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1. 1.  Educational Leadership Introduction & Definition  Leadership Styles in Education
Hierarchical, Transformational and Facilitative  Developing effective School Leaders
Teacher’s role as Leaders  21st Century Leadership in Education Innovation Leadership
and 21st Century Teaching & Learning
2. 2. Explores organizational theories, models of theories, models of leadership &
management, and personal & organizational change. Bridges the theories to practical
applications in education settings.
3. 3. To assist participants to choose and situate best leadership styles within organization
function, and to develop a vision of their leadership practice within a perspective of how
school organization works. To provide participants with an insight of Educational Leadership
styles and opportunity to explore role of Teacher as leaders in school change management
and restructuring in the 21st Century teaching and learning.
4. 4. Education & Leadership Introduction & Definition
5. 5. Education in general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits
of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching,
training, or research. EDUCATION • A process of acquiring knowledge and delivering to
others • Knowledge is an awareness of self and surroundings • Self awareness is a process
of knowing about personal potentials, faculties, dreams and desires. • knowing surroundings
with its realities, structures, requirements, usages and its relationship to self is knowledge.
6. 6. For example, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow, or as
somebody who guides or directs others, while others define leadership as "organizing a
group of people to achieve a common goal’’. ’Studies of leadership have produced theories
involving traits, situational interaction, function, behavior, power, vision and values, charisma,
and intelligence, among others. LEADERSHIP Definition: described as “a process of social
influence which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of
a common task’’.
7. 7. School leadership-often used synonymously in USA and has replaced educational
management in the United Kingdom and school management in Pakistan. Several
institutions through out the world offer graduate degrees in educational leadership. School
leadership- a process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils,
and Parents toward achieving common educational aims.
8. 8. Came into currency in the late 20th century. Demands were made on schools for higher
levels of pupil achievement, and schools were expected to improve and reform. Introduction:
School Leadership These expectations accompanied by calls for accountability at the school
level. Administration and management are terms that suggest stability through the exercise
of control and supervision.
9. 9. The concept of leadership was favored because it conveys dynamism and pro-activity.
The principal or school head is commonly thought to be the school leader; however, school
leadership may include other persons, such as members of a formal leadership team and
other persons who contribute toward the aims of the school.
10. 10. To inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, you must:- be, know and, do.
These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good
leaders continually improve their leadership skills; they are NOT resting on their
achievements. Good leaders are made not born. Effective leader- desire and will power
through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. Leaders,
Born or made?
11. 11. -a leader's way of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people.
Different situations however, call for different leadership styles. Autocratic leadership style-
may be most effective in an emergency, with little time on an agreement & where designated
authority has more experience or expertise:- However, in a highly motivated and aligned
team with a homogeneous level of expertise, a more democratic or laissez- faire style may
be more effective. The style adopted should be the one most effectively achieves the
objectives balancing the interests of its members.
12. 12. When it comes to Educational Leadership, which Style?
13. 13. Types of Leadership Styles in Education
14. 14. Educational leadership has been studied over years to address long- standing concern of
students, educators, and society as a whole. Education is an important aspect of human life.
How we receive and translate it into our daily way of life is quite largely dependent upon the
way it gets passed on.
15. 15. Leadership styles were introduced to address the needs of students from diverse
backgrounds. Three different types of styles commonly practiced are. 1.Hierarchical
2.Transformational 3.Facilitative
16. 16. Types of Leadership Styles in Education Based on the traditional method of education,
emphasis in a top-down approach with formal authority and little scope for participatory
analysis. Administrative head, the principal, carries out all duties of a:- planner, supervisor,
analyst, resource allocator, etc. A very straightforward, with major emphasis on efficiency,
control and routines. 1.Hierarchical Style
17. 17. Types of Leadership Styles in Education 2. Transformational style Based on working
together to put in place a mechanism that will win immediate benefits and future ones. This
leadership style opens the door wide for intellectual excitement, motivation through values
and a shared vision by participation in leadership activities. (Although, most decisions are
taken individually or by a small group of people) Transformational leadership fosters a sense
of purpose and meaning to unite people for a better cause.
18. 18. Types of Leadership Styles in Education 3. Facilitative style Similar strategies used in
transformational styles, but more democratic as well as interactive in practice. Works with the
entire management, offering partnership in preparing for the future, promoting collective
ideas by being a part of the crowd, rather than being at the center. Empowering the entire
education system is the primary goal.
19. 19. Ideally, a leader should use strategies and options flexibly to balance both; short-term
and long- term goals, and must serve the institutional values. State-of-the art programs for
leadership courses are now available and provided by policy makers and educational leaders
for best delivery designed for teachers to students. What works best? What works best for
which institution and how it needs to be, is based on careful strategic planning and
consideration of its vision.
