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The emergence of a
 conservation ethic
Answers due before the start of class on Monday 2/4!
Politics contrast interview (Democrat vs. Republican)

A little biographical info... Age? Gender? Political affiliation? relation to you?

What comes to mind when you hear the word environmentalist?

Do you consider yourself to be an environmentalist? Please briefly explain.

Do you think current environmental regulations in the US are sufficient, insufficient, or
excessive? Please briefly explain.

What do you think of the current administrations approach to environmental issues?

Are you aware that some of the most significant environmental legislation in US history
(e.g., Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act, creation of the EPA as a federal agency)
was passed during Republican administrations? Any thoughts?

What are your main sources of information about environmental issues?

What do you think are the most serious environmental issues today?

Do you make a daily effort to conserve resources (e.g., water, electricity, fuel)? Explain.

How regularly do you participate in outdoor recreation? Please briefly explain.
Age contrast interview (< 25 years vs > 65 years)

A little biographical info... Age? Gender? Education? Relation to you?

Do you consider yourself to be an environmentalist? Please briefly explain.

What do you think are the most serious environmental issues today?

Do you think progress has been made in addressing environmental issues during your
lifetime? Please briefly explain your answer.

Do you think public attitudes about the environment have changed during your life

Are you a member of any environmental organizations or subscribe to any
environment related magazines? If so, please identify.

What are your main sources of information about environmental issues?

Do you make a daily effort to conserve resources (e.g., water, electricity, fuel)? Please
briefly explain.

How regularly do you participate in outdoor recreation? Please briefly explain.

Do you have a favorite state park? national park? Please briefly explain.
WO assignment due before the start of class on Wednesday 2/6
Carefully consider the interview responses that you collected and
answer the following 2 questions:

Which question(s) resulted in the most different responses? Briefly discuss.

Which question(s) resulted in the most similar responses? Briefly discuss.

Take a look at some of the responses submitted by other students for
the same set of questions that you asked your interview candidate
and answer the following question:

Which question(s) do you think resulted in the most interesting responses?
Briefly discuss.

Take a look at some of the responses submitted by other students for
the other set of questions and answer the following question:

Which question(s) do you think resulted in the most interesting responses?
Briefly discuss.
2 wrap up questions

 Was it a valuable experience interviewing 2 people
and then looking at some of the responses that other
  students submitted? Briefly explain your answer.

 If I use this assignment again, do you recommend
that I drop, add or edit any of the questions? Briefly
                  explain your answer.
Indigenous respect for the earth

 "Treat the earth well: it was not given
to you by your parents, it was loaned
to you by your children. We do not
inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children.“
Have you read any books
about indigenous cultures?
Where is
Joel hiding
Have you seen any movies about indigenous people?
Do you remember this scene?
Did the Mississippians take good
        care of their land?
Noble savage = romantic but often inaccurate view of indigenous people
Henry David Thoreau

    author, naturalist, philosopher

 Thoreau wrote extensively (over 20
  published volumes) about diverse
topics including personal experience,
historical lore, natural history, and civil

Thoreau is best known for his book
Walden, a reflection on simple living
  on the banks of Walden pond.

 For 2 years, he lived in a small, self-
built house on 14 acres of land owned
  by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a fellow
Henry David Thoreau

author, naturalist, philosopher

 “I went to the woods because
  I wished to live deliberately..
    to see if I could not learn
 what it had to teach, and not,
  when I came to die, discover
      that I had not lived… I
 wanted to live deep and suck
   out all the marrow of life…”
Henry David Thoreau

     author, naturalist, philosopher

      “As a single footstep will not
     “I went to the on the earth, so
     make a path woods because
     aI single thought deliberately..
        wished to live will not make
        a pathway could not learn
         to see if I in the mind. To
      what it a deep teach, and not,
      make had to physical path,
      we walk again and again. To
      when I came to die, discover
           that I had not lived… I
     make a deep mental path, we
      must think over and over the
     wanted to live deep and suck
       kindall the marrow of life…”
       out of thoughts we wish to
            dominate our lives.”

Thoreau’s writings have had far reaching
influence. Political leaders and reformers
 like Mahatma Gandhi, President John F.
 Kennedy and civil rights activist Martin
 Luther King, Jr. spoke of being strongly
      affected by Thoreau’s writing.
John Muir
        (1838 -1913)

  author, preservationist,
founder of the Sierra Club

Muir was an early advocate
of wilderness preservation
whose letters, essays, and
   books describing his
adventures in nature have
  been read by millions.

    His activism helped to
preserve the Yosemite Valley,
 Sequoia National Park and
   other wilderness areas.

 The Sierra Club, which he
founded, is now one of the
most important conservation
   organizations in the
       United States.
John Muir
        (1838 -1913)

  author, preservationist,
founder of the Sierra Club

“Thousands of tired, nerve-
    shaken, over-civilized
   people are beginning to
  find out that going to the
 mountains is going home;
      that wildness is a
     necessity; and that
     mountain parks and
reservations are useful not
 only as fountains of timber
and irrigating rivers, but as
      fountains of life.”
John Muir and President Teddy Roosevelt
           at Yosemite in 1903
                                               John Muir
                                                 (1838 -1913)

                                            author, preservationist,
                                          founder of the Sierra Club

                                          “Thousands of tired, nerve-
                                            “When we contemplate
                                              shaken, over-civilized
                                            the whole globe as one
                                             people are beginning to
                                            find out that goingstriped
                                             great dewdrop, to the
                                           mountainsdotted with
                                                  and is going home;
                                             continents and islands,
                                                that wildness is a
                                           flying through space with
                                               necessity; and that
                                               mountain parks and
                                          other stars all singing and
                                          reservations are usefulone,
                                            shining together as not
                                           only as whole universe
                                               the fountains of timber
                                          and irrigating rivers, but as
                                              appears as an infinite
                                                 fountains of life.”
                                               storm of beauty.”
Have you ever looked at this magazine?
Gifford Pinchot
           (1865 -1946)

1st chief of the US Forest Service
           Governor of PA

Pinchot’s father James, regretted
   the damage that his family's
  lumber company had done to
 America’s forests and sent his
 son to Europe to study forestry.

