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Institutional Equity Sales Example
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                                          Structured Finance Example

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Risk Executive Example
                                      F irst M . L astname

    Risk M anagement E xecutive with substantial banking, rating agency and regulatory experience.
       Strong analytical, interpersonal and leadership skills. Innovative and independent thinker.

                                              E XPERI E NC E

M A J O R B A N K , I N C., New York, NY                                                1997 end date
Director, Risk O versight and Investments, 2003-present
Responsible for resolving risk issues across products, geographies and disciplines, including risk
coverage for Company                                . Oversee regulatory relationships with the OCC and
Federal Reserve, consulting regularly on the development and articulation of Company policy.
        Enhanced Company                                                              reducing the number of
        matters requiring attention from 210 in 2003 to under 100 in 2005
        Developed the first comprehensive corporate governance policy for Company loan loss reserve,
        bringing transparency to the process and garnering praise from external constituents. Serve as key
        member of committee that determines quarterly loan loss reserve for the entire organization.
        Managed comprehensive due diligence reviews on both domestic and overseas branch banking
        institutions to determine risk/reward relationship relative to asset quality, systems integration, and
        business synergies.
                 Led a team of 50+ officers for the full risk integration of KorAm Bank, including the
                 creation of a risk organization; institution of risk policies and procedures; systems
                 integration; institution of a debt rating model; and the execution of a rapid portfolio
                 review to assess asset quality and determine P-GAAP reserves.
                 Negotiated innovative brand covenants in the sale of the asset management organization
                 to Another Company and established an ongoing review process for them. Negotiated
                 transaction service agreements for orphaned overseas businesses.
                 Negotiated trade mark license agreement for operational, credit, and reputational risks
                 with a Chinese ATM network counterparty.
                 Spearheaded the creation of website of tools that supported the                   proprietary
                 M&A activity, improving due diligence and integration of acquisitions.

Director, Institutional Remedial M anagement, G lobal Wor kout Division, 2001-2003
Negotiated restructurings for bank syndicates. Worked with borrowers, counsels, investment bankers,
financial advisors and/or credit committees on deals including:
        Enron maximized recovery efforts on non-DIP (outside bankruptcy) entities thru restructuring
        Company Name           maximized recovery from the estate based on a prepackaged deal with
        Company X.
        Name Airline maximized recovery efforts on non-filed entities by pursing enforcement action
        in certain jurisdictions.
        Major Airline negotiated an out-of-court settlement with borrower on issues that included
        aircraft financing and deposit agreements associated with derivative transactions.
        Company Name          restructured facilities to ensure capture of all available collateral and to
        incentivize client to seek alternative financing.

V ice President / Director, A udit and Risk Review, (promoted to Director in 1999), 1997-2001
Responsible for consistency of credit risk reviews for corporate finance. Led global credit risk reviews for
private bank, securitization and project finance.
        Originated position of Global Credit Liaison for all business within the Global Corporate and
        Investment Bank to improve consistency of audit and risk review processes.
        Reengineered credit risk review methodology following the merger of Citibank and Travelers and
        in conjunction with the consolidation of audit and loan review departments. Developed and
F irst L astname                                                                                     Page 2

        implemented global guidelines and procedures for credit reviews throughout the combined
V ice President / Director, A udit and Risk Review, (continued)

        Established first credit liaison position, advising Chief Auditor on major systemic credit issues.
        Led global credit risk reviews for the private bank, securitization and project finance groups.

C O M P T R O L L E R O F T H E C U R R E N C Y (O C C), New York, NY                     1991 1996
C redit E xaminer
Led domestic and international reviews, including Shared National Credits (SNCs), of legacy Citibank
and Chase Manhattan Bank.
        Member of review team responsible for                         emorandum of Understanding.

R A T I N GS A G E N C Y , New York, NY                                                           1986 1990
Senior A nalyst, Public F inance
          Performed extensive credit analysis on bond issues including general obligation, revenue
          anticipation notes, tax anticipation notes, and special purpose taxes. Published rating opinion
          reports at time of sale and as part of periodic reviews of the U.S. municipal fixed income market.
          Issued and defended rating recommendations to senior management and the financial community.
          Managed issuer expectations and engaged in constructive dialogue to understan
          point of view and maintain ongoing working relationship.

B A N K O F SO M E T H I N G, New York, NY                                                1984 1986
Assistant V ice President, Public F inance
        Provided credit and liquidity enhancement to bond issuers. Responsible for sourcing, executing
        and maintaining deals. Deals required extensive internal and external negotiations as well as
        documentation skills.
        Sourced ten new clients and managed 15 existing relationships, producing over $2MM in
        revenues annually.