20. 20. Developing Effective School Leaders. Role of school leader has grown beyond that of
administrator as more countries require better achievement and grant greater autonomy to
schools in designing curricula and managing resources. Responsibilities need to be clearly
defined, providing access to appropriate professional development, and acknowledging their
pivotal role in improving school and student performance. Knowledge of the different roles
and responsibilities of 21st Century school leaders and how countries succeeded in
developing effective school leaders at scale is now a necessity.
21. 21. Teacher’s role as Leaders Ten Teacher’s Role
22. 22. The ways teachers can lead are as varied as teachers themselves. Teacher leaders
assume a wide range of roles to support school and student success. Whether these roles
are assigned formally or shared informally, they build the entire school's capacity to improve.
Because teachers can lead in a variety of ways, many teachers can serve as leaders among
their peers. So what are some of the leadership options available to teachers? The following
10 roles are a sampling of the many ways teachers can contribute to their schools' success.
23. 23. 1. Resource Provider Teachers help their colleagues by sharing instructional resources.
These might include Web sites, instructional materials, readings, or other resources to use
with students. They might also share such professional resources as articles, books, lesson
or unit plans, and assessment tools.
24. 24. 2. Instructional Specialist An instructional specialist helps colleagues implement effective
teaching strategies. This help might include ideas for differentiating instruction or planning
lessons in partnership with fellow teachers. Instructional specialists study and explore
instructional methodologies that are appropriate for the school; and share findings with
25. 25. 3. Curriculum Specialist Understanding content standards, how various components of
the curriculum link together, and how to use the curriculum in planning instruction and
assessment is essential to ensuring consistent curriculum implementation throughout a
school. Curriculum specialists lead teachers to agree on standards, follow the adopted
curriculum, use common pacing charts, and develop shared assessments.
26. 26. 4. Classroom Supporter Classroom supporters work inside classrooms to help teachers
implement new ideas, often by demonstrating a lesson, co teaching, or observing and giving
feedback. Consultation with peers enhanced teachers' self-efficacy (teachers' belief in their
own abilities and capacity to successfully solve teaching and learning problems) as they
reflected on practice and grew together, and it also encouraged a bias for action
(improvement through collaboration) on the part of teachers.
27. 27. 5. Learning Facilitator Facilitating professional learning opportunities among staff
members is another role for teacher leaders. When teachers learn with and from one
another, they can focus on what most directly improves student learning. Their professional
learning becomes more relevant, focused on teachers' classroom work, and aligned to fill
gaps in student learning. Such communities of learning can break the norms of isolation
present in many schools.
28. 28. 6. Mentor Serving as a mentor for novice teachers is a common role for teacher leaders.
Mentors serve as role models; acclimate new teachers to a new school; and advise new
teachers about instruction, curriculum, procedure, practices, and politics. Being a mentor
takes a great deal of time and expertise and makes a significant contribution to the
development of a new professional.
29. 29. 7. School Leader Being a school leader means serving on a committee, such as a school
improvement team; acting as a grade-level or department chair; supporting school initiatives;
or representing the school on community or district task forces or committees A school
leader shares the vision of the school, aligns his or her professional goals with those of the
school and district, and shares responsibility for the success of the school as a whole.
30. 30. 8. Data Coach Although teachers have access to a great deal of data, they do not often
use that data to drive classroom instruction. Teacher leaders can lead conversations that
engage their peers in analyzing and using this information to strengthen instruction.
31. 31. 9. Catalyst for Change Teacher leaders can also be catalysts for change, visionaries who
are “never content with the status quo but rather always looking for a better way” (Larner,
2004, p. 32). Teachers who take on the catalyst role feel secure in their own work and have
a strong commitment to continual improvement. They pose questions to generate analysis of
student learning.
32. 32. 10. Learner Among the most important roles teacher leaders assume is that of learner.
Learners model continual improvement, demonstrate lifelong learning, and use what they
learn to help all students achieve.
33. 33. Roles for All Teachers exhibit leadership in multiple, sometimes overlapping, ways.
Some leadership roles are formal with designated responsibilities. Other more informal roles
emerge as teachers interact with their peers. The variety of roles ensures that teachers can
find ways to lead that fit their talents and interests. Regardless of the roles they assume,
teacher leaders shape the culture of their schools, improve student learning, and influence
practice among their peers.
34. 34. Preparing Teachers: Delivery of 21st Century Skills. Nations around the world have
undertaken wide-ranging reforms of curriculum, instruction, and assessments with the
intention of better preparing all children for the higher educational demands of life and work
in the 21st century. These are skills that young people need to know to be successful in this
rapidly changing world. Q: Are teachers competent to effectively teach those skills? This
leads to, what teacher preparation programs are needed to prepare graduates who are ready
to teach well in a 21st century classroom.
