                                                                Family planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Integrating PMTCT with health
                                                                       Routine vs. voluntary testing                               VCT                                     Routine vs. voluntary testing

   HIV Testing and                                                                                          Counselling for testing of pregnant women                                                                  Family planning

     Counselling                                                                                                   Rapid T and C for pregnant women
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Counselling for testing of pregnant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Routine vs. voluntary testing

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Rapid T & C for pregnant women
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Integrating PMTCT with other health
                                                                 Counselling for HIV testing of pregnant women
 evention of Mother to                                                                                                                                                                                                      services

  Child Transmission                                                                                                                                                                                          Counselling for testing of pregnant

                                                                                                                                                                     Challenges in HIV prevention research
omedical interventions                                                                                                                                                    Population based biomedical
                                                                                                                                                                          interventions for STI control

  Male circumcision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Nurses ART
                                                                                                                                         Impact of treatment on risk behaviour                                                Children's adherence to ART                                                                               Non-clinincal outcomes of ART
Antiretroviral Therapy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Nurses for ART management

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Task shifting in Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Family-centred treatment for HIV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Family support

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         color is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Psychosocial well-being HIV affected children

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Palliative care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Task shifting in Africa

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Palliative care

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       positive children
 Treatment and Care                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Family-centred
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Patient adherence                     treatment for HIV          Task shifting in Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             positive children

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         treatment for HIV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          positive children
                                                                                                                                                                    Integrated HIV and TB Service delivery      Integrating PMTCT with health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Task shifting in Africa                                                                                                                                     Task shifting in Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                   in Africa                                services
   Health Systems                                                                                                                                                                                               Increasing youth's use of health                                                                                                                                                                                                  Integrated HIV and TB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Integrated HIV and TB Service delivery in Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            services                                                                                                                                                                                                             Service delivery in Africa
                                                                      Harm reduction for involuntary
                                    Peer-education                                                                                                      Peer-education
                            Harm reduction for involuntary                                                       Prevention interventions for female sex
                                                                                                                                                                    Behaviour interventions for prevention
                                     detainees                                                                                   workers
                                                                                                                                                                    Prevention interventions for female sex
                                                                                                             Harm reduction for involuntary detainees
   Key populations                                                                                                                                                    Male circumcision for prevention of
                                                                                                             Behaviour interventions for sex workers
                                                                                                                                                                            homosexual acquisition
                                                                                                                                                                       Harm reduction for involuntary
                                                                                                                                                                         Behaviour interventions for sex

nterventions to reduce                                                                                                      Reducing stigma                                                                                                                                                                          Reducing stigma                                                                                     Reducing stigma

   HIV/AIDS stigma                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Reducing stigma

tructural Interventions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Economic interventions for
                                                                                                            Economic interventions for HIV prevention                Challenges in HIV prevention research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HIV prevention
conomic Interventions                                                                                                                                                    Economic interventions for HIV
Climate Change: The evidence gap
• There are only 60

• Only 8 SRs directly
Best bang for your buck?
 Organization          Funds                        Areas of Intervention
    GEF         $755.5 million (2012)     Energy efficiency, Renewable Energy,
                                        Sustainable Transport sustainable forestry

   WBG          $3,300 million (2009)    Renewable energy, disaster risk reduction

   UNDP          $400 million (2008-    Mainstreaming climate change, and support
                       2012)              of mitigation and adaptation projects

   UNEP         $50.96 million (2012) adaptation capacity, clean technologies,
                                      climate communications and outreach

 UN-REDD         $108 million (2008-                Forestry initiatives

   Others                               Investments include developing solar panel
(OECD, DFID)                             and clean coal technology, fishery science,
                                                         and others
• There is a big gap between
  the requirement and
  availability of funds.
  – Required    $500 bn
  – Available   $95 bn
• Different country blocs have
  different requirements and
• Multiple outcomes
Urgent and Timely
• International agenda: GCF
  and SDGs.
• Small Island Developing
• Stern report and IPCC
  report: Science is well
  known but what works in
  terms of uptake?
• Next few meetings should
  be better informed:
   • GEF in 2014;
   • COP 20 in eastern Europe.
   • Roadmap for 2015
Reduction in Vulnerability in West
• This 3ie funded study
  recommended that the
  government reduce costs for
  small farmers to acquire
  electric pumps
• This policy is now being
  implemented by the state
• External validity

Short to Intermediate Outputs of the
 Climate Change Thematic Window
                  Briefing document and
                  research agenda
NOVEMBER 2012     finalised

