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THESIS STATEMENT<br />HOOK<br />TOPIC SENTENCE<br />DETAILS IN THE BODY<br />Transition words<br />CONCLUSION<br />Benefits of Recycling<br />The concept of recycling can bring about very large environmental and economic benefits. Take a peek into some of the benefits of recycling mentioned below.<br />Despite the warnings being given about the harmful effects of global warming and other environmental problems, most individuals are doing very little about it today. Global warming, deforestation, acid rains, the endangerment of various species etc have gone completely out of control in many areas around the globe. Various methods and suggestions are being offered to reduce the effects of these altogether and if possible, eradicate it completely. Did you know that recycling done on an everyday basis could actually help our planet Earth on a large extent? This can begin even at home. The benefits of recycling are many, from reducing the effects of industrial production to saving energy. Think you need to know more about the benefits of recycling? Read on and find out how every little step, can make a difference.Benefits of Recycling:Almost everybody is used to receiving junk mail via snail mail. Imagine, most of these documents are completely worthless and discouraging the usage of this would save at least 150,000 trees annually as these would not be cut down for the requirement of paper. We all know the importance of trees in the ecological cycle. Most companies therefore resort to recycled paper or the use of Internet to propagate their message. Did you know that every ton of paper saves at least 17 trees? So avoid the unnecessary use of paper and if needed, stick to recycled paper.Using the concept of recycling can also help to reduce the greenhouse effect. Gas emissions occur due to the manufacturing, use and also the disposal of products that are not biodegradable. If the greenhouse gas emissions reach dangerous concentration levels, it leads to changes in the temperatures globally, changes in the levels of the sea and other bizarre climatic conditions. Therefore, recycling can help reduce the need to manufacture paper, plastics, metals and glass. This would save energy needed to manufacture new products. Using recycled products would also reduce the amount of materials (which are not biodegradable) that end up in the landfills. Materials that end up in landfills tend to decompose and cause the release of methane gas. This is very harmful for the environment; therefore such landfills are the main cause of the emission of methane gas into the atmosphere.Plastics are equally hazardous to planet Earth. The reduction in the use of plastics would help in the conservation of energy. Plastics prove to be very difficult to dispose. If plastics are to be buried, these can last for at least 700 years. So, the next time you use plastic cups or even polystyrene foam cups, give a thought to the amount of waste you are adding to the environment. Desist the use of such elements, always carry your own bags for shopping and reuse and recycle such products whenever possible.Were you aware that recycling one pound of steel could power a 60-watt light bulb for more than one day? Most aluminum companies would benefit with the concept of recycling as they can save approximately 19 million barrels of oil. This itself can give enough energy to supply electricity to about 18 million households for a period of one year! Astounding, isn’t it? An ideal situation would be when every individual realizes his/her own responsibility and practices the concept of recycling; then one can certainly have hope for the future of this planet. Besides, recycling also creates job opportunities for most people, which is all for a good cause! The benefits of recycling are many more to name, but to actually use these concepts in our everyday life would require awareness and also the urge to spread this message. So, whenever you can, just spread the word! Recycling will benefit everybody around the globe, including you! <br />By Kashmira Lad<br />Trampoline Accidents<br />The number of trampoline accidents are alarming and makes you think if it is possible to avoid them. Read on to know more about some general information about trampoline injuries and safety tips. (THESIS STATEMENT)<br />There is a growing concern over the number of trampoline accidents as majority of the victims are kids. A skilled user of a trampoline can exploit it to do different kinds of stunts while exercising. Trampolines tricks needs an individual to possess coordination of the muscles and a fine sense of balance as well as that of timing, to pull off some spectacular stunts.Trampoline AccidentsThe problem arises when an inexperienced child tries to experiment with the stunts and show off during trampoline exercises. Even for a skilled person, a moments inattention or a fractionally imbalanced posture at the time of jumping off the trampoline may result in crashing onto the ground, supports or the metal parts of this exercise equipment.There are also instances in which the offending structure was the wall of the enclosure where the trampoline was kept. Moreover, landing on the trampoline in an awkward position can also lead to serious injuries. When this happens, simple trampoline exercises may turn into a disaster for the child. If he is lucky, he may get away with minor injuries. The following paragraphs inform us about trampoline accidents, injuries, and its statistics.Trampoline Accident StatisticsTrampoline accidents statistics that is compiled over the last few years has prompted some of the pediatricians to raise concern over its use. The statistics compiled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), shows that, in 2004, 89,000 individuals needed to go to the emergency room to get the trampoline injuries treated. Of these, almost 60-65 percent of the victims were children under 14 years of age. The injuries treated ranged from minor things such as bumps, scrapes and bruises, to serious ones involving strains, sprains, deep cuts and fractures of the bones. Some of these victims also suffered severe injuries such as broken bones, concussion, and injuries to the spine and head.The trampoline accidents statistics for 1990-99 reveal that the 11 people lost their lives to these accidents and 6 of them were in their teens. The additional facts related to the trampoline accidents show that most of these resulted when the victim tried to do tricky things such as a somersault or something similar.Safety Tips for Trampoline UseFailure to follow trampoline safety tips contributes to the accidents, especially, when multiple users are using it. Allowing an inexperienced person to use a trampoline unsupervised is as good as inviting trouble. Following are some of the safety tips for trampoline users that are propagated by The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission: <br />Make sure that all of the trampoline assembly instructions were followed while installing it.<br />Permit only one user on the trampoline at a time, and if it is a child then supervising him or her is essential.<br />The trampoline parts such as frames, springs and hooks must be padded before use.<br />Give the trampoline its own place that is clear of other structures.<br />Make sure that the access to the trampoline is restricted which may be insured by not using the ladder with exercise trampoline to keeping the equipment under lock and key.<br />Install a trampoline net enclosure which will help to minimize the chances of accidents and injuries.