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Developer Advocate @JFrog
@jbaruch on the internetz
Solutions Architect @Hazelcast
@gAmUssA on the internetz
1. Two entertaining guys on
2. Funny Puzzling questions
3. You think and vote
4. Official twitter handles:
Watching the puzzlers like… #dafaq
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Everything works (or doesn't) in the latest Java 8 update
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Broken Eggs Tale
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What will be the output?
B.milk/bread/sausage/eggs,don’t forget eggs!
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
Stream<String> stream =;
list.add("eggs, don’t forget eggs!");
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Late binding,duh…
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
Stream<String> stream =;
list.add("eggs, don’t forget eggs!");
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Late binding,duh…
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
Stream<String> stream =;
list.add("eggs, don’t forget eggs!");
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Going Vegan
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What will be the output?
B.milk/bread/eggs,don’t forget eggs!
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list = list.subList(0, 2); //No sausage, please!
Stream<String> stream =;
list.add("eggs, don’t forget eggs!");
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Sometimes it’s just a bug…
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Execute ’em all
What’s the difference between 1 and 2?
A. 1 compiles,2 does not
B. 2 compiles,1 does not
C. Same same,both work fine
D. Same same,both won’t compile
public void killAll(){
ExecutorService ex = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
List<String> sentence = Arrays.asList("Punish");
ex.submit(() -> Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence) ); // 1
ex.submit(() -> { Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence); }); // 2
Semicolons	are	the	evil!
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What’s the difference between 1 and 2?
A. 1 compiles,2 does not
B. 2 compiles,1 does not
C. Same same,both work fine
D. Same same,both won’t compile
public void killAll(){
ExecutorService ex = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
List<String> sentence = Arrays.asList("Punish");
ex.submit(() -> Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence) ); // 1
ex.submit(() -> { Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence); }); // 2
public void killAll(){
ExecutorService ex = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
List<String> sentence = Arrays.asList("Punish");
ex.submit(() -> Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence) ); // 1
ex.submit(() -> { Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence); }); // 2
public interface Runnable {
public abstract void run();
public interface Callable<V> {
V call() throws Exception;
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Mad Max
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
How that will work?
A. Compilation error
B. Runtime Exception
C. 3
D. Something else
Stream.of(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).max(Math::max).get()
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
How about now?
D.Something else
Stream.of(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).max(Math::max).get()
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
How about now?
D.Something else
Stream.of(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).max(Math::max).get()
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
• Math.max(−3,−2) = −2 < 0 à −3 < −2,selecting−2
• Math.max(−2,−1) = −1 < 0 à −2 < −1,selecting−1
• Math.max(−1,0) = 0 à −1 == 0,keeping−1
• Math.max(−1,1) = 1 > 0 à −1 > 1,keeping−1
• Math.max(−1,2) = 2 > 0 à −1 > 2,keeping−1
• Math.max(−1,3) = 3 > 0 à −1 > 3,keeping−1
Stream.of(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).max(Math::max).get()
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Let’s upgrade the stack!
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What will happen?
A. Maps will switch
B. Both will become oldSchool
C. Both will become hipster
D. Really?! That won’t even compile!
Map<String, String> oldSchool = initOldSchoolStack();
// oldSchool = {buildTool=maven, lang=java, db=db2}
Map<String, String> proper = initHipsterStack();
// proper = {buildTool=npm, lang=javascript, db=elastic}
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function)
V put(K key, V value);
Map interface
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function)
V put(K key, V value);
Map interface
final BiFunction<String, String, String> function =
(key, value) -> proper.put(key, value);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : oldSchool.entrySet())
entry.setValue(function.apply(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function)
V put(K key, V value);
Map interface
final BiFunction<String, String, String> function =
(key, value) -> proper.put(key, value);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : oldSchool.entrySet())
entry.setValue(function.apply(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
How many lines will be the same?
List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", "Warm", "Purr");
Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder());
System.out.println(Collections.max(kitties, kittiesComparator));
A. All lines the same
B. Two lines the same
C. All different
D. Four different
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
How about now?
