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   The Sutra                 of Yisuali zttrg
                  The Buddha of
        Immeasurable Lengttr of Life
                 --r         iU

            rhff#* :         8tJ*   BFq[e
     Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit

            tr   tri+4   :   REI ,Erl*tfi
Translated into English from the Chinese Versior


                 BHIKKHU ASSAJI

                 ,- v -?
             ffn jur@     ?-f                                    THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING

                                                                        THE BUDDHA          OF

                                                               IMMEASURABLE LENGIH OF LIFE.

    frnft#effi: -.ffi   ' Ifrfri#fiaH[Eilr+       ,             Thus have I heard: Once the Buddha was
                                                       '.  staying at Rajagriha City, on the Gridhrakuta
                                                       i Mountain, with a group of great Bhikshus, twelve
                                                           hundred and fifty in number, and thirty-two
AAHNflJEE?ffiF-IH "                                        thousand Bodhisattvas, among whom Manjusri, the
                                                           Prince of the Dharma, was the President.
    ffiffiE#tfiE-t+'            A[qiHE,   ffi,llEffi            At that time, there was a prince, Ajatasatru by
                                                           name, in the great RajaSriha City, who imprisoned
)& " ttfltT*A*w.ffi,         &ffiEtt{E              his father, King Bimbisara, in a seven-walled cell,
€n 'ftlj-#€tr '-6'+4.t4"                               ; by the wicked advice of his evil-minded friend
                                                       t Devadatta, and no one of the King's ministers was
                                                        I allowed to see him in the jail.
    Ettr      AefEA'      *ffit-'
                          i*fdffiF,                             Vaidehi, the Queen, who was greatly devoted
Uffi&+E*rffiWXH ' #ry*#, Rffiffifi' ffi                  , to the King, washed herself, and car-ried honey and
                                                        f,our close to her body, put grape juice in her
DII.T'   o
                                                        iewels, and sent them to the King secretly.
                                                             The King after having taken the honeyed flour
    ffiffitE€Nr"pkffi.' *zkffi n' ffi tr SE,             and drunk the grape juice, asked for some water

AS*&, HBHOMil&fgE€, Ifi{G€E , I                         to wash his mouth. Having done this, he joined
                                                         his hands palm to palm, saluting the Buddha in
;ltHffis€=wx. 'mF#iS , W*,xffi,J " ffi                  ithe direction of the Gridhrakuta Mountain, and
$q.e&*$,!E                         92   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 2

H&s{nHEm'WF.f-ffi' El Et f,nft'&tz                   seid, "Mahamaudgalyayana is my intimate friend.
                                                      I wish that he would be kind enough to come and
fi.. ft&lr€€#'€&fl, BE'#* "                           give me the Eight Precepts." At that time, the
                                                      Venerable Mahamaudgalyayarta, being invited by
                                                      ihe King, flew as a falcon to his place claily and
                                                      gave him the Eight Precepts. The Buddha also
                                                      sent the Venerable Purna to preach the Dharma
                                                      for the King.
       in€ffifld' ffi,--t   n' IFPrg'   4+liiji*,lt        The King lived for three times seven days
                                                      gr honey and flour, and thus he was enabled to
 ,   ffi&tl'Wo                                        bear the Dharma. His countenance was, however,
                                                      very calm and peaceful (in spite of his miserable

       IHEf6+f1# : [i{{4#t&+itrr.l 7
       ffiF                                           the
                                                           At that time, Prince Ajatasatru inquired of
                                                           jailor, "Is my father, the King, still alive?"
J ffi+f1AHF : trt- ! Et*49'4*r''ti'                   The jailor replied, "Oh, Great Prince, the old
                                                      Queen carries honey and flour close to her body
ry*ffiffi. ' f'5,H-h.s ; IbflH$e.*df$#$' 'tt::P.      and puts fruit juice in her jewels, and sends them
                                                      secretly to the King as his fmd. Srmana Maha-
ffiX' RE#E' 6oj#ftU o J FFojH{jtEflrft;Ar             maudgalyayana and Srmana Purna come here
E , KFffIH : tr*tE€ffi' 9qffiF,f+ ; i4fl,tq           flying, to preach the Law to the King; and I am
                                                      not able to keep them away." On hearing these
,t, *l*IEd'r ; flL#E?aTnJ ! CFf,flJftiJ               words, Ajatasatru was very angry with his mother
                                                      ,and said in a temper, "My mother is a thief. She
,    ffi#48"                                          'keeps company with thieves. Srmanas are evil
                                                              they have performed magic to make this
                                                      icvil king live for so long a time." Thus he tmk a
                                                       sharp sword and was about to injure his mother.
                                                            But there were two sagacious ministers of the
   w+.-traan*-, MBA&E ' hWE*,                          Court, one of whom was called Moon-Light and
FE'hfH , HE : IltE ! EHEJT['c;ftf;Sffi' J',            Jiva was the other one's name. They saluted the
#{,,9**oFf.s                               93   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA         3

4nflX.,   A##s'€'Eltfffi , #EX?-Hn                          Prince and said, "Oh, Prince, we have read the
                                                            !&a, in which it is recorded, ,There were many
+'    *gEf,affiiHgEt " E+Bj,LL#UZ+' iT                      evil kings who killed their fathers and enthroned
                                                            themselves, at the beginning of history, eighteen
*ilftjf$, Eff'Ef, , €rEF€ffi "*.€'6F:6;                tbousand in number.' But we have never heard of
[L.J                                                        a single one who has killed his mother. Now you
                                                            are going to kill your mother: such an unheard-of
                                                            treacherous deed would stigmatize the whole
                                                           Ksatriya race. We do not wish to hear that you
                                                           are going to be a Candara, and we do not desire
                                                           to stay in this country."
     ffi-7tE#tk*H.' u+&ffi ' *[fiffi'E "                        When they had uttered these words, they put
                                                           their hands on the handles of their swords and
HF'lHjt'    EE*A : [&6F&1F
            H'Flttg'ffi   '                                were about to retreat. Then Ajatasatr-u was
                                                           alarmed and said to Jiva, "Are you gentlemen no
7JE*AEz ftE!tEHgB!J                                        bnger in favour of me?" To this Jiva replied,
                                                           'Great Prince, you must behave well and not kili
                                                           your mother."
     EE+lIlL;*'   {s,ffi*&'     clsfF#ffi '   rh6*f+            On hearing this exhortation, the prince repented
                                                           ard asked their pardon. He cast away his weapon
" 49)#EE'   '   EFEiKE        '44'61   o
                                                           and did not injure his mother. But he gave
                                                           tbat his mother should be incarcerated in the inner
                                                         - part of the palace, and should not be allowed
                                                         i   oume out again.
                                                         ii,   Then, Vaidehi, the Queen, became very sorry
     Fe+efr , &wffifl '#Efffit# '&fiaw                         -
                                                         ::Jd h"gg*a in the prison. She saluted the Buddha
ffidrFf#'ffffi 'ffifFftA : [fn*tk&'&Ez
                                                          : h the direction of the
                                                                                   Gridhrakuta Mountain and
                                                         :!raid, "fh" giesr.d One, in former times, used to
F, E€m#Xtrf"i* ; ffi4VJ.N,8€.ffi,6'                      $;!tod the Venerable Ananda to come and see me
                                                                  ttly. Now I am in great lamentation and
#H4+tr 'm€HE€#EWW#"ffiF..                      !   lF&            go to see the Buddha. I hope the Blessed
,r1js€+/4.4E                       94   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 4

E*E ' 7$ifffiiF, Erfii{dfirrH.                              Qne   rvill kindly send the     Venerable Nlahamaud-
                                                             galyayeurra and the renelable An..rrda to come and
                                                            see me." She murmured these ll-olds rvith tears
                                                            in her e-ves; and she saluted the Buddha again.
     **Eq'ffiffitr€&€H'*',t ' l'*-{j{ '                          Before she had raised her head up from
                                                            prostration, the LlLrddha on the (ilidhrakuta iVlountain
,L,ZFfrft   ,   EIJ   IFI*..H &*E&.DJ ['J *Ff€+-irlJ rh "   had read her mind. So I{e sent the /enerable
                                                            lVlahan-raudgall ay-ana and the Venerable Ananda
                                                            to see her. They rn-ent to the palace b-v their
                                                            supernatul'al Porret'.
     f i'uf*ilWtlii. ' rEErH ' ffi#f.ltfrii'tiI I               The Buddha disappeared from the (]ridhrakuta
                                                            t{ssntain and reappeared in the palace where the
 ' gqi-EE€f+fu+E lfr ' hKl>8, ' 4: rllf{:-li                Queen was irnprisoned. When Vaidehi had just
                                                            raised her head, she saw the Blessed One,
+' Eli$f+tr ' F*-l*Hf-+fr ' F+tr#itiil'X' t'it              Sakyamuni Ruddha, rvhose body was of a golden-
*^4 , *ffiX+' fsHHF.                                        purple colour, sitting on a lotus florver that was
                                                             constituted of a hundred kinds of valuaLrle jewels.
                                                            The Venerable N{ahamaudgalyayan:l was standing
                                                            on His left, and the Venerable Ananda on His
                                                            right. The gods of the Brahmin heaven and many
                                                            tutelary devas were present in the air. There
                                                            were many heavenly florvers pouring dorvn from
                                                            the sky as offerings to the Buddha.
                                                                 Then Vaidehi, on seeing the Buddha, took
     ffi€f*a*1#1t€    ' H*6ry*, +!qI "w,'                   from her neck a string of jervels, ivhich she offered
aaif r6r'f# ' HE : ftt€ ! fiffi'f'l5F' A.tlb*i i'           to Him. She prostrated herself before Him and
                                                            said with sobs, "Blessed One, what is the wrong
?   E€ l'&H til+EW' WtL:#l.s?j'+ffir$tr'/                   that I must have done in my previous lives to
PEffiE€, F*tH=#ftEt$tr' &H'th+^' 4*                         have such an unfilial son? And what is the cause
                                                            of Devadatta's being a relative of the Blessed
Hi+fEi&Ktt& " tttlfrgE' qUHffi E# 4.#ir+q                   One? I hope the Blessed One will tell me of sorne
'r'ii$€+/&3.s                    95   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZiNG THE BUDDHA           5

'   46#K" mft*X6ffiK4,6EF.A' +                      place, where there are no sorrow and no trouble,
                                                    where I would like to be reborn. For I am
                                                    disgusted with this Jambudvipa, the dirty and evil
eftffiF*ffi"   J
                                                    world, full of hells, ghosts and animals and ail evil
                                                    things. I wish in my future life that I shouid never
                                                    hear evil sounds and never see evil persons. Now
                                                    t prostrate myself before the Illessed One and I
                                                    repent of my e'ril acts, done in the past. fuIay the
                                                    Buddha, the Srrn, teach me how to visualize the
                                                    Place of Pure Karma."
      mffi ' E€ffiEHYf, ' +Je+e                          Then the Blessed One emitted from the
                                "iRW+)j             middle of his eyebrows a ray, golden in colour,
                                                    illuminating the numerous worlds in the ten
                                                    quarters. It returned to the Buddha's head, becoming
fr#tfr'tFDEl-* ' Efttrln " *HW*-' -LH.A             a golden platform, on which all the Buddhas' Pure
ffi,; 'IEHW*.' f;f;€S#; 'IEHW*^' frEH&X             Lands appeared. Some of (the Buddhas' countries
                                                    in the ray) were composed of the seven jewels;
E ; rrtrHW+.' rtn&Wffi,; *fiW+. , gft+ln            some of them were full of lotus flowers; some of
                                                    them were as happy as heavens; and some of
" Hfinft€'ffi8#{#E*' ' ffiffiF]ffi' +FtE#           them were as clean as crystal. Such numerous
flo                                                  Buddhas'countries of the ten euarters appeared
                                                    in the ray of the Blessed One. They were all
                                                    visible, so Vaidehi was able to see them.
      tref,EA'H IfrE   z fEe I E#{.fr*., WtF.            Then Vaidehi said to the Buddha, "Blessed
                                                    One, although these courltries are pure and
                                                    tlrilliant, I wish to be reborn in the Most Happy
      p$mfr€+t*,Etft,                               World of Amita Buddha. May the Blessed One
ff'                        #*EP " j                 have compassion on me and teach me how to
                                                    meditate upon that World rightly."
      ffitr, ft&CfiWMX' Hfr&Jt'       0trffin ffi      Then the Blessed One smiled, and from his
    --)tF,Rffi44ffiIlEi n 6F , X+W&Wffi             mouth he radiated a five-coloured ray which he
,fZ*&   *tt,t*                           96   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA              6

 '   ,[,.HRffH'   &-F,E€' FIE,fffH' Et*&18*El4                cast upon Bimbisara, the I(ing, who was in the
                                                              seven-walled ceil. Although, he was imprisoned,
[Er*[.ft.                                                     his mind was free and undisturbed. He saluted
                                                              the Blessed One (on seeing the ray; and at that
                                                              moment) he gained the Saintly State of Anagamin.
        ffiffi' E€€€fEfr       :   ftk+finzK?   Fldffitri:
                                                                  Then the Rlessed One toid raidehi, "l)o you
                                                             ,know, Vaidehi, that Amita lluddha is not apart
lfr ,   *ttLT€, itHffft, ,*rtW&Ei$+ft# "                      from you, when you have concentrated your mind
                                                              and have accomplished the r'isuaiizations that I am
                                                              going to teach you and :Llso those u'ho, in the
                                                              future, will desire to be reborr in the Pure Land?
         f'&.eLEW#  ' HI6=nE : -.# .48'll:l                        "One who w-ishes to be reborl in the Pure
                                                              Land should cultivate the Three Virtues. They
 ' $$t6g ' #,t].4ti , Ib+#X; =8. *f.?                         41s, firstly, supporting one's parents, respecting one's
3ffi ' ntr/fflfi., 4^uffi,ffi ; a#, ftgf,ft,1. ,              teachers, refraining from killing living beings, and
                                                              doing the Ten Good Deeds; secondly, taking the
iK'fFK*' ffi;mt* 'W1rcft-E " frntb=#, f,-                     Three Refuges, and observing the Precepts per-
                                                              fectly; and thirdly, cherishing the Bodhi-mind,
€F#.        J                                                 believing the Larv of Cause and trffect and
                                                              encouraging others to do good. These three are
                                                              called the Pure Deeds."
        ffifrefEfr : Vtk+*la.? rw=tfrX, rrf,                       The Buddha asked Vaidehi, "Do you know
                                                              that these three Pure Deeds are the pure deeds
t$* . *X . fr.E '=tr;fff iS*EEl                 o   J         and Right Causes of all the Iluddhas of the three
                                                              periods-the past, the present and the future?"
                                                                   He then spoke to the Venerable Ananda and
        ffiE!{WFcefEfr: htrH !;F# ! #,Efr                     Vaidehi, saying, "Listen! Listenl And ponder on it
2    : fin?ft4#'
            ffi**ft*gJ#.4^' €,tF,lf;,iffiZ                    well. I am going to preach the of Pure
                                                              Karma to ail the beings who wiil be vexed by the
FnE#, ;ftFi$X , #ft€fEft , I*F€rlLS.                          Thief, Igrrorance, in the future. It is well, Vaidehi,
                                                              You have entreated me just in time.
     fFlI# ! ttH'effi                                            "Ananda, you must spread what the Buddha
                    'ffiffi&*E#ffi#'frn                     says to the many. Now I am teaching Vaidehi and
x+8, &E&fr ' k*Nfr'gJ*'.e-' &ftE                            all the beings in the future how to visualize the
fiffixtrn , D)I#fi&., EffiH0hffil$Elf o fri                 Most Happy World in the West. You will see the
                                                            Pure Land and its happy things by the pow-er of
WHAffi'   HHffi&' FIEWL'ffiW#.# r 'l'ffi                    the Buddha, just as you see your ou-n figure in a
s-8t, ffiFma+ffi4.*K " j                                    clear mirror. When you have seen them, you will
                                                            rcalize the State of Quietude."
     'f#treffi?F   : [itEA*'           'L'f;BH4   '*&            The Buddha said to Vaidehi, "You are still a
                                                            worldly person, so you carnot concentrate your
                                                            mind properly, and hence you have not the power
                                                            of clairvoyance to see those Buddhas who are far
oj                                                          away. But the Buddha has a marreilous way of
                                                            making you see."
                                                                Then Vaidehi inquired of the Buddha, "Blessed
                       -#*.8+                               One, now I shall be able to see the Pure Land by
rt&,, F.IFWL; #ffiw&.,        'lFsZF                        the help of the Buddha's power. But how will
                                                            those who will be struck by the Five Sufferings be
#'   frEFN.iE'
                                     FIffi   ffi*ftN?   J
                                                            able to see Amita Buddha's Nlost Happy World,
                                                            at the end-period, when the Blessed One has
                                                            passed away?" z TlkFc*4.' ffiH+'i'tEfi--                           The Buddha told Vaidehi, " You-and all
                                                            beings-should concentrate your minds on one point
E' f;Hrtrfi " ftiltTMT n'lFM#' 'U*E                        and think about the Western Quarter. How is one
                                                            to think of that? Anyone who is going to think of
' A)F&E , HHZffi., EHEil.' H€ffifi'                         that should not be a person borr blind; and anyone
                                                            who has eyes must have seen the sun sinking in
                                                            the West.
                                                                "Sit facing the Westerl Quarter and think
                                                            about the place where the sun sinks down. Concen-
 , 4ffi.6& ' _F,H'&1f , fifniffiff "                        hate your mind upon it without being distracted,
ft..R€#db*s                             98   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA              8