<br />Within no time after its purchase, a trampoline can become the focal point of a family's recreational activities. Any trampoline user must take care while using it, such as bouncing low and landing consistently in the center of the trampoline. He can do a favor to himself by leaving tricks such as flips, somersaults and twisting somersaults, which are the main causes of trampoline accidents, to the professionals. <br />Consequences of Underage Drinking (EXAMPLE OF A POORLY WRITTEN ESSAY)<br />Underage drinking is one of the most severe problems faced by the society. It has grave consequences on the physical, mental and social development of an individual. Read on to know more about the consequences of underage drinking.<br />Underage drinking is one of the serious problems that society is facing today. We have seen alcohol spoil generations. When we talk about a bright future in the safe hands of the forthcoming generations, we are ignoring the fact that the future generations are risking their future as also the future of our society, by indulging in drinking from an early age. Looking at the consequences of underage drinking, we can easily understand that underage drinking is indeed a curse to the society. Alcohol consumption is a severe problem and we need to find a solution to it.Consequences of Underage DrinkingRecent research has shown that underage drinking has a negative effect on the development of the brain. Consumption of alcohol at an early age hampers the physical growth and development of the brain. Underage drinking has an adverse effect on the development of memory. It decreases the abilities of planning and execution, spatial operations and memory. Underage drinking leads to attention disorders and difficulties in concentrating. (Physical-but no topic sentence that says this will be the physical paragraph)Studies have shown that around 40% of those who start drinking before the age of fifteen, are sure to meet the criteria of alcoholism later in life. Underage drinking has grave and long-lasting consequences.  (Still physical- so why new paragraph?)Rapes and sexual abuse in campus are often found to be a result of alcohol consumption of the youths. Most of the violence in campus is alcohol-related. Statistical analysis has revealed that a majority of social and behavioral problems in college students are consequences of their drinking. Poor performance and low college grades are often the results of an excessive consumption of alcohol in students. (Social-which is reason #3, but haven’t explained #2 yet)Alcohol abuse was found to be prominent in those who began drinking during their teen age. A majority of the drinking adults are observed to have started drinking before the age of twenty-one. This also brings out the fact that underage drinking has a great potential of turning into addiction. Most of the alcohol addicts we see today are seen to have started drinking from an early age. (Still social-so why new paragraph?) Indulging in risk-bearing tasks after drinking or driving after drinking can lead to unintentional deaths and injuries. Underage drinking is responsible for many such instances of accidents and injuries caused due to loss of motor control after consumption of alcohol. (Physical)Risky sexual behavior and sexual assaults are also attributed to consumption of alcohol in youths. These consequences appear to a higher degree in those who start drinking from an early age. The consequences of drinking are graver in people who resort to drinking from their teen years. (Social)There have been cases wherein fatal accidents have taken place and reports have shown that many of the drivers involved in the fatalities were drunk. Most of the drivers involved in fatal crashes were below the age of 20. (Still physical-)Depression is also an effect of excessive consumption of alcohol from an early age. There is a disruption in one's mental well-being. An underage drinker of alcohol is susceptible to undergo mental disturbance and fall prey to mental depression. This can lead them to committing suicides. A majority of suicides in youngsters have been observed to be results of their alcohol consumption. (Mental-at least this is a real paragraph instead of a list)Young alcoholics are vulnerable to alcohol use disorders. Underage drinking has side effects like illicit use of drugs and tobacco. Underage drinking affects the overall mental and social development of the drinkers. Underage drinking may produce weak generations. There is an urgency to curb underage drinking. The development of a well-grounded system of values from an early age is the best solution. <br />By Manali Oak<br />Benefits of School Uniforms<br />I recall George Carlin, comedian and scathing social commentator, voicing his disapproval of school uniforms. Isn’t it enough they want us to think alike, he said, now they want us to look alike too? Or something to that tune, I don’t recollect the exact words. Anyway, I thought he had a valid point. I still think he does.Many parents have expressed concerns about school uniforms taking away students’ freedom of expression and encroaching on their personal rights, about having religious dress codes foisted on their non-religious or different-religion children, about not having their religious dress codes followed or respected enough, about trying to get their children to make a political or moral statement, about the expenses involved in purchasing the required uniform and accessories.On the other hand, though, there are some definite advantages of wearing school uniforms as well. Let’s take a took at some of the pros of school uniforms – 1. A school uniform makes it easier for the school authorities to recognize students belonging to their school. It also makes it somewhat tougher for those that don’t belong to slip in; unless, of course, they go to all the trouble of buying a uniform that fits.2. A school uniform also saves the school administrators from having to police what the students wear. There are no daily battles regarding what’s appropriate or not for school. 3. A school uniform apparently also saves students from putting their fashion tastes before their learning requirements. When they don’t have to spend time wondering what to wear and how to make a fashion statement, they can devote more time to getting an education. Theoretically, that is.4. Wearing the same type of dress reduces social snobbery and peer pressure in educational institutions. It is also supposed to reduce incidents of bullying and theft. How do you pick on someone for wearing the same dress as yourself? Why would you steal a pair of shoes you both have and can afford? I suppose there are ways and there are reasons, but fewer. 5. School uniforms cramp the style of gang members. They have to recognize each other by names and faces instead of by flaunting aggressively painted jackets, T-shirts with obscene messages, clunky jewelry, and things like that. Instead of ‘my gang’ and ‘your gang’, they also have to think in terms of ‘our school’. It’s a hard life. On the brighter side, it helps them to live another day and go on to survive in college.6. A school uniform can instill a sense of discipline and community feeling. This naturally reduces incidents of violence. Students can come to school without worrying about personal safety. Teachers don’t have to double as guards, and can concentrate on teaching.So will getting students to wear school uniforms end the growing incidents of violence in US schools?Well, that was the whole idea when President Bill Clinton decided to implement school uniforms in all U.S. public schools in the 1990s. In the hope of easing social tensions, many local communities and states in the USA adopted school uniform policies in their educational institutions. The states of New York, California, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Utah, and Maryland all introduced school uniform regulations. But, while there have certainly been some benefits of school uniforms, the whole thing is about as effective as putting