List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr");
Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder());
System.out.println(Collections.max(kitties, kittiesComparator));
A. All lines the same
B. Two lines the same
C. All different
D. Four different
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
How about now?
List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr");
Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder());
System.out.println(Collections.max(kitties, kittiesComparator));
A. All lines the same
B. Two lines the same
C. All different
D. Four different
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr");
Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder());
System.out.println(Collections.max(kitties, kittiesComparator));
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr");
Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder());
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr");
Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder());
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Caught: java.lang.NoSuchElementException
Caught: java.lang.NullPointerException
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
How to cast to a type without declaring it?
interface Cat{ default void meow() {System.out.println(”meow ");}}
interface Dog{ default void bark() {System.out.println(”woof ");}}
public static void main(String[] args) {
class Dogcatimplements Dog, Cat{}
test(new Dogcat());
static void test(Object obj) {
def x = (?)obj;
x.meow ();
x.bark ();
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
How to cast to a type without declaring it?
static void test(Object obj) {
// A. Will that work?
Dog& Catx = (Dog& Cat) obj;
x.meow ();
x.bark ();
static void test(Object obj) {
// B. Will that work?
((Consumer<? extends Dog& Cat>)(x -> {
x.meow ();
x.bark ();
})).accept((Dog& Cat)obj); }
static void test(Object obj) {
// C. Will that work?
Optional.of((Dog& Cat) obj)
.ifPresent(x -> {
x.meow ();
x.bark ();
// D. You’re two sick bastards.
interface Cat{ default void meow() {System.out.println(”meow");}}
interface Dog{ default void bark() {System.out.println(”woof");}}
public static void main(String[] args) {
class Dogcat implements Dog, Cat{}
test(new Dogcat());
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
How to cast to a type without declaring it?
static void test(Object obj) {
// A. Will that work?
Dog & Cat x = (Dog & Cat) obj;
static void test(Object obj) {
// B. Will that work?
((Consumer<? extends Dog & Cat>)(x -> {
})).accept((Dog & Cat)obj); }
static void test(Object obj) {
// C. Will that work?
Optional.of((Dog & Cat) obj)
.ifPresent(x -> {
// D. You’re two sick bastards.
interface Cat{ default void meow() {System.out.println(”meow");}}
interface Dog{ default void bark() {System.out.println(”woof");}}
public static void main(String[] args) {
static class Dogcat implements Dog, Cat{}
test(new Dogcat());
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Bill Gates explains how that works
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
static void test(Object obj) {
// C. Will that work?
Optional.of((Dog & Cat) obj)
.ifPresent(x -> {
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Viktor Gamov and Baruch Sadogursky call customer
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What will be the output?
public class Test {
String str;
void run() {
str = "hello ";
Supplier<String> s1 = str::toUpperCase;
Supplier<String> s2 = () -> str.toUpperCase();
str = "Hotel Echo Lima Lima Oscar ";
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What will be the output?
public class Test {
String str;
void run() {
str = ”hello";
Supplier<String> s1 = str::toUpperCase;
Supplier<String> s2 = () -> str.toUpperCase();
str = ”Hotel Echo Lima Lima Oscar";
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What will happen?
1. ConcurrentModificationException
2. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
3. NullPointerException
4. No exceptions,all good
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("Arnie", "Chuck", "Slay")); -> {
if(x.equals("Chuck")) {
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Java 8 vs Chuck Norris
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What will happen?
A. ConcurrentModificationException
B. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
C. NullPointerException
D. No exceptions,all good
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("Arnie", "Chuck", "Slay")); -> {
if(x.equals("Chuck")) {
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
Here’s why:
stream().forEach() à spliterator().forEachRemaining()
forEachRemaining checks for mod count once,in the end
Removing element adds null to the end of the array:
["Arne", "Chuck", "Slay"] à ["Arne", "Slay", null]
On the last iteration if(null.equals("Chuck")) fails with NPE (didn’t get to
Use list.removeIf("Chuck"::equals);
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What will be the output?
A. rtfm / rtfm
B. rtfm / NullPointerException
C. NullPointerException / NullPointerException
D. NullPointerException / rtfm
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
What will be the output?
