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Prajwalana - 2016
		 Lost in Hyper-reality
at the political, social and cultural changes that take place so rapidly. The influence of the
changing scenario has led us to a dramatic change in thinking. I am reminded of a beautiful
poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning “Change Upon Change”.
			 Five months ago the stream did flow,
		 The lilies bloomed within the sedge,
		 And we were lingering to and fro,
Where none will track thee in this snow,
Along the stream, beside the hedge.
Ah, Sweet, be free to love and go!
For if I do not hear thy foot,
The frozen river is as mute,
The flowers have dried down to the root:
And why, since these be changed since May,
Shouldst thou change less than they?
And slow, slow as the winter snow
The tears have drifted to mine eyes;
And my poor cheeks, five months ago
Set blushing at thy praises so,
Put paleness on for a disguise.
Ah, Sweet, be free to praise and go!
For if my face is turned too pale,
It was thine oath that first did fail, --
It was thy love proved false and frail, --
And why, since these be changed now,
Should I change less than thou.
	 We are at the crossroads of conflicts of every kind: economic, social, racial, political, and cultural. We
cannot really understand the present. The quick succession of technology, political and social tiffs, gender and
race bias, wars and conflicts among nations and the list goes on. Where are we heading to?
	 This issue of Prajwalana comes to you with various topics that are disturbing us today. Some texts
are short but clear in their meaning. They have been original thematically. This number aims at building an
integrated society, where one has to recognize and appreciate or at least tolerate the changing and disturbing
	 I acknowledge with gratefulness the many authors for their reflections as well as Fr Stanislaus D’Souza,
SJ, Provincial and Fr Joseph D’Souza, SJ PCF for their continuous support. I am indeed grateful to Fr Richard
Sequeira, SJ for helping us in editing the material. Wish you a happy reading.
Sch. Anush D’Cunha SJ
Prajwalana - 2016
Sch. Avin SJ
	 Mahatma Gandhi rightly said, “When a woman is able to walk freely in midnight, then India has
achieved complete Independence.” Then are we still not independent? Let’s talk about this.
	 India has made such progress in various fields that it is able to stand high enough to compete with
other countries. If it’s so, then, is it not possible for India to venture in practising human rights? It has to
be possible because, when a citizen is able to enjoy all the rights, we can say India has already become
independent. But what is happening really? We celebrate the Independence Day every year, but still we are
not independent; we have the claim to use all the rights in this country, but still some have not the privilege
to use these rights.
	 India got independence at midnight of 14thof August, and it is indeed a midnight adventure. In every
one’s life there will be one or the other adventures, but it is a personal adventure. The common adventure can
be of doing something for the country. As John F Kennedy said, “Do not ask what the Country has done for
you but rather ask what you can do for the Country.” There are so many ways we can do something for our
Country. If we say that “All Indians are my brothers and sisters…”, then we have achieved something and
we have done something good to our country and of course that’s an adventure!
	 Doing adventurous things is not an easy job; there must be some pain in it, and then only we can gain
something. For the adventure of independence, all must try to work for it, or else we keep on celebrating the
independence year after year and achieve nothing. By uniting ourselves we can do something for the Country
and the Country can do something for us.
Sch Marian Ashok Sequeira SJ
	 Ever existing rainbow, oh, what a wonder! Yes friends, it is true. Here is a bright rainbow
at Desur in Belagavi district. It never disappears, but shines with different colours. It is our
lovely home XTC, which has turned to 50 years with cherishable memories. XavierTraining
College is a home, which is meant for forming young buddies. We have a common Juniorate
and Novitiate with energetic and ever available staff members. XTC is forming young Jesuits
to live an integrated life.
	 “What makes this house so special, that it always blooms and spreads its fragrance?”
The answer could be, “It is a common formation house.” Different colours are put together to paint the
world and increase its beauty. All of us are from different places, backgrounds, cultures and with different
temperaments. Yet, what keeps us united almost as blood relatives is the common purpose which we all share.
St Ignatius puts it across as, sanctification of one’s own soul and that of others. Our background and past
history doesn’t bother us. What matters much is that we feel a sense of belongingness to mother Society. We
are happy and fortunate to lead a Jesuit life with integration and with the richness of Ignatian spirituality.
There are also moments when we feel like breaking away, or when we feel lonely. But our bond never fades
away. It is God’s grace which is sufficient for all of us.
	 Life could be more meaningful when we live it by sharing it with each other. This is the important lesson
I have realised after living in this colourful house, X.T.C. I enjoy and appreciate the uniqueness of each other,
and feel strengthened when I am accompanied by my fellow Juniors. I cherish the colourful memories in this
house, and remain ever grateful to God for this golden opportunity. Long live X.T.C!!!
“The road to success is always under construction”
Lily Tomlin
Prajwalana - 2016
Sch. Melwil Vas SJ
	 Recently I read an article in the ‘FRONTLINE’ by Meera Nanda, titled Hindutva’s
Science Envy. It is about how some powerful organizations have twisted some facts of
science/history to suit their purpose. This is not a far-fetched fact. We know it is becoming
a common thing now. But how far can we allow this to go on?
	 Some politicians and the Hindutva “nationalists” try to instil national pride by
claiming some unverified rumours and reports as authentic. People tend to take them so
gullibly that critical thinking is left only to the experts. Some of these “facts” are even
taught in the schools. A famous one among these is that India is the discoverer of “zero” as
we know it today. But now it seems that the evidence for the theory of zero is not in favour of this proposition.
The same can be said about other claims made on the origin of the Pythagorean theorem and the Veda being
the mother of modern science.
	 Another problem we have with history is the way misrepresentation of history is believed to be the
truth by some who fight tooth and nail to make even others believe it. Recently, the Uttarakhand government
allocated Rs.25 crores to search in the Himalayas a mythical medicinal plant mentioned in the Ramayana,
Sanjeevani Booti. It wouldn’t be a surprise, if they propose next to build a Pushpak Viman to carry out covert
operations in Pakistan.
	 I think the first problem is due to the inferiority feeling felt by the Hindutva ideologists. We have not
reached the heights in modern science that the West has achieved; or perhaps, we may not do it even in the
next decade. So twisting data may turn out to be a good pacifier. This is not to say that India never had a
glorious past. But that glorious past in no way is comparable to the present situation.
	 The other problem is the wrong perspective we have of history itself. For most of us, history is merely
some data, facts or information. That is a child’s way of looking at history. Not all of us are ready to do some
hard work by thinking critically, synthesizing different ideas. Our intention should be to know the truth as
completely as possible. For this one needs to look objectively at the data whose composition is in a subjective
or biased manner. If we want better citizens for today and tomorrow, we have to encourage this way of
teaching history.
	 We learn the Bible by looking at different perspectives, thanks to the works of great scripture scholars.
We could use the same method to teach or learn history; especially the history of India. Then we can enter
into the mystery of history with passion.
Sch. Cannon SJ
	 “You look so beautiful in white”- This is a very famous romantic album song by the
group WESTLIFE. Similar words are ringing in my mind because of a similar experience of
mine in the recent past.
	 As always I was cycling towards my college with lots of anxieties, worries, fears,
tension and stress.Tension of submission of assignments, of punctuality to the class, of my
responsibilities as the general secretary of the college and, above all, of my practical internal
	 Amidst all these thoughts I saw an elderly woman in a white embroidered saree. She was in front of
the temple, carrying her son. Mind you, he was perhaps 30 years old. I was shocked to see him. He was
physically challenged. There wasn’t a sign of a frown on the lady’s face. And here I am, worried about petty
things of the world. She asked me with a smile, “What is the time, dear?”
Prajwalana - 2016
I said, 10:30...
She further told me proudly that he, Raghav, was her son...and that day was his birthday .... She asked me to
pray for him. I smiled and assured my prayers and said that she looked very beautiful in white. After this little
chat I rushed , but was late for class and was put out, but I was contented, for I had met God in that lady....
Every mother has a divine side....She takes care of her children till her death.
As children isn’t it our responsibility to take care of her when she is sick...?
Truly God’s representative on earth is our mother.
Sch Royster Monis SJ
	 Agnes was born in Albania, but most of her life was spent in India. She was a nun in
the Loreto Congregation, but her Master, Jesus, wanted her to start a new congregation
to help those people who were struggling to get even a piece of bread. She used to draw
spiritual water from the Jesuit Fathers, but today Agnes stands as a model to the Jesuits
in living the Ignatian way of life. That Agnes is none other than St. Teresa of Calcutta. She
was a woman, whose deeds followed her words, who lived Ignatius’prayer for generosity.
1.”Lord, teach me to be generous.”
Agnes, who later changed her name to Teresa, was a nun in the Loreto Congregation.
Though she was from Albania, she did not look back while serving the Lord. Her vision was clear and her
conviction was strong. Hence, we know that she became an Indian, leaving behind all her possessions.
2.” Teach me to Love and Serve You ’as You deserve’.”
Teresa’s heart began to melt when she saw a man in a gutter, fighting for his life. Her ship changed its
direction. She left the Congregation and started ‘The Missionaries of Charity’, a new Congregation. She
loved and served the lepers, the orphan children and very many others. She served them as if she was serving
her Master, Jesus.
3. “To give and not to count the cost.”
She lived her vow of poverty. All her so-called ‘possessions’ then were the people, who were very poor and
those who had no idea of how to continue living. She gave not only her belongings but herself to their service.
However, she never sought for any name or fame. Where are we today? “How is our desire to choose Poverty
with Christ poor rather than wealth?”(Sp.Ex-167)
4. “To fight and not to heed the wounds.”
Once a man asked Mother Teresa whether she was involved in conversion work. The answer was something
unusual and unexpected. “Yes,” she said, “I do convert people-Hindus to be better Hindus, Christians to
be better Christians and Muslims to be better Muslims.” By this she founded the religion of love under the
inspiration of her Master, Jesus. She respected each human person, no matter to which religion he or she
belonged. She fought and did not heed the wounds.
5. “To toil and not to seek for rest.”
“She rose, she prayed, she served.” Everyday Jesus began His daily ministry only after He finished speaking
to the Father. So it was with Mother Teresa. Her spiritual strength made her work and serve all day long.
For her, service was first; rest was last. Jesuits are known to be Contemplatives (even) in action. Wherever
we are, our mission is first, then rest. We are in the ‘Society of Jesus’ to serve with LOVE and “Love ought
Prajwalana - 2016
Sch Royster Monis SJ
“Oh! My love, I need you, I want you to be with me always, come back, my son,” cried Jose
bitterly after reading a letter from his son Ivin. “What was it in the letter that made Jose to
cry bitterly? Well, here is the letter; let us read it ourselves and find out why?
“Dear Daddy,
This is your loving son, Ivin, writing this letter to you. I write it to share the pain and
suffering I’ve undergone since my Mother died. I am deeply aware of your love for me
and I too loved you. You cared for me when I fell sick and you guided me along the right
path. But, Daddy, was it all that I needed? If you had thought so then I am sorry you were wrong. I received
everything from you but not freedom: freedom to be creative, freedom to think, freedom to make friendship,
freedom to express my own difficulties. You were like a puppet master and I was like your puppet. When I
was doing my primary studies, I was just like a living corpse, good for nothing. I had no ability to broaden
the horizons of my thinking. All my classmates were talented in something or the other, but I was like a frog
in the well. Where was my freedom?
When I grew young I wished to be like any other youth, but I was bound by your rigidity. You did not like me
enjoying myself with my friends. I felt like living in hell. By God’s grace I scored good marks in my exams,
but when I was in search of a job, no one was ready to give me a job because I had no qualities that an
employee is supposed to have. I felt that I was rejected and ignored by all, but it was then I met Darshan, my
best friend and the only friend in my life, who gave me a job. Daddy, I know that you don’t like Darshan. I am
aware that he is a worldly kind of person. He smokes, drinks and what not! But I want to tell you something,
Darshan is also a man who understands others well. He is kind, gentle and generous. I am not ready to lose
him in my life.
to manifest itself more in deeds than words.”(Sp.Ex-230)
6. “To labour and look for no reward.”
Her works were tremendous. She is one among those women who showed that even a woman can be a
model for men. Rightly she received many awards and honours for her selfless work. When awards came
and honours increased, she continued doing the routine selfless work for the left-out people. We pledged
ourselves to choose Poverty, Contempt and Humility and, most of all, to be the servants of all. It is good for
us to learn something from Mother Teresa’s life.
7. “Except that of knowing, that I do Your holy will.”
