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Blazing the Trail
A Series of Short Essays
Gerald J. Furnkranz
January 20, 2018
Blazing the Trail for Corruption
Table of Contents
A series of short essays
Gerald J. Furnkranz
1.) The Seeds of Corruption Page 1
2.) The Extreme Depths Of The Dark And Dirty Deep State Page 2
3.) Honesty and Truth Lost In Personal Agendas Page 3
4.) Political Premise Page 4
5.) Education of Indoctrination (Leader) Page 4
6.) Political Norms? Page 5
7.) Bullying Hypocrisy Page 6
8.) Integrity Fading Into Mythology Page 7
9.) What is Integrity? Page 7
10.) Stupid Argument Vs Intelligent Debate Page 8
11.) Washington’s Lazy Lard Butts Page 8
12.) Kicking a Dead Horse: Verbal Vomiting – Pissing Contests Page 9
13.) Democrat Hate and Destruction Page 9
14.) Hillary Clinton’s Diseased Character Page 10
15.) Hillary, No Doubts! Page 11
16.) Hillary for Sale Page 11
1.) The Seeds of Corruption
What is the nature of corruption germinating, then propagating in society? Sightings of
corruption appear in FBI, DOJ, IRS, media and many institutions. Politicians and
journalists reject the premise leadership’s corruption will influence the rank and file!
We attempt to educate for good leadership because it seeps through organizations making
them better and stronger. We ignore corrupt leadership cascading down and radiating
through organizations teaching corruption.
In a discussion with academics they insisted there would be no corrupt policies, programs
or procedures in education. Virtuous educators would not allow it. This seems to be
dogma held in most groups where corruption is incubating.
Human beings are not necessarily attracted to virtue. Individuals generally seek the path
of least resistance, often acquiescing to dishonesty in varying degrees. People usually
follow the mob.
There are corrupt people! Attracted to corruption they attain leadership incorporating it
into their organization. How? Through programs, policies, procedures, personnel and
practice (example)! Leaders bad and good seek followers who think similarly.
Then there are good people steered to corruption through those tainted programs,
policies, procedures, personnel and practices. Corruption becomes normalized in
organizational behavior.
Yes, there are people who notice and find the behavior distasteful. Many will not speak
up because they must provide for their families. They have witnessed those speaking
against the corruption labeled “whistle blowers” and have seen the personal destruction
launched upon them. They lose their standing, jobs, careers and livelihoods.
Corruption has a powerful hammer to pound down any nails sticking out! Like a
gangrenous infection it delivers deadly poison to all connected parts of the body.
1Once corruption takes hold, there is little desire to resist it for the consequences appear
too great. The consequences of not taking the risk are a corrupt society!
2.) The Extreme Depths of the Dark and Dirty Deep State
Uproars over sexual harassment and assaults on women in our government, Hollywood
and media are certainly worthy of great concern. This but the gigantic iceberg’s tip of
corruption in our federal and state governments, an environment where entitlements to
the spoils of corruption are not only tolerated, but promulgated!
Congress has manipulated rules and laws providing a free pass to corrupt behavior of
sexual harassment and assault, engaging in insider trading in the stock market, getting
special healthcare, huge retirement plans for their disservice for profit and power at
public’s expense and so on! Republicans practice cowardly corruption kowtowing to
aggressive Alinsky corruption of Democrat Socialists!
Incidents of major corruption putrefy the IRS by Lois Lerner. Decaying FBI and DOJ
wipe clean secret tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta
Hillary Clinton has committed acts well beyond which Donald Trump is being accused.
Her private email server employed to hide actions and destroying evidence! Russian
collusion receiving massive donations to Bill Clinton for speeches and almost $150
million to the Clinton Foundation which spent far more paying off Clinton campaign
workers between elections than for charitable work! Buying the phony Trump dossier
from Russian sources! Was it quid pro quo for Russian Uranium One deal?
Obama’s FBI and DOJ appear to veil Hillary’s private email server, dealings with Russia
and spying on the Trump campaign and transition team.
Morality, ethics, integrity are devoid in most of our institutions and leaders within them
seeing themselves as arbiters of right and wrong. In their self-righteous corruption have
no comprehension of right and wrong.
Corruption runs so deep, one wonders if there is a department or institution in our
government that can be trusted. This swamp of slim buckets and scum bags is destroying
constitutional America! Is this their intent?
3.) Honesty and Truth Lost In Personal Agendas
It seems honesty and truth is lost in pursuit of personal agendas. It doesn’t matter the
issue, debt ceiling, healthcare, social security solvency, even hydro fracturing,
information is left out when convenient. It is warped, twisted and bent to win support for
one side or the other.
People are left to sort through half truths, misinformation and out right lies to approach
some semblance of truth. Those addicted to their partisans or live in a partisan and media
bubbles like Washington or New York City are likely indoctrinated into one side of the
warped thinking. Without listening to both sides triangulating truth can’t happen.
It is sad that one must meticulously collect, sort, scrutinize, explore and research
information to hope to get within striking distance of the truth. We see information on
hydro fracturing in which wells are tainted with gas enough to have their water burning.
It is on the news and the subject of popular fictional television dramas. I know people
that do not believe this is really happening. They either don’t see the reports, or don’t
believe a dishonesty tainted media when they do.
