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ABRAHAM, Ralph (1995): The mathematics of chaos and the urban

ABRAHAM, Ralph (1998): The chaos revolution: a personal view

ABRAHAM, Ralph (2002): The genesis of complexity

ABRAHAM, Ralph (2009): Recent progress in Dynamical Systems

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ACIOLI, Sonia (2007): Redes sociais e teoria social

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AGUIAR, Sônia (2006): Relatório sobre redes sociais e tecnologias

ALA-MUTKA, Kirsti (2008): Social Computing: Study on the Use and
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ALBERTSEN, Niels & DIKEN, Bülent (2004): Artworks' Networks:
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ALCÂNTARA, Jose (2008): La sociedad de control

ALCÁNTARA, Jose (2010): La neutralidad de la red

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BEY, Hakim (s/d): Ataque oculto às instituições

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BEY, Hakim (s/d): O status ontológico da teoria da conspiração

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BOYLE, Carlos (2008): De Revolutionibus Orbium Argentum

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FRANCO, Augusto (2007): Alfabetização Democrática

FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Articule você também uma escola de

FRANCO, Augusto (2008): É possível sem um mínimo de hierarquia?

FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Escola de Redes: Nova Visões

FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Escola de Redes: Tudo que é sustentável
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FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Para fazer netweaving

FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Sobre nossas dificuldades de organizar

FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Terms of reference regarding

FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Uma introdução às redes sociais

FRANCO, Augusto (2008-2009): Modelos mentais são sociais

FRANCO, Augusto (2009): A desastrosa idéia de sucesso

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FRANCO, Augusto (2009): Buscadores & Polinizadores (Roteiro para
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FRANCO, Augusto (2009): O poder nas redes sociais

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FRANCO, Augusto (2010): A Segunda Queda do Muro

FRANCO, Augusto (2010): Buscadores & Polinizadores 4a. Versão

FRANCO, Augusto (2010): Democracia: um programa autodidático
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FRANCO, Augusto (2010): Desobedeça: uma inspiração para o

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FRANCO, Augusto (2011): É o social, estúpido! Três confusões que
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FRANCO, Augusto (2011): Facebook: Darth Zuckerberg e seu Cavalo
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FRANCO, Augusto (2011): Redes & Inovação. Por que “redes
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WATTS, Duncan (2004): The "new" science of networks

WATTS, Duncan (2007): Challenging the influentials hypothesis

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WOLFE, Alvin (2005): Connecting the dots without forgetting the


WATTS, D. et all (não-formatados)

A 21st Century Science Duncan J. Watts, Nature, 2007

A generalized model of social and biological contagion Peter S. Dodds
and Duncan J. Watts, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2005, 4

A simple model of global cascades on random networks Duncan J.
Watts, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2002

A Study of Cooperation and Contagion in Web-Based Public Goods
Expe... Sid Suri; Duncan J. Watts, 2011 [view abstract]

An experimental study of search in global social networks Peter
Sheridan Dodds; Roby Muhamad; Duncan J. Watts, Science, 2003

Characterizing Individual Communication Patterns Dean Malmgren;
Jake Hofman; Luís Amaral; Duncan Watts, KDD 2009, 2009

Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks Duncan J. Watts;
Steven H. Strogatz, Nature, 1998

Cooperation in evolving social networks Nobi Hanaki, Alex Peterhansl,
Peter S. Dodds, and Duncan J. Watts, Management Science, 2007, 7

Empirical Analysis of Evolving Social Networks Gueorgi Kossinets and
Duncan J. Watts, Science, 2006

Everyone's an Influencer: Quantifying Influence on Twitter Eytan
Bakshy; Jake M. Hofman; Winter A. Mason; Duncan J. Watts, Fourth
International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 2011 [view

Everything is Obvious (Once You Know the Answer): How Common
Sense ... Duncan J. Watts, 2011

Experimental study of inequality and unpredictability in an
artific... Matthew J. Salganik, Peter S. Dodds, and D. J. Watts.,
Science, 2006

Financial Incentives and the 'Performance of Crowds' Winter A.
Mason; Duncan J. Watts, KDD-HCOMP '09, 2009

Identity and search in social networks Duncan J. Watts; Peter
Sheridan Dodds; M. E. J. Newman, Science, 2002

Inferring Relevant Social Networks from Interpersonal
Communication Munmun De Choudhury; Winter A. Mason; Jake M.