Pinchot served as the first Chief
of the Forest Service from 1905
until his firing in 1910. He served
as Governor of PA from 1923 to
  1927 and again from 1931 to

  Pinchot is known for reforming
the management of forests in the
          United States.
Gifford Pinchot
            (1865 -1946)

1st chief of the US Forest Service
           Governor of PA

  “ Conservation means the wise
      use of the earth and its
 resources for the lasting good of

  “The outgrowth of conservation,
   the inevitable result, is national

       “Conservation is the
  application of common sense
  to the common problems for
       the common good.”
Two opposing perspectives emerged within the
    early environmental movement in the US:
the conservationists vs. the preservationists.
   The conservationists (e.g., Gifford Pinchot)
focused on the proper use of nature, whereas
 the preservationists (e.g., John Muir) sought to
            protect nature from use.

  Put another way, conservationists sought to
  regulate human use while preservationists
    sought to preserve wilderness areas as
  undisturbed by human impact as possible.
Loss of old growth forest

  Each dot represents 25,000 acres
Yellowstone National
 Park, established by the
U.S. Congress and signed
   into law by President
    Ulysses S. Grant on
 March 1, 1872 is widely
held to be the world’s first
       national park.
Theodore Roosevelt had an impact on the national park
     system extending well beyond his presidency.

 As chief executive from 1901 to 1909, he signed legislation
establishing 5 national parks: Crater Lake in OR; Wind Cave
    in SD; Sully’s Hill in ND (later redesignated a game
 preserve); Mesa Verde in CO; and Platt in OK (now part of
          the Chickasaw National Recreation Area).

 Another Roosevelt enactment actually had a broader effect,
the Antiquities Act of June 8, 1906. While not creating a single
   park itself, the Antiquities Act enabled Roosevelt and his
     successors to proclaim historic landmarks, historic or
prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific
     interest in federal ownership as national monuments.
On August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson
signed a bill creating the National Park Service as a
 separate bureau of the Department of the Interior
Aldo Leopold
                                                                             (1886 – 1948)

                                                                       author, wildlife biologist,
                                                                           professor at UW
                                                                        and environmentalist

                                                                   -best known for his book A Sand
                                                                  County Almanac (1949), which has
                                                                     sold over two million copies.

                                                                    -influential in the development of
                                                                   modern environmental ethics and
                                                                  the science of wildlife management.
“That land is a community is the basic concept of ecology, but that
land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics.

That wildlife is merely something to shoot at or look at is the
grossest of fallacies. It often represents the difference between
rich country and mere land.

In dire necessity somebody might write another Iliad, or paint an
Angelus, but fashion a goose?... If, then, we can live without goose
music, we may as well do away with stars, or sunsets, or Iliads.
But the point is that we would be fools to do away with any of

A land ethic, then, reflects the existence of an ecological
conscience, and this in turn reflects a conviction of individual
responsibility for the health of the land. Health is the capacity of
the land for self-renewal. Conservation is our effort to understand
and preserve this capacity.”
The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was
painted by Michael Angelus aka Michelangelo
Reading questions – answers should be submitted on WO by Friday 2/8
1) The article describes how Aldo Leopold's childhood experiences influenced his interest in nature.
Briefly explain how personal experiences have shaped your interest in soil and/or water resources.

2) According to the article, Leopold believed that industrialization,urbanization and abundance of material
blessings obscured people’s understanding of their connection to the land. Do you share this view? If so,
propose a strategy for reconnecting urban and otherwise disconnected people with soil and water

3) Differentiate between the “community” and “commodity” concepts of land discussed in the article.

4) Describing Aldo Leopold, Fred Kirschenmann, Director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable
Agriculture wrote: “he had that incredible gift of looking at things as a whole”. Briefly comment on how you
think advances in technology since Leopold’s time (for example satellites) have affected current thinking
about soil and water resources.

5) Briefly comment on how Iowa middle schooler Stephen Frese was able to develop such an impressive
understanding of Aldo Leopold’s life (you may want to skim the primary source information for the article).

6) The article states that more than half of the nation’s virgin forests had been cut down when Theodore
Roosevelt became president in 1901. Curious about that statement, I tracked down a set of maps showing
changes in old growth forest area over time. It is estimated that the old growth forests remaining in the US
in 1990 (~ 30 million acres) represented less than 4 % of the area covered by old growth forest in 1620.
Based on the map at the following link, estimate the total # of acres of old growth forest in 1620, 1850 and
1926. Show your calculations.
By the 1920’s, severe land
                                           degradation by wind and
                                            water erosion was well
                                          documented in county soil
                                              surveys and USDA
                                             erosion inventories.

Soil Survey of Louisa Cty, VA 1911

 “90,000 acres of formerly cultivated
land so cut to pieces with gullies that
  it must be classified as non-arable
          rough gullied land”
Hugh Hammond Bennett
                                HH Bennett was born near
                               Wadesboro in Anson County,
                              North Carolina and graduated
                               from the University of North
                              Carolina in 1903. Immediately
                              upon graduation, he became a
                             soil surveyor, and conducted soil
                                 studies, both in the United
                              States and in other countries,
                              that eventually convinced him
                                  that soil erosion was an
                                extremely serious problem.

Soil scientist and showman
From “Soil Erosion:
  A National Menace (1928)

“What would be the feeling of
this Nation should a foreign
 nation suddenly enter the
 United States and destroy
  90,000 acres of land, as
erosion has been allowed to
   do in a single county?”