Drilling companies say it is not because of anything they did. Logic dictates, if the
problem wasn’t there before they got there, it is suspiciously likely their actions had
something to do with it. Then, there are individuals and groups willing to exploit these
companies for their own agendas. It is difficult to sort through all the dishonesty to find
the truth.
More facts, honesty and truth from both sides instead of manipulating propaganda would
likely find solutions to problems in government instead of negligently lying our way
around them.
4.) Political Premise
The idea experience in politics or government makes for a better national leader or leader
of any sort is sadly misguided. The founding fathers did not want career government
officials that would evolve to government royalty. They wanted citizen representatives
that knew what real life in the nation was like.
Political experience likely means indoctrination into frivolous spending, massive dollars
spent with little to show for it. It means acceptance of incompetence, graft and
corruption. Also lack of accountability and responsibility, dragging ones heals, stalling
to avoid getting anything done.
This is why the politicians and government bureaucrats do not want to see those citizens
educated in the private sector experience getting into government, exposing them to
people who are held accountable and are weaned on accomplishment and concrete
achievements that are real. Not like the achievements of so called academics and
scholars which only results in paper they are arbitrarily graded on or framed and hung on
the wall.
Experience in government may very well be a major negative, lazy liberals who advance
on failure, one after another. Just think of the good that could be done for the hungry,
homeless and ailing with the many billions wasted by politician’s graft, corruption,
incompetence and waste.
5.) Education of Indoctrination
Paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, good public education is essential to democracy. I say,
poor education, degrading to indoctrination, which a majority of our education
institutions, public schools, colleges and universities, have engaged in are essential to
socialism, the gateway to the authoritarianism of communism.
Our education systems have been failing for years. Poor results facilitate more money
only producing poorer results. Educators introducing their political preferences
(socialism) into class rooms, indoctrinating into their thinking, controlling instead of
educating for free and independent thinking, to dumb down the nation! Where better to
implement socialist indoctrination than with the children?
Higher education of colleges and universities is being pushed to everyone. Extended time
for the same four year degrees collects more money for the indoctrinators! Pushing
people through revolving doors like cattle puts more dollars into educator’s
(indoctrinators) pockets. There are fewer benefits from education costing more, many
receiving little to no benefits over all making students weaker, dependent, controllable!
Educational success is not the goal. Lazy liberal failure aids a politically correct
progressive agenda meeting the needs of slovenly socialism.
Soft sciences like psychology and sociology rules and theories are contrived for social
engineering. Journalism, economics and political science are manipulated to fit into the
soft science category to indoctrinate instead of educate.
Hypocrisy and lies seem to have worked their way into the education system that accepts
them with opened arms.
6.) Political Norms?
One of the many attacks on President Trump I find very interesting, he does not adhere to
or abide by “Political Norms”! Question, what are those “Political Norms”? From my
bleacher seats way out in center field, this is what I observe them to be.
“Political Norms” begin with extreme, wasteful spending, which then translates to
extreme oppressive taxation. A political class behaving like royalty, using their position
of representative of the people to line their own pockets! Diverting more money to
government through incompetence and waste provides more for the politicians to skim.
Lying during campaigns to get elected which clearly carries over to their everyday
service as a matter of habit seems a “Political Norm”! Deception, hiding from the people
the activities of politicians!
“Verbal Rope-a-dope” talking in circles incessantly, saying nothing, till people’s eyes
glaze over and minds are numbed. Once seen as rhetoric above our intellect, we now
know that used car salesman BS, their way to make them feel superior.
Then the “Written Rope-a-Dope” manipulating laws and bills so dishonest politicians can
interpret them anyway they wish.
These the “Political Norms”, incompetence, waste, fraud and corruption, our politicians
covet so dearly!
Mark Twain said, “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no
distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.”
Education is Politics: “Dumbing down America”!
Recent interactions have improved my view of local education. However my view of the
“Education Industry” on national and state levels continues plunging.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton pushed, all children should go to college, herding
students through the turnstiles for money, ignoring the many failures of college
educations. Perhaps for a majority of students! They discount apprenticeship, experience
and self learning that bypass a college education.
Their purpose is to buy educators who overwhelmingly support progressive democrat
socialist dogma! Our youth not educated, but indoctrinated into Democrat political
philosophies, programming students to be lazy recruits for socialism.
Indoctrinated college students are demonstrating violently against freedom of speech and
the constitution with democrat’s support. Governor Cuomo’s free college is about mass
indoctrination by our education system to his politics, a failing authoritarian socialism. It
creates a lazy, lethargic needy population depending upon a lazy, lethargic leadership that
enjoys grazing on the people’s bones.
Our socialist education industry, an influential arm of the Democrat party, fails to instill
critical thinking, often punishing it, even stripping students of common sense. Thomas
Jefferson said good public education is essential to democracy. I say poor public
education is essential to socialism. “Dumbing down America”!
7.) Bullying Hypocrisy
The forum addressing bullying held in Elmira 09/07/17 merely token lip service to gain
accolades. Addressing bullying (long ignored) at the children’s level is like healing the
surface wound on a gangrenous leg.
Bullying is a predominant tool at the highest levels of national leadership, inundating the
children. Democrats prove this with hateful rhetoric deluged on President Trump and
people of the nation who support him.