‘They should be frequently urged to seek God in all things, transcending the attraction of all creatures, to set
their hearts wholly on the Creator, loving Him in all creatures and them all in Him, according to His most
holy and divine will.’(Const:288) Mother Teresa sought or desired just to know God’s will and to work for
it. She pleased God first, then his creatures. Discerning God’s will sometimes seems difficult for us, but the
happiness behind that only persons like Mother Teresa knew. She tasted the Lord and said that He was good.
More than 200 times the words ‘God’s will’are repeated in the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, so that
we may become aware that all our intentions, actions and operations (Sp. Ex. 46) are for His will.
Mother Teresa’s life teaches us that we can, as Jesuits, militants of the Society of Jesus, are not called
to sail along the sea shore but to row into the deep sea. The zeal for God’s service should tempt or inspire
us to keep one foot raised always. All that matters is not what we were or what we are, but having a strong
conviction of our vocation to the universal Society of Jesus. Once upon a time, Jesuits were the spiritual
Fathers for Mother Teresa, but today she stands as a model for us to lead a better Jesuit life. Why cannot we
ask: If a simple Agnes could become that, why not I?
Prajwalana - 2016
Daddy, don’t search for me. Now I am free: free to think, act, be creative and mingle with all. I love my life.
I want to achieve all that I dream of. Be assured that I am happy. Now I am married too and living a happy
life with greater freedom. Now, when I feel low there is someone to lift me up; when I am successful there is
someone to appreciate me.
Daddy, I do want to see you. I do want to be with you always. I do want to fulfil all your desires. I want to
come back home. But only if you are ready to give me freedom. Dad, I remember you always. It is eight years
since I left you without saying a word. Dad, I love you and I am proud of you. I believe that you love me even
now and you love me more than I love you…
Your loving Son
Dear friends, freedom is not purchased. It is within us and each one of us has the right to live in it.
Sch Chetan Kumar SJ
She was loving,
She was caring,
She had everything,
To be a parent to the orphans.
She had a body,
She had a heart,
Nothing she did for herself,
But for those whose Body is broken.
Lovable and great are the poor,
Thirsty is Jesus in them;
To satisfy it is our task,
Love is all what we need.
Smile was her language,
Jn 15:12 was her mission,
Small things she did with great love,
As pencil in the hands of the author of life.
She is mercy personified,
She is the Saint of the gutter,
Everything was she to those with nothing,
She is Mother Teresa.
Prajwalana - 2016
Sch. Ashwil Lobo SJ
	 “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” [John 21:15] was the
question asked by Jesus to Simon peter. The repetition of this question at a third time
put Simon peter in a turmoil. Was this question an invitation to love? Or perhaps a
compulsion to be under someone’s bondage? In Jewish tradition a disciple ought to serve
his master [Rabbi] and fallow him in all circumstances, no matter what the situation was.
This perhaps made the followers to think alike and act alike their masters. In Jesus’s case
the disciples were not merely followersbut they were friends. Jesus loved them as his own.
He was never a task master in guiding them. “I no longer call you servants, because a
servant does not know what his master is doing. Instead I call you friends” [John 15:15]. This deep love
however stimulated Jesus to wash their feet at his at his last supper. Hence this love is mutual. It flowed out
of freedom from heart.
Freedom and love perhaps are important essence in each person’s life. They are like the two wings of a bird,
one always needs and upholds the other. Our life seems smooth and meaningful when we love and are being
loved by others. Freedom is like icing on a cake of love. It makes love more realistic than superficial. Love
is more fundamental in correspondence with freedom. Without them we would be somehow less than human.
Freedom of love is more reflective and deep. The word ‘Love’perhaps has been variedly used by many with
no many sense. This is nevertheless an expression of desire for something. It only means to utilise something
as far as they give pleasure to self. There is no give and take and mutual sharing. The love that Jesus shows
us is the love that flows out from the heart out of freedom. It involves sacrifice and other centeredness.
Mother Theresa said “give until it hurts”. She as a person I feel had experienced a love from Christ which
made her give everything of her to others. When one experiences the real love which is out of freedom one
cannot but love in return.
Freedom and love does not overrule each other, but they precede each other in circumstances. The
contemplation to obtain love prescribed by St. Ignatius at the end of the spiritual exercises has been given a
greater importance during the retreat. This exercise has been utilised as an effective tool to bring a genuine
aspect of love in every Jesuit life. It has further helped many to experience the real love that Christ showed
from the cross. Thus we understand that love is an essential part of every one’s life, it is perhaps the life blood
of ever creature. Understanding of this love in the light of freedom would help a person to blossom as a free
individual.“Let the freedom of light ablaze with the candle of love, and may it spread the message of Christ
through the corners of the world.”
Sch Amith Sandeep D’Souza SJ
	 Fr Gerard W. Hughes, SJ exclaims that our God is a God of surprises. But these
surprises occur only when God gives us a surprise visit! Each visit of God has a certain
purpose to be fulfilled. However, God visits us by choosing and sending a person from
among us.
	 While the Israelites were under slavery, God surprisingly visited them by sending
Moses to set them free and to lead them to the land of milk and honey. God visited the
early Christian communities in Corinth, Galatia and Rome by sending Paul, to reveal
his message that Jesus is the saviour of the world. As years passed by, God chose and sent all the baptized,
especially the consecrated people, into the world, to fulfil the purpose of his surprise visit, by playing the
prophetic role, i.e. to be a mouthpiece of God in today’s world as Moses and Paul were in theirs.
A Prophetic role: Crying Need of the Church and the World
Prajwalana - 2016
	 Today, we are living in a‘Wi-Fi’world. Globalisation, industrialization and science have done good to
people worldwide. We have witnessed tremendous progress and achievements. At the same time, we are also
living in a‘Wicked-Filled’world of human trafficking, corruption and terrorism. The majority of people are
suffering from depression, isolation and meaninglessness.
	 All these negative changes are happening in the world because of the negative hearts of human beings.
People are doubting the existence of God, salvation history, repentance and sacraments. Consequently,
people are becoming atheists. It is sad to know that many consecrated people are also affected by this reality.
But there are countless people, who have raised their voice to God to come down and lead us on.
	 As in earlier times, God has heard their voice! This time God’s surprise visit, in the words of the
Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr Adolfo Nicolas, “…opens an era full of hope for the church.”
As God visited the Israelites and the early Christian communities by sending Moses and Paul, today he
has surprisingly visited us by anointing and sending Fr Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Archbishop of Buenos
Aires, to be the Vicar of Christ, the Pope, to reveal his joy, light and mercy and to free the world from all its
disordered attachments and to lead it in the way of salvation.
A Prophet: Man of God and Man for Others
	 Even though I joined religious life in order to spend my entire life as a priest, I was aware of the scandals
and problems in it and in the Church. Hence, I was expecting a role model, if not a prophet, to inspire me and
the world of today, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. This expectation of mine, to my surprise, was fulfilled
when I read the news of 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church washing the feet of the twelve prisoners
during the Holy Thursday ceremony at Casal del Marm on March 28, 2013. He is the first Pope from Latin
America, the first one who did not take part in Vatican II, the first Jesuit Pope and the first one to take the
papal title after St Francis of Assisi. Soon, Pope Francis, wearing a silver cross around his neck, not only
became our role model, but also a prophet of our age and a prophet for the 1.3 billion Catholics around the
	 Pope Francis’simplicity, humility, cheerful nature, commitment, apostolic zeal and love for the Church
and the world, touch even the hard-hearted. He embraces people, kisses children, respects all religions and
prays for us, as our spiritual father. He inspires all people of good will through his words, deeds and his very
	 As a prophet of God, Pope Francis plays a dual role. One is to announce the good news, build up and
encourage the faithful to remain close to God, to others and to themselves. Similarly, the Pope announced the
year of consecrated life, called for a new evangelization, shared the joy and light of the Gospel and launched
the Jubilee Year of Mercy on 8 December, 2015. He is guiding the church in a more sympathetic way than
many of his predecessors. And the other is denouncing the evil deeds of the people and powerfully calling
them to repent and turn to God. The Pope condemned strongly the terrorist attacks on Paris (13 November,
2015) saying, “Such barbarity leaves us dismayed and we ask ourselves how the human heart can plan or
carry out such horrible events.” He called the Church to go out into the streets, seek the people and to visit
the families and through the encyclical, ‘Laudato Si’ (2015), he invited the entire world to take care of our
common home. He also raised his voice against the sex abuse by priests, abortion and homosexuality.
	 He is a man of both word and deeds. He continues the ministry among the poor, prisoners, sick and the
marginalized. In the words of St Paul, Pope has become all things to all people that he might by all means
save some (1 Cor 9:22). His simple gesture of embracing Vinicio Riva, a severely disfigured man, made him
feel strong and happy and also to move ahead because the Lord is protecting him. His ministry among the
poor reveals that the Church is for the poor and that poverty is at the centre of the Gospels, and his mission
among the sick, prisoners and people of this world, discloses that God is our loving Father and we are his
loving children.
To Challenge the Challenges
Rooted in Ignatian spirituality, Pope Francis is a man of discernment. He is very well aware of God’s plan,
Prajwalana - 2016
through him, to the whole world. But he is also aware of the present reality. Since God’s and the world’s ways
are not the same, there are people plotting to trap him and the Church. He has a great challenge to preserve
the holiness of the Church from those who scandalise her and use her for their own end. He has also to face
problems like abortion, divorce, dignity of women in the Church, gay marriage and homosexuality. Because
of his prophetic role in the ‘Wicked-Filled’ world, the ‘Most Holy Family Monastery’ calls him an ‘Anti
Pope’, and even some of the Cardinals and Christians are turning against him.
	 But a prophet never gives up! A gentle smile always beaming on his face tells the world strongly, that
he is ready to face any kind of challenge in the name of Jesus….
Our response to the responsibility
	 The purpose of God’s surprise visit is being fulfilled through the prophet, Pope Francis. Now it is a
challenge for us to listen to this God’s prophet as we are living among the false prophets of the world. It is
the responsibility of each individual to fall into the good soil to bring forth grain, may be a hundred, sixty or
thirty fold (Mt 9:8).
Sch. Avin SJ
	 We know that people today can install software in the computer through which the
computer can give us better results. But can we install software in our hearts? Is this
	 The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the heart and brain of the computer, without
which the computer is nothing but a brain dead person. We human beings have a heart and
a brain. The heart and the brain make the full person and show who he or she is. Everything
depends on these two. There are many types of software available in the market. But, for
the heart , where do we need to go? In this present world it might seem difficult for us to get
the software needed to install in our hearts. There are two options. Either 1) we get the software from those
who already have it , or 2) we download it. To download there is no need to go to the internet, but there is
something to turn to, which is greater than the internet viz., the one who has put the idea of inventing the
internet into persons. His internet is unlimited and free and to add to it, there is Wi-Fi. He keeps on giving,
but we must not keep on forgetting. To download we must have a downloader in our system viz., our trust in
him. There is no cut and paste option. To download the full version we need a proper understanding of him.
	 Our minds can be compared to the local disk drive D or E and our hearts are like the local disk C. We
cannot change or dispense with them, because of the following reasons:
*	 It deals with the intelligence
*	 It is head level understanding
*	 The brain thinks
*	 The brain has no feelings
*	 It deals with the insights
*	 It is depth level understanding
*	 The heart reflects
*	 The heart has many feelings
Prajwalana - 2016
Once the downloading is done, get ready to install the program using the following steps:-
1. Go to the Installation Wizard application in your brain.
2. Then fill up the form i.e.,your name, for what you are using it,-whether for your own self, for your friends,
family members, etc. And then go to the next step.
3. For every software there are terms and conditions. Go through them and reflect over them carefully and
click on “accept” if you wish to go further.
4. To install you need serial numbers. So give the numbers for how many people your heart will be useful by
using this new software.
5. Before giving the “install” command, a note may appear whether this software may be a threat to others
or to oneself. (It depends on what kind of software you are installing).
6. Then give the “install” command. Once this is done, you will see the note “This may take several minutes,”
so try to work hard on it. For this, you need to wait patiently for better results.
7. Once it is installed, you are ready to use the software.
	 Caution! Once the software is installed there is only one way to uninstall it viz., to change your heart,
because once the depth of the heart captures something, it is not easy to uninstall it till death.
Sch. Dolwin Cutinha SJ
	 Fr Ted Bowling SJ is a 92 year old American Jesuit
missionary of Patna province. He did his master’s degree
in chemistry at the University of Detroit, U.S.A. He was
the professor of “Basic Science and Scientific Questions
connected with philosophy” at JDV, Pune. He was the director
of institute for Home study. He was a great apostle of ecology.
