rotary international rotary club toronto air canada centre social service causes ontario dryden membership canada metro toronto convention centre convention 2018 union station grants radio bingo lake turkana lake edward lake albert lake kiva lake tanganyika lake malawi lake victoria african women in science ela acare iisd leadshipship skill development personal growth service above self work parties banquets socialization community opportunities fund raising community service club volunteerism reading books literacy libraries rotary park weekend weeders meals on wheels dryden blooms bangladesh guatemala mothers of intention literacy ripple effect program international projects youth scholarships technology human rights agriculture adventures in youth exchange highway cleanup christmas tree pick-up hazardous waste day fish fry programs involvement registration fundraising video recruitment boxcast livestreaming social isolation dr. rochon university of toronto endowment research retired teachers gerontology geriatrics justin trudeau june 2018 district 5550 hof house of friendship june 23-27 2018 path ttc subway rico feedback 2015 -2018 rotary stategic plan million dollars dryden ontario
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