a band-aid over a gangrenous wound and hoping that will cure the malady. When you have to have police authorities and metal detection machines in schools, it is a social problem that has advanced well beyond what anyone is dressing in. The violence cannot be resolved until the social issues are addressed. There is only so much school administrators and educators can do. What kind of a home life do the students have? What are the parents doing? How involved are they in their children’s lives? What kind of an example are they setting to their children? You’re less likely to rear law-abiding, respectable citizens if you personally tend to be annually incarcerated for frauds, violations, and violent crimes.It is a curious thing that we need be well-qualified for top jobs, but not for parenting. The most inept, incapable people can be parents. Maybe we should forget about uniform dressing and look into uniform responsible parenting. <br />By Sonal PanseConsequences of Plagiarism - Penalties for PlagiarismPlagiarism is a growing problem in the academic field and also in many workplaces, which can produce some grave consequences. To know more about the consequences and penalties for plagiarism, read on...The word plagiarism is actually derived from the Latin word plagiarius, which means kidnapping or abducting. It is a term that is mainly used in the context of using another's words, ideas or thoughts and passing it off as your own, without giving due credit to the original author. Instances of plagiarism have been observed in academia and journalism for a long time, though the rapid growth of the internet has contributed to an increase in the plagiarism statistics considerably. Of course, nothing can undermine the advantages of internet, but the easy availability and access to a wide range of information and knowledge has enabled students to easily copy content from the internet for their academic uses. Sometimes, plagiarism can be deliberate, while at other times, it can arise out of ignorance. It is true that it is not a crime to get influenced by others' ideas and thoughts. However, at the same time, it is also important to give due credit to the source of information or the concerned person for their ideas and work. So, copying them without acknowledging is actually a violation of that person's right over his intellectual property. Plagiarism is not only about copying the words of another person, which can be avoided by paraphrasing the sentences, but also the use of words, ideas, data, organization and original thoughts of another person without giving credit to that individual. Such activities can give rise to serious consequences, sometimes, attracting legal punishments.Consequences of PlagiarismThe growing problem of plagiarism in schools, colleges and even in universities have compelled the concerned authorities to take it quite seriously. Consequences of plagiarism in the academic field depend on the nature of the mistake and the number of times one commits it. The penalties for plagiarism can vary from failing an assignment, loss of privilege, getting a low grade to not being promoted to a higher standard, academic probation and even expulsion from an educational institution. Besides causing considerable wastage of time, money and effort, such penalties can have an adverse effect on the future of a student, as a student expelled from one institution usually finds it hard to get admission in any other reputed educational institution. The greatest consequence of plagiarism in the academic field may be the harm that students do to themselves. Plagiarizing another's writing actually impairs the ability of the students to acquire the essential skills required for researching and writing, which can have a long-term effect on their life.Plagiarism in journalism is a very old phenomenon. Plagiarism by journalists can have serious consequences, not only for the individual journalist, but for the concerned newspaper or television news-show. It can damage their reputation, credibility and public trust and confidence. It is also considered a violation of journalistic ethics and can result in severe penalties like suspension or termination from the job. Legally, plagiarism is a subject matter of copyright infringement law and unfair competition, and can attract legal and monetary penalties for the violators. The offender may be penalized to compensate for the loss of profit of the original writer. Sometimes, penalties for plagiarism can include criminal punishments and imprisonment. So, considering the severe consequences of plagiarism, it is advisable to take some appropriate measures to avoid this offense. The best way is to not copy content of other individuals, using quotations if you do use another person's words or giving credit to the concerned writer or the source of information for that particular piece of information and acquiring the necessary skills for paraphrasing sentences. Besides, plagiarism can be checked with the help of some online tools, which can also help avoid this problem. In addition to all these, increasing awareness about plagiarism, its consequences and how to avoid it can be of great help in controlling this problem. Plagiarism Consequences in High SchoolWith unlimited access to the world wide web available, plagiarism tendencies among high school students have reached unbelievable heights. Whether done unintentionally, owing to ignorance or intentionally, due to insufficient knowledge of plagiarism detectors like Turnitin, to obtain good grades or just to challenge authority. Truth is, that varying degrees of plagiarism consequences in high school exist. Read on to find out more...quot;
Using another person's ideas or expressions in your writing without acknowledging the source constitutes plagiarism.... To plagiarize is to give the impression that you wrote or thought something that you in fact borrowed from someone, and to do so is a violation of professional ethics.... Forms of plagiarism include the failure to give appropriate acknowledgment when repeating another's wording or particularly apt phrase, paraphrasing another's argument, and presenting another's line of thinking..quot;
- Joseph Gibaldi, M.L.A. Style Manual.  (HOOK #1)A word used widely today mainly due to its rampant prevalence, plagiarism is the English derivation of the Latin word plagiarius meaning to snatch or abduct arbitrarily. (HOOK #2)  The Internet has reduced the world into a global village. Information on no matter what from no matter which end of the world is literally a click away, thus cutting down on the magnanimous task of reference work. This boon however, has become a raging menace owing to the restless group of high school students who have reduced it to a tool to access the easy way out. Most of the times, students of the aforementioned section plagiarize without knowing much about plagiarism consequences in high school. True as it is, law and order always catch up with the phenomenon much later. In reality, well defined penalties for plagiarism in variant degrees are existent in high schools that are implemented after an in depth scrutiny done by the teacher in order to understand the motives behind a particular case of plagiarism. Before you proceed, you might like to take a look at the different types of plagiarism.Reasons for PlagiarismThe usual excuses for plagiarism, cited by high school students when nabbed, are grounds of scrutiny to gauge the motive and thus determine the subsequent penalty. Broadly, the excuses can be further segregated under intentional and unintentional plagiarism.Generally, for intentional plagiarism the excuses stem from mismanagement of personal time when the student is either multi-tasking, meeting multiple deadlines or is simply lazy. Naturally 'copy-pasting' is faster and any-day less tedious