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Analyse the causes and significance of the

                  “Occupy Wall Street” movement

         Occupy Wall Street or as an abbreviation OWS, is a growing people-powered, leaderless

movement. The very first meeting of this action was on 17th September 2011 in the New York City,

based in Zuccotti Park near Wall Street financial district. Inaugural protest was joined by about

1000 people, marching through the streets and protesting ( with colourful and unyielding slogans)

economic and social inequality, corruption, corporate influence over government and mostly

corporate greed. Recently similar movements, inspired by Occupy Wall Street protests have spread

all over the world. On the October15th “ Occupy the world” demonstrations took place in about 900

cities globally. 1This cosmopolitan spread of protests, shows how deeply people are being angered,

how badly they want to be heard and how seriously their lives are being affected by destructive

economic situation. The protesters are supported by hacker group, known as Anonymous, who

helps them in threatening corporation's workers, as a form of revenge for a hundreds of activists

arrested by police officers. They are also largely supported by some of the biggest labour unions in

the nation. 2

                 The genesis of this movement may sound like obvious, but I assure you that it's

much more complicated. After analysing a few articles about OWS, I came across a really scarce

mention about direct inspiration for this movement. Out of the blue, it turned out, that the Arab

Spring event had a crucial impact on it . Although situations and aims in these areas are totally

different, OWS decided to acquire tactical inspiration from protesters in the Arab countries. As one

of the protester said in the interview: “Guillaume Marceau: The Arab Spring inspired the tactic.

Occupy a public space and hold it for as long as it takes.” Although revolutionary demonstrations

in the Arab world were mostly successful ( but required sacrificing of individual's life), like ending

the 42-years of Mummar Ghaddafi autocracy, we can't yet state if OWS will have such a big

impact on changes.3

                   It’s important to say, that “Occupy” protest was inspired by Canadian activist, anti-

consumerist group, called Adbusters. Primary they had proposed a peaceful occupation of Wall

Street. The Adbusters Media Foundation was created in 1989, in Vancouver British Columbia , by

Kalle Lasn and Bill Schmaltz. They ( Adbusters) describe themselves as “ a global network of

artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the

new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is to topple the existing power

structures and forge a major shift in the way we will live in the 21 st century”. Adbusters publish

their free magazine in which people can read about multifarious thematics, ranging from

genetically modified food to media concentration, but their main concern is enormous impact of

commercial forces on our physical and cultural environment. The circulation of their magazine is

quite astonishing, reaching 120 000 copies internationally. Of course, their existence is not only

marked by magazine, but also campaigns. “ Buy nothing day”, “ TV turnoff week”, “ Digital Detox

Week” and “subvertisements” are only one of the most significant ones. They are supported by

organisations like “ Friends of earth” and “Greenpeace”.Concentrating on OWS, Adbusters

suggested the idea of occupying on their e-mail list and “it was spontaneously taken up by all the

people of the world”. 4Twitter, became a medium for a global protest and together with other

platforms amazingly accelerated the whole process of spreading the information. 5 Adbusters have

invented satirical poster , depicting a dancer on the top of Wall Street’s tremendous Charging Bull,

there was one question on it “ What is our one demand?”. 6

                  One journalist said, that “it is hard to discern a unified aim for the movement”,

officially the protesters haven't created a list of specified demands yet. However motives which lay

behind it are very explicit. The first and the most significant cause for OWS is widely understood

‘wealth inequality” or “wealth gap” in the United States of America.               By wealth, of course, we

understand not only the substantial form of it, like money, but also real estate and personal

property. While “wealth” mainly refers to “possessing”, the “income” is specifically what people

receive through work, retirement, or social welfare. Economic inequality is both, combination of

wealth and income inequality. The slogan “ we are the 99%” is the political manifestation and

economical claim. It occurs very often in protesters statements not without reason. 7Since the late

1980s, citizens are being of the opinion, that United States nation is divided into two groups, the

“haves” and “not haves”. 8This points out to the fact, that the class analysis is back to politics.

Protesters call them selves “ the 99%”, which means, the majority of working citizens, who have

almost no impact on financial, governmental rules, in contrast to the “1%” tiny minority who has it

all, and sometimes is even dictating the rules! They bring up the theme of social injustice, which is

omnipresent in everyday life.