Hofman; Duncan J. Watts, WWW 2010: Proceedings of the 19th
international conference on World Wide Web, 2010

Information exchange and robustness in organizational
networks Peter S. Dodds, Duncan J. Watts, and Charles Sabel,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2003, 21

Leading the Herd Astray: An Experimental Study of Self-fulfilling
P... Matthew J. Salganik and Duncan J. Watts, Social Psychology
Quarterly, 2008

Marketing in an unpredictable world Duncan J. Watts; Steven Hasker,

Mean-field solution of the small-world network model M. E. J.
Newman; Cris Moore; Duncan J. Watts, Physical Review Letters, 2000

Multiscale, recurrent epidemics in a hierarchical compartment
model Duncan J. Watts, Peter S. Dodds, Roby Muhamad, and Daniel
Medina, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005, 32

Network robustness and fragility: Percolation on random
graphs Duncan S. Callaway; M. E. J. Newman; Steven H. Strogatz;
Duncan J. Watts, Physical Review Letters, 2000

Networks, dynamics and the small world phenomenon Duncan J.
Watts, American Journal of Sociology, 1999, 2

Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network Gueorgi Kossinets
and Duncan J. Watts, American Journal of Sociology, 2009, 2

Predicting consumer behavior with Web search Sharad Goel; Jake M.
Hofman; Sebastien Lahaie; David M. Pennock; Duncan J. Watts,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010 [view

Prediction Without Markets Sharad Goel; Daniel M. Reeves; Duncan J.
Watts; David M. Penock, Electronic Commerce, 2010 [view abstract]

Random graph models of social networks M. E. J. Newman; Duncan J.
Watts; Steven H. Strogatz, Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 2002

Random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions and their
applica... M. E. J. Newman; Steven H. Strogatz; Duncan J. Watts,
Physical Review E, 2001

Real and Perceived Attitude Agreement in Social Networks Sharad
Goel; Winter Mason; Duncan J. Watts, Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 2010, 4

Renormalization group analysis of the small-world network model. M.
E. J. Newman; Duncan J. Watts, Physics Letters A, 1999

Scaling and percolation in the small-world network model M. E. J.
Newman; Duncan J. Watts, Physical Review E, 1999

Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age Duncan J. Watts, W. W.
Norton, 2003

Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks Between Order and
Randomness Duncan J. Watts, Princeton University Press, 1999

Social Influence, Binary Decisions and Collective Dynamics Dunia
Lopez-Pintado and Duncan J. Watts., Rationality and Society, 2008

Social Search in "Small-World" Experiments Sharad Goel; Roby
Muhamad; Duncan J. Watts, World Wide Web (WWW), 2009

The “new” science of networks Duncan J. Watts, Annual Review of
Sociology, 2004

The Accidental Influentials Duncan J. Watts, Harvard Business
Review, 2007

The structure of information pathways in a social communication
net... Gueorgi Kossinets, Jon Kleinberg, and Duncan J. Watts, KDD
2008, 2008

Universal behavior in a generalized model of contagion Peter S.
Dodds and Duncan J. Watts, Physical Review Letters, 2004, 21

Viral marketing in the real world Duncan J. Watts; Jonah Peretti,
Harvard Business Review, 2007, May

Web-Based Experiments for the Study of Collective Social Dynamics
i... Matthew J. Salganik; Duncan J. Watts, Topics in Cognitive
Science, 2009

Who Says What to Whom on Twitter Shaomei Wu; Jake M. Hofman;
Winter A. Mason; Duncan J. Watts, 2011 [view abstract]

ZAGO, Gabriela e BATISTA, Jandré (2008): Manifestações coletivas
no ciberespaço: cooperação, capital social e redes sociais

ZERZAN, John (1994): Futuro primitivo

ZERZAN, John (2004): O moderno anti-mundo

ZERZAN, John (2004): Por que primitivismo

ZERZAN, John (s/d): Mal-estar no tempo

ZERZAN, John (s/d): Patriarquismo, civilização e as origens do

ZERZAN, John (s/d): Sobre as origens da guerra

ZULUAGA, Juan (2008?): Bibliografía sobre redes sociales


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Catálogo da Biblioteca de Redes