than self-composing and typing out original material, thus indulging in intenet plagiarism. Also when a student develops a general lackadaisical disposition due to a lack of interest in the course material, or topic, the faculty's disinterest or ignorance towards technological possibilities or the presumption that the older generation is by large lagging behind when it comes to the internet, she resorts to plagiarism. Most crucially, the desire to step up in the rat-race in a quest for good grades either due to the constant pressure generated by parents, relatives, peers or personal ambitions, leads to plagiarizing. Also, very often a student is unaware of her potentials either due insufficient self-exploration or constant discouragement from others. But naturally, she then tends to depend on works of others rather than create something on her own and thus, plagiarism is thrived upon.Unintentional plagiarism, on the other hand, usually occurs due to unclear knowledge of internet referencing, or the student's lack of knowledge of the purview of plagiarism. Also, confusion about handling of specialized works or how to tackle takes of experts on specialized subjects or in-cognizance of the system of giving credits when the fact is yet to be a part of the public domain, is considered unintentional.Plagiarism Consequences in High SchoolsThe effects of plagiarism on students are more or less the same. Not only is it the prerogative to the high school authorities to avoid legal consequences, copyright issues and subsequent litigation, but also uphold the basic educational aim to encourage original thinking and action and limit academic theft. So depending on the above mentioned reasons, the following consequences. The first step is generally a stern warning given to the student. It may include omission of the plagiarized portions of the assignment and marking on whatever is left of it. At the most the student is asked to re-submit the assignment, which in reality is a boon in disguise to fair well.The entire assignment is scraped and the student is given no marks for it.Parents are notified along with the school administrators usually followed by meetings between the two parties.Students are given elaborate counseling sessions on consequences of plagiarism in high school.If the student refuses to adhere to rules even after that, then he has to suffer abeyance from extracurricular and other school activities. Also a note may be added to the student record for future reference. This obviously hampers the reputation of the student and takes a heavy toll on further academic ambitions or admissions in cases of transfer.In extreme cases, though the penalization is rather heavy wherein a student is not allowed to sit for a subject exam or the course exam or is expelled altogether.Sadly, as Dr. Donald McCabe, a management professor at Rutgers University in Newark, puts it, quot;
In high school, the consequences are not so grave as they are in college. High school students caught cheating are usually given a stern lecture or, at worst, a failing grade. On rare occasions, seniors will not be allowed to graduate.quot;
 Thus, repeated attempts are made by school authorities to change the attitude of the students towards plagiarism.It is therefore, very important to inculcate simple habits to avoid plagiarism in high school. Here's more on ways to avoid plagiarism. Pay attention while you read instructions in order to comprehend techniques of doing reference work, incorporate double-quotes while quoting someone word for word, widen the resource base for research work, and most importantly, avoid the tendency to cheat or copy from classmates or anyone else. These simple tips are enough to help you avoid the plagiarism consequences for students. After all, the joy of creating something new and giving wings to your own abilities is high which little exists in anything else. So, cheers to life and originality! By Ankana Dey ChoudhuryWhy is Exercise ImportantHave you ever noticed that some of your friends and colleagues, who exercise regularly, sort of bounce on the balls their feet, when they walk into the office, every morning? Do you feel that regular exercising helps them to be spirited? To know more about, why exercise is important, read on...When someone asks me, quot;
Why is exercise important?quot;
 the first and foremost important aspect of the regular exercising that comes to my mind is that it makes me healthy and physically fit. However, on the reflection, I realized that this is not the complete answer. It is said that there exists a connection between the mind and the body. So, one may safely infer that exercises can also influence the mind of an individual and make it strong and healthy. Why is Exercise Important for Children?Regular exercises improve the muscle tone and are of great help in improving your child's posture. Weight lifting exercises can develop and strengthen your child's muscles and bones. It also increases, both physical and mental endurance. Stretching exercises can also improve your posture by enhancing your flexibility. It makes your child nimble, agile and sure footed by improving balance and coordination. When your child bends and twists, whilst doing these exercises, flexibility of muscles improves and the chances of injury due to minor sprains and strains reduces, which is a common hazard for a child. Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become brittle and even a minor fall can cause them to fracture. Regular exercising improves the density of bones and makes them tough and helps your child in avoiding the osteoporosis.Why is Exercise Important for Adults?The excess amount of fat in our body can be cause of a heart attack. Deposition of cholesterol and other fats, present in the blood, on the surface of the inner walls of the arteries, which supplies blood to the heart tissues, can lead to coronary artery disease (CAD). This deposition forms a clot and obstructs the flow of blood to the heart tissues and is a prime reason of heart attacks. At present, more than 13 million Americans suffer from CAD. Regular exercises trains and conditions our body to expend energy, which helps us in controlling not only our body weight, but also the amount of fat stored in it. It also helps you in your daily work by maintaining your energy level for a long time.During the exercise, the chemicals termed as endorphins are released into the blood stream by pituitary glands and into the spinal cord and brain by hypothalamus. The endorphins gives you a feeling of well-being and exhilaration.After a taxing day at the work place, the a stretching workouts can do wonders for you by loosening the stiff and tense muscles in your body. When you are running- jogging, your muscles use glycogen stored in their cells for the energy and are ready to replenish it by absorbing the glucose from the blood. This reduces the blood glucose levels in the blood. If you do not have much time to spare for exercises, then a treadmill at your office or home, may prove helpful in putting in some exercise without the hassle of going to a gymnasium.Even a simple and inexpensive walking exercises, which does not need a single exercise equipment can refresh you considerably. The psychological benefits of exercises can easily be grasped by simply looking at the people who include exercising in their daily plans. They look fit and full of confidence. Their body language suggest that they are ready to tackle any job.The exercises such as aerobics, swimming and isometric exercises help in reducing stress and driving away feeling of lethargy. Exercises are also helpful in driving away depression and tackling mood changes. All the benefits mentioned in this article, make it easy for us to understand why exercise is important. By Shrinivas Kanade<br />