                                                            ald look at the sun sinking, resembling a hanging
          fWF,ElE'ffiHFflFl'ffAWT"                                "After having  seen the sinking sun, you      will
                                                             see it   whenever your eyes are open or shut.
          r€trEITB' AHbIJffi,"                                       "This is the Thinkirtg of the Sun, and it is
                                                                ttre First Visualization.
    f4flzK€,, -E 7ki#r6- , /F+FX T , lsto ff                         "Next you think about water. Notice that
                                                                water is very pure and that it is indissoluble.
H. EEF,ltE ' HE;ktfl , _F,;kn*fff , ,fE#ffill,t                 When you have seen water thus, then think it is
                                                           i, going to freeze. Then see that the ice is the same
" ithfflrtE , _EW4Sfi[ , ru4].Rf#, Tfi'Sffilj        ,
                                                          ,$ as crystal, which is transparent. Beneath it there
                                                          t ,t" columns, made of gold, inlaid with the seven
                                                           ;!: jewels, supporting the crystal. Tirese columns
frW , HH.ffrF"      --H4       ,H+JIW       o   *-Jr      ,1, hau" eight facets, each of them has one hundred

BE       AHW+tr' RIgHffi ' fnffif F, npJF-                ii,, diamonds. Each of the diamonds has a thousand
     "                                                    I ' treams of light. Each of these rays has eighty-four
-tr. ffiHtr-b' , l:1ffi+ilqE ' #Jlrilfdffi , D)-|cffi.X         thousand colours. These crystals are as glittering as
                                                                  hundreds and thouslnds of suns shining together.
 , ftHftHA "
              --HF 'HfrH&tb, S*{n#                              They are so dazzling that one cannot see them
                                                                totally. On these crystals there are golden ropes
 ' IMEE , Mffiffif-., rfi)hrfrE.                            ; interlaid as ornaments. They are separated by
                                                                the seven jewels. Each of these jewels has five
                                                                hundred colours, whose brightness is as that of
                                                                flowers, of stars and of the moon, suspended in
                                                              , the air, forming a Terrace of Brightness.
     r&ffi+H, _E.HAfr, }AHffiB , &HT|                                "On that Terrace, there are hundreds and
                                                                tlousands of storeyed pavilions, built of a hundred
ffi#H, ffE**S' UF#ffi " zffiEJEt , '1trJt,                     kinds of je.wels. At the two sides of the Terrace,
EEH , frrlb**S, iH=##. *. ffffi . N*ZE-                         there are hundreds and thousands of embroidered
                                                                tapestries and musical instruments as decorations.
o                                                               There are eight kinds of mild breeze coming out
,.n&&*tfr!.E                        99
                                                                    gg   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA                9

                                                                          the brightness; and it plays upon those
                                                                    instruments, rvhich produce the sound of the
                                                                    Dharma of Sorrow, of Transitoriness and of
       f€trrkf8, Affi-M,"                                                "This the Thinking of the Water,        and   it   is
                                                                    the Second Visualization.
                                                                          "When this Visualization is completed, see
       trrlhfnFlffi ,     -'W2'         ffi+T T " ffi E ljil
                                                                    them one by one clearly, and do not let them
H'   6+ffift.           PEFA€ffi' 'lE'ffitILS   o                   disappear whether your eyes are open or shut'
                                                                              at eating times.
                                                                           "Once having attained this Samadhi, one can
                  " &ffitLilffi#Eq0 " #4S3ffi
                                                                     clearly see the Pure Land, which is indescribable
'   tL:rfrWffi, iT ftBA ' 64Fffi "
                                                                     by words.
                                                                           "This is the Thinking of the Land, and it is
                                                                     the Third Visualization."
      ffi€FI#: [itff{#;*' F*X1A-aXJr.:4..                                  The Buddha then addressed to the Venerable
                                                                      Ananda, "You must hold to the Buddha's words
' 'ffiw#-N'--&.*WWH " Hffi€fu# 'hl+                                  and tell those who wish to escape from suffering in
                                                                      the future to think of the Land. Any person who
ffiUhnZE" fht)lfuE' l.&isE-'                       ,L'+5lffiffi.   ,'thinks of the Pure Land will be exempted from
                                                                      rebirth for eight million kalpas of time' and will
                                                                      rurdoubtedly be reborn into the Pure Land at his
                                                                      next birth.
                                                                            "To visualize the Most Happy World as stated
VIFftW#' Affif.W.; #fifi,W#' hBffiW.                           J
                                                                      above is right, it is wrong to do so otherwise"'
                                                                            The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda' "Next
                : f{ilfffi e, 4'WH.ffi
    'f#€FilI#' FcHlftfr                                                to the Thinking of the Land is to visu alize the
                                                                       Jewel-trees. That is to visualize the trees that are
" &Hfi{# ' --W2' lF-tfuft&f{S " --ffi                                  in seven rows. They are eight thousand yojanas
Hn+H " &a&H.{fr ' {H#*' ffi6F.8 "
                                                                       in height and each of them has flowers and leaves
                                                                       &ade completely of the seven jewels.
&,&&#t*,lE                   100       IOO THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA             10

      r--+*' lqx€.tr " wHtltr' HA€,                              "Every flower and every leaf of those trees
                                                             W a brilliant hue. A golden ray comes out from
Jt; t&ffi&+ ' frfi€.f ; 6FdS€,+ , ,U@ffijt                   the agate colour; a crimson ray comes out from
; ffiffi€,tr ' HfftE4)L ; 4BIfiffir$-+n*H.y)                 the crystal colour; a beryl ray comes out from
                                                             the lapis lazuli colour; a green-pearl ray comes out
€R€ft , Wfuq,#ffiffiffiffiL.               , H':*:g--        from the beryl colour; and there are rays of coral
                                 -_.ffiI                     a1d amber colour shining beautifully. There are
ffi " --ffiW, HfrHffi'W#EW. '         lnftTH      o
                                                             nets made of strings of pearls covering those
                                                             trees. Seven of these nets cover each of those
                                                             trees. Between the nets, there are fifty million
                                                             luxurious palaces, the same as those in the
                                                             Brahmin heaven.
      trFftXH+'      H*#tr . --HT]THffiTE                        "There are heavenly youths in those palaces;
                                                            each of them wears fifty million Muni-gems as
tueJtt#'fiuB E   UF'ry*" . +WEJI,     fiRE' H   6,          ornaments. The rays of these gems shine for a
                                                            distance of one thousand yojanas, like a hundred
rt8'frnffiAHffi H E 4FI FBE "    *HFdffi , €F-h         i, thousand suns shining together (as though their
# , tl#Hffi'ftntHH''**t84."" rt*#.Fi                        rays were, interwoven. All the rays are of the
                                                            finest colour. The jewel-trees are set in rows
H#tD+, +IH *H-?F.R " --{f{*' #ftIH                      .,. opposite rows. There are wonderJul flowers and
                                                            fruits made of the seven jewels between the
                                                          lleaves. Each of the branches of the trees is
                                                            twenty-five yojanas in length. The leaves have a
'H*W#,           'fGHl?HA€,' rtnfitXffi' ffiffi*            thousand various colours, like heavenly pictures.
fd ' lm&#'R , inffif$ffi    o                               There are many flourishing blossoms, golden in
                                                                   , like turning fire-wheels rolling between
                                                                leaves and producing heavenly fruits.
      THJ{.JTHA, |LffiTWffi   ' ffi.EH# " €H-,H                 "There is also a great light, which becomes
                                                                   draperies and canopies. All the affairs of
F 'R4,=+t+84              '-gJ!fr$-" tfrl#W'                    Buddhas, and all the Buddhas' countries in the
/Fr+4, . -E rrLffifE' 7JFH^ffi--wz' wH                         quarters, appear in these canopies. When you
ifi,*t*@,*.E                          IOI   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA         11

fel$ . &* . +R' tr#ftBB "                              [ave visualized these trees, look at them one by
                                                       dle: the stems, the branches, the leaves, the
                                                       ,fowers and the fr-uits, should all be very clearly
      r€trffi{n'AffiwW,"                                   "This is the N{editation on Trees, and it is
                                                        the Fourth Visualiztion.
                                                              "The next is to think of water. That is, to
                 "ffM7k#         'ffi#Eli,     E'Aru
                                                        think of the Water of the Eight Virtues in the
/qo                                                     Most Happy World.
      [--flU^ '    'EH.FIrffi,.   *H*fq    , 4€{nH           "This water is composed of the seven jewels,
                                                        which are limpid and soft. The water flows out
                                                        from the Muni-gems and distributes itself into
Atrtr, }RTHDI#€,+ffi!,l ' UffiEW o *-/q                 fourteen tributaries. Each of the tributaries has
                                                        varied colours corresponding to the seven jewels,
+ 'fi'xfffi-LHs+ ' --s+' FIHrE+f                        and has yellow gold as its channel. There are
_H€ . SBtrAffiE#H €ffifIT                               diamonds of different colours at the bottoms of
                 '                         "            these channels. In each of the water pools, there
                                                        are sixty million lotus flowers, round in shape and
                                                        hn'elve yojanas in diameter. That Muni-water flows
                                                       upwards and downwards along the trees to sprinkle
                                                       the flowers.
      rx*#Mfu), iHffi# .29 . ffiH . ffiffifi&           , "The babbling sound of the water is wonder-
                                                       ful. It preaches the Laws of Sorrow, of Transi-
                                                       briness and of Unreality, and praises the virtue
                                                            the Buddhas. The Muni-gem emits a golden
EMWJIEA' N)L4LffiHHE..S ' frTP,EHW, ffi                lay, which transforms itself into many birds of a
ffifttfr. AIX . ftfg o                                 |rundred colours, chattering delicately, praising the
                                                                , the Dharma and the Sangha.
      trEffi'rt4ffi7ktH   '   Affifr-W,o               t:    "This is the Meditation on the Water of the
                                                       Figttt Virtues, and it is the Fifth Visu alization.
      [*HEi , --4l',              A'fE'ffiF& " 4       ! "There are fifty million Gem-pavilions on each
ii,=L]{tT.&l*,."^y.                       IO2 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA            T2

&ffitr , A*FEFfiX.' (F7tffi# " vH**S' t$                            section of the Land of Jewels. In these pavilions,
                                                                     there are numerous heavenly inhabitants playing
ffiffi+^ ' fnXHtH '6ffi.HP,8 .ltL*E+ ' !#t                          music; and there are musical instruments hanging
                                                                    in the air like tapestries, sounding without being
ftl#, f,E. frltft-tq.                                               beaten or performed upon. All the sounds are
                                                                    praising the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.
          r[bffifiE' &RffiHffi#E4'                   HffiI .   F         "Once having attained this Visualization, one
fifi,   . Hi&   o                                                   sees the Most Happy World in outline: the Jewel-
                                                                    trees, the Jewel-lands and the Jewel-lakes.
       r€trfrK&ffi.'affixw"                                              "This is the Main Visualizaticrl, and it is the
                                                                       Sixth One.
       r#F.tLx, hffi€ffi*rtfiE#x ' fr#z                                    "If a person has seen this Visualization, his
                                                                      €normous crimes of countless kalpas are annulled;
'&.' ,il,H4ft81 "'fF€ffi# ' &RiIEffi,; #fifr,M:A'                   i and he will certainly be reborn in the Pure Land
                                                                      after his passing away. One who visualizes in this
 ' &ffifrf,W" J                                                     I way does right, otherwise one does wrong."
         'f#f,F-'l#   ' F-H&fr:              h#;9*;m{*, #,U.€:             The Budha told the Venerable Ananda and
                                                                      Vaidehi, "Listen! Listenl And ponder it over. I
2,       EH€tkftntl@.rr-,           ' Et#tEiiF ; lA+lH+-l ,           *rall tell you of the ways to get rid of suffering
                                                                   i. me by one. You should remember and practise
                                                                      them well and spread them for the many."
         Eft€;gF, ffE#,f# I+n+z+'                   &EE'       t           While saying this, the Buddha of Immeasurable
                                                                     ,Length of Life appeared in the air. Bodhisattva
#E' €:t+               ,
           t+frtrF.. )bBE**H '6HIX                                      valokitesvara was standing on his right and Bodhi-
                                                                             Mahasthamaprapta on his left. Their bodily
 H'H+W?+*H#€ , T4$FoLt "                                                   were so brilliant that one could not see them
         F++Efr., trffi€#0ffiE-, f*EiFir,g, AIffi                       Then, after having seen the Buddha of Im-
                                                                          rable Length of Life, Vaidehi did obeisance
                                                                       the feet of the Buddha (Sakyamuni) and said
                                                                       him, "Blessed One, now I am able to see the
:#ffi , *X*,&., H;a'lFI&#E#{#X.=#ffi                                        of Immeasurable Length of Life and these
13                      ii:l.#,&+l*a!,9          103
                                                        Io3 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA           13

l1 ?                                                   gwo Bodhisattvas by the Buddha's help. But how
                                                       fill all the beings in the future be able to
                                                            ize this Buddha and these two Bodhisattvas?"
       0frE+.Wfr    |     tr'&WMIfr#'H€ffif,'    tA          The Buddha told Vaidehi, "Anyone who wishes
-r,Hfu.t, ,fFs#tfl "                                    to visualize this Buddha, should think that in the
                                                        I.and of the Seven Jewels, there are lotus flowers.
                                                             "Think that each of the lotus flowers has
                                                         a hundred kinds of gen-colour and eighty-four
Eq+['](' tr&'fnX€ . fl'l(AnHW+Jt' 7 T ftHA              tbousand veins in the petals, resembling heavenly
                                                        .gictures. These veins have eighty-four thousand
 ' ts+;#H" #*zJ.*-' ffiffi-Hrttfi€              " fn    !16ys, all of which are clearly visible. The smaller
€S+' FE^HE+* ; *-*H'                        A'HffiB     petals are two hundred and fifty yojanas in length
                                                        td the same in width. Each of these lotus flowers
                                                        bas eighty-four thousand petals. Betrn'een each of
                                                         them, there are millions and millions of Muni-
4nH' 'Lffi.effi                                         gBms as ornaments. Each of the Muni-gems emits
                                                         a thousand rays, which are like the canopies,
                                                         beinE composed of the seven jewels, covering the
                                                         whole Land.
        tr#ruFltffilt/nH.,    DJ€+E, tth$#H' A               "The Land has the Sakrabhilagna-gem as its
                                                       ,gedestal. This pedestal is decorated with eighty.
                                                            thousand diamonds, Kimsuka-gems, Muni-gems
€fi"                                                       the nets of pearls.
        rA+E},           H*&ffiE.EqtrHB ,   .-HW       .1 "On that pedestal, there are four columns,
                                                       each of which is as high as hundreds and thousands
' fnE*Hffit{ffittt, E_bHttr' frn&WXH'                     Sumerus. The curtains that hang on those
T HfrHffitWWH* DJFut€ft                                         are like those in the Yemo Heaven. Again,
                   '       " --H4-' H                         are fifty million fine gems embedded on
zH[q+)f, , -'J?IFlHE{++ffi#E o Jr                          columns as ornaments. Each of these gems has
                                                                 r thousand rays. Each of the rays effuses
&&, tF4H*,' ffiffi&4?' &rcN$H, *ffih                                thousand different golden colours. Each
#{,,q€+r&*E                 104
                                                                     to4 THE SUTRA OF ViSUALiZING    THE BUDDHA     14