  • 1. BIBLI.E=R CATÁLOGO DE 13/01/2012 Servidor MediaFire 1
  • 2. A ABRAHAM, R., MARSDEN, J. & RATIU, T. (2001): Manifolds, Tensor Analysis and Applications ABRAHAM, Ralph & McKENNA, Terence (1983): Dynamics of hiperspace ABRAHAM, Ralph (1995): The mathematics of chaos and the urban revolution ABRAHAM, Ralph (1998): The chaos revolution: a personal view ABRAHAM, Ralph (2002): The genesis of complexity ABRAHAM, Ralph (2009): Recent progress in Dynamical Systems Theory ABRAHAM, Ralph, FRIEDMAN, Dan e VIOTTI, Paul (2007): Complex Dynamical Systems and the Social Sciences ACIOLI, Sonia (2007): Redes sociais e teoria social ADAMS, Susan, CARTER, Nathan e HADLOCK, Charles (2008): Change in connectivity in a social network over time: a Bayesian Pe... AGRE, Philip (2004): The Practical Republic: Social skills and the progress of citizenship AGUIAR, Sônia (2006): Relatório sobre redes sociais e tecnologias digitais ALA-MUTKA, Kirsti (2008): Social Computing: Study on the Use and Impacts of Collaborative Content ALBERTSEN, Niels & DIKEN, Bülent (2004): Artworks' Networks: Field, System or Mediators? ALCÂNTARA, Jose (2008): La sociedad de control ALCÁNTARA, Jose (2010): La neutralidad de la red 2
  • 3. ALTHUSIUS, Johannes (1603): Politica (Inglês) ALVES, Lourdes (200?): Cultura colaborativa ALVES, Lourdes (2007): Rede do desenvolvimento local ALVES, Lourdes, KUHNEN, Elizabeth e SILVA, Marcos Vinicius Moura (2005): A organização em rede AMADEU, Sérgio (2004): Software livre: a luta pela liberdade do conhecimento AMADEU, Sérgio (2009): Software Livre, Cultura Hacker e Ecossistema da Colaboração AMARAL, Adriana, RECUERO, Raquel e MONTARDO, Sandra (2009): AMARAL, Luis & BARTHÉLÉMY, Marc (1999): Small-world networks: Evidence for a crossover picture AMARAL, Luis, BARTHÉLÉMY, Marc , SCALA, A (2001): Small- world networks and the conformation space of a short lattice polymer chain AMARAL, Luis, BARTHÉLÉMY, Marc, MOSSA, S. & STANLEY, H. (2002): Truncation of power law behavior in scale-free network models due to information filtering AMARAL, Luis, CAMACHO, J., GUIMERÀ, R. (2002): Analytical solution of a model for complex food webs AMARAL, Luis, CAMACHO, J., GUIMERÀ, R. (2002): Robust patterns in food web structure AMARAL, Luis, STANLEY, H., EDLING, C., LIJIEROS, F. e ALBERG, Y. (2001): The web of human sexual contacts AMARAL, Vivianne (2007): O que produzimos nas redes AMARAL, Vivianne (2008): A estratégia rede: o contexto da emergência AMARAL, Vivianne (2008): Gestão do conhecimento e a estratégia rede AMARAL, Vivianne (2008): O padrão rede 3
  • 4. AMARAL, Vivianne (2008): Rebea: processos e desafios de horizontalização in Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental (número 3: junho 2008) AMARAL, Vivianne (2008): Redes operativas: conectando pessoas, tecendo redes AMARAL, Luis, BARTHÉLÉMY, Marc , SCALA, A. & STANLEY, H. (2000): Classes of small-world networks AMERIKA, Mark (2009): Source material everywhere: the Alfred North Whitehead remix ANDERSON, Chris (2006): A cauda longa ANDERSSON, Jonas (2009): For the Good of the Net: the Pirate Bay as a strategic sovereign ARENDT, Hannah (1949): Origens do totalitarismo ARENDT, Hannah (1950): O que é política? ARENDT, Hannah (1957): A crise na educação ARENDT, Hannah (1958): A condição humana ARENDT, Hannah (1961): Entre o passado e o futuro (excertos) ARENDT, Hannah (1963): Sulla rivoluzione ARENDT, Hannah (1967): Verdade e política ARENDT, Hannah (1971-78): A vida do espírito ARISTÓTELES (atribuída: c. 322): A Constituição de Atenas ARISTOTELES (c. 350-322): A Política ARMSTRONG, Philip (2009): Reticulations: Jean-Luc Nancy and the networks of the political ASCOTT, Roy (1984): Art and Telematics: towards a network conciousness ASHBY, Ross (1956): An introduction to cybernetics AVIV, Reuven, ERLICH, Zippy, RAVID, Gilad (2008): Analysis of transitivity and reciprocity in online distance learnin... 4
  • 5. AXELROD, Robert & HAMILTON, William (1981): The evolution of cooperation 5
