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MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Evaluate various types of public policy ideologies.
1.1 Summarize aspects of the problem-program-policy
1.2 Explore the concepts of law, policy, program, and project in
criminal justice.
2. Compare and contrast internal and external influences on
criminal justice public policy.
2.1 Discuss the internal and external analytical lens through
which criminal justice public policy is
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity
Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Unit I Essay
Chapter 1
Unit I Essay
Chapter 1
Unit I Essay
Reading Assignment
Chapter 1: Introduction
Unit Lesson
This course is designed to introduce certain ideas related to
criminal justice public policy. Also, during this
course you will be asked to assess the rationale of many topics:
-offender policy,
-collar offending policy,
rehabilitation, and
-based crime control.
Introduction to Critical Analysis
of Criminal Justice Policy
(Dudko, n.d.)
MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 2
Each of these areas has a certain history in the United States,
and students will be expected to be familiar
with that history to help formulate new and revised policies in
their professional roles as members of the
criminal justice system.
Gau (2019) points out that reaching consensus on a definition of
policy is a difficult task, and the author
utilizes a preferred definition from the Oxford English
Dictionary. Before delving into the specifics of the
various criminal justice policies covered in this course, it is
important to understand and differentiate between
a policy, a program, a project, and of course a law or statute.
Once that task is completed, you will focus on at
least one methodology used to assess public policy and examine
whether a current policy should be revised,
if it should be a planned revision, or if it is an unplanned
revision, which has its own set of disadvantages.
Additionally, a seven-stage model for policy revision espoused
by Welsh and Harris (2016) will be presented
as an effective method of addressing criminal justice policies.
To begin, the United States is not a democracy, it is a
constitutional republic, and the U.S. Constitution and
the Bills of Rights are the law of the land. While the textbook
alludes to the United States being a
constitutional democracy, that is, in fact, not true. The United
States is a constitutional republic with
representative democracy in the elections process. The
constitutional republic is identified and is detailed by
the fact that the United States has an executive branch (the
president), a legislative branch (Congress), and a
judicial branch (the court system). Americans elect their
representatives through the democratic election
process. New laws are created through legislative enactment and
at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels.
Adherence to the law is enforced through the executive
branches at those same levels. The judiciary is the
third branch of government that makes decisions or judgments
related to the law in accordance with
substantive and procedural due process and the rules of
evidence. Finally, the U.S. Supreme Court is the
court of last resort for disputes, and the United States has a rich
history of decision-making related to the
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments
to the U.S. Constitution. U.S. law is the
foundation of criminal justice policy in the United States, and
as such, policies involving immigration, three-
strikes laws, gun laws, and many others have a regular presence
at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Simply stated, a policy can be understood to be a rule or set of
rules that articulate an official position related
to the application of decision-making on an issue, topic, or
process. Policies can be fairly simple or highly
complex depending on how much discretion is afforded to
decision-makers and those who carry out policies
such as law enforcement officers, corrections officers, and
probation and parole officers, to name a few
criminal justice practitioner positions. To better understand the
complexity and sophistication of a policy, let’s
examine for a moment the three-strikes policy that became law
in many states.
Three Strikes—Policy and Law
There are essentially two distinct themes regarding criminal
sanctions: the crime control model and the due
process model (Packer, 1968). Let’s begin by using the policy
and law of three strikes. If we take the first
sentence to be true (that there are essentially two distinct
themes regarding criminal sanctions—the crime
control model and the due process model), then the next step is
to assess the rationale of the criminal law
that relies on three notions: offense, guilt, and punishment
(Packer, 1968). In this introduction, we will jump
forward with two preliminary questions, and then come back to
the essential questions. Do we criminalize too
many actions, behaviors, or situations?
The next question is do we incarcerate too many people for non-
violent offenses. While you think about those,
let’s refer to Packer. The three concepts of offense, guilt, and
punishment, as established by the state
legislature or Congress, can be viewed as substantive and
procedural, in this instance substantive. Thus, a
policy maker or committee examining three strikes might
examine the following questions.
to have committed a criminal offense?
committed criminal offenses?
strikes to be applied (Packer, 1968)?
MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 3
These three questions must be viewed in the United States
through a kaleidoscope or mixture of tests: actus
reus, mens rea, and concurrence—in other words, the act, the
intent, and the coexistence of both at the exact
time. Once that has been determined, U.S. justice provides for
defenses to what is otherwise known as
criminal conduct.