                                                                 iof the golden colours extends throughout the w-hole
                                                                  Jewel-land, and tal<es different shapes in different
H&4, , ffi|Fffi$"                                                ,places: some are like diamond-terraces, others
                                                                  like pearl-nets and nulti-coloured clouds. They
                                                                  change their forms variously in the ten quarters
                                                                  and perform the affairs of the Buddhas.
              rEF#EM, Affi.T&.               J
                                                                      "This is the Visualization of the l-otus petals,
                                                                  and it is the Seventh One."
             'f#€f'Jffi   |    trfintbD#, €AEffilhF-FI7:              The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda, ',This
                                                                 kind of wonderful lotus flower is formed by the
Ffr   ffi.   " #'&ft'tftLfr#, HftIFltt+Bffi                      power of Bhikshu Dharmakara's '*'ill. One who
                                                                 wishes to be reborn in the hrre Land, should think
                                                                 of those lotus petals. When one is thinking of
 t --JN,             **S, *-rS , E+fEA " {nfffi                 them, one should have no other thcughts in the
                                                                 pind, and should visualize cne article after the
+, El-F,m&" ftM.ffi#, ffiWfrffiffiUtrrUz                         other: Each leaf, each pearl, each t?y, each
                                                                 ten'ace, and each column, ate all as clear as
#' 4z'ftH4.ffi#84.                                               when one sees one's own figure in a mirror. When
                                                                 one has completed this Visualization, one is
                                                                 released from rebirth for fifty thousand million
                                                                 kalpas, and rvill be reborn into the
                                                                 ,Most Happy World.
              E   +FEW#, &R'FW ;'Ffifu'WX' frF,i$                ;   "To visualize them in this way is right; it is
                                                                 wrong oLherwise."
&.J                                                                 The Budcrha told the Venerable Ananda and
             ffiffFilj#' &.+fE?F :
                                                                 Vaidehi, "When you have seen what I have just
                                         FJi.rth-BE , zK;*ilF'          you should next think of that Buddha (the
ffi " FID)#til?               #tfrrtt, ' €*-F    h'                     of Immeasurable Length of Life). Why?
                                                                     use the body of the Buddha is the Body of
4.,0'ffiF o                                           ^-gJ.*        Universe, and it is within the mind of all
i'?,4€+ffr3.E          t0s    I05    THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA       15

      [ft{'&+'           ,L.tndfiF , E,L',EF€=f:tH         "Therefore, when you think of that Buddha,
                                                        your mind is the One who has the thirty-two
 ' x+WVftl' €,L.'[f'fdt' €,1.€dfi " #dtrliF            Magnificent Figures and the eighty Virtues. It is
fii&, fft,i'ffiA.' €ttffiH-,['#fi, FF&iA{'f            the mind that is to becorne a Buddha; and it is
                                                           mind that is a Buddha. The Ocean of the
 ' *Wlql/irrE' f'l#Efl ' 3ffi=ffiVt "                  Omniscient Wisdom of all Buddhas grows up from
                                                       the mind. Hence you should visualize absorbedly
                                                       .tbat Buddha, the Exalted One, the Fuily Enlight-
                                                       &rea On".
      f   ffi!4fr|fr# ,
                  ftH#t* ' EE ElFf, El , -E --H             "One who visualizes that Buddha, should think
                                                       d His figure first. Whether one's eyes are open or
&, frnffi.ffffi+€, ' M!,&#t" F.&*fl r ,11,flfl         ,dlut, one sees a magnificent figure of a yellowish
                                                       gOlden colour, sitting on a Lotus-seat. Having seen
++ffi' TTftBA. -Effi#El ' {H#ff'HqfiH                  the figure of that Buddha thus seated, one's
fu'HfdtriFU' ;&7tFtrtr' ffiESr, *Hffiffi               mental vision is opened and one can see the Most
                                                       Happy World clearly: the Jewel-lands, Jewel-lakes,
                                                       tewel-trees in rows, over which there are heavenly
                                                       qrrtains, and Jewel-nets in the air. All of these
                                                       are decorated with the seven kinds of gems. These
                                                       things can be seen as clearly as one sees one,s
                                                       ;"Own   palm.
      trtJrlt$E,'IEHF.M.-tS+' &Lfrt 8,                     "After you have seen the things      menticned
                                                              then visualize a large lotus flower, similar
' fnBfrs#, 4fffE'R "'&(F-f.S#, &lfrfr                     the previous one, golden in colour, on the left
                                                          that Buddha. And think of another one on the
                                                             of Him. Then think of Bodhisattva Avaloki-
fnBiiffiF"  'M-Jt#Egffif& , Mfr#.M"                            sitting on the left one and Bodhisattva
                                                                   aprapta on the right one.
      trjlbffiEtffi ' Iffi#ffi&, EffiJtW' &Jth             "When this Visualization is accomplished, the
                                                                and the two Bodhisattvas will L" .""n
                                                                 golden rays falling on the Jewel-trees.
$r.k-t+tt ls                                   106 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA           16

L'   &H-|fr=#W.W''4Eili;fiIftW .                                             Under each of them there are also three lotus
                                                                             flowers on which a Buddha and two Bodhisattvas
                                                                             are sitting respectively. Such are seen at every-
                                                                             where of the Pure Land.
      tr   lth,Iil,fi   tr'   -.u#'#   Wl   TkrH)b   FX'   &.   #'H   4f{         "When one has achieved this Visualization,
                                                                             one can hear the murmuring sound of the streams
 ' E[B€# , E:FkWW " Ht ft' fEEii4tE',                                        and see the rays, jewel-trees and sheldrakes and
r,t#Ffif ' frftZF-, lHflr6f$ , hWIE9'iiiA                                    mandarin ducks, whose voices praise the Wonderful
                                                                             I-aut. Whether one's mind is concentrated or not,
 .#6o# ' AH*fE.; #WA# , AFuttrNl."                                           me can constantly hear that Wonderful Law.
                                                                             YVhatever one hears should be compatible with the
-F,ffi#EJF.                                                                  Sutras, othewise it is composed of vain thoughts.
                                                                             If it is compatible with the Sutras, it is indeed
                                                                             seeing the Most Happy World.
                                                                                  "This is the Visualization of the Figure (of
                                                                             that Buddha), and it is the Eighth One.
     tFftffi#' p*ffiFffi u ErtZ+.' htil* t+                                      "One who practises this Visualization, is
 , ,Rft0fr=s.*.                                                             exempteC from rebirth for innumerable kalpas of
                                                                             time and will attain to the Samadhi of Visualizatoin
                                                                            in his present life."
ffiEFnW, F-€tftfr : firtbtflFlE ' 4H'trirTfit                                     The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda and
                                                                            Vaidehi, "When you have completed the thinking
€#{# ' htHJffiA. FoI# ! HfiltrEi€Lfr" t;hn                                  described above, then think of the body of the
H + Hffi Ti HXH *+fig. + E' Ifr r.y ffi x +,f.i i,':i rfJJ                  Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life, which
                                                                            is very bright. Ananda, you should know that that
H'fU'lEI'li4H€ , trFdH +,frffiFtW, rtn{'.irt                                Buddha's body is as bright as hundreds and
                                                                            thousands of golden rays in the Yemo Heaven. It
ffir! ; lffiELrtnEt?Ft^' fr'g A-BA. tli#+-{L,                               is sixty rnillion Ganges Rivers Sands yojaqas high.
                                                                            His eyebrows twine rightwards, (to the length of)
ffiH)Lm ' *n't^Wtlt "'tLlffiHJt, rtnHffi=+)<                                five Sumer-us. His eyes are as brilliant as the         I

                                                                            Fater of the four seas, and the pupils and white
t7                            4:;,:J+:,i   :?(tr!-                  Io.I THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA           17

                                                                                 are distingui*iable. There are rays
"    --lv,$lt , lFtitlitlwwlv.#ffi' ' tjf$i+?fr               ,,       his eyes
                                                                            out from the pores of his body. 'Ihe halo
                                                                     of. that Buddha is as large as millions of the Great
                                                                    (Groups of) Thousands of Worlds. And in the halo,
                                                                    there are hundreds and thousands of Reflections of
                                                                    the Buddha. Each of the Reflections has countless
                                                                              ttvas as his attendants.
          fjlt.'n#idF' €z,{iru{-fE ; *-fH+               '   ff-         "The Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life
                                                                    has eighty-four thousand Appearances. Each of the
e,('S             [q   +V]rltttl ; --11+                            Appearances has eighty-four thousand (materialized)
                                            "IEH ^HE+tt
      ;                                                             Virtues. Each of the (materialized) Virtues has
          --*tlE '          iFJl{iJ-fi]&'tt-' fttffi#..H ' mq{      eighty-four thousand beams of light, each of them
zFfl$                                                               shines upon all the beings of the ten quarters
                                                                    who visualize that Buddha completely.
                                                                          "The beams of light, the Appearances of that
                                                                    Buddha and the Reflection-Buddhas are all so
Iffitfl' +.,L.HR,J ' ntL+.E' e1n+fr-gJ';                      excellent that they are beyond description. But
                                                                    one can see them by mental vision in the
 " I>)trL;;ft|frh' Afrllf,.-P& "                                   Visualizations. One who sees these things, sees all
                                                                    the Buddhas of the ten quarters. The sight of the
                                                                    Buddhas is called the Samadhi of Visualization.
       IFftrW#' &W-+tJIfrH ; D)Wffi*tr;'
           f                                                              "Seeing this Visualization is seeing the bodies
                                                                         all the Buddhas, and thus one sees the Mind
7JFnlfr'L, ; lfr'L"E' t#7S€ ; ,Dj$f*#fffi;fi *                           the Buddha. The Mind of a Buddha is the
                                                                    Great Compassion, out of which Buddhas help all
              F   ltrwiln#' # r,lhbfr , A.ffi{tfiB'f, :F+ffi 'h        "One who practises this Visualization, will be
                                                                          in the presence of all the Buddhas, and
 K. FefrtrX ' ffiHFf.,t]., ' o=fr.&,ft-:B#dfi .                        the State of Quietude, when he quits his
                                                                           body. Therefore the wise person should try
                                                                      visualize the Buddha of Immeasurable Length
18                       1:
                              ;,LJ.   *t +   GY,'.,:|:                                    108 THE SUTRA     OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA        18

                                                                                           of Life.
       rffi.4lt:.q;+ l'fr'.{i ,         f€*tHff^ ' lH ijfl/ii liij r'r                         "One who visualizes the Buddha of Immeas-
                                                                                           urable Length of Life should commence with the
+'   ffi+Fjl   7 " tLlfrlj+lA+tllfi'                            A,'$ l4l+-tfUtt            First Appearance. That is to visualize that
 , H f*"#$l " u,Iffi-F+,F IN Fi '                                                          Buddha's White Eyebrows clearly. When one has
                                                                                           seen this Appearance of White Eyebrows, the

 . {$rJ,jffi-B,;#tfrfft , |;}tlfiUlffsf"l;E .                                              eighty-four thousand Virtues will manifest them-
                                                                                           selves subsequently. One who sees the Buddha of
                                                                                           Immeasurable Length of Life, sees all the Buddhas
                                                                                           of the Ten Quarters, by whom one is promised
                                                                                           (that one will become a Buddha in the future).
       fi€trffiiiH *qJf!,r'y +L], f.'Ir')rl&, .                                                "This is the Visualization of Seeing all the
                                                                                           Buddhas, and it is the Nineth One.
       ff|Ftrffi# , &ffiit:W; +;Itufln'# ' Af:rr                                             "To visualize it in this way is right, it is
                                                                                           wrong otherwise."
&"J                                                                                            The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda and
     't##F    i#'     .&.jf+ftfi-             :      trJl,l$E#Ifr         ,(i              Vaidehi, "After you have seen the Buddha of
         ,4lrH&ffiJita-#ffi                                                                Immeasurable Length of Life distinctly, you should
AHXE                                                      '   tti'T6ir.tJtl       i^
                                                                                           then visualize Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, whose body
Hffiil(fi'fefi€J ' qX+$,, lrtE?lltk ' iii,ilr flll                                         is eighty million yojanas in height and golden-purple
                                                                                           in colour. There is a natural Small Hump in the
)b' rEi&-ff{-ri€t " FE{)b+ , H{Liil?,tffi' ktr                                            middle of Her head, and near Her neck is a halo,
                                                                                           which is a hundred thousand yojanas in diameter.
f+fu+lA "'-ILlfr , Efr-r:ilL'P'iii, fitElifiii                                             There are fir,e hundred Reflection-Buddhas, all
 , y)F,t+-H " WtN.k+ ' Ii:,l6*.!L, *UJ&,+tl'                                               like Sakyamuni Buddha, in that halo. Each of
                                                                                           them has five hundred Bcdhisattvas and many
Ertr4,.                                                                                   Eods as attendants. The five kinds of beings are
                                                                                           reflected in the rays emitted from Her body.
       IIF-LE}TTE iIfrNWF€H.'                     D-{FXffi o Sdffi                Ii   I        "She is crowned with a cnrora made of
                                                                                           Bhilagne-Muni gems. On the corona, there stands
                                                                                           a Reflection-Buddha, who is twenty-five yojanas
 'H-ii-l?Iffi, Fi=tfi-frhJ. {fftr*E'6 '                                           trli
19                ,,n   x&+tt,ts         109
                                                     IO9 THE   SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA      19

{nP5i5t{HAft.' ffifd€}H, ffitH.e,, IftHnH      :Pi  ntgtr. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara's countenance is
E+fq)hry . --;bffi ' E^ff€ftrytrAbifr            i of u yellowish golden colour. Her eyebrows are of
                                          "     il O" colour of the seven jewels, and they emit
-'iv,lffi ' ffqiLgffiDBt:r-A, ftEHE, iH         {i 6ighty-four
                                                                          kinds of rays. There are
j.frtrfr- "                                     r: ountless Reflection-Bodhisattvas as Her attendants.
                                               r$ They appear in the worlds of the ten quarters.
      fiH{nftr$#E, H                   t>)R,    j.      "The colour of Her arms is of that of a red
4%" ;Rry4s+ ,'ry"-gJ##tr+ "*HtEfr-              , lotus flower, and they are omamented with eight
                                               1.1 million refulgent rays, in which all
trffi*E$+&' +t+F4ft , --+Fffi, EnHE            I tnings appear. Her palms are colour of variegated
                                               ,t. lotus flowers. She has ten slender fingers. At the
+_na' BlnEtW..--HEz,-SE{*€, r *-@            ,i,top of each finger, there are eighty-four thousand
fi^/;qE+)b' +)h*6€, *fi{-gl . I>)bLH.T        .l prctures. Each of these pictures has eighty-four
                                                ' thousand colours; each of these colours has eighty-
 '+*dl/f.4."                                   ,. four thousand beams of light, which are very soft,
                                               . and light up the whole world. It is with these
                                                   hands that the Bodhisattva receives all beings.
        rg.EF' ETF.+fiEffif€ , a*ftffifr$              "When She lifts one of Her feet, one sees the
                                                , Figure of One Thousand Wheels on the sole,
                                               ,, yhich spontaneously becomes fifty million Light-
zFffilffi                                          Terraces. There are Diamond-Muni flowers scat-
                                                   tered on the place where She puts Her. foot
                                                      "The other Appearances of Hers are as good
                                                  and perfect as those of a Buddha. Except
6tE '&f$tJIF,fH '       6&.8€.                   ;the Small Hump in the middle
                                                                                of Her head and
                                                .the Figure of the Invisible Cranium are slightly
                                                        t from those of a Buddha'
       r€trHffiEEgEtrHEH+H" &ffiTffi                 "This is the Visualization of Seeing the Real
oj                                                    of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, and it is the
ii'L-.'s€ ,,i+fiy,'tx                                   IIO   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA        20

