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The Cooke Legacy:
   Chapter 41 -
  Roses are Red

Written by: ilovereecee
Hello and thanks for coming to read The Cooke Legacy: Chapter
41 – Roses are Red! This is Katie/ilovereecee, I'm super excited to
      have the family back and to bring you the latest update.

In the last chapter Haleigh had the family and Paxton and his wife
Allison Cooke finished raising their six gorgeous children: Quarina,
       Quinn, Quinten, Quintessa, Quanehsa and Quincey.
                An heir poll was taken at SiMania, and the winner will be
                        declared....... NOW!
Hello! Let me introduce myself, I'm Quinn Cooke! I am the heiress
   for the Q generation of my family's legacy. I beat out my five
     brothers and sisters for the top spot with three votes. My
aspirations are family/fortune and more than anything in the world,
               I'd like to raise 20 puppies or kittens.
My older, twin sister Quarina (we all call her Rina for short) didn't
get any votes, but plans on living a fun life anyway. She wants to
                  be a professional party guest.
My younger brother Quinten got one vote. He is still in school, but
would like to earn $100,000 in his lifetime. He's very ambitious, but
 we come from an insanely wealthy family, so I think he can do it!
My little sister Quintessa (or Tessa for short) didn't get any votes. If
you're wondering why she looks a little different from the rest of my
siblings, it's because she is the result of an alien encounter my dad
 had when he was star gazing one night. Tessa fits right in with the
                          rest of us though!
Last, but not least, my baby brother and sister! They're twins like
me and Rina! Quanesha is the oldest and she got one vote in the
 heir poll. Quincey is the youngest and he didn't get any votes.
These are two of the family pets, Tux and Fluffy. They have a fully
 grown cat child together named Chance. Since I want to raise 20
kittens, I got them started right away. Tux isn't getting any younger!
                  Fluffy got pregnant on the first try.
“You can't keep up with me, little sis!” Quarina gloated while
            beating me in a race on our video game.

“You might wanna keep your eyes on the game, Rina!” I said back,
“Cause I just took the lead! You know, it's a good thing you're going
 to be a pro party guest, cause you're getting worse and worse at
                           these games!”
“So what are you looking for in a mate, dearie?”

“Not mate,” Quarina corrected, “just a date. I just want someone to
                         have fun with.”

 The matchmaker accepted the five thousand, “Well! Let me see
                  what I can do for you.”
My big sis was set up with a guy named Stuart. I wouldn't say he
was worth five thousand, but he wasn't too bad either. He and Rina
seemed to have a good time anyway. They shared a salad dinner
 together, then went back upstairs to me and Rina's bedroom for
                        some alone time.
“Well, Stuart, I've had a nice time with you tonight.” Quarina

“Me too. We'll definitely have to go out of your parents house next
time though. I think we can have more fun away from you family.”
     Stuart hinted before pulling my sister in for her first kiss.
The morning after Stuart and Quarina shared their first kiss, my
family sadly had to say goodbye to our dear pet Tux. He's been in
  my family as long as I can remember, and I was there when he
         passed. It sure is depressing to have a pet die.
We're all coping with Tux's death. Most of us are leaning on each
other as a family for support. Rina, however, is turning to her date
Stuart. She's dealing with her feelings a tad different than the rest
of us. She and Stuart ended up making out (and I suspect more!)
on Tessa's bed while she was at school. Poor Tessa, I don't even
           think she knows. I guess it's better that way.
“Honey you mean the world to me, and I'd do anything for you. I just want you to
know, that I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to about Tux dying. I don't
         think it's healthy that you keep all your feelings bottled inside.”

 “Thanks Daddy.” Rina replied. “But Stu's been helping me deal with it. I think I'll
                                  be alright.”

               “Oh what a nice guy! So you guys talked about it?”

                    “.... Uh, yeah. We talked Daddy.” Rina lied.
I think my sister may have gotten a little more than she bargained
for when she decided to mess around with Stuart. Quincey told me
he was trying to take a shower one evening, and Rina busted down
              the door to get to the toilet in time to hurl.
“Mom, I've got something to tell you, and I don't want you to freak
  out okay! It's not so bad, really.” Quarina said nervously as she
 was about to break the news of her pregnancy. “Remember that
 guy Stuart I went on a date with? Well... we um, had some alone
               time together... and now I'm pregnant.”
“You're pregnant!?” Mom said, shocked. “Honey, congratulations!!”

         “What!?” Quarina questioned, “You're not mad?”

“Mad? Oh Rina, no! How could I be mad? You're giving me my first
  grandbaby. We've got to start buying toys right away. He'll need
        them before you know it. And bottles and a crib...”
“I just can't believe this! My baby is going to have a baby.” Mom
         choked up while patting Quarina's growing belly.
“So my wife tells me you've decided to get my daughter pregnant.”
        Dad sternly said to Stuart the following morning.

