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Organizational Structure, Culture And Other Business...
In a business environment there are various business practices, processes, systems and general tools
that people will be observed. Sometime employees and organisations needs to be managed
according to it. At my workplace I have observed and learned variety of practices, process and
system. The elements could be at internally or externally within organisation relationship. According
to Keyser (2014) for a manager it better to maintain healthy relationship as a result the desired
outcomes will be more effective and efficient. When talking about internal environment towards
internal relationship of an organisation it includes organisational structure, culture, practices,
process and other insights. In terms of my CPO the internal ... Show more content on ...
When talking about customers or clients at Ceylon we have to deal with either business or personal
transaction customers. Sometime business customers include either retail or wholesale clients where
they want to send money to overseas to buy goods. In terms of personal transaction customer which
include immigrant worker where they want to send money to their family members, or people who
wants to send to their saving accounts in their home country. There are many reasons can be
categorised. When talking about outsourced services Ceylon needs to seek outsourced services to
offer our clients some of the services that Ceylon deals would be Banks and other financial services
providers. As a result it would enhanced our reputations.
When analysing corporate social responsibility (CSR) it's a concepts of business practice which
involving initiatives that benefits society that business operating in. In terms of business practices in
the financial industry CSR contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social
and environment benefits for all stakeholders within the company. CSR is a very broad concept
where it address many topic such as economic development, human rights and environmental
effects. With current issues that happening in the world CSR specially address the economic
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Examples Of Fair Business Practices
Fair Business Practices
In the United States, several laws were established to keep businesses operating fairly and
competitively in every market. With businesses willing to do just about anything to gain the
competitive edge, antitrust laws were set into place to prevent to keep a companies from being
dishonest while trying to obtain new clientele. Being a small business is tough trying to compete
with larger companies, such laws protect them from market allocation, bid rigging, and price fixing.
Coming to an agreement to not operate in the same space as another company, dividing area to
benefit each other is illegal. Being a large company, practicing this method allows the two
companies to set prices where smaller businesses cannot compete and eventually going out of
business. A Boston food retailer accused C&S Grocers Inc. and Supervalu Inc., two of the largest
U.S. grocery wholesalers of such practices in 2009. Allegations include that the two wholesalers
conspired to inflate prices and not compete with one another. The Federal Trade Commission has
uncovered other cases such as the Vitamin Cartel in 2001. In this case eight companies came
together and agreed on the price and volume for every major vitamin sold for human and animal
consumption (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 2003). With the eight companies working together instead of
competing, they controlled the market making sure that they received all the profits. After being
investigated and prosecuted, several firms and
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How Technology Can Help Run Business Practices
In a world where pay phones have become nearly obsolete, the US Postal Service continues to
debate cutting back on mail delivery, stocks can be traded through an app on a cell phone and web
retailers such as can have nearly any product delivered tomorrow morning, technology
continues to change the world we live in. This essay will serve to outline and demonstrate by
examples how IT efforts have created ways to run, grow and even transform business practices as
we have known them.
How IT helps to run business
Information technology continues to improve the ways businesses are run. Some IT efforts, such as
simply maintaining a consistently operational email system, are taken for granted and often not even
an afterthought when ... Show more content on ...
Through smartphones, employees can remain connected to the business 24/7. In this way, the
business workday doesn't have to pause for lunch and rarely ends at five o'clock.
Beyond email, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tools such as SAP, Microsoft Dynamics and
others have further integrated processes within business to improve efficiencies and workflow
between different business segments. These tools allow businesses the ability to manage the
business in its entirety. These systems collect data from business disciplines including supply chain,
sales, accounting, operations and human relations. That data is then analyzed and the organization
can gain insight as to how to improve their processes and increase efficiencies and productivity.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) now makes it possible for B2B customers to submit purchase
orders for product with vendors which are seamlessly translated into sales orders at the vendor level
triggering the product flow system automatically. Once the product is shipped out to the customer or
the service is performed, invoicing can be completed and sent automatically. This reduces the
human involvement and speeds up the processes.
Information technology efforts in these areas have improved the way businesses are run. The day to
day operations of business disciplines have been improved by the efforts of IT personnel and the
developments of information technology as a science. The
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Corporate Social Responsibility : Business Practices
Corporate Social Responsibility are business practices which help not only the business flourish but
also help society also flourish. Currently, Corporate Social Responsibility has been a very important
topic and is in many companies today because of employees are focused on three things: people,
planet and revenue (Taylor, 2015). Corporate Social Responsibility has many types and has a variety
of tactics to reach the public. The main ones being Environment, Philanthropy and Ethical Labor
Standards (Taylor, 2015). Companies such as Ben & Jerry's and Starbucks have already been adding
programs such as Save the Earth which helps adverse the effects of global warming. Business stake
holders are people which have interest and somewhat have owner ship of a business and they too
have a great deal in Corporate Social responsibility. Primary Stake Holders have interest in the
business and how the organization performs and what kinds of actions a corporation takes to
efficiently do good business. Secondary Stake Holders help indirectly by taking actions which
making organization not make profit ( Saylor Organization, 2014) Business started doing
international trade when it was beneficially mutual and if both countries had comparative advantage.
However, today Many businesses want ethically responsible behavior while doing international
trade While business have international trade, It Is difficult to come up with laws because of cultural
differences due to other nations having
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Ethical Practices and Values as a Means to Business...
In today's world, different types of business have emerged and business operations have become the
cornerstone of making a success, however the way in which they are operated is what is important.
Most businesses hunt the main objective of making a profit without considering how that might
affect other factors of society and that is what in most cases diminishes the longevity of the
This research is compiled to explain how good ethical practices and good values in business can
yield sustainability within the business and the society as a whole and in order to do this the concept
of ethical business practice and values have to be understood.
Decades ago, the perception of ethics and values in business practice has ... Show more content on ...
Business values can be defined as beliefs of an organisation, they are "the context in which an
organisation's norms are established and justified" (Nieuwenhuizen & Oosthuizen, 2014, p.95)
therefore compel one to think about issues such as honesty, loyalty, morality etc.
Business Ethics and values
Business ethics and values are closely related, their effect and application in business activities
correlate and they make one to ask very important questions that may or may not guide an
individual in an organisation to make an ethical decision.
Ethics Values
What should I do? Why?
What do I choose? What are the intentions?
How should I do this? What must I sacrifice?
When one asks himself/herself these questions, one's inner conscience becomes active and then end
up asking oneself the ultimate question: "Is it right or wrong"? If only management made all their
business decisions by firstly considering other factors that would be affected by the decision issues
such as bribery and fraud.
Business Ethics and good values in a micro environment
In order for a business to be sustainable through good ethical operations and good values, it has to
start from the top management, considering that in an organisation the superior's values are the
inferior's values (Putnam, 2002). Management has to practice values in the micro environment
before anything.
Honesty: Honesty is an attribute of speaking and acting real and
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Unethical Practices For Business Success Essay
We have heard the well–used phrase, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do," and have applied it
well as we travel among other countries and cultures, with great success. However, in business, it
does not prove to be as much of a reliable phrase to live by. General practices of businesses can
sometimes prove to be unethical, even though they are quite legal, or were simply unethical in their
conduct and operations, with no remorse. Unethical practices by businesses have often been a
catalyst in their demise. Hence, for business success, we might say, "When in business, practicing
integrity is good business," because if it is adhered to, it can be a recipe for success.
According to an article, Unethical Rationalizations and Misconceptions, which was published by, there are countless excuses and reasons people justify unethical practices,
whether they are legal or illegal. Every form of excuse, "It's done all the time," to "It's always been
done this way," to "Everybody accepts it," to "Nobody's complained before," to "It's too late to
change now," to "No harm, no foul," to name a few. These justifications are clearly evident that the
ABCDs of ethical decision–making have been bypassed.
When operating a business, it is more profitable to consider every aspect of the outcome of the
decisions that we make. We need to be aware of the facts of the entire situation. Who will it impact
most and to what degree? How do I feel about the decision I am going to make?
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Ethical And Socially Responsible Business Practice
This essay will examine in details the challenges, limitations faced by corporations and the strengths
that are drawn from their ethical and socially responsible business practice.
In today 's business world, it is difficult for corporations to define what is regarded as a responsible
business practice in the areas of ethical and social responsibilities. The hallmark of a good company
is to maintain a strong ethical practice, values, policies and social responsibilities that guides its
conducts as well as the activities of its employees.
Taylor (1975), defined "ethics as the inquiry into the nature and grounds of morality where the term
morality is taken to mean moral judgments, standards and rules of conduct". Based on this
definition, business ethics can be said to rely on individuals and the business to adhere to high moral
principles and judgements. The incorporation of ethics in an organization business values and
strategy enables social corporate responsibility to be ingrained in their daily decision making.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as defined by Carroll (1979) refers to the inclusion of moral,
lawful and economical obligations that is expected of a business by the society (Brtitzelmaier, Kraus
2012). Organisations are expected to act responsibly, but many would agree that their actions and
policies do have a direct or indirect effect on the society at large and the environment. The success
of most organisations is dependent on their corporate
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Business Ethics And Practices Of Goldman Sachs
Assignment 1
Q1 – What was up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray.
Go back through the case; make a list of each action/ practice that could be called a gray area.
The problems to be investigated are the business ethics and practices of Goldman Sachs. There were
several grey areas in which Goldman Sachs operated their business.
Ethical Grey areas are situations and problems that don't fit neatly into any existing mode of ethical
analysis within the business (Marshall, 2007). Peter Drucker's interpretation of business ethics is
that personal ethics and business ethics cannot be separated. He uses the example of businessmen
should not cheat, steal, lie, bribe, or take bribes. But nor should anyone else. He also mentioned that
"men and women don't acquire exemption from ordinary rules of personal behavior because of their
work or job" (Drucker, 1986).
The first grey area was Goldman Sachs using a technique called "layering". Goldman would start a
company and used their own money to buy 90% of the shares. The public would see how the stocks
were selling so quickly and wanted a piece of the pie. The public were unaware that Goldman was
buying their own stocks and then continuously increasing the price of the stock and selling it back at
the higher price. Goldman saw how well this was working and decided to continue with this
practice. He started new companies and followed the same formula as before, making bags of
money, while investors had no idea
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Wal-Mart Unethical Business Practice
Friday, 9th December 2011
Friday, 9th December 2011
* General Description
Wal–Mart is an American company specialized in mass–market retailing, founded by Sam Walton in
1962 in Arkansas. He made it into the leader in discount retailing that is today. In fact, the company
is worldwide extended.
With 16'389 billion $ of profit, Wal–Mart is the first world company in terms of sales and is
considered as the biggest company in the United States.
According to PBS, "Wal–Mart employs more people than any other company in the United States
outside of the Federal government, yet the majority of its employees with children live ... Show
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(See appendix 1)
Wal–Mart could avoid lawsuits, but they need to give more job with responsibilities and
opportunities to women and they should get paid as much as male employees. Even though Wal–
Mart is such a successful company, they can do better if they stop discriminating their women
employees and they will save money on lawsuits.
In fact, "Wal–Mart recently introduced workplace diversity initiatives, intended to prevent further
gender bias."
We can see here that Wal–Mart is making a small step to stop discriminating women employees.
Will it be enough? Sure not, but it is still a change in the good way.
This is a really important unethical issue for a company as big and important as Wal–Mart.
I don't think is it fair to discriminate gender employees. If they do have problems with women they
shouldn't hire them. They could have anticipate all these lawsuits against them, because it was sure
that if there were any difference between men and women the one or the other would have report it.
In this case, there is an issue with women employees and they do have react against it, which it is
totally right.
For example, if it was the contrary: men employees are not equal to women employees, men would
have done the same and
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Business Analysis : Starbucks Cafe Practices
Ethical Sourcing
On point that Starbucks is fully committed to is their one hundred percent ethically sourced coffee.
From the Starbucks corporate website in relation to ethically sourced coffee:
"We take a comprehensive approach to ethical sourcing, using responsible purchasing practices;
farmer support; economic, social and environmental standards; industry collaboration and
community development programs. The cornerstone of our approach is Coffee and Farmer Equity
(C.A.F.E.) Practices, one of the coffee industry's first set of sustainability standards, verified by
third–party experts. Developed in collaboration with Conservation International (CI), C.A.F.E.
Practices has helped us create a long–term supply of high–quality coffee and positively impact the
lives and livelihoods of coffee farmers and their communities."
The Starbucks CAFÉ Practices look at four main areas being social responsibility, quality,
transparency, and economic accountability. Together, these standards assist farmers in growing
coffee that is both better for the planet and for the people who drink it. Amongst these practices,
there is also a belief in the continuous expectation that Starbucks's supplier are in line with these
practices through frequent evaluations. For instance, farms and mills are examined external parties
and reported to Starbucks. Starbucks is unique in the notion that they are willing and often do share
their business approaches, resources, best practices and
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Business Ethics : Ethics And Practices
Business ethics
Business Ethics relates to policies and practices that regard potentially controversial issues. The
business ethics will be the moral principles that will affect a business's behaviour. Also most
organisations pay their business managers to make decisions which will help the business to reach
its aims and objectives. Businesses are part of the community therefore they are required to
behaviour at a certain standard.
