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Administering MySQL for
Oracle DBAs

Eng. Nelson Calero, OCP

Administering MySQL for Oracle DBAs

About me:
     Working with Oracle tools and Linux environments since 1996
     DBA Oracle (since 2001) & MySQL (since 2005)
     Oracle University Instructor since 2011
     Co-founder and President of the Oracle user Group of Uruguay
     (UYOUG) since 2009
     Computer Engineer. OCP DBA 10g



1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components
2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL
3 – Installation and Upgrades
4 – Security & auditing
5 – Performance management
6 – Backup & Recovery
7 – Designing for High Availability

1 - Introduction to the
                           MySQL architecture   6/54
1 - Introduction to the
                                   MySQL architecture

MySQL server
   • comes in a Community and Enterprise Edition
   • has many databases
   • no schemas
   • two OS processes when running: mysqld and mysqld_safe
   • listen on port tcp/ip 3306 by default
         • local connections use sockets (similar to beq in Oracle)
   • creates one thread per each client connection
         • thread pool is a commercial feature of 5.5.16 (Oracle shared server)
   • cost based optimizer
   • replication is not transactional
   • cluster is another product, with shared nothing architecture

1 - Introduction to the
                                   MySQL architecture

    • installed in /usr/bin if using RPM installation on most *nix
    • if using binary distribution (.tar), can be placed in custom directories
             • Is the way of having different versions on same server

No OFA or similar.

Startup script (/etc/init.d/mysql) has some defaults, changed by configuration
file (/etc/my.cnf)
          datadir: /var/lib/mysql
          bindir: /usr/bin

1 - Introduction to the
                                 MySQL architecture

Internal components

   •memory caches
    { query | innodb buffer | innodb log | myisam key | user | dictionary } cache

   • InnoDB undo log - rollback segments
       •splitted as insert undo and update undo buffer
       •part of the system tablespace by default
       •since MySQL 5.6 can be moved: innodb_undo_tablespaces

1 - MySQL architecture
                                 Internal components

Storage engines:
 pluggable architecture that enables different algorithms for handling data.

   InnoDB – Transactional. Default from 5.5
   MyISAM – non transactional. Default before 5.5
   Memory – stored only in memory, not persisted to disk
   NDB – used by the Cluster
   Archive/Blackhole/Merge/Federated - other specific use engines

Many third parties implementations
  XtraDB – from Percona. InnoDB improved

1 - MySQL architecture
                                     Internal components

Storage engine files

    • table.frm – table definition, regardless of storage engine used ($datadir/dbname)
    • InnoDB logs – transactional log, used for crash recovery (ib_logfile1)
        • 2 by default. Circular rotation. No archiving
    • InnoDB system tablespace – ibdata1
        • Stores all data and metadata by default
        • Can be changed to external tablespaces: innodb_file_per_table in my.cnf
             • Stores each table data in one file named table.ibd
    • other tablespaces – used by NDB similarly as Oracle.

1 - MySQL architecture
                                    Internal components

Binary logs

    • All changes done on the server (called events), in the order they were executed.
    • Can be inspected easily with the command mysqlbinlog
    • Configurable format: Statement, Row or Mixed
    • Needed for replication and point in time recovery
    • Have a purge (EXPIRE_LOGS_DAYS) and rotation (MAX_BINLOG_SIZE) policy

1 - MySQL architecture

More data types, more design choices:
   • 9 numeric. Oracle only has one
        • INT is 4 bytes, TINYINT 1 byte
        • UNSIGNED: double possible values for autoincrements

   •DATE (3 bytes), DATETIME (8 bytes) and TIMESTAMP (4 bytes)

Choosing a data type has more impact on the space used
   • int(N) – similar to Oracle, does not affect bytes used to store

1 - MySQL architecture
                                      Internal components

Data dictionary
    • information_schema: metadata about objects
    • performance_schema: (5.5.3) dynamic metrics about server usage (as v$ views)

            -> WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'performance_schema';
        | TABLE_NAME                                   |
        | cond_instances                               |
        | events_waits_current                         |
        | events_waits_history                         |
        | events_waits_history_long                    |
        | events_waits_summary_by_instance             |
        | events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name |
        | events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name    |

1 - Introduction to the
                                     MySQL architecture
Server variables
    •Similar to Oracle initialization parameters, change functionality
    •Some can be changed dynamically
    •Can be persistent changed with startup options or parameter file
    •Global/session scope. Global do not affect session who changed it.

mysql root@localhost.information_schema>show variables like 'query%' limit 4;
| Variable_name                | Value   |
| query_alloc_block_size       | 8192    |
| query_cache_limit            | 1048576 |
| query_cache_min_res_unit     | 4096    |
| query_cache_size             | 0       |
1 - Introduction to the
                                   MySQL architecture