Taking all this into consideration, is the three strikes policy that
is in place in many states successful? Is the
policy too harsh? Did their action warrant the first step? Is the
process utilitarian in its implementation, and is
the purpose of punishment to inflict the necessary harm to
change anti-social behavior? Are these elements
met, and has this policy been successful?
Let’s assume for a moment that someone (male, 23 years old)
has been arrested, charged, and convicted of
shoplifting (over $500.00); two years later at 25 years old, this
person has been charged with shoplifting (over
$500.00) again and enters a plea agreement to avoid jail.
Finally, for his 29th birthday, this person is in a
restaurant with his wife and young child who is seated in a high
chair when someone passing by accidentally
bumps the high chair, which nearly tips over, scaring the young
child. The twice-convicted man jumps up,
grabs the child from tipping over, and then assaults the person
who accidentally bumped the chair. Police
officers arrive, take statements from everyone, and decide to
arrest the father who assaulted the other man,
hurting him badly. Do you believe this man, twice convicted,
should go to jail if convicted under the three-
strikes law in effect in his state?
Taking this example one step further, let’s take a look at the
concept of a program.
Programs are services designed toward satisfying specific goals
and objectives. Further, programs are
designed toward specific people, groups, organizations, and
communities. By design, programs could involve
certain things:
ving school for those convicted of driving while
-term incarceration.
Using the example above, should the father who assaulted the
other man be sent to jail or made to pay any
medical expenses or fines and enter an anger management
course rather than incarceration? As a matter of
law and policy, should the district attorney and the judge have
the discretion to even consider this option? As
you can see, policies are complex and include more than just an
alleged offender; policies impact people,
agencies, organizations, and the community.
Let’s now consider projects. Projects focus on singular needs,
problems, or issues for people, agencies,
organizations, and groups. To understand the continuum of
problem-program-policy, we can use a current hot
topic: prison overcrowding. The problem is overcrowding; a
program could be the previously mentioned boot
camps, and the policy, which incorporates the boot camp
program, is part of a federal crime bill. Often,
projects are short-term services, but depending upon the success
or failure of a specific project, it could be
extended and become a policy. Establishing a policy requires
the foundations of law to prescribe the
necessary authorizations, financing, and goals and objectives.
The Influence of the Courts
Gau (2019) relates that historically the courts have played a role
in making law and influencing or creating
public policy. The reason is not always that the court is an
activist court but sometimes because there are
Constitutional questions that arise from vaguely worded
legislation. Often, state legislatures and Congress
enact vague legislation intentionally to provide wiggle-room or
latitude and discretion, but also, members of a
legislature and Congress cannot possibly anticipate every
circumstance and incident related to the legislation
they draft and enact.
MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 4
At other times, wars are fought, laws are passed, the U.S.
Supreme Court renders a decision, as they did in
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857). The Dred Scott v. Sandford
decision was made null and void by the Thirteenth
Amendment (ratified on December 6, 1865) and then, the
Fourteenth Amendment (ratified on July 9, 1868) of
the U.S. Constitution. Congress enacted both those amendments
which nullified the decision and comments
by Justice Roger B. Taney in the Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
Some of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions are important and
will discussed later in the course.
inois (1964)
There are many other cases that have had a profound impact on
criminal justice policies in the United States.
Cases not yet determined by the U.S. Supreme Court will also
have a profound impact on policies such as
immigration, abortion rights, and other important issues.
Without question, public policy in the United States is complex,
especially regarding the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth,
Eighth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S.
Constitution. Our challenge as we navigate the next
seven units is to ensure that we can identify a problem by
examining a policy, project, or program and
debating how best to implement those suggestions. We can
accomplish this by first examining an existing
problem, establishing goals and objectives, and drafting a
program or policy. We will then create an action
plan to implement the policy, project, or program; set goals and
objectives for monitoring the implemented
policy, project, or program; and evaluate the outcomes. Finally,
we will reassess what has been done and
review it.
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857).
Dudko, O. (n.d.). Criminal (ID 118207839) [Photograph].
Retrieved from
Gau, J. M. (2019). Criminal justice policy: Origins and
effectiveness. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Packer, H. L. (1968). The limits of the criminal sanction.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
U.S. Const. amend. XIII.
U.S. Const. amend. XIV.