35. 35. As an approach to organization development, innovation leadership can be used to
support the achievement of the mission or vision of an organization or school. Innovation
Leadership In an ever changing world with new technologies and processes, it is becoming
necessary to think innovatively in order to ensure their continued success and stay
36. 36. The 21st century shift, Innovative Thinking This new call for innovation, a shift from 20th
century traditional view of organizational practices, which discouraged innovative behaviors,
to the 21st century view of valuing innovative thinking as a “potentially powerful influence on
organizational performance”.
37. 37. As an approach to organization development, innovation leadership can be used to
support the achievement of the mission or vision of an organization or school. Innovation
Leadership In an ever changing world with new technologies and processes, it is becoming
necessary to think innovatively in order to ensure their continued success and stay
38. 38. Innovation Leadership is………. The key role in the practice of innovation leadership is
the… Innovation Leader. synthesizing different leadership styles in organizations to influence
to produce creative ideas, products, services and solutions.
39. 39. Adapting to new changes in Leadership “the need for innovation in organizations has
resulted in a new focus on the role of leaders in shaping the nature and success of creative
efforts” in order to adapt to new changes. Without innovation leadership, organizations are
likely to struggle.
40. 40. •21st Century Careers •The new “3 C’s” of Education •21st Century Skills •21st Century
Skills & Literacy •Upgrade your Lessons 21st Century Teaching & Learning
41. 41. None of this is to say that everything must change, hardly. There are many, oh-so- many
thing we do that should never change. 21st Century Teaching & Learning Our students are
waiting for 21st century learning, and our world is awaiting graduates who can succeed and
flourish in fast-changing times.
42. 42. ‘If a Child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should ‘teach the way they learn’.
43. 43. 21st Century Careers A need to keep yourself current, resilient through continuous
learning, as well as connected to your values is the career of the 21st century. 21st century
careers is all about CHANGE in our thinking, strategies and behaviors to those that work in
the new ever- changing and challenging environment to meet the challenges of the times.
44. 44. To live and succeed in the present world, students will need for an increased focus on
communication, collaboration, and creativity and an emphasis on teaching them to use
technology in order to learn how to learn, solve problems, and think creatively. The new “3
C’s” of Education 21st Century Teaching & Learning CreateCollaborateCommunicate
45. 45. 21st Century Skills Students must be taught how to use technology efficiently and
effectively, ethically and appropriately, safely and respectfully to learn how to learn, solve
problems, and think creatively.
46. 46. Once affirmed, it needs to be able to be articulated by all. - when achieved, all can then
align their efforts behind the vision and through self-reference and development the school
will reach. Translated into reality by means of a Teaching Framework or belief system.
Successful schools have a clear sense of direction through Vision Statement. – shared &
derived through a visioning process involving all members of the school.
47. 47. To be the center of excellence, renown internationally for Educational Leadership
exceeding expectation of 21st Century National Standards put forward By the Teacher
Training Agency Example:
48. 48. Instructional Leadership Defining School Mission Managing Instructional Program
Promoting School Climate (Hallinger, 2003) Commu- nicating school goals Supervising &
evaluating instruction Providing incentives for teachers Widely used Instructional Leadership
model Framing school goals Coordinating curriculum Monitoring student progress Protecting
instructional time Promoting professional development Maintaining high visibility Providing
incentives for learning
49. 49. What You Can Do to become Stronger Innovation Leaders in Your School, and… ...What
are we doing to do more of and become better at…
50. 50. Associating, Questioning, Observing, Networking, Experimenting. Five Core Skills of
Innovators Framework
51. 51. “Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of school administrators who responded to a recent
survey said 1:1 computing classrooms where teachers act as a coach for students are the
future of education.” (T.H.E Journal) Heidi Hayes Jacobs: ”If you’re not updating your
curriculum, you are saying that nothing is changing.”
52. 52. “Innovative teaching supports students’ development of the skills that will help them
thrive in future life and work.” (IT Research)
53. 53. To make effective sense of unfamiliar situations and complex challenges, we must have
a grasp of the whole situation, its variables, unknowns and mysterious forces. What worked
before doesn’t work today. This requires skills beyond everyday analysis. It requires
Innovation Leadership.
54. 54. Sitting in a classroom learning information is rapidly disappearing. Innovative ways to
become engaged in the learning process and to increase content knowledge , - occurs in the
community, working on projects or to sustain the school itself. Innovative learning - inside or
outside of school walls?
55. 55. ◦ Practice skills in a realistic setting, more likely to see the big picture behind what they
are learning. Field-based learning provides that opportunity. An innovative program gives
student a chance to perform work in a real-life setting. Field-Based Learning For example,
students who are learning about ancient history might spend time working on an
archeological dig in the area.
56. 56. ◦ Mentoring programs train students to mentor other students are on the rise - helping
new students to integrate into the school, assist in conflict resolution and do peer tutoring.
Mentoring provides opportunity to be leaders and can help unify a student body. Mentoring -
an innovative practice being implemented in schools across the nation. Often, mentoring
consists of experienced teachers assisting teachers who are new to the field.