       {4#F I*E     :    Hi'ry(mfiSru:=-}'jlTffi''7i' Hf              i,   l*         The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda, "One
                                                                                  who wishes to visualize Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara,
ffi                     6,.l{'i'f,ir'/'{' ilFI4:Xl'''i'                           should do so as stated above. Any person who
      ",ff€m:a'                                              ItJ:i'iiFry{ryt
                                                                                  visualizes Her in this way will not encounter any
trrLZE" fillLli,ffE, tquij+A ' fftJ1$-i;ir1i;'1 '                         {rr1
                                                                                  calamities; he can avoid all the results of evil
                                                                                  karma and is exempted from rebirth for numberless
itr;ffim?                                                                         kalpas. Anyone who has heard the name of such
                                                                                  a Bodhisattva gains much felicity; it is far better,
                                                                                  if one visualizes Her.
                                                                                       "One w-ho wishes to visualize Bodhisattva Ava-
        f   };H'tfrtflffitltl+ StrFfl ' ft'tfr'1frLV!"i? '
                                                                                  lokitesvara should first visualize the Small Hump
4ffiXffi'tsi{nfrttl 'ifi-l,t t'WZ' f-tif] i'                                '     or Her head clearly, next the Corona and so forth
{nBl$tr " IFR:tnE , f,,L,'1'tf-'M; }iIbi{fl{t                         '     :"    gradually. One should see them all as clearly as
ts'Fffi "                                                                         one sees one's own palm. To visualize them in
                                                                                  this way is right, otherwise it is wrong.
        f   {ffix$4i #ffi '              JIb   i+;tr4.L.y-htx'Jrl tt: tttt             "The next step is to visualize Bodhisattva
                                                                                  Mahasthamaprapta, whose body is the same in size
&EE' El)Lffi&lT:ltdltl^nJ ' iili- ilfh-l iit                                      as that of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. Her halo
                                                                                  is twenty-five yojanas in diameter and it strines to
H " SHJ1HI , I ji4' l'F,n* fL" H{*:}i',t.
                        Ir,F.                                                     the distance of two hundred and fifty yojanas.
                                                                                  The lieht of Her whole body, which is golden-
 ' E#++JL.                 W.' -++LJfi ' U[ tL I' ij
                                                                                  purple in colour, lights up all the countries of the
ffi -:+-;l{{#,'{nfrr'hl1T"r,3'tilttf t]Ei,,?:f-JtSiBlt'                          ten quarters. One can see this, if one has such an
                                                                                  opportunity. Whoever sees the light coming out
                                                                                  of one pore of this Bodhisattva, sees all the
                                                                                  Buddhas of the ten quarters, all of whom are
                                                                                  ptre and brilliant. Hence this Bodhisattva is also
                                                                                  called the Bodhisattva of Limitless Light.
                                                                                  ' "She shines with the Light of Wisdom upon
       [Dl€#iL ' g.-Ffl-+t] ' ']$iE=6 '                           Itl-Jt[    r    gll, enabling them to get rid of the Three Evil
                                                                                  Ways, and attain the Supren:e Power of Bodhi.
 )t " f-fiftltrlt gffi:' &)<9 f. "
2t                   ,iL*a+fi,!s.                       lu   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA Zl

                                                       Therefore She is called Mahasthamaprapta (the
                                                       Powerful One).
       trJttgffiXffi ,   HfrHH# . --H+'          E^
                                                            "There are five hundred jewel-flowers on the
                                                       C,orona of this Bodhisattvai each of these jewel-
rf tr'HH "    --EF       " tfr#trfr'6.tEtr.+-,   FE    flowers has five hundred jewel-terraces, on which
2tr8, Ert+lE " IF,LB# , frnffifiFP'# " f{A             all grand things of the ten quarters appear. The
                                                       Small Hump on Her head is like a Padma-flower,
#L' H-Hffi,' ffii#JtW, *!fldt$ o                       an which there is a jewel-bottle, full of light that
                                                       shows all the affairs of the Buddhas.
       r##HtH, {nffiEE' SffE'E             "                "The other Appearances of this Bodhisattva
                                                       are the same as those of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
                                                            "When this Bodhisattva is walking, the earth
grffi'fi^ftr-ffiH#.                                    of the ten quarters trembles. Where the earth
                          --H+, #ffiHffi' fn           shakes, there are fifty million gem-flowers. Each
ffi*84 " rlb#ffiAffi' {HEl*., -F91ffi.                 of these flowers is as rare and excellent as those
                                                       in the Most Happy World. The earth formed of
                                                       the seven jewels trembles too, when She sits
       r,1rf fi JTEAIfr'.II, /' 4.Lfr )VW-,Tfr*I]'           "The    Reflection-Bodies of the Buddha of
                                                         Immeasurable Length of Life and the Reflection-
                                                         Bodies of Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta
                                                      : Bodhisattvas, which pass down to the country of the
 ,   x%E' E#E#ffi*El*. , n*ry+ ' 4.s                     Buddha of Golden Rays and up to the land of the
+f.r.'iH#f4E       'E#*&"                              , Buddha named the King of Light, are gathered
                                                         together in the Most Happy World, sitting on
                                                         lohrs seats in the air, preaching the Wonderful
                                                      . Iaw to all suffering beings.
       E   |ETLW#'   AHWHf,#agW, EffiW                        "This is the Visualization of Seeing Mahastha-
f%Ttrh+E " &rtLgW#' &ffi*-W"                          ,  maprapta Bodhisattva, whose corporal form is as
                                                         ttated above, and it is the Eleventh one.
       f   hmtrryrlqBfrff.,EFZ9P' lFftW#.'       6           "One who performs this Visualization is ex-
iF"&?41t,!:!                        ttz   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA         22

                    i$DH*. "                          empted from rebirth for numerous kalpas, and will
EXEm   'HW#lf                                         never be reborn from the womb, but in those
                                                      Buddhas' Pure Lands.
    rrl&fiF'      &ffiE.trffi&frFt984.      "              "When this Visualization is completed, it is
                                                      the Completion of Seeing Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
                                                      and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva.
    trE   rlL+F' H'E AH trf WfiffiXftn,                    "When one has seen all the things stated
                                                      above, one should think that one is being born in
tt$++ ' ffiDnH4.' 'fGS+AtH'          'fFS+FFJAII
                                                      tlre Most Happy World, sittrng cross-legged in a
o                                                     lotus flower; and imagine that the lotus is closing
                                                      and opening its petals.
    Is+ffiF 'HfrHEJT'            f.W.H^N'   HR   I]        "One should then think that, when the lotus
                                                      opens, there are rays of five hundred colours
                                                      shinin8 upon oneself, and when one's eyes are
                                                      open one sees that there are Buddhas and Bod-
ffiFfrffiEH, WHWW, Ft:g$ffiA .                       hisattvas in the air. The sounds of flowing water,
                                                      of birds and of trees, and rhe voices of the
                                                      Buddhas, all preach the Wonderful Law, in
                                                      accordance with the twelve divisions of the
    r#fiftaF ' lHf$7F X' F;fL+F.' an                       "Even when one is not visuaiizing these things,
                                                      Gle cao remember them ali without forgetting
ffiE#ffif6*EF.                                        them. Seeing these things is seeing the Most
                                                      Happy World of the Buddha of Immeasurable
                                                      L€ngth of Life.
    r€tr*&ffi, Am+r&             o
                                                           "This is the General Visualizatron, and it is
                                                      the Twelfth One.
     [ffi:=a#{#   ' IU,HMW,94ffi8-E 'h)<4                 "The Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life
                                                      has numerous Reflection Figures. They come fre-
                                                      quently with Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta
                                                      BodhisatLvas to the person who visualizes Him."
qfl"*-E&tt,ts               n3   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA             23

    {##F'1# ,  F-e.Ftfr: [#?ft8,1,., 4.Pr.i1             The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda and
                                                     Vaidehi, "One who sincerely wishes to be reborn to
E ' trHHA-f-xl* , ft'MjkL, f,nJiffrtt'               the Western Land, should first visualize tlrre sixteen-
ffi€#{# ' HE:M&.' )Fft,rt:&d,nffrk" f iri            fot'high figure of the Buddha of Immeasurable
                                                     Irngth of Lif.e, standing above the water of a
rtnXffiWflfi' Effiffi# ' tz'+:+ffidL" itr.fflIfrI*   pml, as described before. The body of that
                                                     Buddha is inconceivable; the mental power of a
 , 4+tr€fra- 'W&W0fr, Rtrqffi?
                                                     worldly person could not imagine it. But He
                                                     performed an act of will in the past that, should
                                                     any person visualize Him, he (the person) would
                                                     succeed. One who visualizes only His Visage gets
                                                     boundless felicity; it is still rnore so, if one
                                                     visualizes His Complete Figure.
      fFrImfE{#' ilSsfnH'     ' &  t{trE           "Amita Buddha's supernatural [nwer is limit-
&"*H*.h'ffiffi+fr ; fr#,4'4, rLxAJt                  less; He can appear, in the countries of the ten
                                                     quarters, as big as the Universe itself, or as small
; FIHZM' EH+B " HJtIU,Ifr ' &.HS+'                   as only eight or sixteen feet high. All these
                                                     appearances are golden in colour and have haloes,
frnLFF=#,    "                                       Reflection-Buddhas and Lotus-seats, as stated
      r&EE#W' hXwE',t-4ffi , t-Ni'                      "The figure of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and
*&.",ltr&E+H , *ilE&EE' *il€t#fl' :*.                that of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva are         at
                                                     everywhere like that of ordinary people. One knoWs
- gffi B, m {#*,{ L--ut "
                   F-c                               Which is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and which is
                                                     Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva by looking at the
                                                     special figrrres on their heads. These two Bodhisa-
                &ffit=&, J
      [€ffi*Effi '                                   ttvas assist Amita Buddha in edifying all beings.
                                                         "This is the Mixed Visualization, and it is
    ffi#F j# 'F-€.&fr: I'tffi}.HX'):;+i               the Thirteenth One."
                                                         The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda and
*A.WL&E*, &=f6,1', Clt[F:.rk4-.,fn]l], i$            Vaidehi, "The first division of the highest class
ry{&a#fi'ls                           TI4 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 24
                                                         of rebirth is this: Any person who wishes to be
                                                         reborn in the Pure Land can be so if he has the
F3,t)'# , ,I,&MW      "                                  Three Minds. What are they? They are: firstly, the
                                                         Mind of Sincerity: secondly, the Mind of Faithi
                                                         and thirdly, the Mind of Vows. One who possesses
                                                         these three Minds will certainly be reborn in that
     tr'EH=ffi#.h.' H4+1+.+.",1E1+F= ? -            -       "Again, there are three kinds of beings who
                                                        can be reborn in that Land. Who are they? They
                                                         are: firstly, those who, having a compassionate mind,
g; _::ElETrXft " iEl[fiJ&m' ffi&{&El ; trrL              do not kill living beings and vrho obser-ve the
                                                         Precepts; secondly, those who read and study the
         - H l, E-t E'    Ell'&'t*.& "                   Mahayana Sutras; and thirdly, those who practise
                                                         the Six Thoughts. Those who have these virtues
                                                         and are willing to be reborn in the Pure Land can
                                                         be so, within one to seven days.
    [4.18trF' l]LAm€Bmffi.' $Eldff F'rlfn*                   "when a person is borl in that Land, on
                                                        account of his diligent practice of the Dharma,
' g4ffittF , X%#^, ffi-W|Llfr, H*ttE' &                 he sees Amita Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,
                                                        Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, many Reflection-
                                                        Buddhas, hundreds and thousands of Bhikshus and
+ffitjE, WX%4#ffi ' Eti#d'rj, Fiffi[€'f4rlt             Sravakas, and numerous gods and palaces made of
                                                        the seven jewels, appearing before him; while
II*HE , ffift#*, 4gG&+:8+* o &EF'                       Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva holds a Golden Terrace
                                                        and comes with Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva
)<ryE-   ' 9qf$,&#ffi, ffi#:,nff ' ffii84,1,.   o
                                                        into his presence. Amita Buddha effuses refulgent
                                                        rays upon him; and holds out a hand to receive
                                                        him with the Bodhisattvas, while Avalokitesvara
                                                        artd Mahasthamaprapta and innurrerable other
                                                        Bodhisattvas praise and encourage him.
Iii"*-V +lt,!-g                 u5     ns   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA         25

       Efl-.ftJLe,, , u,*ffnsK.,       Hn   .W , *+fillU         "When he has seen that, he is very happy
                                                             and sees that he himself is riding on the Golden
H.' W|reffi't*.' rtn,i+tF41 '      llEtr:ILNL*l   "          Terrace, following that Buddha. ln the flash of a
                                                             moment, he is born in the Pure Land.
       I         ' ]LIIF&.!] ' RtnRE ; trL,ifi !,i
           h:rfnEXd                                               "A-fter having been born in that Land, he
                                                             sees that Buddha's figure, the appearances of
ffi'tl,fFJJf.E; ttnIJ'F{t 'iii;}ttr iE. f.liirl' utj        the Bodhisattvas, the rays and the jewel-trees
'Ffit4El*tr, " ft91Ht{fHJ , E$'iJ{ ll1, i,F'J^fi!J{ '        completely; and he hears the Wonderful Law.
                                                             When he has heard the Law, he attains the
}Ai#f#dij , Xffi+ftiv,' ffiFAFJ ' ?L.i1$.Aj:i T^[f           Bodhisattvaship of Quietude. In a moment, he
                                                             visits all the Buddhas in the ten quarters; and he
f;.EICF1   .                                                 is promised in the presence of each of ttrem that
                                                             he will soon become a Buddha. When he returns
                                                             to his own Land (the Pure Land), he         obtains
                                                             hundreds   and thousands of Dharanis.
       f   trAL,i[l,.     6r   "                                 "This is the first division of the highest class
                                                             of rebirth.
       [-'# tr 4.:X' 6 t',P*]ffi;*          rS;lg-d{ " .;        "The second division of the highest class of
                                                             rebirth is this: One need not recite the Sutras,
W#W, t4t-* ' ,t]'4HEtl , iftfK-R '4,,*                      but should understand their meaning well and
                                                             should not be astonished on hearing the Supreme
                                                             Doctrine; and one should believe the Law of
                                                             Cause and Effect and not calumniate the teachings
                                                             of the Great Vehicle. By virtue of all these, one
                                                             can be reborn in the Most Happy World.
       FfttLTr#' ftffi#&F' F IffiFeffi , 4r+#Ittl                 "When a person who does according to what
E ' try:E , ffEt*, trEEE' r.+*AH'                            is said above is about to pass away, Amita
                                                             Buddha together with Avalokitesvara and Mahas-
Efi#Bfr 'ffiA : [E+ ltkftX*'MXt-+n                           thamaprapta Bodhisattvas, surrounded by a great
                                                             number of followers, holds a Purple-Golden-Terrace,
 ' €*ifi+x{Df*li ! J gq+,ftdfi'                   -B&T   "   and comes and praises him, s?ying, 'Son of the
26                                                                 116 THE SUTRA OF VISUALTZING THE BUDDHA        26