  • 6. B BACON, Jono (2009): The art of community BALIBAR, Etienne (1998): Spinoza and politics BALL, Philip (2009): FLow: Nature's Patterns BARABASI, Albert & ALBERT, Réka (2002): Statistical mechanics of complex networks BARABASI, Albert (2002): Linked (Versão Completa) BARABASI, Albert (2002): Linked BARABASI, Albert et all (2006): Evolution of the social network of scientific collaborations BARABÁSI, Albert-László & ALBERT, Réka (1999): Emergence of scaling in random networks BARABÁSI, Albert-László (2010): Burst (nova digitalização) BARABÁSI, Albert-László (2010): Bursts: the hidden pattern of behind everyting we do BARABÁSI, Albert-László et allia (2006): Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks BARABÁSI, Albert-László, WUCHTY, Stefan & RAVASZ, Erszébet (2003): The arquichiteture of biological networks BARAHONA, Jesus et all (2006): Copyleft: manual de uso BARAN, Paul (1964): On distributed communications BARBROOK, Richard (2007): Futuros imaginários: das máquinas pensantes à aldeia global BAZZICHELLI, Tatiana (2006): Networking: the Net as Artwork BECHTEL, William (1994): What should a connectionist philosophy of science look like? 6
  • 7. BECKSTROM, Rod (2008): "Estrela-do-mar versus aranha" BEINHOCKER, Eric (2006): The origin of wealth BEJAN, Adrian & MARDEN, James (2008): The constructal unification of biological and geophysical design BELL, Daniel (s/d). Seleção de textos para posterior classificação. BELL, Daniel (1994) El choque de las civilizaciones (La Vuelta De Los Dias - Julio 1994) BELL, Daniel (1994) El fundamentalismo islámico Cuán grave es la amenaza (Hemeroteca - Agosto 1994) BELL, Daniel (1999) El despegue de la era digital - (Convivio - Abril 1999) BELL, Daniel (1999) Las muchas facetas del siglo XX (Convivio - Octubre 1999) BELL, Daniel (2000) Internet y la nueva tecnologia - (Convivio - Enero 2000) BELL, Daniel (2001) Souvenirs paris 1956-1957 (Convivio - Enero 2001) BELL, Daniel (2003) La gestación del siglo XXI, conversación con Daniel Bell (Convivio - Octubre 2003) BELL, Daniel (2010) La reconstrucción de la educación liberal. Un programa fundamental de estudios (Convivio - Septiembre 2010) BELL, David (2007): Cyberculture Theorists: Manuel Castells and Donna Haraway BENKLER, Yochai (2002): Coase's Penguin, or Linux and the Nature of the Firm BENKLER, Yochai (2006): The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom BENTHEN, Johan, GUPTA, Amitabha & PARIKH, Rohit (org) (2011): Proof, Computation and Agency: Logic at the Crossroads BERNARD, Russell, KILLWORTH, Peter, JOHNSEN, Eugene, SHELLEY, Gene, McCARTY, Christopher (2001): Estimating the Ripple Effect of a Disaster 7
  • 8. BERNERS-LEE, Tim (2000): Weaving the Web BEY, Hakim (1984): Caos (espanhol) BEY, Hakim (1990): TAZ (português) BEY, Hakim (1990): ZTA (espanhol) BEY, Hakim (1993): Inmediatismo (espanhol) BEY, Hakim (1996): Cybernetics & Entheogenics: from cyberspace to neurospace BEY, Hakim (1997): Sedução dos zumbis cibernéticos BEY, Hakim (2002): The writings of Hakim Bey BEY, Hakim (2003?): Caos: terrorismo poético e outros crimes exemplares BEY, Hakim (s/d): A arquitectonalidade da psicogeografia e os Hieróglifos da Deriva BEY, Hakim (s/d): Anarco-monarquismo e anarco-misticismo BEY, Hakim (s/d): Ataque oculto às instituições BEY, Hakim (s/d): Inmediatismo BEY, Hakim (s/d): Instruções para Kali Yuga BEY, Hakim (s/d): O status ontológico da teoria da conspiração BEY, Hakim (s/d): Paleolitismo psíquico e alta tecnologia BEY, Hakim (s/d): Por um congresso de religiões esquisitas BEY, Hakim (s/d): Superando o turismo BEY, Hakim (s/d): Terrorismo poético BEY, Hakim (s/d): Vernissage BIFO, Franco (2003): La fábrica de la infelicidad: nuevas formas de trabajo y movimiento global BLACK, Bob (1985): A abolição do trabalho 8
  • 9. BODEN, Margaret (2006): Mind as machine: a history of cognitive science BOEDER, Pieter (2005): Habermas' Heritage: the future of the public sphere in the network society BOLDRIN, Michele and LEVINE, David (2008): Against intellectual monopoly BORGATTI, Steve (2003): Conceptos básicos de redes sociales | Conceptos de teoría de grafos BÖRZEL, Tanja (2008?): Que tienen de especial los policy networks (PDF) BOYD, Danah (2006): Friends, Friendsters and Top8 BOYD, Danah (2007): Information access in a networked world BOYD, Danah (2008): Taken out of context BOYLE, Carlos (2008): De Revolutionibus Orbium Argentum BOYLE, Carlos (2009): El siglo de la fraternidad