         Many competent surveys prove, that since 1970, there is an increased concentration of

wealth in the hands of 1% wealthiest Americans, which affects widening the “wealth gap” between

the 1% “richest „ and the 99% “others”. Analysing from the historical point of view, there were

a lot of causes, why this gap was extending. The average pre-tax income since 1979 for the bottom

90% has decreased, while for 10% has increased, because the federal taxation became less

progressive. Then in the period of 1992-2007 the wealth become wealthier, because taxation rate

was reduced by 37%. After the Great Recession in 2007, there was a drop of 36,1% in median

household wealth, but for the wealthiest drop was only of 11,1%. In the several next years the

income of the most prosperous grew 10 times faster, than this of the bottom 90%. It this period,

amazing 60% of total income fell into the wallets of wealthiest ( largest share of total income since

1928). Today the top 1% account for 24% of all national income.9


But not only taxation is to blame. The creation of financial, banking services, which are not

treating people from different social classes in the same way, indeed they're being more lucrative

for the wealthy . Higher rates of savings for wealthier, higher net rates of returning to assets, lower

credit costs and lower credit rates. It may seem, like the whole bank functioning system was

created to help wealthiest to produce more and more profit. Since it is hard for poorer people to

deal with banking services, rich are accumulating more assets, and working classes are just getting

by ( in a particular good cases) or barely making ends meet ( in particular bad cases).

                Another reason is the financial sector, which broke away from the real economy and

is living in his own world. It is estimated, that the value of derivatives market ( in which 15 largest

banks in the U.S. and Europe are involved) is several times higher than the GDP income for the

whole world! Bank players are reaching without any difficulties for client’s money, for deposits of

population and concerns. They are doing it to keep up with their competitors and to gain money on

Stock Exchanges, however it's very risky. The whole banking ignorance of the risk has even

moved to traditional banking services. Banks started to offer mortgage, different credits for all

eager, without paying attention to their incomes. It is now resulting in bank insolvency, people

being left behind with colossal debts and no houses, graduates with no perspectives of a dreamed

job and no money...10

                Nowadays, we are observing, that the corporate profits are at an all- time high

( accounted in dollars and share of the economy). CEO's pays and corporate profits have escalated
over the 20 years, comparing to production worker, who's pay has risen only by 4%.                     What is

more banking institutions in other countries on the model of Wall Street banks, started to pay

enormous bonuses to it’s presidents and managerial staff. For instance, Bob Daimond, the

Managing Director of British Barclays, has earned in previous year 14 mln pounds, other

Managing Director from Deutsche Bank Josef Ackerman earned 9 mln euros. 12 Contrarily average

 0      Newsweek Polska 44/2011, 31.10-06.11.11 ,article title: „Śmierć spekulantom”, p. 56-60.
    2   Newsweek Polska 44/2011, 31.10-06.11.11 ,article title: „Śmierć spekulantom”, p. 56-60.
wages, as a percent of the economy, are at an all-time low and haven't increased in 50 years... But

this is a result of a low-cost China workforce, which is bombarding our global market.13

                 People are getting irritated not only by enormous earnings but also by financial

scandals. Greedy brokers are investing tremendous amounts of money and because of their

imprudence also loosing a great part of it. Some of them are already behind the bars, but some

hadn't faced the justice yet.

                 According to December 2005 questionnaire “ Big businesses have too much power

in Washington”, another one, forthcoming done by Pew Research Center report will show large

majorities saying that “while the government does not do enough for both the middle class and
poor people, two in three think it does too much for the wealthy”              Let me quote one of the first

official statements of the “Occupy”: “ We come to you at a time, when corporations, which place

profit over people, self-interest over justice and oppression over equality, run our governments.

This leads us to defining another flash point for the OWS, the corporation influence over

government. In everyday life I wasn’t even aware, that world’s biggest corporations might have

such a big impact on government and use a wide range of methods, until I read different articles

explaining that problem. As it turn out, this concern was deeply rooted in American history. In fact,

for the past centuries big business relied on big government for support. Today, there’s no

difference, only this influence is more complex and protected. In general, corporations influence

government through campaign contributions, through lobbying, and through captured regulatory

agencies. There are many different ways to support the campaign: campaign founding, soft money,

independent expenditure, issue ads, public financing, non-decisions, ect. When it comes to

lobbying, the main point is to meet with representative, senator, legislator, persuade them to your

point of view and get them to act in your way. Captured regulatory agencies or regulatory

commissions, are the last component of the Washington Triangles. It’s a governmental-

corporational chain, in which basically, corporations influence government through lobbyist,