Welsh, W. N., & Harris, P. W. (2016). Criminal justice policy
and planning: Planned change (5th ed.). New
York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 1
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Evaluate various types of public policy ideologies.
1.1 Summarize aspects of the problem-program-policy
1.2 Explore the concepts of law, policy, program, and project in
criminal justice.
2. Compare and contrast internal and external influences on
criminal justice public policy.
2.1 Discuss the internal and external analytical lens through
which criminal justice public policy is
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activity
Unit Lesson
Chapter 1
Unit I Essay
Chapter 1
Unit I Essay
Chapter 1
Unit I Essay
Reading Assignment
Chapter 1: Introduction
Unit Lesson
This course is designed to introduce certain ideas related to
criminal justice public policy. Also, during this
course you will be asked to assess the rationale of many topics:
-offender policy,
-collar offending policy,
rehabilitation, and
-based crime control.
Introduction to Critical Analysis
of Criminal Justice Policy
(Dudko, n.d.)
MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 2
Each of these areas has a certain history in the United States,
and students will be expected to be familiar
with that history to help formulate new and revised policies in
their professional roles as members of the
criminal justice system.
Gau (2019) points out that reaching consensus on a definition of
policy is a difficult task, and the author
utilizes a preferred definition from the Oxford English
Dictionary. Before delving into the specifics of the
various criminal justice policies covered in this course, it is
important to understand and differentiate between
a policy, a program, a project, and of course a law or statute.
Once that task is completed, you will focus on at
least one methodology used to assess public policy and examine
whether a current policy should be revised,
if it should be a planned revision, or if it is an unplanned
revision, which has its own set of disadvantages.
Additionally, a seven-stage model for policy revision espoused
by Welsh and Harris (2016) will be presented
as an effective method of addressing criminal justice policies.
To begin, the United States is not a democracy, it is a
constitutional republic, and the U.S. Constitution and
the Bills of Rights are the law of the land. While the textbook
alludes to the United States being a
constitutional democracy, that is, in fact, not true. The United
States is a constitutional republic with
representative democracy in the elections process. The
constitutional republic is identified and is detailed by
the fact that the United States has an executive branch (the
president), a legislative branch (Congress), and a
judicial branch (the court system). Americans elect their
representatives through the democratic election
process. New laws are created through legislative enactment and
at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels.
Adherence to the law is enforced through the executive
branches at those same levels. The judiciary is the
third branch of government that makes decisions or judgments
related to the law in accordance with
substantive and procedural due process and the rules of
evidence. Finally, the U.S. Supreme Court is the
court of last resort for disputes, and the United States has a rich
history of decision-making related to the
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments
to the U.S. Constitution. U.S. law is the
foundation of criminal justice policy in the United States, and
as such, policies involving immigration, three-
strikes laws, gun laws, and many others have a regular presence
at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Simply stated, a policy can be understood to be a rule or set of
rules that articulate an official position related
to the application of decision-making on an issue, topic, or
process. Policies can be fairly simple or highly
complex depending on how much discretion is afforded to
decision-makers and those who carry out policies
such as law enforcement officers, corrections officers, and
probation and parole officers, to name a few
criminal justice practitioner positions. To better understand the
complexity and sophistication of a policy, let’s
examine for a moment the three-strikes policy that became law
in many states.
Three Strikes—Policy and Law
There are essentially two distinct themes regarding criminal
sanctions: the crime control model and the due
process model (Packer, 1968). Let’s begin by using the policy
and law of three strikes. If we take the first
sentence to be true (that there are essentially two distinct
themes regarding criminal sanctions—the crime
control model and the due process model), then the next step is
to assess the rationale of the criminal law
that relies on three notions: offense, guilt, and punishment
(Packer, 1968). In this introduction, we will jump
forward with two preliminary questions, and then come back to
the essential questions. Do we criminalize too
many actions, behaviors, or situations?
The next question is do we incarcerate too many people for non-
violent offenses. While you think about those,
let’s refer to Packer. The three concepts of offense, guilt, and
punishment, as established by the state
legislature or Congress, can be viewed as substantive and
procedural, in this instance substantive. Thus, a
policy maker or committee examining three strikes might
examine the following questions.
to have committed a criminal offense?
committed criminal offenses?
strikes to be applied (Packer, 1968)?
MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 3
These three questions must be viewed in the United States
through a kaleidoscope or mixture of tests: actus
reus, mens rea, and concurrence—in other words, the act, the
intent, and the coexistence of both at the exact
time. Once that has been determined, U.S. justice provides for
defenses to what is otherwise known as
criminal conduct.