Status variables

    •Dynamic counters about server activity

     mysql root@localhost.information_schema>show status like 'qc%';
     | Variable_name           | Value |
     | Qcache_free_blocks      | 0     |
     | Qcache_free_memory      | 0     |
     | Qcache_hits             | 0     |
     | Qcache_inserts          | 0     |
     | Qcache_lowmem_prunes    | 0     |
     | Qcache_not_cached       | 0     |
     | Qcache_queries_in_cache | 0     |

1 - MySQL architecture
                                        Log Files

Slow query log: can be enabled to record log running queries
       long_query_time=N (0 to 10)

General log: can be enabled to record all server activity.
       general_log = 'ON'

Error log: start, stop and error messages.
         file hostname.err by default
         can be changed with log_error=file.log in my.cnf

1 - MySQL architecture

Uses standard GRANT/REVOKE commands

Privileges per host/user/database/table/column
     grant select on employees.* to you@'desktop' identified by pwd;

Data stored on mysql database: user/db/*_priv tables

1 - MySQL architecture
                               Locking and transactions

Lock handling: specific of the storage engine
   InnoDB – row level
   MyISAM – table level

    • autocommit enabled by default outside transactions
    • default tx_isolation is REPEATABLE-READ
        • READ_COMMITED does not work with binlog mode STATEMENT

1 - MySQL architecture
                                 Locking and transactions

What happens if the server crashes?
   • InnoDB has auto recovery (using ib_logfiles)
   • MyISAM does not, need manual intervention (myisamchk, repair table)

Some parameters needs to be adjusted if using InnoDB and replication:
   • InnoDB_flush_log_at_trx_commit
   • sync_binlog
   • innodb_support_xa


1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components
2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL
3 – Installation and Upgrades
4 – Security & auditing
5 – Performance management
6 – Backup & Recovery
7 – Designing for High Availability

2 - Comparison with Oracle

Which database flavor?
    • Standard? Enterprise? Exadata? Big data appliance?
    • There are different implementation decisions in every detail
            • Initially created for different purposes

Focus on Standard Edition, some picks:
    • Processes handling
    • Optimizer features
    • Locking
    • Memory management

Pick one Oracle functionality, look for that in MySQL.

2 - Comparison with Oracle

Some SQL differences:
   •No need for dual. Select without FROM clause works.
       •Dual exists just for compatibility
   •No sequences. autoincrement clause at column definition
       •last_insert_id() can show the autoincrement value of last insert
   •procedures, but no packages and user defined types
   •multi-record insert
   •insert delayed
   •select into outfile / load data file
   •drop table if exists
   •partial indexes (column(N)) looks like function based index, but they do not exists

2 - Comparison with Oracle

Case insensitive char comparison

mysql root@localhost.employees>select * from employees
                               where first_name='JAANA' limit 3;
| emp_no | birth_date | first_name | last_name       | gender | hire_date |
| 52681 | 1956-03-28 | Jaana       | Besselaar       | M      | 1986-09-26 |
| 53990 | 1960-05-26 | Jaana       | Cunliffe        | M      | 1995-07-09 |
| 54450 | 1954-02-24 | Jaana       | Ranon           | F      | 1988-08-23 |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

2 - Comparison with Oracle
Silent conversions
mysql root@localhost.employees>create table pru (name varchar(10));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.19 sec)

mysql root@localhost.employees>insert into pru values ('Jhon'),('Lindenbaumgreen');
Query OK, 2 rows affected, 1 warning (0.16 sec)
Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 1

mysql root@localhost.employees>show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                   |
| Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'name' at row 2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

2 - Comparison with Oracle
        mysql root@localhost.employees>select * from pru;
        | name       |
        | Jhon       |
        | Lindenbaum |
        2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

with SQL_MODE this can be changed:

         Mysql> set SQL_MODE=strict_all_tables;
         Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

         Mysql> insert into pru values ('Jhon'),('Lindenbaumgreen');
          ERROR 1406 (22001): Data too long for column 'name' at row 2

NOTE: this works because SET uses SESSION scope by default

2 - Comparison with Oracle
Many other behaviors can be changed to something Oracle-like:


                    and NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION.

    • Warning: changing SQL_MODE can hurt tools that expect classic behavior

    • Great reference for going deeper on this:
              "MySQL Idiosyncrasies that BITE" by Ronald Bradford.