                    Preliminary evidence
                    gap-map on CC
                    adaptation and
FEBRUARY 2013      Final evidence gap-
                   map available on 3ie
                   Draft reports of five
                   systematic reviews
Short to Intermediate Outputs of the
 Climate Change Thematic Window
                  Efficacy/quick IEs results
  MAY 2014

                  Midline reports and
NOVEMBER 2014     process evaluations of
  ONWARDS         funded impact
                  evaluations start to
                  become available

                  Draft final reports of
NOVEMBER 2015     funded impact
  ONWARDS         evaluations start to
                  become available
Longer term Outputs of the Climate
     Change Thematic Window

OCTOBER 2017           Systematic reviews
                       updated with new
                       evidence available

 Increase in availability and use of evidence
   high quality evidence to inform climate
            change programming
Thank you.
Weather Insurance: Smallholder
 Farmer Access to Weather Securities
• Ongoing 3ie funded study
  that offers weather
  securities to farmers in
  Karnataka and Madhya
• Main impact question
  – What is the impact of access
    of weather securities on a
    smallholder farmer’s
    consumption and production
Community Driven Development in
           Sierra Leone
• The CDD seeks to build
  social capital, trust and
  capacity for collective
  action in the communities
  where it works
• This study adds to the
  growing body of evidence
  that these projects do not
  build social cohesion
T-statistic for
                                            Treatment   Comparison       test of
Attribute                                     Group       Group        Difference
                                              Mean        Mean       (Comparison –
% with public transport available all day     93%          89%            -1.19
No. of days roads are closed                   3.9         6.6           2.60**
No. using transportation to reach a
                                               2.1         2.1            0.04
primary school
Payment for transportation to Primary
                                               58          74.5           1.84*
school (Quetzales per month)
Avg. time taken to reach school (non-
                                              18.4         19.2           0.77
Avg. amt. paid for transportation to
                                              68.3         81.2           1.6*
non-primary school (Quetzals
Avg. time taken to reach a health center
                                               51           53             0.6
(any) – Minutes
Avg. amt. paid for transportation to
                                               33           90           2.85**
reach a health facility (Quetzales)
Average distance traveled to get wood.
                                               68           62            -1.3*
Time taken to reach work                       42           50            1.25*