Taking all this into consideration, is the three strikes policy that
is in place in many states successful? Is the
policy too harsh? Did their action warrant the first step? Is the
process utilitarian in its implementation, and is
the purpose of punishment to inflict the necessary harm to
change anti-social behavior? Are these elements
met, and has this policy been successful?
Let’s assume for a moment that someone (male, 23 years old)
has been arrested, charged, and convicted of
shoplifting (over $500.00); two years later at 25 years old, this
person has been charged with shoplifting (over
$500.00) again and enters a plea agreement to avoid jail.
Finally, for his 29th birthday, this person is in a
restaurant with his wife and young child who is seated in a high
chair when someone passing by accidentally
bumps the high chair, which nearly tips over, scaring the young
child. The twice-convicted man jumps up,
grabs the child from tipping over, and then assaults the person
who accidentally bumped the chair. Police
officers arrive, take statements from everyone, and decide to
arrest the father who assaulted the other man,
hurting him badly. Do you believe this man, twice convicted,
should go to jail if convicted under the three-
strikes law in effect in his state?
Taking this example one step further, let’s take a look at the
concept of a program.
Programs are services designed toward satisfying specific goals
and objectives. Further, programs are
designed toward specific people, groups, organizations, and
communities. By design, programs could involve
certain things:
-term incarceration.
Using the example above, should the father who assaulted the
other man be sent to jail or made to pay any
medical expenses or fines and enter an anger management
course rather than incarceration? As a matter of
law and policy, should the district attorney and the judge have
the discretion to even consider this option? As
you can see, policies are complex and include more than just an
alleged offender; policies impact people,
agencies, organizations, and the community.
Let’s now consider projects. Projects focus on singular needs,
problems, or issues for people, agencies,
organizations, and groups. To understand the continuum of
problem-program-policy, we can use a current hot
topic: prison overcrowding. The problem is overcrowding; a
program could be the previously mentioned boot
camps, and the policy, which incorporates the boot camp
program, is part of a federal crime bill. Often,
projects are short-term services, but depending upon the success
or failure of a specific project, it could be
extended and become a policy. Establishing a policy requires
the foundations of law to prescribe the
necessary authorizations, financing, and goals and objectives.
The Influence of the Courts
Gau (2019) relates that historically the courts have played a role
in making law and influencing or creating
public policy. The reason is not always that the court is an
activist court but sometimes because there are
Constitutional questions that arise from vaguely worded
legislation. Often, state legislatures and Congress
enact vague legislation intentionally to provide wiggle-room or
latitude and discretion, but also, members of a
legislature and Congress cannot possibly anticipate every
circumstance and incident related to the legislation
they draft and enact.
MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 4
At other times, wars are fought, laws are passed, the U.S.
Supreme Court renders a decision, as they did in
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857). The Dred Scott v. Sandford
decision was made null and void by the Thirteenth
Amendment (ratified on December 6, 1865) and then, the
Fourteenth Amendment (ratified on July 9, 1868) of
the U.S. Constitution. Congress enacted both those amendments
which nullified the decision and comments
by Justice Roger B. Taney in the Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
Some of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions are important and
will discussed later in the course.
do v. Illinois (1964)
There are many other cases that have had a profound impact on
criminal justice policies in the United States.
Cases not yet determined by the U.S. Supreme Court will also
have a profound impact on policies such as
immigration, abortion rights, and other important issues.
Without question, public policy in the United States is complex,
especially regarding the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth,
Eighth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S.
Constitution. Our challenge as we navigate the next
seven units is to ensure that we can identify a problem by
examining a policy, project, or program and
debating how best to implement those suggestions. We can
accomplish this by first examining an existing
problem, establishing goals and objectives, and drafting a
program or policy. We will then create an action
plan to implement the policy, project, or program; set goals and
objectives for monitoring the implemented
policy, project, or program; and evaluate the outcomes. Finally,
we will reassess what has been done and
review it.
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857).
Dudko, O. (n.d.). Criminal (ID 118207839) [Photograph].
Retrieved from
Gau, J. M. (2019). Criminal justice policy: Origins and
effectiveness. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Packer, H. L. (1968). The limits of the criminal sanction.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
U.S. Const. amend. XIII.
U.S. Const. amend. XIV.