57. 57. Project-Based Learning Projects can show students how disciplines as diverse as
English, science and math are interrelated - can be developed to accommodate almost any
curriculum. For example, A science teacher builds an Electrolyzer with the students to
demonstrate Electrolysis of water with soda to its gases form , who learned all of the skills
that accompany the built and implementation and were engaged in the process. The
students enjoyed the recognition the project and gained confidence in their abilities.
Educational Leadership
1. 1. A. Definition of Educational Leadership<br /> B. Philosophy of Leadership in Education<br
/> C. Principles of Leadership<br /> D. Functions of Leadership<br />
2. 2. What Is Educational Leadership?<br />
3. 3. Educational Leadership<br /> is a term applied to school administrations that strive to
create positive change in educational policy and processes.<br />
4. 4. Educational leaders are trained to advance and improve educational systems or
institutions. Educational leaders usually are employed as school principals or administrators
but take on additional roles, such as department chair or academic dean.<br />
5. 5. Philosophy of Leadership in Education<br />Why is a Philosophy of Leadership
Important?<br />Philosophy is "the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being,
knowledge or conduct." Philosophy is the attainment of an integrated, comprehensive view of
life, of vital importance. Furthermore, "values, ethics and virtues are actually secondary. . ."
to the absolute necessity to couch these attributes within a personal philosophy.<br />
6. 6. Vision<br /> The first element to consider in developing a philosophy of leadership. One of
the best general descriptions of vision is that vision must be idealistic and a "mental model of
a future state of the organization."<br />
7. 7. Values<br /> Values serve as our moral compass to guide every soldier, from private to
general, through the maze of intellectual, philosophical and emotional issues that encompass
our life. <br />
8. 8. Leader Development<br /> You should include three essential leader-development
components in your leadership philosophy: formal schooling, leader training within your
organization and empowerment.<br />
9. 9. Managing Change<br /> Anyone who has ever tried to initiate organizational change has
probably heard, "We tried that and it didn’t work" or "We have always done it this way."
Change is not always easy for an organization’s members. However, change is
inevitable.<br />
10. 10. Diversity<br /> One area of leadership philosophy often overlooked is the strength of
leveraging diversity in our organizations. Men and women, of various ethnic, racial, religious
backgrounds and experiences, reflect the treasured differences that make us a unique and
powerful organization.<br />
11. 11. Maintain a Sense of Humor<br /> Although having a sense of humor is not a theme in
everyone’s philosophy of leadership, I believe it is important and extremely healthy for a
positive command climate. You have to know how to laugh, especially at yourself. Humor
can very often diffuse a potentially tense situation.<br />
12. 12. Principles of Leadership<br />1. Know yourself and seek self-improvement.<br />2. Be
technically proficient.<br />3. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.<br
13. 13. 4. Make sound and timely decisions.<br />5. Set the example.<br />6. Know your people
and look out for their well-being.<br />
14. 14. 7. Keep your people informed.<br />8. Develop a sense of accountability, ownership and
responsibility in your people.<br />
15. 15. 9. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished.<br />10. Train your
people as a team.<br />
16. 16. Functions of Leadership<br />Educational leaders work to improve educational
programming. They hire and manage teachers and staff, prepare budgets, set curriculum
standards and set school-wide policy. They might work on team building efforts or restructure
the organization to affect necessary change.<br />
17. 17. The leader as executive<br />-> top co-ordinator of the group activities and overseer of
the execution of policies.<br />
18. 18. The leader as planner<br />-> deciding the ways and menas by which the group
achieves its ends. This may involve both short-term and long-term planning.<br />
19. 19. The leader as policy maker<br />-> the establishment of group goals and policies.<br />
20. 20. The leader as expert<br />-> a source of readily available information and skills, although
there will be some reliance on technical expertise and advice from other members of the
group.<br />
21. 21. The leader as external group representitive<br />-> the official spokesperson for the
group, the representative of the group and the channel for both outgoing and incoming
communication.<br />
22. 22. The leader as controller of internal relations<br />-> determines specific aspects of the
group structure.<br />
23. 23. The leader as perveyor of rewards and punsihment<br />-> control over group members
by the power to provide rewards and apply punishments.<br />
24. 24. The leader as arbitrator and meditator<br />-> controls interpersonal conflict within the
group.<br />
25. 25. The leader as exemplar<br />-> a model of behaviour for members of the group, setting
an example of what is expected.<br />
26. 26. The leader as symbol of the group<br />-> enhancing group unity by providing some kind
of cognitive focus and establishing the group as a distinct entity.<br />
27. 27. The leader as substitute for individualresponsibility<br />-> relieves the inividual member
of the group from the necessity of, and responsibility for, personal decision.<br />
28. 28. The leader as ideologist<br />-> serving as the source of beliefs, values and standards of
behaviour for individual members of the group.<br />
29. 29. The leader as father figure<br />-> serving as the focus for the positive emotional
feelings of individual members and the object for identification and transference.<br />
30. 30. The leader as scapegoat<br />-> serving as a target for agression and hostility of the
group, accepting blame in the case of failure.<br />

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Educational leadership styles and roles