L A R G E R E G I O N A L B A N K , Boston, MA                                             1979 1984
B ranch M anager and Loan O fficer
         Marketed to and developed middle market relationships while managing a full-service branch
         profit center with staff of 18.
         Generated $50MM in new deposits, $10MM of new credit, and $5MM of new trust business.

                                              EDUC A TI O N

B. A. Economics, College Name, Town, ST, 19XX
Public Finance Program, Ratings Agency, 19XX
Commercial Credit Program, Bank of New York, 19XX
Profile Examples
                                     R ESU M E PR O F I L E E X A M P L ES

           Risk M anagement E xecutive with substantial banking, rating agency and regulatory experience.
              Strong analytical, interpersonal and leadership skills. Innovative and independent thinker.



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Investment Banker and Private Equity Example
                                                 FIRST M. LASTNAME
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!                                                      CFO Example
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Structured Finance Sales Leader Example

  • 1. Institutional Equity Sales Example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`7',K-+();%A<'))();=%% )(+('+-B% +54% F(;F<E% @D>>-@@ID<% >4)I-,-)>-@% % ])>4)H-)+(4)'<% R)-,;E% L4)I-,-)>- % % +F'+%G->'7-%'))D'<%-H-)+@8%,-@D<+();%()%I'H4,'G<-%A,-@@%>4H-,';-%')B%()>,-'@-B%7',K-+%'5',-)-@@=%%% ! >#$$!")@%%)!2*@.!F!A@%8%'%""0@!2*@.3!6-5%a4,K8%6a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!VV$/"NN#% =*77(>&.$$&(A,.'(*:<;,.$8(9.$8$:$%%/.(0,.'(0/.(1223(,"(BCCB( ! 879:;<=93!.7GH:?<!@:67=53!>4II!"<9::<!279J3!"NN"/"NN#% A49<5:93!A9:G:;:??=9!279J3%!VVb/"NN"%% *-)(4,%@'<-@%<-'B-,%4)%'%,-;(4)'<%+-'7%4I%-(;F+%+F'+%;-)-,'+-B%Q""9&%()%'))D'<%,-H-)D-@%()%"NN#=% P<'E-B%K-E%,4<-%()%()+-;,'+();%J[c%()+4%+F-%L*_^%4,;')(d'+(4)8%-@+'G<(@F();%()>-)+(H-@%')B%@E)-,;(-@%+F-% ,-@D<+();%()%@'<-@%;,45+F=% % +7;:!A9:?7G:5<3!A9:G:;:??=9!279J3%!VV$/!VVb% J4DG<-B%,-H-)D-@%()%I(,@+%+54%E-',@8%4H-,>47();%A,(4,%A44,%()H-@+7-)+%A-,I4,7')>-=! L<(-)+@%()><DB-B%6'7-8%6'7-8%6'7-8%6'7-8%6'7-8%6'7-8%')B%6'7-=%%% ! ! !
  • 2. !"#$%&'(&)*$%+*,-& & .*/-&0& & !12'32&41'.5678&!"#$%&'()*+)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))),-.,/,--0) .*#%+-#8),-../,--0)) 9":-&.#-$";-+%8&<-+"=#&5$$=:"*%-8&5$$=:"*%-),-.1/,-..) ) 2%3)4'56&738)79:;'477)8')<7)6%97=):%>867>)%8)8"%8)8#97?))) @7;7$87=)8'):%>8#$#:%87)#6)8"7)A#>9 3)9%6%&79768)8>%#6#6&):>'&>%9?) & 3>?45@A16&*+;&)A436<?23&& & '(B(5(()B6#C7>3#84)'D)EEEEE()F'G6()@F(),-.,) B(<(8&H$'6'9#$3()I%97)'D)!';;7&7()F'G6()@F(),-J.) ) A*IKL);#$76373)E()M()%6=)M) &
  • 3. ! Structured Finance Example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
  • 4. Risk Executive Example F irst M . L astname Risk M anagement E xecutive with substantial banking, rating agency and regulatory experience. Strong analytical, interpersonal and leadership skills. Innovative and independent thinker. E XPERI E NC E M A J O R B A N K , I N C., New York, NY 1997 end date Director, Risk O versight and Investments, 2003-present Responsible for resolving risk issues across products, geographies and disciplines, including risk coverage for Company . Oversee regulatory relationships with the OCC and Federal Reserve, consulting regularly on the development and articulation of Company policy. Enhanced Company reducing the number of matters requiring attention from 210 in 2003 to under 100 in 2005 Developed the first comprehensive corporate governance policy for Company loan loss reserve, bringing transparency to the process and garnering praise from external constituents. Serve as key