“To visualize the full enormity
    of land impairment and
devastation brought about by
 this ruthless agent is beyond
the possibility of the mind. An
era of land wreckage destined
   to weigh heavily upon the
welfare of the next generation
           is at hand.”
On September 13, 1933, the Soil Erosion Service was
formed in the Department of the Interior, with Bennett as
 chief. The service was transferred to the Department of
      Agriculture on March 23, 1935, and was shortly
 thereafter combined with other USDA units to form the
 Soil Conservation Service by the Soil Conservation and
              Domestic Allotment Act of 1935.

  Hugh Bennett continued as chief, a position he held
            until his retirement in 1951.

  On October 20, 1994, the agency was renamed the
 Natural Resources Conservation Service to reflect its
                  broader mission.
Rachel Carson
                                     marine biologist, author

                                One of the most original and
                                lastingly influential books of the 20th
“Man's attitude toward          century, a work that is often credited
nature is today critically      with launching the environmentalist
important simply because        movement.
we have now acquired a
fateful power to alter and
destroy nature. But man is
a part of nature, and his war
against nature is inevitably
a war against himself…[We
are] challenged as mankind
has never been challenged
before to prove our maturity
and our mastery, not of
nature, but of ourselves.”
First published in 1962
Even before Silent Spring appeared
in bookstores, there was strong
opposition to it.

        Carson was violently assailed by threats of lawsuits
        and derision, including suggestions that she was a
          "hysterical woman" unqualified to write such a
           book. A huge counterattack was organized by
        Monsanto, American Cyanamid and other chemical

           Biochemist and chemical industry spokesman
        Robert White-Stevens stated, "If man were to follow
         the teachings of Miss Carson, we would return to
         the Dark Ages, and the insects and diseases and
            vermin would once again inherit the earth.”
“No responsible person contends that insect-
                                   borne disease should be ignored. The question
                                   that has now urgently presented itself is
                                   whether it is either wise or responsible to attack
                                   the problem by methods that are rapidly making
                                   it worse.

                                   The world has heard much of the triumphant
                                   war against disease through the control of
                                   insect vectors of infection, but it has heard little
                                   of the other side of the story—the defeats, the
                                   short-lived triumphs that now strongly support
                                   the alarming view that the insect enemy has
                                   been made actually stronger by our efforts.
                                   Even worse, we may have destroyed our very
                                   means of fighting. ... What is the measure of
                                   this setback?

The list of resistant species now includes practically all of the insect groups of
medical importance. ... Malaria programs are threatened by resistance among
mosquitoes. ... Practical advice should be 'Spray as little as you possibly can'
rather than 'Spray to the limit of your capacity' … “
                                Rachel Carson – excerpt from Silent Spring
Tragedy of   the Commons
                 (Hardin, 1968)
“Before I flew I was already aware of how small and vulnerable
our planet is; but only when I saw it from space, in all its ineffable
 beauty and fragility, did I realize that human kind's most urgent
    task is to cherish and preserve it for future generations.”

                Sigmund Jähn, German astronaut
“The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone, our
   home that must be defended like a holy relic. The Earth was
absolutely round. I believe I never knew what the word round meant
                    until I saw Earth from space.”

                Aleksei Leonov, Russian astronaut
“A Chinese tale tells of some men sent to harm a young girl who,
   upon seeing her beauty, become her protectors rather than her
violators. That's how I felt seeing the Earth for the first time. "I could
                  not help but love and cherish her.”

              Taylor Wang, Chinese-American astronaut
Ask an older person about the first time they
  saw a view of the earth from outer space
Initiated by US Senator Gaylord
 Nelson from Wisconsin, the first
Earth Day celebration occurred on
  April 22, 1970. Over 20 million
people on 2000 college campuses
  participated. Earth Day is now
observed each year on April 22 by
 more than 500 million people in
           175 countries.
The US Environmental Protection
                               Agency (US-EPA) was established
                              in 1970 by President Nixon through
                              an executive order which created a
                               single, independent agency from a
                              number of smaller arms of different
                                         federal agencies.

         More than             Prior to the establishment of the
half of the EPA’s staff are    EPA, the federal government was
engineers, scientists, and    not structured to comprehensively
environmental protection      regulate the pollutants which harm
    specialists; other          human health and degrade the
employees include legal,                  environment.
 public affairs, financial,   The EPA is led by its Administrator,
      and computer            who is appointed by the president.
        specialists.            Lisa P. Jackson is the current

                              The agency currently has an annual
                                budget of ~ $7 billion and has
                                 ~18,000 full-time employees.
What does the US-EPA do?
 The agency conducts environmental assessment, research,
  and education. It has primary responsibility for setting and
enforcing national standards under a variety of environmental
laws, in consultation with state, tribal, and local governments.

 It delegates some permitting, monitoring, and enforcement
   responsibility to U.S. states and Native American tribes.
   Enforcement powers include fines, sanctions, and other

   The agency also works with industries and all levels of
government in a wide variety of voluntary pollution prevention
        programs and energy conservation efforts.
As a follow-up to the environmental permit streamlining law signed and
 championed by Governor Pat Quinn in July 2011, the IEPA is pleased to
launch a new environmental permitting portal. Development of this portal
   is a major step in the goal of making compliance with environmental
 regulations less burdensome and encourages economic and job growth
   without sacrificing our mission of protecting the state's environment.
                                 John J. Kim
                           Interim Director, IEPA
Farm leaders in Illinois have identified government regulations as the
biggest threat to farm profitability in the state in the next decade.

In all, 399 farmers completed a survey gauging their outlook on the
agriculture industry during Illinois Farm Bureau's annual meeting
Dec. 3-6 in Chicago. The survey was completed by voting delegates
and by other leaders at the county farm bureau level.