  • 1. Educational-leadership 1. 1.  Educational Leadership Introduction & Definition  Leadership Styles in Education Hierarchical, Transformational and Facilitative  Developing effective School Leaders Teacher’s role as Leaders  21st Century Leadership in Education Innovation Leadership and 21st Century Teaching & Learning 2. 2. Explores organizational theories, models of theories, models of leadership & management, and personal & organizational change. Bridges the theories to practical applications in education settings. 3. 3. To assist participants to choose and situate best leadership styles within organization function, and to develop a vision of their leadership practice within a perspective of how school organization works. To provide participants with an insight of Educational Leadership styles and opportunity to explore role of Teacher as leaders in school change management and restructuring in the 21st Century teaching and learning. 4. 4. Education & Leadership Introduction & Definition 5. 5. Education in general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. EDUCATION • A process of acquiring knowledge and delivering to others • Knowledge is an awareness of self and surroundings • Self awareness is a process of knowing about personal potentials, faculties, dreams and desires. • knowing surroundings with its realities, structures, requirements, usages and its relationship to self is knowledge. 6. 6. For example, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow, or as somebody who guides or directs others, while others define leadership as "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal’’. ’Studies of leadership have produced theories involving traits, situational interaction, function, behavior, power, vision and values, charisma, and intelligence, among others. LEADERSHIP Definition: described as “a process of social influence which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task’’. 7. 7. School leadership-often used synonymously in USA and has replaced educational management in the United Kingdom and school management in Pakistan. Several institutions through out the world offer graduate degrees in educational leadership. School leadership- a process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils, and Parents toward achieving common educational aims. 8. 8. Came into currency in the late 20th century. Demands were made on schools for higher levels of pupil achievement, and schools were expected to improve and reform. Introduction: School Leadership These expectations accompanied by calls for accountability at the school level. Administration and management are terms that suggest stability through the exercise of control and supervision. 9. 9. The concept of leadership was favored because it conveys dynamism and pro-activity. The principal or school head is commonly thought to be the school leader; however, school leadership may include other persons, such as members of a formal leadership team and other persons who contribute toward the aims of the school. 10. 10. To inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, you must:- be, know and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders continually improve their leadership skills; they are NOT resting on their achievements. Good leaders are made not born. Effective leader- desire and will power through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. Leaders, Born or made? 11. 11. -a leader's way of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. Different situations however, call for different leadership styles. Autocratic leadership style- may be most effective in an emergency, with little time on an agreement & where designated authority has more experience or expertise:- However, in a highly motivated and aligned team with a homogeneous level of expertise, a more democratic or laissez- faire style may
  • 2. be more effective. The style adopted should be the one most effectively achieves the objectives balancing the interests of its members. 12. 12. When it comes to Educational Leadership, which Style? 13. 13. Types of Leadership Styles in Education 14. 14. Educational leadership has been studied over years to address long- standing concern of students, educators, and society as a whole. Education is an important aspect of human life. How we receive and translate it into our daily way of life is quite largely dependent upon the way it gets passed on. 15. 15. Leadership styles were introduced to address the needs of students from diverse backgrounds. Three different types of styles commonly practiced are. 1.Hierarchical 2.Transformational 3.Facilitative 16. 16. Types of Leadership Styles in Education Based on the traditional method of education, emphasis in a top-down approach with formal authority and little scope for participatory analysis. Administrative head, the principal, carries out all duties of a:- planner, supervisor, analyst, resource allocator, etc. A very straightforward, with major emphasis on efficiency, control and routines. 1.Hierarchical Style 17. 17. Types of Leadership Styles in Education 2. Transformational style Based on working together to put in place a mechanism that will win immediate benefits and future ones. This leadership style opens the door wide for intellectual excitement, motivation through values and a shared vision by participation in leadership activities. (Although, most decisions are taken individually or by a small group of people) Transformational leadership fosters a sense of purpose and meaning to unite people for a better cause. 18. 18. Types of Leadership Styles in Education 3. Facilitative style Similar strategies used in transformational styles, but more democratic as well as interactive in practice. Works with the entire management, offering partnership in preparing for the future, promoting collective ideas by being a part of the crowd, rather than being at the center. Empowering the entire education system is the primary goal. 19. 19. Ideally, a leader should use strategies and options flexibly to balance both; short-term and long- term goals, and must serve the institutional values. State-of-the art programs for leadership courses are now available and provided by policy makers and educational leaders for best delivery designed for teachers to students. What works best? What works best for which institution and how it needs to be, is based on careful strategic planning and consideration of its vision. 20. 