Ethical activities
Ethical activities will focus on making a positive impact and contribution to the community. Ethical
firms also carefully consider the implications of what they are doing and the effect it might have on
the community and the environment. It also relates to businesses who have a lot of power and
whether they use it responsibly or selfishly.
Values of businesses
The values of businesses will vary depending on the company. These are defined by the behaviours
and values which govern a business environment. Overall the values are a set of guiding principles
that will encourage individuals in an organisation to make decisions based on the business's stated
beliefs and attitudes towards business practices within the industry.
Professional ethics
The professional ethics relate to how people behave in relation to their chosen careers. However
professionals can lose the right to practice if they do not follow the rules of conduct laid down by
their own professional institutes. This is because these professions are trusted by the public
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Gucci Group Code of Business Practices
Code of Business Practices Ethics Guide
1 Introduction from Robert B Polet, President and C.E.O. of Gucci Group 2 Business Ethics in
Practice Shared principles Shared responsibilities 3 Group Commitments Rules of Conduct
Colleagues and Employees Customers and Consumers Shareholders Business Partners Environment
and the Communities 4 Implementation and Follow–up 5 Applying the Code of Business Practices 6
3 4
6 7 9 10 12 15 16 17 18
Gucci Group, the third largest luxury group in the world, provides excitement and glamour that
attracts a broad–based audience – thanks of course, to its young, creative, and edgy designers. Its
appeal ... Show more content on ...
These shared principles are as follows: Behave with integrity and responsibility. Respect applicable
laws and regulations. Respect the dignity and the rights of our employees, customers, business
partners and shareholders. Respect the environment. Treat corporate assets and resources in the
interest of Gucci Group and its shareholders. Support our employees and business units in social
solidarity initiatives. Do not disclose information about customers or about the business dealings of
the Group and its companies.
Business Ethics in Practice
Group managers Create and maintain health and safety in the workplace and the professional and
personal well–being of team members. Lead by example. Encourage discussion of the Code of
Business Practices. Promote and introduce the Code of Business Practices within the company.
Encourage employees to seek advice and help to answer their questions; respect their judgment.
Take appropriate measures should actions deviate from the principles outlined in our Code of
Business Practices.
Shared responsibilities Being a manager implies specific responsibilities in addition to those we all
have as Gucci Group employees The first requires us to provide an example by our own behaviour
towards our team members: this is a fundamental condition to succeed in the
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The Fundamentals Of Economics With Modern Business...
Contrasting the Fundamentals of Economics with
Modern Business Practices
Divulging economist Adam Smith's theory of wealth creation in William Nickels, James McHugh,
and Susan McHugh's book Understanding Business (2005), they summarize that despite a nucleus
of self–interesting goals, business concludes by benefitting both self and extended community.
Noting criticality in monetary reward for dedication and labor, Adam Smith believes an economy
can prosper. Furthermore, in order for democratic capitalism to remain in balance and provision the
greatest output, a culture of moral, ethical, and spiritual values are paramount. Sans these basic
values, capitalism will fail. Exemplifying such failure is the 2006 verdict of Enron founder Kenneth
Lay and Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling. Convicted of conspiracy and security and wire fraud,
these two men were sentenced to 165 and 185 years in prison respectively. This scandal not only
tore their families apart, but affected the lives of 5,600 workers and their retirement futures. All of
this was based on greed and many decisions to evade accounting laws. Thus, despite a core desire of
self–interest – aligning to Adam Smith's theory – their lack of universal values in decision making
resulted in immensely negative consequences. Napster, a web–based file sharing program (used
namely for "sampling" music), stands another historical example of the power and fallout of poor
business judgment. Allowing users free and unlimited access to
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Laws for Fair, Balanced and Competitive Business Practice...
United States has several laws that ensure that competition among businesses flow rely and new
competitors get free access to the market. These laws intend to ensure fair and balanced competitive
business practices. However, there are times when some businesses will do anything to gain
competitive edge. USA has strong antitrust laws that prohibit fixing market price, price
discrimination, conspiring boycott, monopolizing, and adopting unfair business practices. The
history of Antitrust laws goes back to 1890 when Congress passed Sherman Act. In 1914, Congress
passed two more acts: Federal Trade Commission Act, and Clayton Act. With some revisions, these
three acts are still core antitrust acts.
The Sherman Act outlaws every contract, ... Show more content on ...
Rockefeller's Standard Oil dropped its price by more than half and bought up many competitors.
Microsoft has also been accused of adopting unfair business practices and discouraging competition
several times. Microsoft started getting its web browser Internet Explorer with Windows operating
system and other products. Even though consumers were not forced to purchase the Internet
Explorer browser, Microsoft did manage to discourage competition. Court held Microsoft liable
under antitrust laws. Many times even a government can allow a company to work as monopoly. For
example, AT&T was allowed to work as a natural monopoly. Similarly, Kodak was found violating
antitrust laws in 1921 as at that time Kodak was controlling 96% of film and camera market in USA.
Company was accused of discouraging competition. ( In 2013, Apple was found
violating antitrust law by conspiring to raise prices of e–books.
In spite of such laws, businesses find ways to practice unfair business practices. There were times
when large enterprises have been able to drive smaller businesses out of business. Companies had
left clients with no choice, but to buy their products. Companies have been cheating consumers. It is
not just large corporations; even smaller corporations are indulged in unfair business practices.
According to FTC, American consumers lost over $1.6 billion to
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Organizational Culture : Business Practices
Does Organisational Culture
Shape Ethical Business Practices?
Sarah Zuiderduin
Organisation culture can be described as the beliefs, customs, value systems and behavioural norms
and ways of doing business that are unique to each corporation.
The impact of organisational culture on the ethical standards and moral practices of people in
organisations has become increasingly common (Fisse & Braithwaite, 1983). Managers within
organisations are now turning to organisational culture to not only to explain what happens in
organisations, but also to attempt to shape what happens in the organisation (Sinclair, 1993).
Definition of organisational culture, ethical business ... Show more content on ...
Management can and should actively manage and engage in organisational culture. This process
requires clear identification and articulation of a corporate strategy, philosophy or mission. These
strategies are not confined to economic goals, but there does need to be a cohesive statement about
what kind of organisation the company will be; including its character, espoused values, and
relationships to customers, employees, communities, and shareholders (Murphy, 1989). Commonly
known as a 'credo' (Murphy, 1989), this strategy can be translated into a corporate code of ethics.
The credo can be a general statement about the organisational values, the code of ethics should be
specific, pertinent, publicized, communicated and enforced, as well as revised (Laczniak & Murphy,
Apple Inc. utilises it's employees levels of innovation, creativity, and provides further training and
development programs to ensure a positive, supporting, engaging and empowering organisational
culture and attributes this environment to its success.
Leadership and its positive influences, linked to above statements about Apple Inc.
Identify and describe positive outcomes of organisational culture and its positive influence on
ethical business practices. Identify the extent of the influence?
The strong cultural approach adopts a more instrumental
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Business Intelligence Dashboard Best Practices
After reviewing the internship activity in chapter 12, "Industry: Healthcare" and completing
independent online research, I have found helpful information on Business Intelligence dashboard
best practices. As stated in the internship activity "Dashboards are a popular way to view business
data" (Rainer, Prince, & Cegielski, 2014). In fact, Stephen Few sums up the definition of Business
Intelligence dashboard in this sentence "A dashboard is a visual display of the most important
information needed to achieve one or more objectives; consolidated and arranged on a single screen
so the information can be monitored at a glance" (Lach, 2012). BI dashboards are a delivery method
used to share information with appointed users or a number of individuals ... Show more content on ...
Doing this will bring users to the most important pieces of information located on the dashboard.
When doing this it is key to avoid clutter, such as visibly unnecessary chart types. With any
unnecessary information or visuals it can distract and turn the users away from the data being
shown. A practice that goes along with this is using "color appropriately and sparingly to achieve
maximum contrast" (Lach, 2012). When designing a dashboard of reports the color selection should
be thought out to enhance readability of charts. The precise selection and use of color will help bring
the users' attention to the significant trends, developments, and actions. Making data points different
from one another and from the charts and backgrounds will help the important information be seen.
On the other hand, if there are too many colors being used it can be hard to find and grasp the
information. A cool trick is to relate colors to their symbolic or metaphoric meaning, such as red
equals bad. Another practice is to select the best visualizations, not the best looking visualizations.
Imagery should be kept simple and the focus should be on the data not the dashboard. Too flashy
visuals and chart types should not be used when there are simpler alternatives for users to
understand the same message. When designing, the dashboard context should always be provided. If
there is no context, then the data visuals presented are basically useless. Finally, dashboards should
have support and prompt action. "After drilling to detail to ascertain the root cause of a notable
change or event, users must be enabled with a range of options to share the new information and
their associated thoughts with others, in order to drive appropriate resultant action" (Lach, 2012). BI
dashboards should be effective and efficient for businesses to view their data. These are the best BI
dashboard practices I have researched that will
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Business Practice Argumentative Essay : The Decision...
Business Practice Argumentative Essay
Amanda Rabius
September 18, 2017
Hank Reeves Business Practice Argumentative Essay
The decision–making process is a present and vital in the everyday hustle and bustle of business
practices (INC). Although, making choices can be painful at times, the selections that are made
define the success and quality of an organization. Any significant bad decision could throw a
company off course. So, it is important that good decisions are made. defines good
as sound, valid and satisfactory for the purpose (DIC). But, to get more technical, let 's consider the
definition of "good" when it comes to business decisions. Well, what is a "good" decision exactly?
The answer may seem obvious, ... Show more content on ...
And, it is clear that the Houston area is in demand for this beloved noodle bowl. But, regardless of
the degree of market growth required to meet the business owner's particular business goals and
objectives, the need for growth and a plan to accomplish it is fundamental to a successful business
venture. Without it, you will leave your business vulnerable to market pressures such as increased
competition or regional economic downswings. For example, when expanding a business, a
restaurant, retail or service – reproduction can easily be run from a distance. All you need is to
launch a chain. All businesses need to grow to survive and starting a chain expands that business
horizon. Since the owner of AGU knows that the first location was a success – he duplicated the
plan with multiple locations in various areas while meeting increased customer demands.
Typically, a business's growth can also be measured by important statistics such as turnover, market
share, profits, sales, or staff numbers (HBR – PROFITABILITY). According to the Harvard
Business Review (HBR – PROFITABILITY), a project undertaken by the Marketing Science
Institute on the PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategies) is "aimed at identifying and measuring
the major determinants of return on investment (ROI) in individual businesses. Phase II of the PIMS
project, completed in late 1973, reveals 37 key profit influences, of which one of the most important
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The Problem Of A Unethical Business Practice
On my commute home that night, I began to wonder about the implications of the situation. After
returning home, I fixed myself dinner and decided that a session of meditation would help me to
think clearly and to approach the situation with an objective mindset. After a quick shower and a
change into more comfortable attire, I sat out on my back patio and relaxed into a session of the
Vipassana meditation that I had learned as a student to manage stressful situations. After an hour of
meditation, I felt mentally refreshed, relaxed, and ready to approach the question of ethics that was
before me. I began to consider what I knew about the situation and the possible outcomes of letting
it go uncommented on. Deceiving the client is not only completely a unethical business practice, but
it could create a ripple of negative effects. If the plant ran without noticing the differences between
their actual and expected results, they would be unaware that their emissions were higher than they
had been told to expect, possibly making their emissions rates unintentionally higher than the legal
limit under the EPA. This would create a situation similar to that of the Volkswagen scandal
uncovered in 2015, in which an algorithm that caused the vehicle to run differently when being
tested allowed 11 million vehicles to emit 40 times the amount of pollutants specified as the
maximum allowable level by the EPA [1]. The Volkswagen scandal caused millions of car owners to
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Ethical And Social Treasions Of Business Practices In The...
In the business world, there has been many cases of scandals, financial difficulties, and unethical
practices amongst the businesses. In particular, the fashion industry has had many incidents dealing
with the practice of unethical practices and unfair treatment towards the people under management.
"Awareness of the ethical and moral dimensions of business practices is becoming increasingly
subject of focus from academia, government and the public alike. Discussion of the social
responsibility of the firm(Ahmed)". This is an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed. These
ethical issues deal with the mistreatment of employees, the business and the finances. In particular
outsourcing has been very popular since the Revolutionary War. In that time outsourcing was very
popular, but it began to be used for the benefit of the people in managerial positions more than the
benefit for everyone. Outsourcing is when a company works with another country for cheaper labor
and quicker production. In America, we have outsourced and been accused of allowing unethical
outsourcing such as sweatshops, child labor, pay lower than minimum wage, unauthorized labor,
unsafe environments, unequal opportunities , and poor treatment from the companies America has
worked with. "One of the earliest calls for examining the question of ethical consequences to
business practices was an article by Baumhart in 1961 in the Harvard Business Review aptly titled:
"How Ethical is Business?" Baumhart presented
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Are United States Business Laws Effective at Promoting...