In answer to the open-ended question about profitability in the next
ten years, slightly more than four in ten respondents said regulations
are the biggest threat.
Thomas R. Sadler
Associate Professor
430m Stipes Hall
Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1998

Dr. Sadler received his Ph.D. in 1998 from the University of
Tennessee. He teaches microeconomics and applied-micro courses,
focusing on the economics of energy and the environment.

      Dr. Sadler will be joining us to lead a
      discussion of the economic impact of
           environmental regulations
Today, the Cuyahoga is home to more than
    60 species of fish, said Jim White,
 executive director of the Cuyahoga River
   Community Planning Organization, a
 nonprofit group that coordinates cleanup
  efforts. Beavers, blue herons and bald
   eagles nest along the river’s banks.

 “We’re very impressed with the progress
   made in the Cuyahoga,” said John
  Perrecone, a manager of Great Lakes
         programs for the E.P.A.
The short-lived fire in 1969 was out
 before the local press reached the
scene to record images of its blaze.
The Cuyahoga River also caught on
fire in 1868, 1883, 1887, 1912, 1922,
    1936, 1941, 1948 and 1952!!!

Rivers in Maryland, New York and
Michigan have also caught on fire.
Percent of city's population   Population in
       City             with sewage treatment in 1940      1940
     Milwaukee                       85                    780,000
     Cleveland                       75                   1,200,000
     Columbus                        75                    320,000
    Indianapolis                     75                    420,000
      Chicago           The only     70                   4,400,000
      Baltimore         US cities    70                    750,000
Minneapolis-St. Paul    with any     40                    700,000
 Washington, D.C.       sewage       35                    550,000
       Buffalo                       30                    600,000
       Denver                        30                    280,000
                         in 1940
       Toledo                        30                    300,000
      New York                       25                   8,100,000
    Philadelphia                     15                   2,000,000
   San Francisco                     10                    780,000
       Seattle                       10                    400,000
    Los Angeles                       5                   1,300,000
       Detroit                        0                   1,600,000
       Boston                         0                   2,000,000
     Pittsburgh                       0                    750,000
     Cincinnati                       0                    500,000
    Kansas City                       0                    450,000
Impacts of DDT

DDT is most famous for its effect on birds. Research has shown that for some species
of birds, DDT causes the thinning of eggshells.

Species most strongly affected by DDT include:
 osprey, eagles, pelicans, falcons, hawks


Historically, DDT was used to control mice, rats, and bats.

   What is bioaccumulation?
Bats are especially sensitive to DDT. Very low doses of DDT can affect them severely.

A lot of current research deals with DDT's effects on larger mammals.

Human Beings

In the early to mid 1950s, DDT became one of the most widely used pesticides. This
was when we thought it was completely harmless to human beings. When used to
control lice, people appeared to be unaffected even though DDT was applied directly to
their bodies.
Organics like DDT and PCBs and
inorganics like mercury bioaccumulate
The investigator is dressed
 Earth     as a doctor for two reasons.

systems    First, current investigation of
           the “health” of Earth systems
analysis        is in many respects
           reminiscent of the early study
           of human health hundreds of
           years ago. Science historians
            looking back 100 years from
           now will certainly tell a tale of
           both delusions and triumphs.

           Second, an important driver
           of Earth systems analysis is
           the insight that the health of
               Earth systems may be
             disrupted significantly by
                 human activities.
Society is currently struggling with how to rationally
respond to the emerging science of complex systems.

 Public access to scientific information is greater than
 ever due to the internet and science is struggling to
deal with this new transparency and associated public

       Bird’s eye approach

  What is a
macroscope ?                                   Modeling
- a tool or process that makes
very large or very complicated
things understandable
Where microscopes and telescopes allow
 observation of things that ordinarily are too small to
see, macroscropes allow interpretation of things
  that are ordinarily too complex to understand.

     Macroscopes combat the over-specialization
          prevalent in modern science and the
  compartmentalization of scientific education. They
facilitate a new interdisciplinary approach to scientific

     Macroscopes reveal the interconnections and
 interactions that produce the emergent properties
   of systems (e.g., the strange nonlinear, chaotic
   effects that clearly impact weather, the economy,
                 biological processes…).

        Landsat 1 - 7


                                      Spot 1 - 4
Are these just pretty pictures?
Fires in the Amazon
Image from 2009
                      Image from 2000
So what is the status of environmental movement in IL today?
> 100 environmental organizations in IL today
Center for Neighborhood Technology                 McHenry County Defenders
Champaign County Audubon Society                   Natural Land Institute
Chicago Audubon Society                            Nature Conservancy of Illinois
Chicagoland Bicycle Federation                     Northwest Illinois Audubon Society
Chicagoland Environmental Network                  Openlands Project
Chicago Recycling Coalition                        Peoria Audubon Society
Chicago Wilderness                                 Peoria Wilds
Citizens for Conservation                          Pierce Downer's Heritage Alliance (DuPage County)
Conservation Foundation                            Prairie Enthusiasts
Corlands                                           Prairie Rivers Network
Decatur Audubon Society                            Prairie Woods Audubon Society (Arlington Heights)
Earthshare of Illinois                             Republicans for Environmental Protection - Illinois
Environmental Education Association of Illinois    Save the Prairie Society
Environmental Law & Policy Center                  Sierra Club
Environment Illinois     Are you familiar with any of
                                                   Sierra Club - Alton
Evanston North Shore Bird Club                     Sierra Club - Carbondale
Fox Valley Land Foundation
                            these organizations?   Sierra Club - Chicago
Grand Prairie Friends                              Sierra Club - DeKalb
Illinois Audubon Society                           Sierra Club - Geneva
Illinois Environmental Council                     Sierra Club - Glen Ellyn
Illinois Native Plant Society                      Sierra Club - Kaskaskia Group
Illinois Raptor Center                             Sierra Club - Moline
Illinois Student Environmental Network             Sierra Club - NE Illinois
Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation                 Sierra Club - NW Cook County
John Wesley Powell Audubon Society (Bloomington)   Sierra Club - Peoria
Lake Bluff Open Lands Association                  Sierra Club - Rockford
Land Conservancy of Lake County                    Sierra Club - Springfield
Land Conservancy of McHenry County                 Sierra Club - Urbana
Lake County Audubon Society                        SOLID
Liberty Prairie Conservancy                        Thorn Creek Audubon Society (Park Forest)
Today, the organization has grown to include 10 full-time
      employees and a fleet of 4 barges, a towboat, 6
 workboats, 2 skid steers, 5 work trucks and a large box
truck. With this equipment, the crew is able to travel and
      work in an average of 9 states a year along the
Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, and Potomac Rivers,
  as well as many of their tributaries. Since the project’s
  inception, Chad, his crew, and over 60,000 volunteers
 have collected over 6 million pounds of debris from our
 nation’s greatest rivers. Most recently, Chad expanded
    the mission of the organization to include Big River
Educational Outreach, The MillionTrees Project, and the
               Adopt-a-River Mile programs.