                                                                   Dharma, thou hast been practising the Great
                                                                  Vehicle and hast understmd the Supreme Doctrine.
                                                                  So I am coming to receive thee.' Thus, that
                                                                  Buddha and a thousand Reflection-Buddhas give
                                                                  him their hands simultaneously.
          ETrfr H   n4bX6H' A1+1+,                 #,W.nft1fr'         "Then he sees himself sitting on that Purple-
                                                                  Golden-Terrace, with hands joined together and
 , ln-is:4I , eFIL0EW " {Hy&,F ' liL"tSH ,                        praising all the Buddhas. In a moment, he is born
r4ltiE*r,' fs-f6Ftjljfl "                                         in that Country, in the Seven-Jewel Pool. The
                                                                  Purple-Golden'Terrace is as a huge Jewel-flower,
                                                                  and it opens after one night.
          E   fr -& t* (r.*w+tr, E-FIF E|*F.,'S4q'                    "When the flower opens, such a man's body is
                                                                  of a purplish golden colour; and under his feet
LlY   lf Etd. ' &Wfrtyr. , FR:ti & q , Fl Etl Fii BE ' iri        there are seven lotus flowers. At the same time,
                                                                  the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas emit rays which
Bri{ii?4      ' *EiJ*4 , fit#Ei* #-#t"# " B[-j.:e                 light upon him; and his eyes are thus opened. lle
Ei'     iiP*iltA$ ,   #ffjt€          "                           hears that all the sounds of the Pure Land are
                                                                  saying thing about the profound Supreme Doctrine
                                                                  which he has learned already, Then he walks down
                                                                  from the Purple-Golden-Terrace, saluting and
                                                                  praising   the   Buddha.
         trf$r.{{   H'   XHffi   CF   bF4ffi&Slq --ZH,=   Sti:       "During the course of seven days, he attains
                                                                  to the State of Samma-Sambodhi and henceforth
'     4$6EiF{i " ffiffiE[t?Na,ty    fd€ t^ h , E#;o               he will never retrogress again. He is able to fly
Ifr . )i,,$Ul'FIrl6-tlt=p* , ffi,-zj.*j ' 4Sffi *-K. ,           now, visiting all the Buddhas in the ten quarters
                                                                  and practising all kinds of Samadhi in their
$iB'rt*fie .                                                      presence. After the interval of a small kalpa, he
                                                                  will attain the Bodhisattvaship of Quietude and be
                                                                  promised by all the Buddhas that he will soon
                                                                  become a Buddha.
         tr€f,'}.'nF4h# "                                             "This is the second division of the highest
n                    iif,*",i+lt,lE                            II7   THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA        N
                                                                class of rebirth.
        tr_E.$ITAZ-    'lrt€Wj*, Zni***,                 4qtf       "The third division of the highest class of
 ffi-b.€,L.' UrtLU&,@[rJ, m*A.fe#Eq .                           rebirth is this: One should also believe the Law
                                                                of Causality and have the mind to pursue the
                                                                Supreme Doctrine, and should not slander the
                                                                teachings of the Great Vehicle. By virtue of these,
                                                                one can be reborn in the Most Happy World.
       Ftt#fr'fffgF , FJmtFt{#' &.&,EE . li                          "When such a person is about to pass away,
 #E .9q;egE, f++S+ , 4TlEfrHffi,                                Amita Buddha, holding a Golden-LotusFlower,
                                                                with Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta Bodh-
 ttLA o frHiLlfr, *F&f. , ffiA tiET ^{!! it                     isattvas and five hundred Reflection Buddhas, come
                                '                               to welcome him. These Reflection-Buddhas give
 +ffii$, &ffiriH,L.'fiX{llt ! J                                 him their hands simultaneously and praise him,
                                                                saying, 'Son of the Dharma, thou art now pure
                                                                and hast the Mind of the Supreme Dharma. We
                                                                are coming to receive thee.'
                        q4b.A#+, 4b.8,+A
        trF,ILb+F , ClJHE                                            "Having seen these things, he find3 himself
, wfr&.&., elt4*tr4rHibtr , *[f *& , i]                         sitting on the Golden-Lotus-Flower that shuts its
                                                                petals when he has seated himself within. And
#-Irffi' -t Fl 2F , Ir'&HIfr " E#ELlfrH , );*t                 then he follows the Blessed One (Amita Buddha)
                                                                to be reborn in the Seven Jewel Pool. After one
tHlT "|)'6DB   T'   ft=t      H.&.     , TtT   A E,   " ffi*<   day and one night, he sees the Buddha. But he
E4'ErHDiX 'Wffi+fr , ffi€:#ltfr, frnfifr                      carnot see His whole figure and the Virtues
                                                                distinctly until after three times seven days. Then
Bfr ' Ef,EiXE. ffi=2J.ryl ' 45tr'6ryF1 , IIW#                   he sees them clearly and hears that all the sounds
                                                                are saying things about the Wonderful Law. He
fifio                                                           will go to visit all the Buddhas in the ten
                                                                Quarters to make offerings to them and will hear
                                                                the Profound Law in their presence. After ttnee
                                                                small kalpas, he will attain the Dmr of Widom
                                                                of the Hundred Laws, and stay in the mental
The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life
The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life
The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life
The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life
The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life
The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life
The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life
The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life
The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life

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The sutra of visualizing the buddha of immeasurable length of life