“Well, I didn't really decide. And sir,” Stuart continued, “with all due
       respect, it's difficult to look at you while you're in your

    “Never mind that. Tell me what you plan to do about this.”
“About Quarina being pregnant?” Stuart questioned, “I mean, I
  never planned on settling down and having kids. I'm a romance
aspiration, you know. It was never in the cards for me. Quarina and
I were just having fun, you know? So I mean, I guess I'll be there if
            she needs me to buy diapers or something.”
“Did I ever tell you know I of this huge, deep lake not too far from
 here? It's rumored that the lake is a good place to dump a body,
   the cops never go around the lake because it's so deep in the
 woods you know?” Dad said calmly, “I've always wanted to test
  that theory just to see if it's true.... anyway! I have full faith that
          you'll do the right thing, Stuart! See you around.”
While everyone was getting used the fact that Quarina was
pregnant, Fluffy was getting used to her new kitten! She and Tux
had a girl that I named Rita. She is the first of many that I hope to
                        raise in my lifetime.
Dad's talk must have really gotten through to Stuart. Quarina
wasn't even in her third trimester when he suggested they get their
own two bedroom home together and get married! They decided to
 take Fluffy and Chance with them. Now that I have Rita, she can
   bring in the next generation of kittens when she's old enough.
Rina and my new brother in law Stuart didn't stay too long in their
 small two bedroom home. They ran out of room because they
Triplets!! That's right, I'm now the proud aunt of two nieces and one
   nephew! Quarina and Stuart named their new children Rachel,
                          Ramona and Ramsey.
 I've always heard that being a multiple increases your chances of
having multiples. This is true in Rina's case. I wonder if this means
      I'll also have a set of twins, triplets or even quadruplets!!
I know that Rina and Stuart never intended to be married with three
  kids, but sometimes our lives don't always work out as planned. I
    sure am glad theirs ended up this way however, I couldn't be
                     happier for my twin sister.
Back at home, I'm really missing Rina. She is my twin afterall,
 we've never been separated in our entire lives. It's almost like I'm
  missing a part of myself. So, to help cheer myself up, I brought
home a new cat from the adoption service! His name is Tramp and
I'm hoping he and Rita will hit it off right away, so they can bring in
                       a new litter of kittens!
I also decided to go on my first date. I've heard good things about using a
   crystal ball to find your spouse, so I picked one suitor out of the five.

“It's so ironic that you work in a lab studying alien genetics. My sister is an
   alien.” I tried to start conversation with my first date. “Well half an alien
     actually. She's completely normal though, just like you and me. She
doesn't act any differently and nobody has ever treated her like she's odd.
 Which I'm thankful for, I always was worried she'd be picked on in school
because she looked different. But she's really the same as everyone else.”
“Haha, silly girl! You actually think aliens are the same as you and me?
                  They're a completely different species.”

“No, my sister Tessa is proof that aliens are no different from you and
me.” I responded, offended. “Anyway, do you have any other hobbies
outside of the lab? I enjoy video gaming with my twin sister Quarina.”
“Oh what a boring life you must lead, Quinn.”

  Obviously, I didn't wait too much longer before kicking this guy to the
  curb. I'm over his “I'm better and smarter than you” attitude and his
ignorant talk of how aliens aren't the same as everyday people! I'm just
                  glad Tessa wasn't around to hear him.
So after my disastrous first
  date, I decided to try my
luck with the matchmaker.
   Afterall, it worked out
 pretty good for Rina. But I
 was disappointed with the
   presented men. They
  might as well have been
twins of my first lab worker
         blind date.
“Honey, have you thought that the problem isn't the guys you're dating?” The
matchmaker asked me once she saw how down I was. “Have you thought that
                       the problem could be you?”

“What do you mean? I know I'm not perfect, but I don't think I should be running
           boys off like I'm Taylor Swift either!” I said taken aback.

“That's not what I mean, honey. I mean, I think you're mean to be with a woman.
These men aren't attractive to you because you're not meant to be with a man. I
               think I know someone special just for you though.”
“Marisa, meet Quinn. She's the heiress to her family's legacy. She's been
 on a few dates with some men recently and hasn't had any luck. I think
 she might be trying to bat for the wrong team here. I know you've had a
   similar experience, and I was hoping you could help her out a little.”

“Nice to meet you Quinn.” Marisa smiled, “So you're having a little dating
  troubles huh? Why don't we go toss the ball around while we chat?”
“I've never thought about dating women before. Not that there's anything
wrong with that, but it'd just never occurred to me before that I might be gay.”
I confessed to Marisa. “But now that I think about it, I sure don't find anything
                              attractive about men.”