Al Gore bullies to cement support for his “Global Warming” hoax making him rich
calling those disagreeing “Flat Earthers”. Closer to the children are education unions
employing bullying to entrench and expand their power. College professors punish
students, with opposing political views, in classrooms!
Dr. Stephen Coleman hailed Corning Superintendent Michael Ginalski for his bullying
study. I remember when Ginalski and his board minions bullied Sylvia Huber. Sending
towering male board members to get in that petit ladies face, to intimidate! School
boards often bully people presenting contrary, dissenting views.
Bullying is not only a major problem in schools but society in general. It is perpetuated
by much of our leadership nationally infecting locally. Addressing it at the bottom and
not acknowledging where it originates is pure hypocrisy.
Example is the best teacher! What are we teaching?
8.) Integrity Fading Into Mythology
How far has society fallen that an insignificant, imperfect, cranky, crackpot like me has
felt compelled to be the spokes person for integrity?
What is integrity? One definition is; the quality of being honest and having strong moral
principles, moral uprightness. Integrity; an absolute humans will never fully achieve.
Understanding, striving for integrity will make the world a better place, aiding the sick,
hungry and weak.
Lists of dictionary synonyms are more building blocks of integrity’s structure; honesty,
honor, good character, principles, ethics, decency, fairness, sincerity, truthfulness,
Character, quality of character (good, bad, indifferent?) twists definitions contrived to
blur the absolute standard integrity implies! Bill Clinton was often said to have
character. I never once heard him called a man of integrity.
Integrity is diminished, banished to mythology, even exiled from society. The
“Education Industry” trivializes integrity, depriving it from institutions evidenced in
journalism, government, even science.
Character and ethics education, public school and college courses diminish integrity
creating institutions lacking integrity? Example teaches best! Behaviors of educator’s
will imprint integrity or dishonesty and corruption.
Fear of accountability exalts cloudy character, integrity sacrificed for politics and
personal agendas. Many segments of society wish to allow leeway for corruption!
9.) What is Integrity?
Recently I prematurely expressed renewed confidence in education locally, dissipating in
one word, integrity.
Part of the Horseheads School District 2030 Committee, I gained enthusiasm when our
facilitator professed profusely (red flag ignored) we weren’t being led to a predetermined
conclusion like the Strategic Planning Committee almost a decade ago.
Six grueling four hour sessions covered many tasks including vision and value
statements. I fought embarrassingly hard for integrity to be a value. The committee
agreed in next to the last meeting. When reviewed at the last meeting integrity was
abandoned, deleted in editing replaced with a nebulas “quality of character”. “Bait and
switch”! Duped!
Why is the “education industry” frightened by integrity? Perhaps lacking knowledge,
understanding, interest or their union’s selfish agendas are antithetical to integrity?
When on the school board mentioning integrity, most members would become defensive
accusing me of saying they lacked integrity. Integrity becomes a casualty of politics and
personal agendas.
Integrity sets a standard of accountability. “Quality of character” is subjective, allowing
convenient twisting, distorting of definitions, spurning integrity. Without integrity what
we declare, often is not what is! Education without integrity breeds treachery, tyranny;
corruption! Character Education that trivializes integrity is meaningless, a farce!
10.) Stupid Argument Vs Intelligent Debate
Dan Patrick sports talk show host on MSG network talked about how sports debate shows
set up their guests with issues carrying contrary points of view of their guests.
I remember fifteen-twenty years ago when even Chris Mathews had intelligent guests
who discussed issues intelligently and objectively. They debated, spreading good
information and intelligent thinking in their arguments. Exercising their right to debate
and argue civilly was an educational experience for all those watching and listening.
Sadly I cannot remember their names. I only got those cable channels for a short time.
They were two African American women and one African American man, a joy to listen
to in their objectivity and rational thought. Such people disappeared from the landscape.
The political talkers like the sports talkers wanted the partisan bickering and yelling.
They encourage the sniping and the discourteous intercourse. It is especially desirable if
the so-called journalist has an agenda.
It appears even our presidential debates have degraded to stupid argument over intelligent
debate. With bias and agenda driven journalists asking the questions, the debates come
down to journalists setting traps and the participants trying to avoid them. It is a game of
“Gottcha” more than a learning experience for the public.
11.) Washington’s Lazy Lard Butts
Our representatives in Washington are always telling us how hard they are working. In
spite of their professed hard labor, nothing of value seems to get done. Their only
accomplishments they seem to have is over spending and over taxation. With the real
issues facing the nation, they are expert at kicking the can down the road.
Illegal immigration has been a problem for three to four decades now. Perhaps even
longer! They failed to enforce the existing laws which created the problem. Then they
blame the laws saying they need fixing, yet have failed to fix them in these many years.
The debt ceiling was supposed to put a ceiling on our nation’s debt. Fiscal management
and smarter spending and cutting the spending was supposed to be implemented so as
never to reach that ceiling. Instead the ceiling is raised every year because of the
incompetence of our so-called representatives.
Corruption in our government never addressed, only a constant crescendo! Politicians
overlook the criminal dishonesty of their peers because they are likely acting in the same
manner to some degree. Failing to look at election fraud follows the same corrupt path.
Washington is full of Lazy, Lethargic, Lard Butts, parasites to the people!