Presently he is a resident of DNC Jesuit community, Pune.
1. Your inspiration to become a Jesuit?
The thought of becoming a priest came to my mind when I was an altar boy
and during my personal devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. When I was in
10th Std my teacher asked all the boys in the class to write him a letter about
our future plan and I wrote about my desire of becoming a priest. He guided
me for the next 2 years. In my 12th Std I was fond of chemistry and thought
of exploring the possibility of becoming a chemistry teacher. Later I came
across a Jesuit priest from whom I learned that I could be both a soldier of Christ and a teacher of chemistry.
I lived this vocation in my Jesuit life.
2. Your inspiration for coming to India?
I came to know about American Jesuits working in the Patna region only after I joined the Novitiate. I was
inspired by reading reports of their work. I thought, perhaps I would also be happy there. Perhaps I could
walk in the footstep of Francis Xavier and continue to work like him. After finishing my master’s degree in
chemistry at the University of Detroit, U.S.A, I volunteered for India.
3. You have become an inspiration for all of us. Can you think of something you loved doing as a Jesuit?
I cherished doing ordinary things with great enthusiasm. During my master’s studies I enjoyed my studies
but I was also helpful in the community by reading from a book to the community during meal time, by setting
up altars at 5.30 am where priests could say individual mass, assisting staff members by car to places they
Prajwalana - 2016
needed to go, caring for the sick, preparing the community recreation, etc.
4. Can you think of some moments or experiences that seemed like a great challenge during your life in
the Society?
A great challenge came to me in 1959, two years after I began teaching at JDV. At that time Fr.Peter Sontag
SJ, an American Patna Jesuit, was spiritual director at DNC. He was also the founder, in Patna, of the
institute for Home study which he brought with him to Pune. I was asked to take over the institute when he
had a serious heart attack in 1959. It was a correspondence course on the life and teachings of Jesus for the
people of another faith.
5. Your experience as a teacher at JDV?
I always enjoyed teaching “Basic Science and Scientific Questions connected with philosophy”, but especially
the demonstrations of principles of science in the class room and during recreation time after supper. One
subject that another staff member and I thought for 12 years with inputs from doctors, nurses and married
couples was always overcrowded. The title of the course was “Psycho-biology of human sexuality”.
6. You have been a great apostle of ecological issues. What are some of your anxieties and hopes in this
I have often read in the newspapers how eager institutions and the government are to plant thousands of
saplings at the beginning of the monsoon. But I don’t remember reading in any newspaper about who will
water or nurture the saplings so that they thrive. I am anxious about that.
7. Your message for Jesuit scholastics in formation?
Pick a goal, or accept a goal set by your superior, and persevere in fulfilling it.
Sch. Anush D’Cunha SJ
Monsoon, you, O monsoon,
Why do you desert us so soon?
Each day was greeted with your shower,
Leave us in the hot sun never.
Last summer you taught us your worth,
We welcomed you with heartfelt mirth.
You weren’t active this year too,
I know, you are sad for what we do.
Monsoon, you, O monsoon, do not leave us so soon,
I’ll think of you morning, evening and noon.
“The human mind is like a parachute, it only works when is open”
Frank Zappa
Prajwalana - 2016
Sch. Larren SJ
	 Jesuits are called to take up frontier missions. But if anyone is asked today to volunteer
for the Middle East mission, I do not know how many will opt for it. This is because, the
world has witnessed the massacre of some Christians in that part of the world, by the
terrorists. It is to be noted that the attacks were carried out by the Muslim fundamentalists,
namely the ISIS (Islamic state of Iraq and Syria).
	 The tragedy today is that many consider Muslims to be terrorists. Even an American
Presidential candidate, in one of the debates, mentioned that if he was elected President of
America, he would ban the entry of Muslims into America. He further justified it by saying
that, it was not because of religion, but because of security. By this he means to say that the
Muslims are a threat. This, for me, is unacceptable.
	 Blaming an entire religion for the mistakes of a minority is fallacious. More than that, before blaming
the Muslims or the so called Muslim fundamentalists, one needs to remember the role played by the developed
nations in promoting terrorism, especially America. Osama bin Laden, who was a nightmare to the entire
world, was a product of U.S.A. When he was out from the University of Jedah, he began to organize people
and raise money with the help of CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and the U.S. Armed forces intelligent
services in the 1980’s. This was in order to recruit fighters for the Afghan Mujahidin that were fighting the
Soviet. This was the base for the present day, Al-Qaida. The U.S.A., also encouraged the Islamic groups from
all over the world, to come to Afghanistan. It also provided $3 billion for the building up of these Islamic
groups, and allowed Pakistan to decide, how the money would be spent.
	 It is also to be noted that the arms the ISIS uses are the Kalashnikov rifle (AK47), a Soviet and Russian
made rifle, M16 rifles, Heckler and Koch MP5, a 9MM German designed gun, semi-automatic handguns,
M42 rocket launcher, smoke grenades, dynamites, suicide bombs and other explosives. They also possess the
latest means of communication. All these are not possible for the poor developing countries to manufacture.
The explosives are illegally exported by the developed nations to these terrorists, for the sake of profit.
	 Muslims are blamed for terrorism. But no religion teaches violence, nor asks its adherents to kill people
in the name of God. If this were true, terrorists should have spared Muslims and killed the rest. But if
we notice the recent terror attacks, even the Muslim holy places have been targeted. These attacks on the
innocents by the Islamic fanatics are to fulfil their motives. Above all, we witness the love, care and affection
our Muslim neighbours and friends have for us. If Muslims were the cause of terrorism, we would never be
alive and India would never be united in spite of diversity.
	 Today, this terrorism has become a global problem. I think it is not the right time for us to blame
Pakistan or the other Muslim nations for terrorism. Rather, we need to be worried, that innocent youth are
falling prey to this and are spoiling their future as well as destroying peace in the world.
Raju: Photosynthesis is our topic for today.
Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention here?
Student: Yes ma’am, I am paying as little attention as i can.
Prajwalana - 2016
Sch. Marvin Apose SJ
	 I, Ramesh Varma, was born on December 31, 1901, in a village called Laxmipura,
near Bhagalkot district in Karnataka. Words cannot express the beauty of my village. I
enjoyed my childhood like any other child and I had many friends to play with. But my life
was shattered when my parents went to heavenly abode. I was just14 years old then. Both
my parents were freedom fighters and both of them fell victims to the cruel bullets of British
army on the same day. The responsibility of taking care of two of my siblings fell on me. My
brother, Varun, was 8 years old and sister, Gayatri, 5 years old, was blind. There were none
to take care of us. I had a slight desire to join the British army but the love that I had for my
country and the seeds of patriotism that my parents had sown in me, prevented me from joining the army. I
was employed by the “Zhamindar” of my village. He was a very good man. He was helping financially all
the freedom fighters whom he knew. He was really proud of my parents. He helped me a lot financially as
well as materially. He sent my brother to a village school, which had a poor infrastructure. There was only
a teacher. He was called Shastriji. He was a strict disciplinarian. He encouraged all the students to develop
a sense of belonging to our nation.
	 I joined my childhood friends Akshay Rao, Subas Reddy, Sangam, Abdul, Ibrahim and many others to
fight for freedom. We were regular for all the movements. In 1927 I left for Bombay along with my friends to
partake in the movements and to join the Indian army to fight against the British. I felt very difficult to leave
my siblings behind, but the zeal to serve the country did not allow me to turn back. I left my sister under the
care of Varun. I gave him all the money that I had, at that time he too was working and earning some money.
	 I was in Bombay and I was regular for all the freedom movements. I was beaten up by the British and I
escaped many a time from the bullets of British. I was imprisoned several times. I was inspired by the many
leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Neharuji, Lajpat Rai and many others. I was really privileged to see and meet
Gandhi in two occasions. I had lost most of my friends, but I was proud of them. I had a great desire to die
as a martyr.
	 With all this, I slowly began to forget my siblings. Though in the beginning, I had written some letters
home, hardly I received any response. Later I completely forgot about writing letters to them. I remained
a bachelor because I knew that I was leading a tough life and there were many like me who remained as
bachelors or spinsters because all of them were leading a dangerous life. All of us had the same desire of
getting freedom at any cost.
	 The youth of those days were very zealous to partake in the movements Gandhi’s waves were spreading
rapidly. “The quit India movement” and “non-co-operation movement” were successful. After years of
struggle on August 15, 1947 we received freedom and we could breathe the fresh air of freedom. I was then
48 years old. There was a great satisfaction and joy. I was ready to breathe my last peacefully. I had hardly
a few friends remained.
	 A month after getting freedom I travelled back to my village. I was eager to see my beloved siblings.
When I reached my home town, I found that everything had been changed. There were new houses and new
families. There was a new building for the village school. Shastriji, the teacher and the Zhamindar had
passed away. I had to struggle much to find my home. I found a wrecked old house. I soon realized that it
was my house. It was very dark inside, no lamp was lit. Cob-webs were not removed. The portico was full of
dry leaves. I could hear the soft rustling of leaves. I did not find my siblings there. There were many thoughts
ran through my mind. I was afraid. I felt that I was a completely failure. There was no hope of meeting them
again. With a desolated heart I left my home. Slowly began to walk towards the village temple. I wanted to
pay a visit and pray for my siblings. After praying in the temple, I sat outside the temple. There came a blind
woman, who was asking for alms from everyone around the temple. She came to me, but I had nothing to give
her. She touched my hand and all of a sudden exclaimed “Anna”, and then I realized that it was my beloved
sister Gayatri. I hugged her. My eyes were filled with tears. I began to enquire about Varun. From her I came
Prajwalana - 2016
to know that he was jailed by the British army, when he had gone for the freedom movement with his friends.
I took her back home and rest of the day I spent in cleaning the house. Later in the evening I went to meet
Zhamindar’s son, whom I knew very well. When I was working in his house he liked to play with me. He
had loved me a lot. Even he was very much affected by my departure for Bombay .I was very keen to see him
after a gap of twenty years. Zhamindar’s son was very happy to see me and he assured me of financial help.
On the following day I woke up just before dawn and I went to the central jail, which was in the very heart of
Bhagalkot district and released my brother and brought him back home. Once again the sun had risen and
there was a ray of hope. We began to lead a happy new life in the free country with my siblings. The sun set
had taught me sufficiently to loosen all the knots of life
Sch Ovin Rodrigues SJ
	 Recently I was touched by watching the newly released Hindi movie – Pink. The movie
is about three girls Minal, Falak and Andrea who are molested by Rajveer and his friends,
while at dinner hosted by the latter. Minal says NO to Rajveer’s acts but when it crosses
the limits; she smashes a bottle on his head in self-defence and runs away from the scene,
leaving him bleeding.
	 To avenge this insult, Rajveer along with his friends tries to disturb the girls by making
them vacate their rented house. They kidnap Minal and molest her in a moving car. Unable
to bear this torture, Minal is forced to lodge a police complaint. As Rajveer is related
to a powerful politician, the police file a false FIR against the girls instead of taking action against the
miscreants. Minal is labelled as a prostitute and charged with attempt of murder.
	 Deepak Sehgal (Amitabh Bachchan), a retired lawyer living in the neighbourhood of the girls, comes
to their rescue. He tries to secure a bail for Menal. The long legal battle that follows in the courtroom
is interesting. The opponent lawyer tries to prove the girls guilty by manipulating the witnesses and the
situation. But Amitabh Bachchan argues and proves that these girls are just and are victims of prejudice,
male domination and sexual abuse.
	 This movie is a simple one without any great scenes, action, songs, suspense or fun. But it has surely
affected and questioned the mindset with which women are perceived, judged and ridiculed in our country,
leaving the audience pondering and ashamed. In the movie three men try to forcefully go against the will of
the women by not respecting their dignity. Many of us who think ourselves to be righteous are no less at fault.
We try to force our thoughts or expectations on others. Women are judged to have loose character based on
their behaviour and habits. If a woman drinks, smokes, returns home late, talks freely with men and dresses
in a modern way, she is misunderstood. We have failed to walk in others’ shoes, respect their dignity and
allow them to enjoy their freedom. The message of the movie is powerful and clear. Each one has his or her
right to exercise freedom. No one can interfere or restrict it or force one’s views on others. It is not others
who have to change their way of living, but it’s we who have to change our way of thinking.