  • 1. EneE+rtr,ss. The Sutra of Yisuali zttrg The Buddha of Immeasurable Lengttr of Life --r iU rhff#* : 8tJ* BFq[e Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit by KALAYASAS tr tri+4 : REI ,Erl*tfi Translated into English from the Chinese Versior by BHIKKHU ASSAJI
  • 2. 9l ,- v -? -:t ffn jur@ ?-f THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA OF IMMEASURABLE LENGIH OF LIFE. frnft#effi: -.ffi ' Ifrfri#fiaH[Eilr+ , Thus have I heard: Once the Buddha was '. staying at Rajagriha City, on the Gridhrakuta i Mountain, with a group of great Bhikshus, twelve hundred and fifty in number, and thirty-two AAHNflJEE?ffiF-IH " thousand Bodhisattvas, among whom Manjusri, the Prince of the Dharma, was the President. ffiffiE#tfiE-t+' A[qiHE, ffi,llEffi At that time, there was a prince, Ajatasatru by name, in the great RajaSriha City, who imprisoned )& " ttfltT*A*w.ffi, &ffiEtt{E his father, King Bimbisara, in a seven-walled cell, €n 'ftlj-#€tr '-6'+4.t4" ; by the wicked advice of his evil-minded friend t Devadatta, and no one of the King's ministers was I allowed to see him in the jail. Ettr AefEA' *ffit-' i*fdffiF, Vaidehi, the Queen, who was greatly devoted Uffi&+E*rffiWXH ' #ry*#, Rffiffifi' ffi , to the King, washed herself, and car-ried honey and f,our close to her body, put grape juice in her DII.T' o iewels, and sent them to the King secretly. The King after having taken the honeyed flour ffiffitE€Nr"pkffi.' *zkffi n' ffi tr SE, and drunk the grape juice, asked for some water AS*&, HBHOMil&fgE€, Ifi{G€E , I to wash his mouth. Having done this, he joined his hands palm to palm, saluting the Buddha in ;ltHffis€=wx. 'mF#iS , W*,xffi,J " ffi ithe direction of the Gridhrakuta Mountain, and
  • 3. $q.e&*$,!E 92 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 2 H&s{nHEm'WF.f-ffi' El Et f,nft'&tz seid, "Mahamaudgalyayana is my intimate friend. I wish that he would be kind enough to come and fi.. ft&lr€€#'€&fl, BE'#* " give me the Eight Precepts." At that time, the Venerable Mahamaudgalyayarta, being invited by ihe King, flew as a falcon to his place claily and gave him the Eight Precepts. The Buddha also sent the Venerable Purna to preach the Dharma for the King. in€ffifld' ffi,--t n' IFPrg' 4+liiji*,lt The King lived for three times seven days gr honey and flour, and thus he was enabled to , ffi&tl'Wo bear the Dharma. His countenance was, however, very calm and peaceful (in spite of his miserable condition). IHEf6+f1# : [i{{4#t&+itrr.l 7 ffiF the At that time, Prince Ajatasatru inquired of jailor, "Is my father, the King, still alive?" J ffi+f1AHF : trt- ! Et*49'4*r''ti' The jailor replied, "Oh, Great Prince, the old Queen carries honey and flour close to her body ry*ffiffi. ' f'5,H-h.s ; IbflH$e.*df$#$' 'tt::P. and puts fruit juice in her jewels, and sends them secretly to the King as his fmd. Srmana Maha- ffiX' RE#E' 6oj#ftU o J FFojH{jtEflrft;Ar maudgalyayana and Srmana Purna come here E , KFffIH : tr*tE€ffi' 9qffiF,f+ ; i4fl,tq flying, to preach the Law to the King; and I am not able to keep them away." On hearing these ,t, *l*IEd'r ; flL#E?aTnJ ! CFf,flJftiJ words, Ajatasatru was very angry with his mother ,and said in a temper, "My mother is a thief. She , ffi#48" 'keeps company with thieves. Srmanas are evil they have performed magic to make this icvil king live for so long a time." Thus he tmk a sharp sword and was about to injure his mother. But there were two sagacious ministers of the w+.-traan*-, MBA&E ' hWE*, Court, one of whom was called Moon-Light and FE'hfH , HE : IltE ! EHEJT['c;ftf;Sffi' J', Jiva was the other one's name. They saluted the
  • 4. #{,,9**oFf.s 93 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 3 4nflX., A##s'€'Eltfffi , #EX?-Hn Prince and said, "Oh, Prince, we have read the !&a, in which it is recorded, ,There were many +' *gEf,affiiHgEt " E+Bj,LL#UZ+' iT evil kings who killed their fathers and enthroned themselves, at the beginning of history, eighteen *ilftjf$, Eff'Ef, , €rEF€ffi "*.€'6F:6; tbousand in number.' But we have never heard of [L.J a single one who has killed his mother. Now you are going to kill your mother: such an unheard-of treacherous deed would stigmatize the whole Ksatriya race. We do not wish to hear that you are going to be a Candara, and we do not desire to stay in this country." ffi-7tE#tk*H.' u+&ffi ' *[fiffi'E " When they had uttered these words, they put their hands on the handles of their swords and HF'lHjt' EE*A : [&6F&1F H'Flttg'ffi ' were about to retreat. Then Ajatasatr-u was alarmed and said to Jiva, "Are you gentlemen no 7JE*AEz ftE!tEHgB!J bnger in favour of me?" To this Jiva replied, 'Great Prince, you must behave well and not kili your mother." EE+lIlL;*' {s,ffi*&' clsfF#ffi ' rh6*f+ On hearing this exhortation, the prince repented ard asked their pardon. He cast away his weapon " 49)#EE' ' EFEiKE '44'61 o and did not injure his mother. But he gave tbat his mother should be incarcerated in the inner - part of the palace, and should not be allowed to i oume out again. ii, Then, Vaidehi, the Queen, became very sorry Fe+efr , &wffifl '#Efffit# '&fiaw - ::Jd h"gg*a in the prison. She saluted the Buddha ffidrFf#'ffffi 'ffifFftA : [fn*tk&'&Ez : h the direction of the Gridhrakuta Mountain and :!raid, "fh" giesr.d One, in former times, used to F, E€m#Xtrf"i* ; ffi4VJ.N,8€.ffi,6' $;!tod the Venerable Ananda to come and see me ttly. Now I am in great lamentation and #H4+tr 'm€HE€#EWW#"ffiF.. ! lF& go to see the Buddha. I hope the Blessed
  • 5. ,r1js€+/4.4E 94 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 4 E*E ' 7$ifffiiF, Erfii{dfirrH. Qne rvill kindly send the Venerable Nlahamaud- galyayeurra and the renelable An..rrda to come and see me." She murmured these ll-olds rvith tears in her e-ves; and she saluted the Buddha again. **Eq'ffiffitr€&€H'*',t ' l'*-{j{ ' Before she had raised her head up from prostration, the LlLrddha on the (ilidhrakuta iVlountain ,L,ZFfrft , EIJ IFI*..H &*E&.DJ ['J *Ff€+-irlJ rh " had read her mind. So I{e sent the /enerable lVlahan-raudgall ay-ana and the Venerable Ananda to see her. They rn-ent to the palace b-v their supernatul'al Porret'. f i'uf*ilWtlii. ' rEErH ' ffi#f.ltfrii'tiI I The Buddha disappeared from the (]ridhrakuta t{ssntain and reappeared in the palace where the ' gqi-EE€f+fu+E lfr ' hKl>8, ' 4: rllf{:-li Queen was irnprisoned. When Vaidehi had just raised her head, she saw the Blessed One, +' Eli$f+tr ' F*-l*Hf-+fr ' F+tr#itiil'X' t'it Sakyamuni Ruddha, rvhose body was of a golden- *^4 , *ffiX+' fsHHF. purple colour, sitting on a lotus florver that was constituted of a hundred kinds of valuaLrle jewels. The Venerable N{ahamaudgalyayan:l was standing on His left, and the Venerable Ananda on His right. The gods of the Brahmin heaven and many tutelary devas were present in the air. There were many heavenly florvers pouring dorvn from the sky as offerings to the Buddha. Then Vaidehi, on seeing the Buddha, took ffi€f*a*1#1t€ ' H*6ry*, +!qI "w,' from her neck a string of jervels, ivhich she offered aaif r6r'f# ' HE : ftt€ ! fiffi'f'l5F' A.tlb*i i' to Him. She prostrated herself before Him and said with sobs, "Blessed One, what is the wrong ? E€ l'&H til+EW' WtL:#l.s?j'+ffir$tr'/ that I must have done in my previous lives to PEffiE€, F*tH=#ftEt$tr' &H'th+^' 4* have such an unfilial son? And what is the cause of Devadatta's being a relative of the Blessed Hi+fEi&Ktt& " tttlfrgE' qUHffi E# 4.#ir+q One? I hope the Blessed One will tell me of sorne
  • 6. 'r'ii$€+/&3.s 95 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZiNG THE BUDDHA 5 ' 46#K" mft*X6ffiK4,6EF.A' + place, where there are no sorrow and no trouble, where I would like to be reborn. For I am disgusted with this Jambudvipa, the dirty and evil eftffiF*ffi" J world, full of hells, ghosts and animals and ail evil things. I wish in my future life that I shouid never hear evil sounds and never see evil persons. Now t prostrate myself before the Illessed One and I repent of my e'ril acts, done in the past. fuIay the Buddha, the Srrn, teach me how to visualize the Place of Pure Karma." mffi ' E€ffiEHYf, ' +Je+e Then the Blessed One emitted from the "iRW+)j middle of his eyebrows a ray, golden in colour, illuminating the numerous worlds in the ten quarters. It returned to the Buddha's head, becoming fr#tfr'tFDEl-* ' Efttrln " *HW*-' -LH.A a golden platform, on which all the Buddhas' Pure ffi,; 'IEHW*.' f;f;€S#; 'IEHW*^' frEH&X Lands appeared. Some of (the Buddhas' countries in the ray) were composed of the seven jewels; E ; rrtrHW+.' rtn&Wffi,; *fiW+. , gft+ln some of them were full of lotus flowers; some of them were as happy as heavens; and some of " Hfinft€'ffi8#{#E*' ' ffiffiF]ffi' +FtE# them were as clean as crystal. Such numerous flo Buddhas'countries of the ten euarters appeared in the ray of the Blessed One. They were all visible, so Vaidehi was able to see them. tref,EA'H IfrE z fEe I E#{.fr*., WtF. Then Vaidehi said to the Buddha, "Blessed One, although these courltries are pure and tlrilliant, I wish to be reborn in the Most Happy p$mfr€+t*,Etft, World of Amita Buddha. May the Blessed One ff' #*EP " j have compassion on me and teach me how to meditate upon that World rightly." ffitr, ft&CfiWMX' Hfr&Jt' 0trffin ffi Then the Blessed One smiled, and from his , --)tF,Rffi44ffiIlEi n 6F , X+W&Wffi mouth he radiated a five-coloured ray which he
  • 7. ,fZ*& *tt,t* 96 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 6 ' ,[,.HRffH' &-F,E€' FIE,fffH' Et*&18*El4 cast upon Bimbisara, the I(ing, who was in the seven-walled ceil. Although, he was imprisoned, [Er*[.ft. his mind was free and undisturbed. He saluted the Blessed One (on seeing the ray; and at that moment) he gained the Saintly State of Anagamin. ffiffi' E€€€fEfr : ftk+finzK? Fldffitri: Then the Rlessed One toid raidehi, "l)o you ,know, Vaidehi, that Amita lluddha is not apart lfr , *ttLT€, itHffft, ,*rtW&Ei$+ft# " from you, when you have concentrated your mind and have accomplished the r'isuaiizations that I am going to teach you and :Llso those u'ho, in the future, will desire to be reborr in the Pure Land? f'&.eLEW# ' HI6=nE : -.# .48'll:l "One who w-ishes to be reborl in the Pure Land should cultivate the Three Virtues. They ' $$t6g ' #,t].4ti , Ib+#X; =8. *f.? 41s, firstly, supporting one's parents, respecting one's 3ffi ' ntr/fflfi., 4^uffi,ffi ; a#, ftgf,ft,1. , teachers, refraining from killing living beings, and doing the Ten Good Deeds; secondly, taking the iK'fFK*' ffi;mt* 'W1rcft-E " frntb=#, f,- Three Refuges, and observing the Precepts per- fectly; and thirdly, cherishing the Bodhi-mind, €F#. J believing the Larv of Cause and trffect and encouraging others to do good. These three are called the Pure Deeds." ffifrefEfr : Vtk+*la.? rw=tfrX, rrf, The Buddha asked Vaidehi, "Do you know that these three Pure Deeds are the pure deeds t$* . *X . fr.E '=tr;fff iS*EEl o J and Right Causes of all the Iluddhas of the three periods-the past, the present and the future?" He then spoke to the Venerable Ananda and ffiE!{WFcefEfr: htrH !;F# ! #,Efr Vaidehi, saying, "Listen! Listenl And ponder on it 2 : fin?ft4#' ffi**ft*gJ#.4^' €,tF,lf;,iffiZ well. I am going to preach the of Pure Karma to ail the beings who wiil be vexed by the FnE#, ;ftFi$X , #ft€fEft , I*F€rlLS. Thief, Igrrorance, in the future. It is well, Vaidehi, You have entreated me just in time.
  • 8. 91 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 7 're,***0F*.s fFlI# ! ttH'effi "Ananda, you must spread what the Buddha 'ffiffi&*E#ffi#'frn says to the many. Now I am teaching Vaidehi and x+8, &E&fr ' k*Nfr'gJ*'.e-' &ftE all the beings in the future how to visualize the fiffixtrn , D)I#fi&., EffiH0hffil$Elf o fri Most Happy World in the West. You will see the Pure Land and its happy things by the pow-er of WHAffi' HHffi&' FIEWL'ffiW#.# r 'l'ffi the Buddha, just as you see your ou-n figure in a s-8t, ffiFma+ffi4.*K " j clear mirror. When you have seen them, you will rcalize the State of Quietude." 'f#treffi?F : [itEA*' 'L'f;BH4 '*& The Buddha said to Vaidehi, "You are still a worldly person, so you carnot concentrate your mind properly, and hence you have not the power of clairvoyance to see those Buddhas who are far oj away. But the Buddha has a marreilous way of making you see." Then Vaidehi inquired of the Buddha, "Blessed -#*.8+ One, now I shall be able to see the Pure Land by rt&,, F.IFWL; #ffiw&., 'lFsZF the help of the Buddha's power. But how will those who will be struck by the Five Sufferings be #' frEFN.iE' =,fEIH-F,$FJffi FIffi ffi*ftN? J able to see Amita Buddha's Nlost Happy World, at the end-period, when the Blessed One has passed away?" z TlkFc*4.' ffiH+'i'tEfi-- The Buddha told Vaidehi, " You-and all beings-should concentrate your minds on one point E' f;Hrtrfi " ftiltTMT n'lFM#' 'U*E and think about the Western Quarter. How is one to think of that? Anyone who is going to think of ' A)F&E , HHZffi., EHEil.' H€ffifi' that should not be a person borr blind; and anyone who has eyes must have seen the sun sinking in the West. "Sit facing the Westerl Quarter and think about the place where the sun sinks down. Concen- , 4ffi.6& ' _F,H'&1f , fifniffiff " hate your mind upon it without being distracted,
  • 9. ft..R€#db*s 98 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 8 ald look at the sun sinking, resembling a hanging drum. fWF,ElE'ffiHFflFl'ffAWT" "After having seen the sinking sun, you will see it whenever your eyes are open or shut. r€trEITB' AHbIJffi," "This is the Thinkirtg of the Sun, and it is ttre First Visualization. f4flzK€,, -E 7ki#r6- , /F+FX T , lsto ff "Next you think about water. Notice that water is very pure and that it is indissoluble. H. EEF,ltE ' HE;ktfl , _F,;kn*fff , ,fE#ffill,t When you have seen water thus, then think it is i, going to freeze. Then see that the ice is the same " ithfflrtE , _EW4Sfi[ , ru4].Rf#, Tfi'Sffilj , ,$ as crystal, which is transparent. Beneath it there t ,t" columns, made of gold, inlaid with the seven ;!: jewels, supporting the crystal. Tirese columns frW , HH.ffrF" --H4 ,H+JIW o *-Jr ,1, hau" eight facets, each of them has one hundred BE AHW+tr' RIgHffi ' fnffif F, npJF- ii,, diamonds. Each of the diamonds has a thousand " I ' treams of light. Each of these rays has eighty-four -tr. ffiHtr-b' , l:1ffi+ilqE ' #Jlrilfdffi , D)-|cffi.X thousand colours. These crystals are as glittering as hundreds and thouslnds of suns shining together. , ftHftHA " --HF 'HfrH&tb, S*{n# They are so dazzling that one cannot see them totally. On these crystals there are golden ropes ' IMEE , Mffiffif-., rfi)hrfrE. ; interlaid as ornaments. They are separated by the seven jewels. Each of these jewels has five hundred colours, whose brightness is as that of flowers, of stars and of the moon, suspended in , the air, forming a Terrace of Brightness. r&ffi+H, _E.HAfr, }AHffiB , &HT| "On that Terrace, there are hundreds and tlousands of storeyed pavilions, built of a hundred ffi#H, ffE**S' UF#ffi " zffiEJEt , '1trJt, kinds of je.wels. At the two sides of the Terrace, EEH , frrlb**S, iH=##. *. ffffi . N*ZE- there are hundreds and thousands of embroidered tapestries and musical instruments as decorations. o There are eight kinds of mild breeze coming out
  • 10. ,.n&&*tfr!.E 99 gg THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 9 the brightness; and it plays upon those instruments, rvhich produce the sound of the Dharma of Sorrow, of Transitoriness and of UnrealitY. f€trrkf8, Affi-M," "This the Thinking of the Water, and it is the Second Visualization. "When this Visualization is completed, see trrlhfnFlffi , -'W2' ffi+T T " ffi E ljil them one by one clearly, and do not let them H' 6+ffift. PEFA€ffi' 'lE'ffitILS o disappear whether your eyes are open or shut' at eating times. "Once having attained this Samadhi, one can F " &ffitLilffi#Eq0 " #4S3ffi frnbbffi.# clearly see the Pure Land, which is indescribable ' tL:rfrWffi, iT ftBA ' 64Fffi " by words. "This is the Thinking of the Land, and it is the Third Visualization." ffi€FI#: [itff{#;*' F*X1A-aXJr.:4.. The Buddha then addressed to the Venerable Ananda, "You must hold to the Buddha's words ' 'ffiw#-N'--&.*WWH " Hffi€fu# 'hl+ and tell those who wish to escape from suffering in the future to think of the Land. Any person who ffiUhnZE" fht)lfuE' l.&isE-' ,L'+5lffiffi. ,'thinks of the Pure Land will be exempted from rebirth for eight million kalpas of time' and will rurdoubtedly be reborn into the Pure Land at his next birth. "To visualize the Most Happy World as stated VIFftW#' Affif.W.; #fifi,W#' hBffiW. J above is right, it is wrong to do so otherwise"' The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda' "Next : f{ilfffi e, 4'WH.ffi 'f#€FilI#' FcHlftfr to the Thinking of the Land is to visu alize the Jewel-trees. That is to visualize the trees that are " &Hfi{# ' --W2' lF-tfuft&f{S " --ffi in seven rows. They are eight thousand yojanas Hn+H " &a&H.{fr ' {H#*' ffi6F.8 " '-aJ in height and each of them has flowers and leaves &ade completely of the seven jewels.