MySQL Tools

          – mysql
          – mysqladmin
          – mysqldump
          – InnoDB Hot Backup: licensed

          – Third parties
                   Percona Toolkit (former maatkit): many useful script utilities
                   OpenArk: more
                   Percona XtraBackup: OpenSource non locking transactional backup


MySQL Tools

GUI tools

   • MySQL Workbench
       • Data modeling, SQL development, database management, forward and
       reverse engineering, change management.
       • Merge and improvement of old tools from MySQL AB.
       • Community edition under GPL

   • MySQL Enterprise Monitor
       • Real time alerting and monitoring solution
       • With support contract


1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components
2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL
3 – Installation and Upgrades
4 – Security & auditing
5 – Performance management
6 – Backup & Recovery
7 – Designing for High Availability

3 - Installation and Upgrade

• Fresh install:
     rpm -Ivh mysql-server

• Customization?
    •defaults are for a single installation, single instance per server.
• We can create and use our own custom deploy, just to not miss OFA:

3 - Installation

Default installation
    •no root user password. Should be used mysql_secure_installation

Autocommit is enabled. If we want to change it:
     mysql root@localhost.employees>set autocommit=off;
     Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

     mysql root@localhost.employees>show variables like '%autocommit%';
     | Variable_name | Value |
     | autocommit    | OFF   |
     1 row in set (0.00 sec)

3 - Installation
Do not forget about GLOBAL/SESSION variables:
   mysql root@localhost.employees>show global variables like 'autocommit%';
   | Variable_name | Value |
   | autocommit    | ON    |
   1 row in set (0.01 sec)

   mysql root@localhost.employees>set global autocommit=off;
   Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

   mysql root@localhost.employees>show global variables like 'autocommit%';
   | Variable_name | Value |
   | autocommit    | OFF   |
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)
3 - Installation

Also, variables are not persistent when changed with SET:

     oraculo:/var/lib/mysql # service mysql restart
     Restarting service MySQL
     Shutting down service MySQL                                            done
     Starting service MySQL                                                 done

     mysql root@localhost.(none)>show global variables like '%autocommit%';
     | Variable_name | Value |
     | autocommit    | ON    |
     1 row in set (0.00 sec)

        => It needs to be changed through startup options, in my.cnf file

3 - Upgrade

Just run rpm -Uvh?

    • First on development environments

    • Review changes in the new version, looking for:
        • new reserved words that could be in use by our existing tables
        • parameters in use deprecated/renamed
        • data conversion needed for some of our columns?
        • known issues

3 - Upgrade

               Effect of upgrading binaries with RPM -Uvh (minor version)
oraculo:~ # service mysql start
Will update MySQL now, if you encounter any problems, please read following file:
Log files inconsistency, please merge following files manually:
Running protected MySQL...
Upgrading MySQL...
Looking for 'mysql' as: /usr/bin/mysql
Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: /usr/bin/mysqlcheck
Running 'mysqlcheck' with connection arguments: '--port=3306' '--socket=/var/run/my
Running 'mysqlcheck' with connection arguments: '--port=3306' '--socket=/var/run/my
Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'...
Starting service MySQL                                           done

3 - Upgrade

Version after the upgrade:

         oraculo:~ # mysql --version
         mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.21, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 6.1

Worked without issues during last versions (on OpenSUSE 11.4)



1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components
2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL
3 – Installation and Upgrades
4 – Security & auditing
5 – Performance management
6 – Backup & Recovery
7 – Designing for High Availability

4 - MySQL Security & auditing

• Privilege ALL includes SUPER, which allows to administer the MySQL
server. Follow least needed principle, and also avoid using %:
       GRANT SELECT (col1), INSERT (col1,col2) ON employees.employee TO
       GRANT select on employees.* to you@'%' identified by pwd;
       GRANT select on *.* to you@'%';
       GRANT ALL on *.* to you@'%';

• Each user/host combination defines a unique user

• Vanilla is not possible to block connections to specific users
• Log analysis to have proper auditing in place?
    • heavily used servers should use replica, TCP or OS mechanisms.
4 - MySQL Security & auditing


   • No built in functionality
   • Can be implemented with triggers, sames as with Oracle
   • TIMESTAMP datatype has automatic updating and initialization, no
   triggers needed



1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components
2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL
3 – Installation and Upgrades
4 – Security & auditing
5 – Performance management
6 – Backup & Recovery
7 – Designing for High Availability

5 - Performance Management

   • way of modify/cheat optimizer statistics as in Oracle
   • historical repository like AWR – Enterprise Monitor with support contract
   • limits on server CPU/IO usages
   • ability to rewrite queries on the fly

    • configure many internal memory areas and number of client threads
    • use hints to force index usage
    • use external home made solution for query rewrite

5 - Performance Management

• classical unix tools outside the database
     vmstat / oprofile / strace / top
     gdb – poor man's profiler

• inside database
     • mytop / innotop utilities
     • explain / explain extended
          • before MySQL 5.6.3, subqueries in the FROM clause are executed
     • status variables
          • com_*, innodb_*, connections
     • information_schema
     • show engine status / processlist
     • profiles