 “I know what you mean!” Maris laughed. “They're slobs, complete wussies
and dependent on a woman after marriage. Who wants that baggage!? In all
  seriousness, I know what you’re going through. It took me a long time to
                     figure out that I was gay myself.”
After a long chat with Marisa, I was feeling much better! She was
    very insightful and helped me to sort through some of my
confusing feelings about men, women and dating in general. She
gave me her number to call in the future if I had any questions or
 just wanted hang out. I had a blast with her that day and she's
pretty cute too! Thank goodness for the matchmaker, or I'd have
 never met her and figured out that I'm gay. Now I'm that much
    closer to finding my future spouse to carry on my legacy.
Quinten's lifetime want is to earn $100,000, so everyone in the
family tries to help him out with that as much as possible. Mom and
  Dad especially! They spend all of their spare time painting so that
       Quinten can come behind them and sell their artwork.
I'm working on my lifetime want too! I have to wait on little Rita to
grow up so that she and Tramp can bring in a new litter of kittens.
Of course, that's assuming that they get along well enough to have
    kittens. So far I don't think they even know the other exists!
         Hopefully that will change when Rita is an adult cat.
“Okay Caryl, now that I know I'm attracted to women I am ready to start
 dating! Thanks, by the way for introducing me to Marisa, she was very
           helpful!” I said to the matchmaker one afternoon.

  “Ready to start dating? What happened with Marisa?” Caryl replied

“Oh she was great! A big help, like I said, she helped me figure out that
             I'm gay. So I'm ready to start dating now.”
“Quinn, child, I think you missed the point of me introducing Marisa to
                         you.” Caryl smiled at me.

 “No, you said you had someone perfect for me to talk to about dating.
And it worked, I'm ready to start dating now. Women. Like Marisa helped
me figure out.” I said, thinking that clearly Caryl was the one not getting
                                  the point.
Caryl finally stopped objecting and accepted the five thousand I handed
her for my dream date! She presented me with Calista Fuchs, a nanny in
 my hometown. I took one look at my blind date and realized this wasn't
 what I had in mind. By looking at Caryl's smirk, I could tell she knew it
“Um, Caryl,” I began, “I really think you're not understanding what I'm asking for. I
 want someone a little younger than Calista. I do want to have children one day

   “I've already given you exactly what you want and need in a woman.” Caryl

         “Not really. I think Calista is a little old for me!” I replied shortly.

                “Good God girl!” Caryl cried out, “Go call Marisa!”
“I'm sure glad you could make it for Quinten's birthday!” I said
happily to my sister. This was the first time I'd seen her since she
                 moved out and had the triplets.

“I wouldn't miss it for the world!” Quarina replied. “I also wouldn't
       miss the chance to kick your butt in a pillow fight!”

                   I sure have missed my twin!
“Thanks for the invite, Quinn! I'm thrilled that you thought to invite me to a
           family celebration.” Marisa said while hugging me.

 “Sure! I'm glad you could make it. I've really been itching to talk to you
                      about something important.”

                         “Really?” Marisa light up.

   “Maybe we could go upstairs for a little more privacy?” I suggested.
I told Marisa all that happened earlier in the day with Caryl the
      matchmaker. Marisa listened, nodding here and there.

“Sounds to me,” she said, “that you and Caryl were having a bit of
 a misunderstanding! I think she may have been trying to tell you
     something, and you just weren't able to hear her right.”
“I think she was trying to tell you to look at what you have in front of you.
 What you were asking her for today, you might have already had. Or at
               least had the beginnings of it.” Marisa said.

“Well duh, I was asking her for a date. She's the matchmaker, she was
 right in front of me at the time.” I said exasperated, feeling like even
                     Marisa wasn't hearing me right.
“Quinn, you're not listening.” Marisa sighed, “Caryl was right in front of
 you then. But what if she was referring to who is in front of you now?
                      Right at this very moment?”

 Marisa took my hands and suddenly, it clicked! Of course, Caryl had
been talking about Marisa. She was the one who helped me figure out
my sexual orientation, I was attracted to her and she was attracted to
             me. How could I have missed this all along!?
We didn't have much more of a chance to talk, because we heard
 the party starting downstairs. We got there just in time to wish
   Quinten a very happy birthday. The rest of my siblings also
    surrounded him with cheers. My Dad Paxton, always the
 supportive father, was right behind Quinten as he blew out the
My little brother grew up to be such a cutie! He's still the same
freckle faced kid he's always been. He's just got a deeper voice
                 and is a little taller than me now.
“Marisa, thanks for coming tonight. I'm glad we got to talk, I hope
that this can be the start of something exciting and new for both of
                              us.” I flirted.