BRAFMAN, Ori & BECKSTROM, Rod (2006): The starfish and the spider BRAMBILLA, ANA (2011) (org): Para entender as midias sociais BRANCO, Cláudia Castelo, MATSUZAKI, Luciano Yoshio, (2009) : Olhares da Rede BRANDES, Ulrik, KENIS, Patrick e RAAB, Jörg (2005): La explicación através de la visualización de redes BROWN, James, GUPTA, Vijay, LI, Bai-Lian, MILNE, Bruce, RESTREPO, Carla e WEST, Geoffrey (2002): The fractal nature of nature: power laws, ecological complexity and biodiversity BURNEY, Jim (2008): Get viral - get visitors BURT, Ronald (2001): The social capital of structural holes BUSH, Vannevar (1945): As we may think 9
  • 10. C CABRALES, Antonio, CALVÓ-ARMENGOL, Antoni e ZENOU, Yves (2007): Social Interactions and Spillovers CAETANO, Miguel Afonso (2006): Tecnologias de resistência CAMPBELL, Joseph (1991) : O Poder do Mito CAMPBELL, Joseph (1993) : O Herói de Mil Faces CAMPOS JR., Luiz (2009): Visão Geral da Plataforma Ning Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3 | Parte 4 |Parte 5 CAPRA, Fritjof (1975): O Tao da Fisica CAPRA, Fritjof (1982): O Ponto de Mutação CAPRA, Fritjof (1991): Pertencendo ao Universo CAPRA, Fritjof (1995): Sabedoria incomum CAPRA, Fritjof (1996): A teia da vida CAPRA, Fritjof (2002): As conexões ocultas CAPRA, Fritjof (2003): As conexões ocultas (Palestra sobre o livro em 11/08/03) CAPRA, Fritjof (2003): As conexões ocultas (palestra sobre o livro) CAPRA, Fritjof (2004): Seminário Humanização do Desenvolvimento Mundial CARDOSO, Gustavo (2008): From mass communication to networked communication: Thoughts 2.0 CARDOSO, Gustavo, CHEONG, Angus & COLE, Jeffrey (orgs.) (2009): World Wilde Internet: changing societies, economies and cultures CARDOSO, Gustavo, ESPANHA, Rita et all. (orgs.) (2009): Democracia e participação em rede 10
  • 11. CARDOSO, Gustavo, MENDONÇA, Sandro & CARAÇA, João (2008): Some notes on the strategic strength of weak signal analysis CARDOZO, Missila (2008): Propaganda pessoal: redes sociais na internet CARLEY, Kathleen, LEE, Ju-Sung, KRACKHARDT, David (2002): Destabilizing networks CASTELLS, Manuel & CARNOY, Martin (2001): Globalization, the knowledge society and the network state: Poulantzas at the millennium CASTELLS, Manuel & AOYAMA, Yuko (1994): Paths towards the informational society CASTELLS, Manuel & AOYAMA, Yuko (2002): An empirical assessment of the informational society CASTELLS, Manuel & ARSENAULT, Amelia (2006): Conquering the minds, conquering Iraq: the social production of misinformation in the US CASTELLS, Manuel & ARSENAULT, Emilia (2008): Switching power: Rupert Murdoch and the global business of media politics CASTELLS, Manuel & IPOLA, Emílio (2003): Epistemological practice and the social sciences CASTELLS, Manuel & KISELYOVA, Emma (2000): Russian federalism and Siberian regionalism(1999-2000) CASTELLS, Manuel & LASERNA, Roberto (1989): The new dependency: technological change and socieconomic restructuring in LA CASTELLS, Manuel (1972): Urban renewal and social conflict in Paris CASTELLS, Manuel (1975): Immigrant workers and class struggles in advance capitalism CASTELLS, Manuel (1985): Economics CASTELLS, Manuel (1996): The rise of the network society Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3 CASTELLS, Manuel (1996): An introduction to the Information Age 11
  • 12. CASTELLS, Manuel (1996): The Net and the Self: working notes for a critical theory of the Informational Society CASTELLS, Manuel (1996): The space of flows (cap. 6 The Rise of the Network Society) CASTELLS, Manuel (1997): Paths and problems of the integration of post-communist Russia into the global economy: a concept paper CASTELLS, Manuel (1998): A rejoinder: on power, identities and culture in the Network Society CASTELLS, Manuel (1998): The real crisis of Silicon Valley: a retrospective perspective CASTELLS, Manuel (1999): Information technology, globalization and social development CASTELLS, Manuel (1999): Materials for an exploratory theory of the Network Society CASTELLS, Manuel (2000): Conclusion: urban sociology in 21st century CASTELLS, Manuel (2000): Toward a sociology of the Network Society CASTELLS, Manuel (2001): European unification in the Era of the Network Society CASTELLS, Manuel (2001): Local and global: cities in the Network Society CASTELLS, Manuel (2003): The interaction between information and communication technologies and the network society: a process of historical change CASTELLS, Manuel (2003): The cultural crisis of engineering in the information age CASTELLS, Manuel (2004): Global governance and global politics CASTELLS, Manuel (2006): Changer la Ville: a rejoinder CASTELLS, Manuel (2007): Communication, power and counter- power in the network society 12