Sch. Shanthraj SJ
	 “You cannot control what happens to you in your life, but you can always control how
you respond to it. The way you choose to respond is a reflection of your attitude. By changing
your attitude, you also change your perspective and change your life,” says Roy Bennett.
	 Every beginning has its purpose, but every purpose need not have a beginning. The
write-up about the change of attitude which is a pre-requisite to the change of our life requires
both a beginning and a purpose. The question arises: how should be our life? The world is
Prajwalana - 2016
Sch. Joyson Sujay Vas SJ
	 We are living in a technologically advanced world where everything has become
easy and quite artificial. Life is losing its value and people are becoming very sensitive
in facing the hardships of life. Day by day people suffer due to various reasons in several
ways. They find it hard most of the time to understand suffering as it appears in their life’s
journey on this planet. At this juncture a person asks many questions and even doubts the
existence of God. It is at this time that one needs to be accompanied and to be understood
well in one’s situation. There are many kinds of suffering today when a person experiences
certain feelings of desertion and boredom in life. Some of them are discussed below.
	 Original Sin and Suffering: Here a person suffers because of the original sin of our first parents. When
Adam sinned, all of us were implicated, and we inherited a sinful nature (a) and were born in a fallen world.
(b) As a result, some suffering is simply the result of being part of Adam’s race. This remains the case until
Jesus returns, removes the presence of all sin and its effects, resurrects Christians from death, and ushers in
a new creation.
	 Satanic Suffering: Because Satan is alive and is at work in the world, demonic affliction is very real.
This includes (a) torment, (b) physical injury, (c) deception arising from false miracles, (d) accusation, (e)
sophisticated with IT companies, Malls, Industries, schools, colleges, Religious centres, various Business
companies and other entertainment places. Hence the source of life is seen as money which provides for the
above aspirations. Indeed it is a fact of the present reality. Life without money is worthless living. In every
field money is valued high - higher than human values.
The direction of our human approach requires a tremendous change in our life. Criticism has played a
major role in our society that can lead to the beginning of change. What kind of change are we looking for?
Change from a structured heart and mind that can instil in us positivity. As a child requires its mother’s
tender care, so too in our world. The cry of nature calls us for the conservation of life. Atrocities against
women and children call for a heroic determination to eradicate the evil from our society. Fundamentalism
and communalism wake us up from our slumber to wipe out the poison created by groups of people in the
name of religion.
The speciality about the ultimate reality that it is God who while creating us human beings instilled curiosity
in our hearts and minds. Its use or abuse is left to us. That is why we see the impact of growth and destruction
in our society. Therefore the present calls for a balanced or moderated lifestyle. The purpose of this article
is not to express criticism or regrets, but to invite ourselves to a change our attitude which can change our
life for the better. Change of attitude requires two major commitments in our daily life.
•	 Convictions to be convinced: Most of us lead our life without convictions and those of us who have some
convictions are not convinced of them. Hence this situation calls for having strong convictions which are
convincing to oneself and to others. This requires a consistent approach in our life. The completion of the
conviction takes place when one finds meaning in one’s life.
•	 Awareness of wonder: Life is so wonderful in the sight of the beholder. Most of the time we find fault in
others and around us while there hides the big mountain of negativity underneath. Becoming aware is the
beginning of the change in our attitude. It calls for a radical positivity and creativity in society, so that we
can find solutions rather than problems.
Realization is the only way in which humanity has been existing for ages. Thus the same realization calls
for a greater change in the present. We cannot control that which is beyond our control, but surely we can
control and practice that which is within our control. The ignorance of our intelligence should be banished
and replaced with a positive ambience before it becomes too late.
Prajwalana - 2016
“What’s happening with your phone, every time I call you it says
‘The subscriber you’re calling is a monkey, please contact the zoo”
and even death. This sort of suffering is very prominent and could be seen all around the world, for in a way,
Satan is ruling the world.
	 Collective Suffering: We suffer as a result of being part of a people who are suffering. Here situations
matter a lot. Based on the situation of a person, his or her suffering is seen. For instance, those born into
poverty, famine, hardship, physical disabilities and war have no other option than to experience suffering
simply because of where and when they were born. Vicarious Suffering: Vicarious suffering is like that of
Jesus Christ who suffered and died for our salvation. Vicarious affliction comes in varying degrees, from
opposition to persecution. We have a list of people in the history of Christianity who have suffered and died
to save others and for a just cause. This needs a tremendous faith and love of God. Empathetic Suffering:
This is the suffering that comes when someone we love is hurt. The Bible says, this will be common in the
Church, because when the people we love suffer, we suffer as well.
	 Mysterious Suffering: At times God, in his providence, choses not to reveal why we suffer. As Scripture
says, we know in part. (l) Job is the most obvious example of this kind of suffering, because during his trouble
he was unaware of what was transpiring between God and Satan. I believe that this category is incredibly
important because, if we are humble and honest, the truth is that life is often not as clear as the categories
listed in this blog.
	 Consequential Suffering: Sometimes we suffer because of our foolish decisions. We see examples of
this throughout the Book of Proverbs: the lazy become hungry, adulterers reap what they sow, fools suffer
harm, and poor financial stewards are impoverished. Practically, much of life’s suffering is consequential,
resulting from our decisions.
These are a few important types of suffering we come across in our day-to-day life. Many a time we fail to
understand these situations of suffering as they come. Most of the time one loses hope and fails to see a new
sunset in life. As we all know, there is no proper answer to this mystery of suffering which is very much real
in the world. As Christians we have a response to this because of our saviour who too suffered and died for
our sake and redeemed us from the clutches of death. At these particular hours of life, the victims need to be
understood well by others. They should be made to know about the true value of suffering. For us Christians
suffering is not an end in itself. It is a doorway to understand God and his love. This is a chance for us to
come closer to God.
It is also advisable for us to see suffering in a different way. When we see so many people suffering today, the
first thing we could do for them is to show compassion and love. We have to make them feel that they too are
comforted and loved in their situation. Often we see that people ignore the victims rather than make them feel
accompanied. At times it is enough even to listen to their agony and that would comfort them. Today suffering
has become a burden to people, and quite often they try to terminate suffering by putting an end to their life.
At this blind culture of disrespect to life, we as Christians are called upon to make a difference in the lives
of those who are suffering. We are called upon to give them a message that Christ still continues to suffer in
and through them, which is a great opportunity to be like Jesus and go closer to God. When we try to carry
this message we can make a marked difference in the wounded world of today.
Prajwalana - 2016
Sch Amith Sandeep D’souza SJ
	 As we lay on our mother’s lap, my elder brother and I did not know what to say
except, “Mother, we are very hungry.” Most of the time the answer we received from our
mother was a tear filled eye or “Drink water and sleep.”
	 Ours was a small Christian family, in a country where the majority of the population
was Muslim. My brother and I never saw our father. It was at the age of ten that I came to
know that my father got converted to Islam and became a Muslim. He forced my mother
to become a Muslim too. Since she refused, he left her and got married to a Muslim
woman. But my mother neither left her children nor her faith. She was everything for us. She gave sufficient
food for our spiritual life. She worked hard in the neighbouring houses to give us adequate physical food.
However, all of her hard work was in vain. Our neighbours, the so-called holy Christian families, treated
my mother worse than they would a slave. They were the main reason for making my family carry the heavy
burden of poverty and suffer limitlessly. But my mother bore everything silently. My brother and I began to
work hard, at an early age.
	 As we were coming from our work, I said to my brother, “Brother, at times I feel that life is miserable
because of these sufferings. But I feel happy and joyful whenever I think of our mother, you and the Christian
faith. Suffering has made us one.” My brother began to yell. “I am fed up of this suffering. We work hard day
and night but we gain nothing. We cannot enjoy our childhood as our neighbouring children do. Suffering
is making me like a wild beast and I am experiencing hell.” And he paused. He was also telling the truth.
I could sense his feelings, as we were in the same boat and carrying the same cross. Then he continued, “I
need to put an end to this suffering.”
	 My brother went away from the house one day without saying a word, and did not return. I searched for
him everywhere, but in vain. Days of suffering and waiting for my brother turned into months and years.
	 One night, a group of men, dressed in black and armed with guns, forcefully entered our house. One
of them went straight to the crucifix hanging on the wall, and threw it on the ground. My mother ran to pick
it up. Suddenly a rain of bullets fell on her. She died. I cried aloud and rushed towards my mother. But two
of them pulled me back and held my hands. Then I looked at the man who shot my mother. I was terrified. It
was her son, my brother! Then a loud wailing and crying made me look outside the house. I saw many men
dressed in black, and also my neighbours running helplessly, to save their lives. But these men were killing
all of them, mercilessly. I did not understand anything.
	 Then one of them came forward and placed a gun before me beside the crucifix. He said to me, “Choose!
Do you want to suffer and die for the sake of that toy or convert and become a Muslim and take up that gun
to build the Islamic State? If you choose the latter, bliss and glory are yours on this earth and in heaven!”
	 I looked at the crucifix and then at the gun. Suffering and death, or bliss and glory?
Sch. Ashwil Lobo SJ
	 “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” [John 21:15] was the question asked by Jesus
to Simon Peter. The repetition of this question a third time put Simon Peter in a turmoil. Was this question an
invitation to love? Or perhaps a compulsion to be under someone’s bondage? In Jewish tradition a disciple
ought to serve his master [Rabbi] and follow him in all circumstances, no matter what the situation was.
This perhaps made the followers to think alike and act like their masters. In Jesus’s case the disciples were
not merely followers, but friends. Jesus loved them as his own. He was never a taskmaster in guiding them.
“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know what his master is doing. Instead I call you
friends” [John 15:15]. This deep love however stimulated Jesus to wash their feet at the last supper. Hence
Prajwalana - 2016
this love is mutual. It flowed out of freedom from the heart.
	 Freedom and love perhaps are important elements in each person’s life. They are like the two wings of
a bird, one always needs and upholds the other. Our life seems smooth and meaningful when we love and are
being loved by others. Freedom is like icing on a cake of love. It makes love more realistic than superficial.
Love is more fundamental in correspondence with freedom. Without them we would be somehow less than
	 Freedom of love is more reflective and deep. The word ‘Love’perhaps has been variedly used by many
in many a sense. When someone says I love ice cream, he does not intend to say that he is in love with ice-
cream. This is nevertheless an expression of desire for something. It only means to utilise something as far
as it gives pleasure to self. There is no give and take, no mutual sharing. The love that Jesus shows us is the
love that flows from the heart out of freedom. It involves sacrifice and other-centeredness. Mother Teresa
said, “Give until it hurts.” She as a person, I feel, had experienced a love from Christ that made her give
everything of her to others. When one experiences real love that flows from freedom, one cannot but love in
	 Freedom and love do not rule out each other, but they presuppose each other. The contemplation to
obtain love proposed by St. Ignatius at the end of the Spiritual Exercises is given great importance during
the retreat. This exercise has been utilised as an effective tool to bring out a genuine aspect of love in every
Jesuit’s life. It has further helped many to experience the real love that Christ showed us from the cross. Thus
we understand that love is an essential part of every one’s life; it is perhaps the life blood of every human
being. Understanding of this love in the light of freedom would help a person to blossom as a free individual.
	 “Let the freedom of light be ablaze with the candle of love, and may it spread the message of Christ
through the corners of the world.”
Sch. Noel Dias SJ
Oh! How my heart feels for
The martyrs who died at Uri!
Oh! How gruesome the attacks
That killed our fellow beings!
Who are we to decide others’fate?
Aren’t we aware that we are creatures
And it is he who decides
What our life’s worth should be?
Have we become so inhuman
That we don’t feel the pain of others?
Have we become so cruel
As to take others’life for nought?
Who is to be blamed? Parents?
Education? No, it is we.
We ought to be responsible
For each other’s life as well as ours.
Prajwalana - 2016
Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous
Teach me to serve You as I should
To give and not to count the cost
To fight and not to heed the wounds
To toil and not to seek for rest
To labor and ask not for reward
Save that of knowing that I do Your most holy will
Fr Adolpho Nicolas SJ								 FrArthuro Sosa SJ
“Act as if everything depended on you. Trust as if everything depended on God.”
St Ignatius of Loyola
Sch. Jaison D’Souza SJ
Once a fresh mid-spring day
Let’s take a look at nature’s way
Breathe the scent of the nice fresh air
Feel the breeze within your hair.
Hear the buzzing of the bees
Climb the tallest willow trees
Look across the meadow way
And you shall see a young deer play.