5 - Performance Management

mysql >set profiling=1;                                      mysql >show profile for query 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)                         +----------------------+----------+
                                                             | Status               | Duration |
mysql >select count(1) From employees;                       +----------------------+----------+
+----------+                                                 | starting             | 0.000142 |
| count(1) |                                                 | checking permissions | 0.000017 |
+----------+                                                 | Opening tables       | 0.140542 |
|    10000 |                                                 | System lock          | 0.000039 |
+----------+                                                 | init                 | 0.000022 |
1 row in set (0.21 sec)                                      | optimizing           | 0.000008 |
                                                             | statistics           | 0.000011 |
mysql >show profiles;                                        | preparing            | 0.000009 |
+----------+------------+--------------------------------+   | executing            | 0.000005 |
| Query_ID | Duration   | Query                          |   | Sending data         | 0.075795 |
+----------+------------+--------------------------------+   | end                  | 0.000018 |
|        1 | 0.21665250 | select count(1) From employees |   | query end            | 0.000007 |
+----------+------------+--------------------------------+   | closing tables       | 0.000012 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)                                      | freeing items        | 0.000020 |
                                                             | logging slow query   | 0.000003 |
                                                             | cleaning up          | 0.000005 |


1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components
2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL
3 – Installation and Upgrades
4 – Security & auditing
5 – Performance management
6 – Backup & Recovery
7 – Designing for High Availability

6 - Backup & Recovery

mysqldump – logical backup, engine independent
       full, database or table
       locking based on storage engine used

XtraBackup – open-source hot backup / non-locking tool from Percona

Hotbackup with InnoDB
  hotbackup: mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data
  XtraBackup: innobackupex /data/backups
                 Needs an extra step to prepare prior to use in recovery


1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components
2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL
3 – Installation and Upgrades
4 – Security & auditing
5 – Performance management
6 – Backup & Recovery
7 – Designing for High Availability

7 - Designing for High Availability

Replication – built in:
    • Transfer and apply binary log from master to slaves.
    • Simple to setup.
    • Flexible to create cascade configurations.
    • Can be partial, filtering by DB, tables, and combined.
    • Asynchronous. Semi-sync in 5.5.
    • Easy to break. Needs periodical consistency checks.
    • No conflict resolution. Needs manual intervention when detected.
    • Not automated failover for HA.
    • Apply single threaded until 5.6.
    • Can be configured as circular, but it needs application level coding to avoid

7 - Designing for High Availability

MySQL Cluster
   • Different distribution and binaries from MySQL 5.5
   • Shared nothing architecture: Data nodes, SQL nodes and Manager.
   • Data is stored redundant among Data nodes
   • Online operations: backup, upgrade, node provisioning
   • Memory usage tied to data handled and #nodes in the cluster
   • 7.2 recent in production with many improvements

Other solutions
    • SAN/DRBD: Protection from server failures
    • Pacemaker: Cluster resource manager. Automation of HA among servers.
    • Galera: Synchronous replication as server plugin. Community and Enterprise.
    • Tungsten: MultiMaster replication at application level. Community and Enterprise.

Last remarks

• MySQL addresses the same problems as Oracle Database.
• Do not look for same functionality, but ACID and performance.
    • Some specific task can be easier (example: Partitioning).
• Need to develop custom scripts for admin tasks, using standard OS tools.
• Big community of users.
• Being FOSS software, source code is available. This allows to overcome lack of
specialized tools for specific issues, and depending on your skills you can fix your
own problems, and benefit the community.
• Many improvements by other companies (as Percona and Facebook).



Tip: Better command line prompt

Command line could be tuned similar to sqlplus with glogin script?
         oracle@oraculo:~> sqlplus / as sysdba

         SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Feb 28 22:09:00 2012
         Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.
         Connected to:
         Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - 64bit Production

         22:09:01 SYS@XE>

         oracle@oraculo:~> tail $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql
         set pagesize 200
         set linesize 120
         SET SQLPROMPT '&_user@&_connect_identifier>'

Tip: Better command line prompt
Add PROMPT parameter to /etc/my.cnf
  prompt=mysql u@h.d>

  oraculo:~ # mysql
  Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
  Your MySQL connection id is 7
  Server version: 5.5.21-log Source distribution
  Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
  affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
  Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.

  mysql root@localhost.(none)>use information_schema
  Database changed
  mysql root@localhost.information_schema>


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Collaborate 2012 - Administering MySQL for Oracle DBAs