20. Developing Effective School Leaders. Role of school leader has grown beyond that of administrator as more countries require better achievement and grant greater autonomy to schools in designing curricula and managing resources. Responsibilities need to be clearly defined, providing access to appropriate professional development, and acknowledging their pivotal role in improving school and student performance. Knowledge of the different roles and responsibilities of 21st Century school leaders and how countries succeeded in developing effective school leaders at scale is now a necessity. 21. 21. Teacher’s role as Leaders Ten Teacher’s Role 22. 22. The ways teachers can lead are as varied as teachers themselves. Teacher leaders assume a wide range of roles to support school and student success. Whether these roles are assigned formally or shared informally, they build the entire school's capacity to improve. Because teachers can lead in a variety of ways, many teachers can serve as leaders among their peers. So what are some of the leadership options available to teachers? The following 10 roles are a sampling of the many ways teachers can contribute to their schools' success. 23. 23. 1. Resource Provider Teachers help their colleagues by sharing instructional resources. These might include Web sites, instructional materials, readings, or other resources to use with students. They might also share such professional resources as articles, books, lesson or unit plans, and assessment tools. 24. 24. 2. Instructional Specialist An instructional specialist helps colleagues implement effective teaching strategies. This help might include ideas for differentiating instruction or planning
  • 3. lessons in partnership with fellow teachers. Instructional specialists study and explore instructional methodologies that are appropriate for the school; and share findings with colleagues. 25. 25. 3. Curriculum Specialist Understanding content standards, how various components of the curriculum link together, and how to use the curriculum in planning instruction and assessment is essential to ensuring consistent curriculum implementation throughout a school. Curriculum specialists lead teachers to agree on standards, follow the adopted curriculum, use common pacing charts, and develop shared assessments. 26. 26. 4. Classroom Supporter Classroom supporters work inside classrooms to help teachers implement new ideas, often by demonstrating a lesson, co teaching, or observing and giving feedback. Consultation with peers enhanced teachers' self-efficacy (teachers' belief in their own abilities and capacity to successfully solve teaching and learning problems) as they reflected on practice and grew together, and it also encouraged a bias for action (improvement through collaboration) on the part of teachers. 27. 27. 5. Learning Facilitator Facilitating professional learning opportunities among staff members is another role for teacher leaders. When teachers learn with and from one another, they can focus on what most directly improves student learning. Their professional learning becomes more relevant, focused on teachers' classroom work, and aligned to fill gaps in student learning. Such communities of learning can break the norms of isolation present in many schools. 28. 28. 6. Mentor Serving as a mentor for novice teachers is a common role for teacher leaders. Mentors serve as role models; acclimate new teachers to a new school; and advise new teachers about instruction, curriculum, procedure, practices, and politics. Being a mentor takes a great deal of time and expertise and makes a significant contribution to the development of a new professional. 29. 29. 7. School Leader Being a school leader means serving on a committee, such as a school improvement team; acting as a grade-level or department chair; supporting school initiatives; or representing the school on community or district task forces or committees A school leader shares the vision of the school, aligns his or her professional goals with those of the school and district, and shares responsibility for the success of the school as a whole. 30. 30. 8. Data Coach Although teachers have access to a great deal of data, they do not often use that data to drive classroom instruction. Teacher leaders can lead conversations that engage their peers in analyzing and using this information to strengthen instruction. 31. 31. 9. Catalyst for Change Teacher leaders can also be catalysts for change, visionaries who are “never content with the status quo but rather always looking for a better way” (Larner, 2004, p. 32). Teachers who take on the catalyst role feel secure in their own work and have a strong commitment to continual improvement. They pose questions to generate analysis of student learning. 32. 32. 10. Learner Among the most important roles teacher leaders assume is that of learner. Learners model continual improvement, demonstrate lifelong learning, and use what they learn to help all students achieve. 33. 33. Roles for All Teachers exhibit leadership in multiple, sometimes overlapping, ways. Some leadership roles are formal with designated responsibilities. Other more informal roles emerge as teachers interact with their peers. The variety of roles ensures that teachers can find ways to lead that fit their talents and interests. Regardless of the roles they assume, teacher leaders shape the culture of their schools, improve student learning, and influence practice among their peers. 34. 34. Preparing Teachers: Delivery of 21st Century Skills. Nations around the world have undertaken wide-ranging reforms of curriculum, instruction, and assessments with the intention of better preparing all children for the higher educational demands of life and work in the 21st century. These are skills that young people need to know to be successful in this rapidly changing world. Q: Are teachers competent to effectively teach those skills? This