The United States ranks as the highest gross domestic product nation in the world (Wickipedia,
Retrieved March 22, 2014). This ranking indicates that millions of people buy, sell, trade and
perform business transactions daily within a multitude of industries and professions. In order to
preserve the trust and integrity of our financial systems, it is imperative that the United States
implement, regulate, and enforce business practices to remain relevant and effective within the
constantly changing global economic marketplace.
The United States has a long history of ensuring fair and balanced business practices through
legislation. The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, began a shift in the economy from state
commerce regulation to a ... Show more content on ...
The main agencies which currently promote United States business laws and practices are the
Federal Trade Commission and the Small Business Administration.
The Federal Trade Commission, established September 26, 1914, has two key functions which
include protecting consumers and promoting competition. (, Retrieved March 22, 2014).
Consumer protections include opposing illegal, and unjust business practices within the American
economy. The agency investigates, litigates and legislates to promote fair and sound business
standards. Promotion of competition is accomplished by the enforcement of anti–trust laws, which
results in lower prices, higher quality and free movement of goods. (, Retrieved March 22,
Per the 2014–2015 Federal Trade Commission Performance Plan, "The agency administers a wide
variety of laws and regulations such as the Federal Trade Commission Act, Telemarketing Sales
Rule, Identity Theft Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, and Clayton Act. In total, the Commission has
enforcement or administrative responsibilities under more than 70 laws (see for a listing). The FTC also enforces rules issued pursuant to the
Federal Trade Commission Act or other laws, including the Business Opportunity Rule and the
Telemarketing Sales Rule." (, Retrieved March 22,
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Ethical Practices Within Modern Business Environment And...
A practical ethical behaviour entails behaving in an acceptable way which involves a detailed
analysis of what is perceived to be right and wrong.
Interestingly, the majority of people are able to identify unethical behaviour rather than ethical
behaviour within the society. For instance, it is obvious to point out any unlawful behaviours within
the community such as child abuse cases.
In effect business ethics can simply be defined as the basic fundamental principles and concepts of
decent human conduct. To be able to fully understand business ethics, one must be able to study
some universal values including equality of all men and women, human rights, being able to be law
abiding, responsible and having respect for the ... Show more content on ...
If so, you then would ask yourself whether someone would be justified in paying you those low
wages if you, as a worker, had no alternative except starvation.
The utilitarianism approach to ethical decision making focuses on taking the action that will result in
the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Considering our example of employing low–
wage workers, under the utilitarian approach you would try to determine whether using low–wage
foreign workers would result in the greatest good.
For example, if Primark offers low–wage foreign workers in response to price competition, you
might retain your market share, enabling you to avoid laying off your foreign employees, and
perhaps even allowing you to pay your U.K employees higher wages. If you refuse to use low–wage
foreign workers regardless of the competition, you may be unable to compete. This could result in
layoffs of your U.K. workers and even your foreign workers, for whom the relatively low wages
may be essential income. On the other hand, using low–wage workers may tend to depress the
wages of most workers, thus reducing almost everyone's standard of living and depressing their
ability to purchase the very goods you and others are trying to sell. Deontological Theory: This a
theory under the utilitarian concept and it is basically concerned with the moral aspects of actions
taken for any reason rather than the actual outcomes (Hall and
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A Interview On Ethical Business Practices
Interview on Ethical Business Practices
Sturdy ethical business practices represent a trademark of a superior company that an individual
may need to assemble and maintain in your developing business. Business ethics apprehends groups
or individuals; however, the one who formulate them will be swayed by the background of the
company. Therefore, employees must fix on what they believe is the best line of action.
Additionally, ethical corporate societal responsibility and behavior can result in a significant
advantage to a business. For instance, they may retain employees within the business, lower labor
income and thus amplify productivity. Secondly, they appeal to customers to the business products,
thus improving profits and sales.
For the ethical business practices interview, I had the preference to interview Nemer Ziyad, the
Principal of Ziyad Brothers and Executive Vice President (Allotey, 2008). Ziyad Brothers is among
the nation's largest distributors and importers of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean food yields in
the country. Apparently, Nemer is the beneficiary of several awards together with the 2006
Outstanding Achievement Award in Business (AAPBA) and 2011 Award for Community Service
(Allotey, 2008). Nemer Brothers importing was formed as Grocery and Syrian Bakery Inc. was
established in 1966 by Ibrahim Ziyad and Ahmad. Their business started as a small vend outlet in
Chicago south.
According to Nemer Ziyad, ethics is very vital when interacting with the
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Granite Construction Ethical Business Practices
Ethical Business Practices Granite Construction Corporation is a Fortune 500 Company that
operates in both the continental United States and Alaska. Some of their extensive lists of programs
include an extensive safety and risk management programs and a list of core values in which all
employees, plus management, must adhere to. These programs are extremely inward focused by
refining the skills of their employees and addressing the needs of their stakeholders. Their
community involvement includes sponsoring art festivals, donating school supplies and funding
field trips for local schools. Granite is extremely focused on education and proves this by providing
$413,000 in Scholarships to the children of their employees. The
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Business Analysis : Business, Cost Saving Practices :...
This part of the study includes readings in literature and studies which have bearings on the present
study. This covers the discussion and other pertinent information about franchise business, cost
saving practices: energy consumption, supply chain management and quality control and customer
satisfaction: convenience, promptness and quality service.
Franchising Business
Franchising has been an influential economic engine and is vital in the expansion and growth of the
business for nearly half a century (Ekelund, 2014). The inherent benefits of franchising as a business
model are the key influencers of the decision of entrepreneurs opting for franchising instead of
establishing a new business (Oni, Sekwele, Matiza & Pelser 2014). Beredo and Mendoza (2013)
said that in order to survive in this kind of business, capital, skill, positive attitude, good location,
good management and best service should be considered. Furthermore, that every franchise system
revolves around its franchisees' quality and the personal decisions that the management make with
respect to their work. Understanding the cost and returns are essentials which franchise companies
must work in their programs to the market and be straightforward in the assessments, with these,
returns can be generated over the period (Kong & Zwisler, 2007).
Cost Saving
Four years ago when recession hit, CEO's and CFO's reacted to cut costs to keep the business going.
Most companies tightened their procedures and able to
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What Can You Make Your Business Or Practice?
Ideas are everywhere. Some are small and seemingly insignificant. Others are big giant ideas with
the opportunity to change much of our lives. Each idea that we are, if we create the idea, synthesize
it from somewhere else, or hear, it is a possible opportunity.
Start challenging yourself to think or do something that will grow your business or practice. We can
not promise that you will grow your business or practice, as is the need to apply specific strategies
for your business / specific practice.
People who are successful in getting the results you are looking for, the practice of doing things
rather than thinking about them. By becoming a doer will do more things and stimulate new ideas in
the process.
One possible opportunity.
No matter how promising, exciting or applicable the idea is, or how big of an opportunity that might
be, is only one possible opportunity, unless you take action. Opportunity may knock, but we have to
open the door, roll up our sleeves and get after if we take advantage of that opportunity.
There are many reasons why people do not take action on the ideas and opportunities, including:
– Lack of self confidence to feel that they will succeed
– They do not see the benefits outweighing the risks
– they are scared
– They have too many opportunities and immobilized, unable to make a decision
The steps outlined below will help you get past any of these issues – and move forward with
confidence towards great results. Here are the steps you can
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The Impacts of Pfizer's Business Decisions and Practices
Business Decisions Effects on Stakeholders Introduction The pharmaceuticals industry is one of the
most profitable business sectors. The implications of this business can be observed on individual,
corporate, and national level. The actions that companies make determine significant effects on
different categories of stakeholders. The shareholder theory states that companies' objectives are
represented by maximizing profits for shareholders, while not valuing the interests of stakeholders.
The stakeholder theory states that companies' activity must be oriented towards producing benefits
for categories of stakeholders like employees, customers, managers, investors, governments, the
society, and others. The different views on companies' objectives reflect the complexity of the issue.
Company Presentation Pfizer is one of the most important U.S. pharmaceuticals producers, and one
of the top players on international level. Its core operating segments are primary care, specialty care
and oncology, established products and emerging markets, and animal healthcare. Pfizer is also the
world's largest research based pharmaceuticals company. This means that its investments in research
and development processes determine innovation. Most of the company's profits comes from selling
Rx and over the counter products, but Pfizer also commercializes dietary supplements (Pfizer,
2013). These dietary supplements are easier to sell because of the more permissive legal framework
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American Business Practices In The 1960's
The foundations of business practice have NOT changed in the U.S. since the 1960s.
Within the past 50 years, American business people have kept basic business practice until today.
American people are on a first name basis in daily life. But in business area, people prefer use Mr. or
Ms. with their surname when referring to others to show their respect.
Today's American business style is considered to be direct, which was same as historical business
practice. This means they directly describe what they want. Though they are direct, common
courtesy is still important. American people always remember to include "please" or "thank you"
when they need someone's help.
A handshake was a gesture by demonstrating that the hand holds no weapon during ... Show more
content on ...
They prefer to have a meeting schedule and a task list for each member for future meetings.
American business people like to start and end meetings on time. They usually set a specific time
period for a meeting. This means they are expected to be efficient and to finish tasks within a limited
time period. They always prepare objectives before the meeting, concentrate on the content during
the meeting and complete tasks after the meeting.
During 1960s, people did not like to talk about personal topics during the meeting, while they might
have some personal conversation during meeting breaks now.
Historically, women and men have not been equally valued in business.
In 1960s, 38% of American women worked outside of their home. In business area, women were
considered to help positions like secretary. With the American feminist movement during 1960s to
1970s, people tended to realized the important roles that women played in workplace. However,
there were still some inequalities between men and women.
Until 1999, women ONLY held 6.80% of top executive position. In 1980, there were no female
executive officers.
Some appliances that was used before 1990 is seldom used
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Unethical Business Practice-a Case Study of the Downfall...
Running head: Unethical Business Practices 1 Unethical Business Practices: A Case Study of the
Downfall of Two Major Corporations Sharon Purpuro New Jersey City University Unethical
Business Practices 2 Abstract The following pages will tell the story of how two very successful
companies met their downfalls at the hands of some very greedy top executives and boards of
trustees that chose to look the other way all because of one common denominator – greed. The
tremendous pressure by stockholders and board members that is put upon companies and the
executives that run them to out–perform the competition in an extremely competitive global
marketplace can influence top executives and ... Show more content on ...
The pressure on Andersen partners to generate fees was intense. Whenever an AA employee would
voice concerns about suspected unethical accounting practices going on at Enron, they were
reassigned to a different account. Eventually, the AA employees assigned to the Enron account knew
not to 'rock the boat' because no one wanted to jeopardize losing the Enron account, or their job. In
2001, all of the creative accounting practices and fast and furious deal making caught up to Enron's
'golden boys' at the top and Enron filed bankruptcy. Skilling and Lay were tried and convicted on
May 25, 2006 of conspiracy and fraud. Skilling was sentenced on October 23, 2006 to 24 years and
four months. While awaiting sentencing, Lay died of coronary artery disease on July 5, 2006.
Fastow was found guilty of conspiracy on September 26, 2006 and sentenced to 6 years (Murphy &
Barrionuevo, 2006, September 27, NY Time). And the rest is history. Unethical Business Practices 6
When telecommunications giant WorldCom folded in July, 2002 with debts of $41 billion, they
overtook Enron as the largest bankruptcy in history. At its peak in June, 1999 WorldCom was valued
at $180 billion. WorldCom was the 'child' of Long Distance Discount Services (LDDS) from the
breakup of AT&T's 95% monopoly of the US telecommunications market. Bernie Ebbers, a
successful Canadian business owner with a reputation of following a business model which focused
on tight cost control,
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B2b Ecommerce Best Practices : Custom Business Features
B2B eCommerce Best Practices –> Custom Business Features Custom Business Features Deliver
Extraordinary B2B Versatility Custom business features become increasingly important for
successful and efficient B2B marketing because there are many different business models to satisfy,
and no business within a category operates identically or needs the same features. Some companies
support B2B and B2C commerce on the same platform while others function as facilitators for E–
procurement product purchases and bids. Other B2B models include infomediary websites, niche
markets, heavy equipment wholesalers and many other industry–specific B2B operations. Many
companies sell products in multiple countries and have website support for multiple languages,
currencies, tax–calculation methods like VAT and customs–documentation needs. Out–of–the–box
software without customizing its core business features just doesn 't provide the level of service that
customers expect, and even customized core features can fall short of what well–designed custom
features can deliver. Custom B2B eCommerce features –– regardless of business model –– deliver
the latest products, research and information to customers and transform websites into central
repositories that can display the right information to the right customer at the right time, which has
always been the key to sales closings, and provide astonishing levels of user functionality so that
people can research products, personalize their website
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The US Laws and Guidelines Governing Fair and Equitable...