  • 11. &,&&#t*,lE 100 IOO THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 10 r--+*' lqx€.tr " wHtltr' HA€, "Every flower and every leaf of those trees W a brilliant hue. A golden ray comes out from Jt; t&ffi&+ ' frfi€.f ; 6FdS€,+ , ,U@ffijt the agate colour; a crimson ray comes out from ; ffiffi€,tr ' HfftE4)L ; 4BIfiffir$-+n*H.y) the crystal colour; a beryl ray comes out from the lapis lazuli colour; a green-pearl ray comes out €R€ft , Wfuq,#ffiffiffiffiL. , H':*:g-- from the beryl colour; and there are rays of coral -_.ffiI a1d amber colour shining beautifully. There are ffi " --ffiW, HfrHffi'W#EW. ' lnftTH o nets made of strings of pearls covering those trees. Seven of these nets cover each of those trees. Between the nets, there are fifty million luxurious palaces, the same as those in the Brahmin heaven. trFftXH+' H*#tr . --HT]THffiTE "There are heavenly youths in those palaces; each of them wears fifty million Muni-gems as tueJtt#'fiuB E UF'ry*" . +WEJI, fiRE' H 6, ornaments. The rays of these gems shine for a distance of one thousand yojanas, like a hundred rt8'frnffiAHffi H E 4FI FBE " *HFdffi , €F-h i, thousand suns shining together (as though their # , tl#Hffi'ftntHH''**t84."" rt*#.Fi rays were, interwoven. All the rays are of the finest colour. The jewel-trees are set in rows H#tD+, +IH *H-?F.R " --{f{*' #ftIH .,. opposite rows. There are wonderJul flowers and fruits made of the seven jewels between the lleaves. Each of the branches of the trees is twenty-five yojanas in length. The leaves have a 'H*W#, 'fGHl?HA€,' rtnfitXffi' ffiffi* thousand various colours, like heavenly pictures. fd ' lm&#'R , inffif$ffi o There are many flourishing blossoms, golden in , like turning fire-wheels rolling between leaves and producing heavenly fruits. THJ{.JTHA, |LffiTWffi ' ffi.EH# " €H-,H "There is also a great light, which becomes draperies and canopies. All the affairs of F 'R4,=+t+84 '-gJ!fr$-" tfrl#W' Buddhas, and all the Buddhas' countries in the /Fr+4, . -E rrLffifE' 7JFH^ffi--wz' wH quarters, appear in these canopies. When you
  • 12. ifi,*t*@,*.E IOI THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 11 fel$ . &* . +R' tr#ftBB " [ave visualized these trees, look at them one by dle: the stems, the branches, the leaves, the ,fowers and the fr-uits, should all be very clearly visualized. r€trffi{n'AffiwW," "This is the N{editation on Trees, and it is the Fourth Visualiztion. "The next is to think of water. That is, to f4Hffi7k "ffM7k# 'ffi#Eli, E'Aru think of the Water of the Eight Virtues in the /qo Most Happy World. [--flU^ ' 'EH.FIrffi,. *H*fq , 4€{nH "This water is composed of the seven jewels, which are limpid and soft. The water flows out from the Muni-gems and distributes itself into Atrtr, }RTHDI#€,+ffi!,l ' UffiEW o *-/q fourteen tributaries. Each of the tributaries has varied colours corresponding to the seven jewels, + 'fi'xfffi-LHs+ ' --s+' FIHrE+f and has yellow gold as its channel. There are _H€ . SBtrAffiE#H €ffifIT diamonds of different colours at the bottoms of ' " these channels. In each of the water pools, there are sixty million lotus flowers, round in shape and hn'elve yojanas in diameter. That Muni-water flows upwards and downwards along the trees to sprinkle the flowers. rx*#Mfu), iHffi# .29 . ffiH . ffiffifi& , "The babbling sound of the water is wonder- ful. It preaches the Laws of Sorrow, of Transi- briness and of Unreality, and praises the virtue '9f the Buddhas. The Muni-gem emits a golden EMWJIEA' N)L4LffiHHE..S ' frTP,EHW, ffi lay, which transforms itself into many birds of a ffifttfr. AIX . ftfg o |rundred colours, chattering delicately, praising the , the Dharma and the Sangha. trEffi'rt4ffi7ktH ' Affifr-W,o t: "This is the Meditation on the Water of the Figttt Virtues, and it is the Fifth Visu alization. [*HEi , --4l', A'fE'ffiF& " 4 ! "There are fifty million Gem-pavilions on each
  • 13. ii,=L]{tT.&l*,."^y. IO2 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA T2 &ffitr , A*FEFfiX.' (F7tffi# " vH**S' t$ section of the Land of Jewels. In these pavilions, there are numerous heavenly inhabitants playing ffiffi+^ ' fnXHtH '6ffi.HP,8 .ltL*E+ ' !#t music; and there are musical instruments hanging in the air like tapestries, sounding without being ftl#, f,E. frltft-tq. beaten or performed upon. All the sounds are praising the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. r[bffifiE' &RffiHffi#E4' HffiI . F "Once having attained this Visualization, one fifi, . Hi& o sees the Most Happy World in outline: the Jewel- trees, the Jewel-lands and the Jewel-lakes. r€trfrK&ffi.'affixw" "This is the Main Visualizaticrl, and it is the Sixth One. r#F.tLx, hffi€ffi*rtfiE#x ' fr#z "If a person has seen this Visualization, his €normous crimes of countless kalpas are annulled; '&.' ,il,H4ft81 "'fF€ffi# ' &RiIEffi,; #fifr,M:A' i and he will certainly be reborn in the Pure Land after his passing away. One who visualizes in this ' &ffifrf,W" J I way does right, otherwise one does wrong." 'f#f,F-'l# ' F-H&fr: h#;9*;m{*, #,U.€: The Budha told the Venerable Ananda and Vaidehi, "Listen! Listenl And ponder it over. I 2, EH€tkftntl@.rr-, ' Et#tEiiF ; lA+lH+-l , *rall tell you of the ways to get rid of suffering i. me by one. You should remember and practise them well and spread them for the many." Eft€;gF, ffE#,f# I+n+z+' &EE' t While saying this, the Buddha of Immeasurable ,Length of Life appeared in the air. Bodhisattva #E' €:t+ , t+frtrF.. )bBE**H '6HIX valokitesvara was standing on his right and Bodhi- Mahasthamaprapta on his left. Their bodily H'H+W?+*H#€ , T4$FoLt " were so brilliant that one could not see them Iy. F++Efr., trffi€#0ffiE-, f*EiFir,g, AIffi Then, after having seen the Buddha of Im- rable Length of Life, Vaidehi did obeisance the feet of the Buddha (Sakyamuni) and said him, "Blessed One, now I am able to see the :#ffi , *X*,&., H;a'lFI&#E#{#X.=#ffi of Immeasurable Length of Life and these
  • 14. 13 ii:l.#,&+l*a!,9 103 Io3 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 13 l1 ? gwo Bodhisattvas by the Buddha's help. But how fill all the beings in the future be able to ize this Buddha and these two Bodhisattvas?" 0frE+.Wfr | tr'&WMIfr#'H€ffif,' tA The Buddha told Vaidehi, "Anyone who wishes -r,Hfu.t, ,fFs#tfl " to visualize this Buddha, should think that in the I.and of the Seven Jewels, there are lotus flowers. "Think that each of the lotus flowers has a hundred kinds of gen-colour and eighty-four Eq+['](' tr&'fnX€ . fl'l(AnHW+Jt' 7 T ftHA tbousand veins in the petals, resembling heavenly .gictures. These veins have eighty-four thousand ' ts+;#H" #*zJ.*-' ffiffi-Hrttfi€ " fn !16ys, all of which are clearly visible. The smaller €S+' FE^HE+* ; *-*H' A'HffiB petals are two hundred and fifty yojanas in length td the same in width. Each of these lotus flowers bas eighty-four thousand petals. Betrn'een each of them, there are millions and millions of Muni- 4nH' 'Lffi.effi gBms as ornaments. Each of the Muni-gems emits "tffiffiifr,L" a thousand rays, which are like the canopies, beinE composed of the seven jewels, covering the whole Land. tr#ruFltffilt/nH., DJ€+E, tth$#H' A "The Land has the Sakrabhilagna-gem as its ,gedestal. This pedestal is decorated with eighty. thousand diamonds, Kimsuka-gems, Muni-gems €fi" the nets of pearls. rA+E}, H*&ffiE.EqtrHB , .-HW .1 "On that pedestal, there are four columns, each of which is as high as hundreds and thousands ' fnE*Hffit{ffittt, E_bHttr' frn&WXH' Sumerus. The curtains that hang on those T HfrHffitWWH* DJFut€ft are like those in the Yemo Heaven. Again, ' " --H4-' H are fifty million fine gems embedded on zH[q+)f, , -'J?IFlHE{++ffi#E o Jr columns as ornaments. Each of these gems has r thousand rays. Each of the rays effuses &&, tF4H*,' ffiffi&4?' &rcN$H, *ffih thousand different golden colours. Each
  • 15. #{,,q€+r&*E 104 to4 THE SUTRA OF ViSUALiZING THE BUDDHA 14 iof the golden colours extends throughout the w-hole Jewel-land, and tal<es different shapes in different H&4, , ffi|Fffi$" ,places: some are like diamond-terraces, others like pearl-nets and nulti-coloured clouds. They change their forms variously in the ten quarters and perform the affairs of the Buddhas. rEF#EM, Affi.T&. J "This is the Visualization of the l-otus petals, and it is the Seventh One." 'f#€f'Jffi | trfintbD#, €AEffilhF-FI7: The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda, ',This kind of wonderful lotus flower is formed by the .'fGlhM Ffr ffi. " #'&ft'tftLfr#, HftIFltt+Bffi power of Bhikshu Dharmakara's '*'ill. One who wishes to be reborn in the hrre Land, should think of those lotus petals. When one is thinking of t --JN, **S, *-rS , E+fEA " {nfffi them, one should have no other thcughts in the pind, and should visualize cne article after the +, El-F,m&" ftM.ffi#, ffiWfrffiffiUtrrUz other: Each leaf, each pearl, each t?y, each ten'ace, and each column, ate all as clear as #' 4z'ftH4.ffi#84. when one sees one's own figure in a mirror. When one has completed this Visualization, one is released from rebirth for fifty thousand million kalpas, and rvill be reborn into the ,Most Happy World. E +FEW#, &R'FW ;'Ffifu'WX' frF,i$ ; "To visualize them in this way is right; it is wrong oLherwise." &.J The Budcrha told the Venerable Ananda and ffiffFilj#' &.+fE?F : Vaidehi, "When you have seen what I have just FJi.rth-BE , zK;*ilF' you should next think of that Buddha (the ffi " FID)#til? #tfrrtt, ' €*-F h' of Immeasurable Length of Life). Why? use the body of the Buddha is the Body of 4.,0'ffiF o ^-gJ.* Universe, and it is within the mind of all
  • 16. i'?,4€+ffr3.E t0s I05 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 15 [ft{'&+' ,L.tndfiF , E,L',EF€=f:tH "Therefore, when you think of that Buddha, your mind is the One who has the thirty-two ' x+WVftl' €,L.'[f'fdt' €,1.€dfi " #dtrliF Magnificent Figures and the eighty Virtues. It is fii&, fft,i'ffiA.' €ttffiH-,['#fi, FF&iA{'f the mind that is to becorne a Buddha; and it is mind that is a Buddha. The Ocean of the ' *Wlql/irrE' f'l#Efl ' 3ffi=ffiVt " Omniscient Wisdom of all Buddhas grows up from the mind. Hence you should visualize absorbedly .tbat Buddha, the Exalted One, the Fuily Enlight- &rea On". f ffi!4fr|fr# , ftH#t* ' EE ElFf, El , -E --H "One who visualizes that Buddha, should think d His figure first. Whether one's eyes are open or &, frnffi.ffffi+€, ' M!,&#t" F.&*fl r ,11,flfl ,dlut, one sees a magnificent figure of a yellowish gOlden colour, sitting on a Lotus-seat. Having seen ++ffi' TTftBA. -Effi#El ' {H#ff'HqfiH the figure of that Buddha thus seated, one's fu'HfdtriFU' ;&7tFtrtr' ffiESr, *Hffiffi mental vision is opened and one can see the Most Happy World clearly: the Jewel-lands, Jewel-lakes, tewel-trees in rows, over which there are heavenly qrrtains, and Jewel-nets in the air. All of these are decorated with the seven kinds of gems. These things can be seen as clearly as one sees one,s ;"Own palm. trtJrlt$E,'IEHF.M.-tS+' &Lfrt 8, "After you have seen the things menticned then visualize a large lotus flower, similar ' fnBfrs#, 4fffE'R "'&(F-f.S#, &lfrfr the previous one, golden in colour, on the left that Buddha. And think of another one on the of Him. Then think of Bodhisattva Avaloki- fnBiiffiF" 'M-Jt#Egffif& , Mfr#.M" sitting on the left one and Bodhisattva aprapta on the right one. trjlbffiEtffi ' Iffi#ffi&, EffiJtW' &Jth "When this Visualization is accomplished, the and the two Bodhisattvas will L" .""n golden rays falling on the Jewel-trees.
  • 17. $r.k-t+tt ls 106 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 16 L' &H-|fr=#W.W''4Eili;fiIftW . Under each of them there are also three lotus flowers on which a Buddha and two Bodhisattvas are sitting respectively. Such are seen at every- where of the Pure Land. tr lth,Iil,fi tr' -.u#'# Wl TkrH)b FX' &. #'H 4f{ "When one has achieved this Visualization, one can hear the murmuring sound of the streams ' E[B€# , E:FkWW " Ht ft' fEEii4tE', and see the rays, jewel-trees and sheldrakes and r,t#Ffif ' frftZF-, lHflr6f$ , hWIE9'iiiA mandarin ducks, whose voices praise the Wonderful I-aut. Whether one's mind is concentrated or not, .#6o# ' AH*fE.; #WA# , AFuttrNl." me can constantly hear that Wonderful Law. YVhatever one hears should be compatible with the -F,ffi#EJF. Sutras, othewise it is composed of vain thoughts. If it is compatible with the Sutras, it is indeed seeing the Most Happy World. "This is the Visualization of the Figure (of that Buddha), and it is the Eighth One. tFftffi#' p*ffiFffi u ErtZ+.' htil* t+ "One who practises this Visualization, is , ,Rft0fr=s.*. exempteC from rebirth for innumerable kalpas of J time and will attain to the Samadhi of Visualizatoin in his present life." ffiEFnW, F-€tftfr : firtbtflFlE ' 4H'trirTfit The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda and Vaidehi, "When you have completed the thinking €#{# ' htHJffiA. FoI# ! HfiltrEi€Lfr" t;hn described above, then think of the body of the H + Hffi Ti HXH *+fig. + E' Ifr r.y ffi x +,f.i i,':i rfJJ Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life, which is very bright. Ananda, you should know that that H'fU'lEI'li4H€ , trFdH +,frffiFtW, rtn{'.irt Buddha's body is as bright as hundreds and thousands of golden rays in the Yemo Heaven. It ffir! ; lffiELrtnEt?Ft^' fr'g A-BA. tli#+-{L, is sixty rnillion Ganges Rivers Sands yojaqas high. His eyebrows twine rightwards, (to the length of) ffiH)Lm ' *n't^Wtlt "'tLlffiHJt, rtnHffi=+)< five Sumer-us. His eyes are as brilliant as the I Fater of the four seas, and the pupils and white 1
  • 18. t7 4:;,:J+:,i :?(tr!- Io.I THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 17 are distingui*iable. There are rays " --lv,$lt , lFtitlitlwwlv.#ffi' ' tjf$i+?fr ,, his eyes out from the pores of his body. 'Ihe halo of. that Buddha is as large as millions of the Great (Groups of) Thousands of Worlds. And in the halo, there are hundreds and thousands of Reflections of the Buddha. Each of the Reflections has countless ttvas as his attendants. fjlt.'n#idF' €z,{iru{-fE ; *-fH+ ' ff- "The Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life has eighty-four thousand Appearances. Each of the e,('S [q +V]rltttl ; --11+ Appearances has eighty-four thousand (materialized) "IEH ^HE+tt ; Virtues. Each of the (materialized) Virtues has Fil --*tlE ' iFJl{iJ-fi]&'tt-' fttffi#..H ' mq{ eighty-four thousand beams of light, each of them zFfl$ shines upon all the beings of the ten quarters " who visualize that Buddha completely. "The beams of light, the Appearances of that Buddha and the Reflection-Buddhas are all so Iffitfl' +.,L.HR,J ' ntL+.E' e1n+fr-gJ'; excellent that they are beyond description. But one can see them by mental vision in the " I>)trL;;ft|frh' Afrllf,.-P& " Visualizations. One who sees these things, sees all the Buddhas of the ten quarters. The sight of the Buddhas is called the Samadhi of Visualization. IFftrW#' &W-+tJIfrH ; D)Wffi*tr;' f "Seeing this Visualization is seeing the bodies all the Buddhas, and thus one sees the Mind 7JFnlfr'L, ; lfr'L"E' t#7S€ ; ,Dj$f*#fffi;fi * the Buddha. The Mind of a Buddha is the Great Compassion, out of which Buddhas help all $o F ltrwiln#' # r,lhbfr , A.ffi{tfiB'f, :F+ffi 'h "One who practises this Visualization, will be in the presence of all the Buddhas, and K. FefrtrX ' ffiHFf.,t]., ' o=fr.&,ft-:B#dfi . the State of Quietude, when he quits his body. Therefore the wise person should try visualize the Buddha of Immeasurable Length
  • 19. 18 1: ;,LJ. *t + GY,'.,:|: 108 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 18 of Life. rffi.4lt:.q;+ l'fr'.{i , f€*tHff^ ' lH ijfl/ii liij r'r "One who visualizes the Buddha of Immeas- urable Length of Life should commence with the +' ffi+Fjl 7 " tLlfrlj+lA+tllfi' A,'$ l4l+-tfUtt First Appearance. That is to visualize that , H f*"#$l " u,Iffi-F+,F IN Fi ' Buddha's White Eyebrows clearly. When one has lfitLl--hlr,I-iii,ifi seen this Appearance of White Eyebrows, the i4ll . {$rJ,jffi-B,;#tfrfft , |;}tlfiUlffsf"l;E . eighty-four thousand Virtues will manifest them- selves subsequently. One who sees the Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life, sees all the Buddhas of the Ten Quarters, by whom one is promised (that one will become a Buddha in the future). fi€trffiiiH *qJf!,r'y +L], f.'Ir')rl&, . "This is the Visualization of Seeing all the Buddhas, and it is the Nineth One. ff|Ftrffi# , &ffiit:W; +;Itufln'# ' Af:rr "To visualize it in this way is right, it is wrong otherwise." &"J The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda and 't##F i#' .&.jf+ftfi- : trJl,l$E#Ifr ,(i Vaidehi, "After you have seen the Buddha of ,4lrH&ffiJita-#ffi Immeasurable Length of Life distinctly, you should AHXE ' tti'T6ir.tJtl i^ then visualize Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, whose body Hffiil(fi'fefi€J ' qX+$,, lrtE?lltk ' iii,ilr flll is eighty million yojanas in height and golden-purple in colour. There is a natural Small Hump in the )b' rEi&-ff{-ri€t " FE{)b+ , H{Liil?,tffi' ktr middle of Her head, and near Her neck is a halo, which is a hundred thousand yojanas in diameter. f+fu+lA "'-ILlfr , Efr-r:ilL'P'iii, fitElifiii There are fir,e hundred Reflection-Buddhas, all , y)F,t+-H " WtN.k+ ' Ii:,l6*.!L, *UJ&,+tl' like Sakyamuni Buddha, in that halo. Each of them has five hundred Bcdhisattvas and many Ertr4,. Eods as attendants. The five kinds of beings are reflected in the rays emitted from Her body. IIF-LE}TTE iIfrNWF€H.' D-{FXffi o Sdffi Ii I "She is crowned with a cnrora made of Bhilagne-Muni gems. On the corona, there stands a Reflection-Buddha, who is twenty-five yojanas 'H-ii-l?Iffi, Fi=tfi-frhJ. {fftr*E'6 ' trli
