related party transactions companies act 2013 employees options employees shares employees stock options employees stock board of directors listing agreement corporate goverenance significant influence section 188 section 184 associate company accounting standard 18 clause 49 companies act 1956 rpts 1956 2013 comapnies act managing director disclosures of interest of directors key managerial personnel employees trust employee stock option scheme employee purchase scheme . esop incorporation of company notice by electronic mail notice by email notice by electronic mode general meeting annual general meeting notice of annual general meeting annual report speed post courier registered post physical mode email e-mail id elcetronic mail electronic mode notice of meetings power of tribunal to call meetings administration resolution requiring special notice ordinary resolutions proceedings of general meetings board minutes chairman of meetings quorum of general meetings management quorum of board meetings minutes special resolutions board of meetings general meetings annual return requirements under listing agreement material companeis act 2013 disclosures sebi obligations obligations requriements bse national stock exchange manager interest stock option of employees employees scheme employees stock scheme employees stocks employees turst employees stock option scheme esops modification comparison companies act 1956 chpater ii company act 1956 company act 2013 restrictions in companies act 2013 modification in companies act 2013 comarison of companies act 2013 and companies act companies act 2013 liberlisaion in companies act 2013 companeis act 1956 patent law in india inellectual property rights trademarks patents race chief justics of india religion muslim judiciary constitution social justice reservation doctor
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