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Essay examples for fb

  • 1. THESIS STATEMENT<br />HOOK<br />TOPIC SENTENCE<br />DETAILS IN THE BODY<br />Transition words<br />CONCLUSION<br />Benefits of Recycling<br />The concept of recycling can bring about very large environmental and economic benefits. Take a peek into some of the benefits of recycling mentioned below.<br />Despite the warnings being given about the harmful effects of global warming and other environmental problems, most individuals are doing very little about it today. Global warming, deforestation, acid rains, the endangerment of various species etc have gone completely out of control in many areas around the globe. Various methods and suggestions are being offered to reduce the effects of these altogether and if possible, eradicate it completely. Did you know that recycling done on an everyday basis could actually help our planet Earth on a large extent? This can begin even at home. The benefits of recycling are many, from reducing the effects of industrial production to saving energy. Think you need to know more about the benefits of recycling? Read on and find out how every little step, can make a difference.Benefits of Recycling:Almost everybody is used to receiving junk mail via snail mail. Imagine, most of these documents are completely worthless and discouraging the usage of this would save at least 150,000 trees annually as these would not be cut down for the requirement of paper. We all know the importance of trees in the ecological cycle. Most companies therefore resort to recycled paper or the use of Internet to propagate their message. Did you know that every ton of paper saves at least 17 trees? So avoid the unnecessary use of paper and if needed, stick to recycled paper.Using the concept of recycling can also help to reduce the greenhouse effect. Gas emissions occur due to the manufacturing, use and also the disposal of products that are not biodegradable. If the greenhouse gas emissions reach dangerous concentration levels, it leads to changes in the temperatures globally, changes in the levels of the sea and other bizarre climatic conditions. Therefore, recycling can help reduce the need to manufacture paper, plastics, metals and glass. This would save energy needed to manufacture new products. Using recycled products would also reduce the amount of materials (which are not biodegradable) that end up in the landfills. Materials that end up in landfills tend to decompose and cause the release of methane gas. This is very harmful for the environment; therefore such landfills are the main cause of the emission of methane gas into the atmosphere.Plastics are equally hazardous to planet Earth. The reduction in the use of plastics would help in the conservation of energy. Plastics prove to be very difficult to dispose. If plastics are to be buried, these can last for at least 700 years. So, the next time you use plastic cups or even polystyrene foam cups, give a thought to the amount of waste you are adding to the environment. Desist the use of such elements, always carry your own bags for shopping and reuse and recycle such products whenever possible.Were you aware that recycling one pound of steel could power a 60-watt light bulb for more than one day? Most aluminum companies would benefit with the concept of recycling as they can save approximately 19 million barrels of oil. This itself can give enough energy to supply electricity to about 18 million households for a period of one year! Astounding, isn’t it? An ideal situation would be when every individual realizes his/her own responsibility and practices the concept of recycling; then one can certainly have hope for the future of this planet. Besides, recycling also creates job opportunities for most people, which is all for a good cause! The benefits of recycling are many more to name, but to actually use these concepts in our everyday life would require awareness and also the urge to spread this message. So, whenever you can, just spread the word! Recycling will benefit everybody around the globe, including you! <br />By Kashmira Lad<br />Trampoline Accidents<br />The number of trampoline accidents are alarming and makes you think if it is possible to avoid them. Read on to know more about some general information about trampoline injuries and safety tips. (THESIS STATEMENT)<br />There is a growing concern over the number of trampoline accidents as majority of the victims are kids. A skilled user of a trampoline can exploit it to do different kinds of stunts while exercising. Trampolines tricks needs an individual to possess coordination of the muscles and a fine sense of balance as well as that of timing, to pull off some spectacular stunts.Trampoline AccidentsThe problem arises when an inexperienced child tries to experiment with the stunts and show off during trampoline exercises. Even for a skilled person, a moments inattention or a fractionally imbalanced posture at the time of jumping off the trampoline may result in crashing onto the ground, supports or the metal parts of this exercise equipment.There are also instances in which the offending structure was the wall of the enclosure where the trampoline was kept. Moreover, landing on the trampoline in an awkward position can also lead to serious injuries. When this happens, simple trampoline exercises may turn into a disaster for the child. If he is lucky, he may get away with minor injuries. The following paragraphs inform us about trampoline accidents, injuries, and its statistics.Trampoline Accident StatisticsTrampoline accidents statistics that is compiled over the last few years has prompted some of the pediatricians to raise concern over its use. The statistics compiled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), shows that, in 2004, 89,000 individuals needed to go to the emergency room to get the trampoline injuries treated. Of these, almost 60-65 percent of the victims were children under 14 years of age. The injuries treated ranged from minor things such as bumps, scrapes and bruises, to serious ones involving strains, sprains, deep cuts and fractures of the bones. Some of these victims also suffered severe injuries such as broken bones, concussion, and injuries to the spine and head.The trampoline accidents statistics for 1990-99 reveal that the 11 people lost their lives to these accidents and 6 of them were in their teens. The additional facts related to the trampoline accidents show that most of these resulted when the victim tried to do tricky things such as a somersault or something similar.Safety Tips for Trampoline UseFailure to follow trampoline safety tips contributes to the accidents, especially, when multiple users are using it. Allowing an inexperienced person to use a trampoline unsupervised is as good as inviting trouble. Following are some of the safety tips for trampoline users that are propagated by The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission: <br />Make sure that all of the trampoline assembly instructions were followed while installing it.<br />Permit only one user on the trampoline at a time, and if it is a child then supervising him or her is essential.<br />The trampoline parts such as frames, springs and hooks must be padded before use.<br />Give the trampoline its own place that is clear of other structures.<br />Make sure that the access to the trampoline is restricted which may be insured by not using the ladder with exercise trampoline to keeping the equipment under lock and key.<br />Install a trampoline net enclosure which will help to minimize the chances of accidents and injuries.