  • 13. CASTELLS, Manuel (2008): The new public sphere: global civil society, comunications networks and global governance CASTELLS, Manuel (2009): Entrevista concedida a Juan Cruz (El Pais: 24/11/09) CASTELLS, Manuel (s./d): A rejoinder to Abell and Reynier's 'Failure of social theory' CASTELLS, Manuel (s./d): European cities, the informational society and the global economy CASTELLS, Manuel (s./d): Urban sustainability in the information age CASTELLS, Manuel e CARDOSO, Gustavo (orgs.) (2005): A sociedade em rede: do conhecimento à acção política CASTELLS, Manuel et al. (1999): Critical education in the new Information Age CASTELLS, Manuel, CARNOY, Martin & BENNER, Chris (1997): Labour markets and employment practices in the age of flexibility: a case study of Silicon Valley CASTELLS, Manuel, CARTIER, Carolyn & QIU, Jack (2005): The information Have-Less: inequality, mobility and translocal networks in chinese cities CASTELLS, Manuel, FERNÁNDEZ-ARDÈVOL, Mireia, QIU, Jack & SEY, Araba (2006):Comunicación móvil y sociedad: una perspectiva global CHANDLER, Annmarie & NEUMARK, Norie (2005): At a distance: precursors to art and activism on the Internet CHRISTAKIS, Nicholas & FOWLER, James (2009): Connected: o poder das conexões CHRISTAKIS, Nicholas & FOWLER, Janes (2009): Connected (Apresentação em PPT do livro em 9 partes) | 1 - In the Thick of It | Introduction | 2 - When You Smile, The World Smiles with You | Emotions | 3 - Love the One You're With | Love and Sex | 4 - This Hurts Me as Much as It Hurts You | Health | 5 - The Buck Starts Here |Money | 6 - Politically Connected | Politics | 7 - It's in Our Nature | Evolution | 8 - Hyperconnected |Technology | 9 - The Whole Is Great | Conclusion 13
  • 14. CLARK, Jessica & AUFDERHEIDE, Patricia (2009): Public Media 2.0: Dynamic, Engaged Publics CLARK, Louise (2006): Network mapping as a diagnostic tool CLASTRES, Pierre (1974): A sociedade contra o Estado CLAUSET, Aaron, SHALIZI, Cosma Rohilla e NEWMAN, M. (2007): Power-law distributions in empirical data COLLINS, Randall (1998): The sociology of philosophies: a global theory of intellectual change COMITÉ INVISIBLE (2007): La insurrección que llega CORNWELL, Benjamin (2005): A Complement-Derived centrality index for disconnected graphs COSTA, Rogério (2005): Por um novo conceito de comunidade CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, Mihaly (1990): Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience CUARTAS, Gabriel (2006): El cambio en las redes CUNHA, Eduardo Henrique Ferin (2007): Entendendo redes sociais no terceiro setor PISANI, Francis (2007): Networks as a unifying pattern (Interview with Fritjof Capra) | Redes como um padrão unificador da vida: tradução da Escola-de-Redes (sem revisão). RANTANEN, Terhi (2005): The message is the medium: an interview with Manuel Castells ROBERTS, Joanne (1999): Theory, technology and cultural power: an interview with Manuel Castells 14
  • 15. D AUTORES DESCONHECIDOS (1789): Declaração dos direitos do homem e dos cidadãos DAL BELLO, Cíntia (2006): Espectros virtuais: a construção de corpos sígnicos em comunidades virtuais de relacionamento DAMBRÓS, Joana e REIS, Clóvis (2008): A marca nas redes sociais virtuais: uma proposta de gestão colaborativa DAWNSON, Michael (2004): Minds and machines: connectionism and psychological modeling DAWNSON, Michael (2005): Connectionism: a hands-on approach DE GRANDE, Pablo e EGUÍA, Manuel (2008): Reconstruyendo la red de lazos personales DEBORD, Guy (1967): A sociedade do espetáculo DEKKER, Anthony (2008): The Eurovision Song contest as a 'friedship' network DeLANDA, Manuel (1991): War in the Age of Intelligent Machines DeLANDA, Manuel (1998): Markets and antimarkets in the world economy DeLANDA, Manuel (2000): A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History | Cf. Resenha DeLANDA, Manuel (2002): Intensive Science & Virtual Philosophy DeLANDA, Manuel (2006): A new philosophy of society DeLANDA, Manuel (2010): Deleuze: History and Science DELEUZE, Gilles & GUATTARI, Félix (1980): Mil platôs Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4 | Volume 5 15