  • 2. Administering MySQL for Oracle DBAs Eng. Nelson Calero, OCP UYOUG 2/54
  • 3. Administering MySQL for Oracle DBAs About me: Working with Oracle tools and Linux environments since 1996 DBA Oracle (since 2001) & MySQL (since 2005) Oracle University Instructor since 2011 Co-founder and President of the Oracle user Group of Uruguay (UYOUG) since 2009 Computer Engineer. OCP DBA 10g 3/54
  • 4. Uruguay 4/54
  • 5. AGENDA 1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components 2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL 3 – Installation and Upgrades 4 – Security & auditing 5 – Performance management 6 – Backup & Recovery 7 – Designing for High Availability 5/54
  • 6. 1 - Introduction to the MySQL architecture 6/54
  • 7. 1 - Introduction to the MySQL architecture MySQL server • comes in a Community and Enterprise Edition • has many databases • no schemas • two OS processes when running: mysqld and mysqld_safe • listen on port tcp/ip 3306 by default • local connections use sockets (similar to beq in Oracle) • creates one thread per each client connection • thread pool is a commercial feature of 5.5.16 (Oracle shared server) • cost based optimizer • replication is not transactional • cluster is another product, with shared nothing architecture 7/54
  • 8. 1 - Introduction to the MySQL architecture binaries • installed in /usr/bin if using RPM installation on most *nix • if using binary distribution (.tar), can be placed in custom directories • Is the way of having different versions on same server No OFA or similar. Startup script (/etc/init.d/mysql) has some defaults, changed by configuration file (/etc/my.cnf) datadir: /var/lib/mysql bindir: /usr/bin 8/54
  • 9. 1 - Introduction to the MySQL architecture Internal components •memory caches { query | innodb buffer | innodb log | myisam key | user | dictionary } cache • InnoDB undo log - rollback segments •splitted as insert undo and update undo buffer •part of the system tablespace by default •since MySQL 5.6 can be moved: innodb_undo_tablespaces 9/54
  • 10. 1 - MySQL architecture Internal components Storage engines: pluggable architecture that enables different algorithms for handling data. InnoDB – Transactional. Default from 5.5 MyISAM – non transactional. Default before 5.5 Memory – stored only in memory, not persisted to disk NDB – used by the Cluster Archive/Blackhole/Merge/Federated - other specific use engines Many third parties implementations XtraDB – from Percona. InnoDB improved 10/54
  • 11. 1 - MySQL architecture Internal components Storage engine files • table.frm – table definition, regardless of storage engine used ($datadir/dbname) • InnoDB logs – transactional log, used for crash recovery (ib_logfile1) • 2 by default. Circular rotation. No archiving • InnoDB system tablespace – ibdata1 • Stores all data and metadata by default • Can be changed to external tablespaces: innodb_file_per_table in my.cnf • Stores each table data in one file named table.ibd • other tablespaces – used by NDB similarly as Oracle. 11/54
  • 12. 1 - MySQL architecture Internal components Binary logs • All changes done on the server (called events), in the order they were executed. • Can be inspected easily with the command mysqlbinlog • Configurable format: Statement, Row or Mixed • Needed for replication and point in time recovery • Have a purge (EXPIRE_LOGS_DAYS) and rotation (MAX_BINLOG_SIZE) policy 12/54
  • 13. 1 - MySQL architecture Datatypes More data types, more design choices: • 9 numeric. Oracle only has one • INT is 4 bytes, TINYINT 1 byte • UNSIGNED: double possible values for autoincrements •DATE (3 bytes), DATETIME (8 bytes) and TIMESTAMP (4 bytes) Choosing a data type has more impact on the space used • int(N) – similar to Oracle, does not affect bytes used to store 13/54
  • 14. 1 - MySQL architecture Internal components Data dictionary • information_schema: metadata about objects • performance_schema: (5.5.3) dynamic metrics about server usage (as v$ views) mysql> SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES -> WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'performance_schema'; +----------------------------------------------+ | TABLE_NAME | +----------------------------------------------+ | cond_instances | | events_waits_current | | events_waits_history | | events_waits_history_long | | events_waits_summary_by_instance | | events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name | | events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name | ... 14/54
  • 15. 1 - Introduction to the MySQL architecture Server variables •Similar to Oracle initialization parameters, change functionality •Some can be changed dynamically •Can be persistent changed with startup options or parameter file •Global/session scope. Global do not affect session who changed it. mysql root@localhost.information_schema>show variables like 'query%' limit 4; +------------------------------+---------+ | Variable_name | Value | +------------------------------+---------+ | query_alloc_block_size | 8192 | | query_cache_limit | 1048576 | | query_cache_min_res_unit | 4096 | | query_cache_size | 0 | +------------------------------+---------+ 15/54
  • 16. 1 - Introduction to the MySQL architecture Status variables •Dynamic counters about server activity mysql root@localhost.information_schema>show status like 'qc%'; +-------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+-------+ | Qcache_free_blocks | 0 | | Qcache_free_memory | 0 | | Qcache_hits | 0 | | Qcache_inserts | 0 | | Qcache_lowmem_prunes | 0 | | Qcache_not_cached | 0 | | Qcache_queries_in_cache | 0 | +-------------------------+-------+ 16/54