Pick the daises as they grow
Watch a gentle cold stream flow
Know the sound of the water splash
Catch its glimmer in a flash.
When altogether all seems sound
Lay yourself upon the ground
Take a moment to inhale
And listen to nature tell her tale.
Prajwalana - 2016

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Prajwalana Highlights

  • 1. 1 Prajwalana - 2016 EDITORIAL Lost in Hyper-reality HavinglivedinIndiaaloneandtravelledthroughmanystates,Iamalwayswonderstruck at the political, social and cultural changes that take place so rapidly. The influence of the changing scenario has led us to a dramatic change in thinking. I am reminded of a beautiful poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning “Change Upon Change”. Five months ago the stream did flow, The lilies bloomed within the sedge, And we were lingering to and fro, Where none will track thee in this snow, Along the stream, beside the hedge. Ah, Sweet, be free to love and go! For if I do not hear thy foot, The frozen river is as mute, The flowers have dried down to the root: And why, since these be changed since May, Shouldst thou change less than they? And slow, slow as the winter snow The tears have drifted to mine eyes; And my poor cheeks, five months ago Set blushing at thy praises so, Put paleness on for a disguise. Ah, Sweet, be free to praise and go! For if my face is turned too pale, It was thine oath that first did fail, -- It was thy love proved false and frail, -- And why, since these be changed now, Should I change less than thou. We are at the crossroads of conflicts of every kind: economic, social, racial, political, and cultural. We cannot really understand the present. The quick succession of technology, political and social tiffs, gender and race bias, wars and conflicts among nations and the list goes on. Where are we heading to? This issue of Prajwalana comes to you with various topics that are disturbing us today. Some texts are short but clear in their meaning. They have been original thematically. This number aims at building an integrated society, where one has to recognize and appreciate or at least tolerate the changing and disturbing trends. I acknowledge with gratefulness the many authors for their reflections as well as Fr Stanislaus D’Souza, SJ, Provincial and Fr Joseph D’Souza, SJ PCF for their continuous support. I am indeed grateful to Fr Richard Sequeira, SJ for helping us in editing the material. Wish you a happy reading. Sch. Anush D’Cunha SJ
  • 2. 2 Prajwalana - 2016 A MIDNIGHT ADVENTURE Sch. Avin SJ Mahatma Gandhi rightly said, “When a woman is able to walk freely in midnight, then India has achieved complete Independence.” Then are we still not independent? Let’s talk about this. India has made such progress in various fields that it is able to stand high enough to compete with other countries. If it’s so, then, is it not possible for India to venture in practising human rights? It has to be possible because, when a citizen is able to enjoy all the rights, we can say India has already become independent. But what is happening really? We celebrate the Independence Day every year, but still we are not independent; we have the claim to use all the rights in this country, but still some have not the privilege to use these rights. India got independence at midnight of 14thof August, and it is indeed a midnight adventure. In every one’s life there will be one or the other adventures, but it is a personal adventure. The common adventure can be of doing something for the country. As John F Kennedy said, “Do not ask what the Country has done for you but rather ask what you can do for the Country.” There are so many ways we can do something for our Country. If we say that “All Indians are my brothers and sisters…”, then we have achieved something and we have done something good to our country and of course that’s an adventure! Doing adventurous things is not an easy job; there must be some pain in it, and then only we can gain something. For the adventure of independence, all must try to work for it, or else we keep on celebrating the independence year after year and achieve nothing. By uniting ourselves we can do something for the Country and the Country can do something for us. AN EVER EXISTING RAINBOW!!! Sch Marian Ashok Sequeira SJ Ever existing rainbow, oh, what a wonder! Yes friends, it is true. Here is a bright rainbow at Desur in Belagavi district. It never disappears, but shines with different colours. It is our lovely home XTC, which has turned to 50 years with cherishable memories. XavierTraining College is a home, which is meant for forming young buddies. We have a common Juniorate and Novitiate with energetic and ever available staff members. XTC is forming young Jesuits to live an integrated life. “What makes this house so special, that it always blooms and spreads its fragrance?” The answer could be, “It is a common formation house.” Different colours are put together to paint the world and increase its beauty. All of us are from different places, backgrounds, cultures and with different temperaments. Yet, what keeps us united almost as blood relatives is the common purpose which we all share. St Ignatius puts it across as, sanctification of one’s own soul and that of others. Our background and past history doesn’t bother us. What matters much is that we feel a sense of belongingness to mother Society. We are happy and fortunate to lead a Jesuit life with integration and with the richness of Ignatian spirituality. There are also moments when we feel like breaking away, or when we feel lonely. But our bond never fades away. It is God’s grace which is sufficient for all of us. Life could be more meaningful when we live it by sharing it with each other. This is the important lesson I have realised after living in this colourful house, X.T.C. I enjoy and appreciate the uniqueness of each other, and feel strengthened when I am accompanied by my fellow Juniors. I cherish the colourful memories in this house, and remain ever grateful to God for this golden opportunity. Long live X.T.C!!! “The road to success is always under construction” Lily Tomlin
  • 3. 3 Prajwalana - 2016 WHY DON’T WE GET THE MYSTERY HIDDEN IN HISTORY? Sch. Melwil Vas SJ Recently I read an article in the ‘FRONTLINE’ by Meera Nanda, titled Hindutva’s Science Envy. It is about how some powerful organizations have twisted some facts of science/history to suit their purpose. This is not a far-fetched fact. We know it is becoming a common thing now. But how far can we allow this to go on? Some politicians and the Hindutva “nationalists” try to instil national pride by claiming some unverified rumours and reports as authentic. People tend to take them so gullibly that critical thinking is left only to the experts. Some of these “facts” are even taught in the schools. A famous one among these is that India is the discoverer of “zero” as we know it today. But now it seems that the evidence for the theory of zero is not in favour of this proposition. The same can be said about other claims made on the origin of the Pythagorean theorem and the Veda being the mother of modern science. Another problem we have with history is the way misrepresentation of history is believed to be the truth by some who fight tooth and nail to make even others believe it. Recently, the Uttarakhand government allocated Rs.25 crores to search in the Himalayas a mythical medicinal plant mentioned in the Ramayana, Sanjeevani Booti. It wouldn’t be a surprise, if they propose next to build a Pushpak Viman to carry out covert operations in Pakistan. I think the first problem is due to the inferiority feeling felt by the Hindutva ideologists. We have not reached the heights in modern science that the West has achieved; or perhaps, we may not do it even in the next decade. So twisting data may turn out to be a good pacifier. This is not to say that India never had a glorious past. But that glorious past in no way is comparable to the present situation. The other problem is the wrong perspective we have of history itself. For most of us, history is merely some data, facts or information. That is a child’s way of looking at history. Not all of us are ready to do some hard work by thinking critically, synthesizing different ideas. Our intention should be to know the truth as completely as possible. For this one needs to look objectively at the data whose composition is in a subjective or biased manner. If we want better citizens for today and tomorrow, we have to encourage this way of teaching history. We learn the Bible by looking at different perspectives, thanks to the works of great scripture scholars. We could use the same method to teach or learn history; especially the history of India. Then we can enter into the mystery of history with passion. YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL IN WHITE! Sch. Cannon SJ “You look so beautiful in white”- This is a very famous romantic album song by the group WESTLIFE. Similar words are ringing in my mind because of a similar experience of mine in the recent past. As always I was cycling towards my college with lots of anxieties, worries, fears, tension and stress.Tension of submission of assignments, of punctuality to the class, of my responsibilities as the general secretary of the college and, above all, of my practical internal tests... Amidst all these thoughts I saw an elderly woman in a white embroidered saree. She was in front of the temple, carrying her son. Mind you, he was perhaps 30 years old. I was shocked to see him. He was physically challenged. There wasn’t a sign of a frown on the lady’s face. And here I am, worried about petty things of the world. She asked me with a smile, “What is the time, dear?”
  • 4. 4 Prajwalana - 2016 I said, 10:30... She further told me proudly that he, Raghav, was her son...and that day was his birthday .... She asked me to pray for him. I smiled and assured my prayers and said that she looked very beautiful in white. After this little chat I rushed , but was late for class and was put out, but I was contented, for I had met God in that lady.... Every mother has a divine side....She takes care of her children till her death. As children isn’t it our responsibility to take care of her when she is sick...? Truly God’s representative on earth is our mother. MAA, TUJHE SALAAM! AGNES: A CHANNEL OF JESUITNESS Sch Royster Monis SJ Agnes was born in Albania, but most of her life was spent in India. She was a nun in the Loreto Congregation, but her Master, Jesus, wanted her to start a new congregation to help those people who were struggling to get even a piece of bread. She used to draw spiritual water from the Jesuit Fathers, but today Agnes stands as a model to the Jesuits in living the Ignatian way of life. That Agnes is none other than St. Teresa of Calcutta. She was a woman, whose deeds followed her words, who lived Ignatius’prayer for generosity. 1.”Lord, teach me to be generous.” Agnes, who later changed her name to Teresa, was a nun in the Loreto Congregation. Though she was from Albania, she did not look back while serving the Lord. Her vision was clear and her conviction was strong. Hence, we know that she became an Indian, leaving behind all her possessions. 2.” Teach me to Love and Serve You ’as You deserve’.” Teresa’s heart began to melt when she saw a man in a gutter, fighting for his life. Her ship changed its direction. She left the Congregation and started ‘The Missionaries of Charity’, a new Congregation. She loved and served the lepers, the orphan children and very many others. She served them as if she was serving her Master, Jesus. 3. “To give and not to count the cost.” She lived her vow of poverty. All her so-called ‘possessions’ then were the people, who were very poor and those who had no idea of how to continue living. She gave not only her belongings but herself to their service. However, she never sought for any name or fame. Where are we today? “How is our desire to choose Poverty with Christ poor rather than wealth?”(Sp.Ex-167) 4. “To fight and not to heed the wounds.” Once a man asked Mother Teresa whether she was involved in conversion work. The answer was something unusual and unexpected. “Yes,” she said, “I do convert people-Hindus to be better Hindus, Christians to be better Christians and Muslims to be better Muslims.” By this she founded the religion of love under the inspiration of her Master, Jesus. She respected each human person, no matter to which religion he or she belonged. She fought and did not heed the wounds. 5. “To toil and not to seek for rest.” “She rose, she prayed, she served.” Everyday Jesus began His daily ministry only after He finished speaking to the Father. So it was with Mother Teresa. Her spiritual strength made her work and serve all day long. For her, service was first; rest was last. Jesuits are known to be Contemplatives (even) in action. Wherever we are, our mission is first, then rest. We are in the ‘Society of Jesus’ to serve with LOVE and “Love ought
  • 5. 5 Prajwalana - 2016 FREEDOM MATTERS Sch Royster Monis SJ “Oh! My love, I need you, I want you to be with me always, come back, my son,” cried Jose bitterly after reading a letter from his son Ivin. “What was it in the letter that made Jose to cry bitterly? Well, here is the letter; let us read it ourselves and find out why? “Dear Daddy, This is your loving son, Ivin, writing this letter to you. I write it to share the pain and suffering I’ve undergone since my Mother died. I am deeply aware of your love for me and I too loved you. You cared for me when I fell sick and you guided me along the right path. But, Daddy, was it all that I needed? If you had thought so then I am sorry you were wrong. I received everything from you but not freedom: freedom to be creative, freedom to think, freedom to make friendship, freedom to express my own difficulties. You were like a puppet master and I was like your puppet. When I was doing my primary studies, I was just like a living corpse, good for nothing. I had no ability to broaden the horizons of my thinking. All my classmates were talented in something or the other, but I was like a frog in the well. Where was my freedom? When I grew young I wished to be like any other youth, but I was bound by your rigidity. You did not like me enjoying myself with my friends. I felt like living in hell. By God’s grace I scored good marks in my exams, but when I was in search of a job, no one was ready to give me a job because I had no qualities that an employee is supposed to have. I felt that I was rejected and ignored by all, but it was then I met Darshan, my best friend and the only friend in my life, who gave me a job. Daddy, I know that you don’t like Darshan. I am aware that he is a worldly kind of person. He smokes, drinks and what not! But I want to tell you something, Darshan is also a man who understands others well. He is kind, gentle and generous. I am not ready to lose him in my life. to manifest itself more in deeds than words.”(Sp.Ex-230) 6. “To labour and look for no reward.” Her works were tremendous. She is one among those women who showed that even a woman can be a model for men. Rightly she received many awards and honours for her selfless work. When awards came and honours increased, she continued doing the routine selfless work for the left-out people. We pledged ourselves to choose Poverty, Contempt and Humility and, most of all, to be the servants of all. It is good for us to learn something from Mother Teresa’s life. 7. “Except that of knowing, that I do Your holy will.” ‘They should be frequently urged to seek God in all things, transcending the attraction of all creatures, to set their hearts wholly on the Creator, loving Him in all creatures and them all in Him, according to His most holy and divine will.’(Const:288) Mother Teresa sought or desired just to know God’s will and to work for it. She pleased God first, then his creatures. Discerning God’s will sometimes seems difficult for us, but the happiness behind that only persons like Mother Teresa knew. She tasted the Lord and said that He was good. More than 200 times the words ‘God’s will’are repeated in the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus, so that we may become aware that all our intentions, actions and operations (Sp. Ex. 46) are for His will. Mother Teresa’s life teaches us that we can, as Jesuits, militants of the Society of Jesus, are not called to sail along the sea shore but to row into the deep sea. The zeal for God’s service should tempt or inspire us to keep one foot raised always. All that matters is not what we were or what we are, but having a strong conviction of our vocation to the universal Society of Jesus. Once upon a time, Jesuits were the spiritual Fathers for Mother Teresa, but today she stands as a model for us to lead a better Jesuit life. Why cannot we ask: If a simple Agnes could become that, why not I?