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Precision Organics
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Underground livestockUnderground livestock
Underground livestock

Emergence of a land ethic

  • 1. The emergence of a conservation ethic
  • 2. Answers due before the start of class on Monday 2/4!
  • 3. Politics contrast interview (Democrat vs. Republican) A little biographical info... Age? Gender? Political affiliation? relation to you? What comes to mind when you hear the word environmentalist? Do you consider yourself to be an environmentalist? Please briefly explain. Do you think current environmental regulations in the US are sufficient, insufficient, or excessive? Please briefly explain. What do you think of the current administrations approach to environmental issues? Are you aware that some of the most significant environmental legislation in US history (e.g., Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act, creation of the EPA as a federal agency) was passed during Republican administrations? Any thoughts? What are your main sources of information about environmental issues? What do you think are the most serious environmental issues today? Do you make a daily effort to conserve resources (e.g., water, electricity, fuel)? Explain. How regularly do you participate in outdoor recreation? Please briefly explain.
  • 4. Age contrast interview (< 25 years vs > 65 years) A little biographical info... Age? Gender? Education? Relation to you? Do you consider yourself to be an environmentalist? Please briefly explain. What do you think are the most serious environmental issues today? Do you think progress has been made in addressing environmental issues during your lifetime? Please briefly explain your answer. Do you think public attitudes about the environment have changed during your life time? Are you a member of any environmental organizations or subscribe to any environment related magazines? If so, please identify. What are your main sources of information about environmental issues? Do you make a daily effort to conserve resources (e.g., water, electricity, fuel)? Please briefly explain. How regularly do you participate in outdoor recreation? Please briefly explain. Do you have a favorite state park? national park? Please briefly explain.
  • 5. WO assignment due before the start of class on Wednesday 2/6 Carefully consider the interview responses that you collected and answer the following 2 questions: Which question(s) resulted in the most different responses? Briefly discuss. Which question(s) resulted in the most similar responses? Briefly discuss. Take a look at some of the responses submitted by other students for the same set of questions that you asked your interview candidate and answer the following question: Which question(s) do you think resulted in the most interesting responses? Briefly discuss. Take a look at some of the responses submitted by other students for the other set of questions and answer the following question: Which question(s) do you think resulted in the most interesting responses? Briefly discuss.
  • 6. 2 wrap up questions Was it a valuable experience interviewing 2 people and then looking at some of the responses that other students submitted? Briefly explain your answer. If I use this assignment again, do you recommend that I drop, add or edit any of the questions? Briefly explain your answer.
  • 7. Indigenous respect for the earth "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.“
  • 8. Have you read any books about indigenous cultures?
  • 9.
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  • 13. Have you seen any movies about indigenous people?
  • 14.
  • 15. Do you remember this scene?
  • 16. Did the Mississippians take good care of their land?
  • 17. Noble savage = romantic but often inaccurate view of indigenous people
  • 18. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) author, naturalist, philosopher Thoreau wrote extensively (over 20 published volumes) about diverse topics including personal experience, historical lore, natural history, and civil disobedience. Thoreau is best known for his book Walden, a reflection on simple living on the banks of Walden pond. For 2 years, he lived in a small, self- built house on 14 acres of land owned by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a fellow philosopher.
  • 19. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) author, naturalist, philosopher “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.. to see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived… I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life…”
  • 20. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) author, naturalist, philosopher “As a single footstep will not “I went to the on the earth, so make a path woods because aI single thought deliberately.. wished to live will not make a pathway could not learn to see if I in the mind. To what it a deep teach, and not, make had to physical path, we walk again and again. To when I came to die, discover that I had not lived… I make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the wanted to live deep and suck kindall the marrow of life…” out of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.” Thoreau’s writings have had far reaching influence. Political leaders and reformers like Mahatma Gandhi, President John F. Kennedy and civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of being strongly affected by Thoreau’s writing.
  • 21. John Muir (1838 -1913) author, preservationist, founder of the Sierra Club Muir was an early advocate of wilderness preservation whose letters, essays, and books describing his adventures in nature have been read by millions. His activism helped to preserve the Yosemite Valley, Sequoia National Park and other wilderness areas. The Sierra Club, which he founded, is now one of the most important conservation organizations in the United States.
  • 22. John Muir (1838 -1913) author, preservationist, founder of the Sierra Club “Thousands of tired, nerve- shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.”
  • 23. John Muir and President Teddy Roosevelt at Yosemite in 1903 John Muir (1838 -1913) author, preservationist, founder of the Sierra Club “Thousands of tired, nerve- “When we contemplate shaken, over-civilized the whole globe as one people are beginning to find out that goingstriped great dewdrop, to the mountainsdotted with and is going home; continents and islands, that wildness is a flying through space with necessity; and that mountain parks and other stars all singing and reservations are usefulone, shining together as not only as whole universe the fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as appears as an infinite fountains of life.” storm of beauty.”