  • 16. DELEUZE, Gilles & GUATTARI, Felix (1980): A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia DEWEY, John (1888): The ethics of democracy DEWEY, John (1927): O público e seus problemas. Excertos: Em busca da grande comunidade DEWEY, John (1927): O público e seus problemas. Excertos: Em busca do público DEWEY, John (1928): A idéia filosófica inclusiva DEWEY, John (1929): Experience and nature DEWEY, John (1935): Liberalismo e ação social. Excertos: Liberalismo renascente DEWEY, John (1937): A democracia é radical DEWEY, John (1939): Democracia criativa: a tarefa diante de nós DIANA, Mario & McADAM, Doug (2003): Social movements and networks: relational approachs to collective action DIANI, Mario (2000): Simmel to Rokkan: towards a Network Theory of (New) Social DIKEN, Bülent & LAUSTSEN, Carsten (2001): Enjoy your fight! - "Fight Club" as a sympton of the Network Society DIMANTAS, Hernani (2006): Linkania: a sociedade da colaboração DOCTOROW, Cory (2003): Down and Out in the Magic Kingdon DOWNES, Stephen (2005): An introduction to connective knowledge DOWNES, Stephen (2006): Learning networks and connective knowledge DOWNES, Stephen (2007): What connectivism is DUJISIN, Rodrigo (2006): Multitudes y redes en la caida de Milosevic DUNBAR, Robin (1993): Co-evolution of neocortex size, group size and language in humans 16
  • 17. DUNBAR, Robin (1998): The Social Brain Hypothesis DUNBAR, Robin e HILL, R. (2002): Social network size in humans DUNNE, Robert (2007): A statistical approach to neural networks for pattern recognition FARIAS, Ignácio (2008): Hacia una nueva ontología de lo social: entrevista com Manuel DeLanda 17
  • 18. E E = R (22-25/07/2009): Sobre Kabbalah e redes: um abstruso paralelo heurístico E=R (02-13/07/2009): Empregabilidade ((( amadorismo ))) e rede E=R (04-27/07/2009): Nós já descobrimos a "fórmula" E=R (06/02-14/06/2009): A lógica da abundância E=R (09/06-12/07/2009): O poder nas redes sociais E=R (24-27/07/2009): Sobre o medo da sociedade de controle E=R (27/03-04/04/2009): A Escola-de-Redes é uma escola de redes E=R (27/11-15/12/2008): Gestão de redes EASLEY, David & KLEINBERG, Jon (2009): Networks, Crowds and Markets: reasoning about a Highly Connected World (Draft version to Spring 2010) EBERT, John (1999): Ralph Abraham and the foundations of chaos - Interview ELOWITZ, Ben & LI, Charlene (2009): Engagement Report 2009: The world's most valuable brands. Ranking the Top 100 Global Brands ENGELBRECHT, Hans-Jürgen (2007): How social production transforms markets and freedom(Resenha do livro de Yochai Benkler: The Wealth of Networks) ERIKSON, Kai (2005): Foucault, Deleuze and the ontology of networks ESTRAVIZ, Marcelo (2001): A linkania e o religare EURIPEDES (422): The Suppliants 18
  • 19. F FAY, Brad, CAKIM, Idil, CARPENTER, Scott, HERSHBERGER, Steve, O'DRISCOLL, Sean, RABASCA, Erik, SELVAS, Filiberto, SUCKERNEK, Warren (2008): The Womma Influencer Handbook FEIJÓ, Jandira & FRANCO, Augusto (2007) (orgs.). Olhares sobre a experiência da Governança Solidária Local de Porto .... Porto Alegre: CMDC / ediPUCRS, 2007. FELDMAN, Jerome (2006): From molecule to metaphor: a neural theory of language FELLMAN, Philip (2002): The complexity of terrorist networks FERNANDES, Manoel (org.) (2009): Do broadcast ao socialcast FERRAND, Alexis (2006): Redes heterogéneas de discusión y pluralismo cognitivo FERRAREZI, Elisabete (1997): Estado e setor público não estatal FERRAREZI, Elisabete (2003): Capital social: conceitos e contribuições às políticas públicas FERRAREZI, Elisabete (2004): A reforma do marco legal do terceiro setor no Brasil: a criação a L... FERRER, Christian (1998): El lenguaje libertario FERRER, Christian (2005): Cabezas de tormenta FOGUEL, Flávio H. dos S. Redes de Colaboração Solidária: um estudo sobre a Associação de Moradores do Conjunto Palmeiras - Fortaleza/CE. FOUCAULT, Michel (1975): Vigiar e punir FOUCAULT, Michel (1979): Microfísica do poder 19