member of committee that determines quarterly loan loss reserve for the entire organization. Managed comprehensive due diligence reviews on both domestic and overseas branch banking institutions to determine risk/reward relationship relative to asset quality, systems integration, and business synergies. Led a team of 50+ officers for the full risk integration of KorAm Bank, including the creation of a risk organization; institution of risk policies and procedures; systems integration; institution of a debt rating model; and the execution of a rapid portfolio review to assess asset quality and determine P-GAAP reserves. Negotiated innovative brand covenants in the sale of the asset management organization to Another Company and established an ongoing review process for them. Negotiated transaction service agreements for orphaned overseas businesses. Negotiated trade mark license agreement for operational, credit, and reputational risks with a Chinese ATM network counterparty. Spearheaded the creation of website of tools that supported the proprietary M&A activity, improving due diligence and integration of acquisitions. Director, Institutional Remedial M anagement, G lobal Wor kout Division, 2001-2003 Negotiated restructurings for bank syndicates. Worked with borrowers, counsels, investment bankers, financial advisors and/or credit committees on deals including: Enron maximized recovery efforts on non-DIP (outside bankruptcy) entities thru restructuring Company Name maximized recovery from the estate based on a prepackaged deal with Company X. Name Airline maximized recovery efforts on non-filed entities by pursing enforcement action in certain jurisdictions. Major Airline negotiated an out-of-court settlement with borrower on issues that included aircraft financing and deposit agreements associated with derivative transactions. Company Name restructured facilities to ensure capture of all available collateral and to incentivize client to seek alternative financing. V ice President / Director, A udit and Risk Review, (promoted to Director in 1999), 1997-2001 Responsible for consistency of credit risk reviews for corporate finance. Led global credit risk reviews for private bank, securitization and project finance. Originated position of Global Credit Liaison for all business within the Global Corporate and Investment Bank to improve consistency of audit and risk review processes. Reengineered credit risk review methodology following the merger of Citibank and Travelers and in conjunction with the consolidation of audit and loan review departments. Developed and
  • 5. F irst L astname Page 2 implemented global guidelines and procedures for credit reviews throughout the combined organization. V ice President / Director, A udit and Risk Review, (continued) Established first credit liaison position, advising Chief Auditor on major systemic credit issues. Led global credit risk reviews for the private bank, securitization and project finance groups. C O M P T R O L L E R O F T H E C U R R E N C Y (O C C), New York, NY 1991 1996 C redit E xaminer Led domestic and international reviews, including Shared National Credits (SNCs), of legacy Citibank and Chase Manhattan Bank. Introduced Member of review team responsible for emorandum of Understanding. R A T I N GS A G E N C Y , New York, NY 1986 1990 Senior A nalyst, Public F inance Performed extensive credit analysis on bond issues including general obligation, revenue anticipation notes, tax anticipation notes, and special purpose taxes. Published rating opinion reports at time of sale and as part of periodic reviews of the U.S. municipal fixed income market. Issued and defended rating recommendations to senior management and the financial community. Managed issuer expectations