Welsh, W. N., & Harris, P. W. (2016). Criminal justice policy
and planning: Planned change (5th ed.). New
York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

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,Check out attachments and read instructions before you make Hand .docxjoney4
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MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public.docx

  • 1. MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 1 Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Evaluate various types of public policy ideologies. 1.1 Summarize aspects of the problem-program-policy continuum. 1.2 Explore the concepts of law, policy, program, and project in criminal justice. 2. Compare and contrast internal and external influences on criminal justice public policy. 2.1 Discuss the internal and external analytical lens through which criminal justice public policy is viewed. Course/Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Activity 1.1 Unit Lesson
  • 2. Chapter 1 Unit I Essay 1.2 Chapter 1 Unit I Essay 2.1 Chapter 1 Unit I Essay Reading Assignment Chapter 1: Introduction Unit Lesson Introduction This course is designed to introduce certain ideas related to criminal justice public policy. Also, during this course you will be asked to assess the rationale of many topics: -offender policy,
  • 3. -collar offending policy, rehabilitation, and -based crime control. UNIT I STUDY GUIDE Introduction to Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Policy (Dudko, n.d.) MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE
  • 4. Title Each of these areas has a certain history in the United States, and students will be expected to be familiar with that history to help formulate new and revised policies in their professional roles as members of the criminal justice system. Gau (2019) points out that reaching consensus on a definition of policy is a difficult task, and the author utilizes a preferred definition from the Oxford English Dictionary. Before delving into the specifics of the various criminal justice policies covered in this course, it is important to understand and differentiate between a policy, a program, a project, and of course a law or statute. Once that task is completed, you will focus on at least one methodology used to assess public policy and examine whether a current policy should be revised, if it should be a planned revision, or if it is an unplanned revision, which has its own set of disadvantages. Additionally, a seven-stage model for policy revision espoused by Welsh and Harris (2016) will be presented as an effective method of addressing criminal justice policies. Law To begin, the United States is not a democracy, it is a constitutional republic, and the U.S. Constitution and the Bills of Rights are the law of the land. While the textbook alludes to the United States being a constitutional democracy, that is, in fact, not true. The United States is a constitutional republic with representative democracy in the elections process. The constitutional republic is identified and is detailed by
  • 5. the fact that the United States has an executive branch (the president), a legislative branch (Congress), and a judicial branch (the court system). Americans elect their representatives through the democratic election process. New laws are created through legislative enactment and at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels. Adherence to the law is enforced through the executive branches at those same levels. The judiciary is the third branch of government that makes decisions or judgments related to the law in accordance with substantive and procedural due process and the rules of evidence. Finally, the U.S. Supreme Court is the court of last resort for disputes, and the United States has a rich history of decision-making related to the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. U.S. law is the foundation of criminal justice policy in the United States, and as such, policies involving immigration, three- strikes laws, gun laws, and many others have a regular presence at the U.S. Supreme Court. Policy Simply stated, a policy can be understood to be a rule or set of rules that articulate an official position related to the application of decision-making on an issue, topic, or process. Policies can be fairly simple or highly complex depending on how much discretion is afforded to decision-makers and those who carry out policies such as law enforcement officers, corrections officers, and probation and parole officers, to name a few criminal justice practitioner positions. To better understand the complexity and sophistication of a policy, let’s examine for a moment the three-strikes policy that became law in many states.
  • 6. Three Strikes—Policy and Law There are essentially two distinct themes regarding criminal sanctions: the crime control model and the due process model (Packer, 1968). Let’s begin by using the policy and law of three strikes. If we take the first sentence to be true (that there are essentially two distinct themes regarding criminal sanctions—the crime control model and the due process model), then the next step is to assess the rationale of the criminal law that relies on three notions: offense, guilt, and punishment (Packer, 1968). In this introduction, we will jump forward with two preliminary questions, and then come back to the essential questions. Do we criminalize too many actions, behaviors, or situations? The next question is do we incarcerate too many people for non- violent offenses. While you think about those, let’s refer to Packer. The three concepts of offense, guilt, and punishment, as established by the state legislature or Congress, can be viewed as substantive and procedural, in this instance substantive. Thus, a policy maker or committee examining three strikes might examine the following questions. to have committed a criminal offense? committed criminal offenses? strikes to be applied (Packer, 1968)?