  • 24.
  • 25. Have you ever looked at this magazine?
  • 26. Gifford Pinchot (1865 -1946) 1st chief of the US Forest Service Governor of PA Pinchot’s father James, regretted the damage that his family's lumber company had done to America’s forests and sent his son to Europe to study forestry. Pinchot served as the first Chief of the Forest Service from 1905 until his firing in 1910. He served as Governor of PA from 1923 to 1927 and again from 1931 to 1935. Pinchot is known for reforming the management of forests in the United States.
  • 27. Gifford Pinchot (1865 -1946) 1st chief of the US Forest Service Governor of PA “ Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its resources for the lasting good of men” “The outgrowth of conservation, the inevitable result, is national efficiency.” “Conservation is the application of common sense to the common problems for the common good.”
  • 28. Two opposing perspectives emerged within the early environmental movement in the US: the conservationists vs. the preservationists. The conservationists (e.g., Gifford Pinchot) focused on the proper use of nature, whereas the preservationists (e.g., John Muir) sought to protect nature from use. Put another way, conservationists sought to regulate human use while preservationists sought to preserve wilderness areas as undisturbed by human impact as possible.
  • 29. Loss of old growth forest Each dot represents 25,000 acres
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  • 31. Yellowstone National Park, established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872 is widely held to be the world’s first national park.
  • 32.
  • 33. Theodore Roosevelt had an impact on the national park system extending well beyond his presidency. As chief executive from 1901 to 1909, he signed legislation establishing 5 national parks: Crater Lake in OR; Wind Cave in SD; Sully’s Hill in ND (later redesignated a game preserve); Mesa Verde in CO; and Platt in OK (now part of the Chickasaw National Recreation Area). Another Roosevelt enactment actually had a broader effect, the Antiquities Act of June 8, 1906. While not creating a single park itself, the Antiquities Act enabled Roosevelt and his successors to proclaim historic landmarks, historic or prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest in federal ownership as national monuments.
  • 34. On August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill creating the National Park Service as a separate bureau of the Department of the Interior
  • 35.
  • 36. Aldo Leopold (1886 – 1948) author, wildlife biologist, professor at UW and environmentalist -best known for his book A Sand County Almanac (1949), which has sold over two million copies. -influential in the development of modern environmental ethics and the science of wildlife management.
  • 37. “That land is a community is the basic concept of ecology, but that land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics. That wildlife is merely something to shoot at or look at is the grossest of fallacies. It often represents the difference between rich country and mere land. In dire necessity somebody might write another Iliad, or paint an Angelus, but fashion a goose?... If, then, we can live without goose music, we may as well do away with stars, or sunsets, or Iliads. But the point is that we would be fools to do away with any of them. A land ethic, then, reflects the existence of an ecological conscience, and this in turn reflects a conviction of individual responsibility for the health of the land. Health is the capacity of the land for self-renewal. Conservation is our effort to understand and preserve this capacity.”
  • 38. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was painted by Michael Angelus aka Michelangelo
  • 39.
  • 40. Reading questions – answers should be submitted on WO by Friday 2/8 1) The article describes how Aldo Leopold's childhood experiences influenced his interest in nature. Briefly explain how personal experiences have shaped your interest in soil and/or water resources. 2) According to the article, Leopold believed that industrialization,urbanization and abundance of material blessings obscured people’s understanding of their connection to the land. Do you share this view? If so, propose a strategy for reconnecting urban and otherwise disconnected people with soil and water resources. 3) Differentiate between the “community” and “commodity” concepts of land discussed in the article. 4) Describing Aldo Leopold, Fred Kirschenmann, Director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture wrote: “he had that incredible gift of looking at things as a whole”. Briefly comment on how you think advances in technology since Leopold’s time (for example satellites) have affected current thinking about soil and water resources. 5) Briefly comment on how Iowa middle schooler Stephen Frese was able to develop such an impressive understanding of Aldo Leopold’s life (you may want to skim the primary source information for the article). 6) The article states that more than half of the nation’s virgin forests had been cut down when Theodore Roosevelt became president in 1901. Curious about that statement, I tracked down a set of maps showing changes in old growth forest area over time. It is estimated that the old growth forests remaining in the US in 1990 (~ 30 million acres) represented less than 4 % of the area covered by old growth forest in 1620. Based on the map at the following link, estimate the total # of acres of old growth forest in 1620, 1850 and 1926. Show your calculations.
  • 41. By the 1920’s, severe land degradation by wind and water erosion was well documented in county soil surveys and USDA erosion inventories. Soil Survey of Louisa Cty, VA 1911 “90,000 acres of formerly cultivated land so cut to pieces with gullies that it must be classified as non-arable rough gullied land”
  • 42. Hugh Hammond Bennett HH Bennett was born near Wadesboro in Anson County, North Carolina and graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1903. Immediately upon graduation, he became a soil surveyor, and conducted soil studies, both in the United States and in other countries, that eventually convinced him that soil erosion was an extremely serious problem. Soil scientist and showman
  • 43. From “Soil Erosion: A National Menace (1928) “What would be the feeling of this Nation should a foreign nation suddenly enter the United States and destroy 90,000 acres of land, as erosion has been allowed to do in a single county?” “To visualize the full enormity of land impairment and devastation brought about by this ruthless agent is beyond the possibility of the mind. An era of land wreckage destined to weigh heavily upon the welfare of the next generation is at hand.”