<br />Within no time after its purchase, a trampoline can become the focal point of a family's recreational activities. Any trampoline user must take care while using it, such as bouncing low and landing consistently in the center of the trampoline. He can do a favor to himself by leaving tricks such as flips, somersaults and twisting somersaults, which are the main causes of trampoline accidents, to the professionals. <br />Consequences of Underage Drinking (EXAMPLE OF A POORLY WRITTEN ESSAY)<br />Underage drinking is one of the most severe problems faced by the society. It has grave consequences on the physical, mental and social development of an individual. Read on to know more about the consequences of underage drinking.<br />Underage drinking is one of the serious problems that society is facing today. We have seen alcohol spoil generations. When we talk about a bright future in the safe hands of the forthcoming generations, we are ignoring the fact that the future generations are risking their future as also the future of our society, by indulging in drinking from an early age. Looking at the consequences of underage drinking, we can easily understand that underage drinking is indeed a curse to the society. Alcohol consumption is a severe problem and we need to find a solution to it.Consequences of Underage DrinkingRecent research has shown that underage drinking has a negative effect on the development of the brain. Consumption of alcohol at an early age hampers the physical growth and development of the brain. Underage drinking has an adverse effect on the development of memory. It decreases the abilities of planning and execution, spatial operations and memory. Underage drinking leads to attention disorders and difficulties in concentrating. (Physical-but no topic sentence that says this will be the physical paragraph)Studies have shown that around 40% of those who start drinking before the age of fifteen, are sure to meet the criteria of alcoholism later in life. Underage drinking has grave and long-lasting consequences. (Still physical- so why new paragraph?)Rapes and sexual abuse in campus are often found to be a result of alcohol consumption of the youths. Most of the violence in campus is alcohol-related. Statistical analysis has revealed that a majority of social and behavioral problems in college students are consequences of their drinking. Poor performance and low college grades are often the results of an excessive consumption of alcohol in students. (Social-which is reason #3, but haven’t explained #2 yet)Alcohol abuse was found to be prominent in those who began drinking during their teen age. A majority of the drinking adults are observed to have started drinking before the age of twenty-one. This also brings out the fact that underage drinking has a great potential of turning into addiction. Most of the alcohol addicts we see today are seen to have started drinking from an early age. (Still social-so why new paragraph?) Indulging in risk-bearing tasks after drinking or driving after drinking can lead to unintentional deaths and injuries. Underage drinking is responsible for many such instances of accidents and injuries caused due to loss of motor control after consumption of alcohol. (Physical)Risky sexual behavior and sexual assaults are also attributed to consumption of alcohol in youths. These consequences appear to a higher degree in those who start drinking from an early age. The consequences of drinking are graver in people who resort to drinking from their teen years. (Social)There have been cases wherein fatal accidents have taken place and reports have shown that many of the drivers involved in the fatalities were drunk. Most of the drivers involved in fatal crashes were below the age of 20. (Still physical-)Depression is also an effect of excessive consumption of alcohol from an early age. There is a disruption in one's mental well-being. An underage drinker of alcohol is susceptible to undergo mental disturbance and fall prey to mental depression. This can lead them to committing suicides. A majority of suicides in youngsters have been observed to be results of their alcohol consumption. (Mental-at least this is a real paragraph instead of a list)Young alcoholics are vulnerable to alcohol use disorders. Underage drinking has side effects like illicit use of drugs and tobacco. Underage drinking affects the overall mental and social development of the drinkers. Underage drinking may produce weak generations. There is an urgency to curb underage drinking. The development of a well-grounded system of values from an early age is the best solution. <br />By Manali Oak<br />Benefits of School Uniforms<br />I recall George Carlin, comedian and scathing social commentator, voicing his disapproval of school uniforms. Isn’t it enough they want us to think alike, he said, now they want us to look alike too? Or something to that tune, I don’t recollect the exact words. Anyway, I thought he had a valid point. I still think he does.Many parents have expressed concerns about school uniforms taking away students’ freedom of expression and encroaching on their personal rights, about having religious dress codes foisted on their non-religious or different-religion children, about not having their religious dress codes followed or respected enough, about trying to get their children to make a political or moral statement, about the expenses involved in purchasing the required uniform and accessories.On the other hand, though, there are some definite advantages of wearing school uniforms as well. Let’s take a took at some of the pros of school uniforms – 1. A school uniform makes it easier for the school authorities to recognize students belonging to their school. It also makes it somewhat tougher for those that don’t belong to slip in; unless, of course, they go to all the trouble of buying a uniform that fits.2. A school uniform also saves the school administrators from having to police what the students wear. There are no daily battles regarding what’s appropriate or not for school. 3. A school uniform apparently also saves students from putting their fashion tastes before their learning requirements. When they don’t have to spend time wondering what to wear and how to make a fashion statement, they can devote more time to getting an education. Theoretically, that is.4. Wearing the same type of dress reduces social snobbery and peer pressure in educational institutions. It is also supposed to reduce incidents of bullying and theft. How do you pick on someone for wearing the same dress as yourself? Why would you steal a pair of shoes you both have and can afford? I suppose there are ways and there are reasons, but fewer. 5. School uniforms cramp the style of gang members. They have to recognize each other by names and faces instead of by flaunting aggressively painted jackets, T-shirts with obscene messages, clunky jewelry, and things like that. Instead of ‘my gang’ and ‘your gang’, they also have to think in terms of ‘our school’. It’s a hard life. On the brighter side, it helps them to live another day and go on to survive in college.6. A school uniform can instill a sense of discipline and community feeling. This naturally reduces incidents of violence. Students can come to school without worrying about personal safety. Teachers don’t have to double as guards, and can concentrate on teaching.So will getting students to wear school uniforms end the growing incidents of violence in US schools?Well, that was the whole idea when President Bill Clinton decided to implement school uniforms in all U.S. public schools in the 1990s. In the hope of easing social tensions, many local communities and states in the USA adopted school uniform policies in their educational institutions. The states of New York, California, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Utah, and Maryland all introduced school uniform regulations. But, while there have certainly been some benefits of school uniforms, the whole thing is about as