A. rtfm /rtfm
B. rtfm / NullPointerException
C. NullPointerException / NullPointerException
D. NullPointerException / rtfm
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
@jbaruch								@gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
- Write readable code!
- Comment all the tricks
- Sometimes it’s a bug
- Static code analysis FTW -
intellij IDEA!
- Rtfm
- Don’t abuse lambdas and
- Trust us, we have much
more where those came
- Puzzlers? Gotchas? Fetal
position inducing behavior?
- puzzlers
Did you like it?
Praise us on twitter and in the
feedback form!
- javapuzzlersng
- gamussa
- Jbaruch
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DevOps Patterns & Antipatterns for Continuous Software Updates @ NADOG April ...
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Here are a few ways to cast to a type without declaring it:1. Use a generic type parameter:<T> T cast(Object o) { return (T) o;}2. Use a raw type: Object cast(Object o) { return (Object) o; }3. Reflection:Object cast(Object o, Class<?> type) throws Exception { return type.cast(o);}4. Dynamic proxy: interface Castable { Object cast(Object o);}class CastProxy implements Castable { private Class<?> type; public CastProxy(Class

  • 1.
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  • 7. 1. Two entertaining guys on stage 2. Funny Puzzling questions 3. You think and vote 4. Official twitter handles: JAVApuzzlersng codemash 5.
  • 8.
  • 9. Watching the puzzlers like… #dafaq @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 10. Everything works (or doesn't) in the latest Java 8 update @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 11. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 12. Broken Eggs Tale @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 13. What will be the output? A.milk/bread/sausage B.milk/bread/sausage/eggs,don’t forget eggs! C.milk/bread/sausage/ConcurrentModificationException D.ConcurrentModificationException List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("milk"); list.add("bread"); list.add("sausage"); Stream<String> stream =; list.add("eggs, don’t forget eggs!"); stream.forEach(System.out::println);
  • 14. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 15. Late binding,duh… List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("milk"); list.add("bread"); list.add("sausage"); Stream<String> stream =; list.add("eggs, don’t forget eggs!"); stream.forEach(System.out::println); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 16. Late binding,duh… List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("milk"); list.add("bread"); list.add("sausage"); Stream<String> stream =; list.add("eggs, don’t forget eggs!"); stream.forEach(System.out::println); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 17. Going Vegan @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 18. What will be the output? A.milk/bread/sausage B.milk/bread/eggs,don’t forget eggs! C.milk/bread/ConcurrentModificationException D.ConcurrentModificationException List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("milk"); list.add("bread"); list.add("sausage"); list = list.subList(0, 2); //No sausage, please! Stream<String> stream =; list.add("eggs, don’t forget eggs!"); stream.forEach(System.out::println);
  • 19. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 20. Sometimes it’s just a bug… @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 22. What’s the difference between 1 and 2? A. 1 compiles,2 does not B. 2 compiles,1 does not C. Same same,both work fine D. Same same,both won’t compile public void killAll(){ ExecutorService ex = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); List<String> sentence = Arrays.asList("Punish"); ex.submit(() -> Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence) ); // 1 ex.submit(() -> { Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence); }); // 2 }
  • 24. What’s the difference between 1 and 2? A. 1 compiles,2 does not B. 2 compiles,1 does not C. Same same,both work fine D. Same same,both won’t compile public void killAll(){ ExecutorService ex = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); List<String> sentence = Arrays.asList("Punish"); ex.submit(() -> Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence) ); // 1 ex.submit(() -> { Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence); }); // 2 }
  • 25. public void killAll(){ ExecutorService ex = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); List<String> sentence = Arrays.asList("Punish"); ex.submit(() -> Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence) ); // 1 ex.submit(() -> { Files.write(Paths.get("Sentence.txt"), sentence); }); // 2 } @FunctionalInterface public interface Runnable { public abstract void run(); } @FunctionalInterface public interface Callable<V> { V call() throws Exception; } @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 26. Mad Max @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 27. How that will work? A. Compilation error B. Runtime Exception C. 3 D. Something else System.out.println( Stream.of(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).max(Math::max).get() ); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 28. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 29. How about now? A.−3 B.−1 C.0 D.Something else System.out.println( Stream.of(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).max(Math::max).get() ); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 30. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 31. How about now? A.−3 B.−1 C.0 D.Something else System.out.println( Stream.of(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).max(Math::max).get() ); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 32. • Math.max(−3,−2) = −2 < 0 à −3 < −2,selecting−2 • Math.max(−2,−1) = −1 < 0 à −2 < −1,selecting−1 • Math.max(−1,0) = 0 à −1 == 0,keeping−1 • Math.max(−1,1) = 1 > 0 à −1 > 1,keeping−1 • Math.max(−1,2) = 2 > 0 à −1 > 2,keeping−1 • Math.max(−1,3) = 3 > 0 à −1 > 3,keeping−1 Stream.of(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3).max(Math::max).get() @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 33. Let’s upgrade the stack! @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 34. What will happen? A. Maps will switch B. Both will become oldSchool C. Both will become hipster D. Really?! That won’t even compile! Map<String, String> oldSchool = initOldSchoolStack(); // oldSchool = {buildTool=maven, lang=java, db=db2} Map<String, String> proper = initHipsterStack(); // proper = {buildTool=npm, lang=javascript, db=elastic} oldSchool.replaceAll(proper::put);
  • 35. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 36. void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) V put(K key, V value); Map interface oldSchool.replaceAll(proper::put); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 37. void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) V put(K key, V value); Map interface final BiFunction<String, String, String> function = (key, value) -> proper.put(key, value); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : oldSchool.entrySet()) entry.setValue(function.apply(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 38. void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) V put(K key, V value); Map interface final BiFunction<String, String, String> function = (key, value) -> proper.put(key, value); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : oldSchool.entrySet()) entry.setValue(function.apply(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 39. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 40. How many lines will be the same? List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", "Warm", "Purr"); Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder()); System.out.println(Collections.max(kitties, kittiesComparator)); System.out.println(; System.out.println(; A. All lines the same B. Two lines the same C. All different D. Four different @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 41. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 42. How about now? List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr"); Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder()); System.out.println(Collections.max(kitties, kittiesComparator)); System.out.println(; System.out.println(; A. All lines the same B. Two lines the same C. All different D. Four different @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 43. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 44. How about now? List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr"); Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder()); System.out.println(Collections.max(kitties, kittiesComparator)); System.out.println(; System.out.println(; A. All lines the same B. Two lines the same C. All different D. Four different @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 45. List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr"); Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder()); System.out.println(Collections.max(kitties, kittiesComparator)); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 46. List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr"); Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder()); System.out.println(; @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 47. List<String> kitties = Arrays.asList("Soft", null, "Purr"); Comparator<String> kittiesComparator= Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder()); System.out.println(; @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 50. How to cast to a type without declaring it? interface Cat{ default void meow() {System.out.println(”meow ");}} interface Dog{ default void bark() {System.out.println(”woof ");}} public static void main(String[] args) { class Dogcatimplements Dog, Cat{} test(new Dogcat()); } static void test(Object obj) { def x = (?)obj; x.meow (); x.bark (); } @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 51. How to cast to a type without declaring it? static void test(Object obj) { // A. Will that work? Dog& Catx = (Dog& Cat) obj; x.meow (); x.bark (); } static void test(Object obj) { // B. Will that work? ((Consumer<? extends Dog& Cat>)(x -> { x.meow (); x.bark (); })).accept((Dog& Cat)obj); } static void test(Object obj) { // C. Will that work? Optional.of((Dog& Cat) obj) .ifPresent(x -> { x.meow (); x.bark (); });} // D. You’re two sick bastards. interface Cat{ default void meow() {System.out.println(”meow");}} interface Dog{ default void bark() {System.out.println(”woof");}} public static void main(String[] args) { class Dogcat implements Dog, Cat{} test(new Dogcat()); } @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 52. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 53. How to cast to a type without declaring it? static void test(Object obj) { // A. Will that work? Dog & Cat x = (Dog & Cat) obj; x.meow(); x.bark(); } static void test(Object obj) { // B. Will that work? ((Consumer<? extends Dog & Cat>)(x -> { x.meow(); x.bark(); })).accept((Dog & Cat)obj); } static void test(Object obj) { // C. Will that work? Optional.of((Dog & Cat) obj) .ifPresent(x -> { x.meow(); x.bark(); });} // D. You’re two sick bastards. interface Cat{ default void meow() {System.out.println(”meow");}} interface Dog{ default void bark() {System.out.println(”woof");}} public static void main(String[] args) { static class Dogcat implements Dog, Cat{} test(new Dogcat()); } @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 54. Bill Gates explains how that works @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 55. static void test(Object obj) { // C. Will that work? Optional.of((Dog & Cat) obj) .ifPresent(x -> { x.meow(); x.bark(); });} @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 56. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 57. Viktor Gamov and Baruch Sadogursky call customer service: @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 58. What will be the output? 1. HOTEL ECHO LIMA LIMA OSCAR/ HOTEL ECHO LIMA LIMA OSCAR 2. HELLO / HOTEL ECHO LIMA LIMA OSCAR 3. HOTEL ECHO LIMA LIMA OSCAR/ HELLO 4. HELLO/HELLO public class Test { String str; void run() { str = "hello "; Supplier<String> s1 = str::toUpperCase; Supplier<String> s2 = () -> str.toUpperCase(); str = "Hotel Echo Lima Lima Oscar "; System.out.println(s1.get()); System.out.println(s2.get()); } }
  • 59. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 60. What will be the output? 1. HOTEL ECHO LIMA LIMA OSCAR/ HOTEL ECHO LIMA LIMA OSCAR 2. HELLO / HOTEL ECHO LIMA LIMA OSCAR 3. HOTEL ECHO LIMA LIMA OSCAR/ HELLO 4. HELLO/HELLO public class Test { String str; void run() { str = ”hello"; Supplier<String> s1 = str::toUpperCase; Supplier<String> s2 = () -> str.toUpperCase(); str = ”Hotel Echo Lima Lima Oscar"; System.out.println(s1.get()); System.out.println(s2.get()); } }
  • 61. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 62. What will happen? 1. ConcurrentModificationException 2. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 3. NullPointerException 4. No exceptions,all good List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("Arnie", "Chuck", "Slay")); -> { if(x.equals("Chuck")) { list.remove(x); } }); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 63. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 64. Java 8 vs Chuck Norris @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 65. What will happen? A. ConcurrentModificationException B. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException C. NullPointerException D. No exceptions,all good List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("Arnie", "Chuck", "Slay")); -> { if(x.equals("Chuck")) { list.remove(x); } }); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 66. Here’s why: stream().forEach() à spliterator().forEachRemaining() forEachRemaining checks for mod count once,in the end Removing element adds null to the end of the array: ["Arne", "Chuck", "Slay"] à ["Arne", "Slay", null] On the last iteration if(null.equals("Chuck")) fails with NPE (didn’t get to CME) Use list.removeIf("Chuck"::equals); @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 67. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 68.
  • 69. System.out.println(Optional.of("rtfm").orElseGet(null)); System.out.println(Optional.empty().map(null).orElse("rtfm")); What will be the output? A. rtfm / rtfm B. rtfm / NullPointerException C. NullPointerException / NullPointerException D. NullPointerException / rtfm @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 70. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 71. System.out.println(Optional.of("rtfm").orElseGet(null)); System.out.println(Optional.empty().map(null).orElse("rtfm")); What will be the output? A. rtfm /rtfm B. rtfm / NullPointerException C. NullPointerException / NullPointerException D. NullPointerException / rtfm @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 72. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 73. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 74. @jbaruch @gamussa #javapuzzlersng #codemash
  • 76. - Write readable code! - Comment all the tricks - Sometimes it’s a bug - Static code analysis FTW - intellij IDEA! - Rtfm - Don’t abuse lambdas and streams!
  • 77. - Trust us, we have much more where those came from. - Puzzlers? Gotchas? Fetal position inducing behavior? - puzzlers
  • 78. Did you like it? Praise us on twitter and in the feedback form! - javapuzzlersng - gamussa - Jbaruch - Didn’t like it? /dev/null