The US Laws and Guidelines Governing Fair and Equitable Business Practices
September 21, 2013
Professor Neal McGregor
The US Laws and Guidelines Governing Fair and Equitable Business Practices
The United States became one of the most influential world powers virtually overnight. The system
of functionality which maintains this growth and power is the refined codes of business practices
which are the cornerstone for domestic and international business relations the world over. Due to
the unprecedented growth and prosperity of our nations economy and government, many countries
look to us as a model of free enterprise for other nations. One doctrine of thought is the United
States belief that our government ... Show more content on ...
One great example of this type of relationship is the two businesses Macintosh and Windows.
Historically they have always been in constant competition with one another, which has ultimately
benefitted the people of the world by fueling competitive innovation. [1] "National competition law
usually does not cover activity beyond territorial borders unless it has significant effects at nation–
state level."
One law, which helps protect businesses and promotes fair competition for the benefit of the
consumers, is the US Anti–Trust law. This law is comprised of three different acts: The Sherman Act
1890, the Clayton Act 1914 and the Federal Trade Commission Act 1914. The first role these acts
perform is to restrict the formation of cartels which would perform outside of the guidelines of the
government and there for not be bound by there laws. The second role these acts perform is to
ensure no single business entity can perform a certain level of mergers and acquisitions, which
would essentially turn them into a monopoly and reduce competition. Overall, the antitrust laws are
constantly debated for their overall functionality and efficiency in protecting the fair business
practices of the United States. [2] "One view, mostly closely associated with the "Chicago School of
economics" suggests that antitrust laws should focus solely on the benefits to consumers and overall
efficiency, while a broad range of
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Questions On Business Practices Of Ikea Essay
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
1 Responsible Business Practices of IKEA 1
1.1 Realization of Responsible Business Practices 1
1.2 Code of Conduct 2
1.3 Responsible Practices 2
1.3.1 Alternative to Diesel 2
1.3.2 Environmental–Friendly Products 3
1.3.3 Management of Forest 3
1.3.4 IKEA's Social Policies 4
1.3.5 Partnership between UNICEF and social Initiative 4
1.4 Negative Practice 5
2 Ranking of the Most Responsible Practices 5
2.1 Ranked as One 5
2.1.1 Supportive Ethical Theory 6
2.2 Ranked as Two 6
2.2.1 Supportive Ethical Theory 7
2.3 Other ethical theories: 8
2.3.1 Meta–ethics: 8
2.3.2 Descriptive ethics: 9
2.3.3 Normative ethics: 9
2.3.4 Applied ethics: 9
2.3.5 Moral Psychology: 10
3 Recommendation 10
3.1 Towards Environment 10
3.2 Towards Community 11
Conclusion 11
References 12
Every company strives for being socially, environmentally responsible for gaining a positive image
among the stakeholders associated with the company. The chosen company for this report, IKEA, is
practicing such praiseworthy practices which are discussed for demonstrating the concern of the
company towards the society and environment. The Swedish company, IKEA, a giant of the retail
business of furniture, has become an environmentally and socially supportive business by
highlighting on the environmental and community aspects while conducting the business and
ensuring no negative impact on the environment as well as on the society. This company has done
such responsible
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Unethical Business Practices in Glengarry Glen Ross
The movie "Glengarry Glen Ross" presented a series of ethical dilemmas that surround a group of
salesmen working for a real estate company. The value of business ethics was clearly undermined
and ignored in the movie as the salesmen find alternatives to keep their jobs. The movie is very
effective in illustrating how unethical business practices can easily exist in the business world. Most
of the time, unethical business practices remain strong in the business world because of the culture
that exists within companies. In this film, the sudden demands from management forced employees
to become irrational and commit unethical business practices. In fear of losing their jobs, employees
were pressured to increase sales despite possible ethical ... Show more content on ...
The culture that surrounded Ricky Roma was a catalyst to committing fraudulent activities. Yet, he
had regards to his reputation, job and the organization as whole. This helped him to carry out his
duties with the right business practices. Therefore, despite having some questionable instances,
Ricky Roma remained the most ethical salesman in the film. A questionable instance of Rick Roma's
behavior occurred at the closing of a deal at a bar. Closing a deal means entering into a contractual
agreement with clients. Now, in order for a contract to be legally binding, it requires both parties to
have the capacity to enter into an agreement. During the closing of the deal at the bar, the clients
were under the influence of alcohol. This alone highlights an unethical business practice on Roma's
part. Though this may present an area to question his character, Rick Roma did not necessarily lie to
his client. Rather he exploited the situation and persuaded his clients into closing the deal. This is a
more ethical tactic than the other salesmen for he did not deceive his clients in closing deals. His
tactic is even more accepted and common in today's business world. There are many instances
where salespeople must conduct business transactions at parties or golf courses. Entertainment
seems to be key and generally accepted in closing many business deals. For example, drug
representatives often need to entertain healthcare providers in order to sell their
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Ethical Challenges Of Ethical Business Practices Essay
There are many challenges of ethical business practices in a non–ethical world. While some
businesses do well, and are considered ethical there are some businesses that are highly
questionable. As one can see through the news media some companies are so unethical, congress
gets involved. Ethics are complicated enough for an individual, however, in a corporate setting the
stakeholders are hoping for the multitude of people to share the same values in order for an
organization to function properly and be successful. It only takes a few employees in an
organization to produce irrevocable damage to a business.
People are faced with ethical dilemmas every day. How, each person reacts to a situation will vary
depending on their own ethical values. However, in a business the stakeholders depend on the fact
that the employees that are working for a corporation would have a good set of moral values. A
stakeholder is anyone who has interest in an organization such as the stockholders, employees,
customers, community, and even creditors. Each one of these entities has something to lose from
unethical behavior. The stockholder will loss if the stock value drops, employees can lose their jobs
and customers can receive poor quality products. The community would suffer economic decline
and unemployment of the local residents which would take money away from the community, and
the creditors would lose the principal and interest payments for loans they have given the business
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Integrating Sustainable Business Practices to an Organization
In today's world of business the role of leadership team has been to integrate sustainable business
practices into the organisations and ethics are key agenda items (Smart et al., 2010).Businesses can
be tempted to make short–term gains by turning a blind eye to ethics that will lead to the loss of
reputation (Barman et al.,2010). Thierry Pilenko said that "It is in the power of the leaders,
stakeholders and employees to make sure that the ethics are the core values in order to maintain
good reputation". The ethics and the social responsibility are cooperative and a company that
acknowledges the importance of sustaining the environment and the people involved makes good
profit (Drotskie,2014,chap.5,p.92).The businesses that turned blind eye to ethics have faced the
consequences of losing their reputation and remuneration, for example American gas Organisation
took unethical decisions that left them being bankrupt (Drotskie,2014,chap.5,p.92).Makgoba stated
that South Africa has ethical dilemmas that results to the level of distrust for the government.
In business world it has become too easy to let small infractions slide by until they become big
problems (Templeton,2010).Ethics have become the core values that guide the managers,
stakeholders and employees how to behave in an ethical way and the values promote exemplary
behaviour in all circumstances (Pilenko,p.4,2011).Reputation is a priceless asset that most
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Is Outsourcing A Business Practice?
It should be illegal for US–based businesses to outsource their customer service to foreign countries
because it weakens the economy and the job market in the US. Offshore outsourcing is a business
practice or process that means to export information technology (IT) and manufacturing jobs to
other developed countries outside of the US for the sole purpose of cutting costs, such as labor costs
and tax savings. By doing so, the US economy is negatively affected, unemployment rises, and
funds through taxation are paid to other countries by US businesses. Outsourcing needs to stop and
should be illegal. US businesses need to invest more time and money to research and develop other
ways to save money, such as cheaper manufacturing goods that still produce the same quality item.
Offshore outsourcing is a large issue, much larger than people realize, and has been occurring for
too long. On April 10, 2006, Electrolux, one of the world's largest manufacturers of home
appliances, closed their manufacturing plant in Greenville, North Carolina and moved to Juarez,
Mexico. (Lach, 2012)
The main goal of outsourcing is to cut costs while maximizing profit, which means that labor costs
are the primary reason for sending jobs overseas. Recently, the margin of cost between the US and
China declined by almost 50%, regardless of the increase in labor costs in China, most US
companies have no plans for bringing those jobs back to the US. Though the labor cost savings are
not as low in China as
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Wells Fargo Unethical Account On Business Practices
Wells Fargo Unethical Accounts
Joshua Yascavage
Wells Fargo Unethical Accounts
A business is created to make money, it may originally be made to help people, but in the end the
pocket book of stockholders and owners is what managers focus on, and what employees are hired
to do for the company. This means to do whatever it takes to make money, however, you need to
stay with in the law and in many cases be socially ethical in business practices. When you fall out of
these boundaries you will find yourself on the front page with your stocks dropping and a loss of
profits you have been trying to increase. It is understandable that social ethics is not a companies
sole priority, however, when you forget you have a ... Show more content on ...
These employees scared to lose their job would open up these fake accounts to make numbers, the
number of accounts that were opened were staggering. There were a few employees that saw this
practice as unethical and did the right thing, calling the ethics hot line set up by the Bank, and
sending emails explaining their issue with what was going on. Employers are not legally allowed to
punish their employees who are whilst blowers. Wells Fargo did not take kindly to their employees
blowing the whilst so they would fire them.(Egan 2016). Employment law, is one of the reasons
Wells Fargo was sued by both employees and customers over this issue. Customers could sue the
company for what its employees do, this is because employees are agents of the company.(Hasl–
Kelchner 2014). When the employees took it upon themselves to start opening common accounts
such as credit cards and checking accounts that would charge fees to the customers they were
essentially stealing from these customers. Employees can sue based off multiple factors and in this
case wrongful termination.(Hasl–Kelchner 2014). Firing the employees that filed ethical complaints
was illegal. The law is set up to protect whilst blowers yet Wells Fargo had no problem finding other
reasons to get rid of these employees. (Egan 2016).
Had Wells Fargo used the value chain concept, created by
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Illegal Business Practices at Pharmacare: A Review
Corporate Social Responsibility at PharmaCARE by for
Course Title:
The exploitation of impoverished peoples is certainly not new, but the fact that the practice
continues in the 21st century is caused for great concern among policymakers and nongovernmental
organizations alike. Exploitation at any level is unacceptable, of course, but when it involves a
major multinational corporation and illegal business practices, it becomes a crime that requires
effective disposition. This was the case with the company, PharmaCARE and its subsidiary,
CompCARE, which used its position and power in ways that ultimately killed dozens of patients and
harmed numerous employees. To determine the facts in this case, this paper provides a review of the
relevant peer–reviewed and scholarly literature concerning exploitive business practices and
whistle–blowing, followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning these
issues in the conclusion.
Identification of All the Stakeholders in This Scenario There are potentially tens of millions of
stakeholders involved in this scenario. Besides the employees of PharmaCARE and CompCARE as
well as the general population of Colberia and those who were hired to conduct harvesting activities
in its jungles, the stakeholders in this scenario include uncounted numbers of U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs, Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries who have used the medications manufactured
by CompCARE to treat their Alzheimer's disease.
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Business Ethics And Ethical Practices In The Workplace
Business ethics and ethical practices have been focuses by many businesses in recent years.
Business ethics can help the company to create and develop it workplace culture as well as to
increase the productivity of employees. Due to the rapidly change and improvement of technologies,
ethical practices within of the workplace have also been changed with the raising of new ethical
issues. Many studies and researchers have indicated that it is very importance to identify and
understand the impact of technologies advance on ethical practice of businesses. The main purpose
of this essay is to conduct analysis and provide evidences that support this opinion. From the point
of view of the writer, it is importance to understand the influence of technological advances on
ethical practices because the company can only control and manage the impact of technological
advances by understand its impacts on ethical practice of the company. In order to evaluate whether
technological advances have impact on ethical practice within the workplace or not, it is important
to understand what ethical practices in the workplace are. According to Quigley (2008) the term
ethical practice within the workplace covers many aspects and responsibilities that need to be
performed by employees and companies. For example, employee motivation and training, employee
behavior and relationship are parts of the ethical practice of a business (Quigley, 2008). So by
evaluating the impact of technological advance on
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The Ethical And Sustainable Business Practices Of Patagonia
Major Points: The responsible company, a firsthand account of Patagonia's rise to become a leader
in sustainable business and environmental practices. This book goes over the ethical and sustainable
business practices that Patagonia has been using for the past 40 years. They started off as a small
company called Chouinard Equipment, they sold rugby shirts, ice axes, and much more basic
mountain climbing equipment. Throughout the course of this paper I will be discussing, Patagonia's
values, ethical framework, and the different elements that made them a highly sustainable business.
