cecos university jalsai architecture department cecos university architect muhammad tariq swabi muhammad tariq jalsai peshawar architecture ecokoor peshawar city architecture cearch muhammad tariq architect muhammad tariq green architecture allama iqbal open university environmental design malik mirbaz khan iap peshawar chapter chota lahor eco friendly building architecture department energy and environment cecos univerity urban green spaces climate change leeds b.arch interior design course interior design green building materials responsive facades tariqjalsai kpk education research passive cooing techniques architecture masters ms case study architecture casestudy architecture research methods workshop hazarauniversity vegetated walls livign walls urban greening research design uhi urban heat island effect bioswales nature based solution nbs green infrastructure glasgow gcu craigthomson murcs referencing conclusion part of research paper how to write research paper siar khan research paper batch 2017 postcovid interior design eco materials new construction materials paris agrement kyoto protocol energy & environment 2 prefab construction prefab architecture how to convince architecture jurors architecture jury architecture juty jurors architect tariq concept diagram parti diagramming architecture diagramming parti diagram architecture presentation pearl rating system peral ratinf system estidama office inteiros office interior considerations green buildimngs\ architectre carbon footprint ar-2018 commerial inteior warda peshawar retail lighting lighting design retail lighting design uet abbottabad principles of universal design disability' disable inclusive design universal design bedroom color design color wheel color scheme color in interiordesign ar-2016 batch inteior design color theory interior design process introduction to interior design architect m.tariq low impact development hydrology storm water management hayatabad sustainable building materials mtariq landscape architecture landscape design generative design responsive architecture dynamic buidings kinetic facades ar-2015a leed green building sustainable architecture day lighting domes skilights solatubes learning versus thermal comfort tthermal comfort passive cooling kpk schools learning outcomes and thermal comfort research methodology thermal comfort and crimes ratio crime weather relatioship sethi house sethi ohallah allama iqbal open univerity masters in environmental psychology environmental psychology sethi mohallah passive cooling techniques peshawar building appraisal ms environmental design sethi house peshawar environment designkhan pakistan kpk building material
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