congressional committees make profitable decisions, executive agencies give out contracts, finally

regulatory commissions adopt regulations, which are beneficial or restrictive. If each link of the

chain works properly, than everyone benefits. Although society is the one who suffers. 15There is

no wonder, why people are excluding theirselves from the mainstream politics, they believe, that

it's a rich- persons club, which is totally impermeable for them. What is more, they are frustrated

by political debates, campaigns, protests, because they are carried on a level of abstraction talks,

not a real citizens' problems.16

        As the “Occupy” are a still ongoing protests, spreading all over the world their

consignment, and further protesting, it is hard to talk already about their significance. But if we

take a closer look at their actions and responses from different people, commenting their efforts,

we can state some.

                Firstly, we have to emphasize again, that the Occupy movement has reached truly

global perspective. Mainly, by social media like Twitter, Facebook and web pages of organizators.

BaaS has done a monitoring on social media about the Global Change action. Although their

research tools were limited ( only some keywords and only in English), they proved a lot of

interesting points and gave us a little sample of which we could analyse the whole situation.

Twitter was the main platform of the protesters and of course majority of mentions were made in

the USA. But that's not the main point, because as we analyse further, we can observe a whole

range of other countries on different continents were also concerned about situation- from Sweden

to Democratic People's Republic of Korea. If we look at the content tone survey, we can state, that

most of the mentions were neutral and the negative ones were only 100 more than the positive one.

The main emotions, which users expressed, were of course the social emotions, then money was

proven to be the main cause of their sufferings. But living out the virtual world, in the real one,

there were global protests, accounting for 951 cities in 82 countries. The Noble winning price,

Elias Cantetti, compared spreading of such a movement to a forest fire of flood, that becomes even

more powerful and difficult to control, which is true. 17

Public opinion research centres started to conduct a surveys, whereas we are approving this

manifestations or disapproving them. Study, which was realised on October 12 th by NBC/ Wall

Street Journal, found out that 37% of voters tend to support this movement, while 18% have a

negative impression of it. However, the supporting impression consolidates, last survey done by

Quinnipack University in New York indicated, that 67% of voters support the movement, while

23% do not. The results also proved, that 87% of New Yorkers find it OK, that people are

protesting.18 Such a growing percentage, might point to the fact, that people are becoming aware of

factors impacting on nations( their) economic problems. Economic obstacles, which are not only

affecting commercial institutions, large banks, international corporations but also, above all,

society. To name a few: the biggest unemployment rate, since the Great Depression ( some sources

state that:14 mln people only in America!), unequal distribution of income, big profits for banks

and corporations, insufficient control on consumer services and debts, enormous influence of

corporations on government... People are realizing, that global capitalist system is immoral and

irrational. It creates a large disproportion amongst minority obscenely rich oligarchs and majority

of poorly-paid workers or even worse- unemployed. Majority has a lack of influence over the

growing economic crisis and is forced to pay for it. This hierarchical discrimination is creating a

lot of anger. Developing a controlled capitalism, which is operating within limits defined by public

goods, is one way to solve             the problem. Ending economic dominance of corporations

( decentralization), supporting small businesses and creating economic law equality is another


                Another significance of this movement, is affirmation of the possibility of the Social

Act. It is negation of the “(TINA)There is no alternative ” ideology. Contrarily there is an

alternative, because the OWS movement itself symbolizes one.19 Realization of fact that the voice

of ordinary people isn't left with no response. Maybe that because of fact, that this time it is a real

massive demonstration and that protesters are really angry and resistant ( The Arab Spring tactic). I

hope this is the global change of fact, that the small unelected minority dominates the economic

system, and great majority has no democratic voice. There is a great response on protests from such

an important institutions and people as: The White House, Congress, Politicians, Unions, Business

leaders, Individuals representing “ The 1%”, celebrities, authors, academics and of course

international representatives. It means, that all of these people are concerned about this situation.