and engaged in constructive dialogue to understan point of view and maintain ongoing working relationship. B A N K O F SO M E T H I N G, New York, NY 1984 1986 Assistant V ice President, Public F inance Provided credit and liquidity enhancement to bond issuers. Responsible for sourcing, executing and maintaining deals. Deals required extensive internal and external negotiations as well as documentation skills. Sourced ten new clients and managed 15 existing relationships, producing over $2MM in revenues annually. L A R G E R E G I O N A L B A N K , Boston, MA 1979 1984 B ranch M anager and Loan O fficer Marketed to and developed middle market relationships while managing a full-service branch profit center with staff of 18. Generated $50MM in new deposits, $10MM of new credit, and $5MM of new trust business. EDUC A TI O N B. A. Economics, College Name, Town, ST, 19XX Public Finance Program, Ratings Agency, 19XX Commercial Credit Program, Bank of New York, 19XX
  • 6. Profile Examples R ESU M E PR O F I L E E X A M P L ES ! Risk M anagement E xecutive with substantial banking, rating agency and regulatory experience. Strong analytical, interpersonal and leadership skills. Innovative and independent thinker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
  • 7. Investment Banker and Private Equity Example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`;=&'!-`'!)*22( P0/A01@!!a194%#0!38.9#GQb0&#.10!H%<9#%$!H$.A'!-8.%:>!H$.A'!K9&0!-;790#G'!(;$B!H$.A! ( ! =HEH.(P%&%?0/0&#'!!"##$%&"#%'$"()'!Z"P3![ZLb3W-L`'!Z0=!I1$0%&:'!_"'!)***F)**O! ( ( ( I><&'J((`>9:!9:!%!:%/<$0!10:./0E!#>0!10%$!;&0!=;.$5!.:0!#>0!B.$$!<%?0c! ! (
  • 8. ! CFO Example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`%F0"K1%+#1%C1F*$1C%E1$1F*+%I@3$`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a% % @$*%!7-%2$0%(3=!'$()(*%! % 4G0$1C%30"G$C%3%I""0%I10F"0)*$?%A"0I"03+1%F*$3$A1%FG$A+*"$6%+03$;F"0)*$?%*+%*$+"%3%H3@G1C%EG;*$1;;% I30+$10%+"%+#1%"I103+*$?%?0"GI;%3$C%1;+3E@*;#*$?%3%I@3+F"0)%F"0%?0"5+#[ ! N;+3E@*;#1C% +30?1+1C% 181AG+*H1% 01I"0+*$?% 3$C% 3$3@S;*;`% *C1$+*F*1C% B1S% I10F"0)3$A1% *$C*A3+"0;% 3$C%)1+0*A;6%3$C%C1H1@"I1C%C3;#E"30C;%+#3+%;GII"0+1C%+#1%@*$1;%"F%EG;*$1;;`% % R$;+3@@1C%3%$15%3AA"G$+*$?%;S;+1)%"$%+*)1%3$C%G$C10%EGC?1+`%@13C*$?%+"%;#"0+10%A@";1%+*)1;`%% % R$A013;1C%F"01A3;+*$?%3AAG03AS6%@13C*$?%+"%*)I0"H1C%A3;#%)3$3?1)1$+'%
  • 9. !"#$%&'%()*+#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,-./%0! ! ! 123456%35(52378%9:31;!"#$%&!'()$*+,!-.!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/001 233/! "#$$%!&'()*+,-.!/012+,0-/!'-3!40-/21+,-.!5,(&!6,+7!89$!104'+,0-/!+7(02.702+!+7*!:;<;!!=><?>@A!%BC! ! 7"$+<"==/<;%23334233/% 2>>*>+-$+%7"$+<"==/<;%/00142333! 5*!)67)*8&!9:!)*!5';,!&+%)<($+#&6!%#&!=&>?$=&6!)?6$%!:?*8%$9*,!:$7&!@9*%#+!)#&)6!9:!+8#&6?(&A! B=&)%&6!)*!$*4#9?+&!6?&!6$($C&*8&!%&)@!)*6!89@D(&%&6!=&7$&E+!9:!%#=&&!)8>?$+$%$9*!8)*6$6)%&+A! F+%)<($+#&6!)!+#)=&6!+&=7$8&!8&*%&=!:9=!)889?*%$*C!9D&=)%$9*+,!E$%#!)**?)(!+)7$*C+!9:!97&=!G/HA% % 4,1?;%-&E!.9=I,!-.!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/0034/001! D,.!C,E*!'4402-+,-.!5,(&! % (/$*"<%1-$-./<;%2@A*+;%/00J4/001% 1-$-./<;%2@A*+;%/0024/00J! 2@A*+%2>>"B*-+/;!/0034/002! '&=:9=@&6! )?6$%+! :9=! ()=C&! 89=D9=)%$9*+! $*! @&6$),! 89*+?(%$*C! )*6! <?+$*&++! +&=7$8&+! +&8%9=+A! B($&*%+! $*8(?6&6!-)@&!K$=@,!-)@&!K$=@,!-)@&!K$=@,!-)@&!K$=@!)*6!-)@&!K$=@A! L&7&(9D&6! )! *&E! )?6$%$*C! @96&(! :9=! 9*($*&! )67&=%$+$*C! %#)%! &*)<(&6! 8($&*%+! %9! $6&*%$:M! )66$%$9*)(! =&7&*?&+!)*6!E)+!)69D%&6!:9=!9%#&=!8($&*%+A! N&(&8%&6!%9!%=)$*!*&E!)++98$)%&+!$*!)?6$%!@&%#969(9CMA!")+!:$=+%!$*!8()++!%9!<&!D=9@9%&6!%9!H)*)C&=A!! !!! 5CD726:EF% ! 1'&'2';!K$*)*8&,!-)@&!O*$7&=+$%M,!P)*97&=,!-&E!P)@D+#$=&,!233Q! &'&'2';%R889?*%$*C,!H)C*)!B?@!S)?6&,%-)@&!O*$7&=+$%M,!-&E!.9=I,!-.,!/003!