  • 6. 6 Prajwalana - 2016 Daddy, don’t search for me. Now I am free: free to think, act, be creative and mingle with all. I love my life. I want to achieve all that I dream of. Be assured that I am happy. Now I am married too and living a happy life with greater freedom. Now, when I feel low there is someone to lift me up; when I am successful there is someone to appreciate me. Daddy, I do want to see you. I do want to be with you always. I do want to fulfil all your desires. I want to come back home. But only if you are ready to give me freedom. Dad, I remember you always. It is eight years since I left you without saying a word. Dad, I love you and I am proud of you. I believe that you love me even now and you love me more than I love you… Your loving Son Ivin Dear friends, freedom is not purchased. It is within us and each one of us has the right to live in it. BELOVED OF THE HATED Sch Chetan Kumar SJ She was loving, She was caring, She had everything, To be a parent to the orphans. She had a body, She had a heart, Nothing she did for herself, But for those whose Body is broken. Lovable and great are the poor, Thirsty is Jesus in them; To satisfy it is our task, Love is all what we need. Smile was her language, Jn 15:12 was her mission, Small things she did with great love, As pencil in the hands of the author of life. She is mercy personified, She is the Saint of the gutter, Everything was she to those with nothing, She is Mother Teresa.
  • 7. 7 Prajwalana - 2016 FREEDOM TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED Sch. Ashwil Lobo SJ “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” [John 21:15] was the question asked by Jesus to Simon peter. The repetition of this question at a third time put Simon peter in a turmoil. Was this question an invitation to love? Or perhaps a compulsion to be under someone’s bondage? In Jewish tradition a disciple ought to serve his master [Rabbi] and fallow him in all circumstances, no matter what the situation was. This perhaps made the followers to think alike and act alike their masters. In Jesus’s case the disciples were not merely followersbut they were friends. Jesus loved them as his own. He was never a task master in guiding them. “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know what his master is doing. Instead I call you friends” [John 15:15]. This deep love however stimulated Jesus to wash their feet at his at his last supper. Hence this love is mutual. It flowed out of freedom from heart. Freedom and love perhaps are important essence in each person’s life. They are like the two wings of a bird, one always needs and upholds the other. Our life seems smooth and meaningful when we love and are being loved by others. Freedom is like icing on a cake of love. It makes love more realistic than superficial. Love is more fundamental in correspondence with freedom. Without them we would be somehow less than human. Freedom of love is more reflective and deep. The word ‘Love’perhaps has been variedly used by many with no many sense. This is nevertheless an expression of desire for something. It only means to utilise something as far as they give pleasure to self. There is no give and take and mutual sharing. The love that Jesus shows us is the love that flows out from the heart out of freedom. It involves sacrifice and other centeredness. Mother Theresa said “give until it hurts”. She as a person I feel had experienced a love from Christ which made her give everything of her to others. When one experiences the real love which is out of freedom one cannot but love in return. Freedom and love does not overrule each other, but they precede each other in circumstances. The contemplation to obtain love prescribed by St. Ignatius at the end of the spiritual exercises has been given a greater importance during the retreat. This exercise has been utilised as an effective tool to bring a genuine aspect of love in every Jesuit life. It has further helped many to experience the real love that Christ showed from the cross. Thus we understand that love is an essential part of every one’s life, it is perhaps the life blood of ever creature. Understanding of this love in the light of freedom would help a person to blossom as a free individual.“Let the freedom of light ablaze with the candle of love, and may it spread the message of Christ through the corners of the world.” GOD’S SURPRISE VISIT: POPE FRANCIS- A PROPHET OF OUR AGE Sch Amith Sandeep D’Souza SJ Fr Gerard W. Hughes, SJ exclaims that our God is a God of surprises. But these surprises occur only when God gives us a surprise visit! Each visit of God has a certain purpose to be fulfilled. However, God visits us by choosing and sending a person from among us. While the Israelites were under slavery, God surprisingly visited them by sending Moses to set them free and to lead them to the land of milk and honey. God visited the early Christian communities in Corinth, Galatia and Rome by sending Paul, to reveal his message that Jesus is the saviour of the world. As years passed by, God chose and sent all the baptized, especially the consecrated people, into the world, to fulfil the purpose of his surprise visit, by playing the prophetic role, i.e. to be a mouthpiece of God in today’s world as Moses and Paul were in theirs. A Prophetic role: Crying Need of the Church and the World
  • 8. 8 Prajwalana - 2016 Today, we are living in a‘Wi-Fi’world. Globalisation, industrialization and science have done good to people worldwide. We have witnessed tremendous progress and achievements. At the same time, we are also living in a‘Wicked-Filled’world of human trafficking, corruption and terrorism. The majority of people are suffering from depression, isolation and meaninglessness. All these negative changes are happening in the world because of the negative hearts of human beings. People are doubting the existence of God, salvation history, repentance and sacraments. Consequently, people are becoming atheists. It is sad to know that many consecrated people are also affected by this reality. But there are countless people, who have raised their voice to God to come down and lead us on. As in earlier times, God has heard their voice! This time God’s surprise visit, in the words of the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr Adolfo Nicolas, “…opens an era full of hope for the church.” As God visited the Israelites and the early Christian communities by sending Moses and Paul, today he has surprisingly visited us by anointing and sending Fr Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, to be the Vicar of Christ, the Pope, to reveal his joy, light and mercy and to free the world from all its disordered attachments and to lead it in the way of salvation. A Prophet: Man of God and Man for Others Even though I joined religious life in order to spend my entire life as a priest, I was aware of the scandals and problems in it and in the Church. Hence, I was expecting a role model, if not a prophet, to inspire me and the world of today, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. This expectation of mine, to my surprise, was fulfilled when I read the news of 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church washing the feet of the twelve prisoners during the Holy Thursday ceremony at Casal del Marm on March 28, 2013. He is the first Pope from Latin America, the first one who did not take part in Vatican II, the first Jesuit Pope and the first one to take the papal title after St Francis of Assisi. Soon, Pope Francis, wearing a silver cross around his neck, not only became our role model, but also a prophet of our age and a prophet for the 1.3 billion Catholics around the world…. Pope Francis’simplicity, humility, cheerful nature, commitment, apostolic zeal and love for the Church and the world, touch even the hard-hearted. He embraces people, kisses children, respects all religions and prays for us, as our spiritual father. He inspires all people of good will through his words, deeds and his very life. As a prophet of God, Pope Francis plays a dual role. One is to announce the good news, build up and encourage the faithful to remain close to God, to others and to themselves. Similarly, the Pope announced the year of consecrated life, called for a new evangelization, shared the joy and light of the Gospel and launched the Jubilee Year of Mercy on 8 December, 2015. He is guiding the church in a more sympathetic way than many of his predecessors. And the other is denouncing the evil deeds of the people and powerfully calling them to repent and turn to God. The Pope condemned strongly the terrorist attacks on Paris (13 November, 2015) saying, “Such barbarity leaves us dismayed and we ask ourselves how the human heart can plan or carry out such horrible events.” He called the Church to go out into the streets, seek the people and to visit the families and through the encyclical, ‘Laudato Si’ (2015), he invited the entire world to take care of our common home. He also raised his voice against the sex abuse by priests, abortion and homosexuality. He is a man of both word and deeds. He continues the ministry among the poor, prisoners, sick and the marginalized. In the words of St Paul, Pope has become all things to all people that he might by all means save some (1 Cor 9:22). His simple gesture of embracing Vinicio Riva, a severely disfigured man, made him feel strong and happy and also to move ahead because the Lord is protecting him. His ministry among the poor reveals that the Church is for the poor and that poverty is at the centre of the Gospels, and his mission among the sick, prisoners and people of this world, discloses that God is our loving Father and we are his loving children. To Challenge the Challenges Rooted in Ignatian spirituality, Pope Francis is a man of discernment. He is very well aware of God’s plan,
  • 9. 9 Prajwalana - 2016 through him, to the whole world. But he is also aware of the present reality. Since God’s and the world’s ways are not the same, there are people plotting to trap him and the Church. He has a great challenge to preserve the holiness of the Church from those who scandalise her and use her for their own end. He has also to face problems like abortion, divorce, dignity of women in the Church, gay marriage and homosexuality. Because of his prophetic role in the ‘Wicked-Filled’ world, the ‘Most Holy Family Monastery’ calls him an ‘Anti Pope’, and even some of the Cardinals and Christians are turning against him. But a prophet never gives up! A gentle smile always beaming on his face tells the world strongly, that he is ready to face any kind of challenge in the name of Jesus…. Our response to the responsibility The purpose of God’s surprise visit is being fulfilled through the prophet, Pope Francis. Now it is a challenge for us to listen to this God’s prophet as we are living among the false prophets of the world. It is the responsibility of each individual to fall into the good soil to bring forth grain, may be a hundred, sixty or thirty fold (Mt 9:8). INSTALLATION WIZARD IN OUR HEARTS Sch. Avin SJ We know that people today can install software in the computer through which the computer can give us better results. But can we install software in our hearts? Is this possible? The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the heart and brain of the computer, without which the computer is nothing but a brain dead person. We human beings have a heart and a brain. The heart and the brain make the full person and show who he or she is. Everything depends on these two. There are many types of software available in the market. But, for the heart , where do we need to go? In this present world it might seem difficult for us to get the software needed to install in our hearts. There are two options. Either 1) we get the software from those who already have it , or 2) we download it. To download there is no need to go to the internet, but there is something to turn to, which is greater than the internet viz., the one who has put the idea of inventing the internet into persons. His internet is unlimited and free and to add to it, there is Wi-Fi. He keeps on giving, but we must not keep on forgetting. To download we must have a downloader in our system viz., our trust in him. There is no cut and paste option. To download the full version we need a proper understanding of him. Our minds can be compared to the local disk drive D or E and our hearts are like the local disk C. We cannot change or dispense with them, because of the following reasons: Brain:- * It deals with the intelligence * It is head level understanding * The brain thinks * The brain has no feelings Heart:- * It deals with the insights * It is depth level understanding * The heart reflects * The heart has many feelings
  • 10. 10 Prajwalana - 2016 Once the downloading is done, get ready to install the program using the following steps:- 1. Go to the Installation Wizard application in your brain. 2. Then fill up the form i.e.,your name, for what you are using it,-whether for your own self, for your friends, family members, etc. And then go to the next step. 3. For every software there are terms and conditions. Go through them and reflect over them carefully and click on “accept” if you wish to go further. 4. To install you need serial numbers. So give the numbers for how many people your heart will be useful by using this new software. 5. Before giving the “install” command, a note may appear whether this software may be a threat to others or to oneself. (It depends on what kind of software you are installing). 6. Then give the “install” command. Once this is done, you will see the note “This may take several minutes,” so try to work hard on it. For this, you need to wait patiently for better results. 7. Once it is installed, you are ready to use the software. Caution! Once the software is installed there is only one way to uninstall it viz., to change your heart, because once the depth of the heart captures something, it is not easy to uninstall it till death. INTERVIEW WITH FR TED BOWLING SJ Sch. Dolwin Cutinha SJ Fr Ted Bowling SJ is a 92 year old American Jesuit missionary of Patna province. He did his master’s degree in chemistry at the University of Detroit, U.S.A. He was the professor of “Basic Science and Scientific Questions connected with philosophy” at JDV, Pune. He was the director of institute for Home study. He was a great apostle of ecology. Presently he is a resident of DNC Jesuit community, Pune. 1. Your inspiration to become a Jesuit? The thought of becoming a priest came to my mind when I was an altar boy and during my personal devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. When I was in 10th Std my teacher asked all the boys in the class to write him a letter about our future plan and I wrote about my desire of becoming a priest. He guided me for the next 2 years. In my 12th Std I was fond of chemistry and thought of exploring the possibility of becoming a chemistry teacher. Later I came across a Jesuit priest from whom I learned that I could be both a soldier of Christ and a teacher of chemistry. I lived this vocation in my Jesuit life. 2. Your inspiration for coming to India? I came to know about American Jesuits working in the Patna region only after I joined the Novitiate. I was inspired by reading reports of their work. I thought, perhaps I would also be happy there. Perhaps I could walk in the footstep of Francis Xavier and continue to work like him. After finishing my master’s degree in chemistry at the University of Detroit, U.S.A, I volunteered for India. 3. You have become an inspiration for all of us. Can you think of something you loved doing as a Jesuit? I cherished doing ordinary things with great enthusiasm. During my master’s studies I enjoyed my studies but I was also helpful in the community by reading from a book to the community during meal time, by setting up altars at 5.30 am where priests could say individual mass, assisting staff members by car to places they
  • 11. 11 Prajwalana - 2016 needed to go, caring for the sick, preparing the community recreation, etc. 4. Can you think of some moments or experiences that seemed like a great challenge during your life in the Society? A great challenge came to me in 1959, two years after I began teaching at JDV. At that time Fr.Peter Sontag SJ, an American Patna Jesuit, was spiritual director at DNC. He was also the founder, in Patna, of the institute for Home study which he brought with him to Pune. I was asked to take over the institute when he had a serious heart attack in 1959. It was a correspondence course on the life and teachings of Jesus for the people of another faith. 5. Your experience as a teacher at JDV? I always enjoyed teaching “Basic Science and Scientific Questions connected with philosophy”, but especially the demonstrations of principles of science in the class room and during recreation time after supper. One subject that another staff member and I thought for 12 years with inputs from doctors, nurses and married couples was always overcrowded. The title of the course was “Psycho-biology of human sexuality”. 6. You have been a great apostle of ecological issues. What are some of your anxieties and hopes in this regard? I have often read in the newspapers how eager institutions and the government are to plant thousands of saplings at the beginning of the monsoon. But I don’t remember reading in any newspaper about who will water or nurture the saplings so that they thrive. I am anxious about that. 7. Your message for Jesuit scholastics in formation? Pick a goal, or accept a goal set by your superior, and persevere in fulfilling it. GOODBYE MONSOON Sch. Anush D’Cunha SJ Monsoon, you, O monsoon, Why do you desert us so soon? Each day was greeted with your shower, Leave us in the hot sun never. Last summer you taught us your worth, We welcomed you with heartfelt mirth. You weren’t active this year too, I know, you are sad for what we do. Monsoon, you, O monsoon, do not leave us so soon, I’ll think of you morning, evening and noon. “The human mind is like a parachute, it only works when is open” Frank Zappa