President Obama said “(...) I think people feel separated from their government. They feel that their

institutions aren't looking out for them”, even New York city mayor Michael Bloomberg isn't

criticising the protests “People have a right to protest, and if they want to protest, we'll be happy to

make sure they have locations to do it." Although most of the oligarchs comment on this movement

with disapproval, some of them are trying to empathize with protesters, as Fadrad Ebrahami

wearing t-shirt “ Tax me. I'm good for it”. Celebrities, authors and academics so as international

representatives are mostly on the “Occupied” side. As of academics, prof. Paul Levinson from

Frodharm University, states that OWS and similar movements symbolize the rise of direct

democracy- the one that people are making decisions for themselves without having elected

leaders. Because, as I wrote earlier OWS is a leaderless movement. 20

                So far, the voices of the Occupy Wall Street movement aren't neglected in the big

political world. In the G20 summit in Cannes (France), head of the United Nations Ban ki Moon,

has supported some demands of the protesters and has asked to consider protesters concerns about

the global state of economy. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has challenged the second richest

man in the world- Bill Gates to propose some solutions to G20 leaders, how to raise founds to meet

needs of the poorest. Amongst Gate's suggestions: a small tax on trades of stocks, derivatives, and

other financial instruments, also known as a financial transactions tax. In Bill Gate's opinion, there

are a few solutions, which were creating significant improvements in countries where they were

implemented, raising 1,5 million dollars per year. 21

                While we are already in a political theme, let me compare two movements. There

are various opinions, whether the Tea Party Movement and Occupy Wall Street have anything in

common. As I was reading different comments, presentations and information I found some

similarities and differences between those two people-powered protests. Let me start from

parallelism. Both are frustrated with a government and institutions, which are minding their own

interests and not serving society. Secondly, both have gathered in a huge groups of people, to be

visible and heard by others. TPM and OWS are speaking on behalf of a larger part of society, they

were loudly commented by the media and politics. Moreover, both have support from politicians,

celebrities, entrepreneurs, religious leaders, authors and academics. Let me consider differences

( which are mentioned more often). The most significant difference is ideology, from American

political point of view, while the Tea Party bends strong right, the OWS crew leans mightily to the

left. Tea Party have had a more concrete aims and objectives to reach, contrarily OWS has a plenty

of ideological perspectives, which are not so well defined. What is more, OWS seems to be much

more younger and more ethically and socially diverse than TP ( hypothetically). Taking all into

consideration OWS has more aggressive tactic ( almost 3000 arrested), is much more unilateral and

does not forget any financial mistakes.23

                 Taking all into account, I must state that before the start of the Great Depression

America was surviving similar situation. However, Americans did manage to handle it in 15-20

years period. How it would be handled now( on a global scale)? No one really knows, but such

movements as „ Occupy Wall Street” and „Occupy” globally, point out to the fact, that something

needs to be done. They are calling for the Global Change, which should be operating on many

spheres of life. Social, economic, political even cultural, to make world more „human” one. They

make people aware, of global problems affecting everyday life. What is significant, is the unity of

all people all over the world. Apparently mistakes were made in different governments,

corporations, decisions , not just in the financial heart of the world, as the Wall Street remains to

be. However this statement, may be put into the question, because 47% of Americans say that

Wall Street hurts the U.S. Economy, more than it helps. 24Of course, we can't state that Wall Street

shouldn't exist more, but some sort of regulations should be implemented, to make financial

situation stabilized again. As of nearly two months of existence, OWS movement did achieve some

goals: it reduced debit-card bank fees, affected the national conversation, took attention of workers

of financial institutions, emerged as a threat for corporations. Supreme Court blocked restrictions

on the amount of money corporations could devote to political campaigns. Although their actions

weren't always responsible, act of violences, abusing small businesses around Zucotti Park , they

were dictated by large feeling of anger, which simply bursted out. 25 Still protesters should realise,

that anger isn't helping them, but destroying their efforts. Just as Mohamas Ghandi stated „ anger

and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding”. So far, as the newest information

present, occupying part of the movement may come to the end. Police is warning to shut down

demonstrations cities in most of the towns. Most resistant protesters still come to the park to

express their solidarity, but they must to go home at night, because it is banned to occupy any

longer. As most of the protesters claim, it's not about the location or camping out, but it's about the

message of the movement and movement itself. There is another “Occupy” action planned, but this

time it will take place outside the Congress. Protesters announced on their Facebook page, that

such an action will make the scene on the 17 th of January and announced to bring with 1 million

tents.26 As well as protesters are assured that they must to protest as long as it takes, I am assured

that their global action will try to bring world on a good road of peace, justice and humanity.