12.) Kicking a Dead Horse: Verbal Vomiting – Pissing Contests
“Beating a dead horse” or putting it another way “kicking a dead horse”, an old saying
that plants an image of a cowboy, standing on the wasteland sand kicking his horse, dead
from exhaustion, to get it to move again. They think kicking the dead beast will breathe
life into it.
Our news medias use the “kicking a dead horse” method to fill the over population of
news programs and news networks! Repeating little and lack of information incessantly
with erroneous guesses and conjectures bringing onto the screen one guest conjecturer
“professional expert” after another, responsible for the development of the expert
profession. Talking heads like Paul Krugman, Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, Eric Boling
and so nauseatingly many more!
Sports networks like ESPN use the same “kicking a dead horse” format. Asking one
sports “expert” after another their opinion on Odell Beckham and his teammates heading
on a trip to Florida, the Monday before a weekend playoff game. Asking the same
questions doggedly! Debating minutia adnauseam!
They fill hours, days, weeks, even months kicking dead horses, beyond yellow
journalism, spinning journalism into pulp fiction, trash, filling dead space in people’s
A guilty Hollywood does lame remakes of classic movies or TV shows preparing us,
softening our brains for repeat after repeat.
13.) Democrat Hate and Destruction
I’m not enthralled with either political party. The lazy, liberal, socialist democrat left
gives me greater doubts. Composed primarily of democrat politicians, mainstream
media, Education Industry and Hollywood an alliance they push a socialist agenda
propelled by the Saul Alinsky’s hate and carnage method.
Like Nazi Germany, American Socialists have chosen to target the very young to convert
our nation to their socialist thinking. Our education system, already a generation into
indoctrinating this politics in our public school classrooms, college and university halls!
Today’s children receive the same indoctrination at home by many parents who were
indoctrinated by the education industry.
Socialist countries tend strongly toward authoritarian government, oppressing its people.
They do that by taking away their freedom and the effectiveness of their votes. That is
being done in America by the unfettered illegal immigration of people on the federal
dole. It brings in people that will vote for the socialist, nanny state the lazy liberals so
much want.
It seems to me socialism is the choice of the lazy and incompetent leader. At its core is
the spending of money. Efficiency and effectiveness of the spending is of no concern. In
fact, failure of programs is an excuse to relieve the people of more money and keeps the
people at the mercy of the incompetent, unimaginative, lazy leadership. (Cuba, Soviet
Union, Peru) Oppressive taxation beyond the necessary is oppressive, further silencing,
gagging the people each time taxes are raised.
By wasting money in such a way, the socialist democrats oppressing the people further.
By stripping them of more and more of their money, they reduce the effective vote the
dollar has on our government and society.
14.) Hillary Clinton’s Diseased Character
Hillary Clinton has exhibited three dominant character traits throughout 40 year career.
They bloom like boils on an infected body.
Hillary Clinton is a liar! A compulsive, habitual, pathological, professional liar! She has
no shame when it comes to lying. She was fired from the Watergate prosecution team at
the age of 27 for lying. Then there is facing gunfire in Bosnia and a video tape the
catalyst for murders of Americans in Benghazi, broke after the Whitehouse, and her
private server and the many lies regarding it.
Hillary Clinton is incompetent. The Middle East blew up after her tour as Secretary of
State. Benghazi but one of the explosions in the Middle East! Syria another, which she
claims as a success! She with Obama laid the red carpet for the march of ISIS around the
Hillary is corrupt. She used her position as Secretary of State, gaining favors for
financial support of Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and her bid for president.
These only the tip of the iceberg! Hillary had to be a Mega-Liar to cover her
incompetence and corruption. Her private server a tool to cover her network of lies!
15.) Hillary, No Doubts!
I have reservations about Donald Trump as president, a governor on his mouth desired.
His narcissism that everyone loves him is as frightening as the narcissism of Hillary and
Obama being above the rules and law.
I have no doubts about Hillary Clinton exhibiting an extensive history of three dominant
character traits; lying, incompetence and corruption.
Hillary has displayed a habit of compulsive, pathological, professional lying. She lied
about facing gunfire in Bosnia and a video tape the catalyst for murders of Americans in
Benghazi. FBI Director James Comey exposed many of Hillary’s statements to Congress
and the people about her private email server to be false.
Hillary used her Secretary of State position, gaining financing for Bill, the Clinton
Foundation and her presidential bid. Logically, one might conclude her private email
server was for the purpose of deception, hiding her activities.
Hillary Clinton’s incompetence as Secretary of State exploded the middle east, including:
Benghazi, Libya and Syria claiming it a success! She with Obama rolled out red carpets
for ISIS’s victorious march around the world.
16.) Hillary for Sale
Hillary Clinton with all her character flaws is only part of the problem if she becomes
president. Her lying, incompetence and corruption are only the tip of the iceberg.
Who Hillary has sold her allegiance to is a far greater danger to America. Hillary is only
part of the experiment. Can liberal elitists buy the presidency and run America in any
direction they wish, for their own benefit.
It is often said Hillary has two billion dollars in her campaign war chest. The main
stream media avoids her long list of lies, failures and corruptions, that media also likely a
part of the liberal elite.
Hillary has sold her soul to advance herself to become rich and powerful. She married
Bill for that purpose. She is a political mercenary, a political prostitute, Jackel and Hyde!
