crowdsourcing social web human computer interaction social media semantic web cultural heritage personalization hci human computation social network semantics nichesourcing ground truth events machine learning ui image annotation nlp digital humanities crowdtruth medical text ai gold standard user interfaces collective intelligence text annotation information extraction linked data artificial intelligence user-centric design ucd image tagging human-assisted computing extracting events medical semantic cultural heritage web science museums video annotation recommendations tv wisdom of the crowd medical domain cognitive computing event semantics lod video video tagging digital media relation extraction data quality open data history personalisation watson network analysis facebook rdfa web user modeling human computing museum history events ux twitter data analysis ibm microdata microformats privacy media personalized semantic search television personalized museum tours ml evaluation of ai data machine intelligence active learning computer vision exploration intelligent user interfaces user experience experts recommender systems quantum intelligence cognitive systems explorative browsing semantic search ehumanities event extraction apis google maps big data data science games with a purpose metadata disagreement visualize events event annotation question answering conjunctive queries sparql user profile network science web 2.0 mobile apps tagging game adaptation user modelling notube enrichment user text-to-image llms generative ai data excellence data for ai responsible ai competition challenge data challenge evaluation adverse examples human semantics rijksmuseum iconclass aat getty vocabularies getty research structured knowledge taxonomies vocabularies snackable content preview trailer summarization video news misinformation bias linked open data images quantum math human in the loop knowledge acquisition knowledge representation medical relations sound annotation elearning expert systems intelligent systems ambiguity intelligent information systems controversy image processing multimedia sxsw image analysis video processing sxsw2017 video analysis online video media innovation nishesourcing advertising hyperlinking video interaction entertainment fashion biology microscopic images gwap grond truth distant supervision mood data mining net neutrality the right to be forgotten pipa sopa art democratisation crowdfunding audiences cultural commons historical events analytics trust accurator #crowdsourcing #goldstanard prototyping high-fidelity prototypes low-fidelity prototypes design interaction design story lines narratives human-computer interaction interfaces digitalhumanities ehumanities web and media human-machine workflow crowds named entities extraction security markup sns introduction #eventmodelling #events #semanticweb #historical events iswc2013 user-generated content tags text annotations simple event model web and tv interactive tv gold standard annotation serious games hypothesis generation timelines activist events activist organizations derive2012 iswc2012 nlp graphs rdf graphs socialtv i-semantics "web semantics" events nlp "ground tru second screen collaborative intelligence google linkedin blogs wikis sioc foaf activity streams xfn oauth user profiles opensocial town hall iswc2011 confere communities annotation citizen science user generated content social-tv semtech2011 recommendation av content knowledge patterns navigation patterns lod patterns web tv iptv mobile guide chip project semantic web social web tv museums cultural herita eswc2010 closing awards semanticweb semweb semanti eswc2010 statistics semweb semantic web sematicweb hci intertain experimental research ambient living agoraproject eventmodeling semanticweb cbmi2009 notube prestoprime project semanticweb se userprofile semanticweb notube project notubeproject socialweb interactive
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