  • 7. MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 3 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title These three questions must be viewed in the United States through a kaleidoscope or mixture of tests: actus reus, mens rea, and concurrence—in other words, the act, the intent, and the coexistence of both at the exact time. Once that has been determined, U.S. justice provides for defenses to what is otherwise known as criminal conduct. Taking all this into consideration, is the three strikes policy that is in place in many states successful? Is the policy too harsh? Did their action warrant the first step? Is the process utilitarian in its implementation, and is the purpose of punishment to inflict the necessary harm to change anti-social behavior? Are these elements met, and has this policy been successful? Let’s assume for a moment that someone (male, 23 years old) has been arrested, charged, and convicted of shoplifting (over $500.00); two years later at 25 years old, this person has been charged with shoplifting (over $500.00) again and enters a plea agreement to avoid jail. Finally, for his 29th birthday, this person is in a
  • 8. restaurant with his wife and young child who is seated in a high chair when someone passing by accidentally bumps the high chair, which nearly tips over, scaring the young child. The twice-convicted man jumps up, grabs the child from tipping over, and then assaults the person who accidentally bumped the chair. Police officers arrive, take statements from everyone, and decide to arrest the father who assaulted the other man, hurting him badly. Do you believe this man, twice convicted, should go to jail if convicted under the three- strikes law in effect in his state? Taking this example one step further, let’s take a look at the concept of a program. Programs Programs are services designed toward satisfying specific goals and objectives. Further, programs are designed toward specific people, groups, organizations, and communities. By design, programs could involve certain things: ving school for those convicted of driving while intoxicated/impaired, -term incarceration. Using the example above, should the father who assaulted the other man be sent to jail or made to pay any medical expenses or fines and enter an anger management course rather than incarceration? As a matter of law and policy, should the district attorney and the judge have
  • 9. the discretion to even consider this option? As you can see, policies are complex and include more than just an alleged offender; policies impact people, agencies, organizations, and the community. Projects Let’s now consider projects. Projects focus on singular needs, problems, or issues for people, agencies, organizations, and groups. To understand the continuum of problem-program-policy, we can use a current hot topic: prison overcrowding. The problem is overcrowding; a program could be the previously mentioned boot camps, and the policy, which incorporates the boot camp program, is part of a federal crime bill. Often, projects are short-term services, but depending upon the success or failure of a specific project, it could be extended and become a policy. Establishing a policy requires the foundations of law to prescribe the necessary authorizations, financing, and goals and objectives. The Influence of the Courts Gau (2019) relates that historically the courts have played a role in making law and influencing or creating public policy. The reason is not always that the court is an activist court but sometimes because there are Constitutional questions that arise from vaguely worded legislation. Often, state legislatures and Congress enact vague legislation intentionally to provide wiggle-room or latitude and discretion, but also, members of a legislature and Congress cannot possibly anticipate every circumstance and incident related to the legislation they draft and enact.
  • 10. MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 4 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title At other times, wars are fought, laws are passed, the U.S. Supreme Court renders a decision, as they did in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857). The Dred Scott v. Sandford decision was made null and void by the Thirteenth Amendment (ratified on December 6, 1865) and then, the Fourteenth Amendment (ratified on July 9, 1868) of the U.S. Constitution. Congress enacted both those amendments which nullified the decision and comments by Justice Roger B. Taney in the Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) decision. Some of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions are important and will discussed later in the course. inois (1964)
  • 11. There are many other cases that have had a profound impact on criminal justice policies in the United States. Cases not yet determined by the U.S. Supreme Court will also have a profound impact on policies such as immigration, abortion rights, and other important issues. Conclusion Without question, public policy in the United States is complex, especially regarding the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Our challenge as we navigate the next seven units is to ensure that we can identify a problem by examining a policy, project, or program and debating how best to implement those suggestions. We can accomplish this by first examining an existing problem, establishing goals and objectives, and drafting a program or policy. We will then create an action plan to implement the policy, project, or program; set goals and objectives for monitoring the implemented policy, project, or program; and evaluate the outcomes. Finally, we will reassess what has been done and review it. References
  • 12. Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857). Dudko, O. (n.d.). Criminal (ID 118207839) [Photograph]. Retrieved from gavel-law-library-criminal- image118207839 Gau, J. M. (2019). Criminal justice policy: Origins and effectiveness. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Packer, H. L. (1968). The limits of the criminal sanction. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. U.S. Const. amend. XIII. U.S. Const. amend. XIV. Welsh, W. N., & Harris, P. W. (2016). Criminal justice policy and planning: Planned change (5th ed.). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 1 Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I
  • 13. Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Evaluate various types of public policy ideologies. 1.1 Summarize aspects of the problem-program-policy continuum. 1.2 Explore the concepts of law, policy, program, and project in criminal justice. 2. Compare and contrast internal and external influences on criminal justice public policy. 2.1 Discuss the internal and external analytical lens through which criminal justice public policy is viewed. Course/Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Activity 1.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 1 Unit I Essay 1.2 Chapter 1 Unit I Essay 2.1 Chapter 1 Unit I Essay
  • 14. Reading Assignment Chapter 1: Introduction Unit Lesson Introduction This course is designed to introduce certain ideas related to criminal justice public policy. Also, during this course you will be asked to assess the rationale of many topics: -offender policy, -collar offending policy,
  • 15. rehabilitation, and -based crime control. UNIT I STUDY GUIDE Introduction to Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Policy (Dudko, n.d.) MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title Each of these areas has a certain history in the United States, and students will be expected to be familiar with that history to help formulate new and revised policies in their professional roles as members of the criminal justice system.