                                                                                         Maja Trifunović
                                                                           International Business 1st year
                                                                        Wrocław Uniwersity of Economics


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Essay occupy wall_street_movement

  • 1. Analyse the causes and significance of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement Occupy Wall Street or as an abbreviation OWS, is a growing people-powered, leaderless movement. The very first meeting of this action was on 17th September 2011 in the New York City, based in Zuccotti Park near Wall Street financial district. Inaugural protest was joined by about 1000 people, marching through the streets and protesting ( with colourful and unyielding slogans) economic and social inequality, corruption, corporate influence over government and mostly corporate greed. Recently similar movements, inspired by Occupy Wall Street protests have spread all over the world. On the October15th “ Occupy the world” demonstrations took place in about 900 cities globally. 1This cosmopolitan spread of protests, shows how deeply people are being angered, how badly they want to be heard and how seriously their lives are being affected by destructive economic situation. The protesters are supported by hacker group, known as Anonymous, who helps them in threatening corporation's workers, as a form of revenge for a hundreds of activists arrested by police officers. They are also largely supported by some of the biggest labour unions in the nation. 2 The genesis of this movement may sound like obvious, but I assure you that it's much more complicated. After analysing a few articles about OWS, I came across a really scarce mention about direct inspiration for this movement. Out of the blue, it turned out, that the Arab Spring event had a crucial impact on it . Although situations and aims in these areas are totally different, OWS decided to acquire tactical inspiration from protesters in the Arab countries. As one of the protester said in the interview: “Guillaume Marceau: The Arab Spring inspired the tactic. Occupy a public space and hold it for as long as it takes.” Although revolutionary demonstrations 1 2
  • 2. in the Arab world were mostly successful ( but required sacrificing of individual's life), like ending the 42-years of Mummar Ghaddafi autocracy, we can't yet state if OWS will have such a big impact on changes.3 It’s important to say, that “Occupy” protest was inspired by Canadian activist, anti- consumerist group, called Adbusters. Primary they had proposed a peaceful occupation of Wall Street. The Adbusters Media Foundation was created in 1989, in Vancouver British Columbia , by Kalle Lasn and Bill Schmaltz. They ( Adbusters) describe themselves as “ a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is to topple the existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will live in the 21 st century”. Adbusters publish their free magazine in which people can read about multifarious thematics, ranging from genetically modified food to media concentration, but their main concern is enormous impact of commercial forces on our physical and cultural environment. The circulation of their magazine is quite astonishing, reaching 120 000 copies internationally. Of course, their existence is not only marked by magazine, but also campaigns. “ Buy nothing day”, “ TV turnoff week”, “ Digital Detox Week” and “subvertisements” are only one of the most significant ones. They are supported by organisations like “ Friends of earth” and “Greenpeace”.Concentrating on OWS, Adbusters suggested the idea of occupying on their e-mail list and “it was spontaneously taken up by all the people of the world”. 4Twitter, became a medium for a global protest and together with other platforms amazingly accelerated the whole process of spreading the information. 5 Adbusters have invented satirical poster , depicting a dancer on the top of Wall Street’s tremendous Charging Bull, there was one question on it “ What is our one demand?”. 6 One journalist said, that “it is hard to discern a unified aim for the movement”, officially the protesters haven't created a list of specified demands yet. However motives which lay behind it are very explicit. The first and the most significant cause for OWS is widely understood 3 4 5 6
  • 3. ‘wealth inequality” or “wealth gap” in the United States of America. By wealth, of course, we understand not only the substantial form of it, like money, but also real estate and personal property. While “wealth” mainly refers to “possessing”, the “income” is specifically what people receive through work, retirement, or social welfare. Economic inequality is both, combination of wealth and income inequality. The slogan “ we are the 99%” is the political manifestation and economical claim. It occurs very often in protesters statements not without reason. 7Since the late 1980s, citizens are being of the opinion, that United States nation is divided into two groups, the “haves” and “not haves”. 