   “Me too.” Marisa simply said before we shared our first kiss
The rest of the party, Rina and I hung out playing video games like
old times! Have I mentioned how much I miss hanging out with her
 Quinten used the crystal ball to find his first date! He got a lovely
                 young woman named Crystal Cox.
The crystal ball was much more
successful for Quinten than it was
 for me. He and Crystal hit things
  off right away and fell in love on
 their first date! So much so, that
Quinten decided to move out into
 his own home with his new love.
Quinten and Crystal moved into a large home together and got
married right away. They were the only witnesses to their own
    wedding, which took place in front of their new home.
Quinten took a job as a general practitioner making quite a good bit
  of money. This meant that Crystal was able to stay at home and
  keep house. It wasn't long after their wedding, that she became
pregnant. Her pregnancy resulted in my gorgeous niece Reba! She
            looks a ton like my brother, in my opinion.
Quinten is still working toward his lifetime want to earn $100,000,
but has found that there is more to life than money. He, Crystal and
Reba are a happy little family and I couldn't be more excited for my
 brother. He definitely has a great life right now and in all his days
“Marisa, I'm trying not to be down on myself, but I feel like such a
             loser!” I said on our date one afternoon.

“How so? Someone as pretty as you can't be a loser!” Marisa tried
                      to cheer me up.

“Thanks.” I accepted her compliment, “I do though, my little brother
 is married with a child and I'm still not doing anything with my life.”
“Not doing anything!? For one, you've already started working on your
lifetime want, you are the principal at a high school and I think you've got a
  pretty great girlfriend!” Marisa winked. “But if that's not enough, I've been
    meaning to bring up the thought of moving in together. I didn't want to
       invite myself to move in, so I was waiting on you to bring it up.”

  “Do you really want to!?” I asked, thrilled. “I thought it was too soon to
So with that conversation over, my lovely girlfriend Marisa moved
 into my family home. She redid her hair and make up, plus got a
new outfit. She was gorgeous before, but now I can't take my eyes
      off her! I hope we have a happily ever after in our future.
Rita is now an adult cat! I hope that she and Tramp will start taking
  more notice of each other now, so that they can have a litter of
                          their own kittens!
Living with Marisa has been so much fun!
 In the first few days since she moved in,
we'd grown closer than ever. I love seeing
    her beautiful face everyday and I'm
 starting to think she may one day be my
wife! Marisa even told me that she loved
me for the first time. My heart absolutely
Marisa has the lifetime want to be a mad scientist (to me it seems
 a little loco, but it's her dream, so I'm supporting her!). My sweet
girlfriend quickly found a job as a test subject, but was promoted to
  a science teacher almost immediately! She's so smart, I'm glad
                 that her superiors saw that right away.
Rita and Tramp are finally starting to interact with one another.
Thankfully they get along! It won't be too much longer before Rita
                   is expecting a kitten or two.
Everyday I spend with Marisa, I admire her more and more. She is
 such a hard worker. Even outside of the classroom, Marisa looks
  for ways to improve her lesson plans, study books to help her
   grasp concepts better and she does all this while helping my
younger siblings further their education by studying as well. I think
                she'll make a great mom one day.
Well, I have some really
  exciting news! Rita and
  Tramp finally got a high
    enough relationship
 together, that they could
      try for a kitten!!

Rita is now pregnant and
 I'm counting down the
 days until her kitten, or
      kittens, arrive!

I'm finally starting to make
  progress on my lifetime
“Marisa, I have been waiting for a special moment to tell you
  something very important. I've felt this way about you now for a
 long time, but seeing you these past few weeks working so hard,
getting to know my family and just being with you in general makes
                 me realize how much I love you.”
“And I just want to know, if you'd be willing to spend the rest of your
                             life with me?”

My proposal wasn't super romantic or planned out, but I think it got
the job done. Marisa was surprised and more importantly, she said
I took me quite a bit of time to find Marisa and realize that she
completes me, so I wanted to get married right away. I do want to
have children after all, before I'm too old to chase them around the
 house. But we had to wait until the weekend when Marisa had a
 few days off work before we could tie the knot. I thought Friday
              would never get here, but it finally did!
Mom and Dad were the only guests at our wedding. Marisa and I
didn't plan anything lavish, but I think it was perfect for us. I got to
  wear a beautiful dress in my favorite color and Marisa looked
 gorgeous in her one piece purple suit. The vows were said in a
              flash and Marisa became Mrs. Cooke!
Mom celebrated by doing the chest pound.*

*Yeah, there's not much else to say about it lol.
I think Rita's pregnancy is making her a little crazy! She went an
entire day without eating and was starving by mid morning the next
  day... even though there was a bowl of food right in front of her.
 The cops came and took her and Tramp! She deemed my family
        unfit to have pets. I've never been more devastated!
Thankfully my awesome father Paxton was able to call the pet
   adoption agency where Rita and Tramp were being held. He
explained the situation and was able to adopt them back, for a fee
            of course! We really dodged a bullet there.
I work at a local high school as a principal, just for something to
   pass the time while I wait on kittens to be born. I felt sick all
morning for a few days, then finally I got home one afternoon and
knew why. I'm pregnant! I can't believe I'm going to be a mom so
soon after getting married. It's like a dream come true and I can't
                         wait to tell Marisa!
And we'll stop here for now! :)