  • 12. 12 Prajwalana - 2016 TERRORISM: ARE MUSLIMS THE CAUSE OF IT? Sch. Larren SJ Jesuits are called to take up frontier missions. But if anyone is asked today to volunteer for the Middle East mission, I do not know how many will opt for it. This is because, the world has witnessed the massacre of some Christians in that part of the world, by the terrorists. It is to be noted that the attacks were carried out by the Muslim fundamentalists, namely the ISIS (Islamic state of Iraq and Syria). The tragedy today is that many consider Muslims to be terrorists. Even an American Presidential candidate, in one of the debates, mentioned that if he was elected President of America, he would ban the entry of Muslims into America. He further justified it by saying that, it was not because of religion, but because of security. By this he means to say that the Muslims are a threat. This, for me, is unacceptable. Blaming an entire religion for the mistakes of a minority is fallacious. More than that, before blaming the Muslims or the so called Muslim fundamentalists, one needs to remember the role played by the developed nations in promoting terrorism, especially America. Osama bin Laden, who was a nightmare to the entire world, was a product of U.S.A. When he was out from the University of Jedah, he began to organize people and raise money with the help of CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and the U.S. Armed forces intelligent services in the 1980’s. This was in order to recruit fighters for the Afghan Mujahidin that were fighting the Soviet. This was the base for the present day, Al-Qaida. The U.S.A., also encouraged the Islamic groups from all over the world, to come to Afghanistan. It also provided $3 billion for the building up of these Islamic groups, and allowed Pakistan to decide, how the money would be spent. It is also to be noted that the arms the ISIS uses are the Kalashnikov rifle (AK47), a Soviet and Russian made rifle, M16 rifles, Heckler and Koch MP5, a 9MM German designed gun, semi-automatic handguns, M42 rocket launcher, smoke grenades, dynamites, suicide bombs and other explosives. They also possess the latest means of communication. All these are not possible for the poor developing countries to manufacture. The explosives are illegally exported by the developed nations to these terrorists, for the sake of profit. Muslims are blamed for terrorism. But no religion teaches violence, nor asks its adherents to kill people in the name of God. If this were true, terrorists should have spared Muslims and killed the rest. But if we notice the recent terror attacks, even the Muslim holy places have been targeted. These attacks on the innocents by the Islamic fanatics are to fulfil their motives. Above all, we witness the love, care and affection our Muslim neighbours and friends have for us. If Muslims were the cause of terrorism, we would never be alive and India would never be united in spite of diversity. Today, this terrorism has become a global problem. I think it is not the right time for us to blame Pakistan or the other Muslim nations for terrorism. Rather, we need to be worried, that innocent youth are falling prey to this and are spoiling their future as well as destroying peace in the world. JUST FOR LAUGHS Teacher:Ourtopicfortodayisphotosynthesis.Raju,Whatisphotosynthesis? Raju: Photosynthesis is our topic for today. Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention here? Student: Yes ma’am, I am paying as little attention as i can.
  • 13. 13 Prajwalana - 2016 LOOSENING THE KNOTS Sch. Marvin Apose SJ I, Ramesh Varma, was born on December 31, 1901, in a village called Laxmipura, near Bhagalkot district in Karnataka. Words cannot express the beauty of my village. I enjoyed my childhood like any other child and I had many friends to play with. But my life was shattered when my parents went to heavenly abode. I was just14 years old then. Both my parents were freedom fighters and both of them fell victims to the cruel bullets of British army on the same day. The responsibility of taking care of two of my siblings fell on me. My brother, Varun, was 8 years old and sister, Gayatri, 5 years old, was blind. There were none to take care of us. I had a slight desire to join the British army but the love that I had for my country and the seeds of patriotism that my parents had sown in me, prevented me from joining the army. I was employed by the “Zhamindar” of my village. He was a very good man. He was helping financially all the freedom fighters whom he knew. He was really proud of my parents. He helped me a lot financially as well as materially. He sent my brother to a village school, which had a poor infrastructure. There was only a teacher. He was called Shastriji. He was a strict disciplinarian. He encouraged all the students to develop a sense of belonging to our nation. I joined my childhood friends Akshay Rao, Subas Reddy, Sangam, Abdul, Ibrahim and many others to fight for freedom. We were regular for all the movements. In 1927 I left for Bombay along with my friends to partake in the movements and to join the Indian army to fight against the British. I felt very difficult to leave my siblings behind, but the zeal to serve the country did not allow me to turn back. I left my sister under the care of Varun. I gave him all the money that I had, at that time he too was working and earning some money. I was in Bombay and I was regular for all the freedom movements. I was beaten up by the British and I escaped many a time from the bullets of British. I was imprisoned several times. I was inspired by the many leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Neharuji, Lajpat Rai and many others. I was really privileged to see and meet Gandhi in two occasions. I had lost most of my friends, but I was proud of them. I had a great desire to die as a martyr. With all this, I slowly began to forget my siblings. Though in the beginning, I had written some letters home, hardly I received any response. Later I completely forgot about writing letters to them. I remained a bachelor because I knew that I was leading a tough life and there were many like me who remained as bachelors or spinsters because all of them were leading a dangerous life. All of us had the same desire of getting freedom at any cost. The youth of those days were very zealous to partake in the movements Gandhi’s waves were spreading rapidly. “The quit India movement” and “non-co-operation movement” were successful. After years of struggle on August 15, 1947 we received freedom and we could breathe the fresh air of freedom. I was then 48 years old. There was a great satisfaction and joy. I was ready to breathe my last peacefully. I had hardly a few friends remained. A month after getting freedom I travelled back to my village. I was eager to see my beloved siblings. When I reached my home town, I found that everything had been changed. There were new houses and new families. There was a new building for the village school. Shastriji, the teacher and the Zhamindar had passed away. I had to struggle much to find my home. I found a wrecked old house. I soon realized that it was my house. It was very dark inside, no lamp was lit. Cob-webs were not removed. The portico was full of dry leaves. I could hear the soft rustling of leaves. I did not find my siblings there. There were many thoughts ran through my mind. I was afraid. I felt that I was a completely failure. There was no hope of meeting them again. With a desolated heart I left my home. Slowly began to walk towards the village temple. I wanted to pay a visit and pray for my siblings. After praying in the temple, I sat outside the temple. There came a blind woman, who was asking for alms from everyone around the temple. She came to me, but I had nothing to give her. She touched my hand and all of a sudden exclaimed “Anna”, and then I realized that it was my beloved sister Gayatri. I hugged her. My eyes were filled with tears. I began to enquire about Varun. From her I came
  • 14. 14 Prajwalana - 2016 to know that he was jailed by the British army, when he had gone for the freedom movement with his friends. I took her back home and rest of the day I spent in cleaning the house. Later in the evening I went to meet Zhamindar’s son, whom I knew very well. When I was working in his house he liked to play with me. He had loved me a lot. Even he was very much affected by my departure for Bombay .I was very keen to see him after a gap of twenty years. Zhamindar’s son was very happy to see me and he assured me of financial help. On the following day I woke up just before dawn and I went to the central jail, which was in the very heart of Bhagalkot district and released my brother and brought him back home. Once again the sun had risen and there was a ray of hope. We began to lead a happy new life in the free country with my siblings. The sun set had taught me sufficiently to loosen all the knots of life WHEN I THINK OF ‘PINK’ Sch Ovin Rodrigues SJ Recently I was touched by watching the newly released Hindi movie – Pink. The movie is about three girls Minal, Falak and Andrea who are molested by Rajveer and his friends, while at dinner hosted by the latter. Minal says NO to Rajveer’s acts but when it crosses the limits; she smashes a bottle on his head in self-defence and runs away from the scene, leaving him bleeding. To avenge this insult, Rajveer along with his friends tries to disturb the girls by making them vacate their rented house. They kidnap Minal and molest her in a moving car. Unable to bear this torture, Minal is forced to lodge a police complaint. As Rajveer is related to a powerful politician, the police file a false FIR against the girls instead of taking action against the miscreants. Minal is labelled as a prostitute and charged with attempt of murder. Deepak Sehgal (Amitabh Bachchan), a retired lawyer living in the neighbourhood of the girls, comes to their rescue. He tries to secure a bail for Menal. The long legal battle that follows in the courtroom is interesting. The opponent lawyer tries to prove the girls guilty by manipulating the witnesses and the situation. But Amitabh Bachchan argues and proves that these girls are just and are victims of prejudice, male domination and sexual abuse. This movie is a simple one without any great scenes, action, songs, suspense or fun. But it has surely affected and questioned the mindset with which women are perceived, judged and ridiculed in our country, leaving the audience pondering and ashamed. In the movie three men try to forcefully go against the will of the women by not respecting their dignity. Many of us who think ourselves to be righteous are no less at fault. We try to force our thoughts or expectations on others. Women are judged to have loose character based on their behaviour and habits. If a woman drinks, smokes, returns home late, talks freely with men and dresses in a modern way, she is misunderstood. We have failed to walk in others’ shoes, respect their dignity and allow them to enjoy their freedom. The message of the movie is powerful and clear. Each one has his or her right to exercise freedom. No one can interfere or restrict it or force one’s views on others. It is not others who have to change their way of living, but it’s we who have to change our way of thinking. CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE, CHANGE YOUR LIFE Sch. Shanthraj SJ “You cannot control what happens to you in your life, but you can always control how you respond to it. The way you choose to respond is a reflection of your attitude. By changing your attitude, you also change your perspective and change your life,” says Roy Bennett. Every beginning has its purpose, but every purpose need not have a beginning. The write-up about the change of attitude which is a pre-requisite to the change of our life requires both a beginning and a purpose. The question arises: how should be our life? The world is
  • 15. 15 Prajwalana - 2016 SUFFERING- IS IT AN END IN ITSELF? Sch. Joyson Sujay Vas SJ We are living in a technologically advanced world where everything has become easy and quite artificial. Life is losing its value and people are becoming very sensitive in facing the hardships of life. Day by day people suffer due to various reasons in several ways. They find it hard most of the time to understand suffering as it appears in their life’s journey on this planet. At this juncture a person asks many questions and even doubts the existence of God. It is at this time that one needs to be accompanied and to be understood well in one’s situation. There are many kinds of suffering today when a person experiences certain feelings of desertion and boredom in life. Some of them are discussed below. Original Sin and Suffering: Here a person suffers because of the original sin of our first parents. When Adam sinned, all of us were implicated, and we inherited a sinful nature (a) and were born in a fallen world. (b) As a result, some suffering is simply the result of being part of Adam’s race. This remains the case until Jesus returns, removes the presence of all sin and its effects, resurrects Christians from death, and ushers in a new creation. Satanic Suffering: Because Satan is alive and is at work in the world, demonic affliction is very real. This includes (a) torment, (b) physical injury, (c) deception arising from false miracles, (d) accusation, (e) sophisticated with IT companies, Malls, Industries, schools, colleges, Religious centres, various Business companies and other entertainment places. Hence the source of life is seen as money which provides for the above aspirations. Indeed it is a fact of the present reality. Life without money is worthless living. In every field money is valued high - higher than human values. The direction of our human approach requires a tremendous change in our life. Criticism has played a major role in our society that can lead to the beginning of change. What kind of change are we looking for? Change from a structured heart and mind that can instil in us positivity. As a child requires its mother’s tender care, so too in our world. The cry of nature calls us for the conservation of life. Atrocities against women and children call for a heroic determination to eradicate the evil from our society. Fundamentalism and communalism wake us up from our slumber to wipe out the poison created by groups of people in the name of religion. The speciality about the ultimate reality that it is God who while creating us human beings instilled curiosity in our hearts and minds. Its use or abuse is left to us. That is why we see the impact of growth and destruction in our society. Therefore the present calls for a balanced or moderated lifestyle. The purpose of this article is not to express criticism or regrets, but to invite ourselves to a change our attitude which can change our life for the better. Change of attitude requires two major commitments in our daily life. • Convictions to be convinced: Most of us lead our life without convictions and those of us who have some convictions are not convinced of them. Hence this situation calls for having strong convictions which are convincing to oneself and to others. This requires a consistent approach in our life. The completion of the conviction takes place when one finds meaning in one’s life. • Awareness of wonder: Life is so wonderful in the sight of the beholder. Most of the time we find fault in others and around us while there hides the big mountain of negativity underneath. Becoming aware is the beginning of the change in our attitude. It calls for a radical positivity and creativity in society, so that we can find solutions rather than problems. Realization is the only way in which humanity has been existing for ages. Thus the same realization calls for a greater change in the present. We cannot control that which is beyond our control, but surely we can control and practice that which is within our control. The ignorance of our intelligence should be banished and replaced with a positive ambience before it becomes too late.