  • 16. Gau (2019) points out that reaching consensus on a definition of policy is a difficult task, and the author utilizes a preferred definition from the Oxford English Dictionary. Before delving into the specifics of the various criminal justice policies covered in this course, it is important to understand and differentiate between a policy, a program, a project, and of course a law or statute. Once that task is completed, you will focus on at least one methodology used to assess public policy and examine whether a current policy should be revised, if it should be a planned revision, or if it is an unplanned revision, which has its own set of disadvantages. Additionally, a seven-stage model for policy revision espoused by Welsh and Harris (2016) will be presented as an effective method of addressing criminal justice policies. Law To begin, the United States is not a democracy, it is a constitutional republic, and the U.S. Constitution and the Bills of Rights are the law of the land. While the textbook alludes to the United States being a constitutional democracy, that is, in fact, not true. The United States is a constitutional republic with representative democracy in the elections process. The constitutional republic is identified and is detailed by the fact that the United States has an executive branch (the president), a legislative branch (Congress), and a judicial branch (the court system). Americans elect their representatives through the democratic election process. New laws are created through legislative enactment and at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels. Adherence to the law is enforced through the executive branches at those same levels. The judiciary is the third branch of government that makes decisions or judgments related to the law in accordance with
  • 17. substantive and procedural due process and the rules of evidence. Finally, the U.S. Supreme Court is the court of last resort for disputes, and the United States has a rich history of decision-making related to the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. U.S. law is the foundation of criminal justice policy in the United States, and as such, policies involving immigration, three- strikes laws, gun laws, and many others have a regular presence at the U.S. Supreme Court. Policy Simply stated, a policy can be understood to be a rule or set of rules that articulate an official position related to the application of decision-making on an issue, topic, or process. Policies can be fairly simple or highly complex depending on how much discretion is afforded to decision-makers and those who carry out policies such as law enforcement officers, corrections officers, and probation and parole officers, to name a few criminal justice practitioner positions. To better understand the complexity and sophistication of a policy, let’s examine for a moment the three-strikes policy that became law in many states. Three Strikes—Policy and Law There are essentially two distinct themes regarding criminal sanctions: the crime control model and the due process model (Packer, 1968). Let’s begin by using the policy and law of three strikes. If we take the first sentence to be true (that there are essentially two distinct themes regarding criminal sanctions—the crime control model and the due process model), then the next step is to assess the rationale of the criminal law
  • 18. that relies on three notions: offense, guilt, and punishment (Packer, 1968). In this introduction, we will jump forward with two preliminary questions, and then come back to the essential questions. Do we criminalize too many actions, behaviors, or situations? The next question is do we incarcerate too many people for non- violent offenses. While you think about those, let’s refer to Packer. The three concepts of offense, guilt, and punishment, as established by the state legislature or Congress, can be viewed as substantive and procedural, in this instance substantive. Thus, a policy maker or committee examining three strikes might examine the following questions. d to have committed a criminal offense? committed criminal offenses? strikes to be applied (Packer, 1968)? MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 3 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE
  • 19. Title These three questions must be viewed in the United States through a kaleidoscope or mixture of tests: actus reus, mens rea, and concurrence—in other words, the act, the intent, and the coexistence of both at the exact time. Once that has been determined, U.S. justice provides for defenses to what is otherwise known as criminal conduct. Taking all this into consideration, is the three strikes policy that is in place in many states successful? Is the policy too harsh? Did their action warrant the first step? Is the process utilitarian in its implementation, and is the purpose of punishment to inflict the necessary harm to change anti-social behavior? Are these elements met, and has this policy been successful? Let’s assume for a moment that someone (male, 23 years old) has been arrested, charged, and convicted of shoplifting (over $500.00); two years later at 25 years old, this person has been charged with shoplifting (over $500.00) again and enters a plea agreement to avoid jail. Finally, for his 29th birthday, this person is in a restaurant with his wife and young child who is seated in a high chair when someone passing by accidentally bumps the high chair, which nearly tips over, scaring the young child. The twice-convicted man jumps up, grabs the child from tipping over, and then assaults the person who accidentally bumped the chair. Police officers arrive, take statements from everyone, and decide to arrest the father who assaulted the other man, hurting him badly. Do you believe this man, twice convicted, should go to jail if convicted under the three-