   I hope that you have enjoyed reading this chapter and that you
come back next time to see how Quinn and Marisa's lives progress
  as parents. Also, we've still got three more spares living at home
 that need their happily ever afters. So come back next time to see
    that and more kittens of course... there will be lots of kittens ;)

                              Until then,

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  • 1. The Cooke Legacy: Chapter 41 - Roses are Red Written by: ilovereecee
  • 2. Hello and thanks for coming to read The Cooke Legacy: Chapter 41 – Roses are Red! This is Katie/ilovereecee, I'm super excited to have the family back and to bring you the latest update. In the last chapter Haleigh had the family and Paxton and his wife Allison Cooke finished raising their six gorgeous children: Quarina, Quinn, Quinten, Quintessa, Quanehsa and Quincey. An heir poll was taken at SiMania, and the winner will be declared....... NOW!
  • 3. Hello! Let me introduce myself, I'm Quinn Cooke! I am the heiress for the Q generation of my family's legacy. I beat out my five brothers and sisters for the top spot with three votes. My aspirations are family/fortune and more than anything in the world, I'd like to raise 20 puppies or kittens.
  • 4. My older, twin sister Quarina (we all call her Rina for short) didn't get any votes, but plans on living a fun life anyway. She wants to be a professional party guest.
  • 5. My younger brother Quinten got one vote. He is still in school, but would like to earn $100,000 in his lifetime. He's very ambitious, but we come from an insanely wealthy family, so I think he can do it!
  • 6. My little sister Quintessa (or Tessa for short) didn't get any votes. If you're wondering why she looks a little different from the rest of my siblings, it's because she is the result of an alien encounter my dad had when he was star gazing one night. Tessa fits right in with the rest of us though!
  • 7. Last, but not least, my baby brother and sister! They're twins like me and Rina! Quanesha is the oldest and she got one vote in the heir poll. Quincey is the youngest and he didn't get any votes.
  • 8. These are two of the family pets, Tux and Fluffy. They have a fully grown cat child together named Chance. Since I want to raise 20 kittens, I got them started right away. Tux isn't getting any younger! Fluffy got pregnant on the first try.
  • 9. “You can't keep up with me, little sis!” Quarina gloated while beating me in a race on our video game. “You might wanna keep your eyes on the game, Rina!” I said back, “Cause I just took the lead! You know, it's a good thing you're going to be a pro party guest, cause you're getting worse and worse at these games!”
  • 10. “So what are you looking for in a mate, dearie?” “Not mate,” Quarina corrected, “just a date. I just want someone to have fun with.” The matchmaker accepted the five thousand, “Well! Let me see what I can do for you.”
  • 11. My big sis was set up with a guy named Stuart. I wouldn't say he was worth five thousand, but he wasn't too bad either. He and Rina seemed to have a good time anyway. They shared a salad dinner together, then went back upstairs to me and Rina's bedroom for some alone time.
  • 12. “Well, Stuart, I've had a nice time with you tonight.” Quarina complimented. “Me too. We'll definitely have to go out of your parents house next time though. I think we can have more fun away from you family.” Stuart hinted before pulling my sister in for her first kiss.
  • 13. The morning after Stuart and Quarina shared their first kiss, my family sadly had to say goodbye to our dear pet Tux. He's been in my family as long as I can remember, and I was there when he passed. It sure is depressing to have a pet die.
  • 14. We're all coping with Tux's death. Most of us are leaning on each other as a family for support. Rina, however, is turning to her date Stuart. She's dealing with her feelings a tad different than the rest of us. She and Stuart ended up making out (and I suspect more!) on Tessa's bed while she was at school. Poor Tessa, I don't even think she knows. I guess it's better that way.
  • 15. “Honey you mean the world to me, and I'd do anything for you. I just want you to know, that I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to about Tux dying. I don't think it's healthy that you keep all your feelings bottled inside.” “Thanks Daddy.” Rina replied. “But Stu's been helping me deal with it. I think I'll be alright.” “Oh what a nice guy! So you guys talked about it?” “.... Uh, yeah. We talked Daddy.” Rina lied.
  • 16. I think my sister may have gotten a little more than she bargained for when she decided to mess around with Stuart. Quincey told me he was trying to take a shower one evening, and Rina busted down the door to get to the toilet in time to hurl.
  • 17. “Mom, I've got something to tell you, and I don't want you to freak out okay! It's not so bad, really.” Quarina said nervously as she was about to break the news of her pregnancy. “Remember that guy Stuart I went on a date with? Well... we um, had some alone time together... and now I'm pregnant.”
  • 18. “You're pregnant!?” Mom said, shocked. “Honey, congratulations!!” “What!?” Quarina questioned, “You're not mad?” “Mad? Oh Rina, no! How could I be mad? You're giving me my first grandbaby. We've got to start buying toys right away. He'll need them before you know it. And bottles and a crib...”
  • 19. “I just can't believe this! My baby is going to have a baby.” Mom choked up while patting Quarina's growing belly.