Patagonia realizes that much of the world's economy is supported by consumerism. They also know
that this unrelenting increase of 3 percent minimum growth is going to drive the entire market into
the ground. Three percent minimum growth relates to how much a company has to grow in order for
it to stay afloat within the market. This means that every single company in the world has to grow at
this rate. Which is completely unsustainable. The world in general according to Patagonia is "In
transition to a post–consumerist society", (pg.27, Chouinard/Stanley). As the world moves towards
this idea of post consumerism, companies must learn that in order to create a successful business
they owe not only their stockholders but the stakeholders. A stakeholder is anyone who is affected
by the company and its activities. The major groups companies typically focus on are: employees,
customers, communities and
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Organizational Structure, Culture And Other Business...

  • 1. Organizational Structure, Culture And Other Business... In a business environment there are various business practices, processes, systems and general tools that people will be observed. Sometime employees and organisations needs to be managed according to it. At my workplace I have observed and learned variety of practices, process and system. The elements could be at internally or externally within organisation relationship. According to Keyser (2014) for a manager it better to maintain healthy relationship as a result the desired outcomes will be more effective and efficient. When talking about internal environment towards internal relationship of an organisation it includes organisational structure, culture, practices, process and other insights. In terms of my CPO the internal ... Show more content on ... When talking about customers or clients at Ceylon we have to deal with either business or personal transaction customers. Sometime business customers include either retail or wholesale clients where they want to send money to overseas to buy goods. In terms of personal transaction customer which include immigrant worker where they want to send money to their family members, or people who wants to send to their saving accounts in their home country. There are many reasons can be categorised. When talking about outsourced services Ceylon needs to seek outsourced services to offer our clients some of the services that Ceylon deals would be Banks and other financial services providers. As a result it would enhanced our reputations. When analysing corporate social responsibility (CSR) it's a concepts of business practice which involving initiatives that benefits society that business operating in. In terms of business practices in the financial industry CSR contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environment benefits for all stakeholders within the company. CSR is a very broad concept where it address many topic such as economic development, human rights and environmental effects. With current issues that happening in the world CSR specially address the economic ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Examples Of Fair Business Practices Fair Business Practices In the United States, several laws were established to keep businesses operating fairly and competitively in every market. With businesses willing to do just about anything to gain the competitive edge, antitrust laws were set into place to prevent to keep a companies from being dishonest while trying to obtain new clientele. Being a small business is tough trying to compete with larger companies, such laws protect them from market allocation, bid rigging, and price fixing. Coming to an agreement to not operate in the same space as another company, dividing area to benefit each other is illegal. Being a large company, practicing this method allows the two companies to set prices where smaller businesses cannot compete and eventually going out of business. A Boston food retailer accused C&S Grocers Inc. and Supervalu Inc., two of the largest U.S. grocery wholesalers of such practices in 2009. Allegations include that the two wholesalers conspired to inflate prices and not compete with one another. The Federal Trade Commission has uncovered other cases such as the Vitamin Cartel in 2001. In this case eight companies came together and agreed on the price and volume for every major vitamin sold for human and animal consumption (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 2003). With the eight companies working together instead of competing, they controlled the market making sure that they received all the profits. After being investigated and prosecuted, several firms and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. How Technology Can Help Run Business Practices In a world where pay phones have become nearly obsolete, the US Postal Service continues to debate cutting back on mail delivery, stocks can be traded through an app on a cell phone and web retailers such as can have nearly any product delivered tomorrow morning, technology continues to change the world we live in. This essay will serve to outline and demonstrate by examples how IT efforts have created ways to run, grow and even transform business practices as we have known them. How IT helps to run business Information technology continues to improve the ways businesses are run. Some IT efforts, such as simply maintaining a consistently operational email system, are taken for granted and often not even an afterthought when ... Show more content on ... Through smartphones, employees can remain connected to the business 24/7. In this way, the business workday doesn't have to pause for lunch and rarely ends at five o'clock. Beyond email, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tools such as SAP, Microsoft Dynamics and others have further integrated processes within business to improve efficiencies and workflow between different business segments. These tools allow businesses the ability to manage the business in its entirety. These systems collect data from business disciplines including supply chain, sales, accounting, operations and human relations. That data is then analyzed and the organization can gain insight as to how to improve their processes and increase efficiencies and productivity. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) now makes it possible for B2B customers to submit purchase orders for product with vendors which are seamlessly translated into sales orders at the vendor level triggering the product flow system automatically. Once the product is shipped out to the customer or the service is performed, invoicing can be completed and sent automatically. This reduces the human involvement and speeds up the processes. Information technology efforts in these areas have improved the way businesses are run. The day to day operations of business disciplines have been improved by the efforts of IT personnel and the developments of information technology as a science. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Corporate Social Responsibility : Business Practices Corporate Social Responsibility are business practices which help not only the business flourish but also help society also flourish. Currently, Corporate Social Responsibility has been a very important topic and is in many companies today because of employees are focused on three things: people, planet and revenue (Taylor, 2015). Corporate Social Responsibility has many types and has a variety of tactics to reach the public. The main ones being Environment, Philanthropy and Ethical Labor Standards (Taylor, 2015). Companies such as Ben & Jerry's and Starbucks have already been adding programs such as Save the Earth which helps adverse the effects of global warming. Business stake holders are people which have interest and somewhat have owner ship of a business and they too have a great deal in Corporate Social responsibility. Primary Stake Holders have interest in the business and how the organization performs and what kinds of actions a corporation takes to efficiently do good business. Secondary Stake Holders help indirectly by taking actions which making organization not make profit ( Saylor Organization, 2014) Business started doing international trade when it was beneficially mutual and if both countries had comparative advantage. However, today Many businesses want ethically responsible behavior while doing international trade While business have international trade, It Is difficult to come up with laws because of cultural differences due to other nations having ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Ethical Practices and Values as a Means to Business... Introduction In today's world, different types of business have emerged and business operations have become the cornerstone of making a success, however the way in which they are operated is what is important. Most businesses hunt the main objective of making a profit without considering how that might affect other factors of society and that is what in most cases diminishes the longevity of the organisation. This research is compiled to explain how good ethical practices and good values in business can yield sustainability within the business and the society as a whole and in order to do this the concept of ethical business practice and values have to be understood. Decades ago, the perception of ethics and values in business practice has ... Show more content on ... Values Business values can be defined as beliefs of an organisation, they are "the context in which an organisation's norms are established and justified" (Nieuwenhuizen & Oosthuizen, 2014, p.95) therefore compel one to think about issues such as honesty, loyalty, morality etc. Business Ethics and values Business ethics and values are closely related, their effect and application in business activities correlate and they make one to ask very important questions that may or may not guide an individual in an organisation to make an ethical decision. Diagram1: Ethics Values What should I do? Why? What do I choose? What are the intentions? How should I do this? What must I sacrifice? When one asks himself/herself these questions, one's inner conscience becomes active and then end up asking oneself the ultimate question: "Is it right or wrong"? If only management made all their business decisions by firstly considering other factors that would be affected by the decision issues such as bribery and fraud. Business Ethics and good values in a micro environment In order for a business to be sustainable through good ethical operations and good values, it has to start from the top management, considering that in an organisation the superior's values are the inferior's values (Putnam, 2002). Management has to practice values in the micro environment
  • 18. before anything. Honesty: Honesty is an attribute of speaking and acting real and ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Unethical Practices For Business Success Essay We have heard the well–used phrase, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do," and have applied it well as we travel among other countries and cultures, with great success. However, in business, it does not prove to be as much of a reliable phrase to live by. General practices of businesses can sometimes prove to be unethical, even though they are quite legal, or were simply unethical in their conduct and operations, with no remorse. Unethical practices by businesses have often been a catalyst in their demise. Hence, for business success, we might say, "When in business, practicing integrity is good business," because if it is adhered to, it can be a recipe for success. According to an article, Unethical Rationalizations and Misconceptions, which was published by, there are countless excuses and reasons people justify unethical practices, whether they are legal or illegal. Every form of excuse, "It's done all the time," to "It's always been done this way," to "Everybody accepts it," to "Nobody's complained before," to "It's too late to change now," to "No harm, no foul," to name a few. These justifications are clearly evident that the ABCDs of ethical decision–making have been bypassed. When operating a business, it is more profitable to consider every aspect of the outcome of the decisions that we make. We need to be aware of the facts of the entire situation. Who will it impact most and to what degree? How do I feel about the decision I am going to make? ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Ethical And Socially Responsible Business Practice Intro This essay will examine in details the challenges, limitations faced by corporations and the strengths that are drawn from their ethical and socially responsible business practice. In today 's business world, it is difficult for corporations to define what is regarded as a responsible business practice in the areas of ethical and social responsibilities. The hallmark of a good company is to maintain a strong ethical practice, values, policies and social responsibilities that guides its conducts as well as the activities of its employees. Taylor (1975), defined "ethics as the inquiry into the nature and grounds of morality where the term morality is taken to mean moral judgments, standards and rules of conduct". Based on this definition, business ethics can be said to rely on individuals and the business to adhere to high moral principles and judgements. The incorporation of ethics in an organization business values and strategy enables social corporate responsibility to be ingrained in their daily decision making. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as defined by Carroll (1979) refers to the inclusion of moral, lawful and economical obligations that is expected of a business by the society (Brtitzelmaier, Kraus 2012). Organisations are expected to act responsibly, but many would agree that their actions and policies do have a direct or indirect effect on the society at large and the environment. The success of most organisations is dependent on their corporate ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Business Ethics And Practices Of Goldman Sachs Assignment 1 Q1 – What was up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray. Go back through the case; make a list of each action/ practice that could be called a gray area. The problems to be investigated are the business ethics and practices of Goldman Sachs. There were several grey areas in which Goldman Sachs operated their business. Ethical Grey areas are situations and problems that don't fit neatly into any existing mode of ethical analysis within the business (Marshall, 2007). Peter Drucker's interpretation of business ethics is that personal ethics and business ethics cannot be separated. He uses the example of businessmen should not cheat, steal, lie, bribe, or take bribes. But nor should anyone else. He also mentioned that "men and women don't acquire exemption from ordinary rules of personal behavior because of their work or job" (Drucker, 1986). The first grey area was Goldman Sachs using a technique called "layering". Goldman would start a company and used their own money to buy 90% of the shares. The public would see how the stocks were selling so quickly and wanted a piece of the pie. The public were unaware that Goldman was buying their own stocks and then continuously increasing the price of the stock and selling it back at the higher price. Goldman saw how well this was working and decided to continue with this practice. He started new companies and followed the same formula as before, making bags of money, while investors had no idea ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Wal-Mart Unethical Business Practice Friday, 9th December 2011 Friday, 9th December 2011 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– MANAGEMENT ESSAY WAL–MART UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICE * General Description Wal–Mart is an American company specialized in mass–market retailing, founded by Sam Walton in 1962 in Arkansas. He made it into the leader in discount retailing that is today. In fact, the company is worldwide extended. With 16'389 billion $ of profit, Wal–Mart is the first world company in terms of sales and is considered as the biggest company in the United States. According to PBS, "Wal–Mart employs more people than any other company in the United States outside of the Federal government, yet the majority of its employees with children live ... Show more content on ... (See appendix 1) Wal–Mart could avoid lawsuits, but they need to give more job with responsibilities and opportunities to women and they should get paid as much as male employees. Even though Wal– Mart is such a successful company, they can do better if they stop discriminating their women employees and they will save money on lawsuits. In fact, "Wal–Mart recently introduced workplace diversity initiatives, intended to prevent further gender bias." We can see here that Wal–Mart is making a small step to stop discriminating women employees. Will it be enough? Sure not, but it is still a change in the good way. This is a really important unethical issue for a company as big and important as Wal–Mart. I don't think is it fair to discriminate gender employees. If they do have problems with women they shouldn't hire them. They could have anticipate all these lawsuits against them, because it was sure that if there were any difference between men and women the one or the other would have report it. In this case, there is an issue with women employees and they do have react against it, which it is