  • 44. On September 13, 1933, the Soil Erosion Service was formed in the Department of the Interior, with Bennett as chief. The service was transferred to the Department of Agriculture on March 23, 1935, and was shortly thereafter combined with other USDA units to form the Soil Conservation Service by the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act of 1935. Hugh Bennett continued as chief, a position he held until his retirement in 1951. On October 20, 1994, the agency was renamed the Natural Resources Conservation Service to reflect its broader mission.
  • 45.
  • 46. Rachel Carson (1907-1964) marine biologist, author One of the most original and lastingly influential books of the 20th “Man's attitude toward century, a work that is often credited nature is today critically with launching the environmentalist important simply because movement. we have now acquired a fateful power to alter and destroy nature. But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself…[We are] challenged as mankind has never been challenged before to prove our maturity and our mastery, not of nature, but of ourselves.” First published in 1962
  • 47. Even before Silent Spring appeared in bookstores, there was strong opposition to it. Carson was violently assailed by threats of lawsuits and derision, including suggestions that she was a "hysterical woman" unqualified to write such a book. A huge counterattack was organized by Monsanto, American Cyanamid and other chemical companies. Biochemist and chemical industry spokesman Robert White-Stevens stated, "If man were to follow the teachings of Miss Carson, we would return to the Dark Ages, and the insects and diseases and vermin would once again inherit the earth.”
  • 48. “No responsible person contends that insect- borne disease should be ignored. The question that has now urgently presented itself is whether it is either wise or responsible to attack the problem by methods that are rapidly making it worse. The world has heard much of the triumphant war against disease through the control of insect vectors of infection, but it has heard little of the other side of the story—the defeats, the short-lived triumphs that now strongly support the alarming view that the insect enemy has been made actually stronger by our efforts. Even worse, we may have destroyed our very means of fighting. ... What is the measure of this setback? The list of resistant species now includes practically all of the insect groups of medical importance. ... Malaria programs are threatened by resistance among mosquitoes. ... Practical advice should be 'Spray as little as you possibly can' rather than 'Spray to the limit of your capacity' … “ Rachel Carson – excerpt from Silent Spring
  • 49. Tragedy of the Commons (Hardin, 1968)
  • 50. “Before I flew I was already aware of how small and vulnerable our planet is; but only when I saw it from space, in all its ineffable beauty and fragility, did I realize that human kind's most urgent task is to cherish and preserve it for future generations.” Sigmund Jähn, German astronaut
  • 51. “The Earth was small, light blue, and so touchingly alone, our home that must be defended like a holy relic. The Earth was absolutely round. I believe I never knew what the word round meant until I saw Earth from space.” Aleksei Leonov, Russian astronaut
  • 52. “A Chinese tale tells of some men sent to harm a young girl who, upon seeing her beauty, become her protectors rather than her violators. That's how I felt seeing the Earth for the first time. "I could not help but love and cherish her.” Taylor Wang, Chinese-American astronaut
  • 53. Ask an older person about the first time they saw a view of the earth from outer space
  • 54. 1970
  • 55. Initiated by US Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin, the first Earth Day celebration occurred on April 22, 1970. Over 20 million people on 2000 college campuses participated. Earth Day is now observed each year on April 22 by more than 500 million people in 175 countries.
  • 56. The US Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) was established in 1970 by President Nixon through an executive order which created a single, independent agency from a number of smaller arms of different federal agencies. More than Prior to the establishment of the half of the EPA’s staff are EPA, the federal government was engineers, scientists, and not structured to comprehensively environmental protection regulate the pollutants which harm specialists; other human health and degrade the employees include legal, environment. public affairs, financial, The EPA is led by its Administrator, and computer who is appointed by the president. specialists. Lisa P. Jackson is the current Administrator. The agency currently has an annual budget of ~ $7 billion and has ~18,000 full-time employees.
  • 57. What does the US-EPA do? The agency conducts environmental assessment, research, and education. It has primary responsibility for setting and enforcing national standards under a variety of environmental laws, in consultation with state, tribal, and local governments. It delegates some permitting, monitoring, and enforcement responsibility to U.S. states and Native American tribes. Enforcement powers include fines, sanctions, and other measures. The agency also works with industries and all levels of government in a wide variety of voluntary pollution prevention programs and energy conservation efforts.
  • 58.
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  • 62. As a follow-up to the environmental permit streamlining law signed and championed by Governor Pat Quinn in July 2011, the IEPA is pleased to launch a new environmental permitting portal. Development of this portal is a major step in the goal of making compliance with environmental regulations less burdensome and encourages economic and job growth without sacrificing our mission of protecting the state's environment. John J. Kim Interim Director, IEPA
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65. Farm leaders in Illinois have identified government regulations as the biggest threat to farm profitability in the state in the next decade. In all, 399 farmers completed a survey gauging their outlook on the agriculture industry during Illinois Farm Bureau's annual meeting Dec. 3-6 in Chicago. The survey was completed by voting delegates and by other leaders at the county farm bureau level. In answer to the open-ended question about profitability in the next ten years, slightly more than four in ten respondents said regulations are the biggest threat.
  • 66. Thomas R. Sadler Associate Professor 430m Stipes Hall 309/298-1734 Ph.D., University of Tennessee, 1998 Dr. Sadler received his Ph.D. in 1998 from the University of Tennessee. He teaches microeconomics and applied-micro courses, focusing on the economics of energy and the environment. Dr. Sadler will be joining us to lead a discussion of the economic impact of environmental regulations