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Puri ifad climate_change

  • 1. Climate Change Thematic Window Jo Puri Head of Evaluation Deputy Executive Director, 3ie
  • 3. Overall Aim: Improve lives • Better evidence on what works and why • Improve awareness and accountability • Effective allocation of funds • Increase likelihood that CC interventions are able to contribute to reduced GHG emissions and increase resilience.
  • 4. Climate Change Thematic Window • Combination of 15 impact evaluations and 5 systematic reviews • Can also include IEs requested by governments
  • 5. Impact evaluation and policies Impact Evaluations Would it have Would it have Are there other Are there other Did the program Did the program happened anyway? happened anyway? ways, that are ways, that are cause the cause the If the program caused If the program caused change? cheaper to get the cheaper to get the change? the effect, how much the effect, how much same impact? same impact? was the effect? was the effect?
  • 6. Impact Evaluations – Efficacy and design – Effectiveness of interventions. – What can be scaled up? What can be/should be replicated? – Cost effectiveness of interventions – Trade-offs
  • 7. Design: MARENA in Honduras • The MARENA programme better natural resource management • Impact of MARENA – Total farm output increased by $295 per year compared with non- participants from different villages – No spill over effects recorded
  • 8. Are Protected areas effective? - Selection bias in choosing PAs (implications for PES)
  • 9. NORTH THAILAND Elevat.shp Elevat.shp Elevat.shp Roads (1982) and 1 - 1000 feet 1000 - 3500 feet Forests Of North Thailand (1986) 3500 - 6000 feet 6000 - 7700 feet 9
  • 10. NORTH THAILAND Elevat.shp Elevat.shp Elevat .shp 1 - 1 000 fe et 100 0 - 3500 feet 350 0 - 6000 feet 600 0 - 7700 feet
  • 11. Data • Combination of cross-sectional spatially explicit raster (1:1m) and vector layers and district level census data. • Physiographic: Elevation (DEM), Slope • Soil (FAO) • Socio-Economic: Population density • Cost of Travel to the market; Roads (DCW) • Protected Areas (IUCN), 11 • Land Use
  • 12. Cleared Land (Y1 = 1) T- Stats Slope (degrees) -0.088 -10.652 Elevation (ms.) -0.001 -8.095 Population density1990 0.003 4.532 (people/km2) Log(cost) (1982)** -0.191 -9.729 Soil and Province Dummies Not Shown Protected Area dummy (1986) -0.077 -0.332 Constant 1.295 8.870 Protected Area (Y2 = 1) Equation Slope (Degrees) 0.034 5.297 Elevation (ms.) 0.001 9.058 Population density1990 0.001 2.297 (people/km2) Log(cost) (1982) 0.192 7.477 Soil and Province Dummies Not Shown Watershed dummy 0.188 3.543 Constant -4.098 -14.010 Log Likelihood -3714.7 No. of observations 4946 12
  • 14. Systematic Reviews • A policy relevant synthesis of evidence on effectiveness of a particular intervention • An unbiased assessment • All available high quality/ scientific evidence. • Create a gap map (assessment of evidence) • Highlight areas where there is lack of high quality evidence and recommendations for further research.
  • 15. Quality of Labour Treatment Take-up, retention. life and well- Household Participation/ Access, Service erventions / Outcomes Awareness, knowledge Attitudes and Beliefs Risk behaviour / skills HIV transmission adherence Morbidity Mortality being well-being productivity Empowerment Stigma quality Peer Education Prevention for heterosexual men Behaviour change interventions for women ICT for youth Reducing stigma Prevention for heterosexual men Peer intervetions Couples-focused behavioural interventions Challenges in HIV prevention research Prevention in occupational settings Peer intervetions ICT for youth Condom use for HIV positive women Behaviour interventions for prevention Prevention in Latin America Peer Education ICT for youth Prevention in heterosexual men Prevention in occupational settings Behaviour change Behaviour interventions for prevention School based interventions for youth interventions Influence of social agents Peer interventions Prevention in Latin America ICT for youth Prevention in occupational settings School based interventions for youth ndom promotion Prevention for youth in Africa tribution Peer-based Increasing youth's use of health Educating traditional Peer-based interventions Educating traditional healers School-based sexual health in Africa Educating traditional healers Prevention for youth in Africa Peer-based interventions for HIV positive women interventions for HIV services healers for HIV positive women positive women Peer-led sexual health education for Peer-based interventions for HIV School-based sexual health in Africa Prevention for youth in Africa Prevention in African youth Reducing stigma youth positive women Peer-led adolescent sexual health School-based sexual health intervetions in Outcomes Life skills education for youth Girls' education education Africa Parent-child communication in Peer-based interventions for HIV nformation, education Life skills education for youth Africa Peer-led sexual health education for youth positive women and communication Life skills education for youth Parent-child communication in Africa Prevention in African youth Girls' education Peer-based interventions for HIV positive women Mass communication programmes Mass communication Mass media for young people Increasing youth's use of health services ommunity education, Community interventions for youth Reducing stigma mobilisation Behaviour interventions for prevention Counselling for HIV testing of pregnant women Family planning Home-based VCT Family planning Integrating PMTCT with health Routine vs. voluntary testing VCT Routine vs. voluntary testing services HIV Testing and Counselling for testing of pregnant women Family planning Counselling Rapid T and C for pregnant women Counselling for testing of pregnant women Routine vs. voluntary testing Rapid T & C for pregnant women Integrating PMTCT with other health Counselling for HIV testing of pregnant women evention of Mother to services Child Transmission Counselling for testing of pregnant women Challenges in HIV prevention research omedical interventions Population based biomedical interventions for STI control What Male circumcision Nurses ART Impact of treatment on risk behaviour Children's adherence to ART Non-clinincal outcomes of ART management Antiretroviral Therapy Nurses for ART management Task