  • 35. totally right. For example, if it was the contrary: men employees are not equal to women employees, men would have done the same and ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Business Analysis : Starbucks Cafe Practices Ethical Sourcing Coffee On point that Starbucks is fully committed to is their one hundred percent ethically sourced coffee. From the Starbucks corporate website in relation to ethically sourced coffee: "We take a comprehensive approach to ethical sourcing, using responsible purchasing practices; farmer support; economic, social and environmental standards; industry collaboration and community development programs. The cornerstone of our approach is Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices, one of the coffee industry's first set of sustainability standards, verified by third–party experts. Developed in collaboration with Conservation International (CI), C.A.F.E. Practices has helped us create a long–term supply of high–quality coffee and positively impact the lives and livelihoods of coffee farmers and their communities." The Starbucks CAFÉ Practices look at four main areas being social responsibility, quality, transparency, and economic accountability. Together, these standards assist farmers in growing coffee that is both better for the planet and for the people who drink it. Amongst these practices, there is also a belief in the continuous expectation that Starbucks's supplier are in line with these practices through frequent evaluations. For instance, farms and mills are examined external parties and reported to Starbucks. Starbucks is unique in the notion that they are willing and often do share their business approaches, resources, best practices and ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Business Ethics : Ethics And Practices Business ethics Business Ethics relates to policies and practices that regard potentially controversial issues. The business ethics will be the moral principles that will affect a business's behaviour. Also most organisations pay their business managers to make decisions which will help the business to reach its aims and objectives. Businesses are part of the community therefore they are required to behaviour at a certain standard. Ethical activities Ethical activities will focus on making a positive impact and contribution to the community. Ethical firms also carefully consider the implications of what they are doing and the effect it might have on the community and the environment. It also relates to businesses who have a lot of power and whether they use it responsibly or selfishly. Values of businesses The values of businesses will vary depending on the company. These are defined by the behaviours and values which govern a business environment. Overall the values are a set of guiding principles that will encourage individuals in an organisation to make decisions based on the business's stated beliefs and attitudes towards business practices within the industry. Professional ethics The professional ethics relate to how people behave in relation to their chosen careers. However professionals can lose the right to practice if they do not follow the rules of conduct laid down by their own professional institutes. This is because these professions are trusted by the public ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Gucci Group Code of Business Practices Code of Business Practices Ethics Guide GUCCI GROUP CODE OF BUSINESS PRACTICES 1 Contents 1 Introduction from Robert B Polet, President and C.E.O. of Gucci Group 2 Business Ethics in Practice Shared principles Shared responsibilities 3 Group Commitments Rules of Conduct Colleagues and Employees Customers and Consumers Shareholders Business Partners Environment and the Communities 4 Implementation and Follow–up 5 Applying the Code of Business Practices 6 Contacts 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 15 16 17 18 GUCCI GROUP CODE OF BUSINESS PRACTICES 2 Gucci Group, the third largest luxury group in the world, provides excitement and glamour that attracts a broad–based audience – thanks of course, to its young, creative, and edgy designers. Its appeal ... Show more content on ... These shared principles are as follows: Behave with integrity and responsibility. Respect applicable laws and regulations. Respect the dignity and the rights of our employees, customers, business partners and shareholders. Respect the environment. Treat corporate assets and resources in the interest of Gucci Group and its shareholders. Support our employees and business units in social solidarity initiatives. Do not disclose information about customers or about the business dealings of the Group and its companies. GUCCI GROUP CODE OF BUSINESS PRACTICE 4
  • 48. Business Ethics in Practice 2 Group managers Create and maintain health and safety in the workplace and the professional and personal well–being of team members. Lead by example. Encourage discussion of the Code of Business Practices. Promote and introduce the Code of Business Practices within the company. Encourage employees to seek advice and help to answer their questions; respect their judgment. Take appropriate measures should actions deviate from the principles outlined in our Code of Business Practices. Shared responsibilities Being a manager implies specific responsibilities in addition to those we all have as Gucci Group employees The first requires us to provide an example by our own behaviour towards our team members: this is a fundamental condition to succeed in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Fundamentals Of Economics With Modern Business... Contrasting the Fundamentals of Economics with Modern Business Practices Divulging economist Adam Smith's theory of wealth creation in William Nickels, James McHugh, and Susan McHugh's book Understanding Business (2005), they summarize that despite a nucleus of self–interesting goals, business concludes by benefitting both self and extended community. Noting criticality in monetary reward for dedication and labor, Adam Smith believes an economy can prosper. Furthermore, in order for democratic capitalism to remain in balance and provision the greatest output, a culture of moral, ethical, and spiritual values are paramount. Sans these basic values, capitalism will fail. Exemplifying such failure is the 2006 verdict of Enron founder Kenneth Lay and Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling. Convicted of conspiracy and security and wire fraud, these two men were sentenced to 165 and 185 years in prison respectively. This scandal not only tore their families apart, but affected the lives of 5,600 workers and their retirement futures. All of this was based on greed and many decisions to evade accounting laws. Thus, despite a core desire of self–interest – aligning to Adam Smith's theory – their lack of universal values in decision making resulted in immensely negative consequences. Napster, a web–based file sharing program (used namely for "sampling" music), stands another historical example of the power and fallout of poor business judgment. Allowing users free and unlimited access to ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Laws for Fair, Balanced and Competitive Business Practice... United States has several laws that ensure that competition among businesses flow rely and new competitors get free access to the market. These laws intend to ensure fair and balanced competitive business practices. However, there are times when some businesses will do anything to gain competitive edge. USA has strong antitrust laws that prohibit fixing market price, price discrimination, conspiring boycott, monopolizing, and adopting unfair business practices. The history of Antitrust laws goes back to 1890 when Congress passed Sherman Act. In 1914, Congress passed two more acts: Federal Trade Commission Act, and Clayton Act. With some revisions, these three acts are still core antitrust acts. The Sherman Act outlaws every contract, ... Show more content on ... Rockefeller's Standard Oil dropped its price by more than half and bought up many competitors. Microsoft has also been accused of adopting unfair business practices and discouraging competition several times. Microsoft started getting its web browser Internet Explorer with Windows operating system and other products. Even though consumers were not forced to purchase the Internet Explorer browser, Microsoft did manage to discourage competition. Court held Microsoft liable under antitrust laws. Many times even a government can allow a company to work as monopoly. For example, AT&T was allowed to work as a natural monopoly. Similarly, Kodak was found violating antitrust laws in 1921 as at that time Kodak was controlling 96% of film and camera market in USA. Company was accused of discouraging competition. ( In 2013, Apple was found violating antitrust law by conspiring to raise prices of e–books. In spite of such laws, businesses find ways to practice unfair business practices. There were times when large enterprises have been able to drive smaller businesses out of business. Companies had left clients with no choice, but to buy their products. Companies have been cheating consumers. It is not just large corporations; even smaller corporations are indulged in unfair business practices. According to FTC, American consumers lost over $1.6 billion to ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Organizational Culture : Business Practices Does Organisational Culture Shape Ethical Business Practices? U5009333 Sarah Zuiderduin 14/10/2014 Introduction Organisation culture can be described as the beliefs, customs, value systems and behavioural norms and ways of doing business that are unique to each corporation. The impact of organisational culture on the ethical standards and moral practices of people in organisations has become increasingly common (Fisse & Braithwaite, 1983). Managers within organisations are now turning to organisational culture to not only to explain what happens in organisations, but also to attempt to shape what happens in the organisation (Sinclair, 1993). Body Definition of organisational culture, ethical business ... Show more content on ... Management can and should actively manage and engage in organisational culture. This process requires clear identification and articulation of a corporate strategy, philosophy or mission. These strategies are not confined to economic goals, but there does need to be a cohesive statement about what kind of organisation the company will be; including its character, espoused values, and relationships to customers, employees, communities, and shareholders (Murphy, 1989). Commonly known as a 'credo' (Murphy, 1989), this strategy can be translated into a corporate code of ethics. The credo can be a general statement about the organisational values, the code of ethics should be specific, pertinent, publicized, communicated and enforced, as well as revised (Laczniak & Murphy, 1991). Apple Inc. utilises it's employees levels of innovation, creativity, and provides further training and development programs to ensure a positive, supporting, engaging and empowering organisational culture and attributes this environment to its success. Leadership and its positive influences, linked to above statements about Apple Inc.
  • 61. Identify and describe positive outcomes of organisational culture and its positive influence on ethical business practices. Identify the extent of the influence? The strong cultural approach adopts a more instrumental ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Business Intelligence Dashboard Best Practices After reviewing the internship activity in chapter 12, "Industry: Healthcare" and completing independent online research, I have found helpful information on Business Intelligence dashboard best practices. As stated in the internship activity "Dashboards are a popular way to view business data" (Rainer, Prince, & Cegielski, 2014). In fact, Stephen Few sums up the definition of Business Intelligence dashboard in this sentence "A dashboard is a visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives; consolidated and arranged on a single screen so the information can be monitored at a glance" (Lach, 2012). BI dashboards are a delivery method used to share information with appointed users or a number of individuals ... Show more content on ... Doing this will bring users to the most important pieces of information located on the dashboard. When doing this it is key to avoid clutter, such as visibly unnecessary chart types. With any unnecessary information or visuals it can distract and turn the users away from the data being shown. A practice that goes along with this is using "color appropriately and sparingly to achieve maximum contrast" (Lach, 2012). When designing a dashboard of reports the color selection should be thought out to enhance readability of charts. The precise selection and use of color will help bring the users' attention to the significant trends, developments, and actions. Making data points different from one another and from the charts and backgrounds will help the important information be seen. On the other hand, if there are too many colors being used it can be hard to find and grasp the information. A cool trick is to relate colors to their symbolic or metaphoric meaning, such as red equals bad. Another practice is to select the best visualizations, not the best looking visualizations. Imagery should be kept simple and the focus should be on the data not the dashboard. Too flashy visuals and chart types should not be used when there are simpler alternatives for users to understand the same message. When designing, the dashboard context should always be provided. If there is no context, then the data visuals presented are basically useless. Finally, dashboards should have support and prompt action. "After drilling to detail to ascertain the root cause of a notable change or event, users must be enabled with a range of options to share the new information and their associated thoughts with others, in order to drive appropriate resultant action" (Lach, 2012). BI dashboards should be effective and efficient for businesses to view their data. These are the best BI dashboard practices I have researched that will ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Business Practice Argumentative Essay : The Decision... Business Practice Argumentative Essay Amanda Rabius PHL/320 September 18, 2017 Hank Reeves Business Practice Argumentative Essay The decision–making process is a present and vital in the everyday hustle and bustle of business practices (INC). Although, making choices can be painful at times, the selections that are made define the success and quality of an organization. Any significant bad decision could throw a company off course. So, it is important that good decisions are made. defines good as sound, valid and satisfactory for the purpose (DIC). But, to get more technical, let 's consider the definition of "good" when it comes to business decisions. Well, what is a "good" decision exactly? The answer may seem obvious, ... Show more content on ... And, it is clear that the Houston area is in demand for this beloved noodle bowl. But, regardless of the degree of market growth required to meet the business owner's particular business goals and objectives, the need for growth and a plan to accomplish it is fundamental to a successful business venture. Without it, you will leave your business vulnerable to market pressures such as increased competition or regional economic downswings. For example, when expanding a business, a restaurant, retail or service – reproduction can easily be run from a distance. All you need is to launch a chain. All businesses need to grow to survive and starting a chain expands that business horizon. Since the owner of AGU knows that the first location was a success – he duplicated the plan with multiple locations in various areas while meeting increased customer demands. Typically, a business's growth can also be measured by important statistics such as turnover, market share, profits, sales, or staff numbers (HBR – PROFITABILITY). According to the Harvard Business Review (HBR – PROFITABILITY), a project undertaken by the Marketing Science Institute on the PIMS (Profit Impact of Market Strategies) is "aimed at identifying and measuring the major determinants of return on investment (ROI) in individual businesses. Phase II of the PIMS project, completed in late 1973, reveals 37 key profit influences, of which one of the most important ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Problem Of A Unethical Business Practice On my commute home that night, I began to wonder about the implications of the situation. After returning home, I fixed myself dinner and decided that a session of meditation would help me to think clearly and to approach the situation with an objective mindset. After a quick shower and a change into more comfortable attire, I sat out on my back patio and relaxed into a session of the Vipassana meditation that I had learned as a student to manage stressful situations. After an hour of meditation, I felt mentally refreshed, relaxed, and ready to approach the question of ethics that was before me. I began to consider what I knew about the situation and the possible outcomes of letting it go uncommented on. Deceiving the client is not only completely a unethical business practice, but it could create a ripple of negative effects. If the plant ran without noticing the differences between their actual and expected results, they would be unaware that their emissions were higher than they had been told to expect, possibly making their emissions rates unintentionally higher than the legal limit under the EPA. This would create a situation similar to that of the Volkswagen scandal uncovered in 2015, in which an algorithm that caused the vehicle to run differently when being tested allowed 11 million vehicles to emit 40 times the amount of pollutants specified as the maximum allowable level by the EPA [1]. The Volkswagen scandal caused millions of car owners to unknowingly ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Ethical And Social Treasions Of Business Practices In The... In the business world, there has been many cases of scandals, financial difficulties, and unethical practices amongst the businesses. In particular, the fashion industry has had many incidents dealing with the practice of unethical practices and unfair treatment towards the people under management. "Awareness of the ethical and moral dimensions of business practices is becoming increasingly subject of focus from academia, government and the public alike. Discussion of the social responsibility of the firm(Ahmed)". This is