  • 20. FOWLER, James & CHRISTAKIS, Nicholas (2008). Dynamic spread of hapiness in a large social network FRANCO, Augusto (2001): Capital social: leituras de Tocqueville, Jacobs, Putnam, Fukuyama, ... FRANCO, Augusto (2003). A revolução do local: globalização, glocalização, localização FRANCO, Augusto (2003): Três gerações de políticas sociais FRANCO, Augusto (2003-2006): O experimento de Duncan FRANCO, Augusto (2004): O lugar mais desenvolvido do mundo (reeditado 1) FRANCO, Augusto (2005): Desenvolvimento, capital social, redes sociais e sustentabilidade: o conteúdo de minhas palestras no período 2003-2005 FRANCO, Augusto (2005?): Desenvolvimento, capital social & democracia FRANCO, Augusto (2007): Alfabetização Democrática FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Articule você também uma escola de redes FRANCO, Augusto (2008): É possível sem um mínimo de hierarquia? FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Escola de Redes: Nova Visões FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Escola de Redes: Tudo que é sustentável tem o padrão de rede FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Para fazer netweaving FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Sobre nossas dificuldades de organizar redes FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Terms of reference regarding sustainability FRANCO, Augusto (2008): Uma introdução às redes sociais FRANCO, Augusto (2008-2009): Modelos mentais são sociais FRANCO, Augusto (2009): A desastrosa idéia de sucesso 20
  • 21. FRANCO, Augusto (2009): A independência das cidades Segunda Versão (06/01/2010) FRANCO, Augusto (2009): A lógica da abundância FRANCO, Augusto (2009): A transição da organização hierárquica para a organização em rede FRANCO, Augusto (2009): AEL - Arranjos Educativos Locais (Draft 1) FRANCO, Augusto (2009): Buscadores & Polinizadores (Roteiro para elaboração de um livro coletivo sobre aprendizagem em um Highly Connected World) FRANCO, Augusto (2009): Cada um no seu quadrado FRANCO, Augusto (2009): Netweaving (PPT) FRANCO, Augusto (2009): Netweaving (PPT) | Versão comprimida (PPS 8,5Mb) FRANCO, Augusto (2009): O misterioso 1% FRANCO, Augusto (2009): O poder nas redes sociais FRANCO, Augusto (2010): Redes são ambientes de interação, não de participação (Draft 2) FRANCO, Augusto (2010): 2009: 10 escritos sobre redes sociais FRANCO, Augusto (2010): A Segunda Queda do Muro FRANCO, Augusto (2010): Buscadores & Polinizadores 4a. Versão FRANCO, Augusto (2010): Democracia: um programa autodidático de aprendizagem FRANCO, Augusto (2010): Desobedeça: uma inspiração para o netweaving FRANCO, Augusto (2010): Tweet book (06/04/10-14/06/10) FRANCO, Augusto (2011): É o social, estúpido! Três confusões que dificultam o entendimento das redes sociais FRANCO, Augusto (2011): Facebook: Darth Zuckerberg e seu Cavalo de Troia 21
  • 22. FRANCO, Augusto (2011): Redes & Inovação. Por que “redes corporativas” costumam dar errado FRANCO, Augusto (2011): Fluzz - Vida humana e convivência social nos novos mundos altamente conectados do terceiro milênio FRANCO, Augusto (2011): Fluzz e-Book FRANCO, Augusto (2011): Redes & Inovação. Por que “redes corporativas” costumam dar errado. FRANCO, Augusto (2011): Vida e morte das empresas na sociedade em rede FRANCO, Augusto (2012): Multiversidade: da Universidade dos anos 1000 à Multiversidade nos anos 2000 FRANCO, Augusto (28/09/09-19/06/10): Tweet Book FRANCO, Augusto e POGREBINSCHI, Thamy (editores) (2008): Democracia Cooperativa: Escritos Políticos Escolhidos de John Dewey FREY, Klaus (2003): Desenvolvimento sustentável local na sociedade em rede FRIEDMAN, Samuel, ROSSI, Diana, FLOM, Peter (2006): "Big Events" and networks FUGIMOTO, Gilberto (2005): Redes e capital social FUGIMOTO, Gilberto e SARMENTO, Luis Fernando (2007): Redes comunitárias: parcerias para formação de capital social FÜRST, Dietrich, SCHUBERT, Herbert, RUDOLPH, Ansgar, SPIECKERMANN, Holger (2001):Regional actor networks between social capital and regional governance 22
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