8This points out to the fact, that the class analysis is back to politics. Protesters call them selves “ the 99%”, which means, the majority of working citizens, who have almost no impact on financial, governmental rules, in contrast to the “1%” tiny minority who has it all, and sometimes is even dictating the rules! They bring up the theme of social injustice, which is omnipresent in everyday life. Many competent surveys prove, that since 1970, there is an increased concentration of wealth in the hands of 1% wealthiest Americans, which affects widening the “wealth gap” between the 1% “richest „ and the 99% “others”. Analysing from the historical point of view, there were a lot of causes, why this gap was extending. The average pre-tax income since 1979 for the bottom 90% has decreased, while for 10% has increased, because the federal taxation became less progressive. Then in the period of 1992-2007 the wealth become wealthier, because taxation rate was reduced by 37%. After the Great Recession in 2007, there was a drop of 36,1% in median household wealth, but for the wealthiest drop was only of 11,1%. In the several next years the income of the most prosperous grew 10 times faster, than this of the bottom 90%. It this period, amazing 60% of total income fell into the wallets of wealthiest ( largest share of total income since 1928). Today the top 1% account for 24% of all national income.9 7 8 taps-into-longstanding-concerns 9
  • 4. But not only taxation is to blame. The creation of financial, banking services, which are not treating people from different social classes in the same way, indeed they're being more lucrative for the wealthy . Higher rates of savings for wealthier, higher net rates of returning to assets, lower credit costs and lower credit rates. It may seem, like the whole bank functioning system was created to help wealthiest to produce more and more profit. Since it is hard for poorer people to deal with banking services, rich are accumulating more assets, and working classes are just getting by ( in a particular good cases) or barely making ends meet ( in particular bad cases). Another reason is the financial sector, which broke away from the real economy and is living in his own world. It is estimated, that the value of derivatives market ( in which 15 largest banks in the U.S. and Europe are involved) is several times higher than the GDP income for the whole world! Bank players are reaching without any difficulties for client’s money, for deposits of population and concerns. They are doing it to keep up with their competitors and to gain money on Stock Exchanges, however it's very risky. The whole banking ignorance of the risk has even moved to traditional banking services. Banks started to offer mortgage, different credits for all eager, without paying attention to their incomes. It is now resulting in bank insolvency, people being left behind with colossal debts and no houses, graduates with no perspectives of a dreamed job and no money...10 Nowadays, we are observing, that the corporate profits are at an all- time high ( accounted in dollars and share of the economy). CEO's pays and corporate profits have escalated 11 over the 20 years, comparing to production worker, who's pay has risen only by 4%. What is more banking institutions in other countries on the model of Wall Street banks, started to pay enormous bonuses to it’s presidents and managerial staff. For instance, Bob Daimond, the Managing Director of British Barclays, has earned in previous year 14 mln pounds, other Managing Director from Deutsche Bank Josef Ackerman earned 9 mln euros. 12 Contrarily average 1 0 Newsweek Polska 44/2011, 31.10-06.11.11 ,article title: „Śmierć spekulantom”, p. 56-60. 1 1 actionBar=&articleID=844191998&ids=0UdzcMcPATd3wId3oTdzoQd3gUb3wVej4VcjgQe2MRc3kSd30MdjwIczsP cz4PejcU&aag=true&freq=weekly&trk=eml-tod-b-ttle-68&ut=2vP9_50sRHskY1 1 2 Newsweek Polska 44/2011, 31.10-06.11.11 ,article title: „Śmierć spekulantom”, p. 56-60.
  • 5. wages, as a percent of the economy, are at an all-time low and haven't increased in 50 years... But this is a result of a low-cost China workforce, which is bombarding our global market.13 People are getting irritated not only by enormous earnings but also by financial scandals. Greedy brokers are investing tremendous amounts of money and because of their imprudence also loosing a great part of it. Some of them are already behind the bars, but some hadn't faced the justice yet. According to December 2005 questionnaire “ Big businesses have too much power in Washington”, another one, forthcoming done by Pew Research Center report will show large majorities saying that “while the government does not do enough for both the middle class and 14 poor people, two in three think it does too much for the wealthy” Let me quote one of the first official statements of the “Occupy”: “ We come to you at a time, when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice and oppression over equality, run our governments. This leads us to defining another flash point for the OWS, the corporation influence over government. In everyday life I wasn’t even aware, that world’s biggest corporations might have such a big impact on government and use a wide range of methods, until I read different articles explaining that problem. As it turn out, this concern was deeply rooted in American history. In fact, for the past centuries big business relied on big government for support. Today, there’s no difference, only this influence is more complex and protected. In general, corporations influence government through campaign contributions, through lobbying, and through captured regulatory agencies. There are many different ways to support the campaign: campaign founding, soft money, independent expenditure, issue ads, public financing, non-decisions, ect. When it comes to lobbying, the main point is to meet with representative, senator, legislator, persuade them to your point of view and get them to act in your way. Captured regulatory agencies or regulatory commissions, are the last component of the Washington Triangles. It’s a governmental- corporational chain, in which basically, corporations influence government through lobbyist, 1 3 actionBar=&articleID=844191998&ids=0UdzcMcPATd3wId3oTdzoQd3gUb3wVej4VcjgQe2MRc3kSd30MdjwIc zsPcz4PejcU&aag=true&freq=weekly&trk=eml-tod-b-ttle-68&ut=2vP9_50sRHskY1 1 4 streets-taps-into-longstanding-concerns