  • 17. 1 - MySQL architecture Log Files Slow query log: can be enabled to record log running queries long_query_time=N (0 to 10) General log: can be enabled to record all server activity. general_log = 'ON' Error log: start, stop and error messages. file hostname.err by default can be changed with log_error=file.log in my.cnf 17/54
  • 18. 1 - MySQL architecture Security Uses standard GRANT/REVOKE commands Privileges per host/user/database/table/column grant select on employees.* to you@'desktop' identified by pwd; Data stored on mysql database: user/db/*_priv tables 18/54
  • 19. 1 - MySQL architecture Locking and transactions Lock handling: specific of the storage engine InnoDB – row level MyISAM – table level Transactions? • autocommit enabled by default outside transactions • default tx_isolation is REPEATABLE-READ • READ_COMMITED does not work with binlog mode STATEMENT 19/54
  • 20. 1 - MySQL architecture Locking and transactions What happens if the server crashes? • InnoDB has auto recovery (using ib_logfiles) • MyISAM does not, need manual intervention (myisamchk, repair table) Some parameters needs to be adjusted if using InnoDB and replication: • InnoDB_flush_log_at_trx_commit • sync_binlog • innodb_support_xa 20/54
  • 21. AGENDA 1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components 2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL 3 – Installation and Upgrades 4 – Security & auditing 5 – Performance management 6 – Backup & Recovery 7 – Designing for High Availability 21/54
  • 22. 2 - Comparison with Oracle architecture Which database flavor? • Standard? Enterprise? Exadata? Big data appliance? • There are different implementation decisions in every detail • Initially created for different purposes Focus on Standard Edition, some picks: • Processes handling • Optimizer features • Locking • Memory management Pick one Oracle functionality, look for that in MySQL. 22/54
  • 23. 2 - Comparison with Oracle SQL Some SQL differences: •No need for dual. Select without FROM clause works. •Dual exists just for compatibility •No sequences. autoincrement clause at column definition •last_insert_id() can show the autoincrement value of last insert •procedures, but no packages and user defined types •multi-record insert •insert delayed •select into outfile / load data file •drop table if exists •partial indexes (column(N)) looks like function based index, but they do not exists 23/54
  • 24. 2 - Comparison with Oracle SQL Case insensitive char comparison mysql root@localhost.employees>select * from employees where first_name='JAANA' limit 3; +--------+------------+------------+-----------------+--------+------------+ | emp_no | birth_date | first_name | last_name | gender | hire_date | +--------+------------+------------+-----------------+--------+------------+ | 52681 | 1956-03-28 | Jaana | Besselaar | M | 1986-09-26 | | 53990 | 1960-05-26 | Jaana | Cunliffe | M | 1995-07-09 | | 54450 | 1954-02-24 | Jaana | Ranon | F | 1988-08-23 | +--------+------------+------------+-----------------+--------+------------+ 8 rows in set (0.01 sec) 24/54
  • 25. 2 - Comparison with Oracle SQL Silent conversions mysql root@localhost.employees>create table pru (name varchar(10)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.19 sec) mysql root@localhost.employees>insert into pru values ('Jhon'),('Lindenbaumgreen'); Query OK, 2 rows affected, 1 warning (0.16 sec) Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 1 mysql root@localhost.employees>show warnings; +---------+------+-------------------------------------------+ | Level | Code | Message | +---------+------+-------------------------------------------+ | Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'name' at row 2 | +---------+------+-------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 25/54
  • 26. 2 - Comparison with Oracle SQL mysql root@localhost.employees>select * from pru; +------------+ | name | +------------+ | Jhon | | Lindenbaum | +------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) with SQL_MODE this can be changed: Mysql> set SQL_MODE=strict_all_tables; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Mysql> insert into pru values ('Jhon'),('Lindenbaumgreen'); ERROR 1406 (22001): Data too long for column 'name' at row 2 NOTE: this works because SET uses SESSION scope by default 26/54
  • 27. 2 - Comparison with Oracle SQL Many other behaviors can be changed to something Oracle-like: • SQL_MODE=ORACLE Equivalent to PIPES_AS_CONCAT, ANSI_QUOTES, IGNORE_SPACE, NO_KEY_OPTIONS, NO_TABLE_OPTIONS, NO_FIELD_OPTIONS, NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER. • SQL_MODE=TRADITIONAL Equivalent to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, STRICT_ALL_TABLES, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, NO_ZERO_DATE, ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER, and NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION. • Warning: changing SQL_MODE can hurt tools that expect classic behavior • Great reference for going deeper on this: "MySQL Idiosyncrasies that BITE" by Ronald Bradford. 27/54
  • 28. MySQL Tools Console – mysql – mysqladmin – mysqldump – InnoDB Hot Backup: licensed – Third parties Percona Toolkit (former maatkit): many useful script utilities OpenArk: more Percona XtraBackup: OpenSource non locking transactional backup – 28/54