She lacks morals and integrity! She is the personification of the corrupt political machine
and it appears the liberal elite are okay with supporting her.
Because that liberal elite know Hillary is for sale. Once president she will do whatever
they wish to maintain her position and rake in the money.

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Blazing the Trail for Corruption

  • 1. Blazing the Trail For Corruption A Series of Short Essays By Gerald J. Furnkranz January 20, 2018
  • 2. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 1 Blazing the Trail for Corruption Table of Contents A series of short essays By Gerald J. Furnkranz 1.) The Seeds of Corruption Page 1 2.) The Extreme Depths Of The Dark And Dirty Deep State Page 2 3.) Honesty and Truth Lost In Personal Agendas Page 3 4.) Political Premise Page 4 5.) Education of Indoctrination (Leader) Page 4 6.) Political Norms? Page 5 7.) Bullying Hypocrisy Page 6 8.) Integrity Fading Into Mythology Page 7 9.) What is Integrity? Page 7 10.) Stupid Argument Vs Intelligent Debate Page 8 11.) Washington’s Lazy Lard Butts Page 8 12.) Kicking a Dead Horse: Verbal Vomiting – Pissing Contests Page 9 13.) Democrat Hate and Destruction Page 9 14.) Hillary Clinton’s Diseased Character Page 10 15.) Hillary, No Doubts! Page 11 16.) Hillary for Sale Page 11 1.) The Seeds of Corruption What is the nature of corruption germinating, then propagating in society? Sightings of corruption appear in FBI, DOJ, IRS, media and many institutions. Politicians and journalists reject the premise leadership’s corruption will influence the rank and file!
  • 3. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 2 We attempt to educate for good leadership because it seeps through organizations making them better and stronger. We ignore corrupt leadership cascading down and radiating through organizations teaching corruption. In a discussion with academics they insisted there would be no corrupt policies, programs or procedures in education. Virtuous educators would not allow it. This seems to be dogma held in most groups where corruption is incubating. Human beings are not necessarily attracted to virtue. Individuals generally seek the path of least resistance, often acquiescing to dishonesty in varying degrees. People usually follow the mob. There are corrupt people! Attracted to corruption they attain leadership incorporating it into their organization. How? Through programs, policies, procedures, personnel and practice (example)! Leaders bad and good seek followers who think similarly. Then there are good people steered to corruption through those tainted programs, policies, procedures, personnel and practices. Corruption becomes normalized in organizational behavior. Yes, there are people who notice and find the behavior distasteful. Many will not speak up because they must provide for their families. They have witnessed those speaking against the corruption labeled “whistle blowers” and have seen the personal destruction launched upon them. They lose their standing, jobs, careers and livelihoods. Corruption has a powerful hammer to pound down any nails sticking out! Like a gangrenous infection it delivers deadly poison to all connected parts of the body. 1Once corruption takes hold, there is little desire to resist it for the consequences appear too great. The consequences of not taking the risk are a corrupt society! 2.) The Extreme Depths of the Dark and Dirty Deep State Uproars over sexual harassment and assaults on women in our government, Hollywood and media are certainly worthy of great concern. This but the gigantic iceberg’s tip of corruption in our federal and state governments, an environment where entitlements to the spoils of corruption are not only tolerated, but promulgated! Congress has manipulated rules and laws providing a free pass to corrupt behavior of sexual harassment and assault, engaging in insider trading in the stock market, getting special healthcare, huge retirement plans for their disservice for profit and power at public’s expense and so on! Republicans practice cowardly corruption kowtowing to aggressive Alinsky corruption of Democrat Socialists! Incidents of major corruption putrefy the IRS by Lois Lerner. Decaying FBI and DOJ wipe clean secret tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
  • 4. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 3 Hillary Clinton has committed acts well beyond which Donald Trump is being accused. Her private email server employed to hide actions and destroying evidence! Russian collusion receiving massive donations to Bill Clinton for speeches and almost $150 million to the Clinton Foundation which spent far more paying off Clinton campaign workers between elections than for charitable work! Buying the phony Trump dossier from Russian sources! Was it quid pro quo for Russian Uranium One deal? Obama’s FBI and DOJ appear to veil Hillary’s private email server, dealings with Russia and spying on the Trump campaign and transition team. Morality, ethics, integrity are devoid in most of our institutions and leaders within them seeing themselves as arbiters of right and wrong. In their self-righteous corruption have no comprehension of right and wrong. Corruption runs so deep, one wonders if there is a department or institution in our government that can be trusted. This swamp of slim buckets and scum bags is destroying constitutional America! Is this their intent? 3.) Honesty and Truth Lost In Personal Agendas It seems honesty and truth is lost in pursuit of personal agendas. It doesn’t matter the issue, debt ceiling, healthcare, social security solvency, even hydro fracturing, information is left out when convenient. It is warped, twisted and bent to win support for one side or the other. People are left to sort through half truths, misinformation and out right lies to approach some semblance of truth. Those addicted to their partisans or live in a partisan and media bubbles like Washington or New York City are likely indoctrinated into one side of the warped thinking. Without listening to both sides triangulating truth can’t happen. It is sad that one must meticulously collect, sort, scrutinize, explore and research information to hope to get within striking distance of the truth. We see information on hydro fracturing in which wells are tainted with gas enough to have their water burning. It is on the news and the subject of popular fictional television dramas. I know people that do not believe this is really happening. They either don’t see the reports, or don’t believe a dishonesty tainted media when they do. Drilling companies say it is not because of anything they did. Logic dictates, if the problem wasn’t there before they got there, it is suspiciously likely their actions had something to do with it. Then, there are individuals and groups willing to exploit these companies for their own agendas. It is difficult to sort through all the dishonesty to find the truth.
