particle physics general relativity theoretical physics optical equivalence theorem fluid dynamics high-energy physics fractons galactical physics quantum physics instrumentation astrophysics experimental physics generalised schwarzschild density profiles dark matter conservation laws virialised systems integrals of motion non-gaussianities astrophysics dynamics relativistic astrophysics field theory early cosmology cosmology fractionally charged qcd singlet states optical systems spectral analysis applied mathematics numerical approximations i’to sde’s random operator-valued f.'s probability spaces sinai partitions ergodic markov chains heath bath hilbert spaces banach spaces hierachical msm markov chains infinite-redshif surfaces schwarzschild spacetimes schwarzschidl spacetimes relativistic grad-shafranov quantum control of parameters laser-lightspectral broadening nanomechan-oscillat. states optomechanical thermal noise frequency-dep.nt susceptibity optomechanical systems taylor state force-free magnetic field plasma physics transition probability determination of transition coordinate shift protein stability and folding theoretical chemistry nmr spectroscopy new hessian updates molecular-dynamics trajectory laser molecular activation minimisation of markovv error markovv models laser molecular acrivation laser molecula chemical shift pulsed potentials terzic'-kandrup potential velocities profiles asymptotic time expansion ermakov-lewis-leach invariant invariants of motion velocity profiles asymptotic expansion stellar systems interferometry quantum-mechanical noise qfi gaussian white noise cold atomic ensembles resonators non-hermitian systems protein folding jump processes between states saturated systems heisenberg limit noisy metrology quantum metrology metrology spectroscopy deformed general relativity c* algebras k-poincaré k-minkowski baryosynthesis haar measures lasers fchamps quantum-optical systems semiclassical states quantum mechanics fifth force celestial bodies equivalence optical principle optics observational cosmology observational cosmology observational cosmology celestial-bodies correlation functions inflation antimatter bariosynthesis quantum field theory mirror symmetry neutrino masses proton stability fractionally-charged-qcd-singlet states fractional-electric-charged-particles fractionally charged particles in particle theory fchamp's applied instrumentation quantum systems k-theory group theory and generalizations ppn weighted harmonics modular structures earth sciences mathematical physics theoretical physics - comenius university bratisla gr-qc
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