  • 4. leads to, what teacher preparation programs are needed to prepare graduates who are ready to teach well in a 21st century classroom. 35. 35. As an approach to organization development, innovation leadership can be used to support the achievement of the mission or vision of an organization or school. Innovation Leadership In an ever changing world with new technologies and processes, it is becoming necessary to think innovatively in order to ensure their continued success and stay competitive. 36. 36. The 21st century shift, Innovative Thinking This new call for innovation, a shift from 20th century traditional view of organizational practices, which discouraged innovative behaviors, to the 21st century view of valuing innovative thinking as a “potentially powerful influence on organizational performance”. 37. 37. As an approach to organization development, innovation leadership can be used to support the achievement of the mission or vision of an organization or school. Innovation Leadership In an ever changing world with new technologies and processes, it is becoming necessary to think innovatively in order to ensure their continued success and stay competitive. 38. 38. Innovation Leadership is………. The key role in the practice of innovation leadership is the… Innovation Leader. synthesizing different leadership styles in organizations to influence to produce creative ideas, products, services and solutions. 39. 39. Adapting to new changes in Leadership “the need for innovation in organizations has resulted in a new focus on the role of leaders in shaping the nature and success of creative efforts” in order to adapt to new changes. Without innovation leadership, organizations are likely to struggle. 40. 40. •21st Century Careers •The new “3 C’s” of Education •21st Century Skills •21st Century Skills & Literacy •Upgrade your Lessons 21st Century Teaching & Learning 41. 41. None of this is to say that everything must change, hardly. There are many, oh-so- many thing we do that should never change. 21st Century Teaching & Learning Our students are waiting for 21st century learning, and our world is awaiting graduates who can succeed and flourish in fast-changing times. 42. 42. ‘If a Child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should ‘teach the way they learn’. 43. 43. 21st Century Careers A need to keep yourself current, resilient through continuous learning, as well as connected to your values is the career of the 21st century. 21st century careers is all about CHANGE in our thinking, strategies and behaviors to those that work in the new ever- changing and challenging environment to meet the challenges of the times. 44. 44. To live and succeed in the present world, students will need for an increased focus on communication, collaboration, and creativity and an emphasis on teaching them to use technology in order to learn how to learn, solve problems, and think creatively. The new “3 C’s” of Education 21st Century Teaching & Learning CreateCollaborateCommunicate 45. 45. 21st Century Skills Students must be taught how to use technology efficiently and effectively, ethically and appropriately, safely and respectfully to learn how to learn, solve problems, and think creatively. 46. 46. Once affirmed, it needs to be able to be articulated by all. - when achieved, all can then align their efforts behind the vision and through self-reference and development the school will reach. Translated into reality by means of a Teaching Framework or belief system. Successful schools have a clear sense of direction through Vision Statement. – shared & derived through a visioning process involving all members of the school. 47. 47. To be the center of excellence, renown internationally for Educational Leadership exceeding expectation of 21st Century National Standards put forward By the Teacher Training Agency Example: 48. 48. Instructional Leadership Defining School Mission Managing Instructional Program Promoting School Climate (Hallinger, 2003) Commu- nicating school goals Supervising & evaluating instruction Providing incentives for teachers Widely used Instructional Leadership model Framing school goals Coordinating curriculum Monitoring student progress Protecting
  • 5. instructional time Promoting professional development Maintaining high visibility Providing incentives for learning 49. 49. What You Can Do to become Stronger Innovation Leaders in Your School, and… ...What are we doing to do more of and become better at… 50. 50. Associating, Questioning, Observing, Networking, Experimenting. Five Core Skills of Innovators Framework 51. 51. “Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of school administrators who responded to a recent survey said 1:1 computing classrooms where teachers act as a coach for students are the future of education.” (T.H.E Journal) Heidi Hayes Jacobs: ”If you’re not updating your curriculum, you are saying that nothing is changing.” 52. 52. “Innovative teaching supports students’ development of the skills that will help them thrive in future life and work.” (IT Research) 53. 53. To make effective sense of unfamiliar situations and complex challenges, we must have a grasp of the whole situation, its variables, unknowns and mysterious forces. What worked before doesn’t work today. This requires skills beyond everyday analysis. It requires Innovation Leadership. 54. 54. Sitting in a classroom learning information is rapidly disappearing. Innovative ways to become engaged in the learning process and to increase content knowledge , - occurs in the community, working on projects or to sustain the school itself. Innovative learning - inside or outside of school walls? 55. 55. ◦ Practice skills in a realistic setting, more likely to see the big picture behind what they are learning. Field-based learning provides that opportunity. An innovative program gives student a chance to perform work in a real-life setting. Field-Based Learning For example, students who are learning about ancient history might spend time working on an archeological dig in the area. 56. 56. ◦ Mentoring programs train students to mentor other students are on the rise - helping new students to integrate into the school, assist in conflict resolution and do peer tutoring. Mentoring provides opportunity to be leaders and can help unify a student body. Mentoring - an innovative practice being implemented in schools across the nation. Often, mentoring consists of experienced teachers assisting teachers who are new to the field. 57. 57. Project-Based Learning Projects can show students how disciplines as diverse as English, science and math are interrelated - can be developed to accommodate almost any curriculum. For example, A science teacher builds an Electrolyzer with the students to demonstrate Electrolysis of water with soda to its gases form , who learned all of the skills that accompany the built and implementation and were engaged in the process. The students enjoyed the recognition the project and gained confidence in their abilities.