  • 29. MySQL Tools GUI tools • MySQL Workbench • Data modeling, SQL development, database management, forward and reverse engineering, change management. • Merge and improvement of old tools from MySQL AB. • Community edition under GPL • MySQL Enterprise Monitor • Real time alerting and monitoring solution • With support contract 29/54
  • 30. AGENDA 1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components 2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL 3 – Installation and Upgrades 4 – Security & auditing 5 – Performance management 6 – Backup & Recovery 7 – Designing for High Availability 30/54
  • 31. 3 - Installation and Upgrade • Fresh install: rpm -Ivh mysql-server • Customization? •defaults are for a single installation, single instance per server. /var/lib/mysql /etc/my.cnf /var/log/mysql/mysqld.log ... • We can create and use our own custom deploy, just to not miss OFA: /u01? /u02/mysql/data 31/54
  • 32. 3 - Installation Default installation •no root user password. Should be used mysql_secure_installation Autocommit is enabled. If we want to change it: mysql root@localhost.employees>set autocommit=off; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql root@localhost.employees>show variables like '%autocommit%'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | autocommit | OFF | +---------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 32/54
  • 33. 3 - Installation Do not forget about GLOBAL/SESSION variables: mysql root@localhost.employees>show global variables like 'autocommit%'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | autocommit | ON | +---------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) mysql root@localhost.employees>set global autocommit=off; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql root@localhost.employees>show global variables like 'autocommit%'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | autocommit | OFF | +---------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 33/54
  • 34. 3 - Installation Also, variables are not persistent when changed with SET: oraculo:/var/lib/mysql # service mysql restart Restarting service MySQL Shutting down service MySQL done Starting service MySQL done mysql root@localhost.(none)>show global variables like '%autocommit%'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | autocommit | ON | +---------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) => It needs to be changed through startup options, in my.cnf file 34/54
  • 35. 3 - Upgrade Just run rpm -Uvh? • First on development environments • Review changes in the new version, looking for: • new reserved words that could be in use by our existing tables • parameters in use deprecated/renamed • data conversion needed for some of our columns? • known issues 35/54
  • 36. 3 - Upgrade Effect of upgrading binaries with RPM -Uvh (minor version) oraculo:~ # service mysql start Will update MySQL now, if you encounter any problems, please read following file: /usr/share/doc/packages/mysql-community-server/README.SuSE Log files inconsistency, please merge following files manually: /var/log/mysql/mysqld.log /var/lib/mysql/mysqld.log Running protected MySQL... Upgrading MySQL... Looking for 'mysql' as: /usr/bin/mysql Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: /usr/bin/mysqlcheck Running 'mysqlcheck' with connection arguments: '--port=3306' '--socket=/var/run/my Running 'mysqlcheck' with connection arguments: '--port=3306' '--socket=/var/run/my SUELDOS.PARAMETROS_REPORTES OK ... Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'... OK Starting service MySQL done 36/54
  • 37. 3 - Upgrade Version after the upgrade: oraculo:~ # mysql --version mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.21, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 6.1 Worked without issues during last versions (on OpenSUSE 11.4) 5.5.18-73.1 5.5.18-74.1 5.5.20-75.1 5.5.20-78 5.5.20-80.1 5.5.21-81.1 37/54
  • 38. AGENDA 1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components 2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL 3 – Installation and Upgrades 4 – Security & auditing 5 – Performance management 6 – Backup & Recovery 7 – Designing for High Availability 38/54
  • 39. 4 - MySQL Security & auditing • Privilege ALL includes SUPER, which allows to administer the MySQL server. Follow least needed principle, and also avoid using %: GRANT SELECT (col1), INSERT (col1,col2) ON employees.employee TO 'you'@'desk'; GRANT select on employees.* to you@'%' identified by pwd; GRANT select on *.* to you@'%'; GRANT ALL on *.* to you@'%'; • Each user/host combination defines a unique user • Vanilla is not possible to block connections to specific users • Log analysis to have proper auditing in place? • heavily used servers should use replica, TCP or OS mechanisms. 39/54
  • 40. 4 - MySQL Security & auditing Auditing • No built in functionality • Can be implemented with triggers, sames as with Oracle • TIMESTAMP datatype has automatic updating and initialization, no triggers needed col_name TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 40/54
  • 41. AGENDA 1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components 2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL 3 – Installation and Upgrades 4 – Security & auditing 5 – Performance management 6 – Backup & Recovery 7 – Designing for High Availability 41/54