  • 5. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 4 More facts, honesty and truth from both sides instead of manipulating propaganda would likely find solutions to problems in government instead of negligently lying our way around them. 4.) Political Premise The idea experience in politics or government makes for a better national leader or leader of any sort is sadly misguided. The founding fathers did not want career government officials that would evolve to government royalty. They wanted citizen representatives that knew what real life in the nation was like. Political experience likely means indoctrination into frivolous spending, massive dollars spent with little to show for it. It means acceptance of incompetence, graft and corruption. Also lack of accountability and responsibility, dragging ones heals, stalling to avoid getting anything done. This is why the politicians and government bureaucrats do not want to see those citizens educated in the private sector experience getting into government, exposing them to people who are held accountable and are weaned on accomplishment and concrete achievements that are real. Not like the achievements of so called academics and scholars which only results in paper they are arbitrarily graded on or framed and hung on the wall. Experience in government may very well be a major negative, lazy liberals who advance on failure, one after another. Just think of the good that could be done for the hungry, homeless and ailing with the many billions wasted by politician’s graft, corruption, incompetence and waste. 5.) Education of Indoctrination Paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, good public education is essential to democracy. I say, poor education, degrading to indoctrination, which a majority of our education institutions, public schools, colleges and universities, have engaged in are essential to socialism, the gateway to the authoritarianism of communism. Our education systems have been failing for years. Poor results facilitate more money only producing poorer results. Educators introducing their political preferences (socialism) into class rooms, indoctrinating into their thinking, controlling instead of educating for free and independent thinking, to dumb down the nation! Where better to implement socialist indoctrination than with the children? Higher education of colleges and universities is being pushed to everyone. Extended time for the same four year degrees collects more money for the indoctrinators! Pushing people through revolving doors like cattle puts more dollars into educator’s (indoctrinators) pockets. There are fewer benefits from education costing more, many receiving little to no benefits over all making students weaker, dependent, controllable!
  • 6. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 5 Educational success is not the goal. Lazy liberal failure aids a politically correct progressive agenda meeting the needs of slovenly socialism. Soft sciences like psychology and sociology rules and theories are contrived for social engineering. Journalism, economics and political science are manipulated to fit into the soft science category to indoctrinate instead of educate. Hypocrisy and lies seem to have worked their way into the education system that accepts them with opened arms. 6.) Political Norms? One of the many attacks on President Trump I find very interesting, he does not adhere to or abide by “Political Norms”! Question, what are those “Political Norms”? From my bleacher seats way out in center field, this is what I observe them to be. “Political Norms” begin with extreme, wasteful spending, which then translates to extreme oppressive taxation. A political class behaving like royalty, using their position of representative of the people to line their own pockets! Diverting more money to government through incompetence and waste provides more for the politicians to skim. Lying during campaigns to get elected which clearly carries over to their everyday service as a matter of habit seems a “Political Norm”! Deception, hiding from the people the activities of politicians! “Verbal Rope-a-dope” talking in circles incessantly, saying nothing, till people’s eyes glaze over and minds are numbed. Once seen as rhetoric above our intellect, we now know that used car salesman BS, their way to make them feel superior. Then the “Written Rope-a-Dope” manipulating laws and bills so dishonest politicians can interpret them anyway they wish. These the “Political Norms”, incompetence, waste, fraud and corruption, our politicians covet so dearly! Mark Twain said, “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.” Education is Politics: “Dumbing down America”! Recent interactions have improved my view of local education. However my view of the “Education Industry” on national and state levels continues plunging. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton pushed, all children should go to college, herding students through the turnstiles for money, ignoring the many failures of college
  • 7. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 6 educations. Perhaps for a majority of students! They discount apprenticeship, experience and self learning that bypass a college education. Their purpose is to buy educators who overwhelmingly support progressive democrat socialist dogma! Our youth not educated, but indoctrinated into Democrat political philosophies, programming students to be lazy recruits for socialism. Indoctrinated college students are demonstrating violently against freedom of speech and the constitution with democrat’s support. Governor Cuomo’s free college is about mass indoctrination by our education system to his politics, a failing authoritarian socialism. It creates a lazy, lethargic needy population depending upon a lazy, lethargic leadership that enjoys grazing on the people’s bones. Our socialist education industry, an influential arm of the Democrat party, fails to instill critical thinking, often punishing it, even stripping students of common sense. Thomas Jefferson said good public education is essential to democracy. I say poor public education is essential to socialism. “Dumbing down America”! 7.) Bullying Hypocrisy The forum addressing bullying held in Elmira 09/07/17 merely token lip service to gain accolades. Addressing bullying (long ignored) at the children’s level is like healing the surface wound on a gangrenous leg. Bullying is a predominant tool at the highest levels of national leadership, inundating the children. Democrats prove this with hateful rhetoric deluged on President Trump and people of the nation who support him. Al Gore bullies to cement support for his “Global Warming” hoax making him rich calling those disagreeing “Flat Earthers”. Closer to the children are education unions employing bullying to entrench and expand their power. College professors punish students, with opposing political views, in classrooms! Dr. Stephen Coleman hailed Corning Superintendent Michael Ginalski for his bullying study. I remember when Ginalski and his board minions bullied Sylvia Huber. Sending towering male board members to get in that petit ladies face, to intimidate! School boards often bully people presenting contrary, dissenting views. Bullying is not only a major problem in schools but society in general. It is perpetuated by much of our leadership nationally infecting locally. Addressing it at the bottom and not acknowledging where it originates is pure hypocrisy. Example is the best teacher! What are we teaching?