  • 6. congressional committees make profitable decisions, executive agencies give out contracts, finally regulatory commissions adopt regulations, which are beneficial or restrictive. If each link of the chain works properly, than everyone benefits. Although society is the one who suffers. 15There is no wonder, why people are excluding theirselves from the mainstream politics, they believe, that it's a rich- persons club, which is totally impermeable for them. What is more, they are frustrated by political debates, campaigns, protests, because they are carried on a level of abstraction talks, not a real citizens' problems.16 As the “Occupy” are a still ongoing protests, spreading all over the world their consignment, and further protesting, it is hard to talk already about their significance. But if we take a closer look at their actions and responses from different people, commenting their efforts, we can state some. Firstly, we have to emphasize again, that the Occupy movement has reached truly global perspective. Mainly, by social media like Twitter, Facebook and web pages of organizators. BaaS has done a monitoring on social media about the Global Change action. Although their research tools were limited ( only some keywords and only in English), they proved a lot of interesting points and gave us a little sample of which we could analyse the whole situation. Twitter was the main platform of the protesters and of course majority of mentions were made in the USA. But that's not the main point, because as we analyse further, we can observe a whole range of other countries on different continents were also concerned about situation- from Sweden to Democratic People's Republic of Korea. If we look at the content tone survey, we can state, that most of the mentions were neutral and the negative ones were only 100 more than the positive one. The main emotions, which users expressed, were of course the social emotions, then money was proven to be the main cause of their sufferings. But living out the virtual world, in the real one, there were global protests, accounting for 951 cities in 82 countries. The Noble winning price, Elias Cantetti, compared spreading of such a movement to a forest fire of flood, that becomes even more powerful and difficult to control, which is true. 17 1 5 1 6 1 7
  • 7. Public opinion research centres started to conduct a surveys, whereas we are approving this manifestations or disapproving them. Study, which was realised on October 12 th by NBC/ Wall Street Journal, found out that 37% of voters tend to support this movement, while 18% have a negative impression of it. However, the supporting impression consolidates, last survey done by Quinnipack University in New York indicated, that 67% of voters support the movement, while 23% do not. The results also proved, that 87% of New Yorkers find it OK, that people are protesting.18 Such a growing percentage, might point to the fact, that people are becoming aware of factors impacting on nations( their) economic problems. Economic obstacles, which are not only affecting commercial institutions, large banks, international corporations but also, above all, society. To name a few: the biggest unemployment rate, since the Great Depression ( some sources state that:14 mln people only in America!), unequal distribution of income, big profits for banks and corporations, insufficient control on consumer services and debts, enormous influence of corporations on government... People are realizing, that global capitalist system is immoral and irrational. It creates a large disproportion amongst minority obscenely rich oligarchs and majority of poorly-paid workers or even worse- unemployed. Majority has a lack of influence over the growing economic crisis and is forced to pay for it. This hierarchical discrimination is creating a lot of anger. Developing a controlled capitalism, which is operating within limits defined by public goods, is one way to solve the problem. Ending economic dominance of corporations ( decentralization), supporting small businesses and creating economic law equality is another solution. Another significance of this movement, is affirmation of the possibility of the Social Act. It is negation of the “(TINA)There is no alternative ” ideology. Contrarily there is an alternative, because the OWS movement itself symbolizes one.19 Realization of fact that the voice of ordinary people isn't left with no response. Maybe that because of fact, that this time it is a real massive demonstration and that protesters are really angry and resistant ( The Arab Spring tactic). I hope this is the global change of fact, that the small unelected minority dominates the economic 1 8 1 9