  • 42. 5 - Performance Management NOs: • way of modify/cheat optimizer statistics as in Oracle • historical repository like AWR – Enterprise Monitor with support contract • limits on server CPU/IO usages • ability to rewrite queries on the fly Can: • configure many internal memory areas and number of client threads • use hints to force index usage • use external home made solution for query rewrite 42/54
  • 43. 5 - Performance Management • classical unix tools outside the database vmstat / oprofile / strace / top gdb – poor man's profiler • inside database • mytop / innotop utilities • explain / explain extended • before MySQL 5.6.3, subqueries in the FROM clause are executed • status variables • com_*, innodb_*, connections • information_schema • show engine status / processlist • profiles 43/54
  • 44. 5 - Performance Management mysql >set profiling=1; mysql >show profile for query 1; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) +----------------------+----------+ | Status | Duration | mysql >select count(1) From employees; +----------------------+----------+ +----------+ | starting | 0.000142 | | count(1) | | checking permissions | 0.000017 | +----------+ | Opening tables | 0.140542 | | 10000 | | System lock | 0.000039 | +----------+ | init | 0.000022 | 1 row in set (0.21 sec) | optimizing | 0.000008 | | statistics | 0.000011 | mysql >show profiles; | preparing | 0.000009 | +----------+------------+--------------------------------+ | executing | 0.000005 | | Query_ID | Duration | Query | | Sending data | 0.075795 | +----------+------------+--------------------------------+ | end | 0.000018 | | 1 | 0.21665250 | select count(1) From employees | | query end | 0.000007 | +----------+------------+--------------------------------+ | closing tables | 0.000012 | 1 row in set (0.00 sec) | freeing items | 0.000020 | | logging slow query | 0.000003 | | cleaning up | 0.000005 | 44/54
  • 45. AGENDA 1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components 2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL 3 – Installation and Upgrades 4 – Security & auditing 5 – Performance management 6 – Backup & Recovery 7 – Designing for High Availability 45/54
  • 46. 6 - Backup & Recovery mysqldump – logical backup, engine independent full, database or table locking based on storage engine used XtraBackup – open-source hot backup / non-locking tool from Percona Hotbackup with InnoDB hotbackup: mysqldump --single-transaction --master-data XtraBackup: innobackupex /data/backups Needs an extra step to prepare prior to use in recovery 46/54
  • 47. AGENDA 1 – Brief Intro to main MySQL architectural components 2 – Comparison Oracle vs MySQL 3 – Installation and Upgrades 4 – Security & auditing 5 – Performance management 6 – Backup & Recovery 7 – Designing for High Availability 47/54
  • 48. 7 - Designing for High Availability Replication – built in: • Transfer and apply binary log from master to slaves. • Simple to setup. • Flexible to create cascade configurations. • Can be partial, filtering by DB, tables, and combined. • Asynchronous. Semi-sync in 5.5. • Easy to break. Needs periodical consistency checks. • No conflict resolution. Needs manual intervention when detected. • Not automated failover for HA. • Apply single threaded until 5.6. • Can be configured as circular, but it needs application level coding to avoid inconsistencies. 48/54
  • 49. 7 - Designing for High Availability MySQL Cluster • Different distribution and binaries from MySQL 5.5 • Shared nothing architecture: Data nodes, SQL nodes and Manager. • Data is stored redundant among Data nodes • Online operations: backup, upgrade, node provisioning • Memory usage tied to data handled and #nodes in the cluster • 7.2 recent in production with many improvements Other solutions • SAN/DRBD: Protection from server failures • Pacemaker: Cluster resource manager. Automation of HA among servers. • Galera: Synchronous replication as server plugin. Community and Enterprise. • Tungsten: MultiMaster replication at application level. Community and Enterprise. 49/54
  • 50. Last remarks • MySQL addresses the same problems as Oracle Database. • Do not look for same functionality, but ACID and performance. • Some specific task can be easier (example: Partitioning). • Need to develop custom scripts for admin tasks, using standard OS tools. • Big community of users. • Being FOSS software, source code is available. This allows to overcome lack of specialized tools for specific issues, and depending on your skills you can fix your own problems, and benefit the community. • Many improvements by other companies (as Percona and Facebook). 50/54
  • 51. Questions? 51/54
  • 52. Tip: Better command line prompt Command line could be tuned similar to sqlplus with glogin script? oracle@oraculo:~> sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Feb 28 22:09:00 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - 64bit Production 22:09:01 SYS@XE> oracle@oraculo:~> tail $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql set pagesize 200 set linesize 120 SET TIME ON TIMING ON SET SQLPROMPT '&_user@&_connect_identifier>' 52/54
  • 53. Tip: Better command line prompt Add PROMPT parameter to /etc/my.cnf [mysql] no-auto-rehash prompt=mysql u@h.d> oraculo:~ # mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g. Your MySQL connection id is 7 Server version: 5.5.21-log Source distribution Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement. mysql root@localhost.(none)>use information_schema Database changed mysql root@localhost.information_schema> 53/54
  • 54. 54/54