abernethy 5th grade science robotic rhinos animals janabernethy fantasticferrets animal kingdom mammals food chain math jabernethy birds 2000/2001 rockin ranch jan abernethy hip academy assateague island scientific method wild ponies livingstone kegode experiment reptiles chincoteague island africa fish mathematics kingdoms geometry amphibian education misty of chincoteague snakes pssa class of 2008 chincoteague pony childrens book wolves mighty moose classification fifth grade animal research pbl endangered species habitat chincoteague ponies outdazzling owls pi day #hipacademy writing fundraising turtles poison dart frog arctic wolf frog project management maker spaces maker's club maker steam stem living things collaboration technology integration technology futuristic foxes common core ponderous pandas jeopardy conservation critically endangered endangered animals elementary education elementray science project based learning vulnerable elementary school projects elementary science endangered environment heather poetry weather school staff summer north carolina florida ducks hatching ducks class jobs carnival day texas brandon new york pre 911 pets #rockin ranch #classmates certified habitat national wildlife schoolyard habitat archimedes all about pi #piday nature reading kids abc geocaching plants coordinate grids vasqueros #lord of the rings tenacious turtles wise wolves science fair originial otters pi rhinoceros children's books swahili baseball timber rattlesnakes rattlesnakes horses frogs koala bears iguana puffin northern white faced owl owl cats saw scaled viper student driven studentled kimilili kenya snapping turtles rats science 5th grade blue jays bullfrog panther black panther king cobra robins vampire fish salamander sand shark shark amphibians hummingbird gila monsters lizards research electronics robots dogs space experiement cells food chains 5 kingdoms taxonomy smart green screen halloween lodge mccammon video creation cameron lions quadrilaterals prisms pyramids polygons triangles properties rabbits water cycle chinchillas decimals rounding measurement graphing mathematics common core ipadpresentation haikudeck email gaggle safe email
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