  • 8. system, and great majority has no democratic voice. There is a great response on protests from such an important institutions and people as: The White House, Congress, Politicians, Unions, Business leaders, Individuals representing “ The 1%”, celebrities, authors, academics and of course international representatives. It means, that all of these people are concerned about this situation. President Obama said “(...) I think people feel separated from their government. They feel that their institutions aren't looking out for them”, even New York city mayor Michael Bloomberg isn't criticising the protests “People have a right to protest, and if they want to protest, we'll be happy to make sure they have locations to do it." Although most of the oligarchs comment on this movement with disapproval, some of them are trying to empathize with protesters, as Fadrad Ebrahami wearing t-shirt “ Tax me. I'm good for it”. Celebrities, authors and academics so as international representatives are mostly on the “Occupied” side. As of academics, prof. Paul Levinson from Frodharm University, states that OWS and similar movements symbolize the rise of direct democracy- the one that people are making decisions for themselves without having elected leaders. Because, as I wrote earlier OWS is a leaderless movement. 20 So far, the voices of the Occupy Wall Street movement aren't neglected in the big political world. In the G20 summit in Cannes (France), head of the United Nations Ban ki Moon, has supported some demands of the protesters and has asked to consider protesters concerns about the global state of economy. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has challenged the second richest man in the world- Bill Gates to propose some solutions to G20 leaders, how to raise founds to meet needs of the poorest. Amongst Gate's suggestions: a small tax on trades of stocks, derivatives, and other financial instruments, also known as a financial transactions tax. In Bill Gate's opinion, there are a few solutions, which were creating significant improvements in countries where they were implemented, raising 1,5 million dollars per year. 21 While we are already in a political theme, let me compare two movements. There are various opinions, whether the Tea Party Movement and Occupy Wall Street have anything in common. As I was reading different comments, presentations and information I found some 2 0 2 1
  • 9. similarities and differences between those two people-powered protests. Let me start from parallelism. Both are frustrated with a government and institutions, which are minding their own interests and not serving society. Secondly, both have gathered in a huge groups of people, to be visible and heard by others. TPM and OWS are speaking on behalf of a larger part of society, they were loudly commented by the media and politics. Moreover, both have support from politicians, celebrities, entrepreneurs, religious leaders, authors and academics. Let me consider differences ( which are mentioned more often). The most significant difference is ideology, from American political point of view, while the Tea Party bends strong right, the OWS crew leans mightily to the left. Tea Party have had a more concrete aims and objectives to reach, contrarily OWS has a plenty of ideological perspectives, which are not so well defined. What is more, OWS seems to be much more younger and more ethically and socially diverse than TP ( hypothetically). Taking all into consideration OWS has more aggressive tactic ( almost 3000 arrested), is much more unilateral and does not forget any financial mistakes.23 Taking all into account, I must state that before the start of the Great Depression America was surviving similar situation. However, Americans did manage to handle it in 15-20 years period. How it would be handled now( on a global scale)? No one really knows, but such movements as „ Occupy Wall Street” and „Occupy” globally, point out to the fact, that something needs to be done. They are calling for the Global Change, which should be operating on many spheres of life. Social, economic, political even cultural, to make world more „human” one. They make people aware, of global problems affecting everyday life. What is significant, is the unity of all people all over the world. Apparently mistakes were made in different governments, corporations, decisions , not just in the financial heart of the world, as the Wall Street remains to be. However this statement, may be put into the question, because 47% of Americans say that Wall Street hurts the U.S. Economy, more than it helps. 24Of course, we can't state that Wall Street shouldn't exist more, but some sort of regulations should be implemented, to make financial situation stabilized again. As of nearly two months of existence, OWS movement did achieve some 2 3 2 4 streets-taps-into-longstanding-concerns
  • 10. goals: it reduced debit-card bank fees, affected the national conversation, took attention of workers of financial institutions, emerged as a threat for corporations. Supreme Court blocked restrictions on the amount of money corporations could devote to political campaigns. Although their actions weren't always responsible, act of violences, abusing small businesses around Zucotti Park , they were dictated by large feeling of anger, which simply bursted out. 25 Still protesters should realise, that anger isn't helping them, but destroying their efforts. Just as Mohamas Ghandi stated „ anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding”. So far, as the newest information present, occupying part of the movement may come to the end. Police is warning to shut down demonstrations cities in most of the towns. Most resistant protesters still come to the park to express their solidarity, but they must to go home at night, because it is banned to occupy any longer. As most of the protesters claim, it's not about the location or camping out, but it's about the message of the movement and movement itself. There is another “Occupy” action planned, but this time it will take place outside the Congress. Protesters announced on their Facebook page, that such an action will make the scene on the 17 th of January and announced to bring with 1 million tents.26 As well as protesters are assured that they must to protest as long as it takes, I am assured that their global action will try to bring world on a good road of peace, justice and humanity. Maja Trifunović International Business 1st year Wrocław Uniwersity of Economics 2 5 months--a-scorecard.html 2 6