  • 20. “So my wife tells me you've decided to get my daughter pregnant.” Dad sternly said to Stuart the following morning. “Well, I didn't really decide. And sir,” Stuart continued, “with all due respect, it's difficult to look at you while you're in your underclothes.” “Never mind that. Tell me what you plan to do about this.”
  • 21. “About Quarina being pregnant?” Stuart questioned, “I mean, I never planned on settling down and having kids. I'm a romance aspiration, you know. It was never in the cards for me. Quarina and I were just having fun, you know? So I mean, I guess I'll be there if she needs me to buy diapers or something.”
  • 22. “Did I ever tell you know I of this huge, deep lake not too far from here? It's rumored that the lake is a good place to dump a body, the cops never go around the lake because it's so deep in the woods you know?” Dad said calmly, “I've always wanted to test that theory just to see if it's true.... anyway! I have full faith that you'll do the right thing, Stuart! See you around.”
  • 23. While everyone was getting used the fact that Quarina was pregnant, Fluffy was getting used to her new kitten! She and Tux had a girl that I named Rita. She is the first of many that I hope to raise in my lifetime.
  • 24. Dad's talk must have really gotten through to Stuart. Quarina wasn't even in her third trimester when he suggested they get their own two bedroom home together and get married! They decided to take Fluffy and Chance with them. Now that I have Rita, she can bring in the next generation of kittens when she's old enough.
  • 25. Rina and my new brother in law Stuart didn't stay too long in their small two bedroom home. They ran out of room because they had...
  • 26. Triplets!! That's right, I'm now the proud aunt of two nieces and one nephew! Quarina and Stuart named their new children Rachel, Ramona and Ramsey. I've always heard that being a multiple increases your chances of having multiples. This is true in Rina's case. I wonder if this means I'll also have a set of twins, triplets or even quadruplets!!
  • 27. I know that Rina and Stuart never intended to be married with three kids, but sometimes our lives don't always work out as planned. I sure am glad theirs ended up this way however, I couldn't be happier for my twin sister.
  • 28. Back at home, I'm really missing Rina. She is my twin afterall, we've never been separated in our entire lives. It's almost like I'm missing a part of myself. So, to help cheer myself up, I brought home a new cat from the adoption service! His name is Tramp and I'm hoping he and Rita will hit it off right away, so they can bring in a new litter of kittens!
  • 29. I also decided to go on my first date. I've heard good things about using a crystal ball to find your spouse, so I picked one suitor out of the five. “It's so ironic that you work in a lab studying alien genetics. My sister is an alien.” I tried to start conversation with my first date. “Well half an alien actually. She's completely normal though, just like you and me. She doesn't act any differently and nobody has ever treated her like she's odd. Which I'm thankful for, I always was worried she'd be picked on in school because she looked different. But she's really the same as everyone else.”
  • 30. “Haha, silly girl! You actually think aliens are the same as you and me? They're a completely different species.” “No, my sister Tessa is proof that aliens are no different from you and me.” I responded, offended. “Anyway, do you have any other hobbies outside of the lab? I enjoy video gaming with my twin sister Quarina.”
  • 31. “Oh what a boring life you must lead, Quinn.” Obviously, I didn't wait too much longer before kicking this guy to the curb. I'm over his “I'm better and smarter than you” attitude and his ignorant talk of how aliens aren't the same as everyday people! I'm just glad Tessa wasn't around to hear him.
  • 32. So after my disastrous first date, I decided to try my luck with the matchmaker. Afterall, it worked out pretty good for Rina. But I was disappointed with the presented men. They might as well have been twins of my first lab worker blind date.
  • 33. “Honey, have you thought that the problem isn't the guys you're dating?” The matchmaker asked me once she saw how down I was. “Have you thought that the problem could be you?” “What do you mean? I know I'm not perfect, but I don't think I should be running boys off like I'm Taylor Swift either!” I said taken aback. “That's not what I mean, honey. I mean, I think you're mean to be with a woman. These men aren't attractive to you because you're not meant to be with a man. I think I know someone special just for you though.”
  • 34. “Marisa, meet Quinn. She's the heiress to her family's legacy. She's been on a few dates with some men recently and hasn't had any luck. I think she might be trying to bat for the wrong team here. I know you've had a similar experience, and I was hoping you could help her out a little.” “Nice to meet you Quinn.” Marisa smiled, “So you're having a little dating troubles huh? Why don't we go toss the ball around while we chat?”
  • 35. “I've never thought about dating women before. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it'd just never occurred to me before that I might be gay.” I confessed to Marisa. “But now that I think about it, I sure don't find anything attractive about men.” “I know what you mean!” Maris laughed. “They're slobs, complete wussies and dependent on a woman after marriage. Who wants that baggage!? In all seriousness, I know what you’re going through. It took me a long time to figure out that I was gay myself.”