effective as putting a band-aid over a gangrenous wound and hoping that will cure the malady. When you have to have police authorities and metal detection machines in schools, it is a social problem that has advanced well beyond what anyone is dressing in. The violence cannot be resolved until the social issues are addressed. There is only so much school administrators and educators can do. What kind of a home life do the students have? What are the parents doing? How involved are they in their children’s lives? What kind of an example are they setting to their children? You’re less likely to rear law-abiding, respectable citizens if you personally tend to be annually incarcerated for frauds, violations, and violent crimes.It is a curious thing that we need be well-qualified for top jobs, but not for parenting. The most inept, incapable people can be parents. Maybe we should forget about uniform dressing and look into uniform responsible parenting. <br />By Sonal PanseConsequences of Plagiarism - Penalties for PlagiarismPlagiarism is a growing problem in the academic field and also in many workplaces, which can produce some grave consequences. To know more about the consequences and penalties for plagiarism, read on...The word plagiarism is actually derived from the Latin word plagiarius, which means kidnapping or abducting. It is a term that is mainly used in the context of using another's words, ideas or thoughts and passing it off as your own, without giving due credit to the original author. Instances of plagiarism have been observed in academia and journalism for a long time, though the rapid growth of the internet has contributed to an increase in the plagiarism statistics considerably. Of course, nothing can undermine the advantages of internet, but the easy availability and access to a wide range of information and knowledge has enabled students to easily copy content from the internet for their academic uses. Sometimes, plagiarism can be deliberate, while at other times, it can arise out of ignorance. It is true that it is not a crime to get influenced by others' ideas and thoughts. However, at the same time, it is also important to give due credit to the source of information or the concerned person for their ideas and work. So, copying them without acknowledging is actually a violation of that person's right over his intellectual property. Plagiarism is not only about copying the words of another person, which can be avoided by paraphrasing the sentences, but also the use of words, ideas, data, organization and original thoughts of another person without giving credit to that individual. Such activities can give rise to serious consequences, sometimes, attracting legal punishments.Consequences of PlagiarismThe growing problem of plagiarism in schools, colleges and even in universities have compelled the concerned authorities to take it quite seriously. Consequences of plagiarism in the academic field depend on the nature of the mistake and the number of times one commits it. The penalties for plagiarism can vary from failing an assignment, loss of privilege, getting a low grade to not being promoted to a higher standard, academic probation and even expulsion from an educational institution. Besides causing considerable wastage of time, money and effort, such penalties can have an adverse effect on the future of a student, as a student expelled from one institution usually finds it hard to get admission in any other reputed educational institution. The greatest consequence of plagiarism in the academic field may be the harm that students do to themselves. Plagiarizing another's writing actually impairs the ability of the students to acquire the essential skills required for researching and writing, which can have a long-term effect on their life.Plagiarism in journalism is a very old phenomenon. Plagiarism by journalists can have serious consequences, not only for the individual journalist, but for the concerned newspaper or television news-show. It can damage their reputation, credibility and public trust and confidence. It is also considered a violation of journalistic ethics and can result in severe penalties like suspension or termination from the job. Legally, plagiarism is a subject matter of copyright infringement law and unfair competition, and can attract legal and monetary penalties for the violators. The offender may be penalized to compensate for the loss of profit of the original writer. Sometimes, penalties for plagiarism can include criminal punishments and imprisonment. So, considering the severe consequences of plagiarism, it is advisable to take some appropriate measures to avoid this offense. The best way is to not copy content of other individuals, using quotations if you do use another person's words or giving credit to the concerned writer or the source of information for that particular piece of information and acquiring the necessary skills for paraphrasing sentences. Besides, plagiarism can be checked with the help of some online tools, which can also help avoid this problem. In addition to all these, increasing awareness about plagiarism, its consequences and how to avoid it can be of great help in controlling this problem. Plagiarism Consequences in High SchoolWith unlimited access to the world wide web available, plagiarism tendencies among high school students have reached unbelievable heights. Whether done unintentionally, owing to ignorance or intentionally, due to insufficient knowledge of plagiarism detectors like Turnitin, to obtain good grades or just to challenge authority. Truth is, that varying degrees of plagiarism consequences in high school exist. Read on to find out more...quot; Using another person's ideas or expressions in your writing without acknowledging the source constitutes plagiarism.... To plagiarize is to give the impression that you wrote or thought something that you in fact borrowed from someone, and to do so is a violation of professional ethics.... Forms of plagiarism include the failure to give appropriate acknowledgment when repeating another's wording or particularly apt phrase, paraphrasing another's argument, and presenting another's line of thinking..quot; - Joseph Gibaldi, M.L.A. Style Manual. (HOOK #1)A word used widely today mainly due to its rampant prevalence, plagiarism is the English derivation of the Latin word plagiarius meaning to snatch or abduct arbitrarily. (HOOK #2) The Internet has reduced the world into a global village. Information on no matter what from no matter which end of the world is literally a click away, thus cutting down on the magnanimous task of reference work. This boon however, has become a raging menace owing to the restless group of high school students who have reduced it to a tool to access the easy way out. Most of the times, students of the aforementioned section plagiarize without knowing much about plagiarism consequences in high school. True as it is, law and order always catch up with the phenomenon much later. In reality, well defined penalties for plagiarism in variant degrees are existent in high schools that are implemented after an in depth scrutiny done by the teacher in order to understand the motives behind a particular case of plagiarism. Before you proceed, you might like to take a look at the different types of plagiarism.Reasons for PlagiarismThe usual excuses for plagiarism, cited by high school students when nabbed, are grounds of scrutiny to gauge the motive and thus determine the subsequent penalty. Broadly, the excuses can be further segregated under intentional and unintentional plagiarism.Generally, for intentional plagiarism the excuses stem from mismanagement of personal time when the student is either multi-tasking, meeting multiple deadlines or is simply lazy. Naturally 'copy-pasting' is faster and