  • 20. 19 ,,n x&+tt,ts 109 IO9 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 19 {nP5i5t{HAft.' ffifd€}H, ffitH.e,, IftHnH :Pi ntgtr. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara's countenance is E+fq)hry . --;bffi ' E^ff€ftrytrAbifr i of u yellowish golden colour. Her eyebrows are of " il O" colour of the seven jewels, and they emit -'iv,lffi ' ffqiLgffiDBt:r-A, ftEHE, iH {i 6ighty-four _thousand kinds of rays. There are j.frtrfr- " r: ountless Reflection-Bodhisattvas as Her attendants. r$ They appear in the worlds of the ten quarters. fiH{nftr$#E, H t>)R, j. "The colour of Her arms is of that of a red ^+ffi:twitw, 4%" ;Rry4s+ ,'ry"-gJ##tr+ "*HtEfr- , lotus flower, and they are omamented with eight 1.1 million refulgent rays, in which all magnificent trffi*E$+&' +t+F4ft , --+Fffi, EnHE I tnings appear. Her palms are colour of variegated ,t. lotus flowers. She has ten slender fingers. At the +_na' BlnEtW..--HEz,-SE{*€, r *-@ ,i,top of each finger, there are eighty-four thousand fi^/;qE+)b' +)h*6€, *fi{-gl . I>)bLH.T .l prctures. Each of these pictures has eighty-four ' thousand colours; each of these colours has eighty- '+*dl/f.4." ,. four thousand beams of light, which are very soft, . and light up the whole world. It is with these hands that the Bodhisattva receives all beings. rg.EF' ETF.+fiEffif€ , a*ftffifr$ "When She lifts one of Her feet, one sees the , Figure of One Thousand Wheels on the sole, ,, yhich spontaneously becomes fifty million Light- zFffilffi Terraces. There are Diamond-Muni flowers scat- " tered on the place where She puts Her. foot down. "The other Appearances of Hers are as good and perfect as those of a Buddha. Except 6tE '&f$tJIF,fH ' 6&.8€. ;the Small Hump in the middle that of Her head and .the Figure of the Invisible Cranium are slightly t from those of a Buddha' r€trHffiEEgEtrHEH+H" &ffiTffi "This is the Visualization of Seeing the Real oj of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, and it is the One."
  • 21. ii'L-.'s€ ,,i+fiy,'tx IIO THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 20 {4#F I*E : Hi'ry(mfiSru:=-}'jlTffi''7i' Hf i, l* The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda, "One who wishes to visualize Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, ffi 6,.l{'i'f,ir'/'{' ilFI4:Xl'''i' should do so as stated above. Any person who ",ff€m:a' ItJ:i'iiFry{ryt visualizes Her in this way will not encounter any trrLZE" fillLli,ffE, tquij+A ' fftJ1$-i;ir1i;'1 ' {rr1 calamities; he can avoid all the results of evil karma and is exempted from rebirth for numberless itr;ffim? kalpas. Anyone who has heard the name of such a Bodhisattva gains much felicity; it is far better, if one visualizes Her. "One w-ho wishes to visualize Bodhisattva Ava- f };H'tfrtflffitltl+ StrFfl ' ft'tfr'1frLV!"i? ' lokitesvara should first visualize the Small Hump 4ffiXffi'tsi{nfrttl 'ifi-l,t t'WZ' f-tif] i' ' or Her head clearly, next the Corona and so forth {nBl$tr " IFR:tnE , f,,L,'1'tf-'M; }iIbi{fl{t ' :" gradually. One should see them all as clearly as ts'Fffi " one sees one's own palm. To visualize them in this way is right, otherwise it is wrong. f {ffix$4i #ffi ' JIb i+;tr4.L.y-htx'Jrl tt: tttt "The next step is to visualize Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta, whose body is the same in size &EE' El)Lffi&lT:ltdltl^nJ ' iili- ilfh-l iit as that of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. Her halo is twenty-five yojanas in diameter and it strines to H " SHJ1HI , I ji4' l'F,n* fL" H{*:}i',t. Ir,F. the distance of two hundred and fifty yojanas. The lieht of Her whole body, which is golden- ' E#++JL. W.' -++LJfi ' U[ tL I' ij '18,J.Ith+f purple in colour, lights up all the countries of the ffi -:+-;l{{#,'{nfrr'hl1T"r,3'tilttf t]Ei,,?:f-JtSiBlt' ten quarters. One can see this, if one has such an opportunity. Whoever sees the light coming out of one pore of this Bodhisattva, sees all the Buddhas of the ten quarters, all of whom are ptre and brilliant. Hence this Bodhisattva is also called the Bodhisattva of Limitless Light. ' "She shines with the Light of Wisdom upon [Dl€#iL ' g.-Ffl-+t] ' ']$iE=6 ' Itl-Jt[ r gll, enabling them to get rid of the Three Evil Ways, and attain the Supren:e Power of Bodhi. )t " f-fiftltrlt gffi:' &)<9 f. "
  • 22. 2t ,iL*a+fi,!s. lu THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA Zl Therefore She is called Mahasthamaprapta (the Powerful One). trJttgffiXffi , HfrHH# . --H+' E^ "There are five hundred jewel-flowers on the C,orona of this Bodhisattvai each of these jewel- rf tr'HH " --EF " tfr#trfr'6.tEtr.+-, FE flowers has five hundred jewel-terraces, on which 2tr8, Ert+lE " IF,LB# , frnffifiFP'# " f{A all grand things of the ten quarters appear. The Small Hump on Her head is like a Padma-flower, #L' H-Hffi,' ffii#JtW, *!fldt$ o an which there is a jewel-bottle, full of light that shows all the affairs of the Buddhas. r##HtH, {nffiEE' SffE'E " "The other Appearances of this Bodhisattva are the same as those of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. "When this Bodhisattva is walking, the earth grffi'fi^ftr-ffiH#. of the ten quarters trembles. Where the earth --H+, #ffiHffi' fn shakes, there are fifty million gem-flowers. Each ffi*84 " rlb#ffiAffi' {HEl*., -F91ffi. of these flowers is as rare and excellent as those in the Most Happy World. The earth formed of the seven jewels trembles too, when She sits down. r,1rf fi JTEAIfr'.II, /' 4.Lfr )VW-,Tfr*I]' "The Reflection-Bodies of the Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life and the Reflection- Bodies of Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta : Bodhisattvas, which pass down to the country of the , x%E' E#E#ffi*El*. , n*ry+ ' 4.s Buddha of Golden Rays and up to the land of the +f.r.'iH#f4E 'E#*&" , Buddha named the King of Light, are gathered together in the Most Happy World, sitting on lohrs seats in the air, preaching the Wonderful . Iaw to all suffering beings. E |ETLW#' AHWHf,#agW, EffiW "This is the Visualization of Seeing Mahastha- f%Ttrh+E " &rtLgW#' &ffi*-W" , maprapta Bodhisattva, whose corporal form is as ttated above, and it is the Eleventh one. f hmtrryrlqBfrff.,EFZ9P' lFftW#.' 6 "One who performs this Visualization is ex-
  • 23. iF"&?41t,!:! ttz THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 22 i$DH*. " empted from rebirth for numerous kalpas, and will EXEm 'HW#lf never be reborn from the womb, but in those Buddhas' Pure Lands. rrl&fiF' &ffiE.trffi&frFt984. " "When this Visualization is completed, it is the Completion of Seeing Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva. trE rlL+F' H'E AH trf WfiffiXftn, "When one has seen all the things stated above, one should think that one is being born in tt$++ ' ffiDnH4.' 'fGS+AtH' 'fFS+FFJAII tlre Most Happy World, sittrng cross-legged in a o lotus flower; and imagine that the lotus is closing and opening its petals. Is+ffiF 'HfrHEJT' f.W.H^N' HR I] "One should then think that, when the lotus opens, there are rays of five hundred colours shinin8 upon oneself, and when one's eyes are open one sees that there are Buddhas and Bod- ffiFfrffiEH, WHWW, Ft:g$ffiA . hisattvas in the air. The sounds of flowing water, of birds and of trees, and rhe voices of the Buddhas, all preach the Wonderful Law, in accordance with the twelve divisions of the Dharma. r#fiftaF ' lHf$7F X' F;fL+F.' an "Even when one is not visuaiizing these things, Gle cao remember them ali without forgetting ffiE#ffif6*EF. them. Seeing these things is seeing the Most Happy World of the Buddha of Immeasurable L€ngth of Life. r€tr*&ffi, Am+r& o "This is the General Visualizatron, and it is the Twelfth One. [ffi:=a#{# ' IU,HMW,94ffi8-E 'h)<4 "The Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life has numerous Reflection Figures. They come fre- quently with Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta BodhisatLvas to the person who visualizes Him."
  • 24. qfl"*-E&tt,ts n3 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 23 {##F'1# , F-e.Ftfr: [#?ft8,1,., 4.Pr.i1 The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda and Vaidehi, "One who sincerely wishes to be reborn to E ' trHHA-f-xl* , ft'MjkL, f,nJiffrtt' the Western Land, should first visualize tlrre sixteen- ffi€#{# ' HE:M&.' )Fft,rt:&d,nffrk" f iri fot'high figure of the Buddha of Immeasurable Irngth of Lif.e, standing above the water of a rtnXffiWflfi' Effiffi# ' tz'+:+ffidL" itr.fflIfrI* pml, as described before. The body of that Buddha is inconceivable; the mental power of a , 4+tr€fra- 'W&W0fr, Rtrqffi? worldly person could not imagine it. But He performed an act of will in the past that, should any person visualize Him, he (the person) would succeed. One who visualizes only His Visage gets boundless felicity; it is still rnore so, if one visualizes His Complete Figure. fFrImfE{#' ilSsfnH' ' & t{trE "Amita Buddha's supernatural [nwer is limit- &"*H*.h'ffiffi+fr ; fr#,4'4, rLxAJt less; He can appear, in the countries of the ten quarters, as big as the Universe itself, or as small ; FIHZM' EH+B " HJtIU,Ifr ' &.HS+' as only eight or sixteen feet high. All these appearances are golden in colour and have haloes, frnLFF=#, " Reflection-Buddhas and Lotus-seats, as stated already. r&EE#W' hXwE',t-4ffi , t-Ni' "The figure of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and *&.",ltr&E+H , *ilE&EE' *il€t#fl' :*. that of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva are at everywhere like that of ordinary people. One knoWs - gffi B, m {#*,{ L--ut " p-'l F-c Which is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and which is Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva by looking at the special figrrres on their heads. These two Bodhisa- &ffit=&, J [€ffi*Effi ' ttvas assist Amita Buddha in edifying all beings. "This is the Mixed Visualization, and it is ffi#F j# 'F-€.&fr: I'tffi}.HX'):;+i the Thirteenth One." The Buddha told the Venerable Ananda and *A.WL&E*, &=f6,1', Clt[F:.rk4-.,fn]l], i$ Vaidehi, "The first division of the highest class
  • 25. ry{&a#fi'ls TI4 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 24 of rebirth is this: Any person who wishes to be reborn in the Pure Land can be so if he has the F3,t)'# , ,I,&MW " Three Minds. What are they? They are: firstly, the Mind of Sincerity: secondly, the Mind of Faithi and thirdly, the Mind of Vows. One who possesses these three Minds will certainly be reborn in that Land. tr'EH=ffi#.h.' H4+1+.+.",1E1+F= ? - - "Again, there are three kinds of beings who can be reborn in that Land. Who are they? They are: firstly, those who, having a compassionate mind, g; _::ElETrXft " iEl[fiJ&m' ffi&{&El ; trrL do not kill living beings and vrho obser-ve the Precepts; secondly, those who read and study the LhlE.' - H l, E-t E' Ell'&'t*.& " Mahayana Sutras; and thirdly, those who practise the Six Thoughts. Those who have these virtues and are willing to be reborn in the Pure Land can be so, within one to seven days. [4.18trF' l]LAm€Bmffi.' $Eldff F'rlfn* "when a person is borl in that Land, on account of his diligent practice of the Dharma, ' g4ffittF , X%#^, ffi-W|Llfr, H*ttE' & he sees Amita Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, many Reflection- Buddhas, hundreds and thousands of Bhikshus and +ffitjE, WX%4#ffi ' Eti#d'rj, Fiffi[€'f4rlt Sravakas, and numerous gods and palaces made of the seven jewels, appearing before him; while II*HE , ffift#*, 4gG&+:8+* o &EF' Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva holds a Golden Terrace and comes with Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva )<ryE- ' 9qf$,&#ffi, ffi#:,nff ' ffii84,1,. o into his presence. Amita Buddha effuses refulgent rays upon him; and holds out a hand to receive him with the Bodhisattvas, while Avalokitesvara artd Mahasthamaprapta and innurrerable other Bodhisattvas praise and encourage him.
  • 26. Iii"*-V +lt,!-g u5 ns THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA 25 Efl-.ftJLe,, , u,*ffnsK., Hn .W , *+fillU "When he has seen that, he is very happy and sees that he himself is riding on the Golden H.' W|reffi't*.' rtn,i+tF41 ' llEtr:ILNL*l " Terrace, following that Buddha. ln the flash of a moment, he is born in the Pure Land. I ' ]LIIF&.!] ' RtnRE ; trL,ifi !,i h:rfnEXd "A-fter having been born in that Land, he sees that Buddha's figure, the appearances of ffi'tl,fFJJf.E; ttnIJ'F{t 'iii;}ttr iE. f.liirl' utj the Bodhisattvas, the rays and the jewel-trees 'Ffit4El*tr, " ft91Ht{fHJ , E$'iJ{ ll1, i,F'J^fi!J{ ' completely; and he hears the Wonderful Law. When he has heard the Law, he attains the }Ai#f#dij , Xffi+ftiv,' ffiFAFJ ' ?L.i1$.Aj:i T^[f Bodhisattvaship of Quietude. In a moment, he visits all the Buddhas in the ten quarters; and he f;.EICF1 . is promised in the presence of each of ttrem that he will soon become a Buddha. When he returns to his own Land (the Pure Land), he obtains hundreds and thousands of Dharanis. f trAL,i[l,. 6r " "This is the first division of the highest class of rebirth. [-'# tr 4.:X' 6 t',P*]ffi;* rS;lg-d{ " .; "The second division of the highest class of rebirth is this: One need not recite the Sutras, W#W, t4t-* ' ,t]'4HEtl , iftfK-R '4,,* but should understand their meaning well and should not be astonished on hearing the Supreme Doctrine; and one should believe the Law of Cause and Effect and not calumniate the teachings of the Great Vehicle. By virtue of all these, one can be reborn in the Most Happy World. FfttLTr#' ftffi#&F' F IffiFeffi , 4r+#Ittl "When a person who does according to what E ' try:E , ffEt*, trEEE' r.+*AH' is said above is about to pass away, Amita Buddha together with Avalokitesvara and Mahas- Efi#Bfr 'ffiA : [E+ ltkftX*'MXt-+n thamaprapta Bodhisattvas, surrounded by a great number of followers, holds a Purple-Golden-Terrace, ' €*ifi+x{Df*li ! J gq+,ftdfi' -B&T " and comes and praises him, s?ying, 'Son of the
  • 27. 26 116 THE SUTRA OF VISUALTZING THE BUDDHA 26 Dharma, thou hast been practising the Great Vehicle and hast understmd the Supreme Doctrine. So I am coming to receive thee.' Thus, that Buddha and a thousand Reflection-Buddhas give him their hands simultaneously. ETrfr H n4bX6H' A1+1+, #,W.nft1fr' "Then he sees himself sitting on that Purple- Golden-Terrace, with hands joined together and , ln-is:4I , eFIL0EW " {Hy&,F ' liL"tSH , praising all the Buddhas. In a moment, he is born r4ltiE*r,' fs-f6Ftjljfl " in that Country, in the Seven-Jewel Pool. The Purple-Golden'Terrace is as a huge Jewel-flower, and it opens after one night. E fr -& t* (r.*w+tr, E-FIF E|*F.,'S4q' "When the flower opens, such a man's body is of a purplish golden colour; and under his feet LlY lf Etd. ' &Wfrtyr. , FR:ti & q , Fl Etl Fii BE ' iri there are seven lotus flowers. At the same time, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas emit rays which Bri{ii?4 ' *EiJ*4 , fit#Ei* #-#t"# " B[-j.:e light upon him; and his eyes are thus opened. lle Ei' iiP*iltA$ , #ffjt€ " hears that all the sounds of the Pure Land are saying thing about the profound Supreme Doctrine which he has learned already, Then he walks down from the Purple-Golden-Terrace, saluting and praising the Buddha. trf$r.{{ H' XHffi CF bF4ffi&Slq --ZH,= Sti: "During the course of seven days, he attains to the State of Samma-Sambodhi and henceforth ' 4$6EiF{i " ffiffiE[t?Na,ty fd€ t^ h , E#;o he will never retrogress again. He is able to fly Ifr . )i,,$Ul'FIrl6-tlt=p* , ffi,-zj.*j ' 4Sffi *-K. , now, visiting all the Buddhas in the ten quarters and practising all kinds of Samadhi in their $iB'rt*fie . presence. After the interval of a small kalpa, he will attain the Bodhisattvaship of Quietude and be promised by all the Buddhas that he will soon become a Buddha. tr€f,'}.'nF4h# " "This is the second division of the highest
  • 28. n iif,*",i+lt,lE II7 THE SUTRA OF VISUALIZING THE BUDDHA N class of rebirth. tr_E.$ITAZ- 'lrt€Wj*, Zni***, 4qtf "The third division of the highest class of ffi-b.€,L.' UrtLU&,@[rJ, m*A.fe#Eq . rebirth is this: One should also believe the Law of Causality and have the mind to pursue the Supreme Doctrine, and should not slander the teachings of the Great Vehicle. By virtue of these, one can be reborn in the Most Happy World. Ftt#fr'fffgF , FJmtFt{#' &.&,EE . li "When such a person is about to pass away, #E .9q;egE, f++S+ , 4TlEfrHffi, Amita Buddha, holding a Golden-LotusFlower, with Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta Bodh- ttLA o frHiLlfr, *F&f. , ffiA tiET ^{!! it isattvas and five hundred Reflection Buddhas, come ' to welcome him. These Reflection-Buddhas give +ffii$, &ffiriH,L.'fiX{llt ! J him their hands simultaneously and praise him, saying, 'Son of the Dharma, thou art now pure and hast the Mind of the Supreme Dharma. We are coming to receive thee.' q4b.A#+, 4b.8,+A trF,ILb+F , ClJHE "Having seen these things, he find3 himself , wfr&.&., elt4*tr4rHibtr , *[f *& , i] sitting on the Golden-Lotus-Flower that shuts its petals when he has seated himself within. And #-Irffi' -t Fl 2F , Ir'&HIfr " E#ELlfrH , );*t then he follows the Blessed One (Amita Buddha) to be reborn in the Seven Jewel Pool. After one tHlT "|)'6DB T' ft=t H.&. , TtT A E, " ffi*< day and one night, he sees the Buddha. But he E4'ErHDiX 'Wffi+fr , ffi€:#ltfr, frnfifr carnot see His whole figure and the Virtues distinctly until after three times seven days. Then Bfr ' Ef,EiXE. ffi=2J.ryl ' 45tr'6ryF1 , IIW# he sees them clearly and hears that all the sounds are saying things about the Wonderful Law. He fifio will go to visit all the Buddhas in the ten Quarters to make offerings to them and will hear the Profound Law in their presence. After ttnee small kalpas, he will attain the Dmr of Widom of the Hundred Laws, and stay in the mental