  • 8. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 7 8.) Integrity Fading Into Mythology How far has society fallen that an insignificant, imperfect, cranky, crackpot like me has felt compelled to be the spokes person for integrity? What is integrity? One definition is; the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness. Integrity; an absolute humans will never fully achieve. Understanding, striving for integrity will make the world a better place, aiding the sick, hungry and weak. Lists of dictionary synonyms are more building blocks of integrity’s structure; honesty, honor, good character, principles, ethics, decency, fairness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness. Character, quality of character (good, bad, indifferent?) twists definitions contrived to blur the absolute standard integrity implies! Bill Clinton was often said to have character. I never once heard him called a man of integrity. Integrity is diminished, banished to mythology, even exiled from society. The “Education Industry” trivializes integrity, depriving it from institutions evidenced in journalism, government, even science. Character and ethics education, public school and college courses diminish integrity creating institutions lacking integrity? Example teaches best! Behaviors of educator’s will imprint integrity or dishonesty and corruption. Fear of accountability exalts cloudy character, integrity sacrificed for politics and personal agendas. Many segments of society wish to allow leeway for corruption! 9.) What is Integrity? Recently I prematurely expressed renewed confidence in education locally, dissipating in one word, integrity. Part of the Horseheads School District 2030 Committee, I gained enthusiasm when our facilitator professed profusely (red flag ignored) we weren’t being led to a predetermined conclusion like the Strategic Planning Committee almost a decade ago. Six grueling four hour sessions covered many tasks including vision and value statements. I fought embarrassingly hard for integrity to be a value. The committee agreed in next to the last meeting. When reviewed at the last meeting integrity was abandoned, deleted in editing replaced with a nebulas “quality of character”. “Bait and switch”! Duped! Why is the “education industry” frightened by integrity? Perhaps lacking knowledge, understanding, interest or their union’s selfish agendas are antithetical to integrity?
  • 9. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 8 When on the school board mentioning integrity, most members would become defensive accusing me of saying they lacked integrity. Integrity becomes a casualty of politics and personal agendas. Integrity sets a standard of accountability. “Quality of character” is subjective, allowing convenient twisting, distorting of definitions, spurning integrity. Without integrity what we declare, often is not what is! Education without integrity breeds treachery, tyranny; corruption! Character Education that trivializes integrity is meaningless, a farce! 10.) Stupid Argument Vs Intelligent Debate Dan Patrick sports talk show host on MSG network talked about how sports debate shows set up their guests with issues carrying contrary points of view of their guests. I remember fifteen-twenty years ago when even Chris Mathews had intelligent guests who discussed issues intelligently and objectively. They debated, spreading good information and intelligent thinking in their arguments. Exercising their right to debate and argue civilly was an educational experience for all those watching and listening. Sadly I cannot remember their names. I only got those cable channels for a short time. They were two African American women and one African American man, a joy to listen to in their objectivity and rational thought. Such people disappeared from the landscape. The political talkers like the sports talkers wanted the partisan bickering and yelling. They encourage the sniping and the discourteous intercourse. It is especially desirable if the so-called journalist has an agenda. It appears even our presidential debates have degraded to stupid argument over intelligent debate. With bias and agenda driven journalists asking the questions, the debates come down to journalists setting traps and the participants trying to avoid them. It is a game of “Gottcha” more than a learning experience for the public. 11.) Washington’s Lazy Lard Butts Our representatives in Washington are always telling us how hard they are working. In spite of their professed hard labor, nothing of value seems to get done. Their only accomplishments they seem to have is over spending and over taxation. With the real issues facing the nation, they are expert at kicking the can down the road. Illegal immigration has been a problem for three to four decades now. Perhaps even longer! They failed to enforce the existing laws which created the problem. Then they blame the laws saying they need fixing, yet have failed to fix them in these many years. The debt ceiling was supposed to put a ceiling on our nation’s debt. Fiscal management and smarter spending and cutting the spending was supposed to be implemented so as
  • 10. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 9 never to reach that ceiling. Instead the ceiling is raised every year because of the incompetence of our so-called representatives. Corruption in our government never addressed, only a constant crescendo! Politicians overlook the criminal dishonesty of their peers because they are likely acting in the same manner to some degree. Failing to look at election fraud follows the same corrupt path. Washington is full of Lazy, Lethargic, Lard Butts, parasites to the people! 12.) Kicking a Dead Horse: Verbal Vomiting – Pissing Contests “Beating a dead horse” or putting it another way “kicking a dead horse”, an old saying that plants an image of a cowboy, standing on the wasteland sand kicking his horse, dead from exhaustion, to get it to move again. They think kicking the dead beast will breathe life into it. Our news medias use the “kicking a dead horse” method to fill the over population of news programs and news networks! Repeating little and lack of information incessantly with erroneous guesses and conjectures bringing onto the screen one guest conjecturer “professional expert” after another, responsible for the development of the expert profession. Talking heads like Paul Krugman, Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, Eric Boling and so nauseatingly many more! Sports networks like ESPN use the same “kicking a dead horse” format. Asking one sports “expert” after another their opinion on Odell Beckham and his teammates heading on a trip to Florida, the Monday before a weekend playoff game. Asking the same questions doggedly! Debating minutia adnauseam! They fill hours, days, weeks, even months kicking dead horses, beyond yellow journalism, spinning journalism into pulp fiction, trash, filling dead space in people’s heads! A guilty Hollywood does lame remakes of classic movies or TV shows preparing us, softening our brains for repeat after repeat. 13.) Democrat Hate and Destruction I’m not enthralled with either political party. The lazy, liberal, socialist democrat left gives me greater doubts. Composed primarily of democrat politicians, mainstream media, Education Industry and Hollywood an alliance they push a socialist agenda propelled by the Saul Alinsky’s hate and carnage method. Like Nazi Germany, American Socialists have chosen to target the very young to convert our nation to their socialist thinking. Our education system, already a generation into indoctrinating this politics in our public school classrooms, college and university halls!