  • 36. After a long chat with Marisa, I was feeling much better! She was very insightful and helped me to sort through some of my confusing feelings about men, women and dating in general. She gave me her number to call in the future if I had any questions or just wanted hang out. I had a blast with her that day and she's pretty cute too! Thank goodness for the matchmaker, or I'd have never met her and figured out that I'm gay. Now I'm that much closer to finding my future spouse to carry on my legacy.
  • 37. Quinten's lifetime want is to earn $100,000, so everyone in the family tries to help him out with that as much as possible. Mom and Dad especially! They spend all of their spare time painting so that Quinten can come behind them and sell their artwork.
  • 38. I'm working on my lifetime want too! I have to wait on little Rita to grow up so that she and Tramp can bring in a new litter of kittens. Of course, that's assuming that they get along well enough to have kittens. So far I don't think they even know the other exists! Hopefully that will change when Rita is an adult cat.
  • 39. “Okay Caryl, now that I know I'm attracted to women I am ready to start dating! Thanks, by the way for introducing me to Marisa, she was very helpful!” I said to the matchmaker one afternoon. “Ready to start dating? What happened with Marisa?” Caryl replied confused. “Oh she was great! A big help, like I said, she helped me figure out that I'm gay. So I'm ready to start dating now.”
  • 40. “Quinn, child, I think you missed the point of me introducing Marisa to you.” Caryl smiled at me. “No, you said you had someone perfect for me to talk to about dating. And it worked, I'm ready to start dating now. Women. Like Marisa helped me figure out.” I said, thinking that clearly Caryl was the one not getting the point.
  • 41. Caryl finally stopped objecting and accepted the five thousand I handed her for my dream date! She presented me with Calista Fuchs, a nanny in my hometown. I took one look at my blind date and realized this wasn't what I had in mind. By looking at Caryl's smirk, I could tell she knew it too.
  • 42. “Um, Caryl,” I began, “I really think you're not understanding what I'm asking for. I want someone a little younger than Calista. I do want to have children one day soon.” “I've already given you exactly what you want and need in a woman.” Caryl replied. “Not really. I think Calista is a little old for me!” I replied shortly. “Good God girl!” Caryl cried out, “Go call Marisa!”
  • 43. “I'm sure glad you could make it for Quinten's birthday!” I said happily to my sister. This was the first time I'd seen her since she moved out and had the triplets. “I wouldn't miss it for the world!” Quarina replied. “I also wouldn't miss the chance to kick your butt in a pillow fight!” I sure have missed my twin!
  • 44. “Thanks for the invite, Quinn! I'm thrilled that you thought to invite me to a family celebration.” Marisa said while hugging me. “Sure! I'm glad you could make it. I've really been itching to talk to you about something important.” “Really?” Marisa light up. “Maybe we could go upstairs for a little more privacy?” I suggested.
  • 45. I told Marisa all that happened earlier in the day with Caryl the matchmaker. Marisa listened, nodding here and there. “Sounds to me,” she said, “that you and Caryl were having a bit of a misunderstanding! I think she may have been trying to tell you something, and you just weren't able to hear her right.”
  • 46. “I think she was trying to tell you to look at what you have in front of you. What you were asking her for today, you might have already had. Or at least had the beginnings of it.” Marisa said. “Well duh, I was asking her for a date. She's the matchmaker, she was right in front of me at the time.” I said exasperated, feeling like even Marisa wasn't hearing me right.
  • 47. “Quinn, you're not listening.” Marisa sighed, “Caryl was right in front of you then. But what if she was referring to who is in front of you now? Right at this very moment?” Marisa took my hands and suddenly, it clicked! Of course, Caryl had been talking about Marisa. She was the one who helped me figure out my sexual orientation, I was attracted to her and she was attracted to me. How could I have missed this all along!?
  • 48. We didn't have much more of a chance to talk, because we heard the party starting downstairs. We got there just in time to wish Quinten a very happy birthday. The rest of my siblings also surrounded him with cheers. My Dad Paxton, always the supportive father, was right behind Quinten as he blew out the candles.
  • 49. My little brother grew up to be such a cutie! He's still the same freckle faced kid he's always been. He's just got a deeper voice and is a little taller than me now.
  • 50. “Marisa, thanks for coming tonight. I'm glad we got to talk, I hope that this can be the start of something exciting and new for both of us.” I flirted. “Me too.” Marisa simply said before we shared our first kiss together.
  • 51. The rest of the party, Rina and I hung out playing video games like old times! Have I mentioned how much I miss hanging out with her everyday? Quinten used the crystal ball to find his first date! He got a lovely young woman named Crystal Cox.
  • 52. The crystal ball was much more successful for Quinten than it was for me. He and Crystal hit things off right away and fell in love on their first date! So much so, that Quinten decided to move out into his own home with his new love.
  • 53. Quinten and Crystal moved into a large home together and got married right away. They were the only witnesses to their own wedding, which took place in front of their new home.
  • 54. Quinten took a job as a general practitioner making quite a good bit of money. This meant that Crystal was able to stay at home and keep house. It wasn't long after their wedding, that she became pregnant. Her pregnancy resulted in my gorgeous niece Reba! She looks a ton like my brother, in my opinion.