  • 67. Today, the Cuyahoga is home to more than 60 species of fish, said Jim White, executive director of the Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization, a nonprofit group that coordinates cleanup efforts. Beavers, blue herons and bald eagles nest along the river’s banks. “We’re very impressed with the progress made in the Cuyahoga,” said John Perrecone, a manager of Great Lakes programs for the E.P.A.
  • 68. The short-lived fire in 1969 was out before the local press reached the scene to record images of its blaze. The Cuyahoga River also caught on fire in 1868, 1883, 1887, 1912, 1922, 1936, 1941, 1948 and 1952!!! Rivers in Maryland, New York and Michigan have also caught on fire.
  • 69.
  • 70. Percent of city's population Population in City with sewage treatment in 1940 1940 Milwaukee 85 780,000 Cleveland 75 1,200,000 Columbus 75 320,000 Indianapolis 75 420,000 Chicago The only 70 4,400,000 Baltimore US cities 70 750,000 Minneapolis-St. Paul with any 40 700,000 Washington, D.C. sewage 35 550,000 Buffalo 30 600,000 treatment Denver 30 280,000 in 1940 Toledo 30 300,000 New York 25 8,100,000 Philadelphia 15 2,000,000 San Francisco 10 780,000 Seattle 10 400,000 Los Angeles 5 1,300,000 Detroit 0 1,600,000 Boston 0 2,000,000 Pittsburgh 0 750,000 Cincinnati 0 500,000 Kansas City 0 450,000
  • 71. Impacts of DDT Birds DDT is most famous for its effect on birds. Research has shown that for some species of birds, DDT causes the thinning of eggshells. Species most strongly affected by DDT include: osprey, eagles, pelicans, falcons, hawks Mammals Historically, DDT was used to control mice, rats, and bats. What is bioaccumulation? Bats are especially sensitive to DDT. Very low doses of DDT can affect them severely. A lot of current research deals with DDT's effects on larger mammals. Human Beings In the early to mid 1950s, DDT became one of the most widely used pesticides. This was when we thought it was completely harmless to human beings. When used to control lice, people appeared to be unaffected even though DDT was applied directly to their bodies.
  • 72. Organics like DDT and PCBs and inorganics like mercury bioaccumulate
  • 73. 1987
  • 74.
  • 75. The investigator is dressed Earth as a doctor for two reasons. systems First, current investigation of the “health” of Earth systems analysis is in many respects reminiscent of the early study of human health hundreds of years ago. Science historians looking back 100 years from now will certainly tell a tale of both delusions and triumphs. Second, an important driver of Earth systems analysis is the insight that the health of Earth systems may be disrupted significantly by human activities.
  • 76. Society is currently struggling with how to rationally respond to the emerging science of complex systems. Public access to scientific information is greater than ever due to the internet and science is struggling to deal with this new transparency and associated public scrutiny.
  • 77. Lilliputian approach Bird’s eye approach What is a macroscope ? Modeling approach - a tool or process that makes very large or very complicated things understandable
  • 78. Where microscopes and telescopes allow observation of things that ordinarily are too small to see, macroscropes allow interpretation of things that are ordinarily too complex to understand. Macroscopes combat the over-specialization prevalent in modern science and the compartmentalization of scientific education. They facilitate a new interdisciplinary approach to scientific research. Macroscopes reveal the interconnections and interactions that produce the emergent properties of systems (e.g., the strange nonlinear, chaotic effects that clearly impact weather, the economy, biological processes…).
  • 79. Aeolus Landsat 1 - 7 Earth observation Spot 1 - 4 Terra
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  • 82. Are these just pretty pictures?
  • 83. Fires in the Amazon
  • 84. Image from 2009 Image from 2000
  • 86.
  • 87. 2010
  • 88. So what is the status of environmental movement in IL today?
  • 89. > 100 environmental organizations in IL today Center for Neighborhood Technology McHenry County Defenders Champaign County Audubon Society Natural Land Institute Chicago Audubon Society Nature Conservancy of Illinois Chicagoland Bicycle Federation Northwest Illinois Audubon Society Chicagoland Environmental Network Openlands Project Chicago Recycling Coalition Peoria Audubon Society Chicago Wilderness Peoria Wilds Citizens for Conservation Pierce Downer's Heritage Alliance (DuPage County) Conservation Foundation Prairie Enthusiasts Corlands Prairie Rivers Network Decatur Audubon Society Prairie Woods Audubon Society (Arlington Heights) Earthshare of Illinois Republicans for Environmental Protection - Illinois Environmental Education Association of Illinois Save the Prairie Society Environmental Law & Policy Center Sierra Club Environment Illinois Are you familiar with any of Sierra Club - Alton Evanston North Shore Bird Club Sierra Club - Carbondale Fox Valley Land Foundation these organizations? Sierra Club - Chicago Grand Prairie Friends Sierra Club - DeKalb Illinois Audubon Society Sierra Club - Geneva Illinois Environmental Council Sierra Club - Glen Ellyn Illinois Native Plant Society Sierra Club - Kaskaskia Group Illinois Raptor Center Sierra Club - Moline Illinois Student Environmental Network Sierra Club - NE Illinois Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation Sierra Club - NW Cook County John Wesley Powell Audubon Society (Bloomington) Sierra Club - Peoria Lake Bluff Open Lands Association Sierra Club - Rockford Land Conservancy of Lake County Sierra Club - Springfield Land Conservancy of McHenry County Sierra Club - Urbana Lake County Audubon Society SOLID Liberty Prairie Conservancy Thorn Creek Audubon Society (Park Forest)
  • 90.
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  • 95. Today, the organization has grown to include 10 full-time employees and a fleet of 4 barges, a towboat, 6 workboats, 2 skid steers, 5 work trucks and a large box truck. With this equipment, the crew is able to travel and work in an average of 9 states a year along the Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, and Potomac Rivers, as well as many of their tributaries. Since the project’s inception, Chad, his crew, and over 60,000 volunteers have collected over 6 million pounds of debris from our nation’s greatest rivers. Most recently, Chad expanded the mission of the organization to include Big River Educational Outreach, The MillionTrees Project, and the Adopt-a-River Mile programs.