shifting in Africa Family-centred treatment for HIV Family support color is Psychosocial well-being HIV affected children Palliative care Task shifting in Africa Palliative care your positive children Treatment and Care Family-centred Self-management Patient adherence treatment for HIV Task shifting in Africa interventions positive children Family-centred cell? Self-management treatment for HIV interventions positive children Integrated HIV and TB Service delivery Integrating PMTCT with health Task shifting in Africa Task shifting in Africa in Africa services Health Systems Increasing youth's use of health Integrated HIV and TB Integrated HIV and TB Service delivery in Africa services Service delivery in Africa Harm reduction for involuntary Peer-education Peer-education detainees Harm reduction for involuntary Prevention interventions for female sex Behaviour interventions for prevention detainees workers Prevention interventions for female sex Harm reduction for involuntary detainees workers Key populations Male circumcision for prevention of Behaviour interventions for sex workers homosexual acquisition Harm reduction for involuntary detainees Behaviour interventions for sex workers nterventions to reduce Reducing stigma Reducing stigma Reducing stigma HIV/AIDS stigma Reducing stigma tructural Interventions Economic interventions for Economic interventions for HIV prevention Challenges in HIV prevention research HIV prevention conomic Interventions Economic interventions for HIV prevention
  • 16. 16
  • 17. Climate Change: The evidence gap • There are only 60 IEs...(continuing) • Only 8 SRs directly related.
  • 18. Best bang for your buck? Organization Funds Areas of Intervention GEF $755.5 million (2012) Energy efficiency, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Transport sustainable forestry WBG $3,300 million (2009) Renewable energy, disaster risk reduction UNDP $400 million (2008- Mainstreaming climate change, and support 2012) of mitigation and adaptation projects UNEP $50.96 million (2012) adaptation capacity, clean technologies, climate communications and outreach UN-REDD $108 million (2008- Forestry initiatives 2011) Others Investments include developing solar panel (OECD, DFID) and clean coal technology, fishery science, and others
  • 20. Significance • There is a big gap between the requirement and availability of funds. – Required $500 bn – Available $95 bn • Different country blocs have different requirements and resources • Multiple outcomes
  • 22. Urgent and Timely • International agenda: GCF and SDGs. • Small Island Developing States • Stern report and IPCC report: Science is well known but what works in terms of uptake? • Next few meetings should be better informed: • GEF in 2014; • COP 20 in eastern Europe. • Roadmap for 2015 (Copenhagen)
  • 24. Reduction in Vulnerability in West Bengal • This 3ie funded study recommended that the government reduce costs for small farmers to acquire electric pumps • This policy is now being implemented by the state government • External validity
  • 26. Short to Intermediate Outputs of the Climate Change Thematic Window Briefing document and OCTOBER/ research agenda NOVEMBER 2012 finalised Preliminary evidence gap-map on CC adaptation and mitigation FEBRUARY 2013 Final evidence gap- map available on 3ie website. FEBRUARY 2014 Draft reports of five systematic reviews
  • 27. Short to Intermediate Outputs of the Climate Change Thematic Window Efficacy/quick IEs results MAY 2014 Midline reports and NOVEMBER 2014 process evaluations of ONWARDS funded impact evaluations start to become available Draft final reports of NOVEMBER 2015 funded impact ONWARDS evaluations start to become available
  • 28. Longer term Outputs of the Climate Change Thematic Window OCTOBER 2017 Systematic reviews updated with new evidence available Increase in availability and use of evidence high quality evidence to inform climate change programming
  • 30. Weather Insurance: Smallholder Farmer Access to Weather Securities • Ongoing 3ie funded study that offers weather securities to farmers in Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh • Main impact question – What is the impact of access of weather securities on a smallholder farmer’s consumption and production decisions?
  • 31. Community Driven Development in Sierra Leone • The CDD seeks to build social capital, trust and capacity for collective action in the communities where it works • This study adds to the growing body of evidence that these projects do not build social cohesion
  • 32. 32
  • 33. T-statistic for Treatment Comparison test of Attribute Group Group Difference Mean Mean (Comparison – Treatment) % with public transport available all day 93% 89% -1.19 No. of days roads are closed 3.9 6.6 2.60** No. using transportation to reach a 2.1 2.1 0.04 primary school Payment for transportation to Primary 58 74.5 1.84* school (Quetzales per month) Avg. time taken to reach school (non- 18.4 19.2 0.77 primary) Avg. amt. paid for transportation to 68.3 81.2 1.6* non-primary school (Quetzals Avg. time taken to reach a health center 51 53 0.6 (any) – Minutes Avg. amt. paid for transportation to 33 90 2.85** reach a health facility (Quetzales) Average distance traveled to get wood. 68 62 -1.3* (Minutes) Time taken to reach work 42 50 1.25* 33

Notas del editor

  1. Also heterogeneity
  2. Kremer & Hasan paper
  3. GEF: , Least Developed Countries Fund, Special Climate Change Fund The split between mitigation and adaptation is 95:5
  4. The Stern ‘Review’: Climate change is the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen Three elements of policy are required for an effective response: carbon pricing, technology policy and energy efficiency The poorest countries suffer from CC the most Deforestation is responsible for more emissions than the transport sector Carbon pricing, through taxation, emissions trading or regulation, will show people the full social costs of their actions. The aim should be a global carbon price across countries and sectors
  5. RCT at the village level, stratified to select 180 villages, securities offered to 120 village, 60 are the control Index-based insurance products have been regarded as having enormous potential to reach small farmers in developing countries as they reduce cost of loss verifications, eliminate moral hazard and adverse selection problems Ongoing study