  • 11. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 10 Today’s children receive the same indoctrination at home by many parents who were indoctrinated by the education industry. Socialist countries tend strongly toward authoritarian government, oppressing its people. They do that by taking away their freedom and the effectiveness of their votes. That is being done in America by the unfettered illegal immigration of people on the federal dole. It brings in people that will vote for the socialist, nanny state the lazy liberals so much want. It seems to me socialism is the choice of the lazy and incompetent leader. At its core is the spending of money. Efficiency and effectiveness of the spending is of no concern. In fact, failure of programs is an excuse to relieve the people of more money and keeps the people at the mercy of the incompetent, unimaginative, lazy leadership. (Cuba, Soviet Union, Peru) Oppressive taxation beyond the necessary is oppressive, further silencing, gagging the people each time taxes are raised. By wasting money in such a way, the socialist democrats oppressing the people further. By stripping them of more and more of their money, they reduce the effective vote the dollar has on our government and society. 14.) Hillary Clinton’s Diseased Character Hillary Clinton has exhibited three dominant character traits throughout 40 year career. They bloom like boils on an infected body. Hillary Clinton is a liar! A compulsive, habitual, pathological, professional liar! She has no shame when it comes to lying. She was fired from the Watergate prosecution team at the age of 27 for lying. Then there is facing gunfire in Bosnia and a video tape the catalyst for murders of Americans in Benghazi, broke after the Whitehouse, and her private server and the many lies regarding it. Hillary Clinton is incompetent. The Middle East blew up after her tour as Secretary of State. Benghazi but one of the explosions in the Middle East! Syria another, which she claims as a success! She with Obama laid the red carpet for the march of ISIS around the world. Hillary is corrupt. She used her position as Secretary of State, gaining favors for financial support of Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and her bid for president. These only the tip of the iceberg! Hillary had to be a Mega-Liar to cover her incompetence and corruption. Her private server a tool to cover her network of lies!
  • 12. BLAZING THE TRAIL FOR CORRUPTION 11 15.) Hillary, No Doubts! I have reservations about Donald Trump as president, a governor on his mouth desired. His narcissism that everyone loves him is as frightening as the narcissism of Hillary and Obama being above the rules and law. I have no doubts about Hillary Clinton exhibiting an extensive history of three dominant character traits; lying, incompetence and corruption. Hillary has displayed a habit of compulsive, pathological, professional lying. She lied about facing gunfire in Bosnia and a video tape the catalyst for murders of Americans in Benghazi. FBI Director James Comey exposed many of Hillary’s statements to Congress and the people about her private email server to be false. Hillary used her Secretary of State position, gaining financing for Bill, the Clinton Foundation and her presidential bid. Logically, one might conclude her private email server was for the purpose of deception, hiding her activities. Hillary Clinton’s incompetence as Secretary of State exploded the middle east, including: Benghazi, Libya and Syria claiming it a success! She with Obama rolled out red carpets for ISIS’s victorious march around the world. 16.) Hillary for Sale Hillary Clinton with all her character flaws is only part of the problem if she becomes president. Her lying, incompetence and corruption are only the tip of the iceberg. Who Hillary has sold her allegiance to is a far greater danger to America. Hillary is only part of the experiment. Can liberal elitists buy the presidency and run America in any direction they wish, for their own benefit. It is often said Hillary has two billion dollars in her campaign war chest. The main stream media avoids her long list of lies, failures and corruptions, that media also likely a part of the liberal elite. Hillary has sold her soul to advance herself to become rich and powerful. She married Bill for that purpose. She is a political mercenary, a political prostitute, Jackel and Hyde! She lacks morals and integrity! She is the personification of the corrupt political machine and it appears the liberal elite are okay with supporting her. Because that liberal elite know Hillary is for sale. Once president she will do whatever they wish to maintain her position and rake in the money.