any-day less tedious than self-composing and typing out original material, thus indulging in intenet plagiarism. Also when a student develops a general lackadaisical disposition due to a lack of interest in the course material, or topic, the faculty's disinterest or ignorance towards technological possibilities or the presumption that the older generation is by large lagging behind when it comes to the internet, she resorts to plagiarism. Most crucially, the desire to step up in the rat-race in a quest for good grades either due to the constant pressure generated by parents, relatives, peers or personal ambitions, leads to plagiarizing. Also, very often a student is unaware of her potentials either due insufficient self-exploration or constant discouragement from others. But naturally, she then tends to depend on works of others rather than create something on her own and thus, plagiarism is thrived upon.Unintentional plagiarism, on the other hand, usually occurs due to unclear knowledge of internet referencing, or the student's lack of knowledge of the purview of plagiarism. Also, confusion about handling of specialized works or how to tackle takes of experts on specialized subjects or in-cognizance of the system of giving credits when the fact is yet to be a part of the public domain, is considered unintentional.Plagiarism Consequences in High SchoolsThe effects of plagiarism on students are more or less the same. Not only is it the prerogative to the high school authorities to avoid legal consequences, copyright issues and subsequent litigation, but also uphold the basic educational aim to encourage original thinking and action and limit academic theft. So depending on the above mentioned reasons, the following consequences. The first step is generally a stern warning given to the student. It may include omission of the plagiarized portions of the assignment and marking on whatever is left of it. At the most the student is asked to re-submit the assignment, which in reality is a boon in disguise to fair well.The entire assignment is scraped and the student is given no marks for it.Parents are notified along with the school administrators usually followed by meetings between the two parties.Students are given elaborate counseling sessions on consequences of plagiarism in high school.If the student refuses to adhere to rules even after that, then he has to suffer abeyance from extracurricular and other school activities. Also a note may be added to the student record for future reference. This obviously hampers the reputation of the student and takes a heavy toll on further academic ambitions or admissions in cases of transfer.In extreme cases, though the penalization is rather heavy wherein a student is not allowed to sit for a subject exam or the course exam or is expelled altogether.Sadly, as Dr. Donald McCabe, a management professor at Rutgers University in Newark, puts it, quot; In high school, the consequences are not so grave as they are in college. High school students caught cheating are usually given a stern lecture or, at worst, a failing grade. On rare occasions, seniors will not be allowed to graduate.quot; Thus, repeated attempts are made by school authorities to change the attitude of the students towards plagiarism.It is therefore, very important to inculcate simple habits to avoid plagiarism in high school. Here's more on ways to avoid plagiarism. Pay attention while you read instructions in order to comprehend techniques of doing reference work, incorporate double-quotes while quoting someone word for word, widen the resource base for research work, and most importantly, avoid the tendency to cheat or copy from classmates or anyone else. These simple tips are enough to help you avoid the plagiarism consequences for students. After all, the joy of creating something new and giving wings to your own abilities is high which little exists in anything else. So, cheers to life and originality! By Ankana Dey ChoudhuryWhy is Exercise ImportantHave you ever noticed that some of your friends and colleagues, who exercise regularly, sort of bounce on the balls their feet, when they walk into the office, every morning? Do you feel that regular exercising helps them to be spirited? To know more about, why exercise is important, read on...When someone asks me, quot; Why is exercise important?quot; the first and foremost important aspect of the regular exercising that comes to my mind is that it makes me healthy and physically fit. However, on the reflection, I realized that this is not the complete answer. It is said that there exists a connection between the mind and the body. So, one may safely infer that exercises can also influence the mind of an individual and make it strong and healthy. Why is Exercise Important for Children?Regular exercises improve the muscle tone and are of great help in improving your child's posture. Weight lifting exercises can develop and strengthen your child's muscles and bones. It also increases, both physical and mental endurance. Stretching exercises can also improve your posture by enhancing your flexibility. It makes your child nimble, agile and sure footed by improving balance and coordination. When your child bends and twists, whilst doing these exercises, flexibility of muscles improves and the chances of injury due to minor sprains and strains reduces, which is a common hazard for a child. Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become brittle and even a minor fall can cause them to fracture. Regular exercising improves the density of bones and makes them tough and helps your child in avoiding the osteoporosis.Why is Exercise Important for Adults?The excess amount of fat in our body can be cause of a heart attack. Deposition of cholesterol and other fats, present in the blood, on the surface of the inner walls of the arteries, which supplies blood to the heart tissues, can lead to coronary artery disease (CAD). This deposition forms a clot and obstructs the flow of blood to the heart tissues and is a prime reason of heart attacks. At present, more than 13 million Americans suffer from CAD. Regular exercises trains and conditions our body to expend energy, which helps us in controlling not only our body weight, but also the amount of fat stored in it. It also helps you in your daily work by maintaining your energy level for a long time.During the exercise, the chemicals termed as endorphins are released into the blood stream by pituitary glands and into the spinal cord and brain by hypothalamus. The endorphins gives you a feeling of well-being and exhilaration.After a taxing day at the work place, the a stretching workouts can do wonders for you by loosening the stiff and tense muscles in your body. When you are running- jogging, your muscles use glycogen stored in their cells for the energy and are ready to replenish it by absorbing the glucose from the blood. This reduces the blood glucose levels in the blood. If you do not have much time to spare for exercises, then a treadmill at your office or home, may prove helpful in putting in some exercise without the hassle of going to a gymnasium.Even a simple and inexpensive walking exercises, which does not need a single exercise equipment can refresh you considerably. The psychological benefits of exercises can easily be grasped by simply looking at the people who include exercising in their daily plans. They look fit and full of confidence. Their body language suggest that they are ready to tackle any job.The exercises such as aerobics, swimming and isometric exercises help in reducing stress and driving away feeling of lethargy. Exercises are also helpful in driving away depression and tackling mood changes. All the benefits mentioned in this article, make it easy for us to understand why exercise is important. By Shrinivas Kanade<br />