  • 16. 16 Prajwalana - 2016 JUST FOR LAUGHS “What’s happening with your phone, every time I call you it says ‘The subscriber you’re calling is a monkey, please contact the zoo” Anonymous and even death. This sort of suffering is very prominent and could be seen all around the world, for in a way, Satan is ruling the world. Collective Suffering: We suffer as a result of being part of a people who are suffering. Here situations matter a lot. Based on the situation of a person, his or her suffering is seen. For instance, those born into poverty, famine, hardship, physical disabilities and war have no other option than to experience suffering simply because of where and when they were born. Vicarious Suffering: Vicarious suffering is like that of Jesus Christ who suffered and died for our salvation. Vicarious affliction comes in varying degrees, from opposition to persecution. We have a list of people in the history of Christianity who have suffered and died to save others and for a just cause. This needs a tremendous faith and love of God. Empathetic Suffering: This is the suffering that comes when someone we love is hurt. The Bible says, this will be common in the Church, because when the people we love suffer, we suffer as well. Mysterious Suffering: At times God, in his providence, choses not to reveal why we suffer. As Scripture says, we know in part. (l) Job is the most obvious example of this kind of suffering, because during his trouble he was unaware of what was transpiring between God and Satan. I believe that this category is incredibly important because, if we are humble and honest, the truth is that life is often not as clear as the categories listed in this blog. Consequential Suffering: Sometimes we suffer because of our foolish decisions. We see examples of this throughout the Book of Proverbs: the lazy become hungry, adulterers reap what they sow, fools suffer harm, and poor financial stewards are impoverished. Practically, much of life’s suffering is consequential, resulting from our decisions. Conclusion: These are a few important types of suffering we come across in our day-to-day life. Many a time we fail to understand these situations of suffering as they come. Most of the time one loses hope and fails to see a new sunset in life. As we all know, there is no proper answer to this mystery of suffering which is very much real in the world. As Christians we have a response to this because of our saviour who too suffered and died for our sake and redeemed us from the clutches of death. At these particular hours of life, the victims need to be understood well by others. They should be made to know about the true value of suffering. For us Christians suffering is not an end in itself. It is a doorway to understand God and his love. This is a chance for us to come closer to God. It is also advisable for us to see suffering in a different way. When we see so many people suffering today, the first thing we could do for them is to show compassion and love. We have to make them feel that they too are comforted and loved in their situation. Often we see that people ignore the victims rather than make them feel accompanied. At times it is enough even to listen to their agony and that would comfort them. Today suffering has become a burden to people, and quite often they try to terminate suffering by putting an end to their life. At this blind culture of disrespect to life, we as Christians are called upon to make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering. We are called upon to give them a message that Christ still continues to suffer in and through them, which is a great opportunity to be like Jesus and go closer to God. When we try to carry this message we can make a marked difference in the wounded world of today.
  • 17. 17 Prajwalana - 2016 SUFFERING AS A CHOICE Sch Amith Sandeep D’souza SJ As we lay on our mother’s lap, my elder brother and I did not know what to say except, “Mother, we are very hungry.” Most of the time the answer we received from our mother was a tear filled eye or “Drink water and sleep.” Ours was a small Christian family, in a country where the majority of the population was Muslim. My brother and I never saw our father. It was at the age of ten that I came to know that my father got converted to Islam and became a Muslim. He forced my mother to become a Muslim too. Since she refused, he left her and got married to a Muslim woman. But my mother neither left her children nor her faith. She was everything for us. She gave sufficient food for our spiritual life. She worked hard in the neighbouring houses to give us adequate physical food. However, all of her hard work was in vain. Our neighbours, the so-called holy Christian families, treated my mother worse than they would a slave. They were the main reason for making my family carry the heavy burden of poverty and suffer limitlessly. But my mother bore everything silently. My brother and I began to work hard, at an early age. As we were coming from our work, I said to my brother, “Brother, at times I feel that life is miserable because of these sufferings. But I feel happy and joyful whenever I think of our mother, you and the Christian faith. Suffering has made us one.” My brother began to yell. “I am fed up of this suffering. We work hard day and night but we gain nothing. We cannot enjoy our childhood as our neighbouring children do. Suffering is making me like a wild beast and I am experiencing hell.” And he paused. He was also telling the truth. I could sense his feelings, as we were in the same boat and carrying the same cross. Then he continued, “I need to put an end to this suffering.” My brother went away from the house one day without saying a word, and did not return. I searched for him everywhere, but in vain. Days of suffering and waiting for my brother turned into months and years. One night, a group of men, dressed in black and armed with guns, forcefully entered our house. One of them went straight to the crucifix hanging on the wall, and threw it on the ground. My mother ran to pick it up. Suddenly a rain of bullets fell on her. She died. I cried aloud and rushed towards my mother. But two of them pulled me back and held my hands. Then I looked at the man who shot my mother. I was terrified. It was her son, my brother! Then a loud wailing and crying made me look outside the house. I saw many men dressed in black, and also my neighbours running helplessly, to save their lives. But these men were killing all of them, mercilessly. I did not understand anything. Then one of them came forward and placed a gun before me beside the crucifix. He said to me, “Choose! Do you want to suffer and die for the sake of that toy or convert and become a Muslim and take up that gun to build the Islamic State? If you choose the latter, bliss and glory are yours on this earth and in heaven!” I looked at the crucifix and then at the gun. Suffering and death, or bliss and glory? FREEDOM TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED Sch. Ashwil Lobo SJ “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” [John 21:15] was the question asked by Jesus to Simon Peter. The repetition of this question a third time put Simon Peter in a turmoil. Was this question an invitation to love? Or perhaps a compulsion to be under someone’s bondage? In Jewish tradition a disciple ought to serve his master [Rabbi] and follow him in all circumstances, no matter what the situation was. This perhaps made the followers to think alike and act like their masters. In Jesus’s case the disciples were not merely followers, but friends. Jesus loved them as his own. He was never a taskmaster in guiding them. “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know what his master is doing. Instead I call you friends” [John 15:15]. This deep love however stimulated Jesus to wash their feet at the last supper. Hence
  • 18. 18 Prajwalana - 2016 this love is mutual. It flowed out of freedom from the heart. Freedom and love perhaps are important elements in each person’s life. They are like the two wings of a bird, one always needs and upholds the other. Our life seems smooth and meaningful when we love and are being loved by others. Freedom is like icing on a cake of love. It makes love more realistic than superficial. Love is more fundamental in correspondence with freedom. Without them we would be somehow less than human. Freedom of love is more reflective and deep. The word ‘Love’perhaps has been variedly used by many in many a sense. When someone says I love ice cream, he does not intend to say that he is in love with ice- cream. This is nevertheless an expression of desire for something. It only means to utilise something as far as it gives pleasure to self. There is no give and take, no mutual sharing. The love that Jesus shows us is the love that flows from the heart out of freedom. It involves sacrifice and other-centeredness. Mother Teresa said, “Give until it hurts.” She as a person, I feel, had experienced a love from Christ that made her give everything of her to others. When one experiences real love that flows from freedom, one cannot but love in return. Freedom and love do not rule out each other, but they presuppose each other. The contemplation to obtain love proposed by St. Ignatius at the end of the Spiritual Exercises is given great importance during the retreat. This exercise has been utilised as an effective tool to bring out a genuine aspect of love in every Jesuit’s life. It has further helped many to experience the real love that Christ showed us from the cross. Thus we understand that love is an essential part of every one’s life; it is perhaps the life blood of every human being. Understanding of this love in the light of freedom would help a person to blossom as a free individual. “Let the freedom of light be ablaze with the candle of love, and may it spread the message of Christ through the corners of the world.” DEEPLY PAINED! Sch. Noel Dias SJ Oh! How my heart feels for The martyrs who died at Uri! Oh! How gruesome the attacks That killed our fellow beings! Who are we to decide others’fate? Aren’t we aware that we are creatures And it is he who decides What our life’s worth should be? Have we become so inhuman That we don’t feel the pain of others? Have we become so cruel As to take others’life for nought? Who is to be blamed? Parents? Education? No, it is we. We ought to be responsible For each other’s life as well as ours.
  • 19. 19 Prajwalana - 2016 Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous Teach me to serve You as I should To give and not to count the cost To fight and not to heed the wounds To toil and not to seek for rest To labor and ask not for reward Save that of knowing that I do Your most holy will THANK YOU WELCOME Fr Adolpho Nicolas SJ FrArthuro Sosa SJ TO REMEMBER “Act as if everything depended on you. Trust as if everything depended on God.” St Ignatius of Loyola NATURE’S TALE Sch. Jaison D’Souza SJ Once a fresh mid-spring day Let’s take a look at nature’s way Breathe the scent of the nice fresh air Feel the breeze within your hair. Hear the buzzing of the bees Climb the tallest willow trees Look across the meadow way And you shall see a young deer play. Pick the daises as they grow Watch a gentle cold stream flow Know the sound of the water splash Catch its glimmer in a flash. When altogether all seems sound Lay yourself upon the ground Take a moment to inhale And listen to nature tell her tale.