  • 6. Educational Leadership 1. 1. A. Definition of Educational Leadership<br /> B. Philosophy of Leadership in Education<br /> C. Principles of Leadership<br /> D. Functions of Leadership<br /> 2. 2. What Is Educational Leadership?<br /> 3. 3. Educational Leadership<br /> is a term applied to school administrations that strive to create positive change in educational policy and processes.<br /> 4. 4. Educational leaders are trained to advance and improve educational systems or institutions. Educational leaders usually are employed as school principals or administrators but take on additional roles, such as department chair or academic dean.<br /> 5. 5. Philosophy of Leadership in Education<br />Why is a Philosophy of Leadership Important?<br />Philosophy is "the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge or conduct." Philosophy is the attainment of an integrated, comprehensive view of life, of vital importance. Furthermore, "values, ethics and virtues are actually secondary. . ." to the absolute necessity to couch these attributes within a personal philosophy.<br /> 6. 6. Vision<br /> The first element to consider in developing a philosophy of leadership. One of the best general descriptions of vision is that vision must be idealistic and a "mental model of a future state of the organization."<br /> 7. 7. Values<br /> Values serve as our moral compass to guide every soldier, from private to general, through the maze of intellectual, philosophical and emotional issues that encompass our life. <br /> 8. 8. Leader Development<br /> You should include three essential leader-development components in your leadership philosophy: formal schooling, leader training within your organization and empowerment.<br /> 9. 9. Managing Change<br /> Anyone who has ever tried to initiate organizational change has probably heard, "We tried that and it didn’t work" or "We have always done it this way." Change is not always easy for an organization’s members. However, change is inevitable.<br /> 10. 10. Diversity<br /> One area of leadership philosophy often overlooked is the strength of leveraging diversity in our organizations. Men and women, of various ethnic, racial, religious backgrounds and experiences, reflect the treasured differences that make us a unique and powerful organization.<br /> 11. 11. Maintain a Sense of Humor<br /> Although having a sense of humor is not a theme in everyone’s philosophy of leadership, I believe it is important and extremely healthy for a positive command climate. You have to know how to laugh, especially at yourself. Humor can very often diffuse a potentially tense situation.<br /> 12. 12. Principles of Leadership<br />1. Know yourself and seek self-improvement.<br />2. Be technically proficient.<br />3. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.<br /> 13. 13. 4. Make sound and timely decisions.<br />5. Set the example.<br />6. Know your people and look out for their well-being.<br /> 14. 14. 7. Keep your people informed.<br />8. Develop a sense of accountability, ownership and responsibility in your people.<br /> 15. 15. 9. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished.<br />10. Train your people as a team.<br /> 16. 16. Functions of Leadership<br />Educational leaders work to improve educational programming. They hire and manage teachers and staff, prepare budgets, set curriculum standards and set school-wide policy. They might work on team building efforts or restructure the organization to affect necessary change.<br /> 17. 17. The leader as executive<br />-> top co-ordinator of the group activities and overseer of the execution of policies.<br /> 18. 18. The leader as planner<br />-> deciding the ways and menas by which the group achieves its ends. This may involve both short-term and long-term planning.<br />
  • 7. 19. 19. The leader as policy maker<br />-> the establishment of group goals and policies.<br /> 20. 20. The leader as expert<br />-> a source of readily available information and skills, although there will be some reliance on technical expertise and advice from other members of the group.<br /> 21. 21. The leader as external group representitive<br />-> the official spokesperson for the group, the representative of the group and the channel for both outgoing and incoming communication.<br /> 22. 22. The leader as controller of internal relations<br />-> determines specific aspects of the group structure.<br /> 23. 23. The leader as perveyor of rewards and punsihment<br />-> control over group members by the power to provide rewards and apply punishments.<br /> 24. 24. The leader as arbitrator and meditator<br />-> controls interpersonal conflict within the group.<br /> 25. 25. The leader as exemplar<br />-> a model of behaviour for members of the group, setting an example of what is expected.<br /> 26. 26. The leader as symbol of the group<br />-> enhancing group unity by providing some kind of cognitive focus and establishing the group as a distinct entity.<br /> 27. 27. The leader as substitute for individualresponsibility<br />-> relieves the inividual member of the group from the necessity of, and responsibility for, personal decision.<br /> 28. 28. The leader as ideologist<br />-> serving as the source of beliefs, values and standards of behaviour for individual members of the group.<br /> 29. 29. The leader as father figure<br />-> serving as the focus for the positive emotional feelings of individual members and the object for identification and transference.<br /> 30. 30. The leader as scapegoat<br />-> serving as a target for agression and hostility of the group, accepting blame in the case of failure.<br />