  • 55. Quinten is still working toward his lifetime want to earn $100,000, but has found that there is more to life than money. He, Crystal and Reba are a happy little family and I couldn't be more excited for my brother. He definitely has a great life right now and in all his days ahead.
  • 56. “Marisa, I'm trying not to be down on myself, but I feel like such a loser!” I said on our date one afternoon. “How so? Someone as pretty as you can't be a loser!” Marisa tried to cheer me up. “Thanks.” I accepted her compliment, “I do though, my little brother is married with a child and I'm still not doing anything with my life.”
  • 57. “Not doing anything!? For one, you've already started working on your lifetime want, you are the principal at a high school and I think you've got a pretty great girlfriend!” Marisa winked. “But if that's not enough, I've been meaning to bring up the thought of moving in together. I didn't want to invite myself to move in, so I was waiting on you to bring it up.” “Do you really want to!?” I asked, thrilled. “I thought it was too soon to ask!”
  • 58. So with that conversation over, my lovely girlfriend Marisa moved into my family home. She redid her hair and make up, plus got a new outfit. She was gorgeous before, but now I can't take my eyes off her! I hope we have a happily ever after in our future.
  • 59. Rita is now an adult cat! I hope that she and Tramp will start taking more notice of each other now, so that they can have a litter of their own kittens!
  • 60. Living with Marisa has been so much fun! In the first few days since she moved in, we'd grown closer than ever. I love seeing her beautiful face everyday and I'm starting to think she may one day be my wife! Marisa even told me that she loved me for the first time. My heart absolutely melted.
  • 61. Marisa has the lifetime want to be a mad scientist (to me it seems a little loco, but it's her dream, so I'm supporting her!). My sweet girlfriend quickly found a job as a test subject, but was promoted to a science teacher almost immediately! She's so smart, I'm glad that her superiors saw that right away.
  • 62. Rita and Tramp are finally starting to interact with one another. Thankfully they get along! It won't be too much longer before Rita is expecting a kitten or two.
  • 63. Everyday I spend with Marisa, I admire her more and more. She is such a hard worker. Even outside of the classroom, Marisa looks for ways to improve her lesson plans, study books to help her grasp concepts better and she does all this while helping my younger siblings further their education by studying as well. I think she'll make a great mom one day.
  • 64. Well, I have some really exciting news! Rita and Tramp finally got a high enough relationship together, that they could try for a kitten!! Rita is now pregnant and I'm counting down the days until her kitten, or kittens, arrive! I'm finally starting to make progress on my lifetime want.
  • 65. “Marisa, I have been waiting for a special moment to tell you something very important. I've felt this way about you now for a long time, but seeing you these past few weeks working so hard, getting to know my family and just being with you in general makes me realize how much I love you.”
  • 66. “And I just want to know, if you'd be willing to spend the rest of your life with me?” My proposal wasn't super romantic or planned out, but I think it got the job done. Marisa was surprised and more importantly, she said yes!
  • 67. I took me quite a bit of time to find Marisa and realize that she completes me, so I wanted to get married right away. I do want to have children after all, before I'm too old to chase them around the house. But we had to wait until the weekend when Marisa had a few days off work before we could tie the knot. I thought Friday would never get here, but it finally did!
  • 68. Mom and Dad were the only guests at our wedding. Marisa and I didn't plan anything lavish, but I think it was perfect for us. I got to wear a beautiful dress in my favorite color and Marisa looked gorgeous in her one piece purple suit. The vows were said in a flash and Marisa became Mrs. Cooke!
  • 69. Mom celebrated by doing the chest pound.* *Yeah, there's not much else to say about it lol.
  • 70. I think Rita's pregnancy is making her a little crazy! She went an entire day without eating and was starving by mid morning the next day... even though there was a bowl of food right in front of her. The cops came and took her and Tramp! She deemed my family unfit to have pets. I've never been more devastated!
  • 71. Thankfully my awesome father Paxton was able to call the pet adoption agency where Rita and Tramp were being held. He explained the situation and was able to adopt them back, for a fee of course! We really dodged a bullet there.
  • 72. I work at a local high school as a principal, just for something to pass the time while I wait on kittens to be born. I felt sick all morning for a few days, then finally I got home one afternoon and knew why. I'm pregnant! I can't believe I'm going to be a mom so soon after getting married. It's like a dream come true and I can't wait to tell Marisa!
  • 73. And we'll stop here for now! :) I hope that you have enjoyed reading this chapter and that you come back next time to see how Quinn and Marisa's lives progress as parents. Also, we've still got three more spares living at home that need their happily ever afters. So come back next time to see that and more kittens of course... there will be lots of kittens ;) Until then, Katie