an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed. These ethical issues deal with the mistreatment of employees, the business and the finances. In particular outsourcing has been very popular since the Revolutionary War. In that time outsourcing was very popular, but it began to be used for the benefit of the people in managerial positions more than the benefit for everyone. Outsourcing is when a company works with another country for cheaper labor and quicker production. In America, we have outsourced and been accused of allowing unethical outsourcing such as sweatshops, child labor, pay lower than minimum wage, unauthorized labor, unsafe environments, unequal opportunities , and poor treatment from the companies America has worked with. "One of the earliest calls for examining the question of ethical consequences to business practices was an article by Baumhart in 1961 in the Harvard Business Review aptly titled: "How Ethical is Business?" Baumhart presented ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Are United States Business Laws Effective at Promoting... The United States ranks as the highest gross domestic product nation in the world (Wickipedia, Retrieved March 22, 2014). This ranking indicates that millions of people buy, sell, trade and perform business transactions daily within a multitude of industries and professions. In order to preserve the trust and integrity of our financial systems, it is imperative that the United States implement, regulate, and enforce business practices to remain relevant and effective within the constantly changing global economic marketplace. The United States has a long history of ensuring fair and balanced business practices through legislation. The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, began a shift in the economy from state commerce regulation to a ... Show more content on ... The main agencies which currently promote United States business laws and practices are the Federal Trade Commission and the Small Business Administration. The Federal Trade Commission, established September 26, 1914, has two key functions which include protecting consumers and promoting competition. (, Retrieved March 22, 2014). Consumer protections include opposing illegal, and unjust business practices within the American economy. The agency investigates, litigates and legislates to promote fair and sound business standards. Promotion of competition is accomplished by the enforcement of anti–trust laws, which results in lower prices, higher quality and free movement of goods. (, Retrieved March 22, 2014) Per the 2014–2015 Federal Trade Commission Performance Plan, "The agency administers a wide variety of laws and regulations such as the Federal Trade Commission Act, Telemarketing Sales Rule, Identity Theft Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, and Clayton Act. In total, the Commission has enforcement or administrative responsibilities under more than 70 laws (see for a listing). The FTC also enforces rules issued pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission Act or other laws, including the Business Opportunity Rule and the Telemarketing Sales Rule." (, Retrieved March 22, ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Ethical Practices Within Modern Business Environment And... Introduction A practical ethical behaviour entails behaving in an acceptable way which involves a detailed analysis of what is perceived to be right and wrong. Interestingly, the majority of people are able to identify unethical behaviour rather than ethical behaviour within the society. For instance, it is obvious to point out any unlawful behaviours within the community such as child abuse cases. In effect business ethics can simply be defined as the basic fundamental principles and concepts of decent human conduct. To be able to fully understand business ethics, one must be able to study some universal values including equality of all men and women, human rights, being able to be law abiding, responsible and having respect for the ... Show more content on ... If so, you then would ask yourself whether someone would be justified in paying you those low wages if you, as a worker, had no alternative except starvation. Utilitarianism The utilitarianism approach to ethical decision making focuses on taking the action that will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Considering our example of employing low– wage workers, under the utilitarian approach you would try to determine whether using low–wage foreign workers would result in the greatest good. For example, if Primark offers low–wage foreign workers in response to price competition, you might retain your market share, enabling you to avoid laying off your foreign employees, and perhaps even allowing you to pay your U.K employees higher wages. If you refuse to use low–wage foreign workers regardless of the competition, you may be unable to compete. This could result in layoffs of your U.K. workers and even your foreign workers, for whom the relatively low wages may be essential income. On the other hand, using low–wage workers may tend to depress the wages of most workers, thus reducing almost everyone's standard of living and depressing their ability to purchase the very goods you and others are trying to sell. Deontological Theory: This a theory under the utilitarian concept and it is basically concerned with the moral aspects of actions taken for any reason rather than the actual outcomes (Hall and ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. A Interview On Ethical Business Practices Interview on Ethical Business Practices Sturdy ethical business practices represent a trademark of a superior company that an individual may need to assemble and maintain in your developing business. Business ethics apprehends groups or individuals; however, the one who formulate them will be swayed by the background of the company. Therefore, employees must fix on what they believe is the best line of action. Additionally, ethical corporate societal responsibility and behavior can result in a significant advantage to a business. For instance, they may retain employees within the business, lower labor income and thus amplify productivity. Secondly, they appeal to customers to the business products, thus improving profits and sales. For the ethical business practices interview, I had the preference to interview Nemer Ziyad, the Principal of Ziyad Brothers and Executive Vice President (Allotey, 2008). Ziyad Brothers is among the nation's largest distributors and importers of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean food yields in the country. Apparently, Nemer is the beneficiary of several awards together with the 2006 Outstanding Achievement Award in Business (AAPBA) and 2011 Award for Community Service (Allotey, 2008). Nemer Brothers importing was formed as Grocery and Syrian Bakery Inc. was established in 1966 by Ibrahim Ziyad and Ahmad. Their business started as a small vend outlet in Chicago south. According to Nemer Ziyad, ethics is very vital when interacting with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Granite Construction Ethical Business Practices Ethical Business Practices Granite Construction Corporation is a Fortune 500 Company that operates in both the continental United States and Alaska. Some of their extensive lists of programs include an extensive safety and risk management programs and a list of core values in which all employees, plus management, must adhere to. These programs are extremely inward focused by refining the skills of their employees and addressing the needs of their stakeholders. Their community involvement includes sponsoring art festivals, donating school supplies and funding field trips for local schools. Granite is extremely focused on education and proves this by providing $413,000 in Scholarships to the children of their employees. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Business Analysis : Business, Cost Saving Practices :... This part of the study includes readings in literature and studies which have bearings on the present study. This covers the discussion and other pertinent information about franchise business, cost saving practices: energy consumption, supply chain management and quality control and customer satisfaction: convenience, promptness and quality service. Franchising Business Franchising has been an influential economic engine and is vital in the expansion and growth of the business for nearly half a century (Ekelund, 2014). The inherent benefits of franchising as a business model are the key influencers of the decision of entrepreneurs opting for franchising instead of establishing a new business (Oni, Sekwele, Matiza & Pelser 2014). Beredo and Mendoza (2013) said that in order to survive in this kind of business, capital, skill, positive attitude, good location, good management and best service should be considered. Furthermore, that every franchise system revolves around its franchisees' quality and the personal decisions that the management make with respect to their work. Understanding the cost and returns are essentials which franchise companies must work in their programs to the market and be straightforward in the assessments, with these, returns can be generated over the period (Kong & Zwisler, 2007). Cost Saving Four years ago when recession hit, CEO's and CFO's reacted to cut costs to keep the business going. Most companies tightened their procedures and able to ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. What Can You Make Your Business Or Practice? Ideas are everywhere. Some are small and seemingly insignificant. Others are big giant ideas with the opportunity to change much of our lives. Each idea that we are, if we create the idea, synthesize it from somewhere else, or hear, it is a possible opportunity. Start challenging yourself to think or do something that will grow your business or practice. We can not promise that you will grow your business or practice, as is the need to apply specific strategies for your business / specific practice. People who are successful in getting the results you are looking for, the practice of doing things rather than thinking about them. By becoming a doer will do more things and stimulate new ideas in the process. One possible opportunity. No matter how promising, exciting or applicable the idea is, or how big of an opportunity that might be, is only one possible opportunity, unless you take action. Opportunity may knock, but we have to open the door, roll up our sleeves and get after if we take advantage of that opportunity. There are many reasons why people do not take action on the ideas and opportunities, including: – Lack of self confidence to feel that they will succeed – They do not see the benefits outweighing the risks – they are scared – They have too many opportunities and immobilized, unable to make a decision The steps outlined below will help you get past any of these issues – and move forward with confidence towards great results. Here are the steps you can ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Impacts of Pfizer's Business Decisions and Practices Business Decisions Effects on Stakeholders Introduction The pharmaceuticals industry is one of the most profitable business sectors. The implications of this business can be observed on individual, corporate, and national level. The actions that companies make determine significant effects on different categories of stakeholders. The shareholder theory states that companies' objectives are represented by maximizing profits for shareholders, while not valuing the interests of stakeholders. The stakeholder theory states that companies' activity must be oriented towards producing benefits for categories of stakeholders like employees, customers, managers, investors, governments, the society, and others. The different views on companies' objectives reflect the complexity of the issue. Company Presentation Pfizer is one of the most important U.S. pharmaceuticals producers, and one of the top players on international level. Its core operating segments are primary care, specialty care and oncology, established products and emerging markets, and animal healthcare. Pfizer is also the world's largest research based pharmaceuticals company. This means that its investments in research and development processes determine innovation. Most of the company's profits comes from selling Rx and over the counter products, but Pfizer also commercializes dietary supplements (Pfizer, 2013). These dietary supplements are easier to sell because of the more permissive legal framework that ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. American Business Practices In The 1960's The foundations of business practice have NOT changed in the U.S. since the 1960s. Within the past 50 years, American business people have kept basic business practice until today. American people are on a first name basis in daily life. But in business area, people prefer use Mr. or Ms. with their surname when referring to others to show their respect. Today's American business style is considered to be direct, which was same as historical business practice. This means they directly describe what they want. Though they are direct, common courtesy is still important. American people always remember to include "please" or "thank you" when they need someone's help. A handshake was a gesture by demonstrating that the hand holds no weapon during ... Show more content on ... They prefer to have a meeting schedule and a task list for each member for future meetings. American business people like to start and end meetings on time. They usually set a specific time period for a meeting. This means they are expected to be efficient and to finish tasks within a limited time period. They always prepare objectives before the meeting, concentrate on the content during the meeting and complete tasks after the meeting. During 1960s, people did not like to talk about personal topics during the meeting, while they might have some personal conversation during meeting breaks now. Historically, women and men have not been equally valued in business. In 1960s, 38% of American women worked outside of their home. In business area, women were considered to help positions like secretary. With the American feminist movement during 1960s to 1970s, people tended to realized the important roles that women played in workplace. However, there were still some inequalities between men and women. Until 1999, women ONLY held 6.80% of top executive position. In 1980, there were no female executive officers. Some appliances that was used before 1990 is seldom used ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Unethical Business Practice-a Case Study of the Downfall... Running head: Unethical Business Practices 1 Unethical Business Practices: A Case Study of the Downfall of Two Major Corporations Sharon Purpuro New Jersey City University Unethical Business Practices 2 Abstract The following pages will tell the story of how two very successful companies met their downfalls at the hands of some very greedy top executives and boards of trustees that chose to look the other way all because of one common denominator – greed. The tremendous pressure by stockholders and board members that is put upon companies and the executives that run them to out–perform the competition in an extremely competitive global marketplace can influence top executives and ... Show more content on ... The pressure on Andersen partners to generate fees was intense. Whenever an AA employee would voice concerns about suspected unethical accounting practices going on at Enron, they were reassigned to a different account. Eventually, the AA employees assigned to the Enron account knew not to 'rock the boat' because no one wanted to jeopardize losing the Enron account, or their job. In 2001, all of the creative accounting practices and fast and furious deal making caught up to Enron's 'golden boys' at the top and Enron filed bankruptcy. Skilling and Lay were tried and convicted on May 25, 2006 of conspiracy and fraud. Skilling was sentenced on October 23, 2006 to 24 years and four months. While awaiting sentencing, Lay died of coronary artery disease on July 5, 2006. Fastow was found guilty of conspiracy on September 26, 2006 and sentenced to 6 years (Murphy & Barrionuevo, 2006, September 27, NY Time). And the rest is history. Unethical Business Practices 6 When telecommunications giant WorldCom folded in July, 2002 with debts of $41 billion, they overtook Enron as the largest bankruptcy in history. At its peak in June, 1999 WorldCom was valued at $180 billion. WorldCom was the 'child' of Long Distance Discount Services (LDDS) from the breakup of AT&T's 95% monopoly of the US telecommunications market. Bernie Ebbers, a successful Canadian business owner with a reputation of following a business model which focused on tight cost control, ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. B2b Ecommerce Best Practices : Custom Business Features B2B eCommerce Best Practices –> Custom Business Features Custom Business Features Deliver Extraordinary B2B Versatility Custom business features become increasingly important for successful and efficient B2B marketing because there are many different business models to satisfy, and no business within a category operates identically or needs the same features. Some companies support B2B and B2C commerce on the same platform while others function as facilitators for E– procurement product purchases and bids. Other B2B models include infomediary websites, niche markets, heavy equipment wholesalers and many other industry–specific B2B operations. Many companies sell products in multiple countries and have website support for multiple languages, currencies, tax–calculation methods like VAT and customs–documentation needs. Out–of–the–box software without customizing its core business features just doesn 't provide the level of service that customers expect, and even customized core features can fall short of what well–designed custom features can deliver. Custom B2B eCommerce features –– regardless of business model –– deliver the latest products, research and information to customers and transform