  • 20. strikes law in effect in his state? Taking this example one step further, let’s take a look at the concept of a program. Programs Programs are services designed toward satisfying specific goals and objectives. Further, programs are designed toward specific people, groups, organizations, and communities. By design, programs could involve certain things: intoxicated/impaired, -term incarceration. Using the example above, should the father who assaulted the other man be sent to jail or made to pay any medical expenses or fines and enter an anger management course rather than incarceration? As a matter of law and policy, should the district attorney and the judge have the discretion to even consider this option? As you can see, policies are complex and include more than just an alleged offender; policies impact people, agencies, organizations, and the community. Projects Let’s now consider projects. Projects focus on singular needs, problems, or issues for people, agencies, organizations, and groups. To understand the continuum of
  • 21. problem-program-policy, we can use a current hot topic: prison overcrowding. The problem is overcrowding; a program could be the previously mentioned boot camps, and the policy, which incorporates the boot camp program, is part of a federal crime bill. Often, projects are short-term services, but depending upon the success or failure of a specific project, it could be extended and become a policy. Establishing a policy requires the foundations of law to prescribe the necessary authorizations, financing, and goals and objectives. The Influence of the Courts Gau (2019) relates that historically the courts have played a role in making law and influencing or creating public policy. The reason is not always that the court is an activist court but sometimes because there are Constitutional questions that arise from vaguely worded legislation. Often, state legislatures and Congress enact vague legislation intentionally to provide wiggle-room or latitude and discretion, but also, members of a legislature and Congress cannot possibly anticipate every circumstance and incident related to the legislation they draft and enact. MCJ 6530, Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Public Policy 4 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title
  • 22. At other times, wars are fought, laws are passed, the U.S. Supreme Court renders a decision, as they did in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857). The Dred Scott v. Sandford decision was made null and void by the Thirteenth Amendment (ratified on December 6, 1865) and then, the Fourteenth Amendment (ratified on July 9, 1868) of the U.S. Constitution. Congress enacted both those amendments which nullified the decision and comments by Justice Roger B. Taney in the Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) decision. Some of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions are important and will discussed later in the course. do v. Illinois (1964) There are many other cases that have had a profound impact on criminal justice policies in the United States. Cases not yet determined by the U.S. Supreme Court will also
  • 23. have a profound impact on policies such as immigration, abortion rights, and other important issues. Conclusion Without question, public policy in the United States is complex, especially regarding the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Our challenge as we navigate the next seven units is to ensure that we can identify a problem by examining a policy, project, or program and debating how best to implement those suggestions. We can accomplish this by first examining an existing problem, establishing goals and objectives, and drafting a program or policy. We will then create an action plan to implement the policy, project, or program; set goals and objectives for monitoring the implemented policy, project, or program; and evaluate the outcomes. Finally, we will reassess what has been done and review it. References Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857). Dudko, O. (n.d.). Criminal (ID 118207839) [Photograph]. Retrieved from gavel-law-library-criminal- image118207839
  • 24. Gau, J. M. (2019). Criminal justice policy: Origins and effectiveness. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Packer, H. L. (1968). The limits of the criminal sanction. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. U.S. Const. amend. XIII. U.S. Const. amend. XIV. Welsh, W. N., & Harris, P. W. (2016). Criminal justice policy and planning: Planned change (5th ed.). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.