websites into central repositories that can display the right information to the right customer at the right time, which has always been the key to sales closings, and provide astonishing levels of user functionality so that people can research products, personalize their website ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The US Laws and Guidelines Governing Fair and Equitable... The US Laws and Guidelines Governing Fair and Equitable Business Practices BUSN115 September 21, 2013 Professor Neal McGregor The US Laws and Guidelines Governing Fair and Equitable Business Practices The United States became one of the most influential world powers virtually overnight. The system of functionality which maintains this growth and power is the refined codes of business practices which are the cornerstone for domestic and international business relations the world over. Due to the unprecedented growth and prosperity of our nations economy and government, many countries look to us as a model of free enterprise for other nations. One doctrine of thought is the United States belief that our government ... Show more content on ... One great example of this type of relationship is the two businesses Macintosh and Windows. Historically they have always been in constant competition with one another, which has ultimately benefitted the people of the world by fueling competitive innovation. [1] "National competition law usually does not cover activity beyond territorial borders unless it has significant effects at nation– state level." One law, which helps protect businesses and promotes fair competition for the benefit of the consumers, is the US Anti–Trust law. This law is comprised of three different acts: The Sherman Act 1890, the Clayton Act 1914 and the Federal Trade Commission Act 1914. The first role these acts perform is to restrict the formation of cartels which would perform outside of the guidelines of the government and there for not be bound by there laws. The second role these acts perform is to ensure no single business entity can perform a certain level of mergers and acquisitions, which would essentially turn them into a monopoly and reduce competition. Overall, the antitrust laws are constantly debated for their overall functionality and efficiency in protecting the fair business practices of the United States. [2] "One view, mostly closely associated with the "Chicago School of economics" suggests that antitrust laws should focus solely on the benefits to consumers and overall efficiency, while a broad range of ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Questions On Business Practices Of Ikea Essay Table of Contents Introduction 1 1 Responsible Business Practices of IKEA 1 1.1 Realization of Responsible Business Practices 1 1.2 Code of Conduct 2 1.3 Responsible Practices 2 1.3.1 Alternative to Diesel 2 1.3.2 Environmental–Friendly Products 3 1.3.3 Management of Forest 3 1.3.4 IKEA's Social Policies 4 1.3.5 Partnership between UNICEF and social Initiative 4 1.4 Negative Practice 5 2 Ranking of the Most Responsible Practices 5 2.1 Ranked as One 5 2.1.1 Supportive Ethical Theory 6 2.2 Ranked as Two 6 2.2.1 Supportive Ethical Theory 7 2.3 Other ethical theories: 8 2.3.1 Meta–ethics: 8 2.3.2 Descriptive ethics: 9 2.3.3 Normative ethics: 9 2.3.4 Applied ethics: 9 2.3.5 Moral Psychology: 10 3 Recommendation 10 3.1 Towards Environment 10 3.2 Towards Community 11 Conclusion 11 References 12 Introduction Every company strives for being socially, environmentally responsible for gaining a positive image among the stakeholders associated with the company. The chosen company for this report, IKEA, is practicing such praiseworthy practices which are discussed for demonstrating the concern of the company towards the society and environment. The Swedish company, IKEA, a giant of the retail business of furniture, has become an environmentally and socially supportive business by
  • 126. highlighting on the environmental and community aspects while conducting the business and ensuring no negative impact on the environment as well as on the society. This company has done such responsible ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Unethical Business Practices in Glengarry Glen Ross The movie "Glengarry Glen Ross" presented a series of ethical dilemmas that surround a group of salesmen working for a real estate company. The value of business ethics was clearly undermined and ignored in the movie as the salesmen find alternatives to keep their jobs. The movie is very effective in illustrating how unethical business practices can easily exist in the business world. Most of the time, unethical business practices remain strong in the business world because of the culture that exists within companies. In this film, the sudden demands from management forced employees to become irrational and commit unethical business practices. In fear of losing their jobs, employees were pressured to increase sales despite possible ethical ... Show more content on ... The culture that surrounded Ricky Roma was a catalyst to committing fraudulent activities. Yet, he had regards to his reputation, job and the organization as whole. This helped him to carry out his duties with the right business practices. Therefore, despite having some questionable instances, Ricky Roma remained the most ethical salesman in the film. A questionable instance of Rick Roma's behavior occurred at the closing of a deal at a bar. Closing a deal means entering into a contractual agreement with clients. Now, in order for a contract to be legally binding, it requires both parties to have the capacity to enter into an agreement. During the closing of the deal at the bar, the clients were under the influence of alcohol. This alone highlights an unethical business practice on Roma's part. Though this may present an area to question his character, Rick Roma did not necessarily lie to his client. Rather he exploited the situation and persuaded his clients into closing the deal. This is a more ethical tactic than the other salesmen for he did not deceive his clients in closing deals. His tactic is even more accepted and common in today's business world. There are many instances where salespeople must conduct business transactions at parties or golf courses. Entertainment seems to be key and generally accepted in closing many business deals. For example, drug representatives often need to entertain healthcare providers in order to sell their ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Ethical Challenges Of Ethical Business Practices Essay Ethics There are many challenges of ethical business practices in a non–ethical world. While some businesses do well, and are considered ethical there are some businesses that are highly questionable. As one can see through the news media some companies are so unethical, congress gets involved. Ethics are complicated enough for an individual, however, in a corporate setting the stakeholders are hoping for the multitude of people to share the same values in order for an organization to function properly and be successful. It only takes a few employees in an organization to produce irrevocable damage to a business. People are faced with ethical dilemmas every day. How, each person reacts to a situation will vary depending on their own ethical values. However, in a business the stakeholders depend on the fact that the employees that are working for a corporation would have a good set of moral values. A stakeholder is anyone who has interest in an organization such as the stockholders, employees, customers, community, and even creditors. Each one of these entities has something to lose from unethical behavior. The stockholder will loss if the stock value drops, employees can lose their jobs and customers can receive poor quality products. The community would suffer economic decline and unemployment of the local residents which would take money away from the community, and the creditors would lose the principal and interest payments for loans they have given the business ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Integrating Sustainable Business Practices to an Organization In today's world of business the role of leadership team has been to integrate sustainable business practices into the organisations and ethics are key agenda items (Smart et al., 2010).Businesses can be tempted to make short–term gains by turning a blind eye to ethics that will lead to the loss of reputation (Barman et al.,2010). Thierry Pilenko said that "It is in the power of the leaders, stakeholders and employees to make sure that the ethics are the core values in order to maintain good reputation". The ethics and the social responsibility are cooperative and a company that acknowledges the importance of sustaining the environment and the people involved makes good profit (Drotskie,2014,chap.5,p.92).The businesses that turned blind eye to ethics have faced the consequences of losing their reputation and remuneration, for example American gas Organisation took unethical decisions that left them being bankrupt (Drotskie,2014,chap.5,p.92).Makgoba stated that South Africa has ethical dilemmas that results to the level of distrust for the government. DESCRIPTION OF ETHICS, VALUES AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS In business world it has become too easy to let small infractions slide by until they become big problems (Templeton,2010).Ethics have become the core values that guide the managers, stakeholders and employees how to behave in an ethical way and the values promote exemplary behaviour in all circumstances (Pilenko,p.4,2011).Reputation is a priceless asset that most ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Is Outsourcing A Business Practice? It should be illegal for US–based businesses to outsource their customer service to foreign countries because it weakens the economy and the job market in the US. Offshore outsourcing is a business practice or process that means to export information technology (IT) and manufacturing jobs to other developed countries outside of the US for the sole purpose of cutting costs, such as labor costs and tax savings. By doing so, the US economy is negatively affected, unemployment rises, and funds through taxation are paid to other countries by US businesses. Outsourcing needs to stop and should be illegal. US businesses need to invest more time and money to research and develop other ways to save money, such as cheaper manufacturing goods that still produce the same quality item. Offshore outsourcing is a large issue, much larger than people realize, and has been occurring for too long. On April 10, 2006, Electrolux, one of the world's largest manufacturers of home appliances, closed their manufacturing plant in Greenville, North Carolina and moved to Juarez, Mexico. (Lach, 2012) The main goal of outsourcing is to cut costs while maximizing profit, which means that labor costs are the primary reason for sending jobs overseas. Recently, the margin of cost between the US and China declined by almost 50%, regardless of the increase in labor costs in China, most US companies have no plans for bringing those jobs back to the US. Though the labor cost savings are not as low in China as ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Wells Fargo Unethical Account On Business Practices Wells Fargo Unethical Accounts Joshua Yascavage AMU BUSN311 Wells Fargo Unethical Accounts A business is created to make money, it may originally be made to help people, but in the end the pocket book of stockholders and owners is what managers focus on, and what employees are hired to do for the company. This means to do whatever it takes to make money, however, you need to stay with in the law and in many cases be socially ethical in business practices. When you fall out of these boundaries you will find yourself on the front page with your stocks dropping and a loss of profits you have been trying to increase. It is understandable that social ethics is not a companies sole priority, however, when you forget you have a ... Show more content on ... These employees scared to lose their job would open up these fake accounts to make numbers, the number of accounts that were opened were staggering. There were a few employees that saw this practice as unethical and did the right thing, calling the ethics hot line set up by the Bank, and sending emails explaining their issue with what was going on. Employers are not legally allowed to punish their employees who are whilst blowers. Wells Fargo did not take kindly to their employees blowing the whilst so they would fire them.(Egan 2016). Employment law, is one of the reasons Wells Fargo was sued by both employees and customers over this issue. Customers could sue the company for what its employees do, this is because employees are agents of the company.(Hasl– Kelchner 2014). When the employees took it upon themselves to start opening common accounts such as credit cards and checking accounts that would charge fees to the customers they were essentially stealing from these customers. Employees can sue based off multiple factors and in this case wrongful termination.(Hasl–Kelchner 2014). Firing the employees that filed ethical complaints was illegal. The law is set up to protect whilst blowers yet Wells Fargo had no problem finding other reasons to get rid of these employees. (Egan 2016). Had Wells Fargo used the value chain concept, created by ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Illegal Business Practices at Pharmacare: A Review Corporate Social Responsibility at PharmaCARE by for Course Title: The exploitation of impoverished peoples is certainly not new, but the fact that the practice continues in the 21st century is caused for great concern among policymakers and nongovernmental organizations alike. Exploitation at any level is unacceptable, of course, but when it involves a major multinational corporation and illegal business practices, it becomes a crime that requires effective disposition. This was the case with the company, PharmaCARE and its subsidiary, CompCARE, which used its position and power in ways that ultimately killed dozens of patients and harmed numerous employees. To determine the facts in this case, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer–reviewed and scholarly literature concerning exploitive business practices and whistle–blowing, followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues in the conclusion. Identification of All the Stakeholders in This Scenario There are potentially tens of millions of stakeholders involved in this scenario. Besides the employees of PharmaCARE and CompCARE as well as the general population of Colberia and those who were hired to conduct harvesting activities in its jungles, the stakeholders in this scenario include uncounted numbers of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries who have used the medications manufactured by CompCARE to treat their Alzheimer's disease. ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Business Ethics And Ethical Practices In The Workplace Business ethics and ethical practices have been focuses by many businesses in recent years. Business ethics can help the company to create and develop it workplace culture as well as to increase the productivity of employees. Due to the rapidly change and improvement of technologies, ethical practices within of the workplace have also been changed with the raising of new ethical issues. Many studies and researchers have indicated that it is very importance to identify and understand the impact of technologies advance on ethical practice of businesses. The main purpose of this essay is to conduct analysis and provide evidences that support this opinion. From the point of view of the writer, it is importance to understand the influence of technological advances on ethical practices because the company can only control and manage the impact of technological advances by understand its impacts on ethical practice of the company. In order to evaluate whether technological advances have impact on ethical practice within the workplace or not, it is important to understand what ethical practices in the workplace are. According to Quigley (2008) the term ethical practice within the workplace covers many aspects and responsibilities that need to be performed by employees and companies. For example, employee motivation and training, employee behavior and relationship are parts of the ethical practice of a business (Quigley, 2008). So by evaluating the impact of technological advance on ... Get more on ...
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  • 158. The Ethical And Sustainable Business Practices Of Patagonia Major Points: The responsible company, a firsthand account of Patagonia's rise to become a leader in sustainable business and environmental practices. This book goes over the ethical and sustainable business practices that Patagonia has been using for the past 40 years. They started off as a small company called Chouinard Equipment, they sold rugby shirts, ice axes, and much more basic mountain climbing equipment. Throughout the course of this paper I will be discussing, Patagonia's values, ethical framework, and the different elements that made them a highly sustainable business. Patagonia realizes that much of the world's economy is supported by consumerism. They also know that this unrelenting increase of 3 percent minimum growth is going to drive the entire market into the ground. Three percent minimum growth relates to how much a company has to grow in order for it to stay afloat within the market. This means that every single company in the world has to grow at this rate. Which is completely unsustainable. The world in general according to Patagonia is "In transition to a post–consumerist society", (pg.27, Chouinard/Stanley). As the world moves towards this idea of post consumerism, companies must learn that in order to create a successful business they owe not only their stockholders but the stakeholders. A stakeholder is anyone who is affected by the company and its activities